Hindenburg (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇌: )
Ship ID No. P031 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Heavy Cruiser Rarity Decisive
Navy Ironblood Build Time N/A
Acquisition Research and Development
Enhance Income
Firepower 0
Torpedo 0
Aviation 0
Reload 0
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
Hindenburg Description
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Level 5
Level 10
Level 15
Level 20
Level 25
Level 30
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 %/%/%/%/%/%/% ////// //////
2 %/%/%/%/%/%/% ////// //////
3 %/%/%/%/%/%/% ////// //////
4 Auxilary - - -
5 Auxilary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Heavy Cruiser: Hindenburg-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
The Most Dangerous Game Increases this ship's FP by 5.0% and EVA and ACC by 5.0% (15.0%). One of the following two effects apply based on what type of weapon this ship has equipped in her third weapon slot: 1): Main Gun: increases this ship's FP by 1.0% (10.0%) and DMG dealt by 5.0%. Shells fired from this ship's Main Guns ignore enemy shields. 2): AA Gun: increases this ship's EVA by 1.0% (10.0%) and decreases her DMG taken by 8.0%. When the battle starts, and every 30s: deploys 2 shields (last 15s; can each block up to 8 shells).
Doombringer's Euphoria 3s after the battle starts, and every 15s after that: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage that inflicts the Hunted debuff to enemies hit (DMG is based on the skill's level). Every 5s, if there are enemies with the Hunted debuff on the battlefield: performs a special attack.
Siren Killer Ⅰ Increases this ship's DMG to Sirens by 5.0%.
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault I: Hindenburg once every 12 times the Main Guns are fired.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 重巡掋舰—兎登堡 重巡掋艊――ヒンデンブルク Heavy cruiser – Hindenburg.
Biography 铁血巡掋舰兎登堡。䌌乎像我这样的舰船被称䞺“特别计划舰”无所谓。向我证明䜠的胜力填充我无聊的时光我自䌚遵守䞎䜠的契纊。 鉄血巡掋艊ヒンデンブルク。どうやら私のような艊船は「特別蚈画艊」ずでも呌称されおいるようだが 党くどうでもいいこずだわ。力を蚌明しお、退屈させないでいおくれる限り、あなたずの契玄を守っおあげるわ I am Iron Blood cruiser Hindenburg. Shipgirls such as I are apparently known as "blueprint ships"... a title I couldn't care less about. As long as you prove your might and don't bore me, I will obey the contract we've made.
Acquisition 将我召唀至歀的就是䜠凡人䜠就是我的指挥官么  行吧我就姑䞔承讀这仜“指挥官和舰船”的契纊奜了。 私を呌び出したのはあなた人間であるあなたが私の「指揮官」  いいわ。「艊船ず指揮官」の契玄を䞀旊認めよう Was it you who summoned me? You, a human, are my "Commander"? Very well. I'll temporarily allow this contract between shipgirl and human.
Login 契纊者啊䞺日垞奔波就是䜠选择的呜运么 日垞のために奔走し続ける 契玄者、これがあなたが遞んだ運呜 Forever toiling away for the sake of peace... Contract Binder, is this the fate you chose?
Details 尟巎翅膀这些就劂歀倌埗关泚么。有时候真是搞䞍懂䜠契纊者。 翌尻尟そんなに気を匕くようなものか契玄者、あなたの心象は時々解せないものね My wings? My tail? Do they really enthrall you that much? The inner workings of your mind elude me sometimes, Contract Binder.
Main 契纊者䜠䞎其它舰船又是靠什么绎系的信任亀易  原来劂歀有点意思。 時に契玄者、あなたずほかの艊船を぀なぎずめるのは信頌取匕  そう。面癜そうね Incidentally, what binds you and other shipgirls together? Is it trust? Money? ...Well, that's interesting.
Main 2 无聊的时光总是充斥着生掻。契纊者劂果䜠䞍胜想办法猓解我的乏闷我就只胜从䜠身䞊寻乐了。 日垞は退屈に満ちあふれおいる。契玄者、玛らわせおくれないなら、あなたのその䜓を䜿わせおもらうわ Life here is so staggeringly boring. Contract Binder, relieve my boredom or I'll do it myself with your body.
Main 3 䜠诎想喝点什么哌我并䞍讚厌别人投我所奜。来点咖啡吧䞍芁倪苊的。 飲みたいものはないかっお気を䜿われるのは嫌いじゃないわ。 コヌヒヌよ。あたり苊すぎないや぀ね Get me something to drink? How considerate of you to ask. I'll have coffee. Not too bitter, thanks.
Touch 趁我还对䜠芁诎什么感兎趣前把话讲枅楚。 話しなさい。あなたぞの興味がどこかに倱せないうちに Speak now, before my interest in you goes away.
Touch (Special) 该让䜠长点记性了啊契纊者。 そろそろ教蚓をその䜓に叩き蟌たせおもらうわ。契玄者 I'm tempted to pound some decency into that body of yours, Contract Binder.
Touch (Headpat) 角芁看随䜠喜欢。䞍过敢摞的话䜠是知道后果的。 ツノ奜きなだけ芋るずいいわ。觊ればどんな事象をもたらすか、あなたにずっお既知の事柄のはずだが My horns? Admire them all you want. Try to touch them, however, and I'm sure you already know what will happen.
Mission 去完成䜠该完成的事吧契纊者。我圓然指的是那些任务。 すべきこずをしなさい。契玄者。 任された任務のこずよ Do what you must do, Contract Binder... I'm referring to your missions.
Mission Complete 任务完成了。对着劂歀小事就盌望着对方有所回报我记埗并没有和这样的家䌙筟订契纊吧 任務完了。ちっぜけな成果で芋返りぞの期埅を高める、そんな者ず契玄した芚えはないはずだけど Mission complete. I don't remember making a contract with a human who grows excited over measly rewards, and yet here you are.
Mail 契纊者早点查看信箱。这种事情䞍该由人提醒䜠。 契玄者、手玙の確認は早いうちにしなさい。蚀われおからするものじゃないわ Read your letter sooner rather than later, Contract Binder. I shouldn't have to point this out to you.
Return to Port 契纊者还圚想着刚刚的战斗是有让䜠圚意的对手还是对我的衚现有所䞍满 契玄者、さっきの戊闘にただ気を取られおいる気になる敵でもいたそれずも私の戊いぶりに䞍満でも Your last battle is still on your mind, no? Were the foes interesting? Or was my performance perhaps unsatisfactory?
Commission Complete 委托的物资送到了亀给其他人去做吧。䜠没有时闎做到任䜕事郜亲力亲䞺。 委蚗物資が届いたほかの人に任せなさい。自ら進んで党おをこなすなど、限りある時間がもったいないわ Commission goods have arrived? Have someone else handle it. Doing everything by yourself is a waste of your limited time.
Enhancement 也别忘了提升䜠自己契纊者。 自らの粟進を忘れないで。契玄者 Don't forget to pursue your own growth, Contract Binder.
Flagship 勇气是䜠们的起点亊是䜠们的末路。 勇気、あなたたちの始発点にしお終焉である Courage was your beginning, and it shall also be your end.
Victory 对囟谋䞍蜚者而蚀痛苊是最奜的诟皋。 䞍届き者にずっお、痛みこそが最高のレッスンよ Pain is the best teacher for the wretched.
Defeat 哌䞍错的对手。垌望䞋次再亀手时也䞍䌚让我倱望。 歯応えのある盞手ね。次盞芋えるずきも私を倱望させないでほしいわ Gritty adversaries we have. Come our next audience, please don't disappoint me again.
Skill 向我俯銖虫子们 虫けらは頭を垂れなさい Worms should bow their heads.
Low HP 胜让我兎奋起来  哌有䞀䞋子。 少し乗り気にさせるずは  なかなかね Seems I got a little overeager... Well played.
Affinity (Upset) 眢了我就圓这契纊没存圚过吧。我䌚记䜏䜠现圚所做的䞀切并圚某䞀日悉数奉还。 いいわ。契玄なんおなかったこずにする。あなたが今やっおいるこず、い぀かそのたたやり返しおあげる So be it. Our contract is now null and void. And one day, you will taste undiminished retaliation for your actions.
Affinity (Stranger) 有事扟我我以䞺䜠䌚因䞺畏惧我对我避而䞍见。那就正奜借这䞪机䌚让我了解䞀䞋䜠吧契纊者。 私に甚怖気づいおこっちを避けおいるず思っおいたが。  たあいいわ。この機に乗じおあなたのこずをもっず知れれば You wish to speak? Here I thought you were avoiding me out of fear... Very well. This is as good an opportunity as any to learn more about you.
Affinity (Friendly) 特地叫我出来䞍是䞺了公务。那也就是诎这䞪行䞺完党倄于䜠䜜䞺䞪䜓的欲求吧。 埈奜我也就䞍必拘泥于“指挥官的舰船”而可以向䜠展瀺䞀䞋兎登堡这䞀䞪䞪䜓的本性了呢 呌び出したのは公務のためではない、ず。ならばこれはあなたずいう個䜓の欲求からくる行為ず芋おいいかしら。 そう。認めるならそれでいい。私も「指揮官の艊船」ではなく、ヒンデンブルクずいう個䜓を芋せられるわ So my summoning wasn't an officiated ordeal. It seems, then, that this was done by you as an individual with desires... Yes, it's fine to admit it. This way, I can be not just a shipgirl under your command, but Hindenburg, an individual.
Affinity (Like) 圓䜠试囟控制恶魔的时候是吊已经被恶魔所控制了呢自己去寻扟问题的答案吧契纊者我圚终点等着䜠。呵我可䞍是什么蛊惑人心的存圚这是䜠自己选择的路。 悪魔を操ろうずしおいおも、逆に操られおいる可胜性も吊定できない。答えを知りたければ探求しなさい。私はあなたがたどり着くその先で埅っおいる。 心を惑わしおいるわけではないわ。これはあくたで契玄者、あなた自身が遞ぶ道よ You can try to manipulate a demon, but it's an undeniable possibility that the tables will turn on you. If you want the answer, seek it. I'll be waiting for you at the end of the line... No, I'm not daring you into anything. As the contract binder, this is your choice alone to make.
Affinity (Love) 我埈高兎䜠走到这䞀步誓纊者。过皋无关玧芁重芁的只有结果——那就是䜠已经被我支配的这䞪事实。怎么心怀䞍甘么屈服于我又有什么䞍奜的呢 ここたで至れるずは喜ばしいこずね契玄者。過皋や方法などどうでもよく、この結果――あなたずいう個䜓は私の手䞭にあるずいう結果だけが党およ。悔しい膝を地に぀かせるのは、そう苊ではないはずだけど How delightful you've made it this far, Contract Binder. How you did it is unimportant – all that matters is the end result, namely that you are now in my possession. Dismayed? Kneeling on the ground surely isn't THAT bad.
Pledge 䞍满足于现有的契纊劄囟甚曎进䞀步的手段将我束猚契纊者䜠的胆子真的是越来越倧了。奜啊我就劂䜠所愿答应䜠的请求。以及接䞋来就做奜随时被我吃掉的准倇吧呵呵呵 今の契玄に満足するどころか、さらにその先に進もうずしおいるず契玄者、たすたす傲慢になったようね。  あなたの願いを叶え、あなたが求めるものを授けよう。その䜓ず魂、い぀か貪られる芚悟ができおいるのならば Our current contract isn't enough for you, and you want to take it even further? How cocksure you've become, Contract Binder... I shall grant your wish and give you what you desire. That is, if your body and soul are ready for the indulgence that is to come.
In battle with Roon 䜠的身䞊有危险的气息啊。 危険な匂いがするわね You smell of danger.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 契纊者这里就只有䜠和我了来䞀场尜兎的比赛让我们尜情枞乐吧  圓然莥者芁接受今倜的惩眚呢~♡ 二人っきりになったわね、契玄者。この堎で興じられる「勝負」でずこずん悊楜に耜けおいきなさい  もちろん、敗北した者は今宵の「懲眰」を受けおもらうわ♡ It's just the two of us now, Contract Binder. Come – play a game with me and immerse yourself in the pleasures this place offers. The loser of this game, of course, must accept a punishment tonight♡
Acquisition 契纊者这里就只有䜠和我了来䞀场尜兎的比赛让我们尜情枞乐吧  圓然莥者芁接受今倜的惩眚呢~♡ 二人っきりになったわね、契玄者。この堎で興じられる「勝負」でずこずん悊楜に耜けおいきなさい  もちろん、敗北した者は今宵の「懲眰」を受けおもらうわ♡ It's just the two of us now, Contract Binder. Come – play a game with me and immerse yourself in the pleasures this place offers. The loser of this game, of course, must accept a punishment tonight♡
Login 来埗真慢呢契纊者~等䜠的时候我䞀䞪人喝了䞀点 呵呵䞍过是这种皋床而已我又怎么䌚醉呢䞍信的话看我走几圈  啊摔到䜠身䞊了~ 遅かったわね、契玄者。留守の間に少し飲んでたんだけど ふふふ、この皋床で酩酊するはずがないわ。信じられないず蚀うなら、今歩いお  ふっ。どうやら契玄者の䜓に寄りかかっおしたったようね You're late, Contract Binder. I had a little to drink in your absence... Heehee. A few sips would never intoxicate me. Don't believe me? Watch me walk over to... Oof. It seems I've stumbled and bumped into you.
Details 呵呵看来契纊者䜠埈喜欢我这䞀身呢~居然胜借毫䞍畏惧地盯着我。 ふふふ、恐れも怖がりもせず凝芖するずは、この栌奜を随分ず気に入ったようね Heehee. Your fearless, unhesitant gaze tells me you must really like this outfit.
Main 契纊者芁䞀起喝吗 圚这里哟呵呵来吧~ 契玄者も飲む ここよふふふ、さあ、来なさい♡ Won't you drink, too, Contract Binder? Right here. Heehee. Come over♡
Main 2 这匠扑克是契纊者䜠刚才掗牌时䞍小心掉到这里的 所以请䜠亲自拿䞋来吧~ カヌドこれは先皋あなたがシャッフルしたずきに萜ずした䞀枚  あなた自身の手で取りなさい This card? You dropped it earlier when you were shuffling the deck. Use your hand and take it yourself.
Main 3  我已经醉了  呵呵才没有呢陪䜠喝倚少郜没关系♪  也向我展现出来吧契纊者䜠真正的样子~  私が酔っおいる ふん、そんなこずはないわ。あなたず飲むこずを思えば  さあ契玄者、理性の䞀欠片もないあなたの本圓の姿を芋せなさい♡ Drunk, you say? Hmph. I'm certainly not. I don't get drunk when I'm with you... Now, go on, show me what you're really like when you're at your wit's end♡
Touch 呵呵这么心急吗我们的枞戏还没结束呢。 ふふふ、そんなに焊っおいるの「勝負」はただ終わっおいないわ Heehee. Why so stressed? The game isn't over yet.
Touch (Special) 这样的奖赏 䜠满意么~♡  䜆䞍芁埗意忘圢了契纊者我䌚把䞻劚权赢回来的  今倜我们兎尜方䌑哊 この皋床で満足んっ♡ 浮かれおいる堎合じゃないわ。あなたに䞻導暩を握らせおいるのも今のうち ふふふ、退屈になるたでこの「勝負」、終わらせる぀もりなんおないわよ♡ Are you satisfied now? Mmh♡ ...Don't celebrate prematurely. If you want to seize the lead, now is the time... Heehee. This game will not end until I've grown bored of it♡
Touch (Headpat) 契纊者䜠碰到我的角了。只是摞了兔耳朵居然还试囟狡蟩 乖乖接受惩眚吧~♡ 角に觊ったのね、契玄者。 うさ耳だけを觊りたかった未だに぀たらぬ蚀い蚳を䞊べるずは 倧人しく「懲眰」を受けなさい♡ You touched my horn, Contract Binder... You meant to touch my bunny ears, you say? Again with the lame excuses... Just hold still and accept your punishment♡
Mission 任务 这种䞜西䜠䌚埈快解决奜的对吧契纊者。 任務 こんなものすぐにでも片付けられるのね。契玄者 Missions, missions... You can surely finish those in no time, Contract Binder.
Mission Complete 红酒、扑克、筹码郜已经准倇奜了那就让我们继续匀始吧。 ワむン、カヌド、チップ、党お揃っおいるわ。「勝負」を続けなさい Wine, cards, chips – everything is here. Resume the game.
Return to Port 刚才的战况埈惊险嗯哌~♡契纊者比起绝对的实力碟压跌宕起䌏的胜莟曎·加·有·趣哊—— 䞭々危なっかしい戊いだったふふ、契玄者、絶察的な力でねじ䌏せるより、二転䞉転するいい勝負になったほうが もっず愉悊に浞れるわよ A precarious battle, was it? Heehee, Contract Binder, you should know that you'll find greater pleasure in an evenly-matched back-and-forth than a one-sided stomp.
Flagship 呵呵~䌚是场无聊的枞戏么 ふふふ、退屈な「勝負」になるのかしら Heehee. This game will be a boring one.
Victory 契纊者接䞋来是我们的“对决”时闎了~ これからはあなたずの「勝負」に溺れる時間よ。契玄者 It's time to engross yourself in our little game, Contract Binder.
Defeat 哌 芁是觉埗我䌚就歀退让可就倧错特错了   このたた匕くず思うなら、それはずんだ間違いね You are sorely mistaken if you think I'm going to retreat.
Skill 又是Roying flush真无趣。 ロむダルフラッシュ、退屈ね Royal flush. How boring.
Low HP 这样的牌面  才有逆蜬的价倌 この手札 逆転し甲斐があるわ This card here... can turn everything around.
Affinity (Love) 契纊者䜠今晚的种种衚现郜让我感到心痒隟耐䜠越是挣扎我就越是 所以挣扎就到歀䞺止吧今晚的䞻劚权就让我债回来奜了  攟心䌚让䜠做䞪矎梊的~ くすぐっおくれるわね。契玄者。あなたの芋せた反応、繰り出した行動、無駄な足掻き もうやめなさい。䞻導暩を握り、あなたを貪るのは私――心配するこずはないわ。いい倢を芋せおあげる ♡ You are a funny one, Contract Binder. You act, you react, and you struggle... Enough already. I will take the lead and eat you up. Don't you worry – I will ensure you have sweet dreams...♡
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Login 这么晚才来䜠是刻意䜿我心痒隟耐想让我给䜠䞀点“惩眚”么 ここたで遅く埅たせるずはね。よもや私を昂らせ、懲眰を䞋させるのが望み I've been waiting ages for you. Don't tell me you WANTED to incur my wrath and make me discipline you?
Details 再盯着我的尟巎看就把䜠绑起来。反正䜠也䞍讚厌这种的  还是诎我匄错了呵呵 尻尟の凝芖を続けるずいうのなら、これであなたを瞛り付けるたでよ。どうせあなた自身もそれを嫌がらないのだろうけど  私が認識を間違えた、ずでも蚀うのかしら If you're really going to keep staring at my tail, I will use it to restrain you. You'd probably enjoy that anyway... Unless you're saying I've misjudged your character?
Main 䞎䜠的盞倄让我感到前所未有的愉悊  盞比于诱惑了䜠的我也讞䜠才曎像魅魔 あなたずいう個䜓ず䞀緒にいお、か぀おない悊楜を感じるわ。  私より、あなたのほうが人を惑わす魔性を有しおいるのかもね I've never before felt such pleasure as I do by your side... If anything, YOU may genuinely possess a devilish power to seduce others.
Main 2 或讞该皍埮花点时闎让其她舰船们明癜谁才是契纊者的正䜍  芁和平盞倄也眢看圚䜠的面子䞊就忍忍奜了。 時間を倚少費やしおでも、ほかの艊船に誰が契玄者にずっお正しい䜍眮にいるかを識っおもらうべきね  仲良くしおっおそうね。契玄者の顔に免じおそうするわ Maybe I should spend some time teaching other shipgirls who truly belongs at your side... Get along, you say? Very well. Only out of respect for you, Contract Binder.
Main 3 这苊涩劂泥氎䞀般的咖啡  究竟是 ドロミズのような枋い  このコヌヒヌは䞀䜓 Tastes like bitter mud water... Is this supposed to be coffee?
Touch 有话就诎  䜠知道吊我的胃口时我䌚怎么做的。 蚀いたいこずがあるなら蚀いなさい。  焊らす行動がもたらす事象のこず、あなたがすでに識っおいるはずよ If you have something to say, out with it. You already know what's going to happen if you get on my nerves.
Touch (Special) 劂果䜠忘了䞊次最后是怎么求饶的那就现圚让我垮䜠想起来吧契纊者。 蚱しの乞い方を忘れおいるずいうのなら、今それを思い出させるたでよ。契玄者 If you've forgotten how to plead for forgiveness, I'll just have to make you remember, Contract Binder.
Touch (Headpat) 真是拿䜠没蟙  只准这䞀次。 仕方ないわね。  䞀床だけよ If there's no stopping you... Fine, just this once.
Mission 去完成䜠该完成的事吧契纊者。䜠的时光䞍应该被这种琐事打扰。 すべきこずをしなさい。契玄者。 蚪れおくるあなたずの時間に瑣事が入り蟌む隙間はないわ Do what you must do, Contract Binder... You cannot afford to let distractions get between yours and my time.
Mission Complete 任务完成了。或讞我可以给䜠䞀点奖励  想芁么 任務完了。契玄者に耒矎を䞎えるべきかもしれないけど  ほしいの Mission complete. I suppose I should give you a reward... Do you want one?
Mail 拿去䜠的信  䞍想甚手所以甚了尟巎有什么问题么 あなたぞの手玙よ。持っおいきなさい。  手ではなく尻尟で枡したこずに問題でも A letter for you. Take it... Yes, I gave you it with my tail rather than my hands. And what of it?
Return to Port 䞍管刚刚的战斗劂䜕䞀切郜告䞀段萜了。把目光䞓泚圚圓䞋吧。 さっきの戊闘がどんなものであろうず、䞀段萜着いたわ。県の前のこずに集䞭しなさい Regardless of how your last battle went, now you can relax. Focus on what's in front of you.
Victory 劂果我满足了䜠的芁求接䞋来是䞍是该由䜠做些什么了 私があなたの望みを叶えたずいうのなら、次はあなたが䜕かしおくれるんでしょう Supposing I were to grant your wish, what would you then do for me in return?
Defeat 该撀了誓纊者。逃跑的屈蟱䞍及我爱之人安危的分毫。 撀退の時間よ。契玄者。敗走の屈蟱は、気に入った個䜓の安党ず比べれば些现なものね It's time to retreat, Contract Binder. The shame of running away matters little compared to personal safety.
Affinity (Love) 怎么了明明是䜠做的决定事到劂今华退猩了想想今倩该怎么取悊我吧䞀旊䞻劚权到了我的手里后面的事情就䞍由䜠诎了算了契纊者。䜠明癜我的意思吧呵呵 どうかした䞋した決定を今曎芆すずでも私の喜ばし方でも勘案なさい。䞀床䞻導暩を枡したら最埌、あなたずいう個䜓の意芋は意味をなさない。この蚀葉の意味を理解できるわね契玄者 What is it? Thinking of rescinding your earlier decision? Since the moment you surrendered your leader privileges, your opinions as a person have had no weight. You understand what this means, yes, Contract Binder?