Dunkerque (JP 🇯🇵: ダンケルク, CN 🇹🇼: 敦刻尔克)
Ship ID No. 352 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Battlecruiser Rarity Elite
Navy Vichya Dominion Build Time 04:05:00
Acquisition Event: Iris of Light and Dark
Enhance Income
Firepower 45
Torpedo 0
Aviation 0
Reload 11
Scrap Income
Medal 4
Oil 3
Gold 10
Release Date
EN June 27, 2019
KR March 27, 2019
CN July 26, 2018
JP July 26, 2018
Voice actress Sayaka Harada
Pixiv https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=38088
Twitter https://twitter.com/lidukelaya
Weibo https://www.weibo.com/p/1005051752467412
Name Liduke(日子)
Dunkerque Description
Dunkerque-class battlecruiser – Dunkerque.
Summer Sucré Description
I've been waiting so long for summer... and it's so worth it - the sun, the sand, the waves, and everyone's laughter. Commander, why don't we take this opportunity to enjoy some crullers together?
Afternoon Venus Description
Don't you simply adore the atmosphere in this place? It's one of my favorites. The desserts here are to die for. Would you like a taste?
Firepower A
Torpedo E
Aviation E
Evasion C
Anti-air D
HP 5827 Reload 142
Firepower 317 Torpedo 0
Evasion 22 Anti-air 197
Aviation 0 Cost 13
ASW 0 Luck 35
Hit 61 Speed 31
Armor Medium
HP 6788 Reload 163
Firepower 357 Torpedo 0
Evasion 41 Anti-air 227
Aviation 0 Cost 13
ASW 0 Luck 35
Hit 71 Speed 31
Armor Medium
HP 1127 Reload 60
Firepower 67 Torpedo 0
Evasion 9 Anti-air 42
Aviation 0 Cost 5
ASW 0 Luck 35
Hit 24 Speed 31
Armor Medium
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 13
ASW Luck 35
Hit Speed 31
Armor Medium
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 13
ASW Luck 35
Hit Speed 31
Armor Medium
Limit Break
Tier 1 Main gun preload +1/Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Auxiliary gun base +2/Main gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Main gun base +1/Main gun efficiency +15%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Battleship 140%/145%/155%/170% 1/1/1/1 0/1/1/1
2 Light Cruiser 150%/150%/150%/150% 1/1/3/3 0/0/0/0
3 Anti-Air Gun 70%/70%/70%/70% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
1 Quadruple 330mm Main Gun (Mle 1931)
Fleet Tech
T5 Battlecruiser: Dunkerque-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 24 +1
Max LimitBreak 50
Lv.120 38 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Frontal Fire When this ship fires a Salvo: 20.0% (50%) chance to fire a special barrage. Barrage DMG and shell pattern is based on the skill's level.
04:05:00 JP CN EN
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 敦刻尔克级战列巡洋舰—敦刻尔克 ダンケルク級巡洋戦艦ダンケルク Dunkerque-class battlecruiser – Dunkerque.
Biography 我是隶属于维希教廷第一线总队的敦刻尔克号。如你所知道的,我的舰历毫无光彩之处,我不会遮掩,因为这是事实。但如果你仍然愿意用我,我想,我不会让你失望 ヴィシア聖座・第一戦線総隊に所属、ダンケルクよ。知っての通り、私のカンレキに特筆するところはないけど…それが紛れもない事実なのだから、隠すつもりはないわ。それでも私の力が必要というのなら――失望はさせないわ I am Dunkerque, 1st Division of the Line of the Vichya Dominion. As you already know, there is no glory in my service history - there is no hiding this fact. However, if you are still willing to use me, I will not let you down.
Acquisition 大家站在同一战线上的这一天终于来临了吗…你好,指挥官,我是敦刻尔克,请让我也为这支梦幻般的舰队出一份力吧 同じ側で戦える日がついに来たのね…はじめまして、指揮官、私はダンケルクよ。あなたのこの素晴らしい艦隊に、私も参加させてちょうだい The day when we can all stand together has come at last... It's an honor to be here, Commander. I am Dunkerque - please allow me to become a part of this magnificent fleet.
Login 指挥官,休息得还好吗? 指揮官、よく休めた? Commander, did you get enough rest?
Details 马卡龙还是蒙布朗呢,真难选啊……啊,指挥官,你来的正好,来帮我挑今天做什么点心吧 マカロンとモンブラン、どっちのほうがいいかしら……あら、指揮官、いいタイミングに来てくれたわ。今日はどんなお菓子を作ればいいか決めてちょうだい What should I make... Macarons, or Mont-Blanc? Oh my, Commander, you came at just the right time. Why don't you help me decide what confection to make?
Main 世上确实有许多无可奈何的事,但这并不是放弃希望和追求美好事物的理由 世の中にはどうすることも出来ないことがいくらでもあるけど、希望を捨てる理由にはならないわ There are things in this world that you might never be able to accomplish, but that is no reason to give up hope.
Main 2 虽然呆在船坞里的感觉并不好受,不过代替我率领舰队的斯特拉斯堡一定更难受吧…要是陆军的孩子们再多坚持一下…唉 ドックでじっとするのはいい居心地ではないわね。でも、私の代わりに艦隊を率いたストラスブールの方がずっと……あの時、陸軍の方がもう少し持ちこたえていたら…はあ…… It's not nice to sit around idly in port, but... Strasbourg, who took my place in leading the fleet, must feel even worse about what happened... if only the Army was able to hold out a little longer... *sigh*
Main 3 哈…甜食真是能让人感到幸福的东西呢……啊,指、指挥官,你听到了吗? あぁ…甘いものは本当に人を幸せにする存在ね……し、指揮官!?いまの聞こえた!? Ahh~ Sweets can really take a girl to heaven... C-Commander?! How long have you been here?!
Touch 指挥官,一起来做甜点吗?我们国家的甜点可是世界闻名的哦 指揮官、一緒にお菓子でも作ってみない?私の国のお菓子は結構有名なのよ Commander, shall we make some confections together? My home country is world-famous for our sweets, you know?
Touch (Special) 真是拿你没办法呢… しょうがないわね…… What am I going to do with you...
Mission 新的任务……还有不少呢,努力虽然是好事,可不要累着自己 新しい任務……結構溜まっているのね。頑張るのはいいけど、あまり無理しないでね There's no shortage of new missions for us to get through... Hard work is important and all, but let's not overwork ourselves.
Mission Complete 嗯?啊,任务奖励发放了呢,指挥官,我去吧 あら?なるほど、任務報酬ね。指揮官、私が取ってくるわ Hm? I see, the mission rewards are here. Commander, I'll go get them.
Mail 指挥官,邮件分类好了,不要忘了查看 指揮官、メールは仕分けておいたわよ。確認を忘れないで Commander, I've finished sorting your mail, so don't forget to take a look.
Return to Port 指挥官,来尝一尝刚刚烘焙好的蛋糕吗? 指揮官、焼き立てのケーキでもいかが? Commander, would you like to try my freshly baked gâteau?
Commission Complete 哎呀,委托组回来了吗,正好请她们尝尝我刚做的点心吧 あら、委託組が戻ってきたのね。新作のお菓子でも試食してもらおうかしら Oh my, it looks like the commission fleet has returned. Perfect timing - I'll invite them to try my new confections.
Enhancement 应该能稍微帮上忙吧 少しは役に立てるか Every little bit matters.
Flagship 抱歉,对敌人我是不会手下留情的 すまない、敵に手加減などできるはずがないわよ Apologies. I have no mercy to spare for my enemies.
Victory 保持这个势头继续前进吧 この調子でもっと進みましょう Let's keep up this pace.
Defeat 没关系…这次的失败不代表结束 結構…敗北など終わりを意味するものじゃないわ T'en fais pas... a defeat here is not the end.
Skill 和平常一样应该就好… いつもどおりで…! Let's do it just like we practiced...!
Low HP 才刚刚开始呢… まだ……始まったばかりよ I'm only getting warmed up...
Affinity (Upset) 指挥官,好久不见,我过得很好,不劳费心 指揮官、久しぶりね。こっちはこっちで上手くやっているので、お気になさらず Ça faisait longtemps, Commander. There's no need to worry about me; I've been doing fine.
Affinity (Stranger) 指挥官,你来了吗,稍等,甜点已经准备好了,我去泡茶,今天就来稍微聊聊天吧 指揮官、来たのね。ちょっと待ってて。はい、お菓子はこっち、あとお茶をすぐ淹れてくるわ。今日は少し雑談でもしてみようかしら Glad you could make it, Commander. One moment please - the dessert is ready, I just have to make tea. Today, let's unwind and chat a little.
Affinity (Friendly) 那个时候,大家都是身不由己…我完全没有责怪皇家各位的意思,倒不如说,如果这样能够让她们稍微原谅我的话,也是一件好事 あの時のことは仕方なかったわ…ロイヤルのみんなを責めるつもりはないし、むしろその逆…こうしてみんなと一緒に戦えるのはあの子たちのおかげよ Back then, none of us had a choice... so I don't blame the Royal Navy for what happened. Quite the contrary - if it wasn't for them, we might not be fighting together now.
Affinity (Like) 指挥官你很喜欢跟我聊天呢,跟我聊天很有趣吗?呵呵,你的喜好我也都记住了,在那儿坐会儿吧,我这就把蛋糕端出来 指揮官はおしゃべりが好きね。私とおしゃべりするのがそんなに面白いの?ふふ、とにかく、これで指揮官の好みもわかったわね。ケーキを持ってくるから、少し待っててちょうだい Commander, you're quite the conversationist. Do you find me interesting to talk to? Hehe, I make sure to remember all your preferences. Sit tight for a moment, and I'll bring some cake out for you.
Affinity (Love) 真正的坚强,不应只是默默忍受苦难,也应包含依赖他人的勇气…所以指挥官,难过时就告诉我吧。我想哭的时候,也一定会毫不犹豫投入你的怀抱的 我慢だけじゃなく、思いを人にぶつけるのも強さなのよ……私がそうしてきたのと同じように、辛かったら――泣きそうになったら私の胸に飛び込んでちょうだい True strength is not measured by our capacity to suffer in silence, but by our courage to open up to others. Commander, that's why... if you ever feel like crying, my bosom is always available for you.
Pledge 正是过去的苦难,成就了当下的我,所以我不会说“如果早点与你相遇”之类的话。但是未来,希望能有你的怀抱给予我安心于温暖。指挥官,我能待在你的身边吗? 今の私が在るのは過去の全てがあってのことよ。だから「早くあなたと出逢えばよかった」なんて言わないわ。……でも、あなたから温もりと安らぎを貰えるというのなら――指揮官、私、ずっと側に居ていいかしら? If I only was able to meet you in the present because of my suffering in the past, I won't say things like "I wish I had met you sooner." However, I do hope that in the future, I will always be able to find solace in your embrace. Commander, can I stay by your side forever?
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 久违的夏天…真是不错呢。阳光、沙滩和大海…还有大家的笑容。机会难得,要一起吃点甜甜圈吗,指挥官? 久しぶりの夏……いい感じね。日差しに砂浜、海、そして皆の笑顔も。指揮官、せっかくだから、ドーナツでも一緒にいかがかしら? I've been waiting so long for summer... and it's so worth it - the sun, the sand, the waves, and everyone's laughter. Commander, why don't we take this opportunity to enjoy some crullers together?
Acquisition 久违的夏天…真是不错呢。阳光、沙滩和大海…还有大家的笑容。机会难得,要一起吃点甜甜圈吗,指挥官? 久しぶりの夏……いい感じね。日差しに砂浜、海、そして皆の笑顔も。指揮官、せっかくだから、ドーナツでも一緒にいかがかしら? I've been waiting so long for summer... and it's so worth it - the sun, the sand, the waves, and everyone's laughter. Commander, why don't we take this opportunity to enjoy some crullers together?
Login 指挥官,泳装换好了么~? 指揮官、水着にちゃんと着替えたかしら? Commander, are you done changing into your swimwear~?
Details 看着大家其乐融融地在沙滩上一起游玩,没有比这更令人开心的事了 みんなが楽しそうに……これ以上嬉しいことなんてないわ Everyone looks like they're having so much fun... I couldn't ask for anything more.
Main 冰淇淋做的甜品虽然好吃,但是太容易化了……看来要随身带个冰箱了 アイスクリームのビュッフェは美味しそうだけど、溶けやすいのね……今度小型冷蔵庫でも持ってこようかしら Ice-cream based desserts are delicious, but they melt too easily... I might have to bring a cooler with me next time...
Main 2 像这样优哉游哉地坐在沙滩上看风景,感觉是很久没有过的体验了呢… こうしてゆるりと風景を眺めるのは結構久しぶりね… It's been a long time since I last was able to enjoy scenery like this without any worries...
Main 3 指挥官,泳装换好了吗,妹妹们在招呼我们呢,一起过去玩一会儿吧 指揮官、水着に着替えた?皆が呼んでいるわ。少し一緒に遊んでみてはどうかしら Commander, are you done changing? The others are calling for us, let's go play with them!
Touch 指挥官要来一起看大海吗,心情会变得平静哦 一緒に海でも眺めてみない?心が落ち着くわよ Want to try gazing into the ocean horizon together? It always puts my mind at ease.
Return to Port 指挥官想吃冰淇淋吗?有很多口味可以选哟 指揮官、アイスクリームでもいかがかしら?シロップはいっぱい用意してるわよ Commander, would you like some ice cream? I brought several different flavors of syrup.
Flagship 敌人啊……真是煞风景呢 敵……殺風景ね Enemies...? Way to spoil the scenery...
Victory 大家吃甜甜圈吗?我做了很多呢 みんな、ドーナツでもいかがかしら?…いっぱい作ったわよ…… Who wants to have some crullers? I made more than enough for everyone~
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 指挥官,这家店的氛围你喜欢吗?这是我很中意的一家店,甜点十分美味哦,要尝尝看吗? この店の雰囲気、どうかしら?実はここ、結構お気に入りなの。お菓子も美味しいから…そうだ、指揮官、一ついかがかしら? Don't you simply adore the atmosphere in this place? It's one of my favorites. The desserts here are to die for. Would you like a taste?
Acquisition 指挥官,这家店的氛围你喜欢吗?这是我很中意的一家店,甜点十分美味哦,要尝尝看吗? この店の雰囲気、どうかしら?実はここ、結構お気に入りなの。お菓子も美味しいから…そうだ、指揮官、一ついかがかしら? Don't you simply adore the atmosphere in this place? It's one of my favorites. The desserts here are to die for. Would you like a taste?
Login 指挥官,你来啦?嗯?没事的,我也是刚到没多久呢 指揮官、いつ着いたのかしら?あら……ううん、大丈夫よ。私も来たばかりだから Here you are, Commander. Oh? Don't worry, I've only just arrived myself.
Details 指挥官最喜欢我做的哪一种甜点呢? 私の作ったお菓子、指揮官はどれが一番好きかしら? What's your favorite dessert? I can make it for you, Commander.
Main ……官,指挥官!真是的,又在看着我发呆了,我就有那么好看吗,饮料的冰都要化了哦? ……指揮官?またぼーっとしていて…もう、この格好にそんなに見惚れてくれたの…?飲み物の氷が融けてしまうわ? ......der, Commander! Look at you, staring at me and spacing out again, am I really so captivating? Did the ice in your drink melt?
Main 2 指挥官,等一会儿我们去稍微走走吧。难得的约会,光是坐着聊天稍微有些浪费呢 指揮官、もうちょっとしたらお店を見に回らない?せっかくのデートだもの、こうして座ってるだけじゃもったいないわ Commander, shall we go for a stroll? How often do we get to go out on a date? Let's not waste this one sitting around chatting.
Main 3 像这样坐在这里,经常会不自觉地忘了自己舰船的身份……不过,为了这样的时光而奋斗,也是个不错的动力呢,对吧,指挥官? こうして何事もない時を過ごしていると、艦船としての自分の役目を忘れちゃいそうだわ……ううん、この平和のために頑張っているのもいいモチベーションになりそうね。指揮官もそう思わない? When I sit here like this, I sometimes forget I'm a warship... But, to fight for these little moments, that's not such a bad motivation, is it, Commander?
Touch 指挥官,不要急,我们的时间还有很长,做什么都来得及 指揮官、慌てなくていいわ。まだ時間があるから、やりたいことをやってちょうだい Just relax, Commander, we still have plenty of time.
Mission 是紧急的任务吗?那我陪你一起去吧 緊急の任務?私も行くわ Is it a very important mission? Well then, I'll go with you.
Mission Complete 指挥官,任务奖励发放了呢,要先返回办公室一趟吗? 指揮官、任務報酬が届いたわ。執務室に一旦戻るのかしら? Commander, some mission rewards are available. Shall we head back to the office?
Mail 是新的情报吗?不用顾虑我,赶快确认一下吧 新しい情報かしら…私のことは気にしなくていいから、確認してちょうだい? We have new intelligence? Well, don't worry about me. Please, check it at once.
Return to Port 不用这么急也没关系,指挥官,我会等你的 指揮官、慌てなくても大丈夫よ。私はここで待っているわ No need to rush, Commander, I don't mind waiting for you.
Commission Complete 指挥官,委托完成了哦……呵呵,无论何时何地,我首先都是你的秘书舰呢 指揮官、委託が完了したわ。……いつでもどこでも、私が秘書艦ね。ふふふ Commander, the commission is complete... Hehe, no matter the time or place, I suppose I'm still your secretary ship.
Affinity (Love) 和煦的日光,安静的氛围,悠扬的音乐,和重要之人无忧无虑的聊天。如果这是梦,那我希望永远都不会醒来…… 暖かな日差し、穏やかな風、心を落ち着かせる音楽、大事な人とのんびり語り合える時間――これが夢だというのなら私、永遠に目覚めないことを願うわ The warm sunlight, the peaceful atmosphere, the soothing music, all embracing me as I relax and chat with one so dear to me. If this is a dream, I hope to never wake up...