Dolphin (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇌: )
Ship ID No. 668 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Sailing Frigate Rarity Elite
Navy Tempesta Build Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Sailing Frigate: Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
Dolphin's Echoes During battle, increases this ship's DMG dealt by 1.0% (10.0%). 15s after this ship enters the battle: for 8s, performs a sonar scan, revealing enemy SSs, and decreases your Vanguard's torpedo DMG taken by 5.0% (15.0%).
Dolphin's Protection Increases this ship's SPD by 3 and EVA and FP by 5.0% (15.0%). When this ship enters the battle, and every 15s: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level). When the sonar scan performed by the skill [Dolphin's Echoes] activates: restores 4.5% (12.0%) of this ship's max HP every second for 3s. 5s after this ship's current HP falls below 25.0%, or when she has been in battle for 60s: this ship leaves the battlefield.
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault I: Dolphin once every 28 times the Main Guns are fired.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 风垆船—海豚号 颚垆艊—ドルフィン Sailing frigate – C Dolphin.
Biography 我是海豚号是䞀名海盗哊  可胜称䞺海䞊寻宝垈䌚曎合适  总之没有我扟䞍到的宝藏。劂果指挥官有什么想芁的䞜西也可以告诉我哊我最拿手了。 わたしはドルフィン、海賊だけど んヌもしかしおトレゞャヌハンタヌっお蚀ったほうが合っおるうん、ずにかくわたしに芋぀けられないお宝はないよ指揮官もほしいお宝があったらい぀でも蚀っおお宝探しはわたし、埗意なんだから♪ I'm Dolphin, and I'm a pirate, but it might be more accurate to say I'm a treasure hunter. Anyway, if you can call it a treasure, I can locate it! If you come up with any treasures you want, let me know. I'm an expert at tracking treasure down!
Acquisition 嗯~䜠就是倧家口䞭的指挥官么䜠奜啊我是海豚号埈高兎见到䜠~来握手握手之后请倚指教。 うヌん皆が蚀っおた指揮官っおあなたのこずはじめたしお、わたしはドルフィン、䌚えお嬉しいの。はヌい、ナカペシの握手ヌこれからよろしくね Hmm? Are you that Commander everyone's been talking about? Pleasure meeting you. I'm Dolphin. Now let's do a handshake of friendship! Glad to be working with you.
Login 指挥官䜠来了准倇匀始工䜜吧。嗯  看着是有些倚䞍过䞀䞪人䞀起肯定效率翻倍䞀起加油吧 指揮官、来たのね。今日の仕事を始めよ うヌん、確かに量は倚いけど、二人でやったら半分になるでしょヌ䞀緒に頑匵ろヌ You've arrived. Let's get started on today's work. Hmm, there's quite a lot, but it's only half as much if we split it. We can do this!
Details   五只觊手䞉只県睛的神秘生物化石就是这䞪啊是垃里斯托尔拜托我扟的哊指挥官有什么想芁的也随时告诉我~无论是什么䞜西利甚我的特匂功胜郜可以蜻束扟到~ 觊手が5本で目が3぀の謎の生物の化石はこれだよブリストルに頌たれたんだ指揮官もほしいお宝があったらい぀でも蚀っおわたしの特殊胜力を䜿えば䜕でも芋぀けられるからね This is a fossil of a weird creature with five tentacles and three eyes! Bristol asked me to find it! If there's any treasure YOU want, just let me know. I can find anything in the world with my special ability!
Main 呌——哊郜到这䞪时闎了  枞戏机里的每欟枞戏真的郜埈有趣欞~再玩䞀䌚儿奜了  指挥官也䞀起玩吗 ふにゃ はぁああ あもうこんな時間 ゲヌムっお本圓に党郚楜しいね。もうちょっず遊んでっず 指揮官も䞀緒に遊ぶ *yawn*... *yaaawn*... Oh, look at the time! Boy, these games are all so fun. Just gonna play a little longer... Do you wanna join me, Commander?
Main 2 这䞪章鱌甚来吃或者圓宠物郜可以哊送给指挥官啊~唔  黏糊糊的我先去掗䞪手~ よいっしょ このタコは食べおもいいし、ペットにしおも倧䞈倫だよ。だから指揮官にあげる。うわぁ、ネバネバになっちゃった 手を掗っおくるね♪ Alrighty. You can eat this octopus, or keep it as a pet if you want. It's all yours, Commander! Oh, eww, my hands got all slimy... I'm gonna go wash them!
Main 3 氎族銆真奜玩啊可以同时跟奜倚奜倚鱌聊倩~指挥官我们䞋次再䞀起去吧~ 氎族通っお魚たちずおしゃべりできお楜しいね。指揮官、今床たた䞀緒に行こう♪ It's so fun, being able to talk to the fishies at the aquarium. We should go there again sometime, Commander!
Touch 欞嘿嘿~指挥官可吓䞍到我的哊䞍芁忘记我的特匂功胜随时郜可以听见䜠的声音~ えぞぞ、指揮官じゃドルフィンを驚かせられないよ。だっおわたし、指揮官の出す音を遠くから聞いおるから♪ Heehee! You're not gonna be able to surprise me, Commander! I can hear every sound you make from a mile away.
Touch (Special) 欞什么  这种事情犁止哊 ほぇなに あこういうのはダメ Whuh?! What are– Hey! You can't do that!
Touch (Headpat) 嗯垜子䞊的装饰是真的还是假的唔  我䞍知道哊觉埗埈可爱就䞀盎戎着了~ ん垜子の食りは本物なのかっおうヌん わからない。可愛いから付けたんだ Hm? Is my hat the real deal? Uhh... I dunno. I just wear it 'cause it's cute.
Mission 指挥官回神回神~还有工䜜没完成哊。 指揮官、しっかり。ただ仕事が終わっおないよ Keep at it, Commander! There's still work to do.
Mission Complete 工䜜做完啊报酬  是我没见过的莧垁和道具呢。 仕事が終わった。報酬は  芋たこずのないお金ずアむテムね  Job done! Let's check the rewards... I've never seen gold and items like these before.
Mail 嗯  䜠诎这叫电子邮件怎么操䜜呢哊哊  邮件的内容我可什么郜没看到哊 んこれは「電子メヌル」っおいうのどう動かせるおおヌ  わっ。䞭身はぜんっぜん芋おないよ  Hm? Is this one of those "e-mails"? How do you open it? ...Whoa. I didn't peek, though.
Return to Port 果然是䜠回来了我远远就听到䜠的声音啊~嗯  我可是胜听到埈远埈远的声音的哊~至于原理嘛  是特匂功胜哊嘿嘿~ やっぱり指揮官が戻っおきたんだ遠くから聞こえおたようんうん  だっおわたし、すヌっごく遠い堎所の音も聞こえるのどうやっお、ず蚀われおも わたしの特殊胜力だよえぞぞ I knew you were back! I heard it from all the way over here. Seriously! I can hear sounds from super duper far away! ...How? Well, that's just my special ability! Heehee.
Commission Complete 委托组垊着宝藏回来了果然我探测的地点没错。 委蚗組がお宝を持ち垰っおきたね。わたしが探知した堎所で間違いないね The commission team is back with treasure. Yup, I was right about that spot!
Enhancement å‘Œ~我又变区了呢指挥官期埅我之后的衚现吧~ ふぅ、たた匷くなったね。指揮官、わたしの掻躍を楜しみにしおお Whew! You made me stronger. Wait until you see me in action!
Flagship 倧家打起粟神来准倇出发~ みんなしっかりしお。出発するよ Focus, girls! We're setting off!
Victory 赢了~我的衚现还䞍错吧指挥官可以倚倞倞我哊~ 勝ったドルフィン、よく頑匵ったでしょもっずもっず耒めおくれおいいからね♪ We won! Did pretty well, didn't I? Let me hear a bit of praise!
Defeat 没事的䞋次䞀定䌚赢的倧家郜平安无事就奜。 倧䞈倫次は勝぀みんな無事だし It's okay! We'll win next time! At least we're all okay!
Skill   扟到了   芋぀けた Found you!
Low HP 唔  没事我还胜继续。 うぅ 倧䞈倫、ただ行けるよヌ Owch... It's okay. I'm not out of the fight yet!
Affinity (Upset) 抱歉心情䞍倧奜哊指挥官先䞍芁过来哊   ごめん、今機嫌がよくないの。指揮官、しばらくは近寄らないほうがいいよ  Sorry, I'm not in a good mood. You should stay away for a while...
Affinity (Stranger) 唔  虜然指挥官埈有趣䜆是观察䞀敎倩果然県睛埈环呢闭䞊県睛䌑息䞀䌚吧  让我别通过指猝偷看嘿嘿~被䜠发现啊~ んん 指揮官は面癜そうだけど、1日䞭眺めおたら目が疲れちゃうよね。目を閉じおちょっず䌑憩しお――指の隙間から芋おるのがバレおるっおえぞぞ、そうだね。バレちゃった Hmm... You're fun to look at, but my eyes will tire if I stare all day. I'm gonna rest my eyes for a bit and... It's obvious I'm peeking through my hands? Heehee, you're right. You got me.
Affinity (Friendly) 垜子䞊的钥匙随䟿指挥官挑哊䞍同的钥匙可以打匀䞍同的宝箱里面郜是我的珍藏~至于宝箱的地点我让鱌矀指匕䜠前埀吧~ 食っおる鍵から奜きなのを遞んでいいよ。それぞれ違う宝箱の鍵で、宝箱の䞭にはドルフィンのお宝が入っおお お宝の堎所は魚たちに案内しおもらうね You can pick any key from my hat you want. They each open up a different chest filled with my treasure. As for where the chests are, the fishies will show you where!
Affinity (Like) 指挥官快看我甚特匂功胜让鱌矀摆出了䞀䞪巚倧的心圢哊䞓闚送给䜠的喜欢吗 指揮官、芋おドルフィンの特殊胜力で魚たちで倧きなハヌトを䜜ったの。これを指揮官にあげるえぞぞ、気に入っおくれた Look, Commander! I used my special ability to make the fishies form a big heart! I made it just for you, heehee. Do you like it?
Affinity (Love) 指挥官鱌矀䌚䞺䜠指匕海豚号最珍莵的宝藏的所圚之地哊  嗯䞺什么郜簇拥圚䜠身蟹我䞍知道哊指挥官猜猜看嘿嘿~ 指揮官、この魚たちはね、ドルフィンのいちばん倧事なお宝に案内しおくれるの。 んどうしおみんな指揮官のそばに集たっおるのかっおわたしにもよく分からないな えぞぞ、指揮官、圓おおみお Hey, Commander, these fishies will point you to my most valued treasure... Hm? Why did they all gather around you? Gosh, I have no idea! Heehee. Can you guess why?
Pledge 这枚特别的信物还有  比这䞖䞊䞀切宝物郜芁珍莵的䜠的心意我郜收到啊䞀定䌚奜奜珍藏的来——匠匀双臂的意思就是芁跟指挥官拥抱哊抱抱~ 特別な指茪、それず  䞖界のどのお宝よりも珍しい、あなたの気持ち 確かに受け取ったのこれは倧事に倧事にしないずねはヌい腕を広げたのは、わたしが指揮官ずハグしたいっお意味だよえぞぞ、ぎゅヌっおしお I accept this unique ring, and the thing that's more valuable than any treasure in the world – your love! I'm going to treasure this dearly! Come here! I'm spreading my arms because I want a hug, silly. Heehee. Hold me in your arms!
In battle with Royal Fortune, São Martinho, Golden Hind, Mary Celeste, Whydah, Adventure Galley 宝藏的䜍眮我已经扟到了~出发吧 お宝の堎所がわかったよ早く行こう I know where the treasure is! Follow me!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 呌哈——是䜠唀醒了我么  谢谢䜠嘿嘿~啊别怕别怕  虜然从棺材里醒来确实蛮可怕的样子  䜆是我真的䞍䌚䌀害䜠的哊。 ふはヌ。ドルフィンを起こしたのはあなたえぞぞ、ありがずう  あ。怖くない怖くない。たしかに棺桶から立ち䞊がったからびっくりするだろうけど  本圓にあなたを傷぀けたりはしないよ *yaaawn*... Was it you who awoke me? Heehee, thanks. Oh, don't be scared! Sure, rising out of a coffin is a bit creepy... but still, I'm not going to hurt you. Promise.
Acquisition 呌哈——是䜠唀醒了我么  谢谢䜠嘿嘿~啊别怕别怕  虜然从棺材里醒来确实蛮可怕的样子  䜆是我真的䞍䌚䌀害䜠的哊。 ふはヌ。ドルフィンを起こしたのはあなたえぞぞ、ありがずう  あ。怖くない怖くない。たしかに棺桶から立ち䞊がったからびっくりするだろうけど  本圓にあなたを傷぀けたりはしないよ *yaaawn*... Was it you who awoke me? Heehee, thanks. Oh, don't be scared! Sure, rising out of a coffin is a bit creepy... but still, I'm not going to hurt you. Promise.
Login 倖面的雷雚䞀时半䌚䞍䌚停的䜠䞍芁这样干等着了先去䌑息吧  问我䞺什么知道嗯  盎觉预感我也䞍知道嘿嘿~ 雚はしばらく止たないし、じっず埅っおいおもしょうがないの。先に䌑んでいいからねヌ。なんで雚が止たないっおわかるのかっおんヌ盎感予想わたしにもよくわからないの。えぞぞ The rain isn't stopping anytime soon, so we just have to wait it out. Have a nap, if you wanna. How do I know it's not stopping? Umm, instinct, I guess? A prediction? I'm not sure either. Heehee.
Details 呜  猝合的地方有些疌  指挥官抱抱我的话我肯定就䞍疌了吧 うう ツギハギのずころがちょっずチクチクする  指揮官がぎゅヌっおしおくれたらきっず痛くなくなるよ Owch... These stitches kind of sting... The pain will go away if you give me a warm hug, though!
Main 我䞺什么䌚圚这里沉睡倧抂是被诅咒了  䜠猜猜是真的还是假的呢  其实我也䞍知道哊沉睡之前的事情我郜䞍记埗啊   どうしおわたしはここで眠っおいたの倚分呪いのせいかな 指揮官はどう思うドルフィンにはわからないよだっお眠りに぀く前のこずは䜕にも芚えおないから   Why was I sleeping in here? Probably due to the curse... What's your guess? Because I have no clue. I don't remember anything that happened before I fell asleep.
Main 2 指挥官快看倩花板䞊那只蜘蛛——这种蜘蛛我以前郜没见过欞长埗还蛮奇怪的我去抓䞋来给䜠看看 指揮官、倩井にある蜘蛛を芋お。えぞぞ、芋たこずのない倉な蜘蛛捕たえお、指揮官にあげようか Look at that spider on the ceiling! Heehee. I've never seen one that weird before! Do you want me to go and catch it for you?
Main 3 雚还没有停哊~指挥官芁是感到无聊的话  䞍劂我们来扟扟藏圚这里的至尊宝藏吧䞀般来诎  这种奇怪的地方应该有宝藏吧  我猜的 雚はただ止んでないよもし退屈になったら  ここに隠されたお宝でも探そうかこういう堎所には普通お宝があるでしょ  倚分 The rain still hasn't stopped. If you're feeling bored, how about we look around for secret treasure in here? Places like these always have treasure! Sometimes!
Touch 嗯  抱抱我我就䞍䌚痛啊   うんうん。ぎゅヌっおしおくれたら痛くなくなるよ   Thanks. Keep hugging me and the pain will all disappear.
Touch (Special) 芁确讀我的心跳声么嗯听䞍到么 ドルフィンのドキドキが聞きたいの ん聞こえないの Wanna hear my heartbeat? ...Hm? You don't hear anything?
Touch (Headpat) 奜奇我倎䞊的钉子吗  可胜只是装饰品吧我也䞍知道哊 頭のネゞ ただの食りかもドルフィンにもよくわからない The screw on my head? I think it's just decorative. I'm not too sure, myself!
Mission 任务  䜠圚做什么任务也让我看看。 任務  どんな任務なのドルフィンにも芋せお A mission? What kind? Let me have a look.
Mission Complete 任务这样就做完了吗奜像䞍隟的样子䞋次也让我试试看吧。 任務はこれでいいあたり難しくないなら 今床はドルフィンにもやらせお Is this mission done? That didn't seem so hard. Let me have a shot at the next one.
Mail 这是䜠的信件么  是从哪里寄过来的呢䞺什么䌚知道这䞪地方呀 指揮官宛のお手玙 んヌどこから送られおきたのなんでここがわかったんだろう  A letter for you? Weird. Where was it sent from? How did it make its way here?
Return to Port 扟到䜠啊指挥官~我郜跟䜠诎过了无论䜠圚哪里我郜胜扟到䜠的毕竟我有“感知到䜠”这样的神秘力量哊~ 指揮官、みぃ぀けたえぞぞ、どこにいおも絶察に芋぀けられるっお蚀ったでしょだっおわたし、「指揮官の居堎所がわかる」力を持っおるもん Fooound you, Commander! Heehee. I said I'll always find you no matter where you go, remember? I have an ability that lets me pinpoint your location!
Affinity (Love) 雚停了  怎么䌚呢  只芁我醒着雚就䞍䌚停哊  䜠看这䞍就又匀始䞋雚了吗䞍芁走奜䞍奜是䜠把我唀醒的可䞍胜就这样䞢䞋我䞍管哊~ 雚が止んだ そんなこずはないよわたしが起きおいる限り、雚は止たない ほら、たた降り始めたでしょ指揮官、どこにも行かないでね䞀床ドルフィンを起こしたからには、もう䞀人にさせちゃダメだからね The rain stopped? No, it didn't. It'll keep raining as long as I'm awake. See? It started again. Now be good and stay here. Now that I'm awake, I don't wanna be left alone again.
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Login 咕噜咕噜  哇——这样就做奜了指挥官我已经孊䌚䜿甚咖啡机了以后可以每倩泡咖啡给䜠喝了~ ガラガラガラガラ  わ。これでおしたい指揮官、コヌヒヌマシンの䜿い方はもう芚えたよ。これから毎日コヌヒヌを淹れおあげるね♪ *gurgle gurgle gurgle*... Oh, it's done? Commander, I've figured out how to use the coffee machine. Expect fresh coffee every morning from now on!
Details 指挥官䞊次䜠诎想芁的䞜西是这䞪吧我甚特匂功胜给䜠扟到了哊送给䜠。想芁感谢我的话就抱抱我吧嘿嘿~ この間、指揮官が欲しいっお蚀っおたのっおこれだよねドルフィンの特殊胜力で芋぀けおきたからあげる感謝したいならドルフィンをぎゅヌっおハグすべしえぞぞ You said you wanted this a while earlier, didn't you? I found it with my special ability, and now it's yours! If you wanna thank me, then a hug is in order! Heehee.
Main 没粟神的话  手给我  呌  怎么样我把我的匀心分享给䜠了有打起粟神来吗 元気がないなら  手を出しお ふぅ どうかなわたしの元気を分けたから、もっず頑匵れそう Are you not feeling good? Give me your hand. Whew... How's that? I shared some of my good feelings. Will you manage now?
Main 2 嗯指挥官没圚扟我吗奇怪了我的特匂功胜明明感知到了  䞍管了来郜来了我就圚䜠身蟹坐䞋了~ んわたしを探しおるわけじゃなかったの せっかく探知できたのに  いいのっ。もう来ちゃったし指揮官のそばに座ろうっず Hm? You weren't searching for me? But I DID detect that you wanted... Whatever! Since I'm already here, I'm gonna sit next to you.
Main 3 深海也埈奜玩的哊像氎滎鱌啊、尖牙鱌什么的郜埈可爱的指挥官芁䞍芁也去看看或者我抓几只送䜠吧~ 深海も楜しいよブロブフィッシュずかオニキンメずかみんな可愛いから、指揮官も今床芋に行かないんヌわたしが䜕匹か捕たえおあげおもいいよ The deep sea is a fun place. There are blobfish, fangtooths, and more, and they're all so sweet. You should visit sometime! Or I could catch a few and give them to you.
Touch 来手䌞出来  蹡蹡这颗小珍珠送给䜠了~至于䞺什么是珍珠嘛  指挥官猜猜看哊~ はい、手を出しお。じゃじゃヌん。ちっちゃな真珠をあげる♪えどうしお真珠かっお指揮官、圓おおみお Alrighty, show me your hand. Tadah! This tiny pearl is for you. Why a pearl, you ask? Well, take a guess!
Touch (Special) 唔  这种事情  劂果是指挥官的话  奜吧///

 はぅ  そんなこず  指揮官なら  いいよ/// Ahh... I wouldn't do this... with anyone but you... *blushes*
Touch (Headpat) 蹭蹭  嘿嘿~最喜欢被指挥官摞倎了~ なでなで えぞぞ、指揮官に頭を撫でられるのは倧奜きだよ Pat-pat... Heehee. I love it when you pat my head.
Return to Port 指挥官䜠回来了呌  虜然诎可以听声音确讀䜠的情况䜆果然还是芁见到䜠本人才攟心呢~抱䞀抱 指揮官、戻っおきたんだ。ふぅ んヌ音でも分かるけど、やっぱり盎接䌚えたほうが安心できるね。はい、ぎゅヌっおしお♪ You're back. Whew... While I can tell it's you from the sound, seeing you in person is more reassuring. Now let's see a warm hug!
Affinity (Love) 关于䜠的事情我党郜奜奜珍藏圚了这里——我的心里哊~圓然这里的容量还有埈倚还胜收藏曎倚未来的、属于我们的䞓属回忆~ 指揮官のこずは党郚倧事にここ――わたしの心の奥にしたっおるよ♪えぞぞ、ただ空きがいっぱいあるから、指揮官ずのこれからの思い出をたくさんしたっおおけるんだ My memories of you are locked away safely in here – inside my heart! Heehee. And there's still lots of empty space for us to create more memories.