Hood (JP 🇯🇵: フッド, CN 🇹🇌: 胡執)
Ship ID No. 129 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Battlecruiser Rarity Super Rare
Navy Royal Navy Build Time
Acquisition Honor medal exchange, Heavy Ship Construction
Enhance Income
Firepower 44
Torpedo 0
Aviation 0
Reload 11
Scrap Income
Medal 10
Oil 3
Gold 10
Release Date
Voice actress Atsuko Tanaka
Hood Description
Admiral-class battlecruiser - Hood, Hull Number 51!
Lady of the Shining Sun Description
What a feast for sore eyes. I feel great~! Vacations really should be at the beach! Let's show Sara your beach ball, Cygnet!
Rosey Love Poem Description
If the smooth path only allows one person to travel at a time, then I’ll gladly walk the path not taken with you hand-in-hand.
Firepower A
Torpedo E
Aviation E
Evasion C
Anti-air B
HP 7677 Reload 138
Firepower 312 Torpedo 0
Evasion 22 Anti-air 285
Aviation 0 Cost 14
ASW 0 Luck 38
Hit 56 Speed 31
Armor Medium
HP 8445 Reload 159
Firepower 343 Torpedo 0
Evasion 37 Anti-air 323
Aviation 0 Cost 14
ASW 0 Luck 38
Hit 68 Speed 31
Armor Medium
HP 1485 Reload 58
Firepower 66 Torpedo 0
Evasion 9 Anti-air 61
Aviation 0 Cost 5
ASW 0 Luck 38
Hit 22 Speed 31
Armor Medium
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 14
ASW Luck 38
Hit Speed 31
Armor Medium
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 14
ASW Luck 38
Hit Speed 31
Armor Medium
Limit Break
Tier 1 Main gun base +1/Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Auxiliary gun base +2/Main gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Main gun base +1/Main gun efficiency +15%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Battleship 110%/115%/125%/140% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Destroyer Gun 150%/150%/150%/150% 1/1/3/3 0/0/0/0
3 Anti-Air Gun 100%/100%/100%/100% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
1 Twin 381mm Main Gun
Fleet Tech
T6 Battlecruiser: Admiral-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 16 +1
Max LimitBreak 32
Lv.120 24 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Royal Navy's Glory When this ship fires a Salvo: 40.0% (70.0%) chance to fire a special barrage and increase the RLD of your Main Fleet by 20.0% (40.0%) for 8s. Barrage DMG is based on the skill's level.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 海军䞊将级战列巡掋舰—胡執舷号51 アドミラル玚巡掋戊艊・フッドHMS Hood Admiral-class battlecruiser - Hood, Hull Number 51!
Biography 是的皇家海军的荣耀正圚悚的面前。 无论什么时候郜芁䌘雅这是身䞺皇宀所应有的教养。䞹麊海峡胜莥乃兵家垞事那䞍过是䞀时的倱莥眢了 ふふ。はい。ロむダルネむビヌの栄光は今、目の前にございたす。どんな時でも優雅に振る舞うこずこそ、王家ずしおの躟の賜物です。デンマヌク海峡勝敗は兵家の垞、䞀時的な敗北に過ぎたせんわ Indeed, the glory of the Royal Navy now stands before you. Being able to maintain an air of elegance at all times is the hallmark of royalty. The Denmark straits? Soldiers know of victory and defeat alike. It was no more than a temporary setback.
Acquisition 悚就是指挥官吗莵安。皇家海军的荣耀——胡執䞎胜利䞀同来到悚的身蟹 あなたは指揮官様ですかご機嫌麗しゅうございたす。ロむダルネむビヌの栄光ヌヌフッド、勝利ずずもに参䞊臎したす Are you the commander? Greetings and well met. I am the glory of the Royal Navy: Hood. Wherever I go, victory follows.
Login 欢迎回来指挥官芁来䞀杯红茶吗 おかえりなさいたせ。指揮官様。玅茶はいかがでしょうか Welcome back, Commander. Care for a cup of tea?
Details 皇家海军的荣耀请悚尜情欣赏吧 ロむダルネむビヌの栄光、心ゆくたでご芧くださいたせ Feel free to admire the glory of the Royal Navy to your heart's content.
Main 䞀名䌘秀的指挥官对于红茶应该有深入的了解 優秀な指揮官なら玅茶にも心埗があるべきですわ An outstanding commander must have an in-depth knowledge of tea.
Main 2 这䞪字是  啊原来刚才看岔了抱歉我的视力䞍倪奜呢 この字は  なるほど、先ほどは芋間違えおおりたした。申し蚳ございたせん。私あたり目がよくありたせんので  This word is... ah, so I read it wrong. Sorry, my eyes fail me.
Main 3 倚听少诎悚应圓倚听取他人的意见䜆保留自己的刀断 よく聞き、慎んで発蚀するヌヌよいご刀断をされたいなら、他人の意芋にはよく耳を傟けるべきですわ Listen more, speak less. You should listen to the opinions of others, but also retain your own judgment.
Touch 适圓的接觊也是有必芁的想芁来跳䞀支舞吗 適床なスキンシップも時には必芁ですわ。瀟亀ダンスでもいかがでしょうか Appropriate contact is indeed essential. Shall we dance?
Touch (Special) 对淑女䞍敬䌚被劂䜕指挥官应该埈枅楚吧 做奜心理准倇了吗 レディに無理に働きかけるのはいかがなものか、指揮官様ならお分かりになっおいたすこず 心の準備はできおいるのでしょうか Commander, you should understand the consequences of disrespecting a lady... Are you prepared?
Mission 指挥官䞊面发垃了新任务请过目 指揮官様、䞊官から新しい任務を預かっおたいりたした。ご確認くださいたせ Commander, we have been entrusted with new missions. Please look through them.
Mission Complete 获埗荣耀的同时必然䌎随奖赏可䞍芁忘了后者 栄光には報酬が぀きものですわ。お忘れにならないようお願い臎したす With glory comes rewards. Please do not forget about the latter.
Mail 没有拆封过  指挥官冷萜他人信件可䞍是绅士所䞺哊 未開封指揮官様、他人に冷たくするこずは玳士の行いではありたせんこずよ It's unopened... Commander... It would be ungentlemanly to ignore the messages of others.
Return to Port 指挥官麻烊悚的红茶泡奜了吗来蟹品茶蟹检讚吧 指揮官様、淹れたおの玅茶はいかがでしょうか玅茶を楜しみながら怜蚎臎したしょう Commander, may I offer you some warm tea? We can drink it as we review your battle.
Commission Complete 完成委托也是荣誉的象埁䞍去犒劳䞀䞋那些孩子们吗 完了された委蚗の数々も栄光の象城です。あの嚘たちを劎っおはどうでしょう Having completed numerous commissions is a sign of glory. May I suggest rewarding those girls?
Enhancement 悚的付出䞀定䌚埗到回报 その行いはきっず報われたす Your efforts will definitely be rewarded.
Flagship 荣耀䞎䜠我同圚 栄光は私たちず共にあらんこずを May glory be with us today.
Victory 枩暖的阳光舒适的海风挂亮的胜利 枩かい日差し、気持ちいい朮颚ヌヌ玠晎らしい勝利です。 The warm sun and the cool breeze: a brilliant victory.
Defeat 胜莥乃兵家垞事而我们有的是时闎 勝敗は兵家の垞です。私たちにはただ時間が十分ありたすわ Victory and defeat are commonplace among those who fight, and it is we that have all the time in the world!
Skill 䌘雅可䞍是花瓶 優雅は䌊達じゃありたせんよ Elegance is not just for show.
Low HP 就算是我也有点生气了呢 私でも少し怒りたしたわ Even I am slightly angered.
Affinity (Upset) 唉  看来䞍䞋猛药䞍行了呢 はぁ  これは荒療治しないずいけないようですわ *Sigh* Seems like you must learn it the hard way.
Affinity (Stranger) 指挥官这么奜的䞋午䞍来聊聊倩吗  嗯奜吧那我就诎诎和声望的故事吧 指揮官様、ごきげんですね。良い午埌ですもの、少しおしゃべりでも  はい、ではレナりンさんのお話を少々 Commander, it's such a great afternoon. Shall we have a chat? ... Hm, alright... I'll talk about the times when I was with Renown.
Affinity (Friendly) 虜然我垞把时刻保持䌘雅挂圚嘎蟹䜆是这并䞍意味着指挥官需芁配合我悚平垞的样子才是最有魅力的 優雅をよく口にしおおりたすが、指揮官様が私に合わせる必芁はございたせんわ。むしろい぀もどおりの指揮官様こそが䞀番魅力的ですもの Though I speak of being refined at all times, you need not force yourself, Commander. Your normal self is the most charming, after all.
Affinity (Like) 嗯倪近了虜然淑女芁随时保持䌘雅䜆是淑女对于钟情的对象也䌚勇敢发起攻势哊 うん近いですか淑女は垞に優雅に振る舞わないずいけないものの、奜きなお方の前ですず倧胆になったりするこずもありたすよ Hm? I'm too close? A lady must be elegant, but they must also seize the initiative towards the targets of their own affection.
Affinity (Love) 我想将䜠比䜜迷人的倏日䜆䜠华曎加可爱䞎枩存  只芁我䞀息尚存䜠䞎这诗篇将氞驻我心闎  埈矎䞜的诗句呢胜䞺我读䞀遍吗指挥官 「君を倏の䞀日ず比べおみようか、君のほうが玠敵だし、ずっず穏やかだ  人間がこの䞖に生きおいる限りこの詩も生きる、そしお君に氞遠の呜を吹き蟌み続けるだろう」  矎しい詩ですこず。指揮官様、私のために読んでくださいたす "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate... So long as men can breathe, or eyes can see, so long lives this, and this gives life to thee." ... A beautiful verse. Commander, could you read it out loud to me?
Pledge 呵呵看䜠玧匠的样子面对女士这么玧匠可是无法顺利䌠蟟心意的指挥官——䞍过䜠的心意确实地䌠蟟到了我的心底里了  胡執乐意之至 ふふ、そんなに緊匵したご様子ですず、レディには心が䌝わりたせんよ、指揮官様ヌヌですが、あなた様の心ならちゃんず私に䌝わりたしたわ  フッドは、喜んでお受けいたしたす。 Aha, look how nervous you are. You can't convey your feelings to a lady when you're this nervous. However, your feelings have definitely reached my heart... I would happily oblige.
In battle with Renown 声望可别又走神了 レナりンさん、よそ芋は行けたせんこず。 Miss Renown, please mind where you're going.
In battle with Repulse 保持瀌仪反击 レパルスさん、マナヌには気を付けるこずね。 Miss Repulse, mind your manners.
In battle with Queen Elizabeth 䞺悚效劳陛䞋 陛䞋、埮力ながらお尜くし臎したす。 I shall do anything you ask of me, Your Majesty.
In battle with UNKNOWN(2) 前进吧我们是皇家的荣耀 王家の栄光ずしお、前進いたしたすわ。 The glory of the royal family, advancing.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 呌呌 倧饱県犏心情倧奜~果然床假就应该圚海蟹小倩鹅甚䜠的排球去给Sis.Sara䞀点颜色看看 うふふ  いい眺め 目の保逊をさせおいただきたした。やはりバカンスず蚀えばビヌチ、ですわシグニットちゃん、ビヌチバレヌボヌルでシスタヌサラに目にもの芋せおあげなさい What a feast for sore eyes. I feel great~! Vacations really should be at the beach! Let's show Sara your beach ball, Cygnet!
Acquisition 呌呌 倧饱県犏心情倧奜~果然床假就应该圚海蟹小倩鹅甚䜠的排球去给Sis.Sara䞀点颜色看看 うふふ  いい眺め 目の保逊をさせおいただきたした。やはりバカンスず蚀えばビヌチ、ですわシグニットちゃん、ビヌチバレヌボヌルでシスタヌサラに目にもの芋せおあげなさい What a feast for sore eyes. I feel great~! Vacations really should be at the beach! Let's show Sara your beach ball, Cygnet!
Login 莵安指挥官䞍芁让倖界的燥热圱响䜠的内心。时刻保持冷静才胜做出正确的刀断 ご機嫌麗しゅうございたす。指揮官様。どうかこの暑さに惑わされないでくださいたせ。冷静さを欠いおは正確な刀断を䞋せたせんわ Good day, Commander. Let not the heat shaketh thy inner peace. Keep calm and carry on!
Details 我照耀着倪阳心情倧奜~这仜赞矎我就收䞋了 たあ、私が倪陜よりも茝かしい、ですかふふ、ありがたくお受けいたしたすわ My brilliance is like that of the sun? I'm in a good mood so I'll accept this praise of yours.
Main 沙滩排球埗分最少的我方队员芁接受䞀䞪小小的惩眚枞戏~ ビヌチバレヌ、チヌムで埗点が䞀番䜎い方にはちょっずした眰ゲヌムを甚意臎したしたわ~ So me and the other girls are going to play beach volleyball The player on my team that scores the least will be subjected to a small punishment game.
Main 2 从山顶向䞋眺望敎䞪枯区郜胜尜收県底正是观赏烟火的最䜳垭䜍 この高台からは母枯を䞞ごず䞀望できたすわ。花火倧䌚の垭ずしお最高の堎所ずは思いたせんこず I can see the whole harbor from the mountain top, this is the best place to watch fireworks.
Main 3 时刻保持䌘雅正是淑女的瀌仪 優雅であるこずはレディの嗜みですわ To be elegant at all times is the mannerism befitting of a lady.
Touch 沙滩排球比赛马䞊就芁匀始了。指挥官䞀起来欣赏吧 ビヌチバレヌ倧䌚がそろそろ始たりたすわ。指揮官様、ご䞀緒に芳戊なさっおはいかがですか The beach volleyball game is about to start. Let's find a good place to watch, Commander!
Touch (Special) 指挥官嚁尔士就是因䞺总这样才成䞺䞍了囜王的 りェヌルズはい぀もこの様なこずをなさっおいるから、王になれたせんこずよ指揮官様 This is exactly why Wales will always be a Prince and never a King.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 真是䞀场䞍错的旅行埗感谢指挥官的邀请才是呢。穿䞊这般矎䞜的服饰就该悠然而䌘雅地享受重暱的茶䌚䞍是吗呵呵~ 玠晎らしい旅に誘っおいただきありがずうございたすわ。この玠晎らしい衣装で、ゆっくりず、優雅に――重桜のティヌタむムを楜しみたせんこずふふふ Thank you for inviting me on this wonderful trip. Now that I have donned this beautiful outfit, shall we partake of a Sakura Empire tea party– leisurely and elegantly?
Acquisition 真是䞀场䞍错的旅行埗感谢指挥官的邀请才是呢。穿䞊这般矎䞜的服饰就该悠然而䌘雅地享受重暱的茶䌚䞍是吗呵呵~ 玠晎らしい旅に誘っおいただきありがずうございたすわ。この玠晎らしい衣装で、ゆっくりず、優雅に――重桜のティヌタむムを楜しみたせんこずふふふ Thank you for inviting me on this wonderful trip. Now that I have donned this beautiful outfit, shall we partake of a Sakura Empire tea party– leisurely and elegantly?
Login 虜然女仆队的红茶也䞍错䞍过今倩还是试试重暱的绿茶吧。 メむド隊の玅茶でもいいですが、今日は重桜のグリヌンティヌをいかがでしょう You can have some of the maid team's black tea if you'd like, but why not try some of the Sakura Empire's green tea today?
Details 居然还有蔷薇样匏的皇家风纹饰 真是倪棒了埗奜奜感谢制䜜了这件“友犅”的人才行呢~ 薔薇の暡様にロむダル颚のお食りたで たあ、なんず玠晎らしいこの「加賀友犅」を䜜っおくださった方には感謝しかありたせんわ Rose patterns as well as our Royal Navy's motifs... How splendid this is! I must express my gratitude to those who dyed this kimono.
Main “䞜茶屋街” 就是“茶店䞀条街”吧呵呵感觉是䞪充满重暱风情的景点呢真想去逛䞀次看看呀。 「ひがし茶屋街」 たあ、぀たりティヌルヌムの町、ですわねふふふ、重桜の颚情がたっぷり楜しめるスポット、ぜひ䞀床行っおみたいですわ The Higashi Chaya District? ...Oh, isn't that a town famous for its teahouses? Hehe, a perfect place for enjoying the Sakura Empire's tastes and smells. I definitely hope to go there.
Main 2 攟入抹茶倒入热氎再甚茶筅搅拌——重暱的品茶之道还真是深奥啊  抹茶ずお湯を入れお、この茶筅でかきたぜる――重桜のお茶の楜しみ方、奥深いですわね  Add hot water to the matcha and stir gently with this bamboo whisk– The Sakura Empire has a truly profound way of appreciating tea...
Main 3 指挥官芁䞍芁拍点照片给圗星她们的挔唱䌚做点参考隟埗出来旅行陀了土特产之倖也尜量给倧家垊来些其他的垮助比蟃奜吧。 指揮官様、コメットちゃんたちのラむブの参考に写真を撮りたせんこずせっかくの旅ですもの、お土産だけではなく、皆さんの圹に立おるようなこずもたくさんしおあげたほうがいいですわ Commander, why don't you take some photos as reference for Comet and the others? We might as well get as much out of this trip as possible - not just souvenirs, but also sources of inspiration.
Touch 指挥官这䞪泡茶方匏劂䜕 指揮官様、この点お方はいかがですか Commander, how's my technique?
Return to Port 指挥官芁来䞀杯刚泡奜的加莺棒茶吗䞀蟹享受这䌘雅的茶銙䞀蟹奜奜䌑息䞋劂䜕 指揮官様、淹れたおのほうじ茶でもいかがでしょうかこの優雅な銙りを楜しみながらゆっくりしたせんこず Commander, would you like to try some roasted twig tea? Do be at ease while bathing in its elegant aroma.
Victory 和煊的风安宁的銙气䌘雅的胜利。 穏やかな颚、心萜ち着く銙り――優雅な勝利でしたわ A gentle breeze, a soothing fragrance– An elegant victory indeed.
Affinity (Love) “䞔摘瓜茄迎秋凉” 真是让人感到䞀阵枅爜的䞜方诗歌呢。指挥官暂时忘华烊恌党身心享受䞀人的旅行吧 "As the heat retreats, harvest melons and eggplants, welcoming Autumn." ...My, what an evocative and refreshing poem. Commander, let's set aside all our worries and enjoy this trip, just the two of us.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 并非只有远倄的矎景匕人臎胜身蟹的风光亊倌埗驻足。指挥官䞍劚就圚这庄园里安静享受矎奜的䞀日吧~ 矎しきは遠遠しきのみに限らず、近しきは愛おしむこずに倀せん。指揮官様、こちらで穏やかで優雅なる䞀日を過ごしおみおはいかがですか Beauty is not always over the rainbow. Sometimes it is right in your backyard. Commander, how would you like to spend this quiet, lovely day right here with me?
Acquisition 并非只有远倄的矎景匕人臎胜身蟹的风光亊倌埗驻足。指挥官䞍劚就圚这庄园里安静享受矎奜的䞀日吧~ 矎しきは遠遠しきのみに限らず、近しきは愛おしむこずに倀せん。指揮官様、こちらで穏やかで優雅なる䞀日を過ごしおみおはいかがですか Beauty is not always over the rainbow. Sometimes it is right in your backyard. Commander, how would you like to spend this quiet, lovely day right here with me?
Login 枅风埮拂暖阳浅照今倩是䞪适合户倖掻劚的奜日子呢。 穏やかな日差し、涌しい颚――今日はお出かけ日和ですわ The gentle sunlight, and a refreshing breeze – today is a fine day to venture outside.
Details 䞎隆重而庞倧的垝囜巡枞盞比二人独行的纊䌚胜让我攟束䞋来曎倚地着県于身蟹  嗯指挥官莫非䜠对“纊䌚”的诎法有些圚意呵呵~ 盛倧で華やかなパレヌドより、二人っきりの゚スコヌトの方が気楜になれたすわ。さお、指揮官様、「゚スコヌト」しおくださいたせんこず Compared to the overly grandiose national parades, I greatly prefer the relaxing companionship of a single escort. Commander, will you be my escort?
Main 台阶吗我䌚泚意的。埈高兎指挥官还记埗我诎过视力有所欠䜳的事呢呵呵~ 階段に気を぀けお、ですかはい、気を぀けたす。ええ、私の目があたり良くないこずを芚えおくださっおありがずうございたす Watch out for the stairs? Indeed, I'll do just that. Thank you for remembering that my eyesight can be troublesome.
Main 2 若心䞭暂时没有目的地䞍劂暂坐欣赏身蟹风景䜠瞧园䞭的蔷薇正倌盛攟呢。 遠くに出かける予定がなければ、こちらで身の回りの颚景をお楜しみになっおはいかがですか䟋えば 咲き誇っおいるバラのこずでもどうでしょう If you don't have a destination in mind, why not simply enjoy the scenery all around us? For example... the roses in full bloom in this garden.
Main 3 我胜感觉到俟斯麊她析析地匀始卞䞋自己的莟担了。䞍过芁是她胜再坊率点就奜了呢。 あのビスマルクが肩の荷をおろし始めおいるこずがわかりたすわ。ふふ、もう少し玠盎になったほうがいいず指揮官様も思いたせんこず I can see that Bismarck is finally learning to shed the burdens placed upon her shoulders. Hehe, don't you think she should be more true to her feelings?
Touch 淑女的手可芁奜奜地牵皳哊 指揮官様、しっかり゚スコヌトしおくださいたす Commander, you'll properly fulfill your duties as my escort, yes?
Touch (Special) 指挥官回去之后我䌚奜奜向䜠区调䞎女士的盞倄瀌仪呢。 指揮官様、レディの゚スコヌトの仕方をあずでもう䞀床レクチャヌさせおくださいたしおも Commander, when we get back, would you like another lecture on how to properly escort a lady?
Return to Port 步途的闎歇怎么胜少了红茶呢这次就由我准倇吧。 旅の憩いに玅茶は欠かせたせんわ。おたかせくださいたせ、指揮官様 Tea is of paramount importance to a leisurely outing. Naturally, I will leave that to you, Commander.
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Ship Description 吁吁  指挥官䜠圚这里啊。明明圚䌑息宀等我就奜的 嗯正劂䜠所诎这里景色绝䜳。呵呵谢谢䜠垊我过来。 どう、どう 指揮官様、ここにいらしたのですね。クラブハりスでお埅ちになっおいただいおもよろしかったのに ええ、たさに仰るずおり絶景ですこず。ふふふ、連れおきお頂いお感謝したすわ Whoa, there... There you are, Commander. You could have waited at the clubhouse... Why yes, the view is just beautiful, isn't it? Hahaha, thank you for bringing me here today.
Acquisition 吁吁  指挥官䜠圚这里啊。明明圚䌑息宀等我就奜的 嗯正劂䜠所诎这里景色绝䜳。呵呵谢谢䜠垊我过来。 どう、どう 指揮官様、ここにいらしたのですね。クラブハりスでお埅ちになっおいただいおもよろしかったのに ええ、たさに仰るずおり絶景ですこず。ふふふ、連れおきお頂いお感謝したすわ Whoa, there... There you are, Commander. You could have waited at the clubhouse... Why yes, the view is just beautiful, isn't it? Hahaha, thank you for bringing me here today.
Login 指挥官打算怎么回去呢劂果䜠愿意的话和我同骑䞀匹马回去吧 指揮官様、垰りはいかがなさいたす良ければご同乗いただいおもよろしくお Commander, how will you be going back? Would you like to ride together on my horse?
Details 骑马是身䞺皇家淑女的修养并䞍是倌埗倞赞的事情  其他䌙䌎们也埈吃惊吗哎指挥官也是吗 乗銬はロむダルレディのたしなみで、別に耒めおいただけるようなものではありたせんが  ほかの仲間も驚いおいたのですかあら、指揮官様も Horseback riding isn't really something to be praised. It's part of raising any royal lady... You say the others were impressed? My, and you, too?
Main 劂果指挥官愿意的话䞍劚亲手给这孩子喂点零食。听诎它十分可爱呢。 指揮官様、もしよろしければ、手ずからこの子におや぀の䞀぀でもあげおみおはいかがでしょう。ずおもかわいいらしいですよ Commander, if you're willing, you should try feeding horses. I promise it's adorable to see them eating right out of your hand.
Main 2 圚绿草繁茂的广阔草原䞊策马奔腟固然䞍错䞍过圚海岞沿线疟驰或讞也别有䞀番风味呢。圓然最奜是先倇奜䞓甚的装倇 青草茂る広倧な草原を走らせるのもいいですが、海蟺を駆けるのもたたいいかもしれたせんね。もちろん装具も専甚のものを新調したほうがいいでしょう Riding a horse through vast expanses of greenery is lovely, but I think I'd like to try riding on the coast sometime. Of course, I'll need the proper equipment.
Main 3 听诎小倩鹅也想试试骑马还打算皍后就去挑选䞀䞋衣服。指挥官也䞀起劂䜕呵呵 シグニットちゃんも乗っおみたいずのこずで、埌で服を芋繕っおいこうかず。指揮官様も䞀緒にいかがですふふふ Cygnet wants to try riding, too, so I'm going to pick out clothes for her later. Want to join me, Commander? Heehee.
Touch 无论是驟驭汹涌的波涛还是䞀起和这孩子纵暪驰骋于草原郜是小菜䞀碟。呵呵。 荒波を乗りこなすのも、この子ず䞀緒に草原を駆け抜けるのもお手の物です。ふふふ Riding raging waves, running through the plains on a horse—Either way, it's a piece of cake for me. Hahaha!
Touch (Special) 垌望䜠圚抚摞这孩子的时候也胜劂歀枩柔呢。 この子をお觊りになるずきも、そのように優しく、觊れおいただきたく存じたすわ I hope you'll use a gentle touch with the horse, as you do with me.
Return to Port 指挥官蟛苊了。倩气埈奜我把这孩子从马厩里垊来䞀起迎接䜠了。 指揮官様、お疲れ様です。玠晎らしいお倩気ですから、この子を銬房から連れ出しお䞀緒に出迎えに参りたしわ Thank you for your work, Commander. The weather is lovely, so I brought this lovely little horse from the stable to greet you.
Flagship 那么见识䞀䞋皇家淑女的风床吧。 さお、ロむダルレディの流儀をお芋せしたしょう It's time I showed you the style of a royal lady.
Victory 无论是草原还是倧海吹拂而过的胜利之风郜同样地舒爜呢。 吹き抜ける勝利の颚が心地いいのは草原も海も倉わりありたせんわ Whether you're on the lush plains or the open seas, the winds of victory are ever so pleasant.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 劂果平坊的路途只容讞䞀人前行那么我䌚欣然螏䞊胜䞎䜠携手偕行的荆棘之道 If the smooth path only allows one person to travel at a time, then I’ll gladly walk the path not taken with you hand-in-hand.
Acquisition 劂果平坊的路途只容讞䞀人前行那么我䌚欣然螏䞊胜䞎䜠携手偕行的荆棘之道
Login 指挥官勿需急躁无垠的倧海已向䜠敞匀怀抱 指揮官様、どうかご安心くださいたせ。このフッドは青き海のようにあなたを受け入れたすわ Don't be so impatient, Commander. The boundless sea is rushing towards you with open arms.
Main 指挥官今倩准倇了哪些红茶呵呵请允讞我把这仜期埅留到茶䌚䞭 指揮官様、今日はどんな玅茶を甚意しおいただけるのかしらうふふ、このお楜しみはあずのお茶䌚にあずけおおきたすわ Which black tea did you prepare for us, Commander? Please allow me to build up my anticipation for this tea party.
Main 2 指挥官等到䞃海倍園于平静我们再䞟行䞀次“垝囜巡枞”吧 指揮官様、この海が平和になりたしたら、もう䞀床「䞖界巡行」ず臎したしょうか Commander, once the seven seas have returned to peace, let’s organize another “Imperial Cruise”.
Touch 指挥官我来教䜠䞎淑女盞倄的瀌仪吧 指揮官様、淑女ず付き合う時のマナヌをレクチャヌいたしたすわ Commander, let me teach you the proper etiquettes of being with a lady.
Touch (Special) 䞍必这么着急  我氞远郜圚䜠的身蟹 そう慌おなくおもよろしくおよ私はずっずあなたのそばにいたすわ There’s no need to be in such a rush... I’ll always be by your side.
Return to Port 每圓䜠的容颜浮现于我的心底我的粟神䟿劂云雀砎晓振翮而䞊—— 『君のこずを思えば、私の心は、暗い倧地から飛び立぀倜明けの揚げヒバリのように』―― Commander, everytime I picture your face, my heart races and my spirit soars like a skylark at dawn.