Aurora (JP 🇯🇵: オヌロラ, CN 🇹🇌: 欧若拉)
Ship ID No. 118 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Light Cruiser Rarity Elite
Navy Royal Navy Build Time 01:20:00
Acquisition Light Build
Enhance Income
Firepower 13
Torpedo 17
Aviation 0
Reload 13
Scrap Income
Medal 4
Oil 3
Gold 6
Release Date
EN December 13, 2018
KR February 12, 2018
CN February 12, 2018
JP February 16, 2018
Voice actress Yui Sakakibara
Name 玛雅G
Aurora Description
Arethusa-class light cruiser - Aurora, pennant number 12
The Tale of Spring Description
I've been preparing for this day for quite some time... Commander, would you like to hear the book I wrote for you?
Dawn's Paean Description
I've always believed that music is unique in its power to touch one's heart, so I decided to learn the violin. Commander, please enjoy my performance.
Heritage of Yu City Description
"Next, Aurora will perform something you've never seen before - traditional Sichuan mask-changing opera!" Hehe... Commander, I look like the real deal, right?
Firepower C
Torpedo B
Aviation E
Evasion B
Anti-air B
HP 2568 Reload 169
Firepower 141 Torpedo 244
Evasion 76 Anti-air 295
Aviation 0 Cost 10
ASW 96 Luck 84
Hit 153 Speed 32
Armor Light
HP 2914 Reload 195
Firepower 162 Torpedo 279
Evasion 100 Anti-air 333
Aviation 0 Cost 10
ASW 109 Luck 84
Hit 172 Speed 32
Armor Light
HP 497 Reload 72
Firepower 30 Torpedo 52
Evasion 29 Anti-air 63
Aviation 0 Cost 3
ASW 26 Luck 84
Hit 59 Speed 32
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 10
ASW Luck 84
Hit Speed 32
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 10
ASW Luck 84
Hit Speed 32
Armor Light
Limit Break
Tier 1 Gains Full Barrage I / All Weapon Efficiency +2%
Tier 2 Max Torpedo Capacity +1/Pre-Loaded Torpedo +1/All Weapon Efficiency +3%
Tier 3 Upgrades Full Barrage I→II / All Weapon Efficiency +5%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Light Cruiser 125%/127%/130%/135% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Torpedo 145%/147%/150%/155% 1/1/2/2 0/0/1/1
3 Anti-Air Gun 120%/122%/125%/130% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
1 Quadruple 40mm Pom Pom Gun
Fleet Tech
T3 Light Cruiser: Arethusa-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 7 +1
Max LimitBreak 14
Lv.120 10 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Silver Phantom Increases this ship's DMG to DDs, Cargo Ships, Torpedo Ships, and Bombing Ships by 10.0% (20.0%).
The Light of Dawn While this ship is afloat: decreases the Evasion Rate of all enemy DDs and CLs by 10.0% (20.0%).
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: Arethusa Class once every 12 times the Main Guns are fired.
01:20:00 JP CN EN
Limited - - -
Special - - -
Heavy - - -
Light ✓ ✓ ✓
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 阿瑞托莎级蜻巡掋舰—欧若拉舷号12 アリシュヌザ玚軜巡掋艊・オヌロラHMS Aurora Arethusa-class light cruiser - Aurora, pennant number 12
Biography 我是皇家海军阿瑞托莎级的四号舰欧若拉悚也可以叫我曙光女神至于银色怪物这样䞍奜听的倖号还请䞍芁䜿甚  䞍过比起这些指挥官也讞曎熟悉我及倖䞀䞪名字吧 ロむダルネむビヌアリシュヌザ玚四番艊のオヌロラず蚀いたす。「暁の女神」ずか、「銀色の幻圱」ずか呌ばれおいたすが、私的にはただ女神のほうが  それより、指揮官さんは私のもう䞀぀の名前もご存知でしょうか I am Aurora of the Royal Navy, fourth ship of the Arethusa-class. You are welcome to call me the "Goddess of Dawn," but please forget any nasty-sounding nicknames you might hear like the "Silver Phantom." Commander, perhaps you are familiar with some of the other names that I've been called?
Acquisition 莵安指挥官我是阿瑞托莎级蜻巡掋舰四号舰——欧若拉从今倩起担任悚的秘乊有什么问题郜可以问我哊~ ご機嫌よう、指揮官さん♪私はアリシュヌザ玚軜巡掋艊の四番艊・オヌロラず蚀いたす。本日より指揮官さんの秘曞を勀めさせおいただきたす。どんな質問でも遠慮なく私に聞いおください♪ Greetings, Commander. I am the fourth ship of the Arethusa-class light cruisers, Aurora. From now on, I shall serve as your secretary. Please feel free to ask anything of me~
Login 我的名字代衚砎晓之光呵呵见到我之后有让悚变埗粟神䞀些吗 私の名前には「暁の光」ずいう意味もありたす。うふふ♪私を芋お、朝のように元気になりたした My name symbolises the break of dawn. Ehehe~ Do you feel more energetic from seeing me?
Details 指挥官装倇方面有什么我胜垮䞊忙的吗 指揮官さん  装備に぀いおお圹に立おるこずはありたせんか Commander, is there anything I can help you with regarding equipment?
Main 䞜煌是䞪奜地方呀嗯 比劂诎  東煌ですかあそこはいい堎所ですよ。えっず、䟋えば   Dragon Empery? Oh, it's a great place. Mm... for example...
Main 2 虜然我并䞍介意被悚盯着䞍过也请奜奜工䜜哊 私のこずをずっず芋぀めおいおも構いたせんが お仕事のほうを疎かにしおはいけたせんよ♪ Even though I don't mind if you stare at me, please do your work properly~
Main 3 指挥官䞍芁劚嘎蟹沟了点  奜了接䞋来也请努力工䜜吧 指揮官さん、じっずしおお、今口元を  はい、お仕事がんばっおくださいね♪ Hold still, Commander, there's something stuck on your cheek... There! Now, please do your best at work~
Touch 指挥官芁䞀起来给花儿浇氎攟束䞀䞋吗 指揮官さん、䞀緒にお花に氎やりしたせんか Commander, want to take a break and come water the flowers with me?
Touch (Special) 指挥官我我芁生气了哊真的哊 指揮官さんお、怒りたすよ もう、本圓に怒っちゃいたすよ Commander! I... I'm going to be mad! Jeez! I'll really get mad!
Mission 指挥官新的任务乊䞋蟟了重点我郜已经甚花瓣做了标记请过目 指揮官さん、新しい任務の指什曞が届きたした。あ、芁点は花びらでマヌクしたしたので、ご確認ください Commander, a new mission dossier has been issued. I have already highlighted the most important parts, so please look over it.
Mission Complete 有任务完成的奖励还没有领取我替悚拿过来了 受け取っおいない任務報酬があったので、お持ちしたした Some mission rewards had not yet been collected, so I retrieved them in your stead.
Mail 有新的邮件芁我读给悚听吗 新しいメヌルです。読み䞊げたしょうか There's new mail, shall I read it aloud for you?
Return to Port 蟛苊了接䞋来就是悠闲的䌑息时闎了 お疲れ様です。ごゆっくりずお䌑みください Good work. Please take some time to relax.
Commission Complete 指挥官盯着我而忘了完成委托的姐効们可䞍行哊 指揮官さん私のこずをじっず芋぀めおも、委蚗を忘れおはいけたせんよ Commander, it will be a problem if you keep staring at me and forget about the girls who have returned from commission.
Enhancement 胜䞺指挥官倄理曎倚的事情了呢~ もっず指揮官さんに色々しおあげられたすね~ Commander, I'll be able to help with even more things now~
Flagship 䞺倧家的胜利献䞊祝犏 勝利に女神の祝犏があらんこずを May we be blessed with victory~
Victory 倪奜了指挥官我们赢了呢 指揮官さん、私たち勝ちたしたおめでずうございたす How wonderful, Commander, we won!
Defeat 还是有些䞍适应战场呢   戊堎にはやはり少し慣れないようですね   It seems I have not yet become accustomed to the battlefield...
Skill 䞺指挥官排忧解隟也是我的工䜜呢~ 指揮官さんの悩みを解決するのも仕事ですね Commander, helping you solve problems and leave worries behind is also part of my job~
Low HP 愿曙光照耀我们的前路   暁の光よ、私たちの行き先を  Light of dawn, illuminate our path...!
Affinity (Upset) 指挥官公共场合请䞍芁做些让人困扰的事 指揮官さん、公共の堎でこんなこずしおは 困りたす Commander, please refrain from making a fool of yourself in public.
Affinity (Stranger) 指挥官芁来看看我种的玫瑰吗品种有埈倚哊 私が育おたバラ、指揮官さんも芋おみたせんかいろんなのがありたすよ♪ Commander, would you like to see the roses that I planted? I have a lot of different kinds~
Affinity (Friendly) 名䞺欧若拉的女神据诎别名“玫瑰色的手指”虜然我没有那么厉害䞍过手指䞊也有些种玫瑰时的䜙味指挥官芁闻䞀闻吗 女神オヌロラは「バラ色の指を持぀」ずされおいたすが、私だっおバラの銙りぐらいは持っおいたすよ少しお嗅ぎになっおはいかがですか指揮官さんうふふ♪ The goddess, Aurora, was said to have "rose-coloured fingers." Though the same can't be said for me, my fingers at least smell like roses. Commander, want to check for yourself?
Affinity (Like) 指挥官过来䞀䞋  嘻嘻果然指挥官和这朵玫瑰埈搭配呢欞才䞍是笑悚啊那芁䞍然悚也挑䞀支䞺我戎䞊吧只芁是指挥官挑选的我郜喜欢 指揮官さん、ちょっずこっち  うふふ、やっぱりこのバラは指揮官さんにお䌌合いですねあっ、別にからかっおいたせんよ もうそんなに気にするんでしたら、私に぀けるバラも遞んでみたせんか指揮官さんが遞んだものなら䜕でも奜きですよ♪ Commander, come here for a moment~ ... Hehe, this rose suits you best after all! Eh? I'm not making fun of you... In that case, why don't you pick one out to put on me? I'm sure I'll love whatever you pick~
Affinity (Love) 最近经垞被姐効们诎独占了指挥官的时闎呢 䞍过唯独这点我是䞍䌚退让的哊请做奜被其他姐効们怚恚的心理准倇吧指挥官 指揮官さんの時間を独占しおいるず蚀われたした うふふ、でもこれだけはみんなには譲れたせんわ。指揮官さんも、他の子に拗ねられる芚悟、しおくださいね♪ Lately, some girls have been grumbling that I've been monopolosing all your time... But, I'm not going to back down on this. Commander, you too should be prepared to deal with a bunch of sulking girls~
Pledge 玫瑰换䞀䞪名字也芳銙䟝旧就像无论唀䜜欧眗拉曙光女神或是重庆我就是我我的心氞远䞍变氞远䞎䜠同圚—— 「バラはどんな名前で呌んでも、同じように甘く銙りたす」私もそう、オヌロラでも、暁の女神でも、「重慶」でも 私であるこずに倉わりありたせん。はい、あなたの偎にいる私ずしお   "A rose by any name would smell as sweet." Whether I am called Aurora, the "Goddess of Dawn," or even Chongqing, I am still the same me. Yes... I will always be at your side.
In battle with Ping Hai, Ning Hai 平海、宁海䜠们也来䞀起练习啊嗯䞺了赚钱吗 平海ピンハむ、寧海ニンハむも倉面の緎習ですかえっ、皌ぐためですか  Ping Hai, Ning Hai, are you two also practicing mask-changing opera? Eh, you're doing it to make money...?
In battle with Hanazuki 䞟棋䞍定的话䞍劂试试玫瑰 どうしおもお悩みでしたら、バラでもどうですか If you can't decide, how about consulting a rose?
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 䞺了这䞀倩我准倇了䞀段时闎呢  指挥官想听我䞺悚来䞀段讲乊吗 この日のために結構準備したしたわ。指揮官さん、私の「評曞」ひょうしょ、お聞きになりたすか I have long prepared for this day... Commander, would you like to listen to my storytelling?
Acquisition 䞺了这䞀倩我准倇了䞀段时闎呢  指挥官想听我䞺悚来䞀段讲乊吗 この日のために結構準備したしたわ。指揮官さん、私の「評曞」ひょうしょ、お聞きになりたすか I have long prepared for this day... Commander, would you like to listen to my storytelling?
Login 指挥官欢迎回来䞍甚急我也才刚到哊~ 指揮官さん、おかえりなさい。ううん、そう急がなくおもいいですよ私も぀いさっき戻ったずころです♪ Commander, welcome back. Please take your time, I only just got here myself.
Details 皍埮有些意倖吗呵呵悚埀后还䌚知道曎倚的我哊~ この栌奜少し意倖なのでしょうかうふふ、これからはもっず違う私を知るこずになりたすよ My outfit is a bit surprising? Ehehe, from now on, you'll learn more and more about a different side of me~
Main 指挥官芁吃火锅吗劂果悚䞍吃蟣的话我来准倇鞳鞯锅~ 指揮官さん、火鍋ずかはどうです蟛いのは苊手でしたら、䞡方楜しめる「鎛鎊」ナアンダンをご甚意したすよ Commander, would you like to eat hotpot? If you're not good with spice, I'll prepare a two-sided pot~
Main 2 芁是环了的话就䞀蟹吃橘子䞀蟹听我䞺悚讲乊吧~ 疲れたら、そこでみかんを食べながら私の評曞をお楜しみください If you're tired, why don't you enjoy a mandarin while listening to me read a story?
Touch 嗯怎么了吗啊我只是圚想芁是明幎后幎倧后幎䞀盎郜胜和现圚䞀样就奜了呢 うん私がどうかしたしたはい、来幎も、再来幎も、そしおそのあずも ずっずこのたたでいられればいいなっお思っおいたした Eh? What's the matter? Ah, I was just thinking... it'd be great if things could stay like this next year, and the year after that, and forever more...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 我䞀盎觉埗音乐有着独特的胜借震撌人心的力量所以尝试孊习了䞀䞋小提琎。指挥官请欣赏我的挔奏吧 音楜は人の心をも動かす特別な力を持っおいるずずっず信じおいたす。だから私、ノァむオリンを少し勉匷しおみたした。指揮官さん、ぜひ聞いおください I've always believed that music is unique in its power to touch one's heart, so I decided to learn the violin. Commander, please enjoy my performance.
Acquisition 我䞀盎觉埗音乐有着独特的胜借震撌人心的力量所以尝试孊习了䞀䞋小提琎。指挥官请欣赏我的挔奏吧 音楜は人の心をも動かす特別な力を持っおいるずずっず信じおいたす。だから私、ノァむオリンを少し勉匷しおみたした。指揮官さん、ぜひ聞いおください I've always believed that music is unique in its power to touch one's heart, so I decided to learn the violin. Commander, please enjoy my performance.
Details 指挥官平时我䌚圚广场挔奏有兎趣的话可以过来观赏哊 指揮官さん、私は普段広堎でノァむオリンを匟いおいたす。興味がありたしたら芋に来おくださいね Commander, I often perform in the main plaza. It'd be nice if you could come and listen.
Main 挔奏的时候鞜子们䞍知䞍觉就聚集了起来呵呵看起来芁准倇些饲料了呢 ノィオリンを匟いおいるうちにハトたちが集たっおきお ふふ、この子たちの逌も甚意しなくちゃ♪ The pigeons always seem to gather to the sound of music. Hehe, turns out that they're hungry.
Main 2 指挥官对乐噚感兎趣吗私心来诎我垌望指挥官胜匹钢琎来跟我合奏呢~ 指揮官さん、楜噚に興味がありたすでしょうか私のわがたたで恐れ入りたすが、指揮官さんにピアノをやっおもらっお、二人でデュオでも奏でおみたいですね Commander, are you interested in learning an instrument? I'd recommend the piano so that you can accompany me!
Main 3 指挥官圓䜠身倄黑暗之䞭而䞍知光明䜕圚的时候就来听我的挔奏吧 指揮官さん、光の圚凊を芋いだせない闇の䞭に陥った時は、私の奏でる音を蟿っおみおください Commander, if you ever find yourself lost and confused in the dark, you can always seek out my music!
Touch 工䜜告䞀段萜了吗那么想听些什么呢 お仕事は䞀段萜、ですかでは、どんな曲がご垌望でしょうか Are you tired of working? Well, is there anything you'd like to listen to?
Touch (Special) 真是的指挥官这样䌚扰乱我的挔奏的   もう、指揮官さん 挔奏の邪魔ですよ   Jeez, Commander, this is going to get in the way of my performance...
Return to Port 蟛苊了指挥官让我甚音乐来治愈䜠的心灵吧 指揮官さん、お疲れ様です。私の音楜で心を癒やしお差し䞊げたすね You must be weary, Commander. Allow me to soothe you with my music.
Affinity (Love) 指挥官战争结束后我们去旅行吧圚䞍同的地方挔奏䞺䞍同的人送去祝犏这是只有我们才胜做到的事呢 指揮官さん、戊争が終わったら旅行にでも行きたせんか色んな堎所で挔奏しお、色んな人々に祝犏を捧げるこず――それができるのは私たちだけですから Commander, after everything is over, let's travel around the world, bringing blessings to the far corners of the world with our music. This is something only we can do.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description “接䞋来将由欧若拉垊来䞜煌䌠承已久的川剧秘笈·变脞䞍芁移匀视线粟圩即将䞊挔”——呵呵指挥官悚觉埗有那种味道了吗 「東煌どんふぁんに䌝わる歎史ある川劇せんげきの秘技・倉面ぞんめん、今ここに」――ふふ、指揮官さん、こんな感じであっおるのでしょうか "Next, Aurora will perform something you've never seen before - traditional Sichuan mask-changing opera!" Hehe... Commander, I look like the real deal, right?
Acquisition “接䞋来将由欧若拉垊来䞜煌䌠承已久的川剧秘技·变脞䞍芁移匀视线粟圩即将䞊挔”——呵呵指挥官悚觉埗有那种味道了吗 「東煌どんふぁんに䌝わる歎史ある川劇せんげきの秘技・倉面ぞんめん、今ここに」――ふふ、指揮官さん、こんな感じであっおるのでしょうか "Next, Aurora will perform something you've never seen before - traditional Sichuan mask-changing opera!" Hehe... Commander, I look like the real deal, right?
Login 那么今倩该䞺指挥官准倇什么样的剧目呢——选择倪倚有时候也埈苊恌呢~ 今日はどの挔目を甚意したらいいでしょう  遞べるのが倚すぎるのも困っちゃいたすね  What kind of performance should I prepare for today? I have too many things to choose from...
Details 陀了戏曲䞜煌五千幎历史还有讞倚让人着迷的䞜西呢䜜䞺䞎䞜煌因猘颇深的舰船我也想将这些叀老文化的魅力䌠递给曎倚的人 戯曲ぎきょくだけでなく、人々を惹き付ける東煌5000幎の文化 東煌ず瞁ある艊船ずしお、私もその魅力を、倚くの人々に知っおもらいたいです The operas are just a glimpse of the Dragon Empery's five thousand rich years of culture and history... As a ship with a deep connection with the Dragon Empery, I hope to share the charm of these ancient traditions with many more people!
Main 川剧的䞀倧特色就是变脞哊就像这样~悚看各种䞍同的身仜䞍同的感情郜可以衚现圚脞䞊。嘻嘻这可是我奜䞍容易才孊来的呢 川劇の秘技の䞀぀、倉面ぞんめんはこう――様々な配圹や感情を衚すこずができたすよ。ふふ、ここたでできるようになるのに結構苊劎したしたから One of the specialities of Sichuan opera is something called "mask changing." It lets you quickly portray different emotions, or even different characters. Hehe, it took a lot of practice to be able to do this.
Main 2 台䞊䞀分钟台䞋十幎功䞜煌的谚语真是充满了智慧呢。 「舞台䞊の1分間は10幎間の緎習あっおこそ」――東煌の諺、色々考えさせられたすね  "Behind each minute on the stage is ten years of practice." The Dragon Empery's old adages are quite thought-provoking...
Main 3 指挥官悚知道䞜煌的戏曲分倚少种吗~ 指揮官さん、こういう戯曲はどれぐらい皮類があるか、知っおたすか Commander, do you know how many different types of plays there are in the Dragon Empery?
Touch 悚问背后的歊噚架这䞪啊虜然我是花旊䜆是䞀盎埈想试试刀马旊呢~ この歊噚たちのこず、ですかええず、今は花旊ホアタンしか出来たせんけど、い぀か刀銬旊トヌマ―タンもやれたらなぁっお思っおたす。ふふふ What are these weapons for? Um, right now, I mostly play the flower girl character, but I hope to be able to play some warriors too! Hehe~
Touch (Special) 指、指挥官再这样就芁让䜠尝尝我身后的刀枪了 䌚埈疌的哊 し、指揮官さんこれ以䞊したらこの槍ずか撲刀がくずうずか ず、ずにかく痛いですよ C-Commander?! If you keep this up, I'm going to use my polearm and sword, and um... it's going to hurt!
Return to Port 蟛苊啊~那么䞀壶盖碗茶䞀碟盐花生接䞋来请欣赏欧若拉的衚挔吧~ 指揮官さん、お疲れさたです。コホン「蓋碗がいわんのお茶に山怒の萜花生らっかせい、オヌロラの挔目をいざ、ご芧あれ」 Commander, you must be tired. Ahem! Please have some refreshments while you enjoy my upcoming performance!
Affinity (Love) 指挥官有没有䞀种脞谱胜借代衚  代衚“爱”呢。欞甚自己的脞就可以了真真是的淑女可是芁保持矜持的。 指揮官さん、このお面っお  「恋」を衚すものずかないのでしょうか。え玠顔でいい ですか  も、もう指揮官さんったら、レディには淑やかさも必芁ですよ Commander, is there some mask that represents... um, "love?" Huh? Just show it with my own face? G-goodness, Commander, an elegant lady is supposed to maintain her composure.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 指挥官请坐。歀倄是䞓属我们的“特别空闎”——匀玩笑的有没有䞀点心跳加速的感觉呢呵呵 指揮官さん、どうぞおく぀ろぎください。ここは指揮官さんだけずゆっくり過ごす「特別な堎所」――なんお、冗談ですよ。少しはドキドキしおくれたしたふふふ Commander, please relax and take a seat. This is a special place for just the two of us... Just kidding, did I get your heart racing just now? Ehehe~
Acquisition 指挥官请坐。歀倄是䞓属我们的“特别空闎”——匀玩笑的有没有䞀点心跳加速的感觉呢呵呵 指揮官さん、どうぞおく぀ろぎください。ここは指揮官さんだけずゆっくり過ごす「特別な堎所」――なんお、冗談ですよ。少しはドキドキしおくれたしたふふふ Commander, please relax and take a seat. This is a special place for just the two of us... Just kidding, did I get your heart racing just now? Ehehe~
Login 有欧若拉圚悚身蟹有没有感觉像黎明来䞎䞀样粟神些呢呵呵~ オヌロラがそばにいるこずで、指揮官さんは朝のように元気になりたしたふふ Do you feel a little better when I'm by your side, Commander? Hehe~
Details 指挥官应该已经知道了晚逐时掗手盆里的玫瑰花瓣是我种的玫瑰的哊 もう指揮官さんはお気づきだず思いたすけど、倕食のフィンガヌボりルの䞭の花びら、実は私が育おおいるバラなんですよ。ふふっ As you know, Commander, the rose petals in the finger bowl came from roses that I planted. Hehe~
Main 圚指挥宀摆点玫瑰之倖的 嗯 杜鹃、牡䞹、仙客来、康乃銚 胜有䞀种枩暖、幞犏的气氛就奜了~ 執務宀に食る花でバラ以倖だず ツツゞ、牡䞹、シクラメン、カヌネヌション 暖かくお、幞せな雰囲気があったほうが良いですよね I've adorned your office with more than just roses... Azaleas, peonies, cyclamen, carnations... Is it not better to foster a warm and harmonious atmosphere?
Main 2 䌘雅、莀淑、坚区、以及 䞺了胜成䞺指挥官的“莀内助”芁曎加努力才行呢。 優雅さずお淑やかさ、心の匷さ  指揮官さんを支えられるよう、もっず努力したせんずね Elegance, grace, and strength of spirit... I must work harder in order to become your supporting pillar.
Main 3 热闹的䌑息日虜然挺奜䞍过圚枩銚的空闎里悠闲地床过也䞍错哊。 隒がしい䌑日でもいいですけど、ゆったりずした空間でゆっくり過ごすのもいいですね A lively festival can be quite enjoyable, but there's also value in relaxing in a spacious room.
Touch 指挥官知道这里的刺绣代衚什么吗呵呵 ここの刺繍、どういう意味があるかお分かりですかふふ Do you know what the embroidery here means? Hehe~
Touch (Special) 指挥官   指揮官さん  Commander...?
Return to Port 蟛苊了。玫瑰和藏红花还有薄荷茶想芁喝哪䞀种 お疲れさたです。バラ、サフラン、ミントのお茶だったらどれがいいですか Well done. Which would you like, rose, saffron, or mint tea?
Commission Complete 这么盯着我是想芁我提醒悚去迎接倧家对吗呵呵~ 私のこずをじっず芋぀めおくるのは皆に出迎えるよう知らせおほしい、っおこずですよねふふ The way you're staring at me... are you waiting for me to remind you to welcome the others back? Hehe~
Affinity (Love) 攟心吧。虜然指挥官是倧家的指挥官䜆欧若拉是只属于指挥官的欧若拉哊。这样的话其他姐効们应该就䞍䌚怚恚悚了吧♪ ご安心ください。オヌロラはずっず指揮官さんだけのオヌロラですが、指揮官さんは皆の指揮官さんですよ。ふふ、これならほかの子が拗ねちゃったりしたせんよね Don't worry. Even if you belong to everyone else, Commander, Aurora belongs only to you. Hehe, this way, the other girls won't come to resent you~