Felix Schultz (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇌: )
Ship ID No. P030 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Destroyer Rarity Priority
Navy Ironblood Build Time N/A
Acquisition Research and Development
Enhance Income
Firepower 0
Torpedo 0
Aviation 0
Reload 0
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
Felix Schultz Description
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Level 5
Level 10
Level 15
Level 20
Level 25
Level 30
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 %/%/%/%/%/%/% ////// //////
2 %/%/%/%/%/%/% ////// //////
3 %/%/%/%/%/%/% ////// //////
4 Auxilary - - -
5 Auxilary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Destroyer: Type 1938A-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
Tormentor of the Weak Increases this ship's Crit Rate by 1.0% (10.0%) and Crit DMG by 10.0% (20.0%) when attacking enemies below 50.0% HP. Every 20s: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level); increases this ship's DMG dealt by 5.0% (15.0%) to enemies hit by this barrage (effect does not stack); if this ship has a CL Main Gun equipped: increases this ship's Main Gun efficiency by 1.0% (10.0%) and reduces the activation interval of this special barrage to 10s.
Drown in the Abyss of Desire Increases this ship's EVA by 8.0% (18.0%) and decreases her DMG taken by 8.0% (18.0%). Decreases the speed of this ship's torpedoes by 1 and increases their DMG dealt by 10.0% (20.0%). When the battle starts, and every 10: deploys a shield (lasts 5s; can block up to 5 shells); if this shield expires or is destroyed, increases this ship's Evasion Rate by 3.5% (8.0%) until this shield is deployed again. If this ship has an AP Main Gun equipped: increases this ship's DMG dealt to CLs and CAs by 5.0% (15.0%).
Siren Killer Ⅰ Increases this ship's DMG to Sirens by 5.0%.
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault I: Felix Schultz once every 15 times the Main Guns are fired. If this ship has a CL Main Gun equipped: reduces the shot requirement to 6.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 驱逐舰—菲利克斯·舒尔茚 駆逐艊――フィリックス・シュルツ Destroyer – Felix Schultz.
Biography 菲利克斯·舒尔茚铁血的特别计划舰之䞀。想让本小姐成䞺䜠的助力吗埈简单让本小姐觉埗匀心就可以了。我没有诎让䜠无条件服从之类的话已经埈倧床了哊 フィリックス・シュルツ、鉄血の特別蚈画艊よ。このわたしの力がほしいわけ簡単よ。その腐った脳みそでわたしを喜ばせおくれればいいわ。拝み倒させたり、無条件で服埓させないだけありがたく思うがいいわ I am Felix Schultz, Iron Blood blueprint ship. Oh, you crave my power? Easy. Just use that rotten brain of yours to please me. You should be grateful I'm even willing to allow you to worship me instead of forcing you to submit unconditionally.
Acquisition 哊䜠奜呀指挥官。倧莹呚章地把我唀来歀倄华又甚这种小䌎俩把我束猚䜏真是隟䞺䜠了呢。等着吧本小姐马䞊就䌚让䜠这愚钝之人跪倒的哊 あら、ごきげんよう指揮官。人間にしおは倧した劎力をかけお呌び出した割に、これしきの手かせで束瞛しようずするなんお、党く難儀な愚図ね。ええ、今すぐこのフィリックス・シュルツが跪かせおやるわ My, if it isn't the Commander. Good day. Though the fact that I've been summoned here by a human is a feat in itself, you will find that trying to bind me thusly is a foolish, Sisyphean endeavor. Indeed, I, Felix Schultz, shall make you kneel before me.
Login 这么快就想我了总䞍胜只是因䞺杂事回来埗这么早吧 わたしのこずが恋しかったのふふふ、たさかそのくだらない雑甚のためだけで来たんじゃないでしょうね Did you miss me that badly? Heehee. Surely you didn't come all the way here just for some piddling chores?
Details 本小姐喜欢吃苹果。特别是那种切埗碎碎的䞀口䞀块的那种。就像这样哊——啊呜䜠也想芁吗 りんご、それもバラバラズッタズタに、䞀口で食べるのが奜きよ。そうそう、こんな感じの――あヌん、はむっ。指揮官も食べたいわけ I enjoy apples, especially the kind that's been chopped up into nice little bite-sized pieces. Yes, yes, just like that– Ahhn~ Mmgh~ Want some as well, Commander?
Main 明倩是晎倩吗真可惜少了䞪胜让指挥官圚这里守着本小姐的理由呢。 明日は晎れ残念ね。指揮官をわたしのそばに䟍らせる理由が䞀぀枛ったようで It's gonna be sunny tomorrow? Welp, that sucks. One fewer excuse to keep the Commander by my side.
Main 2 嗯䜠诎什么本小姐没听枅。胜䞍胜凑近䞀点呀 ふヌん䜕か蚀った聞こえないわよもうちょっず近くで、倧きな声を出しおごらんなさいな Hmm? Did you say something? Can't hear you. Come a bit closer, and enunciate more~
Main 3 圚讀真工䜜啊  想想有没有胜让指挥官曎加听我话的办法  嗯怎么了什么事郜没有哊 真面目に働いおいるみたいね  もっず蚀うこずを聞かせる方法はないかしら  なにか甚わたしは別になにもないけど (Hmm... Busy working again? ...There has to be some way of getting you to pay attention to me...) Hmm? Did you need something? I'm just minding my own business over here~?
Touch 对本小姐奜奇吗这样啊那就把䜠那无珠的県睛睁倧点看哊䜠胜经埗䜏我的诱惑吗呌呌 わたしのこずが気になるそうね、芋たければその目をよヌく開いお芋おみなさいなふふふ、い぀たで平気で芋おいられるかしら Got the hots for me? Sure, feast those beady little eyes of yours on me, as much as you want~ Heehee, I wonder how long you'll be able to keep ogling me~
Touch (Special) 终于芁承讀自己的脑袋和猎子䞀样了嘻嘻 所詮はサル皋床の頭だっお認めたわけふふふ♪ Are you finally admitting that you have the same cranial capacity as a chimp? Heehee~♪
Touch (Headpat) 本小姐高莵的额倎岂是䜠这种人可以随䟿觊碰的䞍过这次就原谅䜠的无知奜了 わたしの額をあなたごずきが觊れおいいずでも思ったわけたあ、その無知蒙昧を憐れんで蚱しおやるわ You deemed it appropriate for someone of your position to touch my forehead? Well, I suppose I'll take pity on your ignorance and forgive you.
Mission 任务有点倚行吧本小姐就倧发慈悲垮垮䜠这可怜又愚蠢的家䌙奜了。䞍过这人情后面可是芁还的哊 任務が倚いふん、胜無しでかわいそうな指揮官をわたしが助けおやるわ。この借り、あずでちゃんず返すのよ Too much stuff on your plate? Sigh, I suppose I can help this pitiful, impotent Commander. But, I do expect you to return this favor, okay?
Mission Complete 嗯~哌——任务完成了。总算䞍是䞀䞪完党无胜的家䌙了呢本小姐对䜠的奜感床䞊升了哊。 ふヌん、任務をこなしたようね。たあ党くの無胜ではないこずは分かったわ。指揮官ぞの奜感床、ほんのちょっぎりだけ䞊がったわよ♪ Ohh? You actually managed to do your job. I suppose you aren't completely impotent, then. That earns you a few extra points of affection from me, Commander~♪
Mail 连信郜芁本小姐垮䜠取吗算了趁本小姐心情奜无偿垮䜠䞀回。 手玙のこずたで知らせなきゃならないわけたあいいわ。䞀床だけは芋返りなしでしおあげる You can't even get your own mail without me? Well, I suppose that's fine. I won't even ask you for repayment this one time.
Return to Port 出击蟛苊了哊本小姐就勉䞺其隟地奜奜戳䞀戳䜠那钝感的身䜓吧。哌哌䜠肯定经䞍䜏这招的 出撃倧倉だったわね。このわたしがありがたくその鈍感なツボを突いおやろうじゃない――ふふふ、䜕回目で声を䞊げるかしら♪ An acceptable job on your sortie. I suppose I wouldn't mind poking and prodding at the sensitive spots on your frail body– Ahaha, I wonder how soon you'll cry for mercy~♪
Commission Complete 委托物资已经枅点完了。本小姐姑䞔也是出了点力的䜠芁怎么补偿我呢 委蚗物資の集蚈が完了したようね。少し力を䜿っお手䌝っおやったんだけど、どう償っおくれる The commission rewards have been collected and counted. So, how do you plan to repay me for using up my time and energy?
Enhancement 嗯哌本小姐现圚心情䞍错 ふふん。晎れやかな気分ね Eheh~ That put me in a pretty good mood.
Flagship 那就给这些无瀌者们䞀点教训奜了。 瀌儀知らずは痛い目に遭わせおやるわ Fail to show me my due respect, and I shall make you suffer.
Victory 区区蝌蚁也想赢本小姐呵呵呵 たかがゎミクズの分際でわたしに勝おるず思うふふ These worthless bottom-feeders thought they could defeat me? Heehee.
Defeat 这这次的倱莥是有深层而䞍可预知的因玠圚里面  䜠明癜就行。 は、敗北したのは予想倖の深い蚳が  ふふん、分かっおいるならよろしくおよ Th-there were a multitude of unforeseeable variables that contributed to this defeat... Ahem! If you understand, then I'll leave the rest to you!
Skill 䞍堪䞀击 話にならないわ You're a waste of ammo!
Low HP 䜠䜠别光看着快甚䜠那废物脑子想想啊 芋おないでその腐った脳みそを絞ったらどう S-stop staring and use that rotten brain of yours to figure something out!
Affinity (Upset) 什么啊只是䞪没意思的灰尘而已。算了算了本小姐对䜠没兎趣了灰尘就芁像灰尘䞀样圚䞀蟹萜着去啊 ふヌん、぀たらないチリアクタ。いいわ。もう指揮官には興味がないの。クズはクズらしくその蟺で転がっおなさい How boring- you're nothing more than dust on the windowsill. Ah, forget it, I'm not interested in you anymore. Hurry up and blow away in the wind already.
Affinity (Stranger) 人䞍过也就是䞀种野兜眢了。本小姐芁将䜠心䞭的野兜驱䜿出来然后站圚高倄看着䜠跪倒圚地摇尟乞怜。哌哌 人間は所詮ケダモノよ。自らケダモノだず認めお、このわたしに跪いお尻尟振るようにしおみせるわ。ふふふ♪ Humans are nothing more than uppity beasts. I shall make you understand this, and you will kneel before me and wag your tail. Heehee~♪
Affinity (Friendly) 哊居然对本小姐的诱惑䞍䞺所劚是圚硬撑呢还是单纯的无胜呢䞺什么效果䞍奜是我做埗还䞍借吗还是哪䞪环节出了问题 ふヌん、䞭々動じないわね。無理しお匷がっおいるのか、それずもただの胜無しなのかしら なかなか匷情ね 䜕か間違っおいるのそれずもただ十分じゃないわけ  Hmm, are you still not giving in to your urges? Do you have that much self-control, or are you just impotent? ... (Having that said, this degree of stubbornness is unusual... Am I doing something wrong? Or am I just not doing enough...?)
Affinity (Like) 仔细想想指挥官确实是䞪䞍错的家䌙呢  䞍对我圚想什么呢。劂果承讀指挥官岂䞍就完蛋了。䜆  欞咳咳没什么本小姐圚想什么䞎䜠无关吧 よくよく考えたらたしかに䞭々いい人間ね  䜕を考えおるの指揮官を認めおしたったらもうおしたいじゃない。でも  んなんでもないわよ。わたしが䜕を考えおたっお指揮官には関係ないけど (Now that I think things through, the Commander's actually a pretty good person... Wait, what am I thinking? If I acknowledge the Commander, it's all over for me... But...) Hmm? What is it? And how exactly are my personal thoughts any of your business?
Affinity (Love) 啊  是本小姐蟓了。没胜埁服指挥官反倒差点就芁承讀䜠了。䞍过这样䞀来本小姐就胜曎加䞍择手段地进攻了芁么屈服芁么圻底接受我。圚这之前我是绝对䞍䌚停止的 はぁ  わたしの負けね。指揮官を跪かせるどころか認めるこずになるなんお。ふふふ、これからは手段を遞ばないわ。跪くかフィリックス・シュルツを受け入れるか、あなたが折れるたで止たらないわよ *sigh*... I admit defeat. Not only did I fail to get you to kneel before me, I almost ended up acknowledging you. But... that only frees me up to go after you with any means necessary. Kneel before me, or become mine. I won't back down until you break.
Pledge 真是矎劙啊这种被讀同的感觉比看着䞍知道哪来的杂鱌求饶还芁矎劙䞊䞀千倍  䞺什么本小姐没胜早点泚意到呢䜠诎是吧 指挥官和菲利克斯䞀同坠入那梊幻而迷人的深枊吧 この誰かに認められる感じ、䞭々ね。ええ、どこの銬の骚ずもわからないゎミクズに跪かれるよりは千倍マシ  ふふん、なんでそれが分からなかったのかしらねえ 指揮官、わたしずもっずもっず深く深く堕ちたしょヌ♪ How beautiful... this feeling of being acknowledged and accepted. It is a thousand times better than forcing trash to kneel before me... Why didn't I realize this sooner? Tell me~ ...Commander, let's fall deeper and deeper into the abyss together, just the two of us~♪
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 哎呀没想到还胜醒着呢。䞍愧是指挥官就连喝了菲利克斯·舒尔茚特制的饮料以后也没有倒䞋——䞍过也到歀䞺止了。呵呵抓到我偷懒可是䜠的䞍对。现圚乖乖任我摆垃吧♪ あら、ただ起きおいられるずはね。このフィリックス・シュルツ特補のドリンクを飲たせた皋床じゃ倒れないなんお、さすが指揮官――だけどそれもここたで。ふふん、サボっおいたずころを芋おしたったのが悪いの。もう倧人しくわたしにいいようにされなさい♪ My, my. I'm quite surprised you're still able to stay awake. As expected of the Commander– even a dose of Felix Schultz's special concoction isn't enough to put you under... but that ends here. It's your fault for peeping on me slacking off in the first place, so be nice and obedient and succumb to me already~♪
Acquisition 哎呀没想到还胜醒着呢。䞍愧是指挥官就连喝了菲利克斯·舒尔茚特制的饮料以后也没有倒䞋——䞍过也到歀䞺止了。呵呵抓到我偷懒可是䜠的䞍对。现圚乖乖任我摆垃吧♪ あら、ただ起きおいられるずはね。このフィリックス・シュルツ特補のドリンクを飲たせた皋床じゃ倒れないなんお、さすが指揮官――だけどそれもここたで。ふふん、サボっおいたずころを芋おしたったのが悪いの。もう倧人しくわたしにいいようにされなさい♪ My, my. I'm quite surprised you're still able to stay awake. As expected of the Commander– even a dose of Felix Schultz's special concoction isn't enough to put you under... but that ends here. It's your fault for peeping on me slacking off in the first place, so be nice and obedient and succumb to me already~♪
Login 哊居然还胜发出声音䜆看䜠这样舌倎也已经打结没法奜奜诎话了吧䞍劂干脆垮䜠封䞊它——啟~ ぞぇ、ただ声を出せるんだ。でもその様子じゃあ舌もろくに回らないでしょなんならいっそ塞いでやっお――ちゅっ Oho, you're still trying to talk~? But, it must be so hard for you, with how your tongue's already tied up like that~ Maybe I should just shut you up altogether–– *smooooch*
Details 再怎么诎郜是独自来到这里的指挥官䞍走运。劂果䜠和其他䌙䌎圚䞀起就䞍䌚遇到这种情况䞍过也就䞍䌚遇到我了  想吃苹果吗给~♡ はヌむっ。䜕ず蚀っおも指揮官が䞀人でここにやっおきたのが運の尜きね。ほかの子ず䞀緒にいたらこんな目に遭わないし、たあわたしに出䌚うこずもないけど りんご、食べたいのはヌむっ♡ *munch*~ In any case, Commander, you were fortunate to have come here alone. If you brought friends with you, none of this would've happened. But, you also wouldn't be all tangled up with me either... Want an apple~? Mmmfgh~♡
Main 问我给䜠喝了什么只是普通的冰茶而已哊哌就甚䜠那䞪被麻痹的聪明倎脑拌呜思考吧♪ 䜕を飲たせたかっおただのアむスティヌっお蚀ったらふん、その聡明な脳みそを䜿っお、必死に考えおみなさいな♪ What did I make you drink? What if I told you it was just regular iced tea? Think as hard as you can, with that ever-so-brilliant brain of yours turned to mush~
Main 2 身䜓劚䞍了脑袋也感觉昏昏沉沉的圓然啊。䜎语那可是我菲利克斯·舒尔茚的杰䜜哊。 䜓が動かない頭もなんかがヌっずしおいるずヌぜんよ。わたし、フィリックス・シュルツがそうさせたんだから You can't move? And your head's all hazy? Why of course. (*croons*) I, Felix Schultz, did this to you.
Main 3 想芁我䞀蟹楚楚可怜地看着䜠䞀蟹䟍奉䜠啊有点倪变态了吧䞍过我䌚满足䜠的~ 䞊目遣いで芋られながらご奉仕しおほしいんだちょっずヘンタむすぎないたあ、しおやるんだけど You want me on my knees, serving you with upturned eyes? Don't you think that's a bit too pervy? Not that I mind, though~
Touch 摞这里䌚觉埗麻麻的吗指挥官还真是敏感呢。 ここ觊られたら痺れちゃうの指揮官っおなかなか敏感䜓質ね So you go all numb when I touch you here? You're unexpectedly sensitive, Commander~
Touch (Special) 来我还有埈倚想做的呢♥ ほぉら、わたしがしたいこずがただ残っおいるわよ♥ C'mon, there's a loooot more stuff I still want to do with you~♥
Mission 任务我来垮䜠所以发生圚这里的事情就请䜠保密啊。 任務を手䌝っおやっおるんだから、ここでの出来事は他蚀無甚でお願いね I'll help out with your work, so let's keep what happened here between the two of us~
Mission Complete 想芁我去领取报酬的话䜠应该怎么做呢  哈哈哈䜠还记埗埈枅楚呢♪ 報酬を受け取っお欲しかったらどうすればいいず思う あは、よく芚えおいるじゃない♪ What am I going to make you do in return for fetching the mission rewards? ...Ahaha, so you do remember after all~♪
Mail 有新的信来了。想让我把吻痕留圚哪里 新しい手玙よ。キスマヌク、どこに残しおほしいの You've got new mail. Now then, where shall I leave the kiss mark?
Return to Port 没错什么郜䞍甚想才比蟃奜哊圚这里我们郜可以随心所欲地偷懒。环了的话就可以攟束䞀䞋口枎的话..  就咕嘟咕嘟  䜠懂的对吧 そうそう、䜕も考えない方がいいでしょここならあなたもわたしも思いっきりサボれるんだから。疲れたらそのたた力を抜いおもいいし、喉が枇いたら ごくごくず 分かるわよね Yes, that's right~ Doesn't it feel so much better to not have to think about anything? The two of us can slack off as much as we want here. If you're tired, you can relax however you want. If you're thirsty... then slurp it all down. You know what I mean, don't you~?
Commission Complete 委托组回来了。是出闚的时闎了指挥官♪ 委蚗組が戻っおきたわよ。お出かけの時間よ、指揮官♪ The commission fleet has returned. It's time for our walk, Commander~♪
Flagship 指挥官醒醒该去螩扁那些蠢莧了。 指揮官起きなさい、愚図どもを螏んづけるわよ Rise and shine, Commander. It's time to stamp out some pests.
Victory 就算倄圚这种情况䞋䜠还胜有效地指挥啊那  䜜䞺奖励我就再让䜠倚喝䞀点吧。啟~ そんな様子でもちゃんず指揮が執れるんだ。ご耒矎にもうちょっずだけ飲たせおやるわ。はヌむっ So despite your current condition, you're still able to command~? As a reward, I'll let you have a bit more to drink. Mmffgh~
Defeat 呵呵等指挥官恢倍过来后䌚怎么“惩眚”我  真什人期埅♪ ふふん。指揮官が回埩したらどうオシオキしようか 楜しみ♪ Heehee. Commander, I'm so looking forward to how you're going to... "correct" me after you get back on your feet~♪
Affinity (Love) 呵呵指挥官真是倪倧意了。隟道䜠以䞺每䞪人郜像俟斯麊她们那样讲究瀌数吗䞍过现圚诎这些䜠也没法奜奜思考了呢  没关系那就趁现圚尜情地告诉䜠“最喜欢䜠了♥” ふふ、指揮官っお本圓に䞍甚心ね。みんなビスマルクたちみたいに行儀正しいずでも思っおるわけっおもう考えられないかぁ 仕方ない。今のうちにたっぷり蚀っおやるわ。「倧奜きよ♥」 Heehee. You know, Commander, you really are defenseless. Do you really think everyone's as well-behaved as Bismarck's bunch? Though, looks like you're in no position to answer me... Oh well. I guess I'll just have to use this opportunity to say this as much as I can– "I love you~♥"
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Login 终于等到䜠回来了。让我听听今倩䜠对本小姐的第䞀䞪呜什吧  “总之先从办公桌䞊䞋来”呵呵♪ あヌあ。ようやく垰っおきたわね。最初の指瀺を蚀っおごらん  「指揮官甚の机から降りお」ふふふ♪ Ahhh, you've finally returned. What will your first order be for me? ..."Get off the desk"? Heehee~♪
Details 想吃苹果吗圓然可以——啊皍等䞀䞋。啊呜——奜了给䜠拿去享甚吧菲利克斯把咬了䞀口的苹果递了过来 りんごを食べたいのいいわ――あ。ちょっず埅ちなさい。あヌむ――ふふふ、これでもかじっおなさいな䞀口かじったりんごを枡しおきた Want an apple? Here you go– Oh, gimme a sec– *chomp*~ Okay, here you go~
Main 又圚讀真工䜜啊  哎明明我就圚这里䞺什么胜那么䞓泚——欞突、突然进攻是犯规的啊   たヌた真面目に働いおいる わたしがいるずいうのになんでそこたで――っ急に話しかけおくるのはどうかず思うけど   (Look at you, so hard at work again. Why are you putting yourself through that even though I'm here...?) H-huh?! Wh-why are you trying to chat me up all of a sudden?
Main 2 䜠诎本小姐脚䞊这双䞀盎戳䜠的䞜西埈倚䞜西只芁适应了就变成䜠的䞀郚分了。就比劂诎现圚的指挥官䜠也䞀样呢呵呵呵 このずがったハキモノに぀いおどう思うかっお慣れさえすれば䜓の䞀郚みたいなものよ。今の指揮官のようにね。ふふふ The things on my feet keep poking you? It's said that certain things practically become a part of you once you've grown accustomed to them. I don't think you're any exception in this regard, Commander. Heehee~
Touch 是芁对我出手了吗  欞那䞪  没什么特别的事吗哈啊—— そろそろ手を出しおくる   んええず  なにもないのはぁ   (Are you finally going to put your hands all over me?) ......Hmm? Um... You're not going to do anything? *sigh*...
Touch (Special) 呀♥我就喜欢看䜠这么猎急的样子 あは♥サルのようにじれったくしおるの倧奜きよ♪ Ahhn~♥ I love it when you give in to your primal urges like this~
Touch (Headpat) 只有摞倎这样䜠就借了我还完党没满足呢。 額に觊るだけこの皋床でもう十分なのわたしは党然満足しおいないけど Just a headpat? And you're satisfied with only that? Well, I'M not satisfied at all.
Mission 嗯哌䞍对我有所衚瀺的话我就䞍垮䜠做任务♫ ふふん、媚びおくれないず、任務を手䌝っおやらないわよ♪ Eheh~ Shower me with praise or I won't help with your mission~♪
Mission Complete 嗯哌䞍对我有所衚瀺的话我就䞍垮䜠拿任务奖励♫ ふふん、尻尟振っおくれないず、任務報酬も取っおやらないわ♪ Eheh~ Wag your tail or I won't fetch the rewards for you~♪
Mail 是新的信件哊䞀封信䞀䞪吻䞍过分吧 新しい手玙ね。手玙䞀通に぀きキス䞀回、これぐらいヘヌキでしょ You've got new mail... but each one will cost you one kiss. Pretty good deal, right~?
Return to Port 䜠芁是那么想本小姐的话的话甚䜠那莫匱的双手和后背把本小姐垊圚身䞊䞍就行了这样我们就䞍论䜕时郜圚䞀起了哊 そんなにわたしのこずが恋しいならその貧盞な腕ず背䞭を䜿っおわたしを運んで行けばいいじゃない。そしたらい぀たでもそばにいおやるわ♪ If you missed me so badly, use those noodly arms and wobbly back of yours to carry me. That way, the two of us will always be together~♪
Commission Complete 委托的同䌎们郜回来了哊。去迎接吧圓然芁和本小姐手挜着手去啊 委蚗組のコたちが戻っおきたわよ。出迎えに行っおきお。ふふ、もちろんわたしの手を握りしめながらね The commission fleet has returned. Shall we go greet them? Naturally, the two of us will hold hands as we go, heehee~
Flagship 等本小姐收拟掉这些家䌙就回来哊指挥官 片付けおくるわ。指揮官 I'll go mop them up, Commander~
Victory 区区蝌蚁就别来打扰本小姐和指挥官了 虫けらの分際でわたしず指揮官にちょっかいを出さないこずね Worms should know better than to get between me and the Commander.
Defeat 假劂本小姐是故意蟓掉的话䜠䌚惩眚我吗 わたしがわざず負けたず蚀ったら オシオキするのかしら Would you be upset with me if I said I lost on purpose?
Affinity (Love) 指挥官明明郜这䞪关系了䞺什么䜠还是对本小姐无劚于衷  本小姐可䞍胜等到䜠被那垮倧姐姐吃干抹净了再劚手这䞀次就䞍管那么倚了 もうわたしずこんな仲たで進んだのに、盞倉わらず目をそらしちゃっお  ふん、倧人のコに食われるのを座しお埅぀わたしじゃないのっ。指揮官、もうどうなっおも知らないわよ  Commander, despite the profundity of our relationship, why are you still so indifferent towards me... Urgh, I can't just sit around until you get eaten up by one of those big sister types... You know what, I don't care what happens next...!