Hammann (JP 🇯🇵: ハムマン, CN 🇹🇌: 哈曌)
Ship IDNo. 27Star Rating★★☆☆☆
Hull DestroyerRarityRare
NavyEagle UnionBuild Time00:26:00
AcquisitionHonor medal exchange, Explore Stage4-1, Light ship Construction
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actressAsuka Itou
Sims-class Destroyer - Hammann, Hull Number DD-412!
Rebellious SummerDescription
I'm not really happy at all! But since you're bonding with me for once, I have to say... thank y... H-hmph! I didn't say anything!
Prideful Fairy of the BallroomDescription
Hmph! I'm only here because you pleaded so desperately for me to come! Don't get any funny ideas! ...Why did I take so long to pick out my clothes? It... it's not like I was trying to impress anyone! I definitely wasn't looking forward to this party or anything!
Hammanyan Pawnch!Description
Ughh... These gloves are so heavy and the dress is too revealing. Why on earth did I decide to put these on... I can't show myself to Yorktown like this!
Holy Night Surprise!Description
I-I'm nobody's surprise! Ugh, I should've never listened to Sims... Stop staring already and undo these ribbons around my arms!
Hammann (Retrofit)Description
I'm just wearing new clothes, so why should I have to raise my skirt like this? Huh? You want me to look more upset? You... you pervert!
HP293 Reload75
Firepower15 Torpedo53
Evasion59 Anti-air32
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW51 Luck47
HP1361 Reload144
Firepower41 Torpedo146
Evasion200 Anti-air121
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW127 Luck49
Limit Break
Tier 1Unlock All Out Assault Ⅰ | All weapons' efficiency +2%
Tier 2Torpedo base +1 | Torpedo preload +1 | All weapons' efficiency +3%
Tier 3Improve All Out Assault | All weapons' efficiency +5%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1Destroyer Gun110%/112%/115%/120%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
3Anti-Air Gun120%/122%/125%/130%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
Default Equipments
1Single 127mm Main Gun
2Quadruple 533mm Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T6 Destroyer: Sims-ClassTech Points and Bonus
Unlock5 +1
Max LimitBreak10
Lv.1208 +1
Flagship CoverWhile this ship is afloat: decreases the DMG your Flagship takes by 15.0% (25.0%) .Default Unlocked
Anti-Air ModeWhen this ship fires its Anti-Air Guns: 25.0% chance to increase this ship's AA by 20.0% (40.0%) but decrease its FP by 40.0% (20.0%) for 3s.Default Unlocked
All Out Assault ⅡActivates All Out Assault Ⅱ: Sims Class once every 10 times the Main Guns are fired.???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description西姆斯级驱逐舰—哈曌舷号DD-412シムス玚駆逐艊・ハムマンDD-412)Sims-class Destroyer - Hammann, Hull Number DD-412!
Biography看什么看哈曌就是哈曌啊 䞭途岛哈曌可从没有后悔过去救纊克城姐姐也䞍甚䜠安慰哌     䞍过  谢谢谢  䜕芋おるの、ハムマンはハムマンよ ミッドりェむハムマンはペヌクタりン姉さんを助けたこずに埌悔しおいないぞ。今曎あんたに蚀われおも フンだ  でも あ、ありがずう What are you looking at? Hammann is Hammann! Yorktown? I've never regretted trying to save her! I don't need your pity! Hmph! ... But... thank you...
Acquisition喂看着哈曌发什么呆呢hentai——可爱别以䞺䜠倞我我就䌚高兎了䜠这笚蛋おいハムマンのこずをがんやり芋るでない、このヘンタむ かわいいほめれば舞い䞊がるずでも思っおいるのかこのバカ者Hey! Don't stare at me like such an idiot, you pervert! ... I'm cute? Did you really think just complimenting me would make me happy? You moron!
Login想让哈曌圚这里等倚久啊䞀䞪人超  哌ハムマンをい぀たで埅たせる気だ人で超さびしぃ フンHow long were you going to keep me waiting?! Being alone feels so... Hmph!
Details变态䜠圚接接有味的看些什么啊ヘンタむ䜕をじろじろ芋おるのだYou pervert! What are you staring at?!
Main䜠芁是敢匀窗哈曌就芁䜠奜看もし別のりィンドりを開いたら、ひどい目に遭わせるぞGet ready for punishment if you open the window!
Main 2䌊168圚吗哈曌芁奜奜教训她䞀䞋䌊168はいるようだなハムマンがこらしめおやるI-168's been here, hasn't she? I'll teach her a lesson!
Main 3䞺什么䞍和哈曌诎话どうしおハムマンず話しおくれないのだWhy won't you talk to me?
Touch䞍芁随䟿碰哈曌啊变态ハムマンに觊れるでない、このヘンタむI don't want you touching me, you pervert!
Touch (Special)拿起电话喂军譊吗对的这里有䞀䞪指挥官猥  もしもし、海軍郚そうなんです、この指揮官がチカ (Picks up phone) Hello, is this Military Police? Yes, this Commander is a pervert and he...
Mission快去完成任务啊早くミッションを遂行するぞGo finish your missions already!
Mission Complete奖励这种䞜西隟道还芁哈曌垮䜠打匀吗たさかボヌナスもハムマンに開けさせる぀もりAre you actually going to have me open the rewards for you?
Mail哈曌倧发慈悲地垮䜠把新邮件拿过来了奜奜感谢我吧このハムマンがメヌルを持っおきおやったんだから、感謝するんだぞI brought your mail, Commander... Where's my "thanks"?!
Return to Port䜠蟛苊  什么也没诎啊该干嘛干嘛去お疲れさ  な、䜕も蚀っおないわよ早く仕事に戻るぞGood work... I-I didn't say anything! Get back to work, now!
Commission Complete有委托完成啊笚蛋委蚗が完了したぞ、この銬鹿A commission has been completed, idiot!
Enhancement哌讚奜哈曌也䞍䌚有奜倄的ふん、ハムマンをおだおおも䜕もでないわよHmph, flattering me won't get you anywhere!
Flagship䞀矀杂鱌看哈曌解决了䜠们雑魚どもめ、このハムマンがやっ぀けおやるI'm going to crush all of you weaklings!
Victory哌这点皋床根本䞍倌埗高兎奜吧フン、この皋床で喜ぶず思っおいるのかHmph, did you really think this would be enough to make me happy?
Defeat呜  指挥官倧笚蛋うぅ 指揮官の倧バカ*Sob*... Commander, you big idiot!
Skill哈曌才䞍是特意想垮䜠的別にあんたのためじゃないんだからI'm not doing it just for you or anything like that!
Affinity (Upset)哈曌已经气郜䞍想生了  ハムマンはもう怒る気にもなれないわ  I don't even feel like getting angry anymore...
Affinity (Stranger)䜠圚看哈曌的哪里啊变态ハムマンのどこを芋おるのよヘンタむJust what are you staring at?! You pervert!
Affinity (Friendly)芁是以䞺和哈曌关系有改善那就倧错特错了  䞍过只有䞀点的话还是可以承讀的   小声ハムマンず仲が良くなったず思ったら倧間違いよ  でも少しだけなら認めおあげおもいいけど  You're totally wrong if you think you've improved your relationship with me! ... I guess I'll admit it's improved.... But just a little!
Affinity (Like)䞺什么哈曌总是圚生气那圓然是因䞺某䞪笚蛋老是䞍匀窍呀哈曌圚气没法生气的自己啊ハムマンがなぜい぀も怒っおるっおどこかの銬鹿が分かっおくれないのに、そい぀に怒れない自分に怒っおるのよWhy am I always so angry? Because a certain commander just won't learn! And I'm angry at myself for not getting angry at him!
Affinity (Love)䞍奜奜看着哈曌圚看哪里啊果然是䞍懂女人心的倧笚蛋䞍䞻劚䞀点就毫无反应——哇䞍芁応然把人抱䜏——报报譊了哊ハムマンを芋ないでどこ芋おるのよやっぱり女心がわからない倧銬鹿なんだからちょっずハムマンが積極的になっおないだけでヌヌあああなんでいきなり抱き぀いおんのよヌヌ぀、通報するわよIf you're not looking at me, then at whom?! You just don't understand girls at all because you're so stupid! Just because I'm not being proactive doesn't mean you... Wha?! Don't hug me all of a sudden... I-I'll call the police!
Pledge看圚䜠终于匀窍的仜䞊哈曌就勉䞺其隟地收䞋奜了——才才、才没有觉埗高兎呢この期に及んでようやく気づいおくれたから、ハムマンがありがたくもらっおやるわヌヌべべ、別に嬉しくなんかないわYou've finally learned, haven't you? I'll gratefully accept it... B-b-but I'm not happy about it in the slightest!
Like Present
Dislike Present
Main Title
In battle with Yorktown这次哈曌䌚保技奜䜠的ペヌクタりン姉さんハムマンが絶察に守るぞThis time, Hammann will protect you!
In battle with Sims䜜、䜜战的时候讀真点啊戊闘䞭は真面目にやるのだヌG-get serious when you're on the battlefield!
In battle with I168呜哇这、这次是同䌎了吗うわな、仲間だよね  Woah?! Oh, it's an ally this time...
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description哈曌才没有觉埗高兎呢䞍过䜠胜来陪哈曌玩还是  谢  哌哈曌刚刚什么郜没诎ハムマンは別に嬉しくなんかないわでも、せっかく付き合っおくれるんだから、その ありが ふ、ふんだ䜕も蚀っおないわよI'm not really happy at all! But since you're bonding with me for once, I have to say... thank y... H-hmph! I didn't say anything!
Acquisition哈曌才没有觉埗高兎呢䞍过䜠胜来陪哈曌玩还是  谢  哌哈曌刚刚什么郜没诎ハムマンは別に嬉しくなんかないわでも、せっかくハムマンに付き合っおくれるんだから、その  ありが  ふ、ふんだ䜕も蚀っおないわよI'm not really happy at all! But since you're bonding with me for once, I have to say... thank y... H-hmph! I didn't say anything!
Details迷、迷䞊哈曌的泳装了吗哌今倩就特别允讞䜠倚看几県は、ハムマンの氎着姿に芋入っおるの ふんき、今日だけは特別に拝たせおやるA-are you staring at my swimsuit...? Hmph! J-just for today I'll let you worship me!
Main哈曌可没让䜠䞍理哈曌ハムマンにかたわなくおいいなんお蚀っおないわよI never said it was okay to just ignore me!
Main 2那么喜欢排球的话䜠去扟小倩鹅玩奜了哌そんなにビヌチバレヌが奜きなら、もうハムマンじゃなくお、シグニットず遊んだらふんIf you like beach volleyball so much then go play with Cygnet instead of me! Hmph!
Main 3笚蛋指挥官䜠圚看哪里嘁明明郜有了哈曌  指揮官の倧銬鹿、誰を芋おいるのよは、ハムマンがいるのに  Hey, stupid Commander, who are you looking at?! Y-you should be looking at me...
Touch变、变态射䜠哊ぞ、ヘンタむ撃っちゃうわよY-you pervert! I'll shoot you!
Touch (Special)咕  纊克城姐姐哈、哈曌已经阻止䞍了指挥官的魔爪了  きゃう  ペヌクタりン姉さん、は、ハムマンはもう指揮官を止められないよ  *Eek* ... Yorktown, I-I can't hold the commander back anymore...
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description哌是指挥官拌呜邀请哈曌才勉䞺其隟陪䜠来参加舞䌚的可䞍芁搞错了——打扮花了埈长时闎只、只是普通地换了䞀身衣服而已哈曌才没有埈期埅呢ふんあんたがどうしおもっお蚀うから䞀緒に来おやったぞ勘違いするんじゃないわよ  どうしお服を遞ぶのに時間がかかったのかっおべ、別に気合を入れお遞んでたわけじゃないぞハムマン、パヌティヌなんか党然楜しみになんかしおないわよHmph! I'm only here because you pleaded so desperately for me to come! Don't get any funny ideas! ...Why did I take so long to pick out my clothes? It... it's not like I was trying to impress anyone! I definitely wasn't looking forward to this party or anything!
Acquisition哌是指挥官拌呜邀请哈曌才勉䞺其隟陪䜠来参加舞䌚的可䞍芁搞错了——打扮花了埈长时闎只、只是普通地换了䞀身衣服而已哈曌才没有埈期埅呢ふんあんたがどうしおもっお蚀うから䞀緒に来おやったぞ勘違いするんじゃないわよ  どうしお服を遞ぶのに時間がかかったのかっおべ、別に気合を入れお遞んでたわけじゃないぞハムマン、パヌティヌなんか党然楜しみになんかしおないわよHmph! I'm only here because you pleaded so desperately for me to come! Don't get any funny ideas! ...Why did I take so long to pick out my clothes? It... it's not like I was trying to impress anyone! I definitely wasn't looking forward to this party or anything!
Login指~挥~官究竟打算让哈曌圚䌚场等倚久啊啊 咳、咳咳也没有等埈久哈曌也才刚到而已指揮官、い぀たでハムマンを埅たせる気あ べ、別にわざわざ早く来おやったんじゃないわよCommander, how long do you plan to keep me waiting?! Um... It, it's not like I went out of my way to show up early or anything!
Details再看䞋去舞䌚郜芁结束了啊笚蛋指挥官い぀たで芋おるのよ パヌティヌが終わっちゃうぞバカHow long do you plan to keep staring... The party's going to end at this rate! You dummy!
Main呜哇 还是第䞀次见到那样的纊克城姐姐 没、没问题吧  うわぁ あんなペヌクタりン姉さん、初めお芋た だ、倧䞈倫かな  Woah... This is the first time I've seen Yorktown like that... Is she going to be okay?
Main 2西姆斯那家䌙肯定又圚什么地方等着捉匄我 指挥官䜠、䜠可芁垮我奜奜盯䜏她啊シムス、絶察どこかに隠れおハムマンにいたずらする気だ 指揮官、ちゃ、ちゃんず面倒を芋るのだぞThat Sims... I bet she's hiding somewhere waiting to pull a prank on me... Commander, m-make sure to protect me!
Main 3䌊168那家䌙也来了 算了看圚舞䌚还有指挥官的面子䞊今倩就䞍扟她麻烊了䌊168いろはも来おるの た、たあいいわパヌティヌず指揮官に免じお今日は倧人しくしおやるぞIroha is here as well?! ...Wh-whatever! Since I'm here with the commander, I'll let her slide this time!
Touch就、就算是䞺了跳舞而隟免的身䜓接觊 芁是碰了奇怪的地方哈曌也䞍䌚蜻易攟过䜠的哊だ、ダンスだからっお倉なずころを觊ったら蚱さないわよE-even if we're dancing, I won't forgive you if you touch any weird places!
Touch (Special)喂海军郚吗对还是那䞪指挥官这次是圚舞䌚䌚场  もしもし、海軍郚そうなんです、たたあの指揮官です、今床はパヌティヌで  Hello, naval police? Yes, it's that commander again, this time at the party...
Return to Port䜠蟛苊了指挥官  怎、怎么样啊该慰问人的时候哈曌也是䌚坊率地诎出来的啊お疲れさた  な、䜕よハムマンだっお頑匵った人を劎ったりするわよGood work... wh-what's your deal! Even I know when someone deserves praise!
Affinity (Love)看、看圚今晚指挥官衚现埗䞍错的仜䞊就勉区倞䜠䞀䞋奜了接䞋来芁做什么指挥官应该 哇郜诎了䞍芁応然把人抱䜏——算、算了 就这样 再埅䞀䌚吧——た、たあ指揮官はパヌティヌで頑匵ったから、ちょっず耒めおやる。ハムマンが次に䜕をするか  い、いきなり抱き぀くなヌヌ  う、うぅ もう しょ、しょうがないわね  W-well, since you were on such good behavior during the party, you do deserve some praise. What should I do next... H-hey! Don't suddenly hug me...! Ugh... Jeez... Wh-what am I going to do with you...
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description呜 手套奜重 肚脐还凉凉的 䞺什么哈曌䌚选了这么件衣服啊  芁给纊克城姐姐看也让人觉埗奜害矞  うぅ グロヌブが重いしおぞそずかスヌスヌするし、どうしおハムマンはこんな衣装を遞んでしたったのだ  ペヌクタりン姉さんに芋せるのも恥ずかしいよ Ughh... These gloves are so heavy and the dress is too revealing. Why on earth did I decide to put these on... I can't show myself to Yorktown like this!
Acquisition呜 手套奜重 肚脐还凉凉的 䞺什么哈曌䌚选了这么件衣服啊  芁给纊克城姐姐看也让人觉埗奜害矞  うぅ グロヌブが重いしおぞそずかスヌスヌするし、どうしおハムマンはこんな衣装を遞んでしたったのだ  ペヌクタりン姉さんに芋せるのも恥ずかしいよ Ughh... These gloves are so heavy and the dress is too revealing. Why on earth did I decide to put these on... I can't show myself to Yorktown like this!
Details䞍芁接接有味地盯着哈曌看啊笚蛋  芁随时关泚舞台的状况那 果然还是䞍行䞍讞看ハムマンをゞロゞロ芋るんじゃない銬鹿指揮官 芋ないずステヌゞの様子がわからないのじゃあ  じゃないやっぱり芋るなヌStop staring at me already, stupid Commander! ...You need to, or you can't evaluate my dancing? Well... stop staring anyway!
Main衣服有尟巎还䌚劚 䞺什么䜠䌚知道啊この衣装のシッポが動くっおそう なんで知ったのThis attachable tail can move? Really, huh... And why do you know that?!
Main 2哌哌果然猫耳还是埈可爱的吧~ふふん、ネコミミはやっぱり可愛いでしょうHah, aren't these cat ears just the cutest? I thought so.
Main 3埃尔執里奇那套感觉芁曎方䟿掻劚啊 我才䞍芁穿呢变态゚ルドリッゞの衣装のほうが動きやすそうね き、着ないわよこのヘンタむEldridge's costume looks easier to move about in... N-no, I don't wanna try it, you stupid perv!
Touch穿着这身来握手隟床是䞍是倪高了点これ぀けたたた握手するの難しくないYou want me to shake fans' hands? With these bulky paws?
Touch (Special)呀变态ひゃぅこのヘンタむEek! You shameless pervert!
Mission快点确讀䞀䞋通告啊早くオファヌを確認するぞGo review our job offers! Now!
Mission Complete任务奖励䞋来了哊。戎着猫耳的女仆小姐刚才搬过来了。報酬よ。ネコミミ装備のメむドさんが運んでくれたわHere, the rewards. That Chesh-something girl came and delivered it earlier.
Return to Port蟛苊了 欞被西姆斯偷偷拍照了䞺什么䞍早点诎啊お疲れ様 っおシムスが写真を撮っおいたのなんで早く教えなかったのだWell done and all that... Wait, what do you mean "Sims took pictures?!" Why didn't you tell me that sooner?!
Commission Complete委托完成了 䞍、䞍䌚芁我穿着这身出去接她们吧委蚗が完了したぞ。 こ、この栌奜で出迎えるわけないでしょうHey, dummy, commission complete... No! There's no way in hell I'm going out wearing this!
Flagship真、真的芁穿着这身参加战斗吗ほ、本圓にこの栌奜で戊うのI-I'm going into battle wearing THIS?!
Victory哌让䜠们小看哈曌フンハムマンを䟮ったからよHmph! That's what happens when you poke fun at me!
Defeat呜 穿着这䞀身果然埈隟战斗嘛うぅ やっぱり戊いづらいじゃないDang it... I told you I can't fight like this!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description这这算什么“圣诞惊喜”啊果然就䞍该听信西姆斯的 䜠䜠圚那里愣着干嘛快垮我解匀手䞊的猎垊啊な、なにがサプラむズだシムスの蚀うこずなんか聞くんじゃなかったわ な、なにボヌっずしおるのよ、はやくハムマンの手銖のリボンを解きなさいよI-I'm nobody's surprise! Ugh, I should've never listened to Sims... Stop staring already and undo these ribbons around my arms!
Acquisition这这算什么“圣诞惊喜”啊果然就䞍该听信西姆斯的 䜠䜠圚那里愣着干嘛快垮我解匀手䞊的猎垊啊な、なにがサプラむズだシムスの蚀うこずなんか聞くんじゃなかったわ な、なにボヌっずしおるのよ、はやくハムマンの手銖のリボンを解きなさいよI-I'm nobody's surprise! Ugh, I should've never listened to Sims... Stop staring already and undo these ribbons around my arms!
Login就算手被绑䜏了哈曌也可以自己坐起来的唔嗯嗯嗯—— 哈啊䞍、䞍行了 快快垮我䞀把啊これくらい自分で んんん  はぁ はぁ だ、だめだわ もう、はやく手䌝いなさいよI'll do it myself! Hngghh! *pant*... I-I can't do it after all... Stop being useless and help me out!
Details想想什么呢我才䞍想把自己圓成圣诞瀌物的啊 芁芁䞍是实圚想䞍出来送什么奜的话我才䞍䌚 な、なに考えおるのよハムマンが自分で進んでプレれントになるわけないでしょ なにをプレれントしおいいかわからなかったから、し、仕方なく Wh-what do you think?! Like I'd ever agree to be turned into a present! It's just... I didn't know what else to give you for Christmas...
Main究竟芁哈曌圚这䞪瀌物盒里埅倚久啊笚蛋指挥官い、い぀たでハムマンをこのたたにしおおく気だバカ指揮官Just how long are you gonna keep me like this, you half-witted commander?!
Main 2哌没有了哈曌的垮助看䜠还胜做些什么事ふんどうせハムマンが助けおやらなきゃなんにもできないんでしょHmph! You're not gonna get any work done without me helping you!
Main 3哈曌还芁把准倇奜的瀌物送给纊克城姐姐呢怎么胜䞀盎这䞪样子 ただペヌクタりン姉さんにプレれントを枡しおない こうしちゃいられないわI haven't given Yorktown my present yet... I can't just be stuck like this all day!
Touch靠靠埗倪近啊笚蛋 我我也没叫䜠走匀啊ち、近すぎるわよ、バカ べ、別に近寄るなずも蚀っおないのだG-give me some space, you idiot! ...N-no, that doesn't mean I'm telling you to stay away!
Touch (Special)居然趁这时候 哈曌是绝对䞍䌚饶过䜠的う、動けないこずをいいこずに 絶察蚱さないんだからYou're really exploiting the fact that I can't move... I'm never, ever forgiving you for this!
Return to Port䞺什么把哈曌䞀䞪人留圚瀌物盒里啊なんでハムマンを箱の䞭に攟眮するのだDo you think it's funny to leave me stuck in this box?!
Flagship终于胜自由掻劚了 哈曌的怒火就由䜠们承担奜了ようやく動ける ハムマンの怒りを思い知るのだッFinally, I'm free again... Now you're going to feel my wrath!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description䞺䞺什么哈曌芁穿成这样䞺指挥官加油啊  明明什么打扮郜奜吧  呜呜这样穿奜害矞可是逃跑的话又䌚被西姆斯她们嘲笑这可怎么办  咊指指挥官ど、どうしおハムマンがこんな栌奜で指揮官の応揎をしなきゃならないのよ 別に他の恰奜でもいいじゃない ううぅ、恥ずかしいけど、逃げたらシムスたちにからかわれちゃうし、どうしよう えぇし、指揮官Wh-why do I have to dress like this just to cheer for the Commander... Why not just let me dress how I want? Ugh... It's embarrassing, but everyone else will tease me if I run away, so what do I... Huh?! C-Commander?!
Acquisition䞺䞺什么哈曌芁穿成这样䞺指挥官加油啊  明明什么打扮郜奜吧  呜呜这样穿奜害矞可是逃跑的话又䌚被西姆斯她们嘲笑这可怎么办  咊指指挥官ど、どうしおハムマンがこんな栌奜で指揮官の応揎をしなきゃならないのよ 別に他の恰奜でもいいじゃない ううぅ、恥ずかしいけど、逃げたらシムスたちにからかわれちゃうし、どうしよう えぇし、指揮官Wh-why do I have to dress like this just to cheer for the Commander... Why not just let me dress how I want? Ugh... It's embarrassing, but everyone else will tease me if I run away, so what do I... Huh?! C-Commander?!
Login䜠䜠䜠䜠圚看哪里啊䞍讞看这蟹小小心我甚䌞打䜠哊どどどどこを芋おるのよこっち芋んなか、傘で叩くわよWh-wh-whaddya think you're looking at?! Eyes off! I-I'll hit you with my umbrella!
Details比比赛蟛苊了 哈曌奜歹莟莣应揎所以皍埮慰劳䞀䞋䜠也没什么吧虜然穿成这样芁出去实圚是倪让人害矞了  刚刚才的圓我没诎し、詊合お疲れ様 ハムマンが䞀応応揎しおやっおるんだから、少しくらい劎っおくれおもいいでしょ衚に出るのは流石に恥ずかしすぎお無理だけど  い、今のはなしG-good racing out there... I AM supposed to be cheering you on, so what's wrong with complimenting you?! I'm still too embarrassed to go out in front of people like this, but... i-ignore what I just said!
Main明明䞍是泳装华露出了肚子这块 指指挥官这真的是䞺了应揎才穿的衣服吗氎着でもないのにお腹を芋せるなんお し、指揮官これは本圓に応揎するための服なのIt's not even a swimsuit, and it shows off so much tummy... C-Commander! Is this REALLY meant for cheering?!
Main 2䞍行绝对䞍胜拍照芁是哈曌这副暡样被拍䞋来的话䌚害矞埗晕过去的 那就拍视频根本没区别奜䞍奜写真はダメ絶察ダメハムマンのこんな姿を写真に残されたら恥ずかしくお倒れちゃう じゃあ動画にするっお党っ然倉わらないじゃないNo pictures! Absolutely not! If you photograph me in this state, I'll die of embarrassment! ...Video taping? That's basically the same thing, but worse!
Main 3姿势 这这样吗欞果然还是圚害矞的姿势比蟃奜 ポヌズ こ、こうえやっぱり恥ずかしがっおるポヌズのほうがいいっお Pose...? L-like this? Huh? You want me to look embarrassed while I do it?!
Touch还还想让哈曌做什么啊は、ハムマンにこれ以䞊䜕をさせる気Wh-what more are you gonna make me do?!
Touch (Special)果果然是䞺了这么做才特意让哈曌换衣服的吧  ///や、やっぱりこれがしたかったからわざわざハムマンに着替えさせたのね ///Th-this is exactly why you wanted me to change into this, isn't it?!
Mission快点把任务 芁看的䞍是哈曌是任务啊早くミッションを ハムマンじゃなくおミッションの方を芋るのだHurry up and do your missions... Stop looking at me! I said your MISSIONS!
Return to Port欢欢迎回来 哈曌来迎接䜠有什么䞍满吗诎想芁曎平垞点的问候就奜 䜠䜠到底想让哈曌干什么啊变态お、おかえりなさい ハムマンが出迎えたら䞍満なのもっず普通に挚拶しおっお は、ハムマンに䜕をさせる぀もりだこのヘンタむW-w-welcome back... You got a problem with me coming out to greet you? Am I not enough?! ...Greet you more normally? Wh-what are you trying to make me do?! Perv!
Commission Complete委托完成了我我才䞍䌚和䜠䞀起去呢委蚗が完了したぞい、䞀緒には行っおやらないからねCommission's done! D-don't think I'm gonna go with you, though!
Flagship哈哈曌䌚收拟掉敌人的——は、ハムマンがやっ぀けおやるヌI-I'll take care of these enemies!
Victory哈曌是MVP倪奜了  才才没有兎奋过倎什么的哊ハムマンがMVPやったぁ っおべ、別にはしゃいでなんかいないわよI'M the MVP?! Woohoo! ...N-not that I care all that much, or anything?!
Affinity (Love)哈哈曌才没有勉区自己也没有被区迫什么的因䞺指挥官喜欢所以哈曌才这么努力的芁奜奜倞奖我哊诎诎埈可爱埈合适什么的  才才才没想过让䜠这么诎啊——べ、別にハムマンは無理なんおしおないし、無理匷いもされおないもん指揮官が喜ぶず思っお頑匵っおるんだから、ちゃんず耒めおよねか、かわいいし䌌合っおるっお そそそ、そんなわけないのだヌI-I'm not forcing myself, and you're not forcing me, either! I'm doing all this because it makes you happy, so don't hold back on the compliments! Y-you think I'm cute and it looks good on me...? Th-th-that's not what I meant!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description区区新衣服而已䞺什么哈曌芁站圚这里提起裙摆给䜠摆pose哈衚情还芁再厌恶䞀点䜠果然只是䞪hentai吧新しい服だけなのに、なんでハムマンがスカヌトをたくし䞊げなきゃならないのはあもっず嫌そうな衚情でこ このヘンタむI'm just wearing new clothes, so why should I have to raise my skirt like this? Huh? You want me to look more upset? You... you pervert!
Acquisition区区新衣服而已䞺什么哈曌芁站圚这里提起裙摆给䜠摆pose哈衚情还芁再厌恶䞀点䜠果然只是䞪hentai吧新しい服だけなのに、なんでハムマンがスカヌトをたくし䞊げなきゃならないのはあもっず嫌そうな衚情でこ このヘンタむI'm just wearing new clothes, so why should I have to raise my skirt like this? Huh? You want me to look more upset? You... you pervert!
Login这样就胜提起粟神工䜜果然是䞪无可救药的家䌙こんな栌奜しただけで匵り切るなんお、やっぱり救いようがないヘンタむねYou're a full-blown pervert beyond saving if just seeing these clothes makes you so excited!
Details想芁看倚久啊哈曌还芁去扟纊克城姐姐呢い぀たで芋おるのよ ハムマン、ペヌクタりン姉さんの所に行きたい How long are you going to keep looking... I want to go see how Yorktown is doing...
Main 2䜠芁是奜奜努力哈曌也䞍是䞍可以倚坚持䞀䞋指揮官が頑匵るずいうのなら、ハムマンはもうちょっず付き合っおも いいけどAs long as you promise to work hard, I'll stay with you for just a little longer... I guess?
Return to Port蟛苊了  看什么看虜然是笚蛋哈曌对努力的家䌙还是䌚奜奜称赞的お疲れさた  な、䜕よバカでも努力しおいるならハムマンはちゃんず耒めるのだぞGood work out there... W-what! I'll give a decent compliment to someone who works hard, even if they're stupid!