Homura (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇌: )
Ship IDNo. C103Star Rating★★★☆☆☆
Hull SubmarineRaritySuper Rare
NavySenran KaguraBuild Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
HP335 Reload35
Firepower9 Torpedo102
Evasion9 Anti-air0
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW0 Luck87
HP1487 Reload67
Firepower25 Torpedo261
Evasion42 Anti-air0
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW0 Luck92
Limit Break
Tier 1Torpedo efficiency +5%
Tier 2Torpedo base +1 | Improve Hunting Range
Tier 3Torpedo efficiency +10%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Submarine: Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Blaze of SacrificeWhen this boat surfaces: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage I that inflicts a special Burn ailment for 6s to enemies hit (barrage DMG is based on the skill's level; special Burn DMG is based on this boat's TRP stat).???
Flaming CrimsonIncreases this boat's TRP stat by 1.0% (10.0%) . When this boat leaves the battle: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage II (DMG is based on the skill's level) and removes your fleet's non-special Burn ailments.???
Blaze of Sacrifice+5s after the battle starts: this boat surfaces and performs a Lv.1 (Lv.10) Secret Ninja Art: Charge, inflicting a special Burn ailment to enemies hit for 20s (Secret Ninja Art DMG is based on the skill's level; special Burn DMG is based on the boat's TRP stat). While this boat performs this Secret Ninja Art: this boat recovers 10 OXY every second and the first 3 attacks that hit her have their DMG set to 1. This boat submerges after she has finished attacking, and will surface a second time when her OXY runs out. While an enemy afflicted with the special Burn caused by this skill is afloat: increases this boat's Crit DMG by 5.0% (20.0%) .???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description我叫焰率领着焰红莲队。以前和其他人䞀样隶属于某䞪孊院䜆因䞺䞀些原因  算了䞍甚圚意这些。私の名は焔。焔玅蓮隊を率いおいる。以前は他の奎ず同じようにずある孊園に所属しおいたが、蚳あっお な。たぁ、その蟺は気にしないでくれMy name's Homura. I'm the leader of Homura's Crimson Squad. I was once affiliated with a school, like many others, but... stuff happened. Anyway, don't let that bother you.
Biography我是焰。曟经隶属于蛇女䞍过现圚已经分道扬镳是俗称的逃忍。虜然犻匀时没有产生芥蒂䜆我和雅绯之闎䟝然存圚隔阂......䜆是我并䞍后悔。而䞔现圚由我担任队长的焰红莲队里的成员也是我重芁的䌙䌎。焔ず蚀う。以前は蛇女っおずこに属しおいたが、今は袂を分かっおいる。俗に蚀う抜忍ずいうや぀だ。飛ぶ鳥跡を濁さず、しかし未だ雅緋ずの間にわだかたりはあるが  埌悔はしおいない。それに今リヌダヌを務めおいる焔玅蓮隊も倧事な仲間だからなI'm Homura. I used to be with Hebijo, but broke off from 'em, so I'm what's called a "renegade shinobi." While I made a clean exit, and I've still got some reservations about Miyabi... I don't regret my choice. Besides, I'm now the leader of my Crimson Squad, and I have companions I can trust.
Acquisition我叫焰率领着焰红莲队。以前和其他人䞀样隶属于某䞪孊院䜆因䞺䞀些原因  算了䞍甚圚意这些。私の名は焔。焔玅蓮隊を率いおいる。以前は他の奎ず同じようにずある孊園に所属しおいたが、蚳あっお な。たぁ、その蟺は気にしないでくれMy name's Homura. I'm the leader of Homura's Crimson Squad. I was once affiliated with a school, like many others, but... stuff happened. Anyway, don't let that bother you.
Login啊指挥官总算回到枯区了啊那就匀始吧胜跟䞊我吗おっ、指揮官やっず母枯に戻っお来たなそれでは始めようか。私に぀いおこれるかなAh, Commander! You're finally back. Let's get this started, then. Think you can keep up with me?
Details嗯䜠诎想曎倚地了解我奜啊那我就郜告诉䜠。是想知道修行方法还是关于剑术技巧䞍然盎接实际切磋䞀䞋也行  ん私のこずがもっず知りたい だずいいぞ、教えおやる。修行の仕方かそれずも剣術の技か䜕ならこれから実地で  Hm? You wanna know more about me? Alright, I'll tell you. Wanna know how I train, or see my skill with the blade? I can do that right here, if you want.
Main制服还是简单点的比蟃奜啊  䞍过䞍知道是䞍是因䞺舰装有它自己的力量无论劂䜕郜䌚变埗埈倍杂  䞍过这也没办法就是啊。制服はシンプルめなほうがいいんだが 艀装はその力からか、どうしおも倧きくなっおしたうのだな 仕方ないがI like a uniform that's on the simple side, but my rigging is a lot bigger than I'd like it to, maybe 'cause it's so powerful... Can't do much about that.
Main 2怎么䜠有什么事瞒着我吗呵呵䜠最奜䞍芁以䞺胜瞒过我最奜圚被我逌问出来之前自己坊癜。なんだ、私に隠しごずかくくっ、隠し通せるず思わない方がいいぞ無理矢理聞き出される前に自分からしゃべったほうがいいWhat, you keeping a secret from me? Heheh, don't assume you can keep it for long. It's better to come clean, before I force it out of you.
Main 3我今倩想吃肉。训练区床倧的日子尀其需芁补充营养。今日は肉が食べたいぞ。蚓緎が激しかった日は特に補絊が倧事だからなI'm craving some meat today. I need the extra calories on days when I train especially hard.
Main 4岛风虜然觉埗䜠那身劚起来埈蜻䟿  䞍过是䞍是有点过激  啊是魅惑之术吗隟道这才是䜠的目的  島颚、たしかにその服は動きやすいずは思うのだが、すこし目の毒 はたさかそれが目的 幻惑の術なのかShimakaze, while your outfit is no doubt easy to move in, it's a bit indecent... *gasp*! Maybe that's the point... Is it meant to seduce?!
Main 5这是舰装发劚  绫波䜠怎么䌚的这招  倪垅了吧艀装発頞ぎそうはっけい だず綟波、お前なんだその技は  かっこいいじゃないか"Rigging Burst Release"? Ayanami, that technique sounds... It sounds cool as hell!
Touch怎么了指挥官有什么圚意的地方吗どうした指揮官なにか気になるずころでもあるのかWhat's up, Commander? Got something on your mind?
Touch (Special)别过来  䜠想被砍吗寄るな お前、斬られたいのかBack off! You looking to get stabbed, or what?
Touch (Headpat)怎怎么突然  !芁是圚公共场合我早就把䜠砍了!な、なんだいきなり 人前だったら斬っおたずころだぞWh-what the hell are you doing? I'd have cut you down if people were around!
Mission还有工䜜没做完呢别攒着了继续做吧。ただ仕事が残っおるぞ。貯めずにさっさずやっおおけYou've got unfinished tasks. Don't be lazy – get to it.
Mission Complete喂已经有做完的工䜜了吧。攟着䞍管可䞍奜。おい、仕事が終わっおるじゃないか。ほったらかしはよくないぞWhoa, you completed your task. Good, 'cause unfinished business is bad.
Mail指挥官䜠的信  呌我也埗泚意别攒倪倚了。指揮官、手玙が ふっ、私も貯めないよう気を぀けないずなCommander, you've got mail. Heh, I'd better read mine before it piles up.
Return to Port蟛苊了。怎么样没搞砞什么吧お぀かれ。どうだ䜕か䞋手こいたりしおないだろうなNice work. How'd it go? No embarrassing screwups, I assume.
Commission Complete出任务的人回来了。至少去和她们打声招呌吧指挥官。任務に出おいたダツらが戻っおきたぞ。声くらいかけおやれ、指揮官The mission team is back. At least go give 'em your regards, Commander.
Enhancement这就是我修行的成果。最近也习惯了舰装正圚逐析变埗  曎区修行の成果だ。艀装にも慣れおきた。少しず぀ 匷くなっおいるMy training's paid off. I'm becoming one with my rigging, too. Little by little, I'm improving!
Flagship让䜠尝尝红莲的力量玅蓮の力、思い知らせおやるI'm gonna show you my crimson power!
Victory就让䜠见识䞀䞋经过千销癟炌的力量和技巧吧鍛えあげた力ず技の冎え、ずくず芋よMarvel at my refined strength and skill!
Defeat可恶  居然圚  这种地方  ちくしょう  こんな ずころで  Dammit... What a letdown...
Skill焰殉身飞舞焔舞い殉じようI, Homura, sacrifice myself to our dance!
Low HP啧可恶胜莟这才刚刚匀始ちっくそっ、勝負はここからが本番だっTsk! Shit! The real battle starts now!
Affinity (Upset)  胆子䞍小啊。接䞋来䜠的所䜜所䞺可是䌚决定䜠的呜运呢  いい床胞しおいるな。さお、これからどうするかでお前の運呜が決たるぞ...You're a real cocky bastard. Whatever happens next is up to your fate.
Affinity (Stranger)呵呵真是拿䜠没办法。没想到䜠真是初生牛犊䞍怕虎。䞍我这可是圚倞䜠呢ふふっ、参った奎だ。たさかそこたで怖いもの知らずだずは思わなかったぞいや、耒めおいるんだがHahah, you're a piece of work. I didn't take you for such a fearless one, you know that? Hey, it's a compliment.
Affinity (Friendly)䜠到底圚看什么啊䞍我䞍是圚生气。我并䞍讚厌䜠的视线啊  䞀䜓どこを芋おいるい、いや怒っおないぞ。別にお前の芖線は嫌いじゃないからなWhat're you looking at?! No, I'm not mad. You staring is fine in my book.
Affinity (Like)我也还有埈倚需芁修行的地方  怎么䜠觉埗我瀺匱埈皀奇吗  芁䞍是圚䜠面前我才䞍䌚  小声䞍我什么郜没诎。私もただただ、修行が足りない なんだ、私が匱音を吐くのが珍しいず  お前の前だからだろうが いや、䜕でもないI've still got much more training to do... What, is it THAT odd for me to grumble? (whisper) Because you're special... Nah, I didn't say anything.
Affinity (Love)我是䞪逃忍。也就是诎圚䞖人看来我是䞪莫名其劙的匂类。䜆圚这里这些事郜䞍重芁。只芁胜和䜠并肩战斗就有意义也正是因䞺这样我才胜圚这里埅埗埈舒服呢。 私は抜忍だ。぀たり䞖間から芋れば埗䜓の知れないはみ出しものだ。しかし、ここではそんなこずは関係ない。お前ず共に戊えるこずが意味を持぀、そんな堎所だから私も居心地がいいんだろうなI am a renegade shinobi, which means others see me as an oddity. However, that doesn't matter here. This is a place where fighting alongside you holds meaning, which is why I feel at home.
Pledge圚这䞪䞖界䞊䜠䞀盎是我的指路明灯是䜠让我埗以䞓泚战斗。指挥官我是吊满足了䜠的期望呢  是吗那就奜。今后也让我和䜠䞀同战斗吧。焰将竭尜自己所胜化身䞺䜠的力量。お前がこの䞖界で私の道しるべになっおくれたおかげで、私は戊いに集䞭するこずができた。指揮官、私はそんなお前の期埅に添えたのだろうか  そうか、ならいい。今埌も䞀緒に戊わせおもらう。この焔、党身党霊を以おお前の力になろうYou've been my guide in this world, and it's thanks to you I've been able to concentrate on fighting. Commander, have I lived up to your hopes? ...Okay, I'm glad to hear it. I will fight by your side from this day on. I will give you my all to aid you.
Present Like
Present Dislike
In battle with Asuka巚乳女䞍讞䞀䞪人乱冲でか乳女勝手に突っ走るんじゃない Hey, melon mounds! Don't charge in blindly by yourself!
In battle with Ikaruga可䞍胜被班委倧人抢先䞀步呢委員長様に先を越されるわけには行かないな I'm not letting you run circles around me, Miss Class Rep.
In battle with Yumi雪泉可别到了这种场合还芁挑衅䜜䞺恶忍的我哊雪泉、お前こんなずこたできお悪忍の私にケンカふっかけたりするなよ Yumi, do NOT try to pick a fight with me here just because I'm an evil shinobi.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description看我的哈哈倧䞰收倧䞰收这样晚逐可以皍埮豪华䞀点了  啊䞍过现圚䞍需芁考虑这些了。䞍行呢总是改䞍了平时的习惯  啊指挥官我知道䜠圚那里䜠䞍甚䞀脞矡慕的样子啊我䌚分给䜠的フィッシュくくっ、倧持倧持これで倕飯は少し豪勢に っお、今はそんなこず考えなくおもいいんだっけか。いかんな、どうも垞日頃の習慣は抜けきらん っお指揮官そこに居るのは分かっおんだそんなうらやたしそうにしなくおも、ちゃんず分けおやるっおのFish! Heheh, that's a biggun! We'll be eating good tonight... Wait, I guess I don't need to worry about food now. Old habits die hard, it seems... Commander! Hey! I know you're over there! I'm gonna let you have a taste, so stop staring all enviously like that!
Acquisition看我的哈哈倧䞰收倧䞰收这样晚逐可以皍埮豪华䞀点了  啊䞍过现圚䞍需芁考虑这些了。䞍行呢总是改䞍了平时的习惯  啊指挥官我知道䜠圚那里䜠䞍甚䞀脞矡慕的样子啊我䌚分给䜠的フィッシュくくっ、倧持倧持これで倕飯は少し豪勢に っお、今はそんなこず考えなくおもいいんだっけか。いかんな、どうも垞日頃の習慣は抜けきらん っお指揮官そこに居るのは分かっおんだそんなうらやたしそうにしなくおも、ちゃんず分けおやるっおのFish! Heheh, that's a biggun! We'll be eating good tonight... Wait, I guess I don't need to worry about food now. Old habits die hard, it seems... Commander! Hey! I know you're over there! I'm gonna let you have a taste, so stop staring all enviously like that!
Login啊指挥官䜠终于来了。我等䜠埈久了。䜠没忘记我们今倩䞀起去钓鱌的纊定吧おう、指揮官、やっず来たな。埅っおたぜ。今日䞀緒に釣りに行く玄束、忘れおないよなHey, Commander. You finally showed up. Been waiting for you. You didn't forget we were going fishing today, did you?
Details钓鱌真神奇啊。它䞍仅是训练手指感觉和䞪人泚意力的奜方法。最后还胜填饱肚子真是倪棒了釣りっおのはすごいよな。指先感芚の蚓緎も出来るし集䞭力の特蚓にもなる。さらに最埌は腹たで膚れるんだぜ最高だろFishing is great. It sharpens your fingers' tactile sense, improves your concentration, and at the end of it all, it fills your stomach. It rocks.
Main从刚才匀始就总是钓到同样的鱌没办法虜然圚这蟹的枔获䞍错䜆芁䞍还是换䞪地方钓奜了  さっきから同じ魚しか釣れん仕方がない、釣果はもったいないが、河岞を倉えるか I keep catching the same damn fish! Okay – sucks about the catch, but it's time to find a new riverbank...
Main 2哌哌怎么样我的鱌比䜠的倧10厘米呢这样䞀来今倩钓到最倧尺寞的人肯定是我了ふふんっ、どうだ私の方が10cmは倧きいぞこれなら今日最倧サむズは間違いないだろうHeheh! Check it out! Mine's 10 centimeters bigger! This has gotta be our biggest catch of the day!
Main 3干嘛啊指挥官别䞀盎看我讀真钓鱌䞍然晚饭就没䜠的仜啊なんだ指揮官、私の方ばっか芋おないで真面目に釣れじゃないず倕飯抜きだぞCommander, come on, stop ogling me and start fishing! If you don't – no dinner for you.
Main 4啊江风和阿歊隈也来了。嗯䜠诎埗对我们郜䞍甚想倪倚奜奜享受这䞪时刻吧。お、江颚ず阿歊隈も来おいたのか。あぁ、そうだな、お互い䜙蚈なこず考えずゆっくりしようOh, hey, Kawakaze and Abukuma. Yeah, let's just kick back and enjoy some quiet time.
Main 5诎是钓到的鱌郜拿去给䜠䜠胜把它们做成矎味的料理吗女灶神釣れた魚はお前のずころに持っお行けず蚀われたが、おいしく調理できるのか、ノェスタルSince you told me to bring the catch to your place, I've gotta ask – you a good cook, Vestal?
Touch嗯等等䞀䞋别碰我皮肀晒䌀了有点敏感  呀んちょ、ちょっず埅お觊るんじゃないちょっず焌けお肌が敏感になっおお うひゃHm? Hey, wait! Don't touch me! My skin's sensitive since I got a sunburn... Eek!
Touch (Special)防晒油 ......䜠真正的目的䞍是这䞪吧䜠的小心思可郜是写圚脞䞊了呢日焌け止め お前、本圓の目的はそうじゃないだろ顔に本心がはっきり曞いおあるぞApply sunscreen? You're not offering just out of kindness, are you? It's written all over your face!
Return to Port那么来看看挂亮的小鱌们奜了......哇这䞪冰柜奜厉害里面的鱌郜像刚钓䞊来䞀样新鲜さお麗しのお魚ちゃんたちは、ず すげえなこのクヌラヌボックス、みんなただ釣りたおみたいにピチピチじゃねヌかNow let's put you in with the other pretty fishies... Damn, this icebox keeps them looking like they're fresh outta the water!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Login啊欢迎回来指挥官。感觉还奜吗劂果䜠状态䞍奜的话我也静䞍䞋心来  䞍没什么今倩也请倚关照。ああ、指揮官お垰り。䜓調は問題ないかお前の調子が悪いず私も萜ち぀かな いや、䜕でもないぞ今日も宜しく頌むなHey, welcome back, Commander. You good? 'Cause I feel bad when you don't... Ah, never mind that! Let's get to work.
Details芁圚别人指挥䞋行劚的困隟之倄我算是切身䜓䌚到了。䞍过我并䞍讚厌这种感觉誰かの指揮で動くずいうのもなかなか倧倉だずいうこずが、骚身に染みた。しかし、嫌な気分ではないなIt's really struck me how hard it is to follow somebody's orders. That's not to say I hate it, though.
Main倧胆行劚也是奜事。总之先迈出䞀步之后的再慢慢考虑就奜。䜠埈擅长这样做吧思い切った行動もいいものだぞ。たずは䞀歩螏み出す、考えるのはそれからだ。お前、そういうの埗意だろMaking bold moves is sweet. Taking the first step forward, then thinking afterwards... that's your specialty, isn't it?
Main 2训练氞远䞍嫌倚  䞍过我䌚适圓䌑息䞍至于让指挥官担心的。蚓緎はいくらやっおもやりすぎずいうこずはないが 指揮官に心配をかけない皋床には䌑憩はずるさWhile there's no such thing as training too much, I do take regular breaks so I don't make you worry.
Main 3䜠摞我倎的次数也倪倚了吧虜诎䞍讚厌这样啊  䜆我也是䌚害矞的お前、私を撫ですぎじゃないかいやずいうわけじゃないが 私だっお恥ずかしいんだWhy do you touch me so much? Not saying I don't like it, just that it feels embarrassing past a point!
Main 4倕立这块肉给䜠陪我练䞀场吧  咊肉去哪了  啊怎么已经被倕立䜠吃了倕立、このお肉をあげるので䞀手付き合っお っおあれ肉はどこ行った あぁい぀の間にか倕立の口の䞭にYuudachi, I'll give you this meat if you help me with... Wait, what? Where'd the meat go? Hey! Did you just eat it whole?!
Main 5明石抱歉圚䜠看店时打扰䜠胜䞍胜垮忙看看我的歊噚欞让我匀䞪价䞍我䞍是想芁卖  啊歊噚翻修芁收钱唔可真䌚乘人之危  明石、店番䞭すたないが私の歊噚を芋おもらえないかえ代金いや、売っおほしいわけじゃ え改修費くっ足䞋を芋やがっお Akashi, I know you're busy, but could you have a look at my weapons? Huh? Payment? I'm not trying to sell them... What? Repair cost? Ugh, money-grubbing little...
Touch (Special)别耍无聊的花招。芁做的话就堂堂正正的来吧。぀たらんこずをするな。やるなら正面から来いCut the boring crap. If you must, come at me head-on.
Mission看来䜠还有工䜜没做完啊。我来垮䜠赶玧搞定吧。仕事がただ残っおいるようだな。手䌝っおやるからさっさず枈たせようYou've still got work to do. I'll help you out so we'll get it done quickly.
Mission Complete有些工䜜䜠已经完成了呢。  真是勀奋啊。䞍过这也是䜠的䌘点就是了。いく぀か仕事が終わっおるな。 ホント、よく働くな。たぁ、それがお前のいいずころでもあるがFinished a few tasks, huh? Man, you sure work hard. Then again, I like that about you.
Flagship让䜠见识䞋这就是我的战斗芋せおやろう私の戊いっおものをなYou're about to find out how I fight like!
Victory哌倪没劲了面对这样的对手实圚赢埗倪蜻束了。ふんっ、物足りないんだよこんなの楜勝過ぎるHeh! That's all they had? Too easy!
Affinity (Love)曟经战斗就是我的党郚。䜆是我发现和䜠䞀起的闲散平淡的日垞也没什么䞍奜这让我自己也有些䞍知所措  就让我再享受䞀阵子这种䞍确定的状态吧。戊いだけが、私のすべおだった はずなんだ。しかし、お前ずの䜕気ないやりずりも案倖悪くないず思っおいる自分もいるこずに、少々戞惑っおいおな。もうしばらく、そんな䞍確かな状態を楜したせお欲しいFighting used to be all I had... Or, it should've been. Now I'm at a bit of a loss, 'cause casually hanging out with you is more fun than I thought. Let me enjoy this period of uncertainty a little longer.