Azuma (JP 🇯🇵: 吾妻, CN 🇹🇼: )
Ship ID No. P010 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Super Cruiser Rarity Decisive
Navy Sakura Empire Build Time N/A
Acquisition Research and Development
Enhance Income
Firepower 0
Torpedo 0
Aviation 0
Reload 0
Scrap Income
Medal 30
Release Date
EN December 19, 2019
KR April 18, 2019
CN April 18, 2019
JP April 18, 2019
Voice actress Kiyono Yasuno
Name 木shiyo
Azuma Description
Large cruiser – Azuma.
Soft Voice of Spring Description
Commander? Oh, I haven't quite finished changing. My hair still needs work... Sorry, would you mind waiting a bit longer?
Firepower A
Torpedo E
Aviation E
Evasion C
Anti-air C
HP 6674 Reload 148
Firepower 270 Torpedo 0
Evasion 34 Anti-air 196
Aviation 0 Cost 16
ASW 0 Luck 0
Hit 112 Speed 27.2
Armor Medium
HP 7541 Reload 170
Firepower 307 Torpedo 0
Evasion 50 Anti-air 226
Aviation 0 Cost 16
ASW 0 Luck 0
Hit 123 Speed 27.2
Armor Medium
HP 1291 Reload 62
Firepower 58 Torpedo 0
Evasion 11 Anti-air 42
Aviation 0 Cost
ASW 0 Luck 0
Hit 43 Speed 27.2
Armor Medium
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 16
ASW Luck 0
Hit Speed 27.2
Armor Medium
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 16
ASW Luck 0
Hit Speed 27.2
Armor Medium
Limit Break
Level 5 HP +315 | Anti-Air +10 | Main Gun Efficiency +5% | Main Gun +1
Level 10 Main Gun Efficiency +5% | Limit Break ★★★★☆☆
Level 15 HP +629 | Anti-Air +21 | Anti-Air Efficiency +10%
Level 20 Secondary Gun Efficiency +10% | Limit Break ★★★★★☆
Level 25 HP +945 | Anti-Air +31 | Main Gun Efficiency +5% | Evasion +5
Level 30 Main Gun Efficiency +15% | Limit Break ★★★★★★
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Heavy Cruiser Gun 70%/80%/80%/100% 1/2/2/2 0/0/0/0
2 Destroyer Gun 50%/50%/60%/60% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
3 Anti-Air Gun 100%/100%/110%/110% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T9 Super Cruiser: Azuma-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 24 +1
Max LimitBreak 36
Lv.120 48 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Blazing Peaks When this ship equips a Main Gun with a caliber of 280mm or higher: increases its Main Gun DMG based on the distance its shells travel to reach the enemy, up to a maximum of 15.0% (25.0%). Increases this ship's Burn DMG dealt by 20.0% (50.0%).
Mizuho's Intuition Every 20s: 30.0% (70.0%) chance to increase this ship's EVA by 10.0% (20.0%) and Accuracy by 20.0% (50.0%) for 12s.
Special Gunnery Training Fires a special barrage once every 8 times this ship fires her Main Guns. While equipping the Prototype Triple 310mm Main Gun (Type 0): increases this ship's Main Gun efficiency by 4.5% (12.0%), lowers the number of shots needed to fire the barrage to 4, and improves the barrage.
Siren Killer Ⅰ Increases this ship's DMG to Sirens by 5.0%.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 超甲巡—吾妻 超甲巡・吾妻 Large cruiser – Azuma.
Biography 我是大型巡洋舰吾妻号,作为夜间雷击战的支援火力旗舰设计,可惜当初并没有被投入到实战中来…擅长夜战指挥,不过雷击战的话就有点…啊哈哈…… 大型巡洋艦吾妻です。夜間雷撃戦の支援・旗艦機能担当艦として設計され、結局実戦投入はされませんでした。得意なことは夜戦指揮だけど、雷撃戦はちょっと……あははは…… I am Large Cruiser Azuma. I was designed to lead torpedo squadrons into night battles, but I never saw any actual combat. I'm quite good at commanding night battles, but torpedoes are another story... Ahahaha...
Acquisition 大型巡洋舰·吾妻,前来报道。虽然资历尚浅,不过还是希望指挥官能多依赖我一点呢~我会尽全力保护好指挥官的~ 大型巡洋艦吾妻(あづま)、着任しました。特別計画艦だから就役経験が少ないところもありますけど…一生懸命指揮官をお守りします。少しは頼りにしてくだされば嬉しいです。うふふ Large cruiser, Azuma, reporting for duty. As a special prototype ship, there are many things that I am still unfamiliar with... However, I will lay down my life to protect you, Commander. It would please me greatly if you would place your trust in me. Hehe~
Login 让我们开始今天的工作吧?放心,我会一直陪在你身边的~ 今日のお仕事を始めましょう?大丈夫、私はずっとあなたのそばにいますから Shall we begin the day's work? Do not worry, I will be right here with you the whole time.
Details 我想积累更多经验,尽快跟上伙伴们的脚步。所以,无论什么事情都行,还请尽管吩咐我吧~ 経験を積んで、仲間たちのペースについていけるようになりたいです――というわけで、なんでも私にお任せくださいね。ふふふ I need more experience if I'm to keep up with the others... So please give me something to do. Hehehe.
Main 和大家一起出海的时候,我的防护能力就能派上用场了呢! 仲間と一緒に出撃する時は、この防御力がきっと役に立ちます! This defense power will definitely be useful in battle!
Main 2 炮击的精准度吗?过奖了呢~但是,比起天赋,不断练习才是更重要的。 砲撃の精度が高い…ですか?ありがとうございます。こういうのは才能ではなく、鍛錬によるものだと思いますね。ふふふ My guns are very precise...? Thank you for saying so. I think it's more the result of training than any natural talent. Hehehe.
Main 3 指挥官,需要吾妻做什么事吗? 指揮官、私にしてほしいことがありますか? Commander, is there something you would like from me?
Touch 哎呀?指挥官想要摸摸我吗?还是想要被我摸摸?无论哪种,都可以直接跟我说哦? あら、触りたいですか?それとも触ってほしいですか?私に言ってください Oh? You want to touch me? Or would you like me to touch you? You'll have to come out and say it.
Touch (Special) 指挥官,还请你注意下场合呢…… 指揮官?時と場合を考えてほしいですね…… Commander? There's a time and a place...
Mission 遇到了困难的任务吗?我来帮你吧 難しい任務でもあるのかしら?お手伝いしますね Is it a very difficult mission? I can help.
Mission Complete 任务的奖励有好多……真不愧是指挥官呢~ 任務報酬がこんなに……さすがは指揮官ですね So many mission rewards... Commander, you're fantastic.
Mail 邮件我已经帮指挥官收好了,快看看吧~ メールを取りまとめました。どうぞご確認を I got the mail. Please look it over.
Return to Port 欢迎回来~指挥官,喝杯茶,吃点点心休息一下吧? おかえりなさいませ。指揮官、お茶とお茶請け…それと、マッサージチェアを用意しました。少し一服でもしませんか? Welcome home. Commander, I have tea, snacks... and a massage chair here for you. Why not take a load off?
Commission Complete 委托组的大家已经回港了,指挥官,要我代为清点物资么? 委託に出たみんなが戻ってきましたわ。私のほうで報酬物資の確認をしましょうか?指揮官? The girls you sent out on commission have returned. Would you like me to inspect the rewards for you? Commander?
Enhancement 嗯嗯,就是这个感觉~ ふふ、この感じね Hehe, that's it~
Flagship 由我来指挥吗…?虽然不敢保证结果,但是我会尽全力的! 私が艦隊指揮を…?結果は保証できないけど…がんばります! I am to lead the fleet...? I shall not make any promises, but... I will do what I can!
Victory 这是大家一起努力的结果,我只不过是其中的一份子~ 皆で頑張った結果よ。私はその中のひとりでしかないわ This was the result of everyone's hard work. I was merely part of the team.
Defeat 失败了…该怎么和指挥官交代好呢… 負けちゃったわ…指揮官にどう報告しようかしら… We lost... How will I tell the Commander...?
Skill 接下来到我了呢~ 次は私の番ね It's now my turn~
Low HP 这点损伤,还不要紧…… この程度の損傷、大したことではないわ…! A little wound like this, it's nothing...!
Affinity (Upset) 指挥官,我很担心你的近况……不要再这样下去了,好吗? 最近指揮官のことが心配です……しっかりして?ね? Commander, I'm worried about you... You can do better, can't you?
Affinity (Stranger) 我对这里还不是太熟悉……能耽误指挥官一点时间,稍微陪我在港区里走走吗? まだ少し場所を覚えていないようですね……すみません指揮官、少しお時間を頂いて見回りにご同行いただけないでしょうか……? I still have trouble finding my way around... Pardon me, Commander, do you think you could find time to accompany me on my patrols...?
Affinity (Friendly) 想要和重樱、还有港区的各位都搞好关系呢~不如办个交流会如何…?就由我来准备饮品和点心吧~呵呵~ 重桜の、そして母港の仲間たちと仲良くなりたいですね。交流会とかでもどうでしょう…?私の出し物は……お飲み物と食べものになりますね、ふふふ I'd like to get to know the other Sakura girls, and the others besides. What do you think of holding a mixer...? I could provide... the refreshments! Hehehe.
Affinity (Like) 指挥官,你知道吗?无忧无虑,充满幸福的笑脸是这个世界上最可爱的东西呢。大家的,和指挥官的笑脸,我想就这样守护下去…… 指揮官は知っていますか?幸せに溢れる笑顔こそ世界で一番可愛らしい存在であることを……皆の、そして指揮官の笑顔を、私はずっと守っていきたいと思います You know what, Commander? The most delightful thing in the world is a happy smile... All the smiles, and of course your smile, Commander, I will protect them all.
Affinity (Love) 指挥官累了吗?呵呵,请安心地躺下,让吾妻给你掏掏耳朵,或者揉一揉肩膀放松一下吧~? 指揮官、お疲れですか?ふふふ、ではここで横になってください。吾妻が耳かき……ううん、まずは肩を揉んで差し上げますね Commander, are you tired? Hehehe. Then come here and lie down. Let Azuma clean your ears... Hmm, after a shoulder massage, I think.
Pledge 指挥官的心意,我已经完全明白了。从此刻起,我会用未来的全部时光去爱着您的…呼…虽然是自己说出来的,不过还是有点害羞呢…嘻嘻… 指揮官の気持ちはわかりました。これからはずっと私のすべてを指揮官にお預けします……ふぅ…自分が言うのもなんですが、やはりちょっと恥ずかしいですね。ふふふ Now that I understand your feelings, Commander, I will offer you all that I am, body and soul... Phew... Saying that out loud is as embarrassing as I thought it would be. Hehehe.
In battle with Deutschland 德意志小姐,还是稍微谨慎点比较…… ドイッチュラントさん、もう少し慎ましくしたほうが… Miss Deutschland, if you wouldn't mind showing a bit of humility...
In battle with Kongou 和金刚姐比起来,我还差得很远呢 金剛さんと比べると、私なんてまだまだですよ I still can't compare with you, Kongou.
In battle with Kitakaze 北风,不要迷路了哦? 北風ちゃん、迷子にならないでね? Kitakaze, don't get lost now, okay?
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 指挥官?我,我还没整理好衣服,头发也有些乱……对不起,能稍微等我一会吗? 指揮官?ああちょっとまだ着替えが終わっていないし、髪の毛も整っていないのに…すみません、少々お待ちいただけないでしょうか Commander? Oh, I haven't quite finished changing. My hair still needs work... Sorry, would you mind waiting a bit longer?
Acquisition 指挥官?我,我还没整理好衣服,头发也有些乱……对不起,能稍微等我一会吗? 指揮官?ああちょっとまだ着替えが終わっていないし、髪の毛も整っていないのに…すみません、少々お待ちいただけないでしょうか Commander? Oh, I haven't quite finished changing. My hair still needs work... Sorry, would you mind waiting a bit longer?
Login 指挥官,春节的夜晚很热闹,不过,在外面逛的时候,要小心别感冒了哦。 指揮官、春節でみんなが盛り上がっていますよ。外に出るなら風邪を引かないようご注意くださいね Commander, the Spring Festival is a busy, exciting time. But do take care not to catch a cold when you're out having fun.
Details 虽说是为了拍照留念,不过一直保持这样的姿势,还是有些辛苦呢…… き、記念写真のためだからって、ずっとこの姿勢はちょっと辛いです…… E-even if it's for a picture, holding this pose all this time is not easy...
Main 我听说东煌的传统小吃汤圆是团圆的象征。不过,吃掉它的话,不就是把“团圆”吃掉了吗…? 東煌(とうこう)の「湯円(タンユアン)」って、「団円(だんえん)」を表していると聞きましたけど……それを食べちゃうと、団円を壊すことになりませんか? I understand these "Tangyuan" soup balls have some association with "unity" or "gathering" in the language of the Dragon Empery, but if I eat the tangyuan, doesn't that mean I've broken the unity?
Main 2 东煌的友人们带着大家写了不少“福”字,我也写了一幅,不过好像一般般呢…… 友達は「福」の字を書いてて、私も挑戦してみましたけど…なんだか微妙な出来でしたね……あははは…… Our friends are drawing that "Fu" character everywhere, so I went ahead and tried my hand. I think I did alright... Ahahaha...
Main 3 办公室的装饰需要帮忙吗?我也想亲手布置试试看。 執務室を飾るのを手伝ってもいいでしょうか。私も自分の手で飾ってみたいです Do you need help with the decorations in your office? I'd like to give decorating a try.
Touch 能有指挥官陪在身边,我感到非常开心哦 指揮官がそばにいると、安らぎの気持ちになりますね Having you here, Commander, makes me feel at ease.
Touch (Special) 不能做这样的事。至少,现在不行哦。 こんなことしてはいけませんっ!少なくとも今はダメです…! Don't do that! At least, don't do it right now...!
Return to Port 指挥官介意单独陪我一下吗?一小会就好,有时候也想享受下单独占有指挥官的感觉呢…呵呵,开玩笑的~ 指揮官、よければお時間いただけないでしょうか。少しだけでいいですから、私、指揮官を独り占めしている気持ち、味わいたくて……ふふふ、今のは冗談ですよ Commander, would you mind giving me a moment of your time? Only for a little bit. I'd just like to know what it feels like to monopolize you for a while... Hehehe, I'm only joking.
Affinity (Love) 累了吗?就算是再让人兴奋的节日,当疲倦袭来的时候指挥官也只能乖乖认输呢~就请在吾妻的怀中,静静地休息休息一会吧~ 指揮官はもうお疲れですか?ふふ、どんなに盛り上がる行事があっても人は疲労には勝てませんね。今は吾妻の胸の中で少しお休みになってください Are you tired, Commander? Hehe, with all this carousing it's only natural that you'd get worn out. Now then, rest your head on Azuma's bosom for a while.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 能穿上这样一身白纱,仿佛是做梦一样呢…呵呵,不过,更重要的是之后的共同生活!指挥官,敬请期待我的“新娘修行”成果吧~ 夢にまで見た真っ白なドレス…ふふ、いいえ、重要なのはこれからですね。指揮官、「はなよめしゅぎょう」の成果をご期待くださいませ♪ I must be dreaming, to be able to don this white veil... Haha, though, what's more important is our life together afterwards! Commander, please look forward to the rich fruit of my bridal training~
Acquisition 能穿上这样一身白纱,仿佛是做梦一样呢…呵呵,不过,更重要的是之后的共同生活!指挥官,敬请期待我的“新娘修行”成果吧~ 夢にまで見た真っ白なドレス…ふふ、いいえ、重要なのはこれからですね。指揮官、「はなよめしゅぎょう」の成果をご期待くださいませ♪ I must be dreaming, to be able to don this white veil... Haha, though, what's more important is our life together afterwards! Commander, please look forward to the rich fruit of my bridal training~
Login 欢迎回来,指挥官。放心吧,我会一如既往地陪在你身边的~ おかえりなさい、指揮官。大丈夫、吾妻はいつまでもおそばにいますから Welcome back, Commander. Be at ease, for I will always remain by your side~
Details 今天向比叡学习了新的菜式呢~指挥官,敬请期待明天的便当吧~呵呵~ 今日学んだ新しい献立は、比叡さんから…明日のお弁当をご期待くださいませ。指揮官 I learned some new cooking techniques from Hiei today. Commander, do look forward to tomorrow's lunch. Hehe~
Main 虽然对自己的防护能力很有自信,不过,为了不让指挥官担心,我会谨慎行事的~ 防御能力には自信がありますけど、指揮官に心配させないように慎重に行きますね Though I am rather confident about my sturdiness, I'll proceed cautiously so that you won't have to worry about me.
Main 2 指挥官,请喝茶!呵呵,这也是和金刚请教过并且不断练习后的成果哦~ 指揮官、お茶でもどうぞ。ええ、金剛さんから学んで練習した成果です Commander, please have some tea! Haha, this is something I've learned after hours of practice with Kongou~
Main 3 无论开心还是不开心的事,都请尽管向我倾诉吧,我会一直在你的身边,听你说话的~ 吾妻に嬉しいことも悲しいこともなんでも仰ってください。そのためにずっとおそばにいますから Please look after me, through both fair weather and harsh storms. I will always remain at your side and heed your every call~
Touch 那,既然指挥官摸完了,该轮到我来摸摸你了吧?呵呵~开玩笑的~ 指揮官の番の次は、吾妻の番ですね?ふふふ、今の冗談はいかがでしたか~? Now then, if you've had your fun, I do believe it's now my turn? Hehe, just kidding~
Touch (Special) 指挥官真是爱撒娇呢…/// よく甘えてくださっていますね~指揮官♡ Commander, you're quite the flirt.... *blushes*
Return to Port 出击辛苦了~请在这坐下,我来帮你捏捏肩膀吧~——嘿咻…这个力度是不是正好呢~? お疲れさまです。はい、ここに腰を下ろして、肩をリラックスさせて…んっ…この力加減はいかがですか? You must be tired from your sortie. Please sit down and allow me to massage your shoulders. Mm, is this pressure to your liking?
Affinity (Love) 对我来说,幸福就是每天的彼此陪伴,日常的温柔倾诉…我现在觉得非常幸福哦~指挥官呢?有吾妻陪伴身边,你…感到幸福吗? 私にとって幸せというのは、毎日一緒にいること、毎日優しい言葉を掛け合うこと…ですから、今はとても幸せですよ。指揮官は…吾妻がそばにいる毎日は、幸せ…ですか? For me, happiness means spending our days together, taking each day slowly, one step at a time... Of course I'm quite happy right now~ How about you, Commander? Does having me by your side... make you happy as well?