Argus (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇌: )
Ship ID No. 583 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Light Aircraft Carrier Rarity Elite
Navy Royal Navy Build Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
Argus Description
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Light Aircraft Carrier: Argus-class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
Supporting Wings - Argus When the HP of a CV or CVL in your fleet falls below 20.0% as a result of DMG taken: restores 10.0% of that ship's max HP (can only activate once per ship). While this ship is afloat: 1) When the fleet this ship is in starts a battle, increases your CVs' and CVLs' AVI by 4.5% (12.0%) and RLD by 5.0% (10.0%), and decreases the loading time of this ship's first airstrike by 10.0% (25.0%); 2) When the battle starts for the fleet this ship is NOT in, increases your CVs' and CVLs' AVI and RLD by 3.5% (8.0%). Does not stack with the skill "Supporting Wings."
Glory's Trailblazer When this ship launches an airstrike: 50.0% chance to launch an additional Lv.1 (Lv.10) special torpedo bomber airstrike (DMG is based on the skill's level; if there is any other CV or CVL in your fleet, this activation chance increases by 20.0%). Increases the EXP your CVs and CVLs gain after the battle by 1.0% (10.0%).
Limited ✓ ✓ ✓
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 蜻型航空母舰—癟県巚人 軜空母-アヌガス Light aircraft carrier – Argus.
Biography 「䜜䞺䞖䞊最叀老的空母之䞀吟名䞺癟県巚人。䞎皇家的荣光和䌠统䞀同来到悚的身蟹匕富䞋䞀代的英雄们——」没没什么了䞍起的哊请倚倚 关照 「䞖界最叀の空母が䞀人、我が名はアヌガス。ロむダルの栄光ず䌝統ずずもに貎殿のもずに銳せ参じ、次代の英雄たちを導こう――」――な、なんお倧局なこずは蚀いたせんよよろしくお願い したすね "Know me as Argus, oldest carrier in the world. With the glory and tradition of the Royal Navy at my back, I come to you to lead the next generation of heroes"... I could never say something that grand with a straight face. I'm... looking forward to working with you, okay?
Acquisition 「具有掞悉䞀切的癟県的最叀老的标准航空母舰以及最初的党通匏空母吟䞺皇家的阿耳戈斯」——这这样可以吗 䞍奜意思我䞍倪擅长自我介绍  「芋通す癟の目、最叀の暙準空母にしお最初の党通匏空母、我はロむダルのアルゎスなり」――こ、これでよろしいでしょうか すみたせん、自己玹介するのは苊手でしお  "Know me as the Royal Navy's own Argus, bearer of a hundred all-seeing eyes, the primordial standard aircraft carrier and first to possess a full-length flight deck." W-will that do...? Sorry. As you can tell, I'm no good at introductions...
Login 指挥官匀始工䜜吧差䞍倚到时闎了再䌑息䞋去我䌚倎疌的   指揮官、お仕事を始めたしょうそろそろ時間ですから、これ以䞊䌑たれおは困るずいうか   Shall we get to work, Commander? It's getting late. I don't think we should wait any longer...
Details 「进来吧。将癟県巚人充满荣光的历史以及䌠统印刻进双——」  双双目  请悚随意浏览  「入りたたえ。アヌガスの栄光の歎史、そしお䌝統をその目に――」  め、目に  ご芧いただければ  "You may enter. Come, and witness the glorious history and tradition of Argus"... I-I mean... If you don't mind...
Main 「圚吟最叀老而满蜜荣光的力量面前——」  嗯那䞪事务工䜜可以麻烊悚手䞋留情吗  「我が栄光なる最叀の力の前でヌヌ」  え、ええず、事務仕事はその、お手柔らかにお願いできたせんか  "Fall before the might of my ancient, glorious power"... U-umm, could you go a little easier on the office work, please?
Main 2 净翔小姐啊谢谢䜠的慰问品“重暱茶点”指的是茶䌚䞊的点心吗䞍对吗 鳳翔さんあっ、差し入れありがずうございたす「オチャりケ」っおこずはお茶䌚のお菓子ですよね違うんですか Houshou? Oh, thank you for the treats! Are these meant for a tea party? No?
Main 3 悚芁出闚吗奜的看家就亀给癟県巚人——啊芁是倪晚回来的话闚限就   お出かけですかはい、留守はアヌガスにお任せくださ――あ。あたりにも遅くお戻りになりそうでしたら、門限が  You're going out? Okay, I'll take care of the place—Oh, but if you think you'll be out late, please remember my curfew...
Touch 这是芁指富我  是吗 お手ほどき ですか Is this... a lesson?
Touch (Special) 请请手䞋留情 /// お、お手柔らかにお願いしたす /// B-be gentle, please... *blush*
Touch (Headpat) 是芁垮我订做新垜子吗 新しい垜子を仕立おおくださるのですか You'll make a new hat for me?
Mission 有关任务的通知来了。还䞍需芁确讀吗  任務の連絡がありたす。ただ確認しなくおもいいんですか  We have word of a mission. Are you sure we shouldn't take a look at it...?
Mission Complete 任务结束了呌 那就奜。 任務が完了したしたふぅ よかったです Is the mission complete? Phew... That's great to hear.
Mail 来信了哊。信封  嗯甚剪刀剪匀比蟃奜对吧  お手玙がありたすよ。封筒は ええず、ハサミで切ったほうがいいですよね  A letter's arrived. As for the envelope... Umm, should I just cut it open with scissors?
Return to Port 呌 欢迎回来指挥官。我也 哈啊 总算赶圚闚限前回来了  ふぅ お垰りなさい指揮官。私も はぁはぁ どうにか門限たでに戻っおたいりたした  Phew... Welcome back, Commander. *pant* *pant*... I managed to make it back in time before curfew...
Commission Complete 委托组回来了。和舰蜜机䞀样送出去的䌙䌎们芁奜奜接回来才行。 委蚗組が戻っおきたした。艊茉機たちず同じく、䞀床送り出した子はちゃんず受け止めたせんずっ The commission team has returned. Just like carrier-borne craft, you have to welcome the girls back after you've sent them away!
Enhancement 「无数次的变区歀番吟之舰装将——」  这䞋胜奜奜应战䟿奜  「幟床も鍛えられし我が艀装もこれで――」   これでちゃんず戊えるようになっおいればいいのですが  "My rigging, tempered a thousand times over"... I just hope this is enough to help me hold my own in a fight...
Flagship 训练 蜻型航母癟県巚人出击 蚓緎 軜空母アヌガス、参りたすっ Training... Aircraft carrier Argus is present and prepared!
Victory 我是MVP䞍是骗人的对吧 隟以眮信   私がMVP嘘じゃありたせんよね 信じられない   Me, MVP? You're not joking? I can't believe it...
Defeat 呜 这䞋芁接受惩眚了吗  くっ これは折檻ものでしょうか  Urgh... Is this my punishment?
Skill 请平安園来  無事戻っおきおください  Come back safe, please...!
Low HP 皇皇家的䌠统和荣光芁  ろ、ロむダルの䌝統ず栄光が  B-but the Royal Navy's tradition and glory...!
Affinity (Upset)  没什么事的话我就告退了呌    っ甚がなければ倱瀌させおいただきたすっふぅ   Ah! If you don't need anything, I'd best be taking my leave! Phew...
Affinity (Stranger) 「以送走无数雏鞟的这仜皇家远叀的智慧匕领指挥官 」  劂果可以的话胜让癟県巚人匕富指挥官悚吗 「無数の雛鳥を送り出したこのロむダルのいにしえの英知をもっお、指揮官を導き 」  アヌガスでよければ、指揮官を導いおもよろしいでしょうか "With the ancient wisdom gathered by sending off countless fledglings, I will lead you, Commander"... May I lead you? If you'll have me, anyway.
Affinity (Friendly) 䌑假时由悚领路吗奜的劂果䞍是倪麻烊指挥官的话我就恭敬䞍劂从呜了。啊还有就是垌望圚闚限前胜送我回宿舍   非番日の゚スコヌトですかはい、指揮官のお手をわずらわせるのでなければ、お蚀葉に甘えさせおいただきたす。 あっ。門限たでに寮たで送っおいただければ   You'd like to take me around on your off day? If it's no trouble, then I'll gladly take you up on that offer. Oh... But I'll need you to bring me back to my dorm before curfew...
Affinity (Like) 今倩也谢谢悚了指挥官。啊已经到这䞪点了 差䞍倚芁回宿舍了䞍䞍过最后想皍埮散䞪步  抱歉胜允讞我这仜任性吗  今日も䞀日ありがずうございたした、指揮官。あ、もうこんな時間 そろそろ寮に戻らなければいけたせんが、さ、最埌にちょっずだけ散歩したく すみたせん、少しだけワガママを聞いおいただけたすでしょうか  Thank you for another lovely day, Commander. Oh, it's getting late... I'd best get back to my dorm soon, but I-I'd like to take a walk together, first! I'm sorry... May I ask you to indulge me a little?
Affinity (Love) 呌 诶嘿嘿结果圻底错过了闚限呢♪那䞪指挥官就我们䞀人再闲逛䞀䌚儿䞀起看看星空奜吗反正现圚回皇家宿舍也于事无补了♪ ふぅ えぞぞ、すっかり門限が過ぎおしたいたしたね♪ええず、指揮官もうちょっずだけ二人でぶらぶらしお、䞀緒に星空を眺めたせんか今からロむダル寮に戻っおももう門限は過ぎおたすから♪ Phew... Ehehe, curfew's come and gone already. Say, Commander? What if we kept hanging out together and gazed at the night sky together? There's no point in going back to the Royal Navy dorms, since it's past curfew already.
Pledge 以皇家的䌠统和荣光起誓。空母癟県巚人今后䌚䞺了我们的幞犏党心党意地努力——指挥官胜  牵起癟県巚人的手吗 ロむダルの䌝統ず栄光にかけお誓いたす。空母アヌガス、これから先、二人の幞せのために、粟䞀杯頑匵っおいくこずを――指揮官、アヌガスの手を 取っお頂けたすでしょうか I swear on the tradition and glory of the Royal Navy that I, aircraft carrier Argus, will always work my hardest for our mutual happiness. Commander... Would you hold my hand, please?
In battle with Hermes, Houshou, Langley 䜜䞺最叀老的航母䞀同尜䞀仜力吧 最叀の空母ずしお、力を振るいたす I will wield my power as the oldest carrier!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 呵欠 啊 我又睡着了吗 呜 因䞺忙着孊园掻劚的筹倇每次郜是擊着蟹赶的闚限 请再让我睡1分钟  ふぁあああ あぅ たた寝おしたいたしたの あぅ 孊園行事の準備が忙しくおい぀も門限ギリギリでしお あず1分だけ  Yaaawn... Umm, did I doze off again? Oh no... Organising school events gets so hectic I always end up working right up until curfew... Just give me one more minute, please...
Acquisition 呵欠 啊 我又睡着了吗 呜 因䞺忙着孊园掻劚的筹倇每次郜是擊着蟹赶的闚限 请再让我睡1分钟  ふぁあああ あぅ たた寝おしたいたしたの あぅ 孊園行事の準備が忙しくおい぀も門限ギリギリでしお あず1分だけ  Yaaawn... Umm, did I doze off again? Oh no... Organising school events gets so hectic I always end up working right up until curfew... Just give me one more minute, please...
Login 抱歉还让指挥官垮了我 今倩的任务是嗯是什么来着 ごめんなさい、指揮官に助けおいただいお 今日のタスクはええず、䜕でしたっけ Sorry you had to come and help me, Commander... Umm, so what were today's tasks, again?
Details 担圓孊园掻劚的䞻办真的埈蟛苊呢而䞔总是睡䞍借 哈啊啊呵欠 啊䞍行工䜜还没做完呢  孊園行事の䞻催は本圓に倧倉です。最近睡眠䞍足でしお ふぁああ あっ。いけない。ただ仕事が終わっおいたせんね  Hosting school events is really such a task. I've been so sleep deprived lately... *yaaawn*... No, that's enough yawning. I still have work to do...
Main 啊嚏 谢谢。䞀盎圚这睡的话确实䌚感冒呢我芁振䜜才行  はくちゅん ありがずうございたす。確かにずっずここで寝おいたら颚邪を匕いおしたいたすね。しっかりしないず  Achoo! ...Thank you. Of course sleeping here all the time would lead to me getting a cold. I should be more careful...
Main 2 鬌屋有怪匂事件 指指挥官抱歉胜陪我䞀起去调查吗  お化け屋敷に怪異事件が し、指揮官、ごめんなさい䞀緒に調査しに行きたせんか  There are strange things going on at the haunted mansion? C-Commander, I'm sorry... Would you mind accompanying me?
Main 3 怚仇小姐那䞪枞戏自己玩玩就奜䞍芁圚孊园庆兞的衚挔亮盞啊问我䞺什么因䞺倪倪矞耻了啊/// むンプラカブルさんあのゲヌムは自分で楜しむ分にはいいですが、孊園祭の出し物にはしないでくださいっどうしおっおは、はしたないじゃないですか/// Implacable! You can play that game at home, but you can't bring it to the festival! What do you mean, why? A-aren't you embarrassed?!
Touch 已经到䞋䞪预定计划的时闎了 もう次の予定の時間ですか Is it time for the next item on our schedule?
Touch (Special) 啊哇哇哇哇  はわわわわ  Whawha?!
Mission 剩䜙的孊园庆兞工䜜是 銖先芁完成任务才行。 孊園祭のタスクの残りは たずは任務をこなさないず There are still things to be done before the school festival... Let's begin with these missions.
Return to Port 欢迎回来指挥官。犻䞋䞀䞪安排还有些时闎可以皍䜜䌑息哊 おかえりなさい、指揮官。次の予定たでただ時間がありたすから、少し䌑憩しおからでもいいですよ Welcome back, Commander. We have some time until our next plans, so feel free to take a little break.
Commission Complete 装扮和材料还有印刷品郜奜了委托组的䌙䌎们也联络完毕了 应该差䞍倚了吧 呌  コスチュヌムも資材も印刷物もよし、委蚗組の子たちぞの連絡もよし なんずかできそうですね ふぅ  Costumes, materials, and printed materials are all done. I've contacted the commission team, as well... Things are really coming together. Phew...
Victory 赢了「皇家的光荣䌠统是无敌的」对吧♪ 勝ちたした「ロむダルの栄光ある䌝統に敵はなし」ですね♪ We won! None can rival the Royal Navy's glorious tradition!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 「满蜜荣光的皇家瀌服敬仰、畏惧其熠熠生蟉的嚁䞥之后」 胜请悚牵起身着瀌服的癟県巚人之手吗  「栄光あるロむダルの瀌装、その茝かしき嚁容を敬え、恐れよ、そしお」  ドレス姿のアヌガスの手を、取っおいただけたすでしょうか  "Gaze upon this glorious dress. Admire its brilliance, tremble, and..." If you don't mind, would you please take Argus' hand?
Acquisition 「满蜜荣光的皇家瀌服敬仰、畏惧其熠熠生蟉的嚁䞥之后」 胜请悚牵起身着瀌服的癟県巚人之手吗  「栄光あるロむダルの瀌装、その茝かしき嚁容を敬え、恐れよ、そしお」  ドレス姿のアヌガスの手を、取っおいただけたすでしょうか  "Gaze upon this glorious dress. Admire its brilliance, tremble, and..." If you don't mind, would you please take Argus' hand?
Login 这样就可以了吗总觉埗应该蜬䞀圈试试——呀对对䞍起指挥官  これでよろしいでしょうかやっぱりぐるっず回っおみお――ひゃぅし、指揮官、ごめんなさい  Does this look right? Let me try spinning around—Hyah?! C-Commander, I'm sorry...
Details 「请看。正圚准倇参加掟对的癟県巚人庄重而又䌘雅的身姿——」  对着指挥官练习瀌仪的话䌚让我埈安心呢。呵呵~ 「さあ芋おご芧。パヌティヌに臚むアヌガスの荘厳にしお優雅なる姿を――」  立ち振舞いの緎習も指揮官が盞手だず安心です。ふふふ "Take a good look upon the majesty and poise of Argus as she graces the venue." ...I feel much better practicing my bearing with you, Commander. Heehee.
Main 掟对什么时候才䌚结束呢劂果倪晚的话可胜䌚赶䞍䞊闚犁  并并䞍是我想回去哊 パヌティヌはい぀たで続くのでしょうあたりにも遅くなっちゃうず門限が  べ、別に垰りたいわけじゃありたせんよ How long will this party go on? If it goes too late, my curfew... N-no, I'm not just trying to go home, I swear!
Main 2 圚童话故事里过了午倜瀌服就䌚消倱呢 那癟県巚人就䌚 啊呜 真真什人害矞   おずぎ話だず倜の12時を過ぎちゃうず衣装がなくなりたすよね そしたらアヌガスは あぅ そ、そんなはしたないこずは   In fairy tales, girls lose their fancy clothes after midnight... And that means I... Eep... A-Argus, stop thinking such shameful things...
Main 3 指挥官圚掟对䞊喝过倎可䞍行哊劂果指挥官醉了那我芁怎么换衣服  扟竞技神她们垮忙 对、对哊我怎么䌚没想到呢  パヌティヌで飲み過ぎはよくないですよもし指揮官が酔っおしたったら、私はどうやっお着替えれば――ハヌミヌズたちに助けおもらう そ、そうですよね 私ったらどうしお思い぀かなかったのでしょう  Don't drink too much at the party, now. If you get drunk, how am I going to change clothes? ...You want me to get Hermes and the others to help? G-good idea! Why didn't I think of that?
Touch 我穿着合身吗 指挥官是有什么圚意的地方吗  觊、觊摞确讀䞀䞋 也是可以的哊  ちゃんず着こなせおいるでしょうか 指揮官、どこか気になるずころでもありたすさ、觊っお確かめおみおも いいですよ  Am I really wearing it to perfection...? Commander, do you see any issues? Y-you can feel for yourself, if you want...?
Touch (Special) 请请枩柔䞀些  /// や、優しくしおください  /// B-be gentle, please...
Mission 是关于任务的联络吗 奜奜的攟哪里去了呢  任務の連絡ですか は、はいどこに眮きたしたっけ  The mission correspondence...? R-right! Now, where did I put it...?
Return to Port 因䞺是悚䞺我挑选的瀌服我䌚努力穿出风采 指挥官欢迎回来。䜜战顺利吗  遞んでいただいたドレスですから、ちゃんず着こなさないず 指揮官おかえりなさいたせ。䜜戊は順調でしたか  The Commander picked this dress for me, so I need to wear it right... Commander? Welcome back. Did the mission go well...?
Commission Complete 委托组的孩子们回来了。邀请她们䞀起参加掟对劂䜕 委蚗組の子たちが戻っおきたしたよ。パヌティヌに誘っおはいかがですか The commission girls are back. Why don't we invite them to the party?
Flagship 有有点担心背后   せ、背䞭がちょっず䞍安で   I-I'm a little worried about my back...
Victory 「这身打扮正适合我等的胜利凯旋」——呌   「この装いこそ、我らが凱旋のパレヌドに盞応しい」――ふぅ   "This attire will do perfectly for the parade celebrating my triumph." Phew...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Login Zzzz 啊已经到工䜜时闎了吗抱歉睡过倎了  呜想着胜担任秘乊舰非垞高兎结果昚晚没睡奜  Zzzz あっもうお仕事の時間ですか寝坊しおすみたせん はぅ、秘曞艊担圓で嬉しくお、぀い倜曎かししちゃいたした  Zzzz... Ah! Is it already time for work? Sorry for oversleeping... I was so excited to be your secretary that I stayed up really late...
Details 这是之前出闚穿的衣服。已经熚过了没有䞀䞝耶皱哊~呵呵穿的话 就等䞋次出闚的时候吧 この間お出かけしたずきの服はこちらです。アむロンはかけおありたすからシワ䞀぀ありたせんよ。ふふふ、着るのは 今床出かけるずきにしたしょうか The outfit I wore during our outing is right over here. I went ahead and ironed it, so there's not a single wrinkle on it! Heheh, maybe I'll wear it again... next time we go out?
Main 呜 这里的数字没问题吗 芁是向兰利她们求助的话就算是倱职了对吧 呜呜  あぅ ここの数字はちゃんず問題ないでしょうか ラングレヌたちに助けを求めたら秘曞艊倱栌ですよね あぅ  Ugh... I hope these numbers are right. I'd be a failure of a secretary if I had to ask Langley and the others for help...
Main 2 胡執倧人今倩看起来比平时曎挂亮了呢。指挥官也看䞊去比平时曎垅 䞍就是比平时曎垅气了 フッドさた、今日はより䞀局お矎しいですね。指揮官も、い぀もよりかっこよく芋え ううん、い぀もよりかっこいいです Hood, you're even prettier than usual today. And you, Commander, look even... No, you ARE cooler than ever!
Main 3 芁出闚的话请让癟県巚人䞀起吧理由是 嗯现圚是想纊䌚的心情呵呵♪ お出かけでしたら、アヌガスもご䞀緒させおください理由は そうですね、デヌトの気分ですふふふ♪ If you're going out, let me go with you! Why? Well... We can call it a date! Teehee!♪
Touch 请允讞我䞎悚携手同行吧。 ゚スコヌト、頌たれおさしあげたすね Would you like me to hold your hand and lead the way?
Touch (Special) 请悚怜銙惜玉 嗯  可愛がっおくださいね。うんうん Yes, good. Please dote on me.
Mission  啊。是任务的通知吗是是的呢  了解  あっ。任務の連絡がありたしたそ、そうですよね はい Oh, was there correspondence regarding a mission? R-right... Got it!
Return to Port 欢迎回来指挥官。悚劂纊凯旋了呢。真棒摞摞倎呵呵~ おかえりなさい、指揮官。玄束どおり凱旋しおくださったのですね。よしよし、ポンポン、ふふふ Welcome back, Commander. You return victorious as promised, I see. Good job! *pat pat* Heehee!
Commission Complete 委托组回来了。指挥官的身蟹才是我们的園倄呢。 委蚗組が戻っおきたしたよ。私たちは指揮官のそばが垰る堎所ですもの The commission team has returned. Our home is by your side, Commander.
Flagship 我䌚证明我胜战斗  戊えるこずを蚌明したす  I'll prove that I can fight...!
Victory 「䜠们的莥北早已被癟目看穿」——指挥官也䞀样被看透了呢♪ 「あなたたちの敗北は既に癟の目がお芋通しです」――指揮官にも芋通されおいたしたよ♪ "My hundred eyes have already foreseen your defeat." And so did the Commander!