I168 (JP 🇯🇵: 伊168, CN 🇹🇼: 伊168)
Ship ID No. 398 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Submarine Rarity Super Rare
Navy Sakura Empire Build Time 00:30:00
Acquisition Time-Limited Build
Enhance Income
Firepower 1
Torpedo 41
Aviation 0
Reload 8
Scrap Income
Medal 10
Oil 4
Gold 1
Release Date
EN July 11, 2019
KR July 11, 2019
CN July 11, 2019
JP July 11, 2019
Voice actress Sakura Tange
Pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=1422579
Twitter https://twitter.com/Saru_1127
Weibo https://www.weibo.com/p/1005051054234800
Name Saru
I-168 Description
Kaidai Type VIa submarine – I-168.
Festive Mood! Description
I look different from usual? That's obvious, isn't it... All right, all right, I was just giving you a hard time. We're at a festival, so we might as well enjoy ourselves!
Firepower D
Torpedo S
Aviation E
Evasion D
Anti-air E
HP 1661 Reload 100
Firepower 57 Torpedo 490
Evasion 24 Anti-air 0
Aviation 0 Cost 8
ASW 0 Luck 22
Hit 154 Speed 18.4
Armor Light
HP 1993 Reload 115
Firepower 65 Torpedo 539
Evasion 43 Anti-air 0
Aviation 0 Cost 8
ASW 0 Luck 22
Hit 172 Speed 18.4
Armor Light
HP 321 Reload 42
Firepower 12 Torpedo 104
Evasion 9 Anti-air 0
Aviation 0 Cost 2
ASW 0 Luck 22
Hit 59 Speed 18.4
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 8
ASW Luck 22
Hit Speed 18.4
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 8
ASW Luck 22
Hit Speed 18.4
Armor Light
Limit Break
Tier 1 Unlock EX Barrage Ⅰ/Torpedo efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Torpedo base +1/Improve Hunting range
Tier 3 Improve EX Barrage/Torpedo efficiency +10%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Submarine Torpedo 115%/120%/120%/130% 1/1/2/2 0/0/0/0
2 Submarine Torpedo 100%/105%/105%/115% 1/1/2/2 0/0/0/0
3 Destroyer Gun 80%/80%/80%/80% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxilary - - -
5 Auxilary - - -
Default Equipments
1 Type 92 Submarine Torpedo
2 Type 92 Submarine Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T7 Submarine: Kaidai Type Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 6 +1
Max LimitBreak 12
Lv.120 9 +2
Icon Name Description Requirements
Turning The Tables! Increases this boat's DMG to Carriers by 5.0% (20.0%). When this boat resurfaces: fires a special guaranteed Critical Hit torpedo barrage. Barrage DMG is based on the skill's level.
Slow Torpedoes Increases the DMG of this ship's Torpedoes by 4.5% (12.0%) but decreases their Speed by 1.
All Out Assault Ⅰ Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: I-168 immediately after entering the battle.
00:30:00 JP CN EN
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 海大VI型a型潜艇伊168 海大VI型a伊号第百六十八潜水艦 Kaidai Type VIa submarine – I-168.
Biography 我是潜艇伊168!在那场战役干掉了约克城和哈曼,给飞龙报了仇!还有…嗯…虽然我努力了…还是没击沉过什么别的船… わたしは伊号第一六八潜水艦よ。あの大戦では飛龍の敵討ちで、ヨークタウンとハムマンを倒したわ。あとは…ううん……頑張ったけど……他の敵艦を沈められたことはなかったのよね… I am the submarine I-168. In the war, I avenged Hiryuu by taking out Yorktown and Hammann. Besides that... well... I really tried... but wasn't able to sink any other ships...
Acquisition 我是伊168哦,叫我168就好。怎么说我也是武勋舰,要好好地让我派上用场哦! 伊168よ。「いろは」って呼んで頂戴。わたしのようなすごい武勲艦をちゃーんと使いこなしなさい! I'm I-168, but do call me Iroha. I expect you to know how to handle an extraordinary and decorated vessel such as myself!
Login 太·慢·了!就算我们潜艇擅长等待时机,也不能真的让我等这么久吧… おそーい!…わたしのような潜水艦が待つことは得意だからといってこんなに待たせるんじゃないわよ… You're very late! ... A submarine such as myself is extremely patient, but that doesn't mean you can keep me waiting for this long...
Details 你找本小姐有事吧?……没事也可以…… このわたしに用があるのよね?…用がなくても… You want something from me, don't you? ... Well, even if you don't...
Main 好无聊…指挥官,给本小姐找点乐子听见了吗! 退屈…指揮官、わたしを楽しませなさい! I'm bored... Entertain me, Commander!
Main 2 好困啊……还是海里舒服…… 眠い……海の中のほうが快適…… I'm tired... I like it better in the ocean...
Main 3 你说哈曼?她想找茬的话就放马过来!看我不揍扁她! ハムマン?このわたしを懲らしめたければやってみなさいな!返り討ちにしてやるわ! Hammann? If she wants to berate me then she can go ahead and try! I'll turn the tables on her!
Touch 不许随随便便就摸我!……你说按摩?是这样吗……那就交给你啦! 気安く触らないでよ!…マッサージ?そっか……じゃ、じゃあ……頼むわね…? Don't touch me for no reason! ... It's a massage? O-okay... Continue...
Touch (Special) 呀!?怎、怎么回事!? ひゃう!?な、何事だぁ!? Eeek?! W-what do you want?!
Touch (Headpat) 你,你干吗!? な、なんだってー!? W-what the hell?!
Mission 任务……?哼!就让本小姐来指点你吧!要认真听知道吗! 任務…?ふん!わたしが教えてやるわ!ありがたーく拝聴しなさい♪ A mission...? Hmph! I'll show you how it's done! Now listen veeery carefully♪
Mission Complete 干得还行!呃,给你赏赐! よくやったわ!はい、ご褒美よ You've done well! Here's your reward.
Mail 给你的信,快看吧!……就没人给我写信吗… 手紙よ。あとでチェックしなさい!…わたし宛のはないかな…… A letter for you. Do check it later! ... I wonder if there are any for me...
Return to Port 干的不错,休息一会吧 ご苦労よ。そこで寛いでいなさい Nicely done. Now sit down and relax.
Commission Complete 诸位,辛苦了!…不知道有没有什么好东西呢…… みなの者、大儀だったわよ!…なにか珍しいものでもあるかな…… Marvelous work, everybody! ... Wonder if they found any rare stuff...
Enhancement 很好!我又变强啦! よし!もっと強くなったわ! All right! I've become even stronger!
Flagship 来吧,我们来钓个大鱼! さぁ、大物を狙うわよ! Let's go! We're hunting big game!
Victory 耶!看到了吗?看到我刚才的表现了吗?? やったぁ!ねえ見た?今の見た?? I DID IT! You see that? Did you see it?!
Defeat (咕嘟咕嘟咕嘟咕嘟) (もぐもぐもぐもぐ) (Blub blub blub...)
Skill 给我沉下去吧! 沈んでもらうわよ! Sink for me!
Affinity (Upset) 我最讨厌你了!离我远点! あんたなんて嫌いだわ。もう近づかないでちょうだい I hate scum like you. Don't come near me ever again.
Affinity (Stranger) 哼!别看我这样,那场战役里我可是代表重樱潜艇击沉了对方大型空母呢!还不快来膜拜本小姐! ふん!こう見えても、わたしはあの大戦で大型空母を撃沈した重桜潜水艦なのよ?さあ、このわたしを崇めなさいな Hmph! Doubt me all you want, but I'm THE Sakura Empire submarine that sank an important carrier. Now, get on your knees and worship me.
Affinity (Friendly) 伊16!别拿甲标的挠我痒!欸,。你不是伊16!? とおる!甲標的でこちょこちょするのをやめなさいって!えっ、とおるじゃなかったのー!? Tooru! I told you to quit tickling me with your Type A! ... Wait a sec, you're not Tooru!
Affinity (Like) 因为我在那场战役里击沉了约克城,有时候哈曼会瞪我……有什么关系嘛!约克城本人都说不介意了! あの大戦ではヨークタウンを沈めたから、ハムマンに時々睨まれるけど…い、今は味方だからいいよね…?ほら、ヨークタウン本人も大丈夫って言ってるし! Ever since I sank Yorktown in the war, I've been getting occasional angry glances from Hammann... B-but aren't we all friends now? I mean hey, even Yorktown herself says she's let go of it!
Affinity (Love) 哼!喜欢直白的人,那你找直白的人契约不就好了!——你怎么能这样!哈曼不是比我更不坦率吗!? ふん!素直なほうがいいと言うなら、いっそわたしではなく素直な子にでもくっついてみたりしたら?……えええ!?わたしより、ハムマンのほうが素直じゃないでしょ!? Hmph! If you prefer girls who are honest about their feelings, why not hook up with someone more honest than me? ... WHAT?! Hammann is NOT more honest with her feelings than me!
Pledge 你、你可算来找我了!我真的可以吗……嘿嘿……什、什么嘛!不坦率的明明是你! よ、ようやくわたしに声かけたのね……わたしで本当にいいんだ……えへへ……な、なによ!素直じゃないのはそっちじゃない! F-finally you decided to open up to me... You did right to choose me... Ehehe... W-what's that mean?! YOU'RE the one not being honest here!
In battle with Hammann 现在我们是队友了! ハムマン、今は味方だからねっ! Hammann, we're all friends now, you know!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 和平时好像不太一样?这种不是一看就知道…好啦好啦,我知道了,没关系。难得的祭典,就好好享受一下吧 いつもの格好とはちょっと違うって?そんなの見ればわかるんじゃ……はいはい、謝らなくていいわよ。せっかくの地上のお祭りなんだから、楽しませてもらうわよ I look different from usual? That's obvious, isn't it... All right, all right, I was just giving you a hard time. We're at a festival, so we might as well enjoy ourselves!
Acquisition 和平时好像不太一样?这种不是一看就知道…好啦好啦,我知道了,没关系。难得的祭典,就好好享受一下吧 いつもの格好とはちょっと違うって?そんなの見ればわかるんじゃ……はいはい、謝らなくていいわよ。せっかくの地上のお祭りなんだから、楽しませてもらうわよ I look different from usual? That's obvious, isn't it... All right, all right, I was just giving you a hard time. We're at a festival, so we might as well enjoy ourselves!
Details 章鱼烧!团子!苹果糖!…嚼嚼嚼嚼……咳、咳咳!给、给我水…! イカ焼き!お団子!りんご飴!……もぐもぐもぐもぐ……げほげほ!み、水を…! Fried squid! Dango! Candied apples! Om nom nom... *Cough cough*! N-need water...!
Main 祭典真好玩!今天就放你的假吧♪…应该反过来? お祭りが楽しい!今日は休みをくれてやるわ♪……逆? I just love festivals! You have my permission to take a break today♪ ... It's the other way around?
Main 2 偶、偶尔像这样出来外面逛逛好像也不错… た、たまにはこうして町に出るのも悪くないわね…… G-going around town every now and then isn't so bad, I guess...
Main 3 哈曼也不会一个人绑浴衣的带子啊…什、什么啦!那玩意儿本来就很难一个人绑上不是嘛! ハムマンも浴衣の帯を一人で結べないんだ……な、なによ!あれは一人でできなくても普通じゃない! Hammann can't tie her yukata's sash on her own either... W-what's so funny?! Hardly anyone can tie that thing on their own!
Flagship 看我轻松把你们一发击沉! 景気よく一発で沈めてやるんだから! I'm in a good mood, so I'll sink you with just a single shot!
Victory 嘿…嘿哟? わ…わっしょい? W-woohoo?