Chen Hai (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇌: )
Ship ID No. 534 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Light Aircraft Carrier Rarity Elite
Navy Dragon Empery Build Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
Chen Hai Description
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 %/%/%/% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 %/%/%/% 1/1/2/2 0/0/1/1
3 %/%/%/% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxilary - - -
5 Auxilary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Light Aircraft Carrier: Chen Hai-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
Star-Studded Formation Every 8s: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level). When 4 same-colored shots in a row from this barrage hit the same enemy, one of the following debuffs are inflicted: 1) if the shots were black, the enemy's SPD is decreased by 15.0% (30.0%) for 2s; 2) if the shots were white, the enemy's DMG dealt is decreased by 5.0% (15.0%) for 2s.
Cunning Stratagem When this ship launches an Airstrike: launches an additional Lv.1 (Lv.10) special airstrike (DMG is based on the skill's level). If your fleet consists entirely of Dragon Empery ships: improves this special airstrike, and once every 20s, 1 randomly chosen ship in your fleet deals 1.0% (10.0%) increased DMG for 5s.
Unfettered Freedom Increases this ship's AVI by 5.0% (15.0%). When this ship launches an airstrike: launches an additional Lv.1 (Lv.10) airstrike with aircraft and monochrome shells. Hits scored by these monochrome shells count as hits toward this ship's Star-Studded Formation skill.
Light ✓ ✓ ✓
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 氎䞊飞机母舰—镇海 氎䞊機母艊・鎮海 Seaplane carrier - Chen Hai.
Biography 是䞜煌最早的氎䞊飞机母舰镇海。虜然有埈倚䞪“第䞀”䞍过那些并非郜是荣誉就是。盞比起那些真正的航空母舰我欠猺的䞜西还是有点倚呢。 東煌最初の氎䞊機空母、鎮海ず申したす。栄誉だけではなく、幟床も「初」を頂戎したした。本物の空母ず比べお欠けおいるものも倚々ありたしょう I am the Dragon Empery's first seaplane carrier, Chen Hai. I've received many other "firsts," but those aren't exactly honors. I still have a long way to go before I can match up to real aircraft carriers.
Acquisition 䜠就是指挥官这䞪枯区的“倎脑”吗 呵呵䞍仅胜亲県见到倧名錎錎的指挥官还胜䞎其共识实属我的荣幞。  可䞍芁蟜莟了我的期埅哊 あなたがこの母枯を運営しおいる指揮官、ですね。 ふふっ、ご高名はかねがね䌺っおおりたす。遠目で芋るだけでなく、お務めたでずもにできるなんお光栄です。どうか萜胆はさせないでくださいたせ So you're the brains behind the operation here, huh? ...Hehe, I finally get to meet the legendary Commander face-to-face. It's an honor to be able to work with you. I trust you'll live up to your lofty expectations?
Login 枯区运蜬时决策的䜍眮怎么胜空着呢快点回到䜠的䜍眮䞊吧。 母枯の運営に決枈者が垭を空けたたたではいけたせんね。はい、早くお座りください How's the port supposed to run when the decisionmaker's seat is vacant? C'mon, sit down already.
Details 若䜠实圚是空闲  䞍劚来䞋䞀盘囎棋没有读秒无关胜莟权圓杀杀时闎就奜。 暇でしたら、こちら ええ、囲碁の盞手でもいかがですか眮き碁、秒読み䞍芁の単なる暇぀ぶしです。勝ち負けなど お気になさらずずも良いかず。ふふ If you're not busy, then... come here, let's play a match of Go? No need to have a turn timer or keep track of winners and losers. Let's just kill some time, hehe.
Main 䜠是圚思考吗还是诎只是单纯的圚发呆  衚情倒是挺可爱的呢呵呵~  今のは熟考のうちですかそれずも ボヌっずしおるだけなるほど、可愛い顔をなさっおたしたね。ふふ Are you deep in thought about something? Or... just spacing out? Oh, I see. You're trying to look cute, hehe.
Main 2 我思考时的衚情有些阎沉䜠怎么胜肯定那䞍是我的“䌪装”之䞀呢 考え事をしおいるずきの私の顔色がんしょくが暗い、ですかそれが芋せかけのものだずしたら はおさお、指揮官には芋砎れるでしょうか My eyes look a bit scary when I'm thinking about something? ...How do you know that isn't just one of my many faces?
Main 3 勉区也奜虚匠声势也奜䞍到䞇䞍埗已时䞍芁让别人看穿了䜠的底牌。 虚勢を匵っおも無理しお啖呵を切っおも、盞手に足元を芋られないこずが倧切です Feign strength if you must, feign weakness if you must. Whatever the case, do not ever let your enemy see through your trump card.
Touch 有什么事䜠该䞍䌚  只是想和我闲聊吧。 なんでしょう  ただの雑談をしたいわけではないでしょうね  What's the matter? ...You're not here just to have a little chat, are you?
Touch (Special) 胆子挺倧的嘛。 やっおくれたすね You certainly have guts.
Touch (Headpat) 出乎意料的䞟劚呢   これは 思いもよらなかった行動ですね I must say... this behavior is rather unexpected.
Mission 䞍芁忘了那些未完成的细碎事务等跌倒时才想起来的话可就晚了哊。 些现な事務仕事でも、忘れおはなりたせんよ。぀たづいおから埌悔しおも遅いですから Don't forget to finish up your missions. When it comes back to bite you in the ass, it'll already be too late.
Mission Complete 任务完成了。扫枅了障碍之后䜠的䞋䞀步䌚怎么走 任務完了です。阻む障害を取り陀いおからの䞀手はいかがでしょう Mission complete. Now that you've removed another obstacle in front of you, what will your next move be?
Mail 攟任关键的信息䞍管可䞍是䌘秀指挥官的所䞺呢。 重芁な情報を無芖するのは、「できる」指揮官の行動ではありたせんね A competent commander should never neglect potentially important information.
Return to Port 平安回来了呢。刚刚的战斗埈粟圩䞍过尚有䞀些细枝末节可以改进  来倍䞪盘吧 無事でのご垰還、お祝い申し䞊げたす。さっきの戊いはお芋事でしたが、芋盎すべきずころもたた倚々  芋盎ししたしょうか Good job on making it back in one piece. I went over your last battle, and while it was excellent overall, there are many areas that can still be improved... So let's review those right now?
Commission Complete 委托队園枯了么  积环后倇物资充实仓库给自己倚䞀匠手牌确实挺奜的。 委蚗組が母枯に垰還したした。これは備蓄物資の蓄積、兵站の充実、ひいおはこちらの出せる手札が1枚増えたずいうこず。良いず思いたす The commission fleet is back, huh... Increasing our stockpiles, replenishing our forces, adding another card to our hand. A good play indeed.
Enhancement 虜然我曎喜欢居于垷幕之后就是了。 垷幄の䞭のほうが奜みたすが、ね I prefer being the one pulling the strings, but fine.
Flagship 敌人最束懈的时候就是我们机䌚来䞎的时候—— 敵が気を緩めたずきこそ、こちらの奜機―― The moment the enemies let their guard down–– is the moment you strike!
Victory 敌军战意已衰。看来它们也就这点胜耐了。 敵の戊意が衰えおいたす。ふふ、どうやらここたでですね The enemy has lost their will to fight. Heh, guess that's all they had to show.
Defeat 棋差䞀着 么 倚少有些䞍甘心啊䞋次可就䞍䌚这样了呢呵呵呵   䞀手遅れた、か 悔しいですが、今床はそうはさせたせんよ。ふふふ  Ugh, just one move behind... While I hate conceding defeat, there won't be a next time. Hehe...
Skill 攻其无倇出其䞍意 䞍備を撃ち、䞍意を突く Exploit their weaknesses, and catch them by surprise!
Low HP 䞍入虎穎焉埗虎子   虎子を埗ようずするなら  Nothing ventured, nothing gained...!
Affinity (Upset) 䌌乎我对䜠的期埅有些过高了。 あなたには少々、期埅しすぎたしたかね Seems like I set the bar too high for you.
Affinity (Stranger) 叀人有曰垞胜之家隟于虑敌。指挥官即䜿是䞀盎打胜仗也䞍芁忘了时刻反思总结。 垞勝の将ほど、慎重に䜜戊を運ぶのが難しくなりたしょう。勝ち続けおも過去の経隓の芋盎しをお忘れなく The more you win, the harder it'll be for you to review your own moves objectively. Even if you're winning, never forget to continue studying your past experiences.
Affinity (Friendly) 战争并非公平的棋局。倘若胜趁着对方䞍泚意先思考·理解·䞋䞪䞀䞉手——胜利就是这么来的哊。 戊は公平にあらず。敵の䞍意を突き、二手䞉手先を考え・読み・打぀こずができれば――勝利はこの通り。ふふっ War isn't fair. Backstab your enemy. Think two or three steps ahead of them, read their every move. Then... BAM! Victory comes just like that. Hehe.
Affinity (Like) 光是普通地䞋棋久了也䞍免乏味。䞍劂来点别的规矩让对局变埗曎有趣䞀些吧。比劂诎  劂果䜠胜从我手䞭赢䞋䞀局我就答应䜠䞀䞪芁求劂䜕 普通に囲碁を打ち続けるのも味気ないかもしれたせんね。倉則ルヌルでも蚭けお そうですね。私に黒星を䞀぀でも぀けられたら、願い事を䞀぀聞いおあげる――ずいうのはいかがでしょう I'm starting to get bored of our regular old sessions of Go. Let's spice things up a little bit... I know just the thing. How about, if you can take a game off me, I'll grant you one wish.
Affinity (Love) 哎呀倧意了呢䞀向粟于计策的我竟然䌚圚这种地方倱误  嗯恭喜䜠赢了哊。那么愿赌服蟓告诉我䜠的芁求是什么吧什么郜可以哊呵呵~ あら、策士ず自負する私ずしたこずが、ここに来おこのようなミスを ふふ、おめでずうございたす。玄束通り、願い事を聞かせおくださいたせ。䜕でもいいですよ。ふふふふ  Oh my, how could a seasoned strategist like me make such a silly blunder... Hehe, in any case, congratulations on your win. As promised, I'll grant you your one wish. Anything goes. Hehehe...
Pledge 这是  呵呵没想到被指挥官突然袭击了呢 䞍对正因䞺是指挥官才胜对我做到这点吧。这么䞀想这也是圚我的预料之䞭 对吧 これは ふふっ、よもや指揮官に䞍意を突かれるずは いいえ、指揮官だからこそ私の䞍意を突くこずができたのでしょう。そう考えるず、これもたた予想のうち ですよね What's this? ...Hehe, I didn't expect this sneak attack from you... Or rather, you're the only person who could pull something like this off. Looking at it that way, maybe I had predicted this all along... right?
In battle with Ying Swei, Chao Ho, Hai Chi 攻其无倇出其䞍意 旧知の仲ですね My, some familiar faces.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 劂纊而至了呢指挥官欢迎对这里的装朢还满意吊我们的时闎埈倚䞍劚先坐䞋来喝口茶再慢慢聊䜠想聊的话题吧。 玄束通りいらっしゃいたしたね、指揮官。ここの内装、お気に召したしたかふふ、お話は座っおからゆっくりずお茶を飲みながらいたしたしょう。なにせ時間はたっぷりあるので―― You're here, Commander, just as promised. How do you like the atmosphere in here? Hehe, take a seat and enjoy the tea slowly. After all, we have plenty of time~
Acquisition 劂纊而至了呢指挥官欢迎对这里的装朢还满意吊我们的时闎埈倚䞍劚先坐䞋来喝口茶再慢慢聊䜠想聊的话题吧。 玄束通りいらっしゃいたしたね、指揮官。ここの内装、お気に召したしたかふふ、お話は座っおからゆっくりずお茶を飲みながらいたしたしょう。なにせ時間はたっぷりあるので―― You're here, Commander, just as promised. How do you like the atmosphere in here? Hehe, take a seat and enjoy the tea slowly. After all, we have plenty of time~
Login 既来之则安之。指挥官攟心吧我䞍䌚亏埅䜠的。 来おいただいたからにはゆっくり腰を萜ち着けお――指揮官、私のおもおなしを心眮きなく堪胜しおください Now that you're here, please make yourself at home. Don't worry, Commander, this one's on me.
Details 对我的收藏感兎趣吗呵呵里屋还有䞍少䞍劂随我䞀起去欣赏䞀䞋劂䜕 私のコレクションにご興味があるようですね。ふふ、奥の郚屋にも沢山ありたすので、よかったら案内しお差し䞊げたしょうか Did my collection catch your eye? Hehe, very well, there's a lot more of that in the back room. I wouldn't mind showing you around if you'd like~
Main 胜䞎我对匈的对手已经有了芁是再有棋盘䞎棋子就再奜䞍过了 啊䞍着急䞀䌚我再去取。 察局の盞手がいらっしゃったずきのために、碁盀ず碁石を 今はゆっくりお寛ぎなさっおいおください。取っおくるのはこのあずなので I already have a worthy opponent in front of me, but too bad we don't have a Go board and some pieces to play with... Ah, but worry not, I'll fetch them later.
Main 2 指挥官䜠喜欢哪些藏品瓷噚、玉噚还是字画亊或是  敎䞪屋子本身呵呵~ 指揮官はここのコレクションで䜕がお気に入りですか陶磁噚、玉噚 曞画それずも、この郚屋そのものですかふふ Commander, what's your favorite collection here? Porcelain? Jade? Calligraphy? Or perhaps... this entire estate? Hehe~
Main 3 海圻的花枪肇和的独舞  今晚的节目甚是䞰盛。劂果胜有人陪我䞀同欣赏那自然是再奜䞍过——䜠明癜我的意思吧 海圻の花槍、肇和の舞、今倜は䜙興に困らないようで。共に鑑賞する盞手がいれば尚曎です。 指揮官にはこの意味を分かっおいただけたすよね Hai Chi's flower spear and Chao Ho's solo dance... Tonight's performance will be spectacular indeed. It would be nice to have someone accompanying me who has a fine eye for the arts... Do you understand what I'm getting at, Commander?
Touch 芁试试这䞪电话么拚号盘䞍是埈奜甚小心别打错了。 この黒電話、詊しおみたすかうたくダむダルできない時がありたすので、かけ間違いにはお気を぀けください Would you like to try this rotary dial phone? You might not be used to operating something like it, so try to be careful not to make mistakes.
Touch (Special) 看来该让䜠知道谁才是这里的䞻人了呢。 どうやら、この郚屋の䞻が誰か、思い知らせなくおはならないようですね It would appear that you need a reminder as to who the host is here.
Touch (Headpat) “反客䞺䞻”可䞍行哊。 「䞻客転倒」はいけたせんよ Do be mindful of who the host is, and who the guest is~
Mission 䜠现圚是我的客人分心考虑任务的事情可䞍奜哊。 指揮官は私のお客様なのに、任務のこずで気が散るのは感心したせんね Commander, you're currently my guest. The fact that you're still preoccupied with work does not impress me.
Mission Complete 嗯圚我䞍知道的时候任务已经完成了挺胜干的嘛指挥官。 おや、い぀の間に任務を完了しおきたんですか。やりたすね、指揮官 Oh my, when did you complete your missions? Not too shabby, Commander.
Mail 这种时候还有新的邮件送来么  有些䞍解风情呢。 こんな時でも、新しい手玙は来るのですか。颚情を損なうようなこずは  A letter arriving at a time like this? Talk about spoiling the mood...
Return to Port “嗯奜的我知道了就这么安排吧。”哎呀欢迎回来。刚刚的通话内容  是秘密哊~ 「はい、わかりたした。ではそのように手配を」あら、お垰りなさいたせ。今の電話は 秘密、ですよにっこり "Yes, excellent. Just stick to the plan, just as I told you." Oh, welcome back. That phone call...? It's a secret~
Affinity (Love) 䜠知道这厅堂里对我最重芁的是什么吗䞍是这华䞜的装饰也䞍是这看起来价倌连城的收藏品。没错正是䜠哊指挥官。 この郚屋で私が䞀番倧事にしおいるものをご存知ですか華麗な内装でも、貎重なコレクションでもなく――そう、あなたですよ、指揮官。ふふふ Do you know what I value most of everything inside this room? It's not the luxurious interior or my opulent collections – Indeed, it is none other than you, Commander~♪
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 哊是指挥官啊䜠也是来歀倄避暑么真是奇劙的巧合啊还是诎 其实是䜠及有所囟呢呵呵呵~ あら、これは指揮官 もしやあなたも避暑の為にこちらぞ偶然ずは奇劙なものです。それずも ほかにも目的がお有りでふふふ  Oh my, if it isn't the Commander... Have you also come to escape the heat? What a serendipitous meeting... Or, did you perhaps have some other goal in mind? Heehee...
Acquisition 哊是指挥官啊䜠也是来歀倄避暑么真是奇劙的巧合啊还是诎 其实是䜠及有所囟呢呵呵呵~ あら、これは指揮官 もしやあなたも避暑の為にこちらぞ偶然ずは奇劙なものです。それずも ほかにも目的がお有りでふふふ  Oh my, if it isn't the Commander... Have you also come to escape the heat? What a serendipitous meeting... Or, did you perhaps have some other goal in mind? Heehee...
Login 既然是䌑假就暂时把各种决策和思玢攟䞋吧。䌑息借了之后才胜曎奜地斜展谋略呢。 䌑暇でいらっしゃったのなら、しばしの間思慮も決断も忘れたしょう十分な䌑息を取っおおいたほうが、埌の策も冎えたすよ During this moment of respite, set aside all your plans and calculations. Once you've rested sufficiently, you can always pick up where you left off.
Details 炎倏之时浞圚枅凉的氎䞭确实是至高无䞊的享受呢。䜠若是䞍介意打湿衣服也可以来试试哊。 炎倩䞋で冷たい氎に浞かる、確かに至犏です。もちろん服が濡れおしたいたすが、それでも構わないなら  お詊しになりたすか Few things are more blissful than a refreshing soak on a sweltering day. Your clothes might get wet, but... don't you think it's well worth it?
Main 乘兎而来兎尜而園。平日里繁杂的事务考虑倚了这种时候就该攟空思绪单纯享受~ 盎情埄行、奔攟自圚 せっかく普段の雑務から解攟されたのです、頭の䞭をからっぜにしおゆっくり楜しみたしょう Come with an open heart, and leave fulfilled. Now that you've freed yourself from the shackles of the daily grind, clear your mind and enjoy this occasion to the fullest~
Main 2 海圻兎讞她歀时正圚某䞪地方和刚结识的小䌙䌎打氎仗吧。䜠芁去扟她们么 海圻ですかさっき知り合ったばかりの仲間ず氎遊びでもしおいるこずでしょう。探しに行かれたすか Hai Chi? I'm sure she's playing in the water with some friends she just met. Did you want to go look for her?
Main 3 氎波、艳阳、还有若隐若现的圩虹  劂果海倩圚这里的话倧抂又胜听她吟诗䞀銖了。 さざなみに朝日、芋え隠れする虹 もし海倩がここにいたなら、きっず詩を詠んでいたこずでしょう Ripples in the water, the glow of the autumnal sun, and the flickering of rainbows... If Hai Tien were here, I'm sure I would be hearing one of her poems.
Touch 有什么事么先诎奜䞍是芁玧事的话䌑假期闎䞍谈工䜜哊。 なんでしょう急甚でもないなら、䌑暇䞭にお仕事の話はなし、にしたしょう What's the matter? If it's about work, let's save it for later, alright?
Touch (Special) 哎呀指挥官定力䞍足呢。 あら指揮官、䜙裕がないようですね Oh my, Commander. You're a bit lacking in self-control~
Return to Port 看䜠倧汗淋挓的样子想必是被酷暑折磚埗䞍蜻了吧快来奜奜乘䞪凉吧。 その汗だくの姿は なるほど、暑さにだいぶ苊したれおいるようですねここはたず涌んでから、ゆっくりなさっおください You're completely soaked with sweat... I see, the sweltering heat outside must've taken its toll on you. Come in, and cool off.
Affinity (Love) 所以今日有䜕打算呢没有棋局也没有博匈只有䜠我二人共倄的䌑假时闎  䞻劚权圚指挥官䜠的手䞊䜠䞍䌚让它癜癜流走的吧  しお、今日はどうなさいたす察局も駆け匕きもなく、二人っきりの非番日 せっかく握っおいる䞻導暩を䜿わずにみすみす逃す手はないでしょうふふふ  ...So, do you have any plans today? No games, no bartering. Just the two of us - alone on a day off. You have all the initiative in your hands, Commander. You're not going to let it go to waste, are you? Hehe...
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Ship Description 指挥官䜠来到歀倄莫非是䞓皋来扟我的嗯劂䜠所见我正圚钻研刺绣技巧它䞎囎棋亊有盞通之倄郜有助于厘枅思路绌合考量党局。劂䜕指挥官芁试试看么呵呵   あら指揮官、ここにいらっしゃったのはもしや私に䌚いにええ、芋おの通り刺繍に぀いお研究をしおいお――これも囲碁ず同じで、自らの考えを敎理でき、広い芖野で芋るようにね。指揮官も䞀床やっおみおはいかがですふふふ   Oh, Commander, have you come to see me? Yes, as you can see, I've been studying the art of embroidery– Just like Go, it helps me organize my thoughts and see things from a broader perspective. Why don't you give it a try as well, Commander? Heehee~
Acquisition 指挥官䜠来到歀倄莫非是䞓皋来扟我的嗯劂䜠所见我正圚钻研刺绣技巧它䞎囎棋亊有盞通之倄郜有助于厘枅思路绌合考量党局。劂䜕指挥官芁试试看么呵呵   あら指揮官、ここにいらっしゃったのはもしや私に䌚いにええ、芋おの通り刺繍に぀いお研究をしおいお――これも囲碁ず同じで、自らの考えを敎理でき、広い芖野で芋るようにね。指揮官も䞀床やっおみおはいかがですふふふ   Oh, Commander, have you come to see me? Yes, as you can see, I've been studying the art of embroidery– Just like Go, it helps me organize my thoughts and see things from a broader perspective. Why don't you give it a try as well, Commander? Heehee~
Login 䜠回来了指挥官。䜠问我这是圚绣什么  暂䞔保密完成之时䜠䟿枅楚了。 指揮官、おかえりなさい。どんな柄を瞫っおいるかですか  ただ秘密にさせおください。完成したらお分かりになりたすよ Welcome back, Commander. Hm? What kind of embroidery am I working on right now? Pardon me for keeping it a secret. You'll see as soon as I'm done.
Main 也讞圚这种枅幜雅静之地对匈曎胜磚炌棋艺呢  指挥官若是还有时闎皍后䞍劚和我对匈䞀局 幜然で静謐なここで察局をしたほうが、腕が䞊がりやすいかもしれたせんね 指揮官、このあず時間がおありでしたら鎮海ず䞀局いかがでしょうか Maybe playing Go in a serene place like this will allow me to hone my skills even further... Commander, if you have time later, would you mind having a match with me?
Main 2 “绣成安向春园里匕埗黄莺䞋柳条  ”刺绣这闚技艺颇䞺高深呢。 「麗しくあしらっお春の園に食れば、鶯惹かれ柳に舞い降りん」――刺繍の芞は奥深いですね "Beautiful embroidery draws the orioles from their willowy perches" ...How profound. I still have a long way to go when it comes to this art.
Main 3 刺绣需芁耐心和粟准的针法正劂谋略垃局时需芁等埅时机做出粟确的行劚   根気よさだけでなく、針の刺し方も正確さを芁する――軍略垃局をする際に、機を芋お䞀気に粟確な行動に出るこずに通じたすね   The art of embroidery requires the patience to make precise stitches, just as strategizing requires the patience to make precise decisions...
Touch 嗯指挥官是对这䞉蓝绣产生了兎趣么 指揮官はこの䞉藍繍さんらんしゅうにご興味が Hmm? Are you interested in my Three-Azures embroidery?
Touch (Special) 埗奜奜磚炌䞀䞋䜠的定力呢。 自分を埋するこず、ただただ粟進が必芁みたいですね You still require some work when it comes to self-discipline.
Touch (Headpat) 䜠还是老样子呢   盞倉わらずですね  You haven't changed one bit...
Mission Complete 看来是顺利完成了任务啊。也奜圚歀倄皍䜜歇息吧我䞺䜠准倇的瀌物也快芁完成了。 任務を順調にこなしたようですね。いいでしょう。しばしここで䌑憩なさっおください。鎮海からの莈り物ももうすぐ完成したすので Looks like you've completed your mission with no issues. Please rest here for a moment. I'll have your gift ready shortly.
Return to Port 蟛苊了指挥官。等我绣完这䞀倄就来䞺䜠奏䞊䞀曲吧~ 指揮官、お疲れ様です。ええ、今のこれを終わらせたら、改めお劎いの䞀曲を奏でお進ぜたしょう Good work, Commander. Once I'm done with my handiwork here, I will play for you a song of victory.
Affinity (Love) 我手䞭所绣䟿是芁赠予䜠的“瀌物”。圚衚明心迹䞀事䞊我䞍擅其它䟿以这䞀方玠垕寄䜠心知  嗯䜠诎今后䌚随身携垊呵呵~那䟿奜。 鎮海が針を走らせおいるのは、これが指揮官ぞの「莈り物」だからです。――ええ、想いを䌝えるこずは埗意ではありたせんので、代わりにこの手巟でその想いを䌝えるべく  あら肌身離さず持ち歩いおくださるのですかふふ、それは倧倉うれしいこずで The embroidery I hold here is my "gift" to you. I'm not good at expressing my emotions, so I'd like to take the opportunity to do so using this handkerchief... Hm? You'll carry it with you at all times? Heehee. I'm overjoyed to hear that.
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Ship Description 镇海劂纊以新的姿态䞎䜠见面了。  呵呵时闎还有埈倚呢䞍劂坐䞋来䞀品銙茗䞀同畅想䞋我们的未来吧~ 鎮海、玄束通り䞀新した姿でお䌺いに参りたした。ふふ 時間はたっぷりありたすから、ここはおかけになっお、芳茗を楜しみ぀぀将来の倢を銳せるのもいかが Just as promised, I present myself before you in a brand new form. Heehee... Since we have plenty of time, why don't you come take a seat, enjoy the fragrance of tea with me, and envision our future?
Acquisition 镇海劂纊以新的姿态䞎䜠见面了。  呵呵时闎还有埈倚呢䞍劂坐䞋来䞀品銙茗䞀同畅想䞋我们的未来吧~ 鎮海、玄束通り䞀新した姿でお䌺いに参りたした。ふふ 時間はたっぷりありたすから、ここはおかけになっお、芳茗を楜しみ぀぀将来の倢を銳せるのもいかが Just as promised, I present myself before you in a brand new form. Heehee... Since we have plenty of time, why don't you come take a seat, enjoy the fragrance of tea with me, and envision our future?
Login 嗯  终于捕捉到䜠瞌睡的瞬闎了~劂䜕可有遇到矎梊若是有䞍劚和我也诎诎 あら やっず指揮官がうたた寝するずころを捉えたした。ふふふ、どうでしたかいい倢でも芋れたしたよかったら、この鎮海にお聞かせ願えたせんか Hmm...? My, it looks like I've finally caught you dozing off, Commander. Heehee. So, how was it? Did you have sweet dreams? If you don't mind, I'd love it if you could share what you saw with me~
Details 呵呵  有那么倚可靠的同䌎圚我倒是䞍担心战场䞊的胜莟了——而䞔比起那些我倒是曎想知道今晚该做什么口味的饭菜呢。 ふふ 頌もしい仲間たちがこんなにもいらっしゃいたすから、戊の勝ち負けより――今晩の献立のほうが気になるものです。ふふふ Heehee... With so many reliable allies here, victory or defeat start to seem less important to me than the contents of tonight's menu.
Main 现圚想来胜过自己和赢过别人完党是䞀码事呢  只是皍埮窥探到“自我”的皮毛就已经有种醍醐灌顶的感觉了。 今思うず、人に勝぀のず己に勝぀のは党くの別物ですね 少しだけ「自分」の限界に觊れただけで、新たな境地が窺えた気がしたす In retrospect, triumphing over others and triumphing over yourself are two completely different things... Simply scratching the surface of my "self's" limits was enough to give me an awakening.
Main 2 指挥官䜠所畅想的和平䞖界䌚是什么样的乐土呢真想亲県看看啊。 指揮官が思い描く平和な䞖界がどんな楜土か、この目で芋届けたい所存です I would like to see with my own eyes what kind of world the peaceful paradise you envision is like.
Main 3 乱䞖芁的是善于攻心的谋士盛䞖需芁的华是赀诚的建讟者  所以若真到了倩䞋倪平的那䞀倩最适合我的倧抂是園隐南山吧呵呵   乱䞖では暩謀術数を巡らす策士が求められたすが、治䞖ずなれば謹厳実盎な働き者が必芁ずなるでしょう 。その日が来たら、䞖俗を離れ山奥に隠居でもしたしょうか。その方がこの身に合っおいたす。ふふ  A world in turmoil calls for a schemer with a number of tricks up her sleeve. A world at peace, however, calls for honest, hardworking builders. When that day comes, I will take my leave and retire to the mountains. Such a life suits me better. Haha...
Touch 来䞋盘棋吧指挥官。就圓是圚䞋“人生”这盘超慢棋之䜙的  小小消遣劂䜕 指揮官、囲碁を䞀局いかがです人生ずいう盀面を楜しみながらの わずかな䜙興ずしお、ねふふふ Commander, care for a round of Go? Just treat it as some light entertainment on the board game known as "life," okay? Heehee.
Touch (Special) 呵呵劂歀随意对埅这件事  䜠可是芁付出些代价的哊 ふふふ、こんな軜んじた扱いをされるずは 指揮官から少し「察䟡」をいただいおも Ahaha... I can't believe I'm being manhandled in such a frivolous manner... Commander, I'll have to extract some "compensation" from you in return~
Return to Port 埗胜園来了呢刚刚䜠的指挥真是粟圩  接䞋来就喝杯茶攟束䞀䞋吧指挥官。 凱旋したしたね。先ほどの采配はお芋事でした――これからお茶を飲みながら、肩の力を抜いおくださいたせ。指揮官 A triumphant return. Your commanding back there was simply unparalleled. Now then, Commander, please unwind while enjoying this tea.
Victory 呌  这样就恢倍安宁了吧 ふぅ これでたた、安寧が埗られたすね Phew... Finally, peace and quiet can return once more.
Defeat 呵呵呵以堂堂之阵胜我䞀次么  䞋次可就没这么奜运了—— ふふふ、堂々ず私に察陣で勝぀ずは  その幞運、続くずは思わないこずです Haha... You may have bested me fair and square this time... But next time, your luck won't last.
Affinity (Love) 我䞀盎圚想劂果以后真的胜借園隐南山的话我们二人寻䞀倄景色䌘矎的地方做䞀对倪平盛䞖的神仙眷䟣  品茶䞋棋悠然床日。呵呵虜然现圚诎这些䞺时尚早䜆我䌚由衷期盌这䞀倩的来䞎。 ずっず考えおいるこずですが もし本圓に匕退できるなら、山玫氎明な堎所を探しお隠れ家を䜜り、平穏な䞖のおしどり倫婊にでもなろうかず。茶や囲碁を嗜み、悠々自適に過ごす 今思いを銳せるのは時期尚早かもしれたせんが、そんな日が来るように、心から埅ち望んでいたすよ You know, I've been thinking... If I really went to live in the mountains, I'd like the two of us to find a nice place with beautiful scenery, build a home of our own, and grow old together in a peaceful world. We'd enjoy tea between rounds of Go, spending our time leisurely without a worry in sight... It might be a bit early to contemplate these things, but I look forward to that day with all my heart.
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Login 嗯粟神看起来䞍错。本想着还胜欣赏䞀䞋䜠瞌睡的样子可惜了呢。 あら、これはどうもお元気でなによりです。起き抜けでボヌっずしおいる顔でも拝めたらず思っおいたしたが残念でしたね。ふふ Oh my, you seem to be quite energetic today. I was hoping to be able to bemuse myself with your sleepy expression, but alas, it was not to be. Hehe~
Main 䞜煌以倖亊有䞍少䞋棋的胜手。只可惜䞍同棋规则倧盞埄庭无法酣畅淋挓地对匈呢。 東煌以倖にも囲碁に通じた子なら䜕人もいるでしょうが、ルヌルに違いがあれば思うがたたに察局するずいうのも䞭々叶わないものでしお  The game of Go has already spread far beyond the Dragon Empery. It is a pity, however, that regional variations in rules make it difficult to thoroughly enjoy a session.
Main 2 所谓奇袭并非䞀定是从背后偷袭比劂诎像这样突然靠近䜠的脞——是䞍是被吓了䞀跳呵呵~ 奇をおらうずいうのは、必ずしも芋えないずころから攻めるこずだずは限りたせん。珟に急にあなたの顔に近づけるだけで――意衚を突くこずもできたしょうふふ Not all surprise attacks must be executed from behind. For example, if I suddenly get right up to your face like this –– doesn't that get your heart racing? Hehe~
Touch 就算只是闲聊只芁是䞎䜠䞀起这枯燥的时闎䟿被点猀䞊了几分色圩。 ただの雑談でも、あなたが盞手なら、淡癜な圩りにも倚少の足しずなりたしょう Even if we're just making small talk, the most mundane of moments can become splashed with brilliant colors.
Touch (Special) 看来有必芁给䜠䞀点“特别关照”了呢。 「特別な手ほどき」をする必芁があるようですね It appears you are in need of some "special discipline."
Mission 即䜿是圣人也隟以算无遗策比劂诎  喏䜠䌌乎有任务忘记完成了。 聖人ずお遺策はありたす。䟋えば  ほら、忘れおいる任務ですよ Even divine beings are not omnipotent... For example, look, you've forgotten to finish a mission.
Affinity (Love) 今倩也芁来䞋棋么那这次也定䞪额倖的规则奜了。蟓的䞀方就莟莣考虑棋局结束之后的二人时光怎么床过吧。我偶尔也想偷偷懒请允讞我党力以赎哊~ 今日も䞀局いかが そう、では倉則ルヌルずしお、負けた方はこの埌、二人でいかに過ごすかを考えお――ええ、私ずおたたには頭を動かしたくないずきもありたすから、ここは党力で行かせおいただきたす。ふふふ You'd like to challenge me to another match today? Very well, but let's up the ante this time. The loser is responsible for deciding how the two of us will spend our time together after the match. I also would like to take my hands off the reins every now and then, so I'll try my best to win. Hehe~