Ganj-i-Sawai (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇌: )
Ship ID No. 664 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Sailing Frigate Rarity Super Rare
Navy Tempesta Build Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Sailing Frigate: Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
Winds of Purification and Restoration Increases this ship's FP and ACC by 1.0% (10.0%). When this ship fires her Main Guns: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level) and recovers 1.0% (3.0%) of this ship's max HP. When the battle starts, if there are 2 or more Tempesta ships afloat in this fleet, this HP recovery effect will also apply to your Vanguard ship with the lowest current HP percentage.
Guardian of Treasures Every 15s after the battle starts: grants the Treasure Ship's Safeguard buff to a random ship in your fleet (excluding this ship); for 10s, this buff increases that ship's DMG dealt by 4.0% (10.0%) and decreases Ganj-i-Sawai's DMG taken by 10.0% (20.0%). If Ganj-i-Sawai lost less than a total of 15.0% of her max HP as a result of DMG taken while the buff is active: increases the buff recipient's DMG dealt by 2.0% until the battle ends; if Ganj-i-Sawai's total DMG taken exceeds 15.0%, the buff recipient loses 1.0% of her max HP instead. This buff cannot be applied to ships who have lost HP as a result of this skill's effect. Once per battle, if there are no eligible targets for this buff: increases Ganj-i-Sawai's DMG dealt by 4.0% (10.0%) until the battle ends.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 风垆船—冈䟝沙瓊号 颚垆艊—ガンズりェむ Sailing frigate – C Ganj-i-Sawai.
Biography 䜠奜我是冈䟝沙瓊号之后我就萜垆停驻圚这里了。愿风犏祉恩赐庇䜑海枯  愿䜠  愿䜠圚我的陪䌎䞋拥有矎奜的每䞀倩~ はじめたしお、私はガンズりェむ、これからはここに垆を䞋ろすこずにするわ。颚の祝犏を賜り、母枯に加護を、指揮官に  指揮官には毎日、ガンズりェむず䞀緒に玠晎らしい日々を過ごしおもらえるように Well met. I am Ganj-i-Sawai – I'll be docking here for the foreseeable future. In the name of the wind, blessings be upon you and your port. May our days together be filled with bliss and wonder!
Acquisition 指挥官我是冈䟝沙瓊号埈高兎讀识䜠~这里就是䜠的枯区比我想象䞭芁曎倧、曎壮观呢——我可以到倄蜬蜬吗圓然劂果䜠愿意陪着我我䌚曎匀心的。 あら指揮官、私はガンズりェむ、䌚えお嬉しいわ。ここがあなたの母枯思っおたよりも倧きくお゜りカン適圓に散策しおもいいふふ、䞀緒に来おくれたらもっず嬉しいわよ Greetings, Commander. I'm Ganj-i-Sawai. It's a pleasure! Is this place your port? My, it's so much bigger and grander than I expected! Do you mind if I walk around? And if you could join me, that'd be even lovelier. Heehee.
Login 指挥官我给䜠泡了咖啡哊皍皍加了䞀些銙料䜠看看喝䞍喝埗惯我是埈喜欢这种风味的~ 指揮官、コヌヒヌを淹れおあげたわ。スパむスも少し入れたけど味は倧䞈倫かしら私的にこういうのがすごく奜きなの I made you some coffee, Commander. I also threw in some spices. How does it taste? Personally, I can't get enough of this stuff!
Details 我圚写改建指挥宀的提案哊毕竟这是枯区最重芁的地方总觉埗可以再特别䞀点  比劂顶郚改䞺镶满宝石的穹顶之类的 執務宀の改築の提案曞を曞いおいるずころよ。だっおここは母枯の䞀番重芁なずころだから、もっずスペシャルな感じにしたほうが――ほら、䟋えば倩井を䞞倩井にしお宝石をいっぱい散りばめるずか I was just drafting a renovation plan for your office. It's the most important place in the port, and I believe it should feel more special. For instance, by adding a dome to the ceiling and inlaying it with gemstones.
Main 哌哌♪~哌哌哌♪~指挥官觉埗奜听吗这是我最近正圚孊习的  嗯  流行音乐 ♪♫指揮官、いかがかしら私が最近勉匷しおいる  うヌん  流行りのミュヌゞック La-laa-la-laa♪ Do you like it, Commander? I've been studying some, um, "modern" music, I suppose?
Main 2 这䞪料理的味道  嗯  劂果再加些銙料应该䌚曎加矎味呢  胡怒、小豆蔻、生姜、野胡怒、姜黄、肉桂、蟣怒  这样就差䞍倚了吧 くんくん、この銙り  うヌん、もっずスパむスを入れたら曎に矎味しくなりそうね。ペッパヌ、カルダモン、ショりガ、サンショり、タヌメリック、シナモン、トりガラシ  こんなずころで十分かしら♪ *sniff sniff*... This scent... It could use some spices to really take it to the next level. Some black pepper, some cardamom, ginger, prickly ash, turmeric, cinnamon, cayenne pepper... That should be plenty!
Main 3 指挥官我圚旅枞手册䞊看到了埈倚䞍可思议的叀遗迹胜请䜠陪我去看看嘛拜托了就答应我吧~ 指揮官、母枯の旅行パンフで色んな謎の叀跡を知ったわ。今床䞀緒に芋に行かないお願い、ガンズりェむに付き合っお♪ I read about all sorts of interesting ancient ruins in the port's travel brochure! Let's go visit them sometime. Pleeease? Come with me!
Main 4 十倧珍皀叀兞酒瓶  这本乊䞊的介绍是䞍是写错了  这种酒瓶圚我的藏品仓库里有埈倚欞   クラシックボトルトップテン  この本に曞いおあるこず、䜕かの間違いじゃないこんな感じのボトル、ガンズりェむの蔵にいっぱいあるわよ Top ten classic wine bottles? There's no way this magazine is right. I have heaps upon heaps of bottles like that in my storage.
Touch 嗯是想看我跳舞么奜啊~ あら、私の螊りを芋たいのいいわよ Ah, do you wish to see my dance? Certainly!
Touch (Special) 这样的行䞺还是䞍倧合乎瀌仪哊指挥官。 んヌ指揮官、これはやっぱり瀌儀に反しちゃうわよ  Hmm. Commander, this is rather poor manners.
Touch (Headpat) 嗯这是指挥官祝犏我的方匏么谢谢啊~ あらこれは指揮官なりの祝犏の授け方感謝するわ Oh? Is this your way of conferring blessings? Thank you kindly!
Mission 指挥官赶玧匀始今倩的工䜜吧可䞍胜偷懒哊~ 指揮官、早く今日のお仕事を始めたしょうサボったらだめだからね Shall we begin on the day's work, Commander? Delaying won't do you any good.
Mission Complete 任务的报酬  圚哪里嗯这些就是报酬  我还以䞺只是随手攟圚这里的杂物  抱歉抱歉䞍芁生气~ 任務の報酬どこ あら、これが報酬 おっきり適圓にポむっずされた物かず  ごめんなさいっ、怒らないでっおばヌ Mission rewards? Where? Oh, you mean these? I thought they were random things just left there... You must forgive me. Please don't be mad!
Mail 指挥官信件我郜给䜠拿过来了慢慢看吧~我就圚这里等䜠。 指揮官、手玙を党郚持っおきたけどゆっくり読んでいいからね。私、ここで埅っおるから I've brought all your letters, Commander. Read them at your leisure. I'll be waiting right here.
Return to Port 指挥官欢迎回枯看来今日的任务也埈顺利呢䞋次我胜陪䜠䞀同倖出么我想倚看些沿途的景色  圓然是圚奜奜完成任务之后~ おかえり、指揮官、今日の任務も順調ね。今床は私も䞀緒に出させおくれるええ、道䞭の景色をもっず眺めたくお もちろん、任務をちゃんずこなしおから Welcome back, Commander. I see your mission went well. May I come with you sometime? I'd love to see the sights along the way. After the mission is complete, of course.
Commission Complete 这就是指挥官的商队么倧家看起来郜埈可爱呢~ これが指揮官のキャラバンかしらみんな可愛いわ Are those girls your entourage? My, they're so cute!
Enhancement 胜曎自劂地操控风暎了呢~ 颚を操りし腕がもっず䞊達したわ My command over the wind grows stronger!
Flagship 风暎啊请赐予我力量。 嵐よ、我に力を―― O storm, grant me strength!
Victory 呵呵䞍芁小看风暎的力量哊~ ふふ、嵐の力を䟮るこずなかれ Heehee. Underestimate not the might of a storm.
Defeat 雚氎啊请治愈䞀切䌀痛。 雚よ、傷を治し痛みを和らげ絊えヌ O rain, heal our wounds and ease our pain.
Skill 风暎啊扫陀䞀切的灟厄 嵐よ、党おの厄灜を払おう  O storm, sweep away all disasters!
Low HP 来䞍及治疗了   治療が間に合わない  My remedy won't reach me in time!
Affinity (Upset) 感觉那䞪建筑还挺特别的我过去看看——我䞀䞪人就可以了指挥官䜠先忙吧。 あっちの建物、スペシャルな感じがするから芋おくるわ。あ、䞀人でいいから、指揮官は構わず自分のこずをやっおお I'm off to look at that unique building over there! By myself, I mean. You just focus on your own business.
Affinity (Stranger) 我想圚枯区修建䞀座雄䌟而矎䞜的宫殿  这些是囟纞给䜠看看哊  嗯䜠觉埗还䞍错么谢谢䜠  那  可以顺䟿批准么~ 母枯にナりダむでキレむな宮殿を立おたいわ。こっちの図面を芋おもらえる いい感じっおありがずう じゃあ  ぀いでに承認もしおくれる I yearn to build a grand, beautiful palace in this port! Won't you look at my blueprints? ...Looks good? Thank you. Then while we're at it, could I receive your approval?
Affinity (Friendly) 只芁是䜠想芁的无论是钱莢还是收藏品郜可以去我仓库里拿哊~啊  䞍甚特意跟我讲的我也记䞍枅郜有些什么藏品了。 指揮官が欲しいなら、財宝でも蒐集品でもなんでも私の蔵から取っおいっおいいわよ。あ、別に私に聞かなくおもいいからね。だっお䜕があるかもう忘れちゃっおるから♪ You're free to take whatever you like out of my storage, be it treasure, art, or whatever else. You needn't even ask for my permission. Frankly, I don't remember what is in there!
Affinity (Like) 怎么样有没有觉埗被充分治愈了这样子额倎盞莎也胜䌠递治愈的力量哊  嗯䜠的脞䞺什么这么烫䞍芁害矞嘛~ どうバッチリ癒やされたこうしおおでこを合わせおも癒やしの力を盞手に送れるのよ。あら指揮官ったらどうしお顔が熱くなっおるの照れない照れない♪ So, are you feeling better? By putting our foreheads together, I can direct my healing energy to you! Oh, why are you blushing all of a sudden? Don't be shy, now!
Affinity (Love) 愿我成䞺䜠最亲密的䌎䟣愿䜠唯我独占  奜了~指挥官我已经对䜠斜加了爱情的咒语无论以后发生什么我们郜䌚圚䞀起哊~ 「私はあなたの最も芪しい䌎䟶になり、あなたは私だけのものになる」  はヌい、指揮官、愛の呪文をかけたわ。これからは䜕が起きおも二人はずっず䞀緒よ♪ I shall be your closest companion, and you shall be mine and mine alone... There, I cast a spell of love on you. Now we will always be together, no matter what may happen!
Pledge 指挥官我已经匀始畅想我们的未来了  䞀起随风远航、或是䜏进自建的䞍可思议倧建筑、或是蜜歌蜜舞地床过每䞀倩  无论是怎样的光景只芁想到我的未来䞭有䜠我䟿无比期埅~ 指揮官、私、もう二人の未来を思い銳せおるずころよ。䞀緒に垆を匵っお颚ずずもに遠出しお、自分で建おた䞍思議で゜りカンな建物に泊たっお、歌っお螊っお毎日を過ごしお  どんな未来でも、あなたがいおくれれば楜しみだわ I've already started picturing our future together! We'll hoist sails and embark on far-flung voyages, we'll sleep in a curious and magnificent building we built ourselves, and we'll sing and we'll dance... Regardless of what the future has in store, I'm excited to be experiencing it with you!
In battle with Whydah 没错没错藏品倪倚了也䌚让人倎疌呢 そうそう、お宝が倚すぎるのも困っちゃうね Ah, yes, having too much treasure truly is a burden.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 䜠胜听见我的歌声吗真是倪奜了我终于等到䜠了  胜请䜠垮我解匀封印吗 私の歌声が聞こえるの良かった  やっず来おくれた  ねえ、この封印を解いおもらえないかな You heard my song? Thank goodness... Someone has finally come for me! Say, could you please remove the seal on me?
Acquisition 䜠胜听见我的歌声吗真是倪奜了我终于等到䜠了  胜请䜠垮我解匀封印吗 私の歌声が聞こえるの良かった  やっず来おくれた  ねえ、この封印を解いおもらえないかな You heard my song? Thank goodness... Someone has finally come for me! Say, could you please remove the seal on me?
Login 我䌌乎越来越虚匱了劂果䞍快点垮我解匀封印的话  嗯我看起来粟神埈奜嗯  那只是因䞺见到䜠埈匀心啊~ だんだん元気がなくなっおきたから、早く封印を解かないず  ん普通に元気に芋えるっおあっ  指揮官に䌚えたから嬉しくお、そりゃ元気になるわよ My energy wanes further and further. Please undo the seal quickly... Hm? You think I look full of energy? Well, that's because I'm happy to see you!
Details 曟经我担心被灟厄䟵染而将自己封印。再床醒来时这片海域已经被我的力量所净化可我华无法解匀这层封印  唯有䜠听见我歌声的旅人  唯有䜠胜垮我  所以救救我吧~ 「厄灜に飲み蟌たれるのを恐れお自分を封印しお、再び目が芚めた時にはもう海は私の力ですでに浄化されおいるのに、封印は解けない」  だから指揮官、ガンズりェむの歌声を聞いた旅人よ  あなただけが頌りよ助けおぇええ I put a seal on myself for fear of being taken by the disaster, and when I awoke, my powers had purified the sea, yet I could not undo the seal. Please, traveler who heard my song, I have no one else to turn to! Help meee!
Main 手䞊的绷垊郜散匀了  䞍过这䞪跟封印无关啊解匀封印的事情还是芁拜托䜠哊。 あ、腕の包垯が解けたわ。 ふ、封印ずは関係ないわ封印を解くのはあくたで指揮官だからねっ Oh. The bandages around my arms came loose. They have nothing to do with the seal! Only YOU can undo it!
Main 2 埅封印解匀后我想去看看深海䞭被埋没的叀迹~嗯䜠也想去么圓然可以啊那䞪时候䜠应该已经  䞍没什么哊~ 封印が解けたら、海䞭の遺跡を回っお ん指揮官も䞀緒に行きたいのいいけど、その時は指揮官がすでに  うわああなんでもないわよ♪ Once you've undone the seal, I'm going to search the undersea ruins, then... Hm? You want to come with me? Sure, but by then you'll already be– Err! Never mind I said anything!
Main 3 嗯喜欢我的歌声么那我以后也䌚䞀盎䞺䜠歌唱哊 䞀盎䞀盎   んガンズりェむの歌声が奜きなのじゃあこれからも歌い続けおあげるね♪そう、ずっず、ずっず、ずヌヌヌぅっず   Hm? You adore my singing? Ah, then I will keep singing for you! I'll sing for you forever... and ever... and ever...
Main 4 因䞺䜠是呜䞭泚定胜借解救我的人所以枷锁蜻而易䞟就被䜠解匀了啊䞀点郜䞍奇怪啊 指揮官が運呜の䞭でガンズりェむを助けおくれる人だから、簡単に封印を解けるのべ、別におかしくないわよ  Destiny has chosen you to rescue me, so it will be child's play for you to undo the seal. N-no, there's nothing dubious about it all!
Touch 奜奇人鱌的构造么再靠近些观察也可以哊~嗯再靠近䞀点吧   人魚の䜓が気になるのもっず近くで芳察しおもいいわよ。うんうん、もっずじヌっくりね Curious about the body of a mermaid? Come closer and have a better look. That's it, take it aaall in.
Touch (Special) ——还真是倧胆啊  这种行䞺可是芁付出代价的哊~䜠准倇奜了吗 ――ひゃああこ、これはダむタンね  こういうのは代䟡を支払わされるわもう芚悟はできおるかしら Eep! M-my, that's quite bold... You will pay for doing this! I hope you're prepared!
Touch (Headpat) 这么枩暖的手倒是让我有些舍䞍埗了呢   こんなに枩かい手、ちょっず離すのがもったいないかも   I'd hate to let go of such a reassuringly warm hand...
Mission 嗯先完成䜠的工䜜吧我䌚等䜠的。 あなたの仕事を先にやっおおここで埅っおいるから Go ahead and do your work. I'll be here, waiting.
Mission Complete 工䜜结束了䜠看起来埈是疲倊来我这里䌑息䞀䌚儿吧我䞺䜠唱䞀支安神曲。 お仕事が終わったのそんなに疲れおるなら、ガンズりェむのずころに寄っお䌑んでちょうだい気分を萜ち着かせる歌を歌っおあげるわ Are you finished with your work? You look exhausted – come here and rest by my side. I'll sing a song to ease your heart.
Mail 䜠仍圚䞎倖界联系么  嗯  没关系  埈快䜠就将完党属于我了。 ただよそず連絡しおるの  ふふん 倧䞈倫 もうちょっずしたら指揮官は私のものよ♪ You're still in touch with the outside world? Heh... That's okay. Soon, you'll be mine.
Return to Port 䜠看起来有些疲倊呢  肯定是灟厄的力量圚吞噬䜠  赶玧解匀我的封印吧我䌚奜奜保技䜠的 指揮官は疲れおるように芋えるわね きっず厄灜の力に圱響されおいるわ だから早く私の封印を解いお私があなたを守るから You seem rather tired, Commander. It must be the influence of a disaster... I'll protect you, but you must undo the seal on me first!
Commission Complete 有商队进入了这片海域  是来给䜠送物资的吗去看看吧  䞍过我的事情还请保密哊~ キャラバンがこの海域に入ったのあなたのために物資を運んできたじゃあ早く芋に行ったほうがいいわ  あ、私のこずはヒミツにしずいおね Your entourage has entered the area? And they're transporting goods for you? You should go speak to them, then! Oh, but don't tell them about me.
Affinity (Love)   䞺䜕芁露出这样的衚情呢埈快䜠就胜借属于我、属于灟厄了啊  呵呵~䞎我亀融䞀䜓、氞远、氞远圚䞀起这也是“爱”的䞀种圢匏啊~   なヌんでそんな顔をするの指揮官はもう少しでガンズりェむず、厄灜ず䞀緒になるんだから。ふふふ、氞遠に䞀぀になるのも「愛」の䞀぀の圢だからね Why are you making that face? Soon you will be one with me, one with the disaster... Heehee. Merging to be forever together is just another form of love!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Login 䜠来了我正圚煮銙料茶哊  正奜䜠看看有没有䞍喜欢的銙料我就䞍加进去煮啊~ あら、今チャむを䜜っおいるずころよ そうだ。指揮官は苊手なスパむスはある煮蟌む時にそれを抜きにしおあげる Ah, I'm making some tea! Incidentally, are there any spices you dislike? I'll leave those out of the mixture.
Details 手䌞出来  嗯庇技的咒语写奜了握玧手心吧  虜然只是甚手指乊写䜆是咒语的效力是䞍䌚减少的。无论䜠圚哪里风郜䌚守技䜠。 指揮官、手を出しお よし、加護の呪文を曞いたから䞀床ぐっお握っお指で曞いたけど効き目は倉わらないず思うわ。ふふふ、どこにいようず、颚があなたを守るから―― Give me your hand, Commander... There, I wrote a protective spell on it. Now clench. I only wrote it with my finger, but the effect should be the same. Heehee. Wherever you go now, the wind will watch over you.
Main 是䞍是有些倪安静了  我唱歌给䜠听奜䞍奜想听什么 ちょっず静かすぎない  歌っおあげようかどんなのを聞きたい It's too quiet here... Shall I sing for you? What song would you like to hear?
Main 2 䞍芁总是坐着嘛来手给我䞀起跳舞吧~跳舞这件事就芁是倧家圚䞀起、热热闹闹的才匀心啊~ 座りっぱなしはダメよっ。さあ、手を出しお。䞀緒に螊ろう皆が䞀緒にワむワむ盛り䞊がっお螊るのが䞀番楜しいわ You can't just sit down all day. Give me your hand and let's dance! Dancing is at its most fun when excitement is in the air!
Main 3 请求悚赐䞋犏祉长久地庇技吟蟈  奜了祈犏结束该去准倇给指挥官的特色料理了。 祝犏を賜り、我に長き加護を授けよ――ふふ、祈り終わったわ。次は指揮官にスペシャルな料理を甚意する番ね Give me thy blessings and grant me everlasting protection... Heehee, I'm done praying. Now it's time to make you a very special dish!
Main 4 指挥官看这蟹~拍奜了手机拍照真的埈方䟿呢胜随时将䜠各种可爱的样子“收藏”起来~我䞀定䌚奜奜珍藏的呵呵~ 指揮官、こっちパシャッやったわケヌタむでシャシンを撮るなんお本圓にベンリね。可愛い指揮官の姿をい぀でも集められお ふふふ、倧事にしたっおおくわ Commander, look here! *snap*! I did it! Taking photographs with these smartphones is so convenient. It lets me collect sweet pictures of you whenever I want. Heehee. I'll treasure these dearly.
Touch 䞺什么想跳舞呢因䞺埈匀心。䞺什么匀心呢圓然是因䞺见到了䜠啊呵呵~ 䜕故螊りたいっお嬉しいから䜕故嬉しいかっおあなたに䌚えたからよ。ふふふ♪ Why I want to dance? Because I'm happy! Why am I happy? Because I got to see you! Heehee.
Touch (Special) 嗯///  我芁生气了哊骗䜠的~ んんっ///  プンプンするわよなんおね♪ Mmhh... You're making me angry! Not really♪
Touch (Headpat) 哌匄乱倎发我可是芁生气的哊~呵呵~匀玩笑的匀玩笑的 ふん髪をくしゃくしゃにしたら怒るわよプンプン あははは♪冗談、冗談だわ Hmph! You're getting it if you ruin my hair! Getting it, I say! ...Hahaha! I'm just joking!
Return to Port 指挥官绎蟟诎䞪叫做“手机”的工具可以随时将奇景遗迹䜜䞺“照片”收藏起来  䞋次出枯的时候胜垮我收藏奇景遗迹么 指揮官、ノェヌダちゃんから「ケヌタむ」ずいうのがあっお、奇景や叀跡を「シャシン」にしお残せるっお聞いたわ。  今床出航する時にそれをやっおくれる  Whydah told me about a thing called a "smartphone" which can create "photographs" of wondrous sights and things instantly. Could you bring one of those along the next time we leave the port?
Affinity (Love) 指挥官快看我新敎理的展柜~这里面的每䞀件藏品郜纪念着我们同行的的每段旅途、盞倄的每段时光。垌望未来也有曎倚、曎倚的纪念品填满这敎䞪柜子——呵呵~ 指揮官、新しく敎理した展瀺棚を芋おごらん。党おの物品はあなたずの旅や、あなたず䞀緒にいる日々を蚘念するものよ。これからももっずもっず蚘念を増やしお、棚をいっっぱいにしたいわ。ふふふ♪ Have a gander at my newly-sorted display shelf! Everything on here is from our travels and memories together. I hope to expand my collection substantially and add many more shelves! Heehee.