Amity (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇼: )
Ship ID No. 666 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Sailing Frigate Rarity Super Rare
Navy Tempesta Build Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Sailing Frigate: Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
Invitation to Drowning Dreams Decreases this ship's SPD by 10.0%. Enemies attacking this ship take 3.5% (8.0%) more DMG for 3s. Every 10 times this ship is attacked: restores 4.0% (10.0%) of this ship's max HP and fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level); this effect can activate up to 3 times per battle. When this special barrage fires: for 10s, when this ship is attacked, it will not count toward the hits taken tally.
A Void Dance Increases this ship's FP by 5.0% (15.0%) and decreases her DMG taken by 15.0% (30.0%) until the battle ends. Once per battle, 5s after this ship's HP falls below 40.0% as a result of DMG taken, or 60s after this ship enters the battle: restores 10.0% of this ship's max HP and this ship leaves the battle.
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault I: Amity once every 28 times the Main Guns are fired.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 风帆船—和睦号 風帆艦—アミティ Sailing frigate – C Amity.
Biography 在海面上装作遇难船,其实早已准备好了火炮……待敌人被伪装欺骗靠近的时候,就攻其不备,一口气开火消灭它们——类似这种作战方式,指挥官不觉得很适合我吗? 難破船を装いながら火砲の準備をして、相手が近づいてきたら不意を突いて一気に叩く――アミティにピッタリな戦い方だと思わない?指揮官? Feigning a shipwreck while loading your cannons, then once your targets get close, you take them by surprise and sink them all in one fell swoop – don't you think that kind of strategy suits me just perfectly?
Acquisition 指挥官,你好~我是和睦号,希望之后我们能好好相处~现在就先从相互了解开始,怎么样~? あら、指揮官。私はアミティよ、これから仲良くやっていきたいものねー。早速だけど、まずはお互いを知ることから始めよっか?いいよね? Ahh, Commander. I'm Amity. Here's hoping we'll get along. So, let's cut to the chase and get to know each other, shall we?
Login 指挥官,我帮你把所有工作需要的文件一个不落全都搬过来了!让我们开始工作吧~ 指揮官、仕事の書類を一枚残らず、ぜーんぶ運んできたわよ。一緒にお仕事、始めましょ? I've brought all your papers, Commander. Eeevery last one. Time to get to work!
Details 和人打好关系的秘诀?这种东西不存在的啦!我只是比较擅长察言观色,然后顺着聊天内容说下去而已~怎么说呢……应该说就是“投其所好”~? 仲良くやれるコツ?…ないわよ?そんなの。アミティは顔色とか空気を読んで、流れに沿って喋ってるだけで…なんて言えばいいかしら…「好みに合わせる」ってやつ? My trick to making friends, you ask? There isn't one. I just read the room, gauge reactions, and say what sounds right... What was it called? "Getting on their good side," was it?
Main 指挥官,给——这是你在找的文件吧?我帮你找到啦~至于怎么找到的……嗯,反正肯定不是我拿走的! 指揮官、ほら――探してた書類でしょ?私が見つけてやったわ。どうやって見つけたかって……別にアミティが間違って持ち出したわけじゃないわよ? Here, Commander. You were looking for these papers, no? I found them for you. "How did I find them"? Don't you dare assume that I walked off with them by mistake.
Main 2 什么?果汁苦吗?噢~抱歉啦,我不小心把果汁拿成咖啡了~现在就去帮你换掉,先走咯。 え?ジュースが苦いって?あら、それはごめんね?うっかりジュースの代わりにアイスコーヒーにしちゃった♪今代わりのを持ってくるから先に失礼するわ~ What? Your juice tastes quite bitter? Oops, that's my fault. I accidentally got you iced coffee instead of juice! Excuse me while I go and get you the right drink.
Main 3 帮忙工作什么的当然可以啦~不过工作结束后,指挥官要答应我一件事哦?具体什么事我还没想好,到时候再说~ 仕事を手伝うのはもちろんいいけど、代わりに私のお願いを一つ聞いてもらうわ。願いの内容はまだ思いついてないからまた今度、ね♪ I'll gladly help with your work if you'll do me a little favour. I haven't thought of what the favour is yet, but I'll figure it out later.
Touch 指挥官,可以帮我拧开这瓶汽水吗?……嗯?我当然是因为拧不开才会找指挥官帮忙的啊~真的哟~ 指揮官、ちょっとこのボトルを開けてもらえない?…あら。本当に開けられないから助けを求めたのよ。本当よ? Commander, could you open this bottle for me? ...No, you see, I'm asking for help because I really can't get it open. I'm serious.
Touch (Special) 指挥官,再这样的话,我就要用角戳你了哦? 指揮官、これ以上したら角で突くわよ? Do that one more time and I'll stab you with my horn.
Touch (Headpat) 指挥官~我的头发,摸起来感觉怎么样? 指揮官、アミティのサラサラの髪はどんな触り心地? How does it feel to touch my silky-smooth hair, hmm?
Mission 指挥官的任务还真多呢……快点开始吧!光是这样看着的话,工作量是不会减少的~ 指揮官の任務って多いのね…早く始めて?見てるだけじゃお仕事は減らないわよ? You've got a lot of missions. Better get started. That work isn't gonna do itself.
Mission Complete 指挥官——别露出这么惊讶的表情!贴在你脸上的只是犒劳你完成任务的饮料而已~ 指揮官、わ!そんな驚かないで!差し入れのボトルを顔にベタッとしただけよ Commander– Whuah! Don't freak out! All I did was nudge your face with this drink I brought for you.
Mail 指挥官~我帮你把信件带过来了。作为交换,指挥官要奖励我些什么呢~ 指揮官~手紙を持ってきたわ。アミティにどんなご褒美をくれるのかしら? Commander, I've brought a letter for you. How will you reward me, hmm?
Return to Port 欢迎回来~指挥官,这次也是满载而归呢,辛苦了~ 指揮官、おかえり~。ふふ、今回もドッサリ獲ってきたもんね。お疲れさん♪ Welcome back, Commander. Heehee, I see you've brought back a real haul. Bravo!
Commission Complete 执行委托的小组回来了,指挥官,一起去看看有什么好东西吧~ 委託組が戻ってきたのね。指揮官、何かいいものがないか一緒に見に行こうよ The commission team is back. Let's go and see if they've brought back anything good.
Enhancement 力量变强的感觉可真好啊~ 強くなる感じ、いいわね♪ Ooh, getting stronger feels nice.
Flagship 猎物上钩了~ 獲物が食いついたわね They've taken the bait.
Victory 轻松解决,这次也很顺利~ 楽勝ね。今回も♪ This was child's play – yet again.
Defeat 事已至此,先撤退吧…… こうなっちゃったし、まずは撤退しよう…? Since things are looking dire, let's fall back.
Skill 沉下去! 沈め! Sink!
Low HP 这样也没办法呢。 しょうがないじゃない…! If that's how it's going to be...
Affinity (Upset) 可以请指挥官和我保持一定的距离吗?这样对我们两个都有好处~ あら、距離を取ってもらえる?お互いにとってそうしたほうがいいでしょ? Oh, could you keep your distance? I think that'd be best for both of us.
Affinity (Stranger) 指挥官,有空多和我说说你的事情嘛~作为交换,我也会告诉你关于我的事情哦~你看,你知道了我的事情,我知道了你的事情,这样子就很公平了吧~? 指揮官、暇ならあなたのことをもっと教えて?代わりにアミティのことも色々教えてあげる~。あなたが私のことを知って、私があなたのことを知る――それが公平でしょ? If you've got nothing better to do, tell me about yourself. I'll tell you all about me in return. It's only fair that we both know one another, no?
Affinity (Friendly) 指挥官,下班后要不要一起回去呢?你看,港区那么大——我一个人回去会迷路的吧?才不是找借口啦~好不好嘛,指挥官~? 指揮官、お仕事が終わったら一緒に帰らない?ほら、母港はこんなに広いし、私一人じゃ迷子になるでしょ?ふふん、言い訳なんかじゃないの。ねえ指揮官、いいでしょう~? Let's leave together when your work is done. The port is a vast place, and I'm liable to get lost on my own. Heehee, that's not an excuse, I'm serious! Come on, let's go together.
Affinity (Like) 指挥官,之前说好的帮忙的奖励,我已经想好了。下班后一起去海边散步怎么样~?……你答应啦,太好了~那事不宜迟,赶紧工作吧!待会儿要准时下班哦!我来帮你~! 指揮官、前に話した手伝いのお礼の話だけど、思いついたわ。ええ、お仕事が終わったら一緒に海辺を散歩するのはどう?…あら、良かったわね。じゃあさっさと仕事をして定時で上がりなさい!もちろん、私も手伝うわ♪ I've come up with a way you can thank me for helping you earlier. How about you come with me on a seaside stroll after work is over? ...Ah, wonderful. Then get your work done and clock out on time! Naturally, I'll help you along the way.
Affinity (Love) 嗯?指挥官这副表情,是没想到我还在这里等着吧~?我已经等你好久好久了,肚子都饿得咕咕叫了……所以,现在就陪着我一起去吃夜宵吧,指挥官~ ?その顔はもしかして、アミティがここで待ってるとは思ってなかったって顔ね?ずっと待ってたから、もうお腹ペコペコ……だから、夜食を食べに行くのに付き合ってよね?指揮官? Hm? You look like someone who wasn't expecting to see me here – am I right? I've been waiting here for ages, and I'm starving. You'll do the right thing and join me for a late-night snack, won't you?
Pledge 指挥官,帮我戴上这枚信物之后,就不能反悔了哦?以后,指挥官就是我的了……我是不会让你有机会离开我的哦~当然,我也是指挥官的了!牢牢抓住我的手吧,别让我逃掉了哦! 指輪を付けたし、もう後悔してもダメよ?あなたはもう私のものだから逃しはしないし、もちろん私もあなたのものだから、逃げられないようにちゃんと手を掴んでいなさいよね? I've got the ring, so it's too late for second thoughts. You're mine, which means there's no getting away. Of course, I'm also yours, so you better hold my hand so I can't run off.
In battle with Fancy, Portsmouth Adventure 这次的目标是谁呢? 今回の獲物は? What are we hunting this time?
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 呜哇,无处可逃了呢——骗,你,的~指挥官,这次也是我赢了,我就带着财宝先走一步了哦!要是够胆量的话,就跳下来追我吧? あーあ、もう逃げられないわね。なんてね♪今回も私の勝ちだからお宝はもらっていくわよ!勇気があるなら一緒に飛び降りてみなさいな Well, well, look who's got nowhere left to go. Kidding, kidding. I win again, so I'll be taking your treasure! Follow me down if you're brave enough to jump.
Acquisition 呜哇,无处可逃了呢——骗,你,的~指挥官,这次也是我赢了,我就带着财宝先走一步了哦!要是够胆量的话,就跳下来追我吧? あーあ、もう逃げられないわね。なんてね♪今回も私の勝ちだからお宝はもらっていくわよ!勇気があるなら一緒に飛び降りてみなさいな Well, well, look who's got nowhere left to go. Kidding, kidding. I win again, so I'll be taking your treasure! Follow me down if you're brave enough to jump.
Login 指挥官,我一直在等你哦——这一次,你能抓到我么~? 指揮官、ずっと待ってたわ――このアミティを今度こそ捕まえられるかしら? I've been waiting, Commander. Think you'll manage to catch me this time, hmm?
Main 指挥官,要不要干脆和我一起走?这样子,就算你抓到我啦,我以后都不会再逃了哦~! 指揮官、なんならアミティと一緒に行かない?そしたら例え捕まってももう逃げたりしないよ♪ Why don't you come with me, Commander? Then I won't run away again even if you catch me!
Main 2 城市就在我们脚下……这种睥睨一切的感觉怎么样,指挥官? 街が遥か下に見える…‥全てを見下ろす感じはどう?指揮官? You can just about make out the streets below... How does it feel to overlook everything, hmm?
Main 3 指挥官来猜猜看,面前的你与我偷来的财宝,到底哪个是我更中意的“宝藏”呢? さあ当ててみなさい。盗んだ財宝とあなた、アミティにとってどっちが大事な「お宝」か―― Go on, guess which is more precious to me – the treasure I stole, or you.
Touch 指挥官~再靠近一点嘛,离这么远可是抓不住我的哦~ 指揮官もっと近づいてごらんなさ~い。こんなに離れていては私を捕まえられないわ~ Come cloooser, Commander. You'll never catch me from that far away!
Touch (Special) 指挥官~你的手有点不太老实呢,是想试试被捆起来的感觉吗? 指揮官~、手が大人しくしてないね…ふふん、さては縛られたいの? Can't keep your hands in check, hmm? Heheh, you must really want to be tied up.
Touch (Headpat) 需要我把帽子摘下来吗,指挥官~ 指揮官~、ハットを外したほうがいいの? Do you want me to take off my hat?
Mission Complete 指挥官,你的任务已经完成了吧?还打算继续追着我不放吗~? 指揮官、任務はもう終わったよね?それでもアミティを追い続ける気? Your mission is over, and yet you're still going to chase after me?
Mail 指挥官,你的邮件我就笑纳了~ 指揮官へのメールはもらっていくわよ♪ I'll be taking this letter of yours!
Return to Port 哇!指挥官居然追上来了,那我就期待着你追上我的那一刻~ へー!追ってきたんだ。アミティがあなたに捕まる時を楽しみにしてるわよ♪ Wow! You're on my tail. I've been looking forward to the day that you finally catch me!
Commission Complete 指挥官,再不去收取委托小队的物资的话……我就要下手了哦~ 指揮官、委託組が持ってきた物資をこれ以上放置するなら……私がもらっていくわよ? If you're going to keep ignoring what the commission team brought back, I'm just going to take it.
Affinity (Love) 指挥官,这可是你自己选择跳下来的哦,现在你已经成为我的囊中之物了……还没发现吗?财宝什么的只是吸引你来追捕我的由头而已,从一开始,我的目标便是你啊……我最珍贵的“宝藏”。 指揮官、飛び降りるのを選んだのは紛れもなくあなた自身――そしてあなたはもうアミティの手の中にいるわ。…まだ気づいていないの?財宝を盗んだのはあなたに追ってきてもらうためで、アミティは最初からあなた――アミティの大事な「お宝」を狙っていたのよ? You yourself clearly made the choice to jump off – and the fact is, you've played right into my hand. Have you still not figured it out? I stole the treasure to make you chase after me. All this time, the real treasure I was after was you.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Login 今天的工作真多呢,指挥官~怎么办呢~?只能是我来帮忙了吧~ あら、今日の仕事は多いわね。さあ指揮官、どうする?これはもうアミティに手伝ってもらう以外選択肢はないでしょ? Oh, looks like you have lots of work today. Well, what's it going to be? Your only option is to ask me for help.
Details 哦?给我的小礼物?呵呵,指挥官该不会是想“投其所好”吧~?看来你很想和我打好关系嘛♡ ん?アミティへの差し入れ?ふふ、さては指揮官は「好みに合わせよう」としたいの~?そんなに私と仲良くしたいんだぁ♡ Oh, is this treat for me? Heehee, are you trying to get on my good side, hmm? You must REALLY want my good graces♡
Main 指挥官,闭上眼睛休息一会吧~这次不会捉弄你的,放心~ 指揮官、そろそろ目を閉じて休憩したら~?ふふ、今回はいたずらしないから安心安心~ Hey, why don't you rest your eyes for a while? Heehee, I promise I won't prank you this time.
Main 2 指挥官的时间被安排得满满当当的呢……要不想个办法让指挥官今天只能陪着我吧~ 指揮官のスケジュールはぎっちりなのね…さぁて、手を回して、指揮官を今日一日独り占めできないかしら? Your schedule sure is packed tight... Let's see if I can't pull some strings so I can have you all to myself today.
Main 3 指挥官~今天下班后也一起回去吧?为了能早点下班,我也来帮忙~这次是无偿的哦。 指揮官、今日の仕事が終わったら一緒に帰らない?あなたが早く仕事を終われるよう手伝ってあげるわ。なぁに、今回はタダでやってあげる♪ Let's leave together when your work is done. I'll even help you get it done sooner. Relax, I'll do it for free this time!
Touch 啊~被指挥官抓住了。那么,指挥官要怎么对待我呢?我很期待哦~ あぁん、指揮官に捕まっちゃった♪アミティをどうする気?すごく楽しみ~ Oh nooo, you caught me! What are you going to do to me now? I can't wait to see.
Touch (Special) 只要指挥官喜欢的话,多久都没问题~ 指揮官がいいなら、いくらでも付き合ってあげるわよ? I'll let you do this as long as you want.
Mission 指挥官,新的任务来了哦。为了尽快完成工作,我也来帮忙~ 指揮官、新しい任務が来たわよ。早く終われるよう私も手伝ってやるわ New missions have come in. I'll help so they'll get done faster.
Flagship 狩猎,开始~ 狩りの始まり始まり~ The hunt begins!
Victory 赢啦!指挥官~说好的奖励我自己选哦~我来想想要什么呢~ 勝ったわ!さあ指揮官、約束のご褒美は私が決めるわよ?何がいいかしらね~ I win! Now it's up to me to decide my reward. Gosh, what should I pick...
Affinity (Love) 指挥官,想好去哪家店吃夜宵了吗?我已经准备好了几个选项哦,你看看……这次就由你来决定,我来埋单!怎么样?好啦,快点决定,快点出发吧~! 指揮官、夜食をどこで済ませるかもう決めた?何個か提案するけど、ほら……今回はあなたが決めて、私が奢るから!どう?ねえねえ、早く決めて出発しようよ! Have you decided where we're having late-night snacks tonight? I've got a few ideas, buuut... I'll let you decide this time and I'll pay! Sound good? Come on, choose a place so we can go!