Bogue (JP 🇯🇵: ボーグ, CN 🇹🇼: 博格)
Ship ID No. 71 Star Rating ★☆☆☆
Hull Light Aircraft Carrier Rarity Common
Navy Eagle Union Build Time
Acquisition Honor medal exchange, Explore Stage2-1, Light/Special Construction
Enhance Income
Firepower 0
Torpedo 0
Aviation 34
Reload 12
Scrap Income
Medal 0
Oil 3
Gold 7
Release Date
Voice actress Koharu Nogata
Bogue Description
Bogue-class escort carrier — Bogue, Hull Number CVE-9!
Bogue (Retrofit) Description
Commander, there's no need to be so afraid. There are only two things my balls hit-- Enemies, and victory! Ah, sometimes they do hit the windows too, ahaha...
Firepower E
Torpedo E
Aviation B
Evasion D
Anti-air B
HP 3379 Reload 156
Firepower 0 Torpedo 0
Evasion 39 Anti-air 219
Aviation 244 Cost 9
ASW 131 Luck 78
Hit 72 Speed 18
Armor Medium
HP 3953 Reload 179
Firepower 0 Torpedo 0
Evasion 67 Anti-air 252
Aviation 279 Cost 9
ASW 148 Luck 78
Hit 86 Speed 18
Armor Medium
HP 654 Reload 66
Firepower 0 Torpedo 0
Evasion 15 Anti-air 47
Aviation 52 Cost 2
ASW 36 Luck 78
Hit 28 Speed 18
Armor Medium
HP 3589 Reload 161
Firepower 0 Torpedo 0
Evasion 39 Anti-air 254
Aviation 304 Cost 9
ASW 131 Luck 78
Hit 72 Speed 18
Armor Medium
HP 4163 Reload 184
Firepower 0 Torpedo 0
Evasion 67 Anti-air 287
Aviation 339 Cost 9
ASW 148 Luck 78
Hit 86 Speed 18
Armor Medium
Limit Break
Tier 1 All fighters +1/Fighter efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Hangar capacity +1/Max Dive Bombers +1/Fighter efficiency +10%
Tier 3 All aircraft +1/Dive Bomber efficiency +15%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Fighter 115%/120%/130%/130% 1/2/2/3 0/0/0/0
2 Dive Bomber 115%/115%/115%/130% 1/1/2/3 0/0/0/0
3 Anti-Air Gun 80%/80%/80%/80% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
1 F2A Buffalo
2 SBD Dauntless
Fleet Tech
T3 Light Aircraft Carrier: Bogue-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 4 +1
Max LimitBreak 9
Lv.120 7 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Quick Takeoff When this ship launches an Airstrike: 5.0% (15.0%) chance to make the next Airstrike available immediately.
Anti-Air Command: Main Fleet Increases the AA of your Main Fleet by 5.0% (15.0%). Does not stack with the same skill.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 博格级护航航空母舰—博格,舷号CVE-9 ボーグ級護衛空母・ボーグ(CVE-9) Bogue-class escort carrier — Bogue, Hull Number CVE-9!
Biography 我是职业棒球手博格! 嗯,我的最佳战绩是一场大赛中三振了12个对方投手! 希望能在指挥官教练身边继续磨练技巧,成为职棒最闪耀的一颗明星! 私はプロ野球選手ボーグ!はい、一番の成績は一試合で12回も三振を奪ったことよ!指揮官のそばで実力を磨いて、プロリーグの一番星になってみせるわ! I am pro baseballer, Bogue! Yep, my greatest record is 12 strikeouts in a single match! I wish to sharpen my skills by your side, and become the shining star of the Major League!
Acquisition 呼——哈!手感不错……哎呀,失敬,你就是指挥官教练吗,速球投手博格,向您报到! フー、ハッ!いい感じ…あら、失礼、あなたが指揮官ね。速球投手ボーグ、よろしく! *inhale*...HAA! Nice one... Oh, apologies. You're the Commander, I see. Fast pitcher, Bogue, here for duty!
Login 一流的投手,是时刻都在练习,的! 一流の投手は、いつでも練習するもの、よ! The best pitchers are always training. Yep!
Details 请把我的数据牢记心底吧! 私のデータを心に刻んで! Please keep my stats in mind!
Main 我这一球过去,可能会有一艘潜艇会沉 この一球で、潜水艦だって沈めてみせるわよ! With this ball, I can sink a submarine!
Main 2 指挥官!来帮我擦擦B25 指揮官!B-25を拭いてくれる? Commander, can you polish the B-25s?
Main 3 好无聊……指挥官好像很累的样子,我只能去炸鱼了 つまんない…指揮官は疲れてるみたいだし、サクッと潜水艦でも撃沈してこようかな Boring... You look tired anyway, Commander, so let's go and sink some subs?
Touch 这是抗外界干扰的训练吗? 何これ、外部からの攻撃に耐える訓練? What's this? Training to resist against attacks?
Touch (Special) 哇!!指挥官,这也太卑鄙了! わっ!!指揮官、ひどいじゃない! Waah!! Commander, that's mean!
Mission 新的指标吗?我博格是不会退缩的! 新しい目標?決してひるまないわ! A new goal? I will not back down!
Mission Complete 完成指标后的奖励总是让人格外高兴啊,指挥官,快开起来看看吧! 目標達成の褒美は嬉しいなぁ!指揮官、開けてみてよ! It's satisfying to be rewarded for achieving the objective! Commander, check out the rewards!
Mail 指挥官,有新的信件!快看看是哪里比赛的邀请函吗? 指揮官、メールだよ!どこかの大会の招待か? Commander, it's a mail! Which championship is it from?
Return to Port 指挥官不愧是老手,我获益匪浅 指揮官、流石のベテランね!いい勉強になった! Commander, you are a real veteran! That was a learning experience!
Commission Complete 曲线球——!哎呀,玻璃打碎了……咦,指挥官,委托组回来了! カーブーー!あっちゃーガラス割っちゃった……あ、指揮官、委託軍戻ってきたわ! Curveball~! Oh crap I broke the window... Ah, Commander, the commission squad is back!
Enhancement 我的球还能更快! 私のボール、もっと早くなれるわ! My balls have become even faster!
Flagship 去吧,变速球! ゆけ、変化球!! Go, curveball!
Victory 哼哼,果然我才是最佳投手 ふふん、最優秀投手はやっぱりこの私ね Hmhmm~ As I thought, I am the best pitcher.
Defeat 这场淘汰赛只能止步于此了吗…… このトーナメントもこれで終わりか… Is this the end of the tournament...?
Skill 去吧!我灵魂的一球! ゆけ!我が渾身の一球! Fly, my fastball!
Affinity (Upset) 指挥官真的能让我变强吗,我很怀疑…… 指揮官は私を強くすることができるのかな…とても心配…… Can you really make me stronger, Commander? ...I'm really worried...
Affinity (Stranger) 我期待着有一天,能在指挥官的带领下登上这片大海的领奖台 いつか、指揮官の元でこの海の表彰台に立ちたい! Someday, I hope to stand on the podium of the sea with your lead!
Affinity (Friendly) 指挥官总是能给我正确的意见,不愧是名教练!投手博格,一生都会追随您! 指揮官はいつも正しい意見をくれてる!さっすが名監督!投手ボーグ、一生ついていきます! You always give me the right ideas, Commander! As expected of a great coach! I, Bogue the pitcher, will follow you for life!
Affinity (Like) 指挥官,投,投手博格申请进行额外辅导!内容是如何解决听到指挥官的声音就浑身发软的症状! 指揮官!と、投手ボーグ、特別指導をお願いします!内容は、指揮官の声を聞くと力が入らなくなることをどうするか…です! Commander! I, Bogue, am requesting special training! The reason is, whenever I hear your voice, I lose my strength so I want to know how to prevent that... That's all!
Affinity (Love) 指,指挥官,这次拿下冠军以后,我、我有很重要的事情要告诉你!所、所以请耐心等待!我一定会更强,比所有人都强! し、指揮官、今度優勝したら大事な話があります!だ、だから待っていてください!私、もっと強く、誰よりも強くなりますから! Co-Commander. If I win in the next league, I- I'll tell you something important! S- So please wait for it! I will become stronger. Stronger than anyone!
Pledge ……我明白了,指挥官是察觉到了我的想法,所以想要让我不留遗憾地踏上征途吗…………我博格,发自内心地认为能遇到指挥官真是太好了! ……私、今わかりました!私の指揮官への思いを察して、遺憾を残さないようにするためですね!……ボーグ、指揮官に出会って本当に良かった! ...Now I understand! You noticed my feelings, Commander, and you want me to continue my journey without regrets! I, Bogue, am truly happy to have met you!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 指挥官,不用那么害怕,我的投球只会击中两种东西——敌人与胜利!啊,偶尔还有玻璃,哈哈! 指揮官、そんなに怯えなくてもいいわ。私のボールが当たるのは二つーー敵と、勝利だけよ!あ、たまには窓にも当たっちゃうけどね、あはは…… Commander, there's no need to be so afraid. There are only two things my balls hit-- Enemies, and victory! Ah, sometimes they do hit the windows too, ahaha...
Acquisition 指挥官,不用那么害怕,我的投球只会击中两种东西——敌人与胜利!啊,偶尔还有玻璃,哈哈! 指揮官、そんなに怯えなくてもいいわ。私のボールが当たるのは二つーー敵と、勝利だけよ!あ、たまには窓にも当たっちゃうけどね、あはは…… Commander, there's no need to be so afraid. There are only two things my balls hit-- Enemies, and victory! Ah, sometimes they do hit the windows too, ahaha...
Main 我的目标是大联盟最佳投……呃,最佳反潜手 私の目標はメジャーリー……じゃなかった、対潜からの!奪三振王よ! My goal is the Major Le... I mean, submarine fighting, a three strike finish!
Main 2 指挥官,放心吧。在我护航的时候,还没有姐妹被击沉过呢 指揮官、安心して!私が護衛していた頃は一隻だって沈ませなかったわ Rest assured, Commander! While I'm doing escort duty, no ships sink under my watch!
Main 3 没有约克城和列克星敦,或许也就没有今天的我,我得感谢她们才行 私がこうしていられるのはヨーキィとレディレックスのお陰でもあるわ。彼女たちには感謝しないとね! I am here today because of Yorkie and Lady Lex. I have to give them my thanks!
Touch 啊,谢谢你帮我捡球 はい!ボール拾いありがとな! Yes! Thanks for getting my ball!
Touch (Special) 哈哈,这种程度的干扰我已经习以为常了! ははん、この程度のかく乱はもう慣れっこよ! Haha, I'm used to this type of interference now!