Ibuki (JP 🇯🇵: 伊吹, CN 🇹🇼: 伊吹)
Ship ID No. P003 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Heavy Cruiser Rarity Priority
Navy Sakura Empire Build Time N/A
Acquisition Research and Development
Enhance Income
Firepower 0
Torpedo 0
Aviation 0
Reload 0
Scrap Income
Medal 10
Oil 3
Gold 9
Release Date
EN -
KR ?
CN April 26, 2018
JP April 26, 2018
Voice actress Misato Fukuen
Pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=1287983
Twitter https://twitter.com/mayag_nya
Weibo https://www.weibo.com/p/1005051970961102
Name 玛雅G
Ibuki Description
Heavy cruiser – Ibuki.
Winter Sylph's Reverie Description
Milord, it's starting to snow... If it suits you, please take shelter under Ibuki's umbrella.
Snow on the Wind Description
This is my first time wearing Western clothes... Um, Milord! Does this outfit... suit Ibuki well...?
Arrival of Spring Description
The Dragon Empery's "Spring Festival" is... filled with fun, liveliness, and pure jubilation. I can feel my true feelings welling up... Maybe, an environment like this would suit me pretty well...
Firepower A
Torpedo B
Aviation E
Evasion C
Anti-air C
HP 4260 Reload 163
Firepower 236 Torpedo 254
Evasion 41 Anti-air 169
Aviation 0 Cost 13
ASW 0 Luck 15
Hit 122 Speed 28
Armor Medium
HP 4793 Reload 187
Firepower 270 Torpedo 289
Evasion 86 Anti-air 194
Aviation 0 Cost 13
ASW 0 Luck 15
Hit 136 Speed 28
Armor Medium
HP 824 Reload 69
Firepower 51 Torpedo 54
Evasion 10 Anti-air 36
Aviation 0 Cost 4
ASW 0 Luck 0
Hit 47 Speed 28
Armor Medium
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 13
ASW Luck 15
Hit Speed 28
Armor Medium
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 13
ASW Luck 15
Hit Speed 28
Armor Medium
Limit Break
Level 5 HP +201 | Anti-Air +9 | Evasion +5 | Torpedo Base +1 | Preloaded Torpedo +1
Level 10 Full Barrage I | Main Gun Efficiency +5% | Limit Break ★★★★☆☆
Level 15 HP +402 | Anti-Air +18 | Main Gun Efficiency +5% | Preloaded Torpedo +1
Level 20 Torpedo Efficiency +10% | Limit Break ★★★★★☆
Level 25 HP +603 | Anti-Air +26 | Evasion +10
Level 30 Full Barrage II | Torpedo Efficiency +15% | Limit Break ★★★★★★
Level 35 Luck +15, Improve skill "Body and Soul"
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Heavy Cruiser Gun 125%/130%/135%/135% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Torpedo 160%/160%/170%/185% 1/2/2/2 0/1/2/2
3 Anti-Air Gun 110%/110%/110%/110% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxilliary - - -
5 Auxilliary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T8 Heavy Cruiser: Ibuki-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 17 +1
Max LimitBreak 35
Lv.120 26 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Body and Soul Increases this ship's Torpedo Crit Rate by 20.0% (40.0%) and Torpedo Crit DMG by 65.0%.
Flash of Lightning When this ship fires its Torpedoes: 15.0% (30.0%) chance to launch a special torpedo barrage. Barrage DMG is based on the skill's level.
Siren Killer Ⅰ Increases this ship's DMG to Sirens by 5.0%.
All Out Assault Ⅰ Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: Ibuki once every 9 times the Main Guns are fired.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 重巡洋舰-—伊吹 重巡洋艦・伊吹 Heavy cruiser – Ibuki.
Biography 主上对我感到好奇吗?不过过去我不曾来到世间,也就没有值得一提的事迹……唔,喜欢和歌,擅长剑术,这样可以吗?还有……我不太习惯和人相处…… 主殿、この伊吹に興味が…?うん…一度も生まれることがなかった伊吹は、誇れるカンレキもないのは当然として……えっと、趣味は短歌で、剣術が得意です!というところでよろしいでしょうか?あ、あとは……本当は人と話すのがちょっと苦手で…… Milord, are you interested in me...? Mm... this Ibuki, who was never born, and has no history or accomplishments to speak of... Um, my hobby is poetry, and I'm skilled in swordsmanship! Are you satisfied with that? Um, also, I'm not very good around people...
Acquisition 将我从亘久之梦中唤醒的是你吗?在下伊吹,虽然仍是修行之身,若不嫌弃,任凭差遣 永き夢から伊吹を目覚めさせたのはあなたでしょうか?不肖伊吹、まだ修行中の身ですが、よろしければ、何卒お使いください Was it your voice that beckoned me from my timeless slumber? This lowly Ibuki, though still in training, shall be yours to use as you see fit.
Login 主上,外出辛苦了 主殿、外出お疲れ様でした Milord, you must be tired.
Details 主上,欢迎……没有什么好招待的,只有茶可以吗? 主殿、よ、ようこそ……あまり出せたものではないですが…お茶でもどうでしょうか? Milord, w-welcome... I wasn't able to prepare much for your arrival... but would you like some tea?
Main 只有我和主上两个人…总觉得有点…害羞 主殿と二人っきり……なんだか…ドキドキ…… Spending time alone with Milord... somehow... makes my heart pound...
Main 2 主上,要是暂时没有事,我能去冥想一下吗? 主殿、ご命令がなければ、瞑想に…少し席を外してもよろしいでしょうか Milord, if you have no further orders for me, may I go over there to meditate?
Main 3 为了精进剑术,每天必须至少空挥千回……请放心,在主上离开的时候我已经完成了 剣の腕、落とさないようにするだけでも毎日素振り千回……あ、ご安心ください!主殿がいない間に済ませてまいりました In order to hone my swordsmanship, I practice my strokes a thousand times every day... Don't worry, Milord, I already finished while you were gone.
Touch 展示一下剑术吗?对不起,被人这么看着有点…… 演武を披露してほしい、ですか?す、すみません、人前ではちょっと…… You'd like me to put on a show? S-Sorry... in front of other people... I can't...
Touch (Special) 烦恼退却,六根清净……呀!主、主上…… ぼ、煩悩退散六根清浄……あぅ!あ、主殿…… Clear the mind, and purify the six roots... Eek! Mi, Milord...
Mission 有任务…需要我也一同出击吗? 任務ですね…伊吹も一緒に出撃しましょうか? We seem to have new missions. Would you like Ibuki to accompany you?
Mission Complete 主上,那边好像堆了好多东西?喔,那就是奖励吗? 主殿、向こうに結構物資が積み上がっているようですが…あれがホウシュウ…ですか? Milord, there's a big pile of stuff over there... Um, are those the rewards then?
Mail 主上,你的信件…诶?念给你听?那种害羞的事情… 主殿、お手紙…え?読み上げるのですか?そ、そんな恥ずかしいこと…… Milord, your mail... Huh? You'd like me to read it? B-but that's embarrassing...
Return to Port 主上,受伤了的话请用我的艾草吧,我还有很多喔 主殿、もしお怪我をされているのでしたら、伊吹のヨモギを敷いてみてはどうですか?まだまだありますよ? Milord, if you are ever injured, please allow Ibuki to treat you with this mugwort liniment. There's still a lot left.
Commission Complete 主上,委托……唔,是叫这个吗?总之完成了 主殿、イタクって……これですか?はい、とにかく無事完了しました Milord, the comm... Um, whatever these are called. Yes, they're done now.
Enhancement 这就是…变强的感觉?感激不尽 これは…強くなった感触…感謝です! Is this... the sensation of getting stronger? Thank you!
Flagship 战场无情…伊吹,出击! 戦に情けなど無用…伊吹、参ります! The battlefield is callous... Ibuki, advancing!
Victory 雕虫小技,见笑了 これしきの手前、褒められるほどでは御座いません My skills are but party tricks, unworthy of such praise.
Defeat 呜…需要加倍修行了… うぅ…修行を倍にするべきか…… Ugh... I must increase my training multifold.
Skill 伊吹之山岳……尽在这一剑之中 この一刀、伊吹の嶺にかけて! The pinnacle of Ibuki... resides in this single strike!
Low HP 背水一战……求之不得! 背水の陣……望むところです! A fight with our backs to the wall? ... Exactly what I wanted!
Affinity (Upset) 早知会遇到你这样的人,这个世间不来也罢…… 主殿のような人に仕えると知っていたら、伊吹は具現化されなくても…… Had I known I would have to serve a person like you, I never would have manifested during this era...
Affinity (Stranger) 我喜欢在高山之上,坐看浮云悠悠的生活……不过来到这里后我知道,我也不讨厌和大家一起的生活 伊吹は山で暮らして、毎日雲を眺める生活も好きですけど……ここに来てから、今の生活でも悪くないと思うようになりました I would also enjoy a life of sitting atop the mountains, watching the clouds pass through the sky. But my current life here isn't so bad either.
Affinity (Friendly) 帅气……吗?我倒是更加羡慕总是笑容满面的大家……和她们相比,我只是不知道怎么表露感情而已 カッコイイ……ですか?伊吹はむしろ笑顔にあふれるみんなのほうが羨ましいです。……伊吹は、みんなと比べて感情を表すすべを知らないだけ…… I'm cool, you say...? If anything, I am somewhat jealous of how everyone can always have a smile on their faces... In contrast, I simply do not know how to express my emotions...
Affinity (Like) 而且和大家相处之后我才更加体会到,想要正确地表达自己的想法是一件很难的事,比如说喜悦,比如说……爱慕 みんなと一緒に生活してようやく気づきました。自分の気持ちを正しく表すのは難しいと…。「楽しい」とか……「恋」とか…… After spending a lot of time with everyone else, I've experienced firsthand how difficult it can be to express my emotions clearly... such as joy... and love...
Affinity (Love) 伊吹山的艾草,常被用来比喻安静燃烧的恋心,就好比现在…指挥官能感觉到吗?伊吹的…心 伊吹山、ヨモギの恋は静かに燃ゆる――た、例えば今…主殿、伊吹の心…感じて…いますか? The mugwort on Mount Ibuki is said to symbolize love that burns quietly... F-For example, right now, Milord... can you feel Ibuki's heart?
Pledge 我过去从不知道,心意得到回应,是一件这么幸福的事情…请不要看我,主上…我现在的表情一定很奇怪… 自分の気持ちが報われるのは、こんなに嬉しいことなんて……主殿、み、見ないでください……今の伊吹は嬉しすぎて、きっと顔がヘンになってますから…… I never knew that having my feelings be reciprocated could be so overwhelmingly joyful... Milord, p-please don't look at me... I'm so happy that... my face must look strange...
In battle with UNKNOWN(299010), UNKNOWN(299020), UNKNOWN(399010), UNKNOWN(399020), UNKNOWN(499010), UNKNOWN(899010), UNKNOWN(199010), UNKNOWN(199020), UNKNOWN(399030), UNKNOWN(399040), UNKNOWN(499020), UNKNOWN(999010) 不才伊吹…将会全力配合各位的! こんな伊吹でも…全力でお相手いたします! Feeble though I may be... I shall give this my all!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 主上,下雪了呢……不介意的话,请来伊吹的伞下躲一躲吧 雪が…降っていますね。主殿……よろしければ伊吹の傘で少しやり過ごしませんか Milord, it's starting to snow... If it suits you, please take shelter under Ibuki's umbrella.
Acquisition 主上,下雪了呢……不介意的话,请来伊吹的伞下躲一躲吧 雪が…降っていますね。主殿……よろしければ伊吹の傘で少しやり過ごしませんか Milord, it's starting to snow... If it suits you, please take shelter under Ibuki's umbrella.
Login 主上,要一起外出吗? 主殿、一緒におでかけしませんか? Milord, shall we go outside together?
Details 这一身衣服,不好好感谢凤翔小姐可不行呢…… この着物、鳳翔さんに感謝しないといけませんよね…… I'll have to thank Houshou for this lovely kimono...
Main 阿嚏!……打喷嚏的样子很可爱?请、请不要笑话我了…… はくしょん!……くしゃみする姿がなんだかカワイイ、ですか?か、からかわないでください…… Achoo! ...I'm cute when I sneeze? D- don't make fun of me...
Main 2 这就是真正的雪……真漂亮啊 これが…本物の雪……綺麗…… This is... real snow... beautiful...
Main 3 冬天会有很热闹的祭典吗?……稍微……有些感兴趣 冬にもみんなで大騒ぎする祭りがあるのですか?…ちょっとだけ興味が湧きました…ちょっとだけ! Aren't there some big festivals in the wintertime? I guess you could say... I'm a little interested... only a little!
Touch 主上……有想去的地方吗?我会陪您一起去的 主殿、行きたい場所はありますか?伊吹、ご一緒します Is there someplace you'd like to go, Milord? Of course I'll accompany you.
Touch (Special) 主、主上,手好冷…… あ、主殿、手が冷たいです…… Um, Milord, your hands are cold...
Return to Port 外面在下雪呢……主上,我给您再添一件毛衣吧 外は雪が降っていますね……主殿、セーターをかけさせていただきます The snow is coming down outside... Milord, let me get an extra sweater for you.
Affinity (Love) 在永梦之中,冬天是安静的,冰冷的。但在这里,在主上身边,冬天依然是温暖的……主上,我能和您……牵手吗? 永き夢の中の冬は静かで、冷たい冬でした。今、主殿のそばの冬は心まで暖かい冬……主殿、伊吹の手…取って…いただけないでしょうか…? The winter in my timeless slumber was silent and cold. But here, at Milord's side, I feel only warmth... Milord, would you... take my hand?
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 这是我第一次穿像这样的洋装…那个,主上…您觉得这身适合伊吹吗? このようなお洋服は初めて、ですが……あの、主殿!伊吹、この格好に合っているのでしょうか…? This is my first time wearing Western clothes... Um, Milord! Does this outfit... suit Ibuki well...?
Acquisition 这是我第一次穿像这样的洋装…那个,主上…您觉得这身适合伊吹吗? このようなお洋服は初めて、ですが……あの、主殿!伊吹、この格好に合っているのでしょうか…? This is my first time wearing Western clothes... Um, Milord! Does this outfit... suit Ibuki well...?
Login 「宴会」具体要做些什么,还是不太清楚呢…主上,我能跟着你吗? 西洋の「ぱーてぃー」は一体何をすれば良いのでしょうか…伊吹、主殿について行ってもよろしいのでしょうか…? I am unsure how I should conduct myself at a "banquet..." Milord, may I just follow you?
Details 他乡的茶与酒,也别有一番滋味呢 異国のお飲み物、普段とは違う美味しさがありますね These foreign beverages and teas have quite a distinctive flavor...
Main 果然宴会上尽是一些不太明白的事情呢…啊,请不要误会,我只是觉得…要修行学习的东西还有很多呢 「ぱーてぃー」というのは、わからないことだらけですね…主殿、誤解しないでくださいっ。伊吹はただ、自分の不勉強に嘆いているばかりで… There are so many things at this banquet that I simply do not understand... Ah, please don't get the wrong idea... I merely realized that there is much for me to learn still.
Main 2 其实,我是被西雅图小姐邀请来的……西雅图小姐,真是一位很有活力的人呢 今日は…本当はシアトルさんに誘われたから参加したんです。シアトルさん、元気なお方ですね…… Actually, it was Miss Seattle who invited me here... She's quite a charismatic person.
Main 3 虽然我更喜欢安静的一隅,不过…像这样大家一起其乐融融聊天的环境,感觉,也不讨厌 伊吹はもっと静かで、心が落ち着く場所のほうが好きですが…こうしてみなさんと一緒に楽しくおしゃべりする行事は…ええ、嫌いじゃありませんよ Though I prefer my outings to be a bit more... introspective, I don't mind the camaraderie and joyfulness here.
Touch 风儿像这样吹在脸上,感觉很舒服呢,主上 風が頬を撫でるのは気持ちいいですね。主殿 Milord, it feels nice when the wind gently strokes my cheeks.
Touch (Special) 果、果然是伊吹不适合这样的衣服吗? や、やっぱり伊吹はこの格好に合わないのでしょうか… D-do these clothes not suit me after all?
Return to Port 主上,请用蛋糕,甜甜的很好吃哦 主殿、どうぞ召し上がってください。甘くて、美味しいケーキですよ Milord, please try this cake. It's fluffy, sweet, and delicious.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 东煌的春节,真是热闹呢,这种热闹,带着更加纯粹的欢腾,和更加接近世俗的喧嚣……我……说不定很喜欢这种感觉呢 東煌の、「春節」……楽しくて、騒がしくて、清々しくて喜ばしくて、心の底から湧き出る素直な気持ち……伊吹、この雰囲気が好きなのかもしれません The Dragon Empery's "Spring Festival" is... filled with fun, liveliness, and pure jubilation. I can feel my true feelings welling up... Maybe, an environment like this would suit me pretty well...
Acquisition 东煌的春节,真是热闹呢,这种热闹,带着更加纯粹的欢腾,和更加接近世俗的喧嚣……我……说不定很喜欢这种感觉呢 東煌の、「春節」……楽しくて、騒がしくて、清々しくて喜ばしくて、心の底から湧き出る素直な気持ち……伊吹、この雰囲気が好きなのかもしれません The Dragon Empery's "Spring Festival" is... filled with fun, liveliness, and pure jubilation. I can feel my true feelings welling up... Maybe, an environment like this would suit me pretty well...
Login 港区到处都挂满了灯笼和红色的装饰,真漂亮呢 春節の灯籠と赤いお飾りが一杯……綺麗…… The warm glow of the lanterns and the vivid, red decorations... it's all so beautiful...
Details 欸?感觉我比平时放得开吗?……是呢,或许是受到春节气氛的影响吧,总觉得情绪比平时要高昂呢…那个,会显得很奇怪吗? いつもとちょっとだけ雰囲気が違う…?もしかして、祝日の雰囲気で少し舞い上がってしまったのかも知れません。主殿、今の伊吹…おかしく見えますか…? Hmm, I'm a lot more outgoing than usual? Maybe the festive atmosphere is rubbing off on me. Milord, do you think... I'm acting strange...?
Main 那个,主上,其实我报名了晚会,表演的节目是剑舞……这还是我第一次主动把自己的技艺展现给舰队的各位呢,稍微有些紧张 主殿、伊吹、春節の宴会の出し物を出すことになりました。ええと、演武、です……思えば、艦隊の皆の前で披露するのは初めてで、少し緊張しています… Milord, Ibuki will be performing a sword dance at the Spring Festival banquet tonight... Um, it's my first time performing in front of everyone, so I'm a bit nervous...
Main 2 主上,明石小姐的店里似乎在贩卖一种叫做“鞭炮”的东西呢,据说和烟花类似,我想买一些来放,您要一起来吗? 明石のお店で爆竹が売っていますね。聞けば、花火のような…あれ?爆竹ですよね? Milord, Miss Akashi seems to be selling firecrackers. I heard they are a bit like fireworks... Huh? They are firecrackers, right?
Main 3 主上,那些贴在墙两边的是……?……啊,那个叫做“春联”吗,那个,您能给我解释一下上面写的内容吗?稍微有些好奇 主殿、壁に貼られているのは……「春聯(しゅんれん)」ですね。なるほど、何が書かれているのでしょうか…伊吹、少し気になります Milord, those things hanging on the walls are "fai chun," right? I see, there's something written in them... I wonder what it means...
Touch 到这个时节,天气已经没有那么寒冷了,再过不久,春天就要来了…原来如此,所以才是“春节”的“春联”啊…… この時期になると寒さも和らいできますね。もう少しで「春」……なるほど、そのための「春聯」ですね…… Around this time, the cold begins to recede. Soon, spring shall arrive... I see, so this is why people hang "fai chun" on the walls...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 您辛苦了,主上。伊吹已经换好衣服了,这样便算是遵照您“一起休息会”的命令了吧…然后呢,伊吹需要做些什么? お疲れ様です。伊吹、着替えて参りました。これで主殿のご命令――「一緒にくつろぐ」にお応えできるかと…伊吹はこれから、何をすればいいでしょうか I'm glad you've returned, Milord. I've changed my attire in order to better carry out your order–for us to "relax together." Now then... could you please instruct me on how to proceed?
Acquisition 您辛苦了,主上。伊吹已经换好衣服了,这样便算是遵照您“一起休息会”的命令了吧…然后呢,伊吹需要做些什么? お疲れ様です。伊吹、着替えて参りました。これで主殿のご命令――「一緒にくつろぐ」にお応えできるかと…伊吹はこれから、何をすればいいでしょうか I'm glad you've returned, Milord. I've changed my attire in order to better carry out your order–for us to "relax together." Now then... could you please instruct me on how to proceed?
Login 嘿咻…嗯,主上请坐这边,好好放松一下吧。 んっしょ。主殿、こちらにどうぞおくつろぎくださいませ *Yaaawn*... Milord, please relax and make yourself at home.
Details 主上,伊吹新采的茶是否合您的口味? 主殿、伊吹の採ったお茶はお口に合いましたか? Milord, is the tea I prepared to your liking?
Main 2 主上,伊吹稍微冥想一会…欸,要、要陪您聊一会天…吗? 主殿、伊吹は少し瞑想を…お、お喋りに付き合ってほしい、ですか? Milord, I shall now continue my meditation... Oh, y-you'd like to talk to me?
Main 3 主上,可以的话给伊吹安排点事情做吧…这样光是坐着总感觉有点…不安…… 主殿、できれば伊吹になにかお任せを……このままでは伊吹、ちょっとソワソワ…しそうです… Milord, could you please arrange some work for me? I'm... feeling a little fidgety...
Touch 主上,需要伊吹做些什么…? 主殿、伊吹は何をすればいいでしょうか…? Milord, what would you have me do...?
Touch (Special) 主上!?难、难道伊吹犯了什么错误? 主殿!?い、伊吹がなにか悪いことでもしたのでしょうか…? Milord?! H-have I done something to displease you...?
Touch (Headpat) 主上……? 主殿……? Milord...?
Mail 主上,新的邮件来了。…需、需要伊吹为您读一下…? 主殿、新しいお手紙です。…お、お読み上げ…してもよろしいでしょうか? Milord, you have new mail. Um... Shall I read it aloud for you?
Flagship 主上由伊吹守护! 主殿、お守りします! Milord, I'll protect you!
Affinity (Love) 主上,给您倒杯茶。…呼…明明我们什么都没做,只是在一起消磨时间,为什么伊吹会有种非常充实,甚至充满到溢出来的感觉……主上,伊吹的这种感觉,就是“恋爱”吗…? 主殿、お茶をお注ぎしますね。…ふぅ…何もせず一緒に時間を過ごしているだけなのに、伊吹、何か充実してて、満ち溢れているような……主殿、伊吹は今「恋」をしているのでしょうか…? Milord, I've prepared your tea. Phew... Even though we're spending all this time together doing nothing, I... still feel fulfilled. Mm, this overflowing emotion... Milord, is this what "love" is...?