Hammann (JP 🇯🇵: ハムマン, CN 🇹🇼: 哈曼)
Ship IDNo. 27Star Rating★★☆☆☆
Hull DestroyerRarityRare
NavyEagle UnionBuild Time00:26:00
AcquisitionHonor medal exchange, Explore Stage4-1, Light ship Construction
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actressAsuka Itou
Sims-class Destroyer - Hammann, Hull Number DD-412!
Rebellious SummerDescription
I'm not really happy at all! But since you're bonding with me for once, I have to say... thank y... H-hmph! I didn't say anything!
Prideful Fairy of the BallroomDescription
Hmph! I'm only here because you pleaded so desperately for me to come! Don't get any funny ideas! ...Why did I take so long to pick out my clothes? It... it's not like I was trying to impress anyone! I definitely wasn't looking forward to this party or anything!
Hammann (Retrofit)Description
I'm just wearing new clothes, so why should I have to raise my skirt like this? Huh? You want me to look more upset? You... you pervert!
Hammanyan Pawnch!Description
Ughh... These gloves are so heavy and the dress is too revealing. Why on earth did I decide to put these on... I can't show myself to Yorktown like this!
Holy Night Surprise!Description
I-I'm nobody's surprise! Ugh, I should've never listened to Sims... Stop staring already and undo these ribbons around my arms!
HP293 Reload75
Firepower15 Torpedo53
Evasion59 Anti-air32
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW51 Luck47
HP1361 Reload144
Firepower41 Torpedo146
Evasion200 Anti-air121
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW127 Luck49
Limit Break
Tier 1Unlock All Out Assault Ⅰ | All weapons' efficiency +2%
Tier 2Torpedo base +1 | Torpedo preload +1 | All weapons' efficiency +3%
Tier 3Improve All Out Assault | All weapons' efficiency +5%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1Destroyer Gun110%/112%/115%/120%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
3Anti-Air Gun120%/122%/125%/130%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
Default Equipments
1Single 127mm Main Gun
2Quadruple 533mm Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T6 Destroyer: Sims-ClassTech Points and Bonus
Unlock5 +1
Max LimitBreak10
Lv.1208 +1
Flagship CoverWhile this ship is afloat: decreases the DMG your Flagship takes by 15.0% (25.0%) .Default Unlocked
Anti-Air ModeWhen this ship fires its Anti-Air Guns: 25.0% chance to increase this ship's AA by 20.0% (40.0%) but decrease its FP by 40.0% (20.0%) for 3s.Default Unlocked
All Out Assault ⅡActivates All Out Assault Ⅱ: Sims Class once every 10 times the Main Guns are fired.???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description西姆斯级驱逐舰—哈曼,舷号DD-412シムス級駆逐艦・ハムマン(DD-412)Sims-class Destroyer - Hammann, Hull Number DD-412!
Biography看什么看,哈曼就是哈曼啦! 中途岛?哈曼可从没有后悔过去救约克城姐姐,也不用你安慰!哼! …………不过……谢,谢谢……何見てるの、ハムマンはハムマンよ! ミッドウェイ?ハムマンはヨークタウン姉さんを助けたことに後悔していないぞ。今更あんたに言われても…フンだ! …でも…あ、ありがとう…What are you looking at? Hammann is Hammann! Yorktown? I've never regretted trying to save her! I don't need your pity! Hmph! ... But... thank you...
Acquisition喂,看着哈曼发什么呆呢,hentai!——可爱?别以为你夸我我就会高兴了,你这笨蛋!おい!ハムマンのことをぼんやり見るでない、このヘンタイ!…かわいい?ほめれば舞い上がるとでも思っているのか?このバカ者!Hey! Don't stare at me like such an idiot, you pervert! ... I'm cute? Did you really think just complimenting me would make me happy? You moron!
Login想让哈曼在这里等多久啊,一个人超……哼!ハムマンをいつまで待たせる気だ!1人で超さびしぃ…フン!How long were you going to keep me waiting?! Being alone feels so... Hmph!
Details变态,你在津津有味的看些什么啦ヘンタイ!何をじろじろ見てるのだ!!You pervert! What are you staring at?!
Main你要是敢开窗哈曼就要你好看もし(別の)ウィンドウを開いたら、ひどい目に遭わせるぞGet ready for punishment if you open the window!
Main 2伊168在吗,哈曼要好好教训她一下伊168はいるようだな?ハムマンがこらしめてやるI-168's been here, hasn't she? I'll teach her a lesson!
Main 3为什么不和哈曼说话?どうしてハムマンと話してくれないのだ?Why won't you talk to me?
Touch不要随便碰哈曼啦,变态!ハムマンに触れるでない、このヘンタイ!I don't want you touching me, you pervert!
Touch (Special)(拿起电话)喂,军警吗?对的,这里有一个指挥官猥……もしもし、海軍部?そうなんです、この指揮官がチカ…(Picks up phone) Hello, is this Military Police? Yes, this Commander is a pervert and he...
Mission快去完成任务啦!早くミッションを遂行するぞ!Go finish your missions already!
Mission Complete奖励这种东西难道还要哈曼帮你打开吗?まさかボーナスもハムマンに開けさせるつもり?Are you actually going to have me open the rewards for you?
Mail哈曼大发慈悲地帮你把新邮件拿过来了,好好感谢我吧このハムマンがメールを持ってきてやったんだから、感謝するんだぞI brought your mail, Commander... Where's my "thanks"?!
Return to Port你辛苦……什么也没说啦,该干嘛干嘛去お疲れさ……な、何も言ってないわよ!早く仕事に戻るぞ!Good work... I-I didn't say anything! Get back to work, now!
Commission Complete有委托完成啦,笨蛋!委託が完了したぞ、この馬鹿!A commission has been completed, idiot!
Enhancement哼,讨好哈曼也不会有好处的!ふん、ハムマンをおだてても何もでないわよ!Hmph, flattering me won't get you anywhere!
Flagship一群杂鱼,看哈曼解决了你们!雑魚どもめ、このハムマンがやっつけてやる!I'm going to crush all of you weaklings!
Victory哼,这点程度根本不值得高兴好吧?フン、この程度で喜ぶと思っているのか?Hmph, did you really think this would be enough to make me happy?
Defeat呜……指挥官,大笨蛋!うぅ…指揮官の大バカ!*Sob*... Commander, you big idiot!
Skill哈曼才不是特意想帮你的!別にあんたのためじゃないんだから!I'm not doing it just for you or anything like that!
Affinity (Upset)哈曼已经气都不想生了……ハムマンはもう怒る気にもなれないわ……I don't even feel like getting angry anymore...
Affinity (Stranger)你在看哈曼的哪里啦!变态!ハムマンのどこを見てるのよ!ヘンタイ!Just what are you staring at?! You pervert!
Affinity (Friendly)要是以为和哈曼关系有改善那就大错特错了!……不过只有一点的话,还是可以承认的………(小声)ハムマンと仲が良くなったと思ったら大間違いよ!……でも少しだけなら認めてあげてもいいけど……You're totally wrong if you think you've improved your relationship with me! ... I guess I'll admit it's improved.... But just a little!
Affinity (Like)为什么哈曼总是在生气?那当然是因为某个笨蛋老是不开窍呀,哈曼在气没法生气的自己啦!ハムマンがなぜいつも怒ってるって?どこかの馬鹿が分かってくれないのに、そいつに怒れない自分に怒ってるのよ!Why am I always so angry? Because a certain commander just won't learn! And I'm angry at myself for not getting angry at him!
Affinity (Love)不好好看着哈曼在看哪里啦,果然是不懂女人心的大笨蛋,不主动一点就毫无反应——哇不要忽然把人抱住——报,报警了哦!ハムマンを見ないでどこ見てるのよ!やっぱり女心がわからない大馬鹿なんだから!ちょっとハムマンが積極的になってないだけでーーあああなんでいきなり抱きついてんのよ!ーーつ、通報するわよ!If you're not looking at me, then at whom?! You just don't understand girls at all because you're so stupid! Just because I'm not being proactive doesn't mean you... Wha?! Don't hug me all of a sudden... I-I'll call the police!
Pledge看在你终于开窍的份上,哈曼就勉为其难地收下好了——才才、才没有觉得高兴呢!この期に及んでようやく気づいてくれたから、ハムマンがありがたくもらってやるわーーべべ、別に嬉しくなんかないわ!You've finally learned, haven't you? I'll gratefully accept it... B-b-but I'm not happy about it in the slightest!
Like Present
Dislike Present
Main Title
In battle with Yorktown这次,哈曼会保护好你的!ヨークタウン姉さん!ハムマンが絶対に守るぞ!This time, Hammann will protect you!
In battle with Sims作、作战的时候认真点啦!戦闘中は真面目にやるのだー!G-get serious when you're on the battlefield!
In battle with I168呜哇!?这、这次是同伴了吗うわ!?な、仲間だよね……Woah?! Oh, it's an ally this time...
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description哈曼才没有觉得高兴呢!不过,你能来陪哈曼玩,还是……谢……哼!哈曼刚刚什么都没说!ハムマンは別に嬉しくなんかないわ!でも、せっかく付き合ってくれるんだから、その…ありが…ふ、ふんだ!何も言ってないわよ!I'm not really happy at all! But since you're bonding with me for once, I have to say... thank y... H-hmph! I didn't say anything!
Acquisition哈曼才没有觉得高兴呢!不过,你能来陪哈曼玩,还是……谢……哼!哈曼刚刚什么都没说!ハムマンは別に嬉しくなんかないわ!でも、せっかくハムマンに付き合ってくれるんだから、その……ありが……ふ、ふんだ!何も言ってないわよ!I'm not really happy at all! But since you're bonding with me for once, I have to say... thank y... H-hmph! I didn't say anything!
Details迷、迷上哈曼的泳装了吗?哼,今天就特别允许你多看几眼!は、ハムマンの水着姿に見入ってるの…?ふん!き、今日だけは特別に拝ませてやる!A-are you staring at my swimsuit...? Hmph! J-just for today I'll let you worship me!
Main哈曼可没让你不理哈曼!ハムマンにかまわなくていいなんて言ってないわよ!I never said it was okay to just ignore me!
Main 2那么喜欢排球的话,你去找小天鹅玩好了,哼!そんなにビーチバレーが好きなら、もうハムマンじゃなくて、シグニットと遊んだら!ふん!If you like beach volleyball so much then go play with Cygnet instead of me! Hmph!
Main 3笨蛋指挥官,你在看哪里!嘁,明明都有了哈曼……指揮官の大馬鹿、誰を見ているのよ!は、ハムマンがいるのに……Hey, stupid Commander, who are you looking at?! Y-you should be looking at me...
Touch变、变态!射你哦!へ、ヘンタイ!撃っちゃうわよ!Y-you pervert! I'll shoot you!
Touch (Special)咕……约克城姐姐,哈、哈曼已经阻止不了指挥官的魔爪了……きゃう!……ヨークタウン姉さん、は、ハムマンはもう指揮官を止められないよ……*Eek* ... Yorktown, I-I can't hold the commander back anymore...
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description哼,是指挥官拼命邀请,哈曼才勉为其难陪你来参加舞会的,可不要搞错了!——打扮花了很长时间?只、只是普通地换了一身衣服而已,哈曼才没有很期待呢!ふん!あんたがどうしてもって言うから一緒に来てやったぞ!勘違いするんじゃないわよ!……どうして服を選ぶのに時間がかかったのかって?べ、別に気合を入れて選んでたわけじゃないぞ!ハムマン、パーティーなんか全然楽しみになんかしてないわよ!Hmph! I'm only here because you pleaded so desperately for me to come! Don't get any funny ideas! ...Why did I take so long to pick out my clothes? It... it's not like I was trying to impress anyone! I definitely wasn't looking forward to this party or anything!
Acquisition哼,是指挥官拼命邀请,哈曼才勉为其难陪你来参加舞会的,可不要搞错了!——打扮花了很长时间?只、只是普通地换了一身衣服而已,哈曼才没有很期待呢!ふん!あんたがどうしてもって言うから一緒に来てやったぞ!勘違いするんじゃないわよ!……どうして服を選ぶのに時間がかかったのかって?べ、別に気合を入れて選んでたわけじゃないぞ!ハムマン、パーティーなんか全然楽しみになんかしてないわよ!Hmph! I'm only here because you pleaded so desperately for me to come! Don't get any funny ideas! ...Why did I take so long to pick out my clothes? It... it's not like I was trying to impress anyone! I definitely wasn't looking forward to this party or anything!
Login指~挥~官?究竟打算让哈曼在会场等多久啊!?啊…咳、咳咳,也没有等很久,哈曼也才刚到而已!指揮官、いつまでハムマンを待たせる気!?あ…べ、別にわざわざ早く来てやったんじゃないわよ!Commander, how long do you plan to keep me waiting?! Um... It, it's not like I went out of my way to show up early or anything!
Details再看下去舞会都要结束了啦,笨蛋指挥官!いつまで見てるのよ…パーティーが終わっちゃうぞ!バカ!How long do you plan to keep staring... The party's going to end at this rate! You dummy!
Main呜哇…还是第一次见到那样的约克城姐姐…没、没问题吧……うわぁ…あんなヨークタウン姉さん、初めて見た…だ、大丈夫かな……Woah... This is the first time I've seen Yorktown like that... Is she going to be okay?
Main 2西姆斯那家伙,肯定又在什么地方等着捉弄我…指挥官,你、你可要帮我好好盯住她啊!シムス、絶対どこかに隠れてハムマンにいたずらする気だ…指揮官、ちゃ、ちゃんと面倒を見るのだぞ!That Sims... I bet she's hiding somewhere waiting to pull a prank on me... Commander, m-make sure to protect me!
Main 3伊168那家伙也来了!?…算了,看在舞会还有指挥官的面子上,今天就不找她麻烦了伊168(いろは)も来てるの!?…ま、まあいいわ!パーティーと指揮官に免じて今日は大人しくしてやるぞ!Iroha is here as well?! ...Wh-whatever! Since I'm here with the commander, I'll let her slide this time!
Touch就、就算是为了跳舞而难免的身体接触…要是碰了奇怪的地方,哈曼也不会轻易放过你的哦!だ、ダンスだからって変なところを触ったら許さないわよ!E-even if we're dancing, I won't forgive you if you touch any weird places!
Touch (Special)喂,海军部吗?对,还是那个指挥官,这次是在舞会会场……もしもし、海軍部?そうなんです、またあの指揮官です、今度はパーティーで……Hello, naval police? Yes, it's that commander again, this time at the party...
Return to Port你辛苦了,指挥官……怎、怎么样啦!该慰问人的时候哈曼也是会坦率地说出来的啦!お疲れさま……な、何よ!ハムマンだって頑張った人を労ったりするわよ!Good work... wh-what's your deal! Even I know when someone deserves praise!
Affinity (Love)看、看在今晚指挥官表现得不错的份上,就勉强夸你一下好了,接下来要做什么指挥官应该…哇都说了不要忽然把人抱住——算、算了…就这样…再待一会吧——ま、まあ指揮官はパーティーで頑張ったから、ちょっと褒めてやる。ハムマンが次に何をするか……い、いきなり抱きつくなーー!……う、うぅ…もう…しょ、しょうがないわね……W-well, since you were on such good behavior during the party, you do deserve some praise. What should I do next... H-hey! Don't suddenly hug me...! Ugh... Jeez... Wh-what am I going to do with you...
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description区区新衣服而已,为什么哈曼要站在这里提起裙摆给你摆pose?哈?表情还要再厌恶一点?你果然只是个hentai吧!!新しい服だけなのに、なんでハムマンがスカートをたくし上げなきゃならないの?はあ?もっと嫌そうな表情で?こ…このヘンタイ!I'm just wearing new clothes, so why should I have to raise my skirt like this? Huh? You want me to look more upset? You... you pervert!
Acquisition区区新衣服而已,为什么哈曼要站在这里提起裙摆给你摆pose?哈?表情还要再厌恶一点?你果然只是个hentai吧!!新しい服だけなのに、なんでハムマンがスカートをたくし上げなきゃならないの?はあ?もっと嫌そうな表情で?こ…このヘンタイ!I'm just wearing new clothes, so why should I have to raise my skirt like this? Huh? You want me to look more upset? You... you pervert!
Login这样就能提起精神工作,果然是个无可救药的家伙こんな格好しただけで張り切るなんて、やっぱり救いようがないヘンタイね!You're a full-blown pervert beyond saving if just seeing these clothes makes you so excited!
Details想要看多久啦,哈曼还要去找约克城姐姐呢!いつまで見てるのよ…ハムマン、ヨークタウン姉さんの所に行きたい…How long are you going to keep looking... I want to go see how Yorktown is doing...
Main 2你要是好好努力哈曼也不是不可以多坚持一下指揮官が頑張るというのなら、ハムマンはもうちょっと付き合っても…いいけど?As long as you promise to work hard, I'll stay with you for just a little longer... I guess?
Return to Port辛苦了……看什么看,虽然是笨蛋,哈曼对努力的家伙还是会好好称赞的お疲れさま……な、何よ!バカでも努力しているならハムマンはちゃんと褒めるのだぞ!Good work out there... W-what! I'll give a decent compliment to someone who works hard, even if they're stupid!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server