Casablanca (JP 🇯🇵: カサブランカ, CN 🇹🇼: 卡萨布兰卡)
Ship IDNo. 447Star Rating★★☆☆☆
Hull Light Aircraft CarrierRarityRare
NavyEagle UnionBuild TimeN/A
AcquisitionEvent: Microlayer Medley
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
ENMarch 26, 2020
KRMarch 26, 2020
CNMarch 26, 2020
JPMarch 26, 2020
Voice actressIkumi Hasegawa
Casablanca Description
Casablanca-class escort carrier – Casablanca, Hull Number CVE-55.
Cheer Squad on BreakDescription
Phew... Can't train hard if you don't stay hydrated! Oh, Commander, good day! Did you come to watch us practice?
HP759 Reload71
Firepower0 Torpedo0
Evasion16 Anti-air48
Aviation53 Cost0
ASW28 Luck65
HP3530 Reload137
Firepower0 Torpedo0
Evasion62 Anti-air183
Aviation146 Cost0
ASW72 Luck68
Limit Break
Tier 1All Fighters +1 | Fighter efficiency +5%
Tier 2Hangar capacity +1 | All Torpedo Bombers +1 | Fighter efficiency +10%
Tier 3All aircraft +1 | Torpedo Bomber efficiency +15%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
2Torpedo Bomber120%/120%/120%/135%1/1/2/30/0/0/0
3Anti-Air Gun100%/100%/100%/100%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
Default Equipments
1F4F Wildcat
2TBF Avenger
Fleet Tech
T3 Light Aircraft Carrier: Casablanca-class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock4 +1
Max LimitBreak9
Lv.1207 +1
Quick TakeoffWhen this ship launches an Airstrike: 5.0% (15.0%) chance to make the next Airstrike available immediately.Default Unlocked
Supporting WingsThe following buffs are active as long as this ship is afloat: 1) At the start of the battle, increases AVI by 4.5% (12.0%) and RLD by 5.0% (10.0%) for all CVs and CVLs in the same fleet this ship is in, and decreases the load time of this ship's first Airstrike by 10.0% (25.0%) . 2) At the start of the battle, increases RLD and AVI by 3.5% (8.0%) for all CVs and CVLs in the fleet this ship is NOT in. Effect does not stack with the same skill.Default Unlocked
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description卡萨布兰卡级护航航空母舰—卡萨布兰卡,舷号CVE-55 カサブランカ級護衛空母「カサブランカ」(CVE-55)Casablanca-class escort carrier – Casablanca, Hull Number CVE-55.
Biography当时,仅仅一年多的时间,白鹰就诞生了足足50位卡萨布兰卡级的姐妹。虽然姐妹中的大部分在大战结束后不久便结束了自己的使命…不过,在这个舰队我也会尽全力发挥作用的,无论是运输、还是补给任务都请尽管吩咐我吧かの大戦では、わずか一年で50隻以上建造されたカサブランカ級、多くは戦いが終わった後に自らの使命を終えましたが…ううん、この艦隊では引き続き、輸送任務から船団護衛、航空支援、微力を尽くしてみせます。指揮官、よろしくお願いいたしますBack then, roughly fifty other Casablanca-class sisters entered service over the course of just over a year. Although most of us saw our missions come to an end shortly after the war, I will do my best to fulfill my duties to this fleet, whether as an escort, air support, or a transport. It's a pleasure to work with you, Commander.
Acquisition你好,指挥官,护航航母卡萨布兰卡,向你报到。我会用我擅长的方式为舰队提供支援的,请放心おはようございます。こちら護衛空母カサブランカより報告申し上げます。私たちの得意とする方法で艦隊をサポートしますから、安心してお任せくださいGood morning to you. Escort carrier Casablanca, reporting in. I shall support the fleet to the best of my abilities, so you may rest assured.
Login事不宜迟,让我们开始今天的工作吧兵は拙速を尊ぶ。早く今日の仕事を始めましょうTime is of the essence. Let us quickly begin the day's work.
Details虽然我职能并非面向前线作战,不过在需要的时候,我也会全力应战的前線での戦いは領分ではありませんが、必要でしたら全力で戦い抜いてみせますAlthough fighting on the front lines is not my specialty, I'll give it my all if needed!
Main指挥官,需要我帮忙确认舰队后勤的情况吗?指揮官、艦隊兵站の状況を確認しましょうか?Commander, shall I help assess the state of the fleet's logistics?
Main 2瞬息万变,惊险刺激的前线与略微枯燥但同样是重要的后方……指挥官,如果要选择的话,你更倾向于在哪一边?瞬速で変わる最前線、地味ながらも大切な役割を果たす銃後の戦場…もしひとつ居場所を選べるのでしたら、指揮官はどちらのほうをお選びになりますか?Commander, where would you rather be, the thrilling, constantly-shifting front lines, or the humble, but critically important rear lines?
Main 3有机会的话,我想听听马萨诸塞前辈讲卡萨布兰卡海战的故事カサブランカ沖海戦…何か縁を感じるのでマサチューセッツさんたちからお話を聞きたいですねIf possible, I'd like to hear about what happened at the Battle of Casablanca from Massachusetts.
Touch有什么事吗,指挥官?啊,莫非是我的领带歪了?指揮官、なにが……あ、私のネクタイがズレています?Commander, what's the matter... Oh, is my necktie crooked?
Touch (Special)呀啊!?…书、书里可没有这样的情节啊…!きゃぅ?!…こんなの、読んだことがありません…!Eek?! I... I've never read about stuff like this in my books before...!
Mission完成这些任务的话,我们就能获得更多的补给了呢。请加油,指挥官任務をこなせば補給物資ももっともらえますね。指揮官、頑張ってくださいYou will surely be rewarded for your hard work. Please do your best, Commander!
Mission Complete任务完成了。太好了,有了这些补给,舰队的运作一定能够更加顺利的任務完了しました。よし、この補給物資さえあれば艦隊行動ももっと上手くいきますねMission complete! All right, with these supplies, your fleet operations should be even smoother.
Mail有信件,会不会是司令部的通知?指挥官,还是看看比较好?このメール、上層部からの連絡かしら…指揮官、念の為に確認したほうが良さそうですねI wonder if this message is from the Naval Headquarters... Commander, I think it'd be wise to check just in case.
Return to Port指挥官,欢迎回来!本次的作战报告在—…桌子上的小说?啊!咳、咳咳…没什么,请无视就好。指揮官、おかえりなさい。戦闘レポートは――あ、あの本は?!げほげほ!なんでもありません!はい!Welcome back, Commander. The combat report is... Wh-what book?! *cough* *cough*... It's nothing, forget you saw anything.
Commission Complete委托获得的物资已经清点完成了,请过目委託報酬の物資チェック、完了しました。ご確認をI've finished checking the resources from the commission. Please confirm.
Enhancement非常感谢,指挥官指揮官、ありがとうございます!Thank you very much, Commander!
Flagship竟然是前线作战吗?好…!援护工作就尽管交给我吧!正面切っての戦い…よし、空中支援は任せてください!A head-on battle, huh... All right, leave the air support to me!
Victory我是MVP…?呼…正面战场似乎比想象的轻松些呢私が…一位?ふぅ、前線での戦いは思ったより楽かもしれませんねFirst place... me? Hmph. Fighting on the front lines might be easier than I expected.
Defeat果然护航航母的前线战斗能力还是有极限的吗…護衛空母では、正面切って戦うのに限界があるというの…There's only so much I can do on the front lines as an escort carrier...
Skill我会尽我所能援护大家的!力を尽くしてみんなを守ります!I will do everything in my power to protect everyone!
Low HP唔…再这样下去的话,有些勉强…くっ、このままでは無理そうですね…Gah... This is starting to look impossible...
Affinity (Upset)原来…指挥官才是这支舰队发展的最大阻碍吗…この艦隊の発展を害するものは指揮官だったのですねSo... you were the greatest obstacle to the development of the fleet...
Affinity (Stranger)从埃米尔,到阿拉赞湾,再到卡萨布兰卡——果然大家都比较喜欢有点意义的名字呢アミールに、アラゾン・ベイ、そして勝利のカサブランカ――縁起のいい名前が好ましいですね。ふふFirst Ameer, then Alazon Bay, and finally Casablanca. Isn't it nice when your name bodes good fortune? Hehe~
Affinity (Friendly)我喜欢各种各样的小说和电影,扣人心弦的精彩情节,让人回味无穷。…嗯?喜欢什么样的主题?这个嘛…暂时保密?映画と読書が好きです。起伏のあるストーリーに、心動かされるシチュエーション…好きなジャンルは…え、ええと…秘密です!I like movies and books. I adore stories with high and low points and emotionally touching scenes. As for my favorite genre, that would be... Umm, it's a secret!
Affinity (Like)伊尔莎…只能二者择一吗…这种两难的抉择,实在令人揪心…好在,我不需要经历这种痛苦…——欸,指挥官!?你你你你是什么时候出现的?イルザ…そんな、一人しか選べないなんて…そんなの私、とても選べません…ああ、こんな難しい選択肢に迫られない私は一体どれだけ幸せな――し、指揮官?!いつの間に!?Oh, Ilsa... You poor thing, you can only choose one person... I wouldn't be able to do that... I am so happy that I don't have to face such a dilemma on m– C-Commander?! When did you get here?!
Affinity (Love)指挥官,下次要不要和我去看电影?嗯,是我最喜欢的…浪漫爱情故事,想要和指挥官一起去看。指揮官、映画を一緒に見に行きませんか?ええ、私が大好きな…愛とロマンスの物語を、あなたと一緒に――Would you like to go watch a movie with me, Commander? My favorite kind, of course... A story of love and romance. Together with you...
Pledge虽然曲折起伏的爱情故事因她独特的魅力而吸引人,不过放在自己身上考虑时,还是单纯而质朴的幸福更让人向往……你也是这么想的吧,指挥官?总之,请先为我戴上誓约的证明吧,完成这个仪式吧ラブロマンスの物語――波乱なストーリーはたしかに魅力的ですけど、いざ自分のこととなると、どうしても地味で、何気なく日常のことばかり考えちゃいますね……指揮官もそう思うのですか?ふふ、じゃあとりあえずは、この誓いの指輪をはめていただけますか?Although love stories, with all their twists and turns, have a unique appeal, I personally would rather live a life of simple happiness. Do you think the same way, Commander? Then let us join in an embrace after you put the ring on my finger.
Like Present
Dislike Present
Main Title
In battle with Long Island请多多指教了,“前辈”!ロングアイランドさん、よろしくお願いします!I am glad to have you by my side, Long Island!
In battle with Émile Bertin偶尔来点花哨的也不错!時々派手なのもいいですね!A dash of flair is nice every now and then!
In battle with Ranger, Gloucester下次要来开个读书会吗?次の読書会はいつにします?When do you propose we host the next group reading?
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description呼…要趁着休息的空挡补充点水分…才能更好地继续练习——啊,你好,指挥官。您是来看我们排练的吗?ごくごく…ふぅ…やっぱり休憩時間に水分補給しないと、このあとの練習で頑張れませんね――あ、指揮官、こんにちは。練習の見学ですか?Phew... Can't train hard if you don't stay hydrated! Oh, Commander, good day! Did you come to watch us practice?
Acquisition呼…要趁着休息的空挡补充点水分…才能更好地继续练习——啊,你好,指挥官。您是来看我们排练的吗?ごくごく…ふぅ…やっぱり休憩時間に水分補給しないと、このあとの練習で頑張れませんね――あ、指揮官、こんにちは。練習の見学ですか?Phew... Can't train hard if you don't stay hydrated! Oh, Commander, good day! Did you come to watch us practice?
Login啦啦队员的职责,是在比赛中途为运动员们加油助威。这点和护航航母的职责倒是有点相像呢…チアガールは選手たちを応援するのが領分ですね。戦場で頑張っている人たちの応援をする、という意味では護衛空母の役割と似たような感じ、かもしれません…Cheerleaders raise the morale of the players. It doesn't seem much different from the role of an escort carrier, supporting those who are working hard on the battlefield.
Details啦啦操对我来说并不难。不过,像里诺队长那样大声为自己的偶像加油助威,我觉得…还是挺让人害羞的……チアダンスは難しくはないですけど、リノ隊長のように派手に応援するのは…ちょっと恥ずかしいですね、私的に…Getting the choreography down isn't the hard part. It's being able to cheer so enthusiastically like Reno... It's a bit too embarrassing if you ask me...
Main里诺队长,有热情是件好事,但是我觉得现在还是稍微休息下,保存点体力比较好…リノ隊長、アグレッシブなのもいいですが、今はペース配分を考えて少し休憩したほうが……Captain Reno, I think your enthusiasm is nothing but commendable, but wouldn't it be better to take a break now to conserve our energy?
Main 2我带了很多水和运动饮料。指挥官,你想喝的话尽管拿就行。補給品の水とスポーツドリンクをたくさん準備しました。指揮官も飲みたいようでしたら、どうぞCommander, I brought some water and sports drinks. Feel free to take whatever you want.
Main 3虽然是临时组建的队伍,不过在队长的带领和克雷文的指导下,我觉得现在的我们是一支不输任何人的啦啦队即席で結成したチームですけど、隊長とクレイヴンちゃんがいるおかげで、ほかの陣営に負ける気がしませんEven though this squad was thrown together last minute, thanks to the support of you and Craven, I don't want to lose to the other factions!
Touch毛巾?啊,非常感谢,指挥官タオルですか?あ、指揮官、ありがとうございますIs this towel for me? Ah, thank you very much, Commander.
Touch (Special)指挥官…莫非很擅长趁虚而入?指揮官は…こういうシチュエーションに慣れているんですか?Commander, you seem to be quite good at taking advantage of these situations...
Return to Port离正式比赛的日期越来越近了,我们也要加紧训练才行…!本番まであと少し…もっとしっかり練習しなきゃ!The actual meet is coming up... I've got to practice even harder!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Login卡萨布兰卡,开始今天的辅佐工作。呵呵,今天也请多多关照了,指挥官こちらカサブランカ、これより指揮官の補佐に入ります。ふふ、今日もよろしくお願いしますねThis is Casablanca. Proceeding to aid the Commander. Hehe~ Let's give it our all today.
Details沙漠与大海边界的小镇酒吧,回忆中令人怀恋的鸢尾风光,伴随着时间而逐渐消逝——真是很美丽的一段情景呢,你不觉得吗,指挥官?砂漠と海の境界線にある町の酒場、懐かしきアイリスの風景、思い出がただ時と共に過ぎ去っていく――美しいシチュエーションです。指揮官、そう思いませんか?A bar located in a town on the border between the desert and the sea; the nostalgic Iris Libre countryside; memories passing by as the time flows. A beautiful scene, wouldn't you agree, Commander?
Main指挥官,补给线的情况有好好确认过了吗?指揮官、補給線の確保はちゃんとできていますか?Commander, have you made sure that our supply lines are secure?
Main 2指挥官,下次要不要一起去看博格的棒球比赛?指揮官、今度はボーグの試合の観戦でもどうですか?Commander, what do you say we spectate Bogue's next baseball game?
Main 3“周刊航母”…?是我们同级姐妹舰的特刊吗?有、有点不好意思呢…『週刊母港の空母』――私の姉妹艦を特集するんですか?ちょ、ちょっと恥ずかしいですね…"The Port's Carrier Weekly"? It's featuring one of my sister ships? Th-that's a little embarrassing for me...
Touch指挥官,领带歪了哦。呵呵,这次是我先注意到了呢指揮官、ネクタイがズレていますよ。ふふ、気づくのは私のほうが早かったですねCommander, your tie is loose. Hehe~ This time, I noticed it before you did.
Touch (Special)指、指挥官…这种展开是不是该换个地方…啊啊我究竟在说什么!し、指揮官、こういうシチュエーションはここじゃなくて、場所を変えたほうがいいというか…ああ何言ってるんですか私!C-Commander... Things of this nature are inappropriate here. We should relocate to somewhere else, like... Ahh, I can't believe what I'm saying!
Return to Port指挥官,欢迎回来!之前看完的电影已经帮您还回去了。…呵呵,就算指挥官忘了,我也会帮你记得的指揮官、おかえりなさい。この間見終わった映画は返却しました。…ふふ、指揮官が忘れても、私が覚えていますからWelcome back, Commander. I returned the movie we finished the other day. Hehe~ It's okay if you forget; I always remember it.
Flagship为了指挥官…我是不会输的! 指揮官のためなら…負けません! If the Commander wants a victory... then I won't allow defeat!