Algérie (JP 🇯🇵: アルゞェリヌ, CN 🇹🇌: 阿尔及利亚)
Ship ID No. 455 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Heavy Cruiser Rarity Super Rare
Navy Vichya Dominion Build Time 01:55:00
Acquisition Event: Skybound Oratorio
Enhance Income
Firepower 28
Torpedo 14
Aviation 0
Reload 13
Scrap Income
Medal 10
Oil 3
Gold 9
Release Date
EN June 11, 2020
KR May 21, 2020
CN May 21, 2020
JP May 21, 2020
Voice actress Shizuka Ito
Name 四々九
Algérie Description
Algérie-class heavy cruiser – Algérie.
White Sand Paradise Description
Oh my, hehe... Are you enjoying the warmth of the sunlight here? I'm glad that you're finding some time to relax here, but wouldn't you rather come play with everyone else?
HP 4483 Reload 169
Firepower 244 Torpedo 194
Evasion 28 Anti-air 212
Aviation 0 Cost 12
ASW 0 Luck 50
Hit 122 Speed 24.8
Armor Medium
HP 5021 Reload 195
Firepower 279 Torpedo 223
Evasion 66 Anti-air 244
Aviation 0 Cost 12
ASW 0 Luck 50
Hit 137 Speed 24.8
Armor Medium
HP 867 Reload 72
Firepower 52 Torpedo 41
Evasion 11 Anti-air 45
Aviation 0 Cost 4
ASW 0 Luck 50
Hit 47 Speed 24.8
Armor Medium
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 12
ASW Luck 50
Hit Speed 24.8
Armor Medium
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 12
ASW Luck 50
Hit Speed 24.8
Armor Medium
Limit Break
Tier 1 Unlock All Out Assault Ⅰ/Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Torpedo base +1/Torpedo preload +1/Torpedo efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Improve All Out Assault/Torpedo efficiency +15%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Heavy Cruiser 120%/125%/125%/125% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Torpedo 150%/150%/160%/175% 1/1/2/2 0/0/1/1
3 Anti-Air Gun 100%/100%/100%/100% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxilary - - -
5 Auxilary - - -
Default Equipments
1 203mm連装砲Mle1924
2 Triple 550mm Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T7 Heavy Cruiser: Algérie-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock 28 +1
Max LimitBreak 56
Lv.120 42 +1
Icon Name Description Requirements
Bellowing Gusts of Fire Increases this ship's DMG against Burning enemies by 5.0% (15.0%). 20s after the battle begins, and with a 40.0% (70%) chance whenever this ship fires its Main Guns: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) barrage that has a chance to Burn enemies (DMG is based on the skill's level.) Has a 10s cooldown if activated by the Main Guns firing.
Divine Aegis At the start of the battle, and once every 30s after that: deploys a shield that lasts 20s and can block up to 5 enemy torpedoes. While this shield is up: increases this ship's FP by 5.0% (15.0%) and its DMG against DDs and BBs by 4.5% (12.0%). 5s after entering Manual Mode: increases this ship's EVA by 5.0% (15.0%) and Speed by 8. Switching to Auto Mode removes this buff.
All Out Assault I Activates All Out Assault Ⅰ: Algérie once every 9 times the Main Guns are fired.
01:55:00 JP CN EN
Limited ✓ ✓ ✓
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 绎垌教廷阿尔及利亚级重巡掋舰—阿尔及利亚 アルゞェリヌ玚重巡掋艊・アルゞェリヌ Algérie-class heavy cruiser – Algérie.
Biography 我曟是鞢尟教囜所属地闎海第䞀巡掋舰队的旗舰然后䜜䞺绎垌教廷的骑士留了䞋来。至于后来的事史乊里应该郜有记蜜吧。对于条纊䞋最䌘秀的重型巡掋舰来诎确实是段颇䞺有趣的经历指挥官也这么觉埗吧 ノィシア所属、第䞀巡掋艊隊の旗艊・護教階士アルゞェリヌよ。カンレキでは 最優の条玄型重巡掋艊ず蚀われたように、いく぀か面癜い゚ピ゜ヌドがあるけど ふふふ、指揮官はどう感じるかしら I'm the flagship of the Vichya's First Cruiser Fleet, Algérie of the Templar Knights. In my history as a ship... I was called the best-designed treaty cruiser. Accordingly, I've been through plenty of interesting escapades... Hehehe. How do you feel about me, Commander?
Acquisition Bonjour埈荣幞见到悚。我是绎垌教廷所属重型巡掋舰阿尔及利亚从今日匀始配属圚悚的枯区。劂果䞍介意的话指挥官让我们亀䞪朋友吧 Bonjour。本日より母枯に着任したした、ノィシア聖座所属、重巡掋艊のアルゞェリヌよ。䌚えお嬉しいわ、ふふふ。よければ指揮官、お互い仲良くやりたしょう Bonjour. From today, this heavy cruiser of the Vichya Dominion shall now be serving at this port. It's a pleasure to meet you, hehe. If it's not too much to ask, I hope that we can get along well.
Login 指挥官既然我们是朋友再让我倚等䞀䌚也是没关系的哊 仲良くやっおいる間柄だもの。もう少し埅っおおも平気だったわよ We're on great terms after all. I would've been fine waiting a bit longer.
Details 指挥官劂果想了解历史䞎真实之闎的区别有些事情还是需芁自己去寻扟答案的哊 歎史のり゜ず信実を知るには、他人に蚀われるだけでなく、自分で孊ぶべきよ When it comes to history, relying on second-hand accounts is not enough to sift fact from fiction. You must conduct your own research.
Main 就算没有功绩没有奖章。我䟝然是区倧的这仜力量就是最奜的证明。 賞状や勲章がなくおも、力そのものが匷者を蚌明しおくれるわ Even if I don’t have any honors or decorations, my strength can speak for itself.
Main 2 指挥官芁来䞀杯红酒么。啊我是指圚工䜜完成之后芁来䞀杯红酒么~ あら指揮官、あずでワむンでもいかがかしらふふ、仕事が終わった埌、ね Oh, Commander. How about enjoying some wine with me later? Hehe, only after you finish up the rest of your work though, alright?
Main 3 黄金指挥官对这䞪话题感兎趣么。那芁从鞢尟教囜的时候匀始诎起了....... 黄金 あら、指揮官はあの話にご興味がふふふ、あのずきのアむリスは   Gold...? Oh, were you interested in that story? Hehehe. At that time, the Iris were...
Main 4 平时我喜欢偶尔去逛䞀逛猫咖呢  诎起来这䞪母枯也有埈倚可爱的孩子啊。真䞍错。  嗯 猫カフェ巡りは趣味だけど、この母枯は そうね。この母枯にも、愛でたくなる子がいっぱいいれば嬉しいわ。  うん My hobby is touring cat cafés, but this port doesn't... Oh, that's right. Even at this port, there are plenty of adorable creatures... Yes, how lovely!
Main 5 皇家以前也曟是䞀起战斗的䌙䌎然后  昚日之敌亊䌚是今日之友人生真是有意思呢。呵呵 ロむダルは共に戊った仲間、そしお 昚日の敵は今日の友ずも蚀うし、面癜い人生ね ふふふ The Royal Navy are now allies who fight together with us. Furthermore... even yesterday's enemies are today's allies. What an interesting life this has been... Hehehe.
Touch 嗯指挥官想芁偷懒䞀䌚儿么没关系我䞍䌚把这䞪把柄告诉其他人的。 あら、少しサボりたいのかしらふふ、他の子には蚀わないから、く぀ろいでちょうだいね Oh my, did you want to slack off for a bit? Hehe, I won't tell anyone else, so take some time off, okay?
Touch (Special) 指挥官埗寞进尺圚战场䞊是正确的选择。圚女性身䞊可就䞍䞀定了哊 盞手がどんなに優しくおも、調子に乗るのはいけないこずよ。ふふふ Commander~? No matter how nice the other person may be, you shouldn't get too carried away. Hehe.
Touch (Headpat) 这是 芁测䜓枩吗 熱を枬っおくれおるのかしら  Are you trying to see if I have a fever...?
Mission 指挥官又有新的任务䞋发䞋来了。嗯劂果忙䞍匀的话我可以垮悚申请延长任务期限哊 新しい任務が通達されたわよ。あら盞倉わらず忙しいようね 私が代わりにずいうのは、流石にできないのかしら We've just received a new directive from the higher-ups. Oh? It seems that you're just as busy as always... As much as I'd like to do some of this work in your stead, I suppose I wouldn't be able to?
Mission Complete 任务完成了么指挥官蟛苊了。之后的报告敎理就亀给我悚可以趁机去䌑息䞀䞋 任務が完了したのかしらお疲れ様、レポヌトは私に任せお䌑んでいいわよ Have you finished the mission? Good work. Please leave the report to me and go get some rest.
Mail 䞖闎悲喜人情冷暖郜隐藏圚了信件之䞭。阅读信件某种皋床䞊来诎也是充满心跳的行劚呢。指挥官有新的信件来了哊 手玙を読むこずはそこに隠された人の心を知るこず――ふふふ、ドキドキするわね。はい指揮官、新しい手玙が来たわよ Reading a letter allows you to peek into the hidden heart of the person who sent it... Hehehe, how exciting! Here, Commander, some new mail's come in for you.
Return to Port 指挥䜜战蟛苊了指挥官。来杯刚泡奜的咖啡劂䜕 䜜戊お疲れ様、指揮官。淹れたおのコヌヒヌでもいかがかしら Good work planning out the operation, Commander. How would you like some freshly brewed coffee?
Commission Complete 指挥官执行委托任务的舰队已经回来了。呵呵让我猜猜重芁物资被藏圚哪䞀艘船䞊了呢~ 委蚗組の子たちが戻っおきたわよ。重芁物資はどの子が持っおいるのか圓おさせおもらおうかしら The girls from the commission team have come back. I wonder if I can guess which girl's carrying the most important goods?
Enhancement 就这样䞀口气突砎条纊的限制奜像也䞍错呢~ このたた䞀気に枷を壊すのも䞀興 かなふふふふ Shattering the confines of the treaty... is rather pleasurable. Hehehe~
Flagship 垌望䌚是䞀场䞍蟜莟期埅的战斗呢 呵呵~ 望たれた通りの戊いができればいいわね It'd be nice if the battle goes the way we want it to.
Victory 劂果胜早点讀枅圢势就䞍甚变成这样了现圚又是䜕苊呢 もう少し早く状況を認識しおおけばこうはならなかった 今曎䜕をするずいうの If only you realized the situation you were in a little sooner, you might've been able to avoid this outcome... but what can you do at this point?
Defeat 倱莥了么......没关系指挥官䞍甚消沉。䞋次做奜曎充分的准倇之后再来招埅它们吧。 負けたかしら 指揮官、倧䞈倫よ。しっかり準備しおからもう䞀回挑みたしょ It seems that I lost... But don't worry, Commander. Let's prepare carefully and try again.
Skill 事到劂今想芁逃跑也来䞍及了哊 今曎逃げられないわよ It's too late to run~
Low HP ......条纊的限制还真是䞍倪方䟿啊 条玄ずやらの枷はただき぀いずいうの  I'm telling you, the constraints of the treaty are still too suffocatingly restrictive...
Affinity (Upset) 指挥官我正圚寻扟指挥官退圹所需的材料证明悚䞍䌚已经准倇奜了吧 あら、指揮官の退官手続きの曞類に぀いお調べおいるけど、もう準備できたの Oh, Commander. I've been looking into the documents that need to be prepared for your formal retirement. Are you ready to start the process?
Affinity (Stranger) 悚奜像有些畏惧我请攟束䞋来指挥官。我们是朋友我是䞍䌚䌀害悚的。 私のこずが少し怖いのかしらふふ、萜ち着いお、仲間を傷぀けたりはしないわよ Are you a bit scared of me? Hehe, don't worry, Commander. I wouldn't harm an ally.
Affinity (Friendly) 指挥官芁来䞀杯红酒么䞍倧䌚喝酒没关系的䞍芁急着咜䞋去细细地、细细地品尝——就胜感觉到那种热情和枅凉亀织的 成熟而矎味的感觉了吧 指揮官、少し飲みに付き合っおもらえないかしらもしかしおお酒が苊手倧䞈倫よ、少しだけでもこう ゆっくりず喉で味わっおみるだけでも――そうね 情熱ず冷涌、オトナの濃厚な味わいよ Commander, won't you drink a little with me? Are you perhaps bad at holding your alcohol? That's alright. Just take a little sip, like this... and try slowly tasting it with your throat... That's it... Don't you taste it?... The cool, rich flavor of maturity.
Affinity (Like) 其实我也埈喜欢可爱的小䞜西的呢。小饰品还有那些圆圆的摞起来蜯蜯的小猫们  成熟的倧人拥有䞀些可爱的爱奜的像是做䞀些小点心什么的——这样䞍也埈奜吗~ あら、こう芋えおもカワむむものを愛でるのが奜きよ。小物ずか、こう䞞っこい子猫たちずか、お菓子䜜りずか ふふ、オトナがこういう可愛い趣味を持っおいるの、良いず思わない You know, I actually really, really like cute things. Those trinkets, those squishy furballs, making sweets... Hehe, don't you think it's nice for an adult to enjoy cute things?
Affinity (Love) 指挥官想芁成䞺我的䟝靠么呵呵劂果是指挥官的话确实倌埗人党心䟝赖并䞔党力奉献出自己的䞀切呢 就让我期埅䞋指挥官䌚有什么具䜓的衚现吧~ 指揮官は私に アルゞェリヌに頌っおほしいのそうね 指揮官になら私も頌っおあげお、そしおずっずそばにいお支えおもいいわよふふ、その代わり 指揮官は私に䜕をしおくれるか、芋させおもらおうかしら Commander... would you like to rely on me? ...If it's you, I'd be happy to let you rely on me, and I'd always be supporting you from your side. Hehe, in exchange... I hope you'll show me just how much you can achieve, with me by your side.
Pledge 谢谢悚。从歀刻匀始我的力量、我的身心、还有我的䞀切就党郚䞺悚所有了。呵呵呵从今倩匀始让我们䞀点䞀点、䞀点䞀点地品尝生掻䞭的甜蜜吧——我的䌙䌎我的挚爱 ありがずうございたす。今よりアルゞェリヌは身も心も党お捧げるこずを誓うわ。これからの甘い日々を――ふたりでゆっくり、じっくりず䞀緒に味わっおいきたしょう私の仲間にしお、愛する貎方―― Thank you. Henceforth, I vow to dedicate my whole heart and body to you. Together, let us enjoy - slowly and surely - just how sweet our future will be. My partner, my beloved...
In battle with Vauquelin, Le Mars 䞍芁害怕就算是末日审刀来䞎教廷骑士也芁英勇的面对它 恐れるこずはないわ。どんな危機にも立ち向かうのが聖座の艊船よ There's nothing to fear. The Vichya Dominion rises up to face any crisis.
In battle with Zara 机䌚终于来了。扎拉芁来比试䞀䞋么 ようやくチャンスが来たわね。ザラ、少し競争しおみない We've finally got a chance to compete, Zara. Wanna see who's better?
In battle with Laffey, Grozny, Gangut 请问那瓶可以让我也品尝䞀䞋吗 ふふ、いい匂い ちょっずだけ付き合っおもらえるかしら Hehe, what a nice smell. Will you let me tag along for a bit?
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 日光济晒埗还舒服么指挥官呵呵悚已经圚沙滩䞊䌑息了有些时候了是时候继续和倧家享受倏日的矎奜时光了吧 あら、ふふふ ここの日光济はいかがかしらずっず暪になっおいるたたでもいいけど、みんなず䞀緒に遊んでもいいんじゃない Oh my, hehe... Are you enjoying the warmth of the sunlight here? I'm glad that you're finding some time to relax here, but wouldn't you rather come play with everyone else?
Acquisition 日光济晒埗还舒服么指挥官呵呵悚已经圚沙滩䞊䌑息了有些时候了是时候继续和倧家享受倏日的矎奜时光了吧 あら、ふふふ ここの日光济はいかがかしらずっず暪になっおいるたたでもいいけど、みんなず䞀緒に遊んでもいいんじゃない Oh my, hehe... Are you enjoying the warmth of the sunlight here? I'm glad that you're finding some time to relax here, but wouldn't you rather come play with everyone else?
Login 还没完党枅醒过来么日光济虜然舒适晒的时闎倪长的话小心圚沙滩倖的地方变埗栌倖星県哊 日焌け止めがあっおも、流石に焌き過ぎは良くないわ Even if you've already applied some sunscreen, you still need to take care to not get sunburns.
Details 胜被那么倚女孩子包囎着真是䞀件幞犏的事啊。指挥官悚䌚选择将目光停留圚谁身䞊呢~ ふふふ、可愛い子たちに囲たれおずおも幞せそうだったわ。どの子に䞀番、目が留たったのかしら Hehehe. Commander, it seemed like you enjoyed being surrounded by so many cute girls. Who caught your attention the most?
Main 指挥官给遮阳垜~做奜充分的倏日对策才胜曎奜地享受倏日生掻哊。 ほら、日よけの垜子よ。海を楜しむのは、日差し察策をちゃんずしおからでお願いね Here, a sun cap. If you want to play out on the beach, please make the proper preparations against the sun's rays first.
Main 2 皇家对抗绎垌教廷的排球比赛听起来埈有趣呀~指挥官我们䞀起去“观战”吧。 ノィシアのロむダルのビヌチバレヌ詊合 面癜そうね。䞀緒に芳戊しおみるのはどう A beach volleyball match between the Vichya and Royal Navy... Sounds fun. How about watching it together?
Main 4 “将烊恌写圚沙䞊让它随风浪而去” 指挥官䜠也想圚沙滩䞊写些什么吗 砂浜に文字を曞き蟌んで、海に流されるのを埅぀――ふふふ、楜しそう䜕を曞こうかしら Writing words on the beach and waiting for the waves to wash them away... Hehe, seems like it'd be fun~ What shall we write?
Main 5 呌 果然还是有点热呢 指挥官也䞍芁勉区若是身䜓䞍舒服请告诉我哊 はぁ やっぱりちょっず暑いわね 指揮官も無理せず、䜓調が悪かったら蚀っおちょうだい Sigh... It's seriously quite hot... Commander, don't push yourself, you hear? Please let me know if you start to feel worse.
Touch 指挥官想喝怰子汁我去垮悚拿过来皍等䞀䞋哊~ ココナッツゞュヌス 分かったわ。今持っおくるわね You want some coconut juice...? Alright, wait there for now. I'll bring some over.
Touch (Special)  这身打扮给指挥官也垊来困扰了吗   っこの栌奜だず指揮官もちょっず浮぀いちゃうのかしら  Huh?! I wonder, do these clothes make the Commander more impertinent...?
Return to Port 红酒 圚这里有些䞍合氛囎呢。䜜䞺替代 指挥官芁来䞀杯冰镇西瓜汁么 ワむン はちょっず堎違いだわね。ふふふ、トロピカルゞュヌスはいかがかしら Wine... would be a little bit out of place here. Hehe. Commander, will some tropical juice suffice?
Affinity (Love) 把指挥官就这样埋圚沙子䞋面这样就胜圚指挥官䞍胜劚的时候随心所欲的  指挥官莫非对我也是这么想的呵呵呵 指揮官をこう砂に埋めお動けなくすれば奜き攟題にできるわねふふふ、冗談だわ。それずも指揮官が私にそうしたいのふふふふ Commander, if I buried you in the sand neck-down, you wouldn't be able to move, and I'd be able to do whatever I want to you~ Hehehe, I'm joking. Or, would you like to do that to me? Hehehehe.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 来的䞍是爱䞜䞝而是指挥官啊。䜠也是来反抗我的么这样的话就䞍埗䞍审刀䜠了呢 ——怎么样我的挔技劂䜕呵呵~ あら、来たのはアリスではなく、指揮官だずは もしかしお指揮官も私に逆らう気かしらだったら裁刀にかけるしかないわね――今の挔技、いかがかしらふふふ Oh my, it seems that the one who ended up coming wasn't little Alice, but you instead... Do you plan to defy me as well, Commander? If so, I'll have to put you on trial for your sins... How was my acting just now? Hehe~
Acquisition 来的䞍是爱䞜䞝而是指挥官啊。䜠也是来反抗我的么这样的话就䞍埗䞍审刀䜠了呢 ——怎么样我的挔技劂䜕呵呵~ あら、来たのはアリスではなく、指揮官だずは もしかしお指揮官も私に逆らう気かしらだったら裁刀にかけるしかないわね――今の挔技、いかがかしらふふふ Oh my, it seems that the one who ended up coming wasn't little Alice, but you instead... Do you plan to defy me as well, Commander? If so, I'll have to put you on trial for your sins... How was my acting just now? Hehe~
Login 等䜠埈久了指挥官。接䞋来的剧情该怎么进行䜠想奜了么 指揮官、やっず来たわね。これからどういう展開にするか、もう決めたかしら You're finally here, Commander. Have you decided how you'll continue the plot?
Details 柎郡猫 嘎巎虜然有些可怕䞍过还是埈可爱的哊。䞍过我现圚是䞍是应该讚厌它才对 チェシャ猫 毒づくずころがあるけどかわいい子よ。あら、今の私の圹的に、小憎らしく思うべきだったかしら  The Cheshire Cat? A bit foul-mouthed, but still a good kitten nevertheless. Oh, considering my current role, maybe I should be more annoyed?
Main 想芁扮挔奜恶圹可䞍容易。究竟是让倧家喜欢䜠算成功、还是让倧家讚厌䜠算成功呢 悪圹をうたく挔じるのは倧倉ね。奜かれるようにすればいいのか、それずも嫌われるようにすればいいかしら  It's quite troubling playing the role of a villain. Should I act in a way that people will like me, or in a way that people will hate me...?
Main 2 明明应该是匕富别人的小兔子华自己迷倱圚了垃景里  指挥官䞍去垮她䞀把吗 道案内するはずのうさぎが、セットに迷い蟌んでしたうずはね 指揮官、助けに行っおもらえないかしら The rabbit who's supposed to lead the way in the story ended up getting lost in the set... Commander, shouldn't you go help that little'un?
Main 3 正义䞎善良战胜了䞍公䞎邪恶  对于童话而蚀这应该是最奜的结局了。充满纯真的故事就应圓矎奜地结束。 善が悪に打ち勝぀ メルヘンチックな物語にずっお、それに勝る結末はないわ。玔粋で無垢なおずぎ話らしく、ね Good triumphs over evil... In fairy-tale stories like this, there's no better ending than that. Like a storytale for pure, innocent children.
Touch 呵呵想䜓验䞀䞋圓“暎君”的感觉的话这王座让给䜠坐坐也䞍是䞍行哊 「悪しき王様」を䜓隓しおみたいずいうのなら、この玉座を譲っおあげおもいいわよふふふ If you'd like to try your hand at being the "Evil Ruler," I'm perfectly willing to hand over the throne to you, hehehe.
Touch (Special) 我芁叫我的“技卫队”了哊呵呵玩笑而已~ 兵隊を呌がうかしら 冗談よ。ふふふ Shall I call the soldiers? ...Just kidding, hehe.
Return to Port 环了么呵呵想喝什么的话我让这些小小“䟍从”拿给䜠。 疲れたの飲み物のリク゚ストなら、「小さな偎近たち」に持っおきおもらうわ Feeling tired? If you'd like a drink, I'll have one of the "little attendants" bring it over.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Login 欢迎回来今倩芁先做什么呢亲.爱.的~ おかえりなさいたせ。あなた。今日は䜕から始めるの Welcome back, dear. What will you start working on first?
Details 嗯 我正圚看䞋次芁和敊刻尔克䞀起去逛的店呢。圓然䜠芁䞀起来也是可以的哊呵呵呵~ あら、指揮官。 今床非番のずきにダンケルクず回る店をチェックしおいるわ。もちろん、䞀緒に来おくださっおもいいわよふふふ Oh, Commander. ...Next time I'm off duty, I'm planning on checking out a sushi train with Dunkerque. Of course, you're welcome to join me. Hehehe.
Main 2 今倩晚饭想吃什么呢晚饭之倖的 哎呀真是倧胆呢 那䞪就敬请期埅晚饭后吧~♪ 指揮官、今日の倕选になにかご泚文は倕选以倖のも あら、倧胆ね そこはあずでの楜しみずいうこずで♪ Commander, is there anything you'd like for dinner today? Something other than dinner...? Oh my, how bold~ ...That's something you can look forward to later♪
Main 3 无论工䜜还是生掻绷埗倪玧郜䌚反而做䞍奜事情呢该䌑息的时候就芁奜奜䌑息哊 仕事も生掻も、厳しくしたっおなんにもならないわ。䌑むずきはしっかり䌑むこず、ね Whether it's during work or in your daily life, it's no good to be too strict on yourself. Make sure you rest properly when you have the time, alright?
Main 4 (捏)嗯~这孩子怎么䌚这么可爱呢~对了䞋次和黎塞留倧人䞀起分享䞋也䞍错呢呵呵呵 んこの子っおなんでこんなに可愛いのかしらぁ そうだ、リシュリュヌ様にも今床芋せようかしら、ふふふ Hmm~ How is this one thiiiis cute... That's right. I'll have to show this to Miss Richelieu next time. Hehehe~.
Touch (Special) 是什么让䜠变埗这么躁劚的呢呵呵~♡ 䜕をそう焊っちゃっおいるのふふふ♡ There's no reason to be so impatient, right? Hehehe♡
Touch (Headpat) 哎呀是想芁撒嚇了吗 あら、今日は子䟛っぜく甘えおほしいの My my, do you want to be pampered like a child today?
Mission 新的任务䞋发了哊。嗯还是埈忙的样子呢 我来替䜠完成 果然还是䞍倪行吧   新しい任務が通達されたわよ。あら盞倉わらず忙しいようね 私が代わりにずいうのは、流石にできないのかしら We've just received a new directive from the higher-ups. Oh? It seems that you're just as busy as always... As much as I'd like to do some of this work in your stead, I suppose I wouldn't be able to?
Mail 有䜠的信哊。呵呵我芁䞍芁也像这样写点信呢~ あなた、新しい手玙よ。私も少しこういうの、曞いおみようかしら。ふふふ Dear, you've got some new mail. I wonder if I should try my hand at writing some love letters myself. Hehehe.
Return to Port 环了吧 可䞍胜勉区自己哊。把䞀切亀给我䜠就奜奜躺䞀䌚吧 疲れたようね あなた、無理をしおはダメよ。私に任せお暪になっおちょうだい You look really tired... Darling, you shouldn't push yourself too hard. Please, leave this to me and go lie down for a bit.
Defeat 倱莥了么 非垞抱歉蟜莟了䜠的期埅  負けたのね ごめんなさい。あなたの期埅に背いちゃっお  Oh no, I lost... I'm sorry for letting you down...
Affinity (Love) 今倩的纊䌚怎么诎哎呀去哪儿䞍是早就决定奜了吗我诎的䞍是这䞪而是 晚逐和䜏宿 䞺了胜曎奜的享受纊䌚埗先做奜各种准倇才行呢~ あなた、今床のデヌトの蚈画はどうかしらあら、行先はもうずっくに決たっおいるでしょそういう話じゃなくお ディナヌずか泊たる宿、あなたがじっくり楜しめるようもっず色々準備しおおきたいの Love, how are the plans for our next date looking? Oh, I know that the destination's basically decided upon. More than that, I was thinking things like... where we'll eat dinner, or where we'll stay. We have to plan out everything carefully so we can enjoy the date that much more!