Elbe (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇌: )
Ship ID No. 526 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Light Aircraft Carrier Rarity Elite
Navy Ironblood Build Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
Elbe Description
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Light Aircraft Carrier: Jade-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
Bad Girl's Surprise Strike Increases this ship's AVI and ACC by 5.0% (15.0%). When this ship finishes loading an Airstrike: 50.0% (80.0%) chance to launch a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special airstrike (DMG is based on the skill's level).
Good Girl at Heart At the start of the battle, and when this ship launches an Airstrike: spawns a shield around the frontmost ship of your Vanguard (lasts 6 (8)s, can block up to 6 enemy shots; the shield's duration is refreshed if its spawn conditions are met while it is still active). If this shield is destroyed rather than expiring: increases this ship's DMG dealt by 5.0% (15.0%) until her next Airstrike.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 亚執级航空母舰—易北 むェヌデ玚補助空母-゚ルベ Jade-class aircraft carrier – Elbe
Biography 我是铁血所属改装航母易北圚倧战䞭和重暱的姐効舰䞀样改造成了航母之后掻跃圚 其实没有掻跃啊果果然撒谎还是䞍倪奜  鉄血所属、改装空母の゚ルベですのかの倧戊では重桜で戊っおいた姉効艊ず同じく、のちに空母に改装されお倧掻躍 しおおりたせんのや、やっぱりり゜を぀いちゃっおはダメですわね  I'm the Iron Blood's remodeled aircraft carrier, Elbe! Just like my sister who fought for the Sakura Empire during a certain war, I was converted into an aircraft carrier and performed many great feats... or at least, that's how it should've been! Sorry, I shouldn't be telling lies...
Acquisition 我是亚執级航空母舰易北。䜠就是这䞪舰队的指挥官哌居然让垊来胜利的本小姐先打招呌䜠还真是了䞍起呢♪ むェヌデ玚空母、゚ルベですの。あなたはこの艊隊の指揮官ふっ、勝利をもたらすこの私に挚拶を先越されるなんお、党く頭が高いですね♪ I am the Jade-class carrier, Elbe. And you're the Commander of this fleet? Hmm, you must be quite sure of yourself to make the one who will bring you victory come to you♪
Login 早䞊奜指挥官今倩芁出击去哪里快告诉我吧♪ おはよう指揮官、今日はどこに出撃するんですのはやく私に教えなさい♪ Good morning, Commander. Where are we headed to today? Come on, tell me already~♪
Details 哌连这点瀌仪郜䞍懂这样粗鲁的指挥官真让人䌀脑筋呢。 我、我的教养才没有那么奜呢我可是坏孩子坏・孩・子·哊 ふん、こんな䜜法もわからないなんお荒くれた指揮官で困りたすわ。そ、育ちがいいっお  違いたす 私は悪い子ですわわ・る・い・こ Hmph. It upsets me that you're a boorish Commander with no knowledge of common etiquette. Y-you think I'm well-bred? ...You're sorely mistaken! I'm a bad girl! Bad to the bone!
Main 指挥官䜠刚刚圚扟笔对吗呵呵呵我把它藏圚这里了  欞这是之前匄䞢的那根感谢我垮䜠扟到了  指揮官今ペンを探しおいたせんでしたふふふ、この私がここに隠しおありたすの ぀、぀い先日なくしたから助かるっお  Commander~ Might you be looking for your pen? Hehehe, I hid it right over here! T-Thanks for finding it for you, you've been looking for it for days...?
Main 2 䞋次的茶䌚芁䞍芁邀请飞鹰和隌鹰 嗯䞍行吗䞺什么 飛鷹や隌鷹を今床お茶䌚にでも誘っお あら、ダメですのどうしお I should invite Hiyou and Junyou over for tea sometime... Huh, I can't? Why not?
Main 3 䜎、䜎等生物跪倒圚易北倧人我面前 怎么可胜对指挥官诎埗出这种话嘛 か、䞋等生物、この゚ルベ様の前にひれふ 指揮官にそんなこず蚀えるわけないじゃないですの Y-You inferior creature, prostrate thyself in front of the great Elbe... Ahaha, there's no way I would actually say that to you, Commander!
Touch 䞍胜随䟿碰我哊♪来芁奜奜请求我讞可才行~ 勝手に觊っちゃダヌメ♪ほら、私に蚱可を乞わないず You can't just touch me as you please~♪ Come on, beg for my permission!
Touch (Special) 什什什什什  ななななななな  Wh-wh-wh-whaaaaa?!
Touch (Headpat) 笚笚蛋  ば、ばかめぇ  Y-you little...
Mission 啊呀圚写没完成任务的检讚乊呀♪那就奜奜烊恌该怎么写吧♪ あヌら、任務未完了の反省文ずはね♪せいぜい頭を悩たせなさいな♪ Look what we have here~ A form for you to reflect on your inability to complete your missions on time♪ Think long and hard about how you want to write it~
Mission Complete 任、任务报酬圚这里了(小声)我䞍是故意报告晚的 让我写检讚吗奜呀 に、任務報酬はこちらですわ小声わざわざ報告を遅らせたわけじゃないです 反省文曞かせおくださるんですのやったぁ The rewards for the missions you completed are here! ...I-it's not like I was trying to report them late on purpose... You'll fill the reflection form out? You're the best!
Mail 有䜠的信哊。什么时候看 お手玙ですの。い぀読みたす Here's a letter for you. When are you going to read it?
Return to Port 䜠回来啊哌慰劳品就准倇了这些劂䜕 才才没有问䜠味道劂䜕呢 垰っおきたしたわねふん、差し入れはこの皋床で枈たせおあげたすのどう あ、味の感想は聞いおいたせんのよ You're finally back! Yep, these should suffice as your refreshments! How are they? ...Ah, no comments on how it tastes though!
Commission Complete 委托组回来了。指挥官看䞊去可䞍像是胜随䟿驱䜿我的人呢。 委蚗組、戻りたしたわ。この私をこき䜿える指揮官ではないず芋えたすね The girls have come back from their commissions. It almost feels like I'm not the only one being worked to the bone by you.
Enhancement 哌哌我又变区了 ふふヌんたた䞀぀匷くなりたしたわ Heehee~! I'm even stronger now!
Flagship 快点蟓给我吧 負かしお差し䞊げたすわ I'm coming to beat you up!
Victory 跪倒圚我的脚䞋这才对♪ ひざたずきなさいですの♪ Kneel in front of me! Pretty please♪
Defeat 奜䞍甘心指挥官指挥官 悔しいです指揮官、指揮官 Grr, how frustrating! Commander, Commander~!
Skill 接受惩眚吧 おしおきよ It's time for your punishment!
Low HP 才才刚匀始呢  た、ただこれからですわ  I, I haven't even gotten serious yet...!
Affinity (Upset) 指挥官真是䜎等生物呢。 本圓に䞋等生物なのですね。指揮官は It turns out you really were an inferior creature, all along...
Affinity (Stranger) 呵呵呵芁怎么耍匄指挥官呢 奜期埅呀。奜奜见识䞋铁血的手段吧 ふふふ、指揮官をどう振り回せばいいか 楜しみでしょうがないですの。鉄血の流儀をずくず芋るがいいですわ Hehe, how should I toy with the Commander today... It's fun, how am I supposed to hold myself back? I'll show you how we do it in the Iron Blood!
Affinity (Friendly) 只芁把这样的工䜜䞢给指挥官指挥官就䌚䌀脑筋 䌚非垞䌀脑筋的真的可以给指挥官这么添麻烊吗  こんな仕事を指揮官に投げおしたいたしたら指揮官が困るずいうより ずおも困っちゃいたすのほ、本圓に指揮官を困らせおいいんですか  If I give this kind of work to you, you'll surely be... very troubled! I-it's fine for me to trouble you...?
Affinity (Like) 易北是坏孩子所以芁让指挥官曎加䌀脑筋哊做奜心理准倇吧♪ 今今倩埈忙所以䞍胜打扰呜 知道了  ゚ルベは悪い子ですから、指揮官をどんどん困らせちゃいたすわさあ、芚悟しなさい♪ きょ、今日は忙しいから困らせちゃダメうぅ わかりたした  I'm a very bad girl, so I'll keep finding new ways to trouble you more and more! Now, brace yourself~♪ Y-you're busy today, so I shouldn't? Oh... Okay then...
Affinity (Love) 今倩䞀定芁让指挥官倎疌䞪借呃倎疌䞪借这䞪是对谁来诎  是、是指挥官  䞍对䞍对是我我芁跟指挥官圚䞀起䞪借 改めお、今日は指揮官を気が枈むたで困らせおさしあげたすわ気が枈むのはどっちっお し、指揮官が ダメダメ゚ルベが気が枈むたで指揮官ず䞀緒にいたいですわ Today is finally the day I'll trouble you to my heart's content! Will I trouble you to my heart's content or will you...? N-no, bad Commander! I'll be the one troubling you! Because I really want to be with you!
Pledge 咊  这是誓纊戒指吗怎怎么这样易北被指挥官告癜了  䞍䞍胜消沉我䞍䌚拒绝的才䞍䌚拒绝呢易北也最喜欢指挥官了最喜欢了ヌ ぞっ  これは誓いの指茪ですのそ、そんな、゚ルベは今指揮官に告癜されちゃっお  お、萜ち蟌んではダメです断りたせん断りたせんから゚ルベも指揮官が倧奜きです倧奜きなんだからヌ Wow... So this is the fabled promise ring?! N-no way, the Commander really confessed to me...??? W-wait, don't hang your head, I'm not turning you down, really! I truly love you, from the bottom of my heart! Commander, I love you, so, so much~!
In battle with Hiyou, Junyou 请请倚关照   ご機嫌はよ、よろしくお   Good day, how do you do...?
In battle with August von Parseval , Weser, Graf Zeppelin, Zeppy, Peter Strasser 我才是䞻挔 私のほうが䞻圹ですわ I'm the main act here!
In battle with Unicorn 跟我盞比完党是奜孩子嘛 私より党然いい子じゃありたせんの Isn't she the good girl here?!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 久等了指挥官和姐効们点的倧杯铁血啀 哇哇哇呣呣呣努力平衡ヌヌ奜、奜 勉区没排出来 怎、怎么样 おたたせしたしたの指揮官ず艊船たちの泚文した倧ゞョッキ鉄血ビヌ わわわん、んんんヌヌこれでなんずかこがさないようにしお ど、どうですの Thank you all for waiting! Large mugs of Iron Blood beer, just as ord–– W-waaah?! Nnngh...! Phew, somehow managed to not spill anything... Wh-what's your deal?!
Acquisition 久等了指挥官和姐効们点的倧杯铁血啀 哇哇哇呣呣呣努力平衡ヌヌ奜、奜 勉区没排出来 怎、怎么样 おたたせしたしたの指揮官ず艊船たちの泚文した倧ゞョッキ鉄血ビヌ わわわん、んんんヌヌこれでなんずかこがさないようにしお ど、どうですの Thank you all for waiting! Large mugs of Iron Blood beer, just as ord–– W-waaah?! Nnngh...! Phew, somehow managed to not spill anything... Wh-what's your deal?!
Login 䞻人芁点些什么呢呵呵呵~ ご䞻人さた、ご泚文はいかがなさいたすのふふふ Master, what would you like to order today? Hehehe.
Details 没有逐刀 啊是哊是我没做奜来吧来吧指挥官奜奜诎教我  咊䞍诎教吗 ステヌキナむフがないっお はそうです私が悪いですわさぁさぁ指揮官ずしおずこずん説教しおひざた぀かせお  っお、攟眮 You can't find your steak knife...? He, hehe... that's right! It was all me! Now you're going to make me get on my knees before scolding me, right? Wait... you're just going to leave me here?!
Main 皍埮改䞋指挥官点的䞜西 俟斯麊小姐非非垞抱歉 指揮官が泚文したものをちょっずだけ曞き換えお ビスマルクさんも、申し蚳ございたせん Let's change the Commander's order up a bit... Huh, Bismarck?! I-I'm terribly sorry!
Main 2 喝倚了可䞍奜。 因因䞺指挥官芁是喝倚了䞍知道䌚对易北做什么  飲みすぎはよくありたせんわ。 だ、だっお指揮官が飲み過ぎたら、゚ルベに䜕をしおしたうかわかりたせんもの  It's not good for you to drink so much... A-After all, I don't know what kind of wild things you might do to me when you're inebriated...
Main 3 劂果芁应付其他姐効的点单就没办法莟莣指挥官呢 唔唔怎么办才奜  ほかの子の泚文察応で指揮官に声かけおもらえそうにありたせんの どうしたら  I can't seem to find a chance to talk to the Commander because I'm too busy taking everyone's orders... What should I do...
Touch (Special) 吓 きゃっ Eeeeek?!
Commission Complete 给倧家的慰劳品吗请皍等我这就准倇♪ みんなぞの差し入れですか甚意したすから少々お埅ちを♪ You want to bring the girls some refreshments? Sure, hold on for a moment then♪
Victory 赢了易北我也终于迎来高光时刻了 勝利したしたこの゚ルベにも芋せ堎が蚪れたのですわ We won! My time to shine is here!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 还没来吗 真是的竟敢来埗比我还晚等䞋可芁奜奜诎诎他 啊。指挥官䞍䞍是的只是我提前了1小时来而已  ただ来ないんですの もう、私より遅く来るなんおあずでしっかりず蚀い぀けお あっ。指揮官ち、違いたすの私が1時間早く来ただけで  Still not here yet...? Geez, I'll give the Commander what-for for coming later than me... Huh? C-Commander? N-no, I happened to come an hour early, is all...
Acquisition 还没来吗 真是的竟敢来埗比我还晚等䞋可芁奜奜诎诎他 啊。指挥官䞍䞍是的只是我提前了1小时来而已  ただ来ないんですの もう、私より遅く来るなんおあずでしっかりず蚀い぀けお あっ。指揮官ち、違いたすの私が1時間早く来ただけで  Still not here yet...? Geez, I'll give the Commander what-for for coming later than me... Huh? C-Commander? N-no, I happened to come an hour early, is all...
Login 那就匀始 纊䌚 吧指挥官  そ、そろそろデヌト 行きたしょう ね指揮官  I-it's about time we went on a... date, isn't it, Commander?
Details 呵呵今倩这身打扮劂䜕既合适又可爱  谢谢谢  //// ふふん、今日のこの栌奜はどうですのか、かわいいし䌌合っおるっお  あ、ありが、ずう  //// Heheh, how do you like my outfit today? ...Y-you say it's cute, and it looks good on me? Th-thank... you...
Main 可 可以坐旁蟹的哊今倩特别允讞䜠坐圚我身蟹 隣は か、構いたせんわ今日は特別に暪に座る蚱可を差し䞊げたす I-I don't mind if you sit here! Today, you have special permission to be next to me!
Main 2 呵呵包也给䜠拎接䞋来想去哪里还是有点环了所以 想䌑息 ふふん、この荷物も持たせお差し䞊げたすわ次はどこを回りたいやっぱり疲れたからちょっず䌑憩 したいですの Heheh, I will gladly let you carry my things! Where should we go next? Or...do you need a minute to rest?
Main 3 从刚才匀始䞀盎圚玧匠 芁再拉近点距犻才行 诶刚才诎的郜听到了吗 さっきから緊匵しっぱなしですわ もうちょっず距離を詰めなきゃ ほ、ほえ聞こえおいたんですの (Things have been so awkward for a while now... I have to scoot a little bit closer...) B-Bwuh?! Did you hear that?!
Touch 按、按摩  た、マッサヌゞですの I-is this a massage?
Touch (Special)   呀   はぅ ...Hwaah?!
Mission 今倩就别管任务了吧和我䞀起圓䞪坏孩子吧♡ 今日は任務のこずはいいんじゃありたせんの私ず䞀緒に、悪い子になりなさい♡ Why don't we forget about all the missions for a day? Come and be bad with me!
Mission Complete 是任务报酬。来包还是我来拿吧。 任務報酬ですわ。はい、お荷物は私が預かりたすわよ Here are your rewards. Allow me to hold your things for you.
Return to Port 蟛苊了。嗯 䞺䞺什么甚期埅的県光看着我 ご苊劎さたですわ。ん な、䜕期埅の目をこちらに向けおいるんですの Thank you for your continued efforts. Um... Wh-why are you looking at me so expectantly?
Victory 赢了今倩真的状态䞍错呢。 勝ちたしたの今日はほんっずに調子がいいですわ We won! I'm really on fire today!
Affinity (Love) 今倩的诟题是「晟着指挥官」哌哌接䞋来䞍管问易北什么我郜䞍䌚回答的♪       指挥官诎诎些什么吧没事吗易北就圚䜠旁蟹哊  今日のお題目は「指揮官を攟眮」ですわふふん、これから゚ルベに䜕をお聞きになりたしおも答えお差し䞊げたせんわ♪       指揮官、な、なにか喋っお倧䞈倫ですの゚ルベはすぐ隣にいたすのよ  My slogan today is "Neglect the Commander!" Heheh, no matter what you say to me, I won't reply one bit! ...Commander? S-say something, please... Are you okay? I'm right here...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Login 早䞊奜指挥官。今倩芁出击去哪呢呵呵呵~ おはよう指揮官。今日はどちらに出撃なさいたすのふふふ Good morning, Commander. Where shall we head to today? Hehehe.
Details 我有时䌚想指挥官䞺我泡咖啡䞍奇怪吗䜠看就算我是䞪坏孩子指挥官也是䞊叞那䞪  䞍胜䞍加糖 時々思いたすけど、指揮官がコヌヒヌを淹れおくれるのはヘンじゃありたせんのほら、いくら私が悪い子ずは蚀え、指揮官は䞊叞ですし、その  砂糖抜きはダメぇ I've been thinking... Isn't it pretty unusual for you to be the one who always makes coffee for me? I mean, even if I'm a bad girl, you're still my superior, and... you can't leave out my sugar on purpose like that!
Main 呵呵呵我调换了指挥官芁倄理文件䞭的第䞀匠和第䞉匠。这样就胜讀同我是坏孩子了吧 ふふふ、指揮官の察応予定の曞類の1番ず3番を入れ替えおしたいたしたの。さあ、これで私が悪い子だず認めおくださるのかしら Hehehe, I went and swapped around some of the forms you're supposed to work on. Will you finally admit that I'm a bad girl now?
Main 2 芁是没有战争的话我就算䞍是坏孩子也  圓然前提是指挥官保证芁理我 戊いがなかったらあるいは私、悪い子じゃなくおも あくたで指揮官が構っおくれるこずを玄束したらですわ Once this war is over, maybe I can go back to being a good girl... B-but, that's only if you promise that you'll always stay with me!
Main 3 我䜜䞺秘乊舰现圚随䜠驱䜿哊来䜿劲地把工䜜塞给我然后感受良心的苛莣吧♪ 秘曞艊ずしおずこずんこき䜿われおさしあげたすわさあ、どんどん仕事を任せお良心の呵責に責められおおきなさい♪ As your secretary ship, I'll make sure that I work myself to the bone! Now now, leave all of your work to me, and wallow in your pangs of guilt~♪
Touch 这可是胜经受苊战的奢华身躯哊哌哌♪ 戊闘にも耐えられるゎヌゞャスボディですのふふん♪ My gorgeous body can even withstand battles! Hehe, you can keep admiring me♪
Touch (Special) 气、气势凶猛过倎了吧 い、勢いありすぎじゃないですの A-aren't you too enthusiastic about this?!
Mission 劂果没完成任务芁写检讚乊的话就亀给我吧哌~哌哌~♪ 任務をやらずに反省文を曞かされたら私にふんふふん♪ If they make you fill out a reflection form for not completing your missions on time, leave it to me! Ehehe♪
Mission Complete 是任务报酬。指挥官匀心的话我就䞍客气地收䞋了~ 任務報酬ですわ。指揮官が喜んでくださるからよしずしたすわ Here are the mission rewards. Your beaming face is enough to make it worthwhile.
Return to Port 蟛苊了。哌哌圚期埅慰劳品吗非垞遗憟今倩少做了䞀䞪菜呢♪哈哈哈 ご苊劎さたですわ。ふふん、差し入れを期埅しおいるのですかざヌんねん、今日はおかず䞀品抜きにしおさしあげたす♪はははは Great work out there, Commander. Hehe, did you expect to come back to a nice meal? Too bad for you, I left one of the side dishes out today♪ Ahahaha~
Victory 我干埗䞍错吧指挥官 才才没有让䜠倞我呢 やりたした指揮官 ほ、耒めおなんお蚀っおたせんの We did it, Commander! ...A-aren't you going to praise me?!
Affinity (Love) 我以䞺只有做䞪坏孩子指挥官才䌚曎关泚我 偶尔也想过像这样做䞪奜孩子跟指挥官䞀起䌘哉枞哉地圚䞀起 真真的只是偶尔哊  悪い子をしおいるほうが、指揮官が構っおくださるっお思いたしたけど たたにはこうしお、いい子になっお指揮官ず䞀緒にゎロゎロ過ごしたいですのね ほ、本圓はたたたたですのよ  I always thought that being a bad girl would keep you interested in me, but... sometimes, I just want to be a good girl who clings to your side... O-only every once in a while though, got it...?