Champagne (JP 🇯🇵: シャンパーニュ, CN 🇹🇼: 香槟)
Ship ID No. P017 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Battleship Rarity Priority
Navy Iris Libre Build Time N/A
Acquisition Research and Development
Enhance Income
Firepower 0
Torpedo 0
Aviation 0
Reload 0
Scrap Income
Medal 10
Oil 4
Gold 11
Release Date
EN July 9, 2020
KR July 9, 2020
CN July 9, 2020
JP July 9, 2020
Voice actress Lynn
Name nineo
Champagne Description
Battleship – Champagne.
Lapis Lazuli's First Dream Description
It is not against the teachings to halt one's pursuit of destiny and to surrender to the warm draft of festivities. It is mankind's prerogative to seek out auspicious portents.
HP 1170 Reload 66
Firepower 88 Torpedo 0
Evasion 10 Anti-air 45
Aviation 0 Cost 5
ASW 0 Luck 0
Hit 26 Speed 32
Armor Medium
HP 4235 Reload 157
Firepower 412 Torpedo 0
Evasion 25 Anti-air 140
Aviation 0 Cost 16
ASW 0 Luck 0
Hit 68 Speed 32
Armor Medium
HP 5082 Reload 181
Firepower 454 Torpedo 0
Evasion 36 Anti-air 171
Aviation 0 Cost 16
ASW 0 Luck 0
Hit 77 Speed 32
Armor Medium
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 16
ASW Luck 0
Hit Speed 32
Armor Medium
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 16
ASW Luck 0
Hit Speed 32
Armor Medium
Limit Break
Level 5 HP +285/Anti-Air +11/Main gun efficiency +5%/Main gun preload +1
Level 10 Main gun efficiency +5%/Limit Break ★★★★☆☆
Level 15 HP +571/Anti-Air +22/AA gun efficiency +10%
Level 20 Secondary Gun base +2/Main gun efficiency +10%/Limit Break ★★★★★☆
Level 25 HP +856/Anti-Air +33/Main gun efficiency +5%
Level 30 Main gun efficiency +15%/Limit Break ★★★★★★
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Battleship 140%/145%/155%/155%/165%/170%/180% 1/1/1/1/1/1/1 0/1/1/1/1/1/1
2 Light Cruiser 200%/200%/200%/200%/200%/200%/200% 1/1/1/1/3/3/3 0/0/0/0/0/0/0
3 Anti-Air Gun 70%/70%/70%/80%/80%/80%/80% 1/1/1/1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0/0/0/0
4 Auxilary - - -
5 Auxilary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T9 Battleship: Champagne-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 48 +1
Max LimitBreak 96
Lv.120 72 +2
Icon Name Description Requirements
Augmenting Mechanism: Setzer Principle Decreases the loading time of this ship's Main Guns by 20.0% (40.0%) and fires an additional Lv.1 (Lv.10) barrage along with its primary Salvoes. Every 20s: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level.)
Substitute Mechanism: Holy Thurible When this ship uses a Main Gun that fires HE ammo: increases its FP by 1.0% (5.0%), AA by 5.0% (15.0%), and increases its HE DMG modifier against enemies with Heavy armor by 5.0% (15.0%); when using one that fires AP: increases this ship's FP by 1.0% (5.0%), RLD by 5.0% (15.0%), and increases its Crit Rate by 5.0% (20.0%). While this ship is above 75.0% HP: absorbs 50.0% of the DMG your Flagship takes (does nothing if this ship is the Flagship); when this ship's HP falls below 75.0%: increases this ship's EVA and Accuracy by 5.0% (15.0%).
Siren Killer Ⅰ Increases this ship's DMG to Sirens by 5.0%.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 战列舰——香槟 戦艦・シャンパーニュ Battleship – Champagne.
Biography 不曾有过使命,不曾有过功名。我本是虚无,却具现于此世。我的指挥官,愿香槟能成为胜者的佳酿。 たった一度も命令を預かることはなく、戦果を手にしたこともなし。シャンパーニュは具現されし白き虚無――指揮官に、勝者に奉じる栄光の美酒とならん Never have I received orders, nor have I ever accomplished anything. I am merely a blank slate—existing simply to become the delectable champagne presented to thee, the victor.
Acquisition 自由鸢尾、香槟。指挥官,请给予我使命,请给予我存在的理由。 自由アイリス教国に所属する、シャンパーニュの具現なり。指揮官、シャンパーニュに使命・存在意義の提示を I am the personification of Champagne, part of the Iris Libre. Commander, please give me an order—a reason to exist.
Login 告诉我,你需要的,你期望我做的一切。 提示を。指揮官が希求せしめるものを、シャンパーニュが取るべき行動を Your orders, Commander. Whatever your will may be, I shall usher into reality.
Details 指挥官,告诉我你所追求的终点——是无人能及的丰功伟业,君临世界的顶点,亦或只是经营好属于自己的一隅天地? 未曾有の偉業の達成、支配の頂点への君臨、安心する片隅の維持――指揮官が辿ろうとする終着点をシャンパーニュに提示を Whether your ambitions leads you into the wilderness of unparalleled achievements, the lofty spires of world domination, or the gardens of peaceful sanctuary, command me as would best serve your will.
Main 指挥官,你在思考什么?生存的意义、亦或是…? 指揮官、「生きる」行動の意味を見出せんとするか、それとも― Commander, art thou pondering the meaning of life? Or perhaps...
Main 2 潮起潮落,浪涌浪跌,此乃自然之理,随波逐流也许正是你我的宿命。 引き寄せる潮流は自然の摂理なり、流されるがままはヒトの運命なり The ebb and flow of tides are natural phenomena, and so are the flowing fates of humankind.
Main 3 与这支舰队共存,就是我的使命——是你给予了我这个使命。 「艦隊とともに生きる」、シャンパーニュが指揮官から課された使命なり "Live, together with the fleet." Understood. I have received my newest directive from the Commander.
Touch 互相碰触的温暖…令人难忘。 触れ合うことで感じる温度・感触…いと忘れがたし The warmth and sensation of being touched... How exceedingly difficult to forget.
Touch (Special) 指挥官的所为——是最原始,也最为人忌惮的…冲动。 指揮官の行動、非行にして、人を忌避せしめると知れ Though your transgression may be slight, such conduct may turn others away from you.
Mission 不奋力挥舞双翼,便无法触及蓝天。不奋勇滑动双桨,便无法到达彼岸。 翼羽ばたかぬオオトリ、空翔けること叶わず。櫂漕がぬハコフネ、彼岸着くこと叶わず The falcon that spreads not its wings cannot reach the sky. The ship that rows not its oars cannot reach the other shore.
Mission Complete 最美的鸢尾花,会绽放在最辛勤的园丁的泥土上。 庭師は己が心血を土に注ぎ、アイリスは美しく咲き誇らん Only for the gardener whose blood nurtures the soil can the iris bloom in triumphant beauty.
Mail 报信人带来了远方的呼唤。是喜?是悲?还是,一如既往? 知らせは届く――楽しきかな、悲しきかな。懐かしきかな、空しきかな A notice has arrived. Is it a joyous one, or is it a tragic one? Is it a desirable one, or a hateful one?
Return to Port 暂时,让脑海里只留下白兰地的醇香吧。世界需要“暂时”,人人都需要“暂时”。 酒精にもたらされる酩酊に浸れよ。脳が休憩を必要とし、憩いを求めし者こそヒトなり Immerse yourself in the liberating quintessence of wine, for the mind requires reprieve. Man is naught without repose.
Commission Complete 鸟儿们的啼鸣近了——她们要归巢了。 伝わるは鳥の調べ――喜び合うる仲間の帰還なり The birds' clarion call... It seems that our comrades have returned to us.
Enhancement 利刃终会锈蚀,一味追求强大,又有何意义? 幾度研がれようとも刃は錆びつく――強さを求める、その行動に意味ありや Even the most polished blade must eventually rot. That is to say, there is no point in chasing power.
Flagship 为舰队而战,便是我的使命。 艦隊のために戦わん――シャンパーニュに課されし使命なり Devote thyself not to the fleet― for that is my solemn charge.
Victory 使命,必须得到践行。 シャンパーニュに課された使命、果たすべきものなり I ensure that missions sown shall bear rich fruit.
Defeat 此处…还不是终点。 終着点はここにあらず Our true destination still awaits.
Skill 于深邃的蓝色中沉睡吧。 深き青に眠れよ Sleep in the blue depths of the ocean...
Low HP 伤痕,终会成为甲胄。 己が体を傷で強固にせん These scars will become my aegis.
Affinity (Upset) 为何,要给与我虚假的光明? 偽りの光を与えんとする――指揮官、何故このような乱心を The hope you brought was but a false light. Why, Commander, must you torment me so?
Affinity (Stranger) 世界如同平静的巨大湖泊。投以卵石,至多激起些许涟漪,而后终将重归永恒的平静。 世界は鏡写されし湖の如く、出来事は小さな石の如し。漣起これど、やがて全て平穏に戻れん This world is the surface of a calm lake— Disturbances may mar the waters with ripples, but peace must return in time.
Affinity (Friendly) 树木为了抵御风雨而深扎土壤,鱼儿为了种族存续逆流而上。即便知晓己身终归虚无,万物仍会奋力抵抗命运—— 風に飛ばされまいと木は深く根を張り、種を存続させんと魚は遡上す。無に返される運命を知ってもなお、命ある存在は環境に抗おうとする―― Trees bury their roots deep into the ground to avoid being blown away, and fish swim upstream to propagate their kind. Though they know they are fated to return to nothingness, living things defy their circumstances to the best of their ability.
Affinity (Like) 守护舰队必要之武装——装甲、主炮、鱼雷——指挥官皆无法装备。是故,身为舰船的我,才更应履行使命,守护舰队与指挥官。 艦隊を守る為に必要とされる兵装――装甲・主砲・魚雷――指揮官には備えつけること叶わず。故に、艦船たるシャンパーニュがこの使命を果たし、艦隊と指揮官を守護せん Commander, there is no way for you to wear the rigging—armor, main guns, and torpedoes—that is required to defend the fleet. As I am a ship, I will take on the mission to protect you.
Affinity (Love) 若无力之人都试图反抗宿命,手握力量之人便更不能袖手旁观。指挥官之光辉、温暖、感情——值得我献上全部保护。 力なき者は運命に抗い、力ある者は見守りに徹すべからず。指揮官の輝き、温もり、愛情――シャンパーニュが体を捧げ、「愛」を誓うに値する If those who are powerless resist fate, those with power cannot stand by and do nothing. Commander, your radiance, warmth, and affection—in order to protect all of this, I offer up my body and swear my love.
Pledge 即使世界失去言语,我仍会倾听你的呼吸;即便世界失去色彩,我仍会注视你的脸庞。没有任何事物,能将你从我心中抹去分毫。…你给了我心灵的温暖,我会予你永恒的守护。这是…我的意志。 言葉が失われようと指揮官の声を聞き、光彩が失われようと指揮官の目を見る。あらゆる存在も、指揮官の存在をかき消すことを能わず。賜った温もりに、永久の守護を以て報いる――シャンパーニュの思いなり Even if words stop existing, I will still listen to your voice. Even if the world loses its radiance, I will still look into your eyes. There is nothing in this world that can erase your existence from my heart. The warmth I've received from you, I shall repay with my eternal protection... These are my true feelings.
In battle with Z46 只要你想要看见,世界就是五彩的颜色。 彩りに瞳開けよう Let us open our eyes to this colorful world.
In battle with Gascogne 凝视、倾听,这个世界,满溢着感情。 世界に耳を傾けよう Let us harken, for the world speaks.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 并非将希望寄托于命运,只是将此身沐浴于祝祭的暖风。希求瑞兆乃人之常情,与信仰并无违背。 運命にすがりつくことさえなくば、祝祭の暖風に身を委ねるは教えに背かず。縁起に思い寄せるがヒトの性なり It is not against the teachings to halt one's pursuit of destiny and to surrender to the warm draft of festivities. It is mankind's prerogative to seek out auspicious portents.
Acquisition 并非将希望寄托于命运,只是将此身沐浴于祝祭的暖风。希求瑞兆乃人之常情,与信仰并无违背。 運命にすがりつくことさえなくば、祝祭の暖風に身を委ねるは教えに背かず。縁起に思い寄せるがヒトの性なり It is not against the teachings to halt one's pursuit of destiny and to surrender to the warm draft of festivities. It is mankind's prerogative to seek out auspicious portents.
Login 于新年之夜所求之物——乃静谧的安眠,与念想的七彩之梦,如此而已。 年明けの夜に求めるもの――静謐に包まれし安眠、想い映す七彩の夢なり What I desire on the first day of the new year... a peaceful night's sleep, and a rainbow-colored dream that reflects my wishes.
Details 回归童心,嬉戏至暮色黄昏,亦是享受祝祭之法。不过,我并不了解此番嬉戏之准则…… 童心に帰り遊戯に明け暮れるも、祝祭の楽しみ方なり。されどシャンパーニュ、定められし規則を知り得ておらず…… Reliving one's childhood by enjoying games is one way to enjoy festivities. That being the case, I lack knowledge of the rules designated for these games...
Main 群山、飞鸟、果实,此乃告知春之来访的喜乐之梦。 山、鳥、果実、春の芽吹きを知らせる喜ばしき夢なり Mountains, birds, fruits. All wonderful signs of a dream in which spring blooms forth.
Main 2 维系的思念如同绵绵粉雪,“感情”的邀约宛若和煦春风。…和平的祭典,令人感到无比欢欣。 繋ぐ思い出は粉雪が連なるが如し、「感情」の揺れは春風に吹かれるが如し。……平和の祝祭、いと嬉しきものなり Our connected memories spread out, like freshly-fallen powder snow, as our affected emotions are as if blown by the spring breeze. ...May these peaceful festivities spread much joy.
Main 3 枢机卿的爱书,乃香槟所荐。想要满足好奇心,人与舰船皆是如此。 枢機卿の愛読書、シャンパーニュが勧めしものなり。好奇心を満たそうとするは、ヒトも、艦船も、等しく―― The Cardinal's favorite book was one recommended by me. Humans and ships alike desire to satisfy their curiosity...
Touch (Special) 受欲望驱使是动物的本能,因好奇而挑战禁忌,乃是人类的本心… 欲望故に枷を破ろうとすは動物なり、好奇心故に禁忌に挑むがヒトなり Animals attempt to break their fetters in order to satiate their desires, whereas humans challenge taboos to satiate their curiosity.
Touch (Headpat) ……?想知晓,我所做的梦吗? ………?シャンパーニュの夢や見ん…? Hm...? Did you want to know about my dreams...?
Return to Port 告诉我,这身祝祭之服的意义。告诉我,此刻我应采取的行动。 提示を。祝祭の衣に秘められし意義を、シャンパーニュが取るべき行動を Please enlighten me. The significance of this festive garb, and the things I must do.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 颂扬之歌献予尊崇鸢尾,鸣奏之乐凝为清澈祈祷。赐福所求并非礼拜之仪,永存羁绊方乃人之伟业—— 讃えられし頌歌は尊きアイリスに捧げ、奏でられし鳴響は清き祈祷に凝集す。祝福を授ける先は典礼にあらず、久遠に続く羈絆こそ人の偉業なり An ode of gratitude for the venerable Iris, echoing tones condensing to pure prayer. Seek blessings not in public worship, but in humanity's true triumph: our everlasting bonds.
Acquisition 颂扬之歌献予尊崇鸢尾,鸣奏之乐凝为清澈祈祷。赐福所求并非礼拜之仪,永存羁绊方乃人之伟业—— 讃えられし頌歌は尊きアイリスに捧げ、奏でられし鳴響は清き祈祷に凝集す。祝福を授ける先は典礼にあらず、久遠に続く羈絆こそ人の偉業なり An ode of gratitude for the venerable Iris, echoing tones condensing to pure prayer. Seek blessings not in public worship, but in humanity's true triumph: our everlasting bonds.
Login 感慨,知觉。相系之心的鼓动怦然,触碰双唇的润然柔香。 感慨し、知覚す。繋がりし心の鼓動を、潤う唇の震えを Feel, perceive. The beating of our connected hearts, the trembling of our damp lips.
Details 誓约无谓称颂。恋慕、忠诚、肩负使命、信仰教条——现在的香槟乃守护身为人之幸福的存在。 誓約に讃頌を。恋慕、忠篤、課されし使命、定められし信条――シャンパーニュは今、ヒトの幸せを守護する存在なり Praise be this vow. Love, faithfulness, entrusted duty, ordained creed—I must be one who protects the happiness of all.
Main 生命无常短暂,坚船的龙骨也非永存不灭。耽溺一时的幸福,实乃定命之人无法逃脱的宿命。 命は儚し、フネのリュウコツは不滅にあらず。一時の幸福を愛するのは、逃れられざるヒトの定めなり Life is fleeting. The hulls of shipgirls are transient. It is our inescapable fate to love momentary bliss.
Main 2 盈满空杯,为香槟之责。提醒时刻,督促休息,皆如是—— 盃を満たすのは、任されしシャンパーニュの責務なり。定刻を知らせるのも、休息を促すのも、等しく―― It is the duty of Champagne to fill your cup. That means keeping you punctual and rested in equal measure...
Main 3 世代传颂的赞美诗当为真心。香槟,为伟业奉上称赞,为爱恋赋予永恒。 伝わりし賛美歌は心を偽れぬものなり。シャンパーニュ、偉業を称賛し、愛情に永久を付与す Hymns passed down cannot fool the heart. I will celebrate your great deeds and offer you love eternal.
Touch 指挥官之体温,心跳,五感所触,皆诱香槟喜不自胜。 指揮官の体温、心音、感触の数々、シャンパーニュを狂喜に誘わんとするものなり Your warmth, heartbeat, touch, and more seem meant to tempt me into rapture...
Touch (Special) 知悉此情之长久,仍寻求片刻欢愉——香槟所行,皆为实现指挥官所愿。 恋人との永遠を知ってもなお、一瞬の快楽を欲す――指揮官の願いを実現することは、シャンパーニュの取るべき行動なり Even knowing eternal love, one desires momentary pleasure. I know that it falls to me to see your wishes granted, Commander...
Mail 信件往来——欢喜、空虚、自豪、不甘——皆由指挥官回复所致。 知らせは届く――嬉しきかな、虚しきかな。誇らしきかな、悔しきかな。すべては指揮官の返信に拠る―― A message is received. Is it joyful or sorrowful news? Triumphant or regretful? The answers lay in your reply, Commander.
Return to Port 告诉我。圣洁洗礼的沐浴,餍足味蕾的丰饶,沉溺梦幻的幽期。 選択を。清き聖霊の洗礼を、満たす豊穣の味覚を、耽らせる夢想の逢瀬を A decision must be made. The baptism of innocent lost spirits, the flavor of filling fertility, or the indulgence of a lover's tryst?
Commission Complete 耳畔传来恋人的甜言蜜语——当一同准备出门迎接。 伝えるは恋人の甘言――出迎えの支度はともにするものなり What I am telling you are the honeyed words of a lover—let us prepare to greet those who have returned together.
Flagship 此身皆为指挥官而战——便是香槟所定之信条。 指揮官のために戦わん――シャンパーニュが定めし信条なり I fight for the Commander's sake—That is my credo.
Victory 不复翩然浮沫之虚,愿此胜利长久纪存。 空舞う泡沫のように虚しくならず、永遠に記されし勝利とならん Unlike the fleeting bubbles dancing in the air, this victory will be remembered for all time.
Defeat 誓言不破,故香槟之守护长存。 誓いは破ることなし、故にシャンパーニュの守護は永久なり A vow mustn't be broken. My protection is eternal.