Fritz Rumey (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇼: )
Ship ID No. 669 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Aircraft Carrier Rarity Ultra Rare
Navy Ironblood Build Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Aircraft Carrier: Fritz Rumey-class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
Dauntless Wings of the Hero When this ship launches an airstrike: 50.0% (100.0%) chance to launch an additional Lv.1 (Lv.10) special airstrike (DMG is based on the skill's level) that reduces the SPD of enemies hit by 30.0% for 6s; when an afflicted enemy is affected by a pulling effect, the SPD reduction effect is increased to 60.0%. While this ship is afloat, 16s after a fleet this ship is NOT in enters battle: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) supporting barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level).
Ruinous Blade of the Slayer Every 10s: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level). If this ship has a CL Main Gun equipped in her third weapon slot: sets that CL Main Gun's Detection Range and Range to 80 (105) and makes its shells penetrate enemy shields. This ship gains a special CA Main Gun. When this CA Main Gun hits the same enemy 8 times: increases that enemy's DMG taken by 8.0%.
Immovable Heart of the Juggernaut Increases this ship's AVI and ACC by 5.0% (15.0%). When this ship sinks an enemy while she is Detected: sets this ship's Detection Gauge to 0 (this effect can activate up to 3 times per battle).
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 大型飞机巡洋舰(Grossflugzeugkreuzer)A II型—弗里茨·鲁梅 大型航空巡洋艦(Grossflugzeugkreuzer)A II型-フリッツ・ルメイ Grossflugzeugkreuzer (large aviation cruiser) A Type II – Fritz Rumey.
Biography 兼顾航空优势与火力压制、哪怕不依靠舰载机也可以逼退敌人的围猎——这是我被设计之初的理念。虽然听上去有些天马行空,但现在,我本人的存在就是对它最好的证明。 圧倒的な火力と優勢を作れる航空戦力を併せ持つため、敵に囲まれても艦載機に頼らず退けられる――それが我の設計理念だ。奇想天外だと思われていただろうが、今こそ我が存在がその証明となろう By pairing aerial superiority with immense firepower, one can repel the enemy even when surrounded and without relying on aircraft. This is the concept for which I was designed. Far-fetched though it seemed then, now, my existence is proof of its feasibility.
Acquisition 指挥官,Guten Tag。我是弗里茨·鲁梅,你应当已经看过我的资料了。话不多说,告诉我接下来的作战安排吧。 指揮官、Guten Tag。我はルメイ、貴殿はすでに資料に目を通しているはずだ。余計な言葉など不要――次なる作戦の委細を洗いざらい吐くといい Guten Tag, Commander. I am Rumey. You've surely read my file. Forget the pleasantries – just tell me all the details of our next operation.
Login 身为指挥官,准时到来只是基本要求,你应该到的再早些,这样才能为他人做表率。 指揮官たる者、時間遵守は基本中の基本に過ぎん。他人の手本となるよう、もっと早く到着してほしいものだ For one who commands, punctuality is the bare minimum of what's expected of you. Try to arrive sooner so you may serve as an example for others.
Details 胜利不会来自于空口漫谈,成功也不会来自于异想天开。指挥官,脚踏实地才是通往它们的唯一道路。 勝利は口八丁では得られず、成功も妄想だけでは果たせない。指揮官、地道にやれ。そしてそれこそが一番の近道と知れ Smooth talk does not yield victories, and wild aspirations alone cannot achieve success. Be pragmatic, Commander – that is the quickest way to achieve these things.
Main 指挥官,你是为了什么而战斗的?这个问题不需要回答我,只要你心中有答案就好。 「指揮官はなにゆえ戦っている?」…我に答えずともいい。己の中に答えを持っていればそれでいい What are you fighting for, Commander? You need not answer. You need only know the answer in your heart.
Main 2 我偶尔也会单独作战。虽然危险,不过获得的回报与风险是等价的。 単独で作戦を遂行する時がある。危険ではあるが、犯したリスクに見合った成果を得られるのだ Sometimes, I carry out missions alone. While it is dangerous, the greater risk comes with corresponding gains.
Main 3 整理战斗记录对我而言不过举手之劳,稍后就以指挥官的名义下发吧。 戦闘記録を整理し、振り返るなど容易い。我が作業したものは後ほど貴殿の名義で部下たちに配布するといい Organizing and reviewing combat records is child's play. My finished work will be distributed to your subordinates in your name later.
Main 4 指挥官,这是完成后的作战计划,保险起见,请你进行最终检查。 指揮官、作戦計画の最終案だ。ああ、万全を期して最終チェックをするのだ Commander, here is the finalized operation plan. Give it a final overview, just to be safe.
Touch 指挥官,现在还不是休息的时间。打起精神来,工作还没有结束! 指揮官、今は休む時間じゃない。…気を引き締めろ!まだ貢献は終わっていないものと知れ! Now is not the time for rest. At attention! Your service has not concluded!
Touch (Special) 指挥官,请自重。 指揮官、己を慎め Sort yourself out, Commander.
Touch (Headpat) 指挥官,什么事? 指揮官、どうした? Is something the matter?
Mission 新的任务目标已下达,指挥官,开始制定执行计划吧。 新しい任務目標が通達された。指揮官、実行計画の起案を New mission objectives have been relayed to us. Begin drafting a plan, Commander.
Mission Complete 任务准时圆满完成了,做得很好,指挥官。 時間通りにこなしたか。よくやった、指揮官 You got it done on time, did you? Good work.
Mail 指挥官,准时收件才能确保内容的时效性,不要忘了查看邮件。 指揮官――情報の時効性は、早めに確認することでのみ確保できるものと知れ Only by reading your letters can you guarantee the timeliness of their contents, Commander.
Return to Port 指挥官,简单休息一下,然后开始战斗的复盘吧。 指揮官、手短に休憩を済ませたら、さっきの戦闘の振り返りをやろう Commander, reflect on your previous battle once your quick rest is over.
Commission Complete 军事委托已完成,指挥官,开始处理委托报告吧。 委託が完了した。指揮官、報告書の対応を始めるがいい A commission has been completed. You should begin writing that report.
Enhancement Gut(好). Gut(グート). Gut.
Flagship 歼灭敌人,前进! 敵を殲滅しつつ前進せよ! Advance and annihilate the enemy!
Victory 一场中规中矩的胜利。指挥官,下次再接再厉,切勿自满。 至って普通の勝利に過ぎん。指揮官、自惚れるような真似をせず、引き続き励むのだ An exceedingly ordinary victory. Continue working hard, Commander, lest you get complacent.
Defeat 行动已经失败,全员有序撤退。 作戦失敗だ。全艦、秩序を保ちつつ後退せよ! The operation is a failure. All units, retreat in an orderly fashion!
Skill 前进!前进!前进! 進め!進むのだ! Advance! Onward!
Low HP 就由我来打开局面……! 我が戦局を変える…! I will turn this battle around!
Affinity (Upset) 如此自甘堕落,真是吾辈军人之耻。站起来,能拯救你的人只有你自己! こんな自堕落など我ら軍人の恥だ――立て!己を救い得るのは己だけと知れ! Your lack of discipline is a shame upon our navy. Shape up! Only you can redeem yourself!
Affinity (Stranger) 指挥官,要成为站在最高处的人。这样,你才能看到未经他人遮挡的,最美丽的风景。 指揮官、頂点に立つのだ。さすれば誰にも視界を遮られず、最も美しい風景を眺められる―― Reach the top, Commander. Then you will see the most beautiful sight, with no one to block your view.
Affinity (Friendly) 指挥官,休息时间到了,立刻放下手头的工作。一味地延长工作时间只会事倍功半,现在的你需要放松。 指揮官、休憩時間だ。今すぐ手元の作業を止めよ。ただがむしゃらに働く時間を増やすだけでは効率が半減するものと知れ。貴殿は今、休息を必要としているのだ It's time for a break, Commander. Drop your work immediately. Foolhardily working for longer will, by itself, only halve your productivity. What you require now is rest.
Affinity (Like) 指挥官,今天的兵棋推演中,你的战术很有可取之处,只是因为太过注意伤亡,所以导致了任务超时失败。也不是说……不好。我来改进这个战术,下次我们互换立场再战。 今日の兵棋演習での貴殿の戦術は実に見どころが多かったが…味方の被害を気にするあまり、時間超過で敗北したことは感心しないな。いや…それを愚策とは言わない。改善してみるから、今度は立場を入れ替えて再戦しよう You had many highlights in our war game today... However, by going to such lengths to avoid ally casualties, you exceeded the time limit and failed. Mind you, I'm not saying your strategy was bad. I'll improve upon it, then we'll switch sides next time.
Affinity (Love) 你根据上次的情况进行了反推、随后在这次推演中活用了针对性的手段……不得不承认,指挥官,你的战术的确对我造成了很大的威胁,这很好。记住这次的感觉,我期待你下次的表现。 この前の状況を逆推論し、そして今回の演習で己の対応策を打ち出した……貴殿の戦術は確かに脅威的だと言わざるを得ない。良い結果だ。この感覚を心に刻み、そして――我は貴殿の次なる活躍を楽しみにしていることと知れ You reversed the situation of last time and then employed specific countermeasures in this war game... I have to admit, your strategy posed a serious threat to me, which is good. Remember this feeling – and know that I am eager to witness your performance next time.
Pledge 把我约到这里来,你想做什么已经一目了然。指挥官,我愿意接受这份誓约。你知道的,很多情感我都无法付诸于口。所以帮我戴上它吧,指挥官,这就是我的回答了。 我をここに誘った目的はすでに把握している。その誓い、喜んで受け入れよう。……貴殿なら、我が口にしづらい感情を多く抱えているのはもう知っているはずだ。指輪をつけよ。そしてこの震えこそが我が答えだと知れ I already know why you summoned me here. I will gladly take this vow. As you surely know, I have many feelings that I struggle to put into words. Put this ring on my finger – how my hand trembles is my answer to your question.
In battle with Graf Zeppelin 赐予敌人平等的毁灭! 敵に等しく滅びを! Equal devastation to all our foes!
In battle with Peter Strasser 时间不等人,让我们速战速决吧。 時間が惜しい。速戦即決だ! Time is of the essence. Blitzkrieg!
In battle with Bismarck, Bismarck Zwei 与你一同战斗,我深感荣幸。 共に戦えるとは恐悦至極だ I am deeply honored to fight alongside you.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 嗯……?是指挥官啊。我这副模样吓到你了么?呼……抱歉,我是在思考该如何整顿店内的纪律问题。总之,欢迎你的光临,指挥官。 ……?貴殿か。この姿が驚かせたか?ふむ……すまない。模擬店の規律粛正を考えていてな。とにかく指揮官、いらっしゃいませ(キリッ Hm? It's you. Surprised by my appearance? Hmm... My apologies. I was thinking about how to rectify discipline inside the shop. At any rate, welcome.
Acquisition 嗯……?是指挥官啊。我这副模样吓到你了么?呼……抱歉,我是在思考该如何整顿店内的纪律问题。总之,欢迎你的光临,指挥官。 ……?貴殿か。この姿が驚かせたか?ふむ……すまない。模擬店の規律粛正を考えていてな。とにかく指揮官、いらっしゃいませ(キリッ Hm? It's you. Surprised by my appearance? Hmm... My apologies. I was thinking about how to rectify discipline inside the shop. At any rate, welcome.
Login 上下班必须打卡、禁止迟到早退。——啊,指挥官,这不是说给你听的。 始業終業時はタイムカードを押せ。遅刻早退は禁止だ――あ、指揮官。貴殿に言った言葉ではないぞ Punch the clock when you start and finish work. Be on time, and don't leave early... Oh, Commander. That wasn't aimed at you.
Details 我是这家店的店长,也就是所谓的“BOSS兔”。为了确保指挥官的体验,所以我才开始着手整顿……你说没关系?不行!面向你的服务每一处都必须精益求精! 我は模擬店の店長、つまり「ボスウサ」だ。貴殿が受けるもてなしを確保すべく綱紀を……気楽でいいだと?抜かせ!貴殿向けのもてなしは細部にこだわらねばならん! I am the head of our pop-up shop – its "boss bunny," in other words. I uphold discipline to ensure your comfort in... Just take it easy, you say? No! Every aspect of your experience must be perfect!
Main 我这样会吓到其他同伴?嗯……作为这里的店长,如果适度的强硬能让店内的同伴在服务指挥官这件事上更有章法的话,我不介意再强硬一些。 仲間たちを尻込みさせるって?ふむ……模擬店の店長として、強面を見せることで指揮官をもてなす規律を正そうと…我は一切構わんぞ I'm scaring people, you say? Well... As the manager, I don't at all mind being strict if it can better your experience at our shop.
Main 2 多亏有俾斯麦阁下分享之前开店的经验,让我轻松了不少。等到回去的时候,需要和她好好道谢了。 ビスマルク殿が経験を伝授してくれたおかげで随分と楽になった。戻ったら礼を言わねば The experience Lord Bismarck imparted unto me has made my job significantly easier. I must thank her when I get the chance.
Main 3 随意食用后厨备品、指挥官忙于工作无法前来就索性下班……诸如此类的问题层出不穷,该制订一套严格的店规约束大家了。 キッチンでの盗み食い、指揮官が来ないと見て自主退店……よくも非行をぬけぬけと。そろそろ厳しい規則で律する必要がありそうだ Stealing food from the kitchen, leaving work early when they see you're not coming... Such terrible work ethics. It's high time I established a set of strict rules for the employees.
Main 4 作为唯一且重要的客人,指挥官就在这里好好休息放松一下吧。毕竟不论是工作还是战斗都需要劳逸结合。 唯一にして大事な客として、貴殿はここでゆっくりと休め。書類作業だろうと戦闘だろうと、執務と休息のバランス取りが必要だ As our single and very important customer, you should stay and rest up. Whether you're a soldier or a paper pusher, your work must be balanced with rest.
Touch (Special) 指挥官,我欣赏你的勇气…… 指揮官、貴殿の勇気を評価するが……っ!/// I do admire your bravery, but...
Touch (Headpat) 这对耳朵看起来不太像兔子?嗯…… 耳がウサギっぽくない?ふむ…… These ears don't look like rabbit ears to you? I see...
Mission 果然又有任务么,这次我会帮你处理的。当然,你也不能拖沓。 また任務か。今回は助けてやろう。貴殿もぐずぐずしてはならんぞ Another mission. I will help you with it. You cannot afford to be lazy.
Return to Port 指挥官,就在店里好好感受一下我们的服务吧。当然,我会如实记录你的反馈。 指揮官、我々の模擬店のもてなしに骨抜きになるがいい。貴殿の反応をもちろん記録させてもらうぞ Commander, get a feel for the service in our shop. Naturally, I will take notes of your feedback.
Affinity (Love) 真没想到,这次变成指挥官告诉我不要太过激进,放缓步子慢慢来。好吧,我会考虑你的建议……嗯?你要在这里看着我休息?可这里只有我们两个……咳嗯没什么!那……那就休息吧! よもや貴殿から突っ走るな、地道にやれと言われるとは思ってもみなかったぞ。構わん、意見は参考にさせてもらう。……なに?我が休んでいるところを見張りたい?貴殿と我が二人きりになっているところを……こほん。なんでもない!では……休むぞ! I never thought I'd be told by you of all people to slow down and take my time. Very well – I'll consider your suggestion... What? You want to stand watch while I rest? But there is no one else here... Ahem. It's nothing. Allow me to rest, then!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Login 指挥官,我已经准备好咖啡了。你看——早到一会,就能以更从容的状态开始工作了。 指揮官、コーヒーの用意はできている。ああ――早く執務室に着いていれば、より余裕のある状態で仕事を始められるだろ? I've made coffee for you, Commander. See? Arriving sooner gives you breathing room to start work on more comfortable terms.
Details 私下里不需要这么正式,指挥官。现在是休息时间,工作的事情一会再说。 指揮官、プライベートではそう固くするな。今は休憩時間だ、仕事の話はまたあとにしろ You shouldn't be so stiff in private. This is a time to relax. Save the work talk for later.
Main 我为之战斗的理由?指挥官,我为了铁血的所有人而战斗,这其中也包括了你。 我が戦う理由?指揮官、フリッツ・ルメイは鉄血の仲間、そして貴殿のために戦っている What am I fighting for? I fight for the good of my Iron Blood comrades and for you.
Main 2 我已经完成了下次作战的风险评估。指挥官,在核对无误后,就下发给那些准备出击的伙伴吧。 次の作戦のリスク評価を行った。指揮官、問題がないことを確認したら今度出撃する仲間たちにそれを配るといい I conducted a risk appraisal for the next operation. Once you've verified that all is in order, give it to your subordinates who are due to sortie.
Main 3 如果你有什么头疼的事情,不论是公事或者私事都可以与我分享。只要两个人一起,总能想出办法的。 内に抱えている事柄があれば、公私問わず我に相談するといい。二人で考えれば解決法をきっと見いだせる If there's something on your mind, be it a private or work-related matter, you can share it with me. We'll figure out a solution by thinking about it together.
Touch 指挥官,不要畏惧面前的工作。行动起来,我会陪你一起完成它们的! 指揮官、目の前の仕事を恐れるな。手を動かせ、我が共に挑んでいることを忘れるな! Don't dread the work in front of you. Put your hands to work and remember that I'm right by your side!
Touch (Special) 指挥官,现在还在工作中,请自重。 ……指揮官、まだ仕事中だ。己を抑えろ Commander, we're still on the clock. Control yourself.
Touch (Headpat) 嗯?怎么了? ?どうかしたか? Hm? What is it?
Mission 新的任务目标已下达,指挥官,一起制定执行计划吧。 新しい任務目標が通達された。指揮官、共に執行計画の起案を行おう Word of new missions has come in. Let us carry out your plan, Commander.
Mail 指挥官,新的邮件我放在处理区了。记得查看里面的信息,及时收取附件。 指揮官、新しいメールは「対応待ち」のところに置いておいた。情報の確認、添付の受け取りを忘れるな I placed your new letter in the "awaiting answer" pile. Remember to read it and claim any attached items.
Return to Port 指挥官,现在的你需要休息。战斗复盘就交给我吧。 指揮官。今の貴殿は休息を必要としている。振り返りは我に任せるのだ Commander, you need a break. I will take care of the after-action review.
Commission Complete 军事委托已完成,指挥官,一起处理委托报告吧。 委託が完了した。指揮官、共に委託のレポートを確認しよう A commission has been completed. Let us review the report together.
Victory 上次商议的战术起到了不错的效果。指挥官,不断吸取经验,才能更好地应对接下来的战斗。 この間話し合った戦術は効果的だった。…指揮官、経験を積み続けてこそ次の戦いに対応できるものと知れ The strategy we discussed earlier has proven effective. Only by constantly learning from experience, Commander, can we better prepare for the next battle.
Affinity (Love) 什么时候进行下一场推演?指挥官,你刚刚才处理完所有的工作,这件事等到下次再说——于公于私我都不希望你因为过度疲劳而倒下。接下来,所有的事情都交给我,你现在就去休息。 次の演習か?貴殿は仕事を終わらせたばかりであろう、そんなことはまた今度に――はぁ。貴殿が疲労で倒れるのは望んでいない。全て我に任せて、今すぐ休むのだ The next war game? You just finished your work – surely you can save this for later? *sigh*... I don't want you to overwork yourself to the point of exhaustion. Let me handle everything and get some rest at once.