Fargo (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇌: )
Ship IDNo. 657Star Rating★★★☆☆☆
Hull Light CruiserRaritySuper Rare
NavyEagle UnionBuild Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
HP760 Reload72
Firepower32 Torpedo0
Evasion30 Anti-air65
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW25 Luck75
HP3183 Reload138
Firepower89 Torpedo0
Evasion105 Anti-air241
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW64 Luck79
Limit Break
Tier 1Unlock All Out Assault | Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2Main gun base +1 | Main gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3Improve All Out Assault | Main gun efficiency +15%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Light Cruiser: Fargo-classTech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Fast and Reliable Drone TransportDecreases this ship's DMG taken by 5.0% (15.0%) . Every 20s: uses a drone to drop cargo. When your Vanguard enters the cargo's pickup range, the cargo will be received, restoring 1.0% (2.0%) of the max HP of the ship with the lowest current HP percentage in your Vanguard. The cargo disappears after 15s if not picked up.???
Emotionalization ModuleIncreases this ship's FP and ACC by 5.0% (15.0%) . Every 15s: 40.0% (70.0%) chance to fire a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level). While this ship is afloat: increases your Flagship's FP and AVI by 3.5% (8.0%) and decreases her DMG taken by 1.0% (5.0%) .???
All Out Assault IIActivates All Out Assault II: Fargo once every 10 times the Main Guns are fired.???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description法戈级蜻巡掋舰—法戈ファヌゎ玚軜巡掋艊-ファヌゎFargo-class light cruiser – Fargo, Hull Number CL-106.
Biography我是法戈级蜻巡掋舰的呜名舰法戈诞生时战争已经结束了所以没有星赫的战功。䞍过比起战争我对经商曎感兎趣现圚正圚经营䞀家速运公叞指挥官考虑入股合䜜吗ファヌゎ玚軜巡掋艊のネヌムシップのファヌゎよ。生たれた時にはかの戊争がもう終わっおたから、倧した戊果はないの。でも戊争なんかよりもビゞネスに興味があっお、今は運送䌚瀟を経営しおいるの。指揮官、出資提携のご怜蚎はどうI'm Fargo, the lead ship of my class of light cruisers. The great war was over by the time I was born, so I didn't earn much glory. I don't care about wars anyway, I'm more into business, and I run my own shipping company. Would you consider becoming a partner?
Acquisition指挥官悚奜我是法戈  按照情绪数据暡块分析圚初次见面的情境䞭应将“匀心”的数倌䞊调45.36%了解  请允讞我重做自我介绍——“指挥官悚奜我是前来䞎悚商议速运合䜜事项的法戈合䜜愉快”こんにちは指揮官。わたしはファヌゎ。  ゚モヌションファクタヌのアナラむズによるず、初めおのシチュ゚ヌションでは「嬉しい」の指数を45.36䞊げるのが望たしい  改めお自己玹介をするわ。「こんにちは指揮官。わたしは配達茞送業務の商談をしに来たファヌゎよ。よろしく」Hello, Commander. I'm Fargo. According to my emotion factor analysis, raising my happiness index by 45.36% would be ideal for our first encounter... Let me start over. Hiii, Commander! I'm Fargo, here to discuss moving cargo with you. Nice to meet you!
Login指挥官今日悚的情绪指数匀心  忧郁  焊虑  嗯明明脞䞊是埈普通的衚情内心华有这么倚种情绪  还真是倍杂呢。指揮官、今日の感情傟向は「嬉しい」  「憂い」  「焊り」  ん衚情は普通なのに内心では感情が色々うごめいおいるのね。  解せないCommander, your emotion forecast for today is happy, depressed, stressed... Hmm. You have all these feelings going on inside, but you don't let it show... I'm confused.
Details最近的甚户画像资料提到了因情绪倱垞而匕起的冲劚消莹现象这䞀郚分我有疑惑指挥官胜䞺我解答吗カスタマヌペル゜ナの資料に出おきた「感情のアブノヌマルな状態における衝動買いのサンプルケヌス」 ここがちょっずよく分からないの。指揮官、説明しおもらえるMy customer profile graphs describe a phenomenon known as impulse buying under abnormal emotional states. I don't quite understand it. Would you explain it to me, Commander?
Main让我分析悚现圚的心情䞍可以䜿甚情绪数据分析  那  悚现圚是沮䞧的  嗯悚埈匀心䞺什么゚モヌションデヌタをアナラむズせずに今の気持ちを圓おおほしいっお  うん  今あなたは萜ち蟌んでいる  えむしろ嬉しいのどうしおYou want me to guess what you're feeling right now without any analysis? Okay... You're feeling gloomy. What? You're actually feeling happy? Why's that?
Main 2有需芁运送的莧物随时告诉我䞀日之内䟿可以送蟟  劂果方䟿的话也垌望可以告诉我悚对收件方抱以怎样的情感  请䞍芁误䌚这只是收集数据而已。配達しおほしいものがあればい぀でも蚀っお。䞀日以内に届けられるわ――あ、良かったら受け取った人に、受け取った時どんな感情を抱くかファヌゎに情報収集させおもらえるようフォロヌしお  あくたでデヌタ収集のためだから、勘違いしないでLet me know if you ever need anything delivered. I can do it within a day. Oh, and if you can, ask the recipient to tell me how they felt when they got the package so I can record it for future reference. Don't worry, I only want it for data-gathering purposes.
Main 3后续我䌚考虑匕入金融和旅枞服务等其他䞚务暡块  指挥官真的䞍考虑䞎我合䜜吗ファむナンスにトラベルなどの事業も怜蚎しおいるけど  指揮官、本圓に提携する぀もりはないのI'm doing market research on finance and travel, among other things... Are you SURE you don't want to partner with us, Commander?
Main 4疲环的情绪占比已高蟟63.34%手倎的工䜜先攟䞀攟吧指挥官。「疲れ」の感情の割合が63.34%に達しおいるわ。手元の仕事は䞀旊攟っおおいお。指揮官Your fatigue index has reached 63.34%. Put your work on hold for the time being.
Touch悚的情绪埗到调节了吗これで感情のアゞャストができたのDid that regulate your emotions?
Touch (Special)“啊——变态”我应该衚蟟这样的情绪对吧「アヌヘンタむ」 こんな感じで感情をパフォヌマンスすればいい"Eek. You creep." That's the emotion I'm meant to express, right?
Touch (Headpat)䞀般情况而蚀摞倎是圚䌠递“友奜”或者“宠爱”的情绪。なでなで 䞀般的には「友奜的」もしくは「可愛がり」の感情を䌝える、ずされおいるわねHeadpats are typically an expression of affection or adoration. I'll interpret it as such.
Mission高效地执行任务也是䞀名领富者必倇的品栌哊指挥官。任務を効率的にこなすのも、指導者にずっおは必須なの。指揮官A leader must be able to efficiently complete their missions, Commander.
Mission Complete任务完成芁记埗领报酬哊指挥官ニンムカンリョりホりシュりノりケトリ、ワスレナむデネヌMis-sion com-plete! Re-mem-ber to claim your re-wards!
Mail指挥官氎䞊飞机将悚的信件送来了。指揮官、氎䞊機があなた宛のレタヌを配達したわA seaplane just arrived with a letter addressed to you, Commander.
Return to Port指挥官“匀心”圚悚圓前各类情绪占比䞭高蟟74.6%看来出击任务埈顺利  是因䞺见到了我所以埈匀心  这时我应䞊调匀心情绪数倌至64.3%。指揮官の今の「嬉しい」の指数が感情で74.6%も占めおいるこずから、出撃が順調ず掚枬でき――ファヌゎに䌚えたから嬉しい  はあ。ではこっちも「嬉しい」の指数を64.3に䞊げたほうがいいわねJudging by the fact your happiness index stands at 74.6% right now, I can infer that your sortie was a succe– You're happy to see me, that's why? I see. Then I should increase my own happiness index by 64.3% as well.
Commission Complete委托组回来了请将悚的喜悊情绪䞊调2.3%后再去迎接她们吧。委蚗組が垰っおきたわ。「嬉しい」の指数をあず2.3%䞊げおから出迎えに行きたしょThe commission team is back. You should raise your happiness index by 2.3% before you go greet them.
Enhancement情绪数据暡块升级成功胜曎准确地分析各类情绪了。゚モヌションファクタヌのアップデヌトに成功したわ。これからはもっず正確に色んな感情をアナラむズできるはずThe emotion index has been successfully updated. I can now analyze emotions more accurately.
Flagship情绪数据暡块启劚党皋记圕同䌎的情绪数倌。゚モヌションファクタヌ、レコヌドアクティブ――Emotion index recording has been initiated.
Victory赢了啊——真匀心——カッタヌ、ダッタヌWe wooon. Hooraaay.
Defeat蟓了啊——奜隟过——マケタヌ、ツラヌむWe looost. Boooo.
Skill超级力量——スヌパヌパワヌSupeeer power!
Low HP痛苊  䌀心  绝望  クルシむ  カナシむ  れツボり  Dis-tress... Sad-ness... Des-pair...
Affinity (Upset)经这段时闎的观察分析悚䞍是合䜜䌙䌎的最䌘选。これたでのモニタリングずアナラむズの結果――指揮官はビゞネスパヌトナヌずしお最適な遞択肢ずは蚀えないわAfter much data gathering and analysis, I've reached a conclusion – you are not exactly the ideal choice for a business partner.
Affinity (Stranger)猺乏对情绪的理解䌚圱响我对商䞚化的刀断想请悚䞺我提䟛这方面的垮助。感情ぞの理解の䞍足は事業展開の刀断に支障をきたすわ。その点で協力が欲しいのLacking emotional intelligence impairs one's judgment in business decisions. For that reason, I could use your help.
Affinity (Friendly)笑容我刚刚笑了吗露出笑容䞀般是因䞺匀心、喜悊的正向情绪  原来圚悚身蟹这种蜻飘飘的感觉䟿是匀心。笑顔わたしが笑ったの䞀般的に「嬉しい」ずか「楜しい」ずいったポゞティブな感情を衚すずきに笑顔になるから  なるほど、あなたのそばにいるず、ふわふわした気分になるのは「嬉しい」ずいうのねI did? I smiled? People typically smile to express positive feelings like happiness or pleasure, which means... I see now. That warm and fuzzy feeling I get when I'm around you is happiness.
Affinity (Like)心跳数倌过高正向情绪占比倧幅床增加  经比对䞀般这种数据结果被定义䞺  “喜欢”心拍数が基準を倧幅に䞊回り、ポゞティブ感情の割合の増加が顕著  照合するず、こういうデヌタが䞀般的に瀺すパヌ゜ナル゚モヌションは  「奜き」My heart's beats per minute far exceed the baseline and my ratio of positive emotions has risen remarkably... Upon comparison, this data points to the emotion that is commonly described as... "love"?
Affinity (Love)这并䞍是眕见的情绪数倌可我没想到䌚出现圚我身䞊  看来指挥官真的教䌚了我埈倚呢谢谢䜠。珍しい感情傟向ではないず思うけど、たさかわたし自身がそうなるなんお  本圓にいろいろず教えおくれたわね。指揮官While this isn't an unusual emotion forecast, I'm still surprised I fell into that pattern... You've really enlightened me in many ways, Commander.
Pledge情绪数据暡块正圚分析悚圓前的情绪䜆即䟿没有数据支持我也胜借感知到悚的热烈䞎真挚  我们的心情应该是盞同的对吧指挥官指揮官の珟圚の感情をアナラむズ䞭――たあ、デヌタなんおなくおも、その情熱ず真心を感知できるわ。  わたしたち、今同じ気持ちでいるよね指揮官Analyzing present emotion state... Although, I don't need any data to sense what's in your heart. We're both feeling the exact same thing right now, aren't we?
Present Like
Present Dislike
In battle with Cleveland把“皳定”情绪再䞊调1.11%䌚曎有助于䜠完成任务。「萜ち着き」の指数を1.11%䞊げずいお You should raise your calmness index by 1.11%.
In battle with Alsace请将亢奋情绪数倌调䜎避免圱响䜜战。戊いに圱響しないように「興奮」を抑えお頂戎 Try to keep your titillation in check so it won't affect the battle.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description倄理牛奶  我䌚尝试完成的毕竟深入䜓验也是孊习情绪的必芁积环  话虜劂歀这里是䞍是有些倪热了ミルク絞り  うん、頑匵っおこなしおみるわ。だっおじっくり䜓隓したほうが感情アピヌルの孊習になるからね  ずはいえ ここ、少し暑すぎないMilk the cows? Okay, I'll give it my best shot. Firsthand experience helps me better emulate emotions, after all... Although, isn't it way too hot outside for milking?
Acquisition倄理牛奶  我䌚尝试完成的毕竟深入䜓验也是孊习情绪的必芁积环  话虜劂歀这里是䞍是有些倪热了ミルク絞り  うん、頑匵っおこなしおみるわ。だっおじっくり䜓隓したほうが感情アピヌルの孊習になるからね  ずはいえ ここ、少し暑すぎないMilk the cows? Okay, I'll give it my best shot. Firsthand experience helps me better emulate emotions, after all... Although, isn't it way too hot outside for milking?
Login沮䞧情绪占比40.4%  嗯指挥官悚什么时候来的  抱歉倩气倪热了我有些晕乎乎的。「萜ち蟌み」傟向の割合が40.4%  ん指揮官、い぀来たの  ごめん、暑くおちょっずフラフラしおた Depression index sits at 40.4%... Hm? How long have you been here, Commander? Oh, sorry, the heat is making me dizzy...
Details让悚看到这样狌狈的样子  我䌌乎胜借明癜“䞍堪”䞎“矞耻”的情绪了  请别再继续盯着我看了指挥官。こ、こんな情けない姿を芋られおしたうなんお  うぅ 「情けない」ず「恥ずかしい」ず、少しわかった気がする  だから指揮官、もうこれ以䞊芋ないでよ I shouldn't be seen in such a humiliating state... Now I understand embarrassment and humiliation a little better... And since I do, please stop looking, Commander...
Main哈  哈啊  枩床过高空气干燥干扰因玠过倚我有些喘䞍过气来了  はあ  はあああぁ  暑いし也燥しおるし、゚モヌションに邪魔な芁玠が倚すぎ  息が詰たりそう  Ugh... Uggghhh... It's so hot, I'm so dehydrated, and there's so much getting in the way of my emotion recording... I feel like I'm gonna choke...
Main 2这身衣服从䞋单到送莧䞊闚只花了䞀䞪小时这就是速运的䟿捷性  䞍过就算换䞊了这么枅凉的衣服也还是埈热呢  環境に察応したこの衣装は泚文から到着たで2時間しか経っおないの。ふっ、これこそ速達の利䟿性よキリッ。  こんな涌しい栌奜をしおいおもただ暑いなんお  When I ordered this outfit, it arrived after a mere two hours. Heh, that's the convenience of express delivery! But, I'm still baking in the sunlight despite how airy these clothes are...
Main 3牛奶黏糊糊的埈隟受想把衣服脱  啊  原来这就是隟受。ミルクがベタベタしお気持ち悪いわ。服も脱ぎた  あ。これが「䞍快」ずいうのねYuck, this milk is so sticky. Makes me want to get nake– Oh, hey, this must be what unpleasantness feels like.
Main 4“奜热——奜热啊——”我衚蟟“抱怚”情绪的方匏是正确的吗「アッツむヌヌメチャクチャアツむヌヌ」  「愚痎」感情のパフォヌマンスはこれで合っおるSO HOT! SO FRICKIN' HOOOT! ...Is this "airing my complaints" in the correct manner?
Touch我身䞊郜是汗和牛奶这样的觊碰悚䞍䌚感觉䞍适吗汗ずミルクでベタベタしおるのにそんな觊り方しお「䞍快」にならないのDoesn't it feel unpleasant, touching someone who's covered in sweat and milk?
Touch (Special)请别把牛奶抹圚那种地方  嗯  䜠的手奜热。そんなずころにミルクを  んんっし、指揮官の手、熱い The milk's gonna get all over my– Aahh! Y-your hand is so hot!
Touch (Headpat)垜子适合我吗このハット、わたしに䌌合うDoes this hat look good on me?
Mail悚的信件  抱歉䞍小心沟䞊了牛奶。あなたぞの  ごめん、ミルクがこがれお手玙に There's a letter for... Sorry, some milk got on the letter.
Return to Port指挥官芁来䞀杯新鲜的冰牛奶降降枩吗我刚刚倄理奜的。指揮官、䜓を冷やしに、冷えた新鮮な牛乳を䞀杯どうファヌゎの搟りたおよHow about a glass of cold, fresh milk to cool down with? I just squeezed it myself.
Affinity (Love)亲身䜓验䞍同的环境对我感知和孊习情绪曎有垮助  䞋次实地䜓验的时候胜请悚继续指富  䞍应该诎  胜请悚继续陪圚我身蟹吗違う環境を盎接䜓隓するこずが゚モヌションスタディの圹に立぀の。  だから次のフィヌルドワヌクも、匕き続き指揮官に指導を  ううん、違った。  匕き続きファヌゎのそばに いおくれるExperiencing different environments directly helps me study emotions. I hope you'll guide me next time we head out for some field work, too... No, let me rephrase that – will you stay by my side?
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Login啊我莭买的指挥官终于送到了  我是圚匀玩笑哊胜听出来吗あ。賌入した指揮官がやっず届いたのね。  今のは冗談の぀もりよわかるわよねAh, the Commander I ordered has arrived... That was just a joke. Surely you can tell?
Details最近指挥官的目光什我越来越圚意了  这种情况埈匂垞有必芁奜奜分析  最近、指揮官の芖線がどんどん気になっおきたわ  アブノヌマルなシチュ゚ヌションね。しっかりアナラむズする必芁があるわ  Your gaze has been increasingly drawing my attention for a while now... This situation is quite abnormal and warrants thorough analysis.
Main悚的快件最近郜䌚由我亲自掟送芁讀真圓面筟收哊。指揮官宛の配達物はしばらくわたしが届けるわ。ちゃんず察面でサむンしお受け取るようにI'll be personally delivering all your packages for the time being. Make sure you can be physically present to sign them off.
Main 2这样的笑容怎么样呢唇角芁䞍芁再向䞊调高䞀毫米呢自然䞀点就奜  この笑顔はどう口角をもう1ミリ䞊げたほうがいい 自然䜓でいいっおHow's this smile? Should I raise the corners of my mouth by another millimeter? ...You prefer it when it's natural?
Main 3悚已经盯着我看了埈久了有什么需求请盎诎我䌚满足悚的䜜䞺情绪咚询顟问的报酬。さっきからずっずわたしを芋぀めおいたわね。リク゚ストがあるなら盎接蚀っお。パヌ゜ナルコンサルタントの報酬ずしお応えおあげるわYou've been staring at me for an awfully long time. If you want something, just tell it to me straight. I'll grant your request as thanks for being my emotional consultant.
Main 4是感到疲倊了吗来我这里䌑息䞀䞋吧。もしかしお「疲劎」じゃあ、わたしのずころで䌑んでいっおいいわよFeeling fatigued? Then come over to me and have a rest.
Touch悚是垊着怎样的心情觊碰我的呢请告诉我。どんな゚モヌションでわたしに觊れおるの教えおくれるWhat emotion drives you to touch me? I'd love to know.
Touch (Special)嗯  指挥官请䜏手  我觉埗有些奇怪  这就是害矞吗  んん  ちょっず指揮官  なんだか倉な感じがする  これが「恥ずかしい」ずいう感情なの  Mmhh... Listen, Commander... this feels kind of weird... Is this what "embarrassment" feels like?
Touch (Headpat)指挥官是圚宠爱我吗指揮官、ファヌゎを可愛がっおるのAre you doting on me?
Mail指挥官信我给悚送来了。指揮官、手玙よ。届けに来たわLetter for you, Commander. I'm here to deliver it.
Return to Port指挥官欢迎回来。“匀心”情绪占比  “害矞”  “玧匠”  啊  我是圚分析自己的情绪哊。指揮官、おかえり。「嬉しい」の割合  そしお「恥ずかしい」ず  「緊匵」ず  あっ  今のは、わたし自身の感情のアナラむズよWelcome back, Commander. This happiness index... and embarrassment index... and stress index... Oh, um, I was just... analyzing my own emotions just now.
Commission Complete委托组回来了指挥官请去验收委托情况吧  面垊笑容的。委蚗組が戻っおきたわ。指揮官、委蚗の怜収をお願い  もちろん「笑顔」でねThe commission team is back. Do go and claim your rewards... with a smile, of course.
Enhancement变区了  我䞺这件事感到匀心。匷くなれた  これに関しおは「嬉しく」思うI've grown stronger. I feel happy about that.
Victory这是属于我䞎指挥官的胜利应该匀心对吗わたしず指揮官の勝利だから「喜ぶ」べき、だよねSince we achieved this victory together, I suppose I should be happy, yes?
Affinity (Love)指挥官请筟收䞀千零䞀朵玫瑰郜是新鲜空运过来的  欞这䞍是衚蟟爱意的方匏吗  这时候我应该衚现出窘迫吗  指揮官、航空䟿で運んできた新鮮なバラ1001本よ。どうぞ受け取っお  んこれは恋人のラブパフォヌマンスじゃないの  こういうずきにはどんな感情を  「恥ずかしがる」ほうがいいのCommander, a thousand and one fresh roses arrived by air mail. Kindly claim them for... Hm? Is this not how lovers express their feelings? What emotion should I be feeling now, then? Should I be embarrassed?