Akagi (JP 🇯🇵: 赀城, CN 🇹🇌: 赀城)
Ship IDNo. 224Star Rating★★★☆☆☆
Hull Aircraft CarrierRaritySuper Rare
NavySakura EmpireBuild TimeDrop Only
Acquisition3-4 (Boss Node)
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
ENAugust 16, 2018
KRMarch 27, 2018
CNAugust 28, 2017
JPSeptember 13, 2017
Voice actressMai Nakahara
Aircraft carrier, Akagi.
Paradise AmaryllisDescription
"When you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you." Commander, please do not forget that when you gaze at Akagi~ *giggles*
Plum and Snow Description
Commander will always remain by Akagi's side... Right, "Gods?" Of course... Akagi will deal with the pests.... Ahaha...
Ruby-Laced BeautyDescription
Commander, I've been waiting for you~ What a sinful one you are, to tempt Akagi like this for so long... But at long last, nobody will ever get between us again...♡
Deep Crimson PoppyDescription
We should send out even more invites... This is the best way to rid ourselves of those pesky vixens all at once!
HP1128 Reload48
Firepower0 Torpedo0
Evasion13 Anti-air61
Aviation78 Cost0
ASW0 Luck42
HP4838 Reload92
Firepower0 Torpedo0
Evasion54 Anti-air227
Aviation204 Cost0
ASW0 Luck44
Limit Break
Tier 1All Torpedo Bombers +1 | Aircraft efficiency +3%
Tier 2Hangar capacity +1 | All Fighters +1 | Aircraft efficiency +5%
Tier 3All aircraft +1 | Aircraft efficiency +7%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
2Dive Bomber110%/113%/118%/125%1/1/1/20/0/0/0
3Torpedo Bomber110%/113%/118%/125%1/2/2/30/0/0/0
Default Equipments
1Nakajima B5N
Fleet Tech
T7 Aircraft Carrier: Akagi-ClassTech Points and Bonus
Unlock14 +2
Max LimitBreak28
Lv.12021 +1
Preemptive StrikeDecreases the loading time of this ship's first Airstrike by 20.0% (50%) .Default Unlocked
First Carrier DivisionWhen sortied with Kaga: increases this ship's AVI by 15.0% (35.0%) .Default Unlocked
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description赀城号航空母舰赀城型航空母艊・赀城Aircraft carrier, Akagi.
Biography我是光荣的䞀航战人称无敌舰队的赀城。 只芁和我匕以䞺傲的蜜航机还有指挥官䞀起无论是什么样的战局郜胜跚越。呵呵呵是的只芁是和指挥官䞀起  栄光なる䞀航戊、無敵艚艟もうどうず讃えられる艊隊の赀城ず申したす。 自慢の艊茉機、そしお指揮官様ず䞀緒ならどんな戊局でも乗り越えおみせたすわ。うふふ、はい、指揮官様ず䞀緒なら I am the glorious Akagi, the pride of the peerless First Carrier Division. With my famed air wing, I shall overcome any battle as long as you are with me. Yes, Commander, as long as we are together...
Acquisition终于遇到䜠了指挥官䞍过 看来碍県的家䌙有点倚呢先让我“扫陀”䞀䞋再来进行爱的亀流吧呵呵呵~ようやく䌚えたね、指揮官様。でも 目障りなものが結構倚いようね たず「゜りゞ」しおから、ゆっくりず芪睊を深めたしょう。ふふふ  We finally meet, Commander. However, there appear be too many eyesores here. Please allow me to "clean up" a bit before we deepen our relationship. Hehehe~
Login哎呀欢迎回来 指挥官再晚点出现这里就芁被我变成䞀片火海了呢 嘻嘻あら、おかえり 指揮官様がもう少し遅れおたら、ここを火の海にしたずこですわ うふふAh, welcome back... Commander, if you had taken any more of your sweet time, I would have turned this place into a sea of fire~
Details指挥官把赀城圓做自己的宝物了吗奜匀心指揮官様、この赀城を倧切に思っおいたすか嬉しいですわ~Commander, are you keeping Akagi in your most secret of thoughts? Mmm, how delightful~.
Main讀真工䜜的指挥官倪可爱了只是看着就敎䞪人像是灌䌀䞀样  真剣に勀務する指揮官様かわいい。うふふ 芋るだけでやけどしそう Commander, you’re so cute when you are hard at work. Just watching you makes me feel like I’ll overheat~
Main 2䞍芁欺莟赀城跑埗慢啊  嘿抓·䜏·䜠·了赀城の足が遅いのをいじらないこず ふふ♡ ツ・カ・マ・゚・タ♡Don’t make fun of me for being slow-footed. See? I’ve~ caught~ you~
Main 3这䞪气味  是那孩子吗  指挥官赀城犻匀䞀䞋哟~この匂い あの嚘ね 指揮官様、赀城は少々お暇をいただきたすわ♡You smell like... that girl! Commander, Akagi needs to step out for a bit~
Touch赀城爱着悚哊~お慕いしおおりたすAkagi loves you so, Commander~
Touch (Special)指挥官想的话把姐効们叫来囎观也行哊~指揮官様がしたいなら、姉効たちを呌んでみんなの目の前でしおもいいですよ~If you so desire, I would not mind if you partake of me in front of all the others.
Mission新的任务  也就是我和指挥官新的矁绊嘻嘻  新しい任務  それは぀たり指揮官様ずのあたらしい絆 うふふ‥ A new mission... is another opportunity to deepen our bonds. *giggles*
Mission Complete奖励  䞍过我只芁有和指挥官䞀起的证明就借了ご耒矎  私は指揮官様ず䞀緒にいるずいう蚌だけでいいわRewards? Being together with you, Commander, is all the reward I need.
Mail有信件呢  指挥官是谁啊诎嘛是谁是谁お手玙ね  ねえ指揮官様、誰からの手玙ですかねえ誰誰からのものなのCommander, who sent you this letter? A girl? Who is she?
Return to Port“呜运的五分钟”是指指挥官和我圚䞀起的每䞀䞪五分钟吗「運呜の五分間」指揮官様ず䞀緒にいる時間を五分刻みにするこずですかFive Minutes of Fate? You mean every five minutes that we spend together?
Commission Complete虜然垌望去委托的家䌙们最奜䞍芁回来  委托我已经栞对过了哊指挥官看䞀県就奜了~このたた垰っおこなければいいのに  委蚗は私が確認しおおきたしたの。指揮官様はぱっず芋るだけで倧䞈倫です~I was hoping that they wouldn’t have come back at all... Commander, I’ve already confirmed the completion of the commission. No more than a glance should be needed from you.
Enhancement啊指挥官的爱圚赀城的胞䞭沞腟あぁ 指揮官様の愛は赀城の胞の䞭で滟っおいたすわ Commander, your love is filling up Akagi's chest...
Flagship䜠们也想芁接近指挥官吗——呵呵呵あなたたちも指揮官様にお近づきになりたくおヌヌあはははAre you girls also trying to get close to Commander? Ahahaha!
Victory只芁是䞺了指挥官就算是神赀城也䌚赢给䜠看哊~指揮官様のためなら、神ですら凌駕しおみせたすわ~I will do anything for Commander’s sake, even if I must slay a god.
Defeat这点䌀比起想到被指挥官抛匃的痛可芁差远了この皋床の傷、指揮官様に芋捚おられるこずず比べるずなんでもありたせんわThis wound is nothing compared to the thought of you abandoning me, Commander!
Skill我的爱也是无敌的哊啊哈哈哈哈  私の愛は無敵よふふ、ふふふ、ふははははははMy love is invincible! Ahaha... ahahaha!
Low HP呵呵呵我匀始兎奋了うふふふ 盛り䞊がっおきたわ~Ahahaha! I’m getting excited!
Affinity (Upset)只芁把指挥官切成几块保存圚身蟹指挥官就䞍䌚老是让赀城䌀心了呢  呵呵呵  指揮官をバラバラにしおそばにおいたら、もうこんなに赀城は悲したないわ  ふふふ If Commander was cut up into little pieces, he would never be able to leave Akagi’s side or break her heart ever again... Ahahaha!
Affinity (Stranger)赀城和指挥官的结合是呜䞭泚定哟  从第䞀県匀始我就知道指挥官是我芁扟的那䞪人了赀城ず指揮官様は結ばれる運呜なのよ  ひず目で指揮官様こそ私が探しおいた方であるずわかりたすのWe were destined to meet. I knew at first sight that you were the one I’ve been looking for my whole life.
Affinity (Friendly)指挥官是我䞀䞪人的哊即䜿悚芁管理舰队只有这䞀点请䞍芁忘了  䞍然的话  指揮官様は私だけのものですよ。艊隊を管理しおいおもそれだけを忘れないでほしいですわ  さもないず  You belong to me, and me only, Commander! That's something you should never forget, even if you are in charge of an entire fleet... Or else...
Affinity (Like)指挥官刚才䜠和其他孩子诎话了吧明明芁来见赀城的䞺什么芁和那孩子搭话呢是她匕诱䜠的吗这样的话就由赀城去把她  指揮官様、今他の子ず話したしたよね赀城に䌚いに来おいるのに、なんで他の子ず話すの誘惑されたのじゃああんな奎、この赀城が  Commander, why were you talking to that girl? Weren’t you coming to see Akagi? She was tempting you? Then... Akagi is going to make her disappear.
Affinity (Love)指挥官~嘻嘻这样我们就是䞀䞪人独倄了  指挥官的怀抱指挥官的笑容指挥官的气味就党郚党郚郜属于我了  指揮官様ふふふ、これで二人っきり  指揮官様の胞の䞭、指揮官様の笑顔、指揮官様の匂い、党郚党郚私のモノなのよ  Commander... With this, nothing will get between us ever again... Your embrace, your smile, your scent... all belong to me.
Pledge赀城终于等到了这䞀倩呢嘻嘻  从现圚起再也没有人胜将指挥官和赀城分匀了我的䞀切郜是属于指挥官的指挥官的䞀切也是属于我的  呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵  赀城、この日を埅ちわびおいたしたわ。 ふふふ  これからは誰であろうずも指揮官様ず赀城を別れさせられないの。 私のすべおが指揮官様のもの、指揮官様のものはすべお私のモノよ  ふふ、ふふふ、うふふふふふふ  I have waited an eternity for this day to come. No one shall be able to separate us ever again! My mind, body, and soul belong to you, as yours all belong to me. Haha... ahahahaha!
In battle with Kaga指挥官我矎吗指揮官様、私きれいAm I beautiful, Commander?
In battle with Enterprise小心别被我误䌀~埌ろから撃たれるのに気を぀けおちょうだいLook out for friendly fire~!
In battle with Oklahoma, Juno我埈倧床哊呵呵呵  私は寛倧ですよ、うふふ I'm very tolerant, you know...
In battle with Cleveland, Nevada, Oklahoma, Ranger, Yorktown, Enterprise, Langley, Kaga指挥官这是对赀城爱的考验吗~指揮官様、これは赀城ぞの愛の詊緎ですかぁCommander, are you testing Akagi's love~?
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description“圓䜠凝视深枊的时候深枊也圚凝视着䜠”嘻嘻指挥官凝视赀城的时候䞍芁忘记这句话哊~「深淵をのぞく時、深淵もたたこちらをのぞいおいる」ヌヌ指揮官様、赀城を芋぀める時、この蚀葉を忘れないようにくださいたせ~"When you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you". Commander, please do not forget that when you gaze at Akagi~ *giggles*
Acquisition“圓䜠凝视深枊的时候深枊也圚凝视着䜠”嘻嘻指挥官凝视赀城的时候䞍芁忘记这句话哊~「深淵をのぞく時、深淵もたたこちらをのぞいおいる」ヌヌうふふ、指揮官様、赀城を芋぀める時には、くれぐれもこの蚀葉を忘れないでくださいたせ~"When you gaze long into the abyss, the abyss also gazes into you." Commander, please do not forget that when you gaze at Akagi~ *giggles*
Login哎呀欢迎回来  指挥官之前去哪里了快脱䞋衣服让赀城嗅嗅赀城芁闻闻有没有狐狞粟的味道呢嘻嘻 あら、おかえり 指揮官様、今たでどこにいらしたの早く䞊着を脱いで、赀城がほかの子の匂いが぀いおいないか蚺させおもらいたすわ うふふ  Ahh... Welcome back, my dear Commander. I wonder where you've been. Take your clothes off so I may know if the smell of vixens lingers on you~
Details这是赀城粟心挑选的泳装哊~怎么样指挥官对赀城的爱意变深了吗これは赀城が念入りに遞んだ氎着ですわ。指揮官様、どうですかこの赀城ぞの愛が溢れそうになっおいたすかねえAkagi picked this swimsuit out just for you, Commander~! Are you falling in love with me even more deeply?
Main指挥官圚海里枞散了可䞍奜请玧玧牵䜏我的手吧指揮官様、海ではぐれおは倧倉ですから、赀城の手をしっかり握っおください♡Commander, it's dangerous to be separated at sea. Please hold my hand tightly~
Main 2攟心吧加莺䜠是我唯䞀的亲友我身蟹氞远郜有䜠的䜍眮加賀、安心しお、私の偎にはあなたの居堎所がずっずあるのよRelax, Kaga. You're my only friend. You'll always have a place by my side.
Main 3等到倜幕降䞎就甚我和加莺的舰蜜机䞺指挥官献䞊盛倧的焰火吧倜になりたしたら、私ず加賀の艊茉機で指揮官様のために倧いに花火倧䌚を盛り䞊げお差し䞊げたすわWait until tonight, Commander. Kaga and I shall use our planes to hold a most spectacular fireworks show for you!
Touch指挥官䜠刚刚圚和眗執尌做什么指揮官様今、あのロドニヌずいう子ず䜕をしおいたしたのCommander, what were you doing with that "Rodney" girl?
Touch (Special)指挥官也来教我枞泳吧嗯䜠刚才想诎什么指揮官様私にも泳ぎ方を教えおくださいたせはい今䜕か蚀いたしたCommander, won't you come teach me how to swim? Oh? What did you just say~?
Commission Complete执行委托的家䌙们回来啊指挥官䜠劂果去迎接的话赀城也䞀起去~委蚗に出たオゞャマムシが戻っおきたしたわ。指揮官様、出迎えるなら、赀城もご䞀緒したすわHas the commission fleet returned? If you're going, won't you take Akagi with you?
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description指挥官䞀定䌚和我氞远圚䞀起的对吧神明倧人圓然指挥官身蟹的害虫就由我  呵呵呵  指揮官様は赀城ず氞遠に䞀緒ですわ ねぇ、カミずやらもちろん、害虫はこの赀城が  ふふふ  Commander will always remain by Akagi's side... Right, "Gods?" Of course... Akagi will deal with the pests.... Ahaha...
Acquisition指挥官䞀定䌚和我氞远圚䞀起的对吧神明倧人圓然指挥官身蟹的害虫就由我  呵呵呵  指揮官様は赀城ず氞遠に䞀緒ですわ ねぇ、カミずやらもちろん、害虫はこの赀城が  ふふふ  Commander will always remain by Akagi's side... Right, "Gods?" Of course... Akagi will deal with the pests.... Ahaha...
Login欢迎回来指挥官是芁先享甚赀城呢还是先享甚赀城呢或者是  吃掉赀城呢~おかえり、指揮官様ご飯ずお颚呂は ううん、先にこの赀城を召し䞊がっお♡Welcome back, Commander. Would you like to have dinner, a bath or... ahh, forget about that and eat me up first~
Main指挥官新的䞀幎我们也䌚䞀盎䞀盎圚䞀起呢~指揮官様、新しい䞀幎もずっずずっず䞀緒ですわCommander, we'll always be together, this year as well~
Main 2Commander, I've finished this batch of paperwork. Is there anything else you'd like me to attend to? Of course, if you're tired, please tell me~
Main 3指挥官这䞀批的文件倄理奜了还有什么也亀给赀城吧芁是环了也芁告诉我哊指揮官様、この曞類は党郚凊理したしたの。ほかに䜕かあったらこの赀城に任せおいいですわ。お疲れでしたら赀城に教えおくださいね♡
Touch指挥官刚才和那䞪孩子诎话了吧~只是普通的亀流对吧赀城理解的䞍过芁是再靠近䞀公分赀城可就䞍知道䌚发生什么事了呢呵呵呵  指揮官様、先にあの嚘ず蚀葉を亀わしたしたわね ええ、もちろん普通の挚拶だっおわかっおいたすわですが、それ以䞊お近づきになったら この赀城、䜕をしおしたうか分かりたせんわ  ふふふ  Commander, you just spoke with that girl, didn't you? Just an "ordinary greeting?" Akagi understands... but if you get even an inch more "ordinary" with her, Akagi can't guarantee what will happen... Ahaha...
Touch (Special)啊啊啊赀城随时郜是准倇奜的状态哟呵呵呵  ふふふ  赀城、い぀でも準備䞇端ですわ♡Ahaha... Akagi is always ready and willing~
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description指挥官终于来了啊~竟然让赀城等了这么久真是眪恶的人 䞍过这等埅劂今也结束了——再没有人胜阻止赀城和指挥官见面了 ♡指揮官様お埅ちしおおりたしたわ。赀城を焊らせようずするなんお眪な人  ですが、これで終わり――指揮官様ず赀城の逢瀬を阻む者はもはやおりたせんわ ♡Commander, I've been waiting for you~ What a sinful one you are, to tempt Akagi like this for so long... But at long last, nobody will ever get between us again...♡
Acquisition指挥官终于来了啊~竟然让赀城等了这么久真是眪恶的人 䞍过这等埅劂今也结束了——再没有人胜阻止赀城和指挥官见面了 ♡指揮官様お埅ちしおおりたしたわ。赀城を焊らせようずするなんお眪な人  ですが、これで終わり――指揮官様ず赀城の逢瀬を阻む者はもはやおりたせんわ ♡Commander, I've been waiting for you~ What a sinful one you are, to tempt Akagi like this for so long... But at long last, nobody will ever get between us again...♡
Login指挥官醒了吗赀城䞀盎圚䜠的身蟹哊~お目芚めですか指揮官様赀城はずっず偎にいたすわHave you awoken, Commander? Akagi will always be at your side~
Details宎䌚䞊指挥官埈忙这点赀城理解的哊~所以只芁圚最后来扟赀城就奜这样宎䌚之后指挥官的党郚时闎就胜由赀城独占了~呵呵呵♡パヌティヌでも指揮官様がご倚忙なのは分かっおいたすわなので赀城は最埌にお䌚いするこずに決めたしたの。そしたらその埌の指揮官様の時間はすべおこの赀城が独占できたすわふふふ♡Commander, I knew you'd be busy at the party, so I waited until the very end for you. Now, your full and undivided attention shall belong to Akagi alone~ Hehe~♡
Main赀城是䞍䌚做出有损指挥官嚁信的事情的䞍过 芁是有猠着指挥官䞍攟的害虫埗话 呵呵呵指揮官様の嚁信を損ねるようなこずはいたしたせんわ。ですが、もし指揮官様を狙っおいるオゞャマムシがいたら フフフI will not do anything that would tarnish your reputation, but... if any meddlesome pests insisted on getting in your way... Ehehe...
Main 2就圚指挥官四倄打招呌的空档赀城已经和其他阵营的䌙䌎们奜奜亀流过了哊。这种酒䌚信浓倧人姑䞔䞍论对长闚倧人来诎倚少有些勉区呢ええ、指揮官様が挚拶に回っおいるずき、この赀城も他の陣営の子ず芪睊を深めおいたしたの。こういう酒の堎、信濃は論倖ずしお、長門様には荷が重いず思いたしたわIndeed. While you were socializing, I made sure to strengthen our bonds with the other factions. At events like these, Shinano is horribly out of place, and if I may say so, the burden may be a bit too great for Nagato.
Main 3指挥官芁是胜䞎赀城䞀起饮酒沉醉该有倚奜 啊啊竟然又让赀城等埗这么寂寞心焊 指揮官様、䞀緒に酔っおくださっおもいいですのに  ふああ、本圓に焊れったくお寂しかったですわ Commander, why won't you get drunk with me already... Haah, even though Akagi has been so lonely for so long...
Touch指挥官赀城身蟹埈空哊~䞍再靠近䞀点吗~指揮官様、赀城の隣が空いおいたすわこちらぞお近づきになりたせんかCommander, there's a vacant seat right next to me~ Wouldn't you like to come a bit closer~?
Touch (Special)这里只有我们䞀䞪人 指挥官只芁跟随本心行劚就可以了~ここでは赀城ず二人っきり  そう、指揮官様の思うがたたにしおいただいおいいですわIt's just the two of us here... Yes, Commander, feel free to do whatever your heart so desires~
Touch (Headpat)指挥官 指揮官様 Ah?! Commander...?!
Mail有信件呢  指挥官圚这种时候还来信叚扰的䞍解风情的家䌙究竟是谁 お手玙ね ねえ指揮官様こんなタむミングでわざわざ䌝蚀しおくるような䞍届き者は䞀䜓誰ですか A letter, huh? ...Hey, Commander? Just what kind of uncouth person would go out of their way to get between us at a time like this...?
Return to Port这杯是庆祝指挥官的胜利凯旋 呌呌呌この䞀杯は指揮官様の勝利をお祝いしお ふふふA toast to your victorious return, Commander... Hehehe~
Commission Complete芁让谁去迎接委托组呢委蚗組の出迎えにどなたかを遣わせたすかWho will you send to greet the commission fleet?
Flagship䞀航战赀城参䞊~䞀航戊赀城、掚参したすわ1st CarDiv, Akagi, sallying forth~
Victory赀城的爱胜燃尜䞀切~啊哈哈哈哈私の愛はすべおを焌き尜くしたすわあははははMy love shall burn everything away~ Ahahahaha!!
Defeat至少 芁保技奜重暱的同䌎们 せめお 重桜の仲間だけは At least... protect my friends and compatriots...!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description这场宎䌚是给指挥官的耒奖 而指挥官的应邀䟿是对赀城的耒奖了~今倩没醉倒之前可是䞍䌚攟䜠回去的哊。呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵♡この宎は指揮官様ぞのご耒矎 そしお指揮官様が来おくださるこずは赀城ぞのご耒矎になりたすわええ、今日は酔い぀ぶれるたで垰したせんわ。ふふふ、ふふふふふ♡This banquet is my present to you... and your attendance is the greatest reward I could hope for~ Indeed, I shall not grant you leave tonight until you pass out. Ehehe... Ahahaha~♡
Acquisition这场宎䌚是给指挥官的耒奖 而指挥官的应邀䟿是对赀城的耒奖了~今倩没醉倒之前可是䞍䌚攟䜠回去的哊。呵呵呵呵呵呵呵呵♡この宎は指揮官様ぞのご耒矎 そしお指揮官様が来おくださるこずは赀城ぞのご耒矎になりたすわええ、今日は酔い぀ぶれるたで垰したせんわ。ふふふ、ふふふふふ♡This banquet is my present to you... and your attendance is the greatest reward I could hope for~ Indeed, I shall not grant you leave tonight until you pass out. Ehehe... Ahahaha~♡
Login指挥官赀城的宎䌚劂䜕劂果想看点䜙兎节目的话 呵呵呵请䞍芁客气尜管吩咐赀城就奜~指揮官様、赀城の宎はいかがですか䜙興を芋たいのでしたら ふふふ、遠慮なく赀城に仰っおくださいたせCommander, are you enjoying Akagi's banquet? If it is entertainment you desire... Ehehe. You can ask me for anything, you know?
Details今晚指挥官胜见到的只有赀城哊。团圆盞乐 隟道跟赀城团圆盞乐还䞍借吗呵呵呵~今倜指揮官様ず過ごすのは赀城だけですわ。団らん ええ、赀城ず団らんするのに、なにかご䞍満でもお有りでしょうかふふふTonight, you are not allowed to meet with anyone other than me. Exchanging pleasantries...? Oh, are you not satisfied with "exchanging pleasantries" with Akagi alone? Hehehe~
Main指挥官怎么了呵呵呵什么郜䞍甚担心哊。䞺了今倩的宎䌚我已经让加莺把碍事的党郚排陀掉了呢~指揮官様、どうかしたしたフフフ、䜕の心配も芁りたせんわ。今日の宎のために加賀がお邪魔虫を党郚远い払っおくれたしたものWhat's the matter, Commander? Hehe, worry not. Kaga will eliminate any pests that seek to squirm into our banquet tonight~
Main 2哎呀还以䞺是谁呢 宎䌚场合泚意点可别倱了瀌数哊五・航・战♪あら、誰かず思えば 宎の堎で瀌を欠かないように気を぀けおくださいたせ五・航・戊♪Oh, would you look who showed up... Do remember to be on your best behavior tonight, 5th~ Car~ Div~♪
Main 3飞韙䞀盎正坐着䌚环的呢 指挥官也攟束点今倩可以䞍甚那么拘谚哊~飛韍、ずっず正座しおいおは疲れるでしょうに 指揮官様も寛いでいたすし、今日は楜にしおいお構いたせんわHiryuu, you're going to get tired from sitting in a kneeling position all night... As the Commander is perfectly relaxed here, you should also do likewise and enjoy yourself~
Touch来喝亀杯酒吧指挥官~盃を亀わしたすわ。指揮官さたLet us partake of each other's drink, Commander~
Touch (Special)指挥官  呵呵呵♡指揮官様 ふふふふ♡Ah, Commander... Ahahaha~♡
Mission Complete奖励  䜜䞺宎䌚的䞋酒菜而蚀十分䞰厚了呢~ご耒矎  宎の肎にするには十分すぎるものですわThis reward... shall serve as an exquisite dessert to the banquet~
Return to Port这䞀杯庆祝指挥官的胜利 呵呵呵この䞀杯は指揮官様の勝利をお祝いしお ふふふA toast to your splendid victory, Commander... Hehe~
Commission Complete委托组回来了 嗯做的埈奜䜠们可以去䌑息了~委蚗組の垰還 ええ、倧儀でしたわ。もう䞋がりなさいThe commission team has returned...? Excellent. You may go now.
Flagship党郜给我烧掉吧燃え䞊がらせおやりたすわI shall burn everything away!
Victory胜成䞺指挥官荣光的垫脚石是赀城无䞊的荣幞~啊哈哈哈哈指揮官様の栄光の瀎になれるなんお、党くめでたいですわあははははNothing brings me more joy than being a cornerstone of the Commander's glory! Ahahahaha!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description指挥官匠嘎“啊—”“啊—”♪呵呵呵呵呵呵 真是孩子气♪收到了挂亮的衣服还看到和平时䞍䞀样的指挥官我真是倪幞运了~♪指揮官様、あヌんしお、あヌん♪ふふ、ふふふふふ もう子䟛っぜいですこず♪玠敵な衣装をいただけただけでなく、い぀もず違う指揮官様も芋れお、本圓に幞運ですわ♪Commander, open up. Say ahh... Heehee, heheheheh... You're like a little baby♪ Receiving a lovely new outfit and seeing a different side of you... How blessed am I?
Acquisition指挥官匠嘎“啊—”“啊—”♪呵呵呵呵呵呵 真是孩子气♪收到了挂亮的衣服还看到和平时䞍䞀样的指挥官我真是倪幞运了~♪指揮官様、あヌんしお、あヌん♪ふふ、ふふふふふ もう子䟛っぜいですこず♪玠敵な衣装をいただけただけでなく、い぀もず違う指揮官様も芋れお、本圓に幞運ですわ♪Commander, open up. Say ahh... Heehee, heheheheh... You're like a little baby♪ Receiving a lovely new outfit and seeing a different side of you... How blessed am I?
Login指挥官再来䞀䞪劂䜕~来“啊—”♪指揮官様、もう䞀個いかがですかはい、あヌん♪Commander, would you like another? Okay, open up! Say ahh♪
Details皍䜜䌑息吧䞍甚着急指挥官的旅途还远未结束。嗯对赀城而蚀这是十分匀心的事  ♡しばし䌑みたしょう焊らずずも、指揮官様の旅はただただ続くのですから。ええ、赀城にずっお、それはずっおも嬉しいこず  ♡Shall we take a break? There's no rush; your journey is far from over. Of course, I couldn't be happier about that...♡
Main指挥官接䞋来芁前埀哪里呢我想去尜量远䞀点的可以和指挥官享受挫长旅途的地方呢~指揮官様、次はどこに向かわれたすできるだけ遠くお、指揮官様ずながヌく旅できる堎所が望たしいですわCommander, where are we going next? I'd love to go somewhere far away so that we can spend looots of time together~
Main 2䞺赀城制造的服装唯有䞀生的宝物才足以圢容。指挥官再次向悚臎以感谢~赀城のために仕立おおいただいた玠晎らしい衣装、䞀生の宝物ず蚀わず䜕ず蚀いたしょう。指揮官様、改めお感謝申し䞊げたすわI'll treasure these clothes you gave me for a lifetime. Thanks again, Commander~
Main 3挫步自然䞎城镇欣赏矎䞜的景色——呵呵倚么充满风情的旅途啊。指挥官享受和赀城䞀起的旅行吗自然ず町を巡っお、矎しき颚景を楜しむ――ふふふ、颚情ある旅ですこず。指揮官様、赀城ずの旅を楜しめおいたすかTraveling through cities and nature, enjoying beautiful scenery... Heehee, what an elegant trip. Commander, are you having fun, too?
Touch悚芁喂赀城吃吗奜的♪啊—♪赀城に食べさせおくださるのですかはい♪あヌん♪Oh, you'd like to feed me? Okay! Aah♪
Touch (Special)到旅銆前再皍皍忍耐䞋就奜指挥官。宿たでもう少しの蟛抱ですわ。指揮官様Just be patient until we can get a room together, Commander...
Touch (Headpat)呵呵指挥官怎么啊ふふふ、指揮官様どうなさいたしたかHeehee. What's the matter, Commander?
Mail来信了 呵呵是矡慕指挥官和赀城的䌙䌎写来的吗♪お手玙ね ふふふ、指揮官様ず赀城の関係を矚たしがる子からのものかしら♪A letter... Heehee, perhaps it's from a girl who's jealous of our relationship?
Return to Port指挥官来杯茶劂䜕呵呵圓然是赀城自己垊来的——嗯请趁热享甚♡指揮官様、お茶はいかがですかふふふ、もちろん赀城が持参したもので――ええ、熱いうちにお飲みになっおくださいたせ♡Would you like a cup of tea, Commander? Heehee, of course, I've already brought it—Yes, please. Drink it while it's still warm♡
Commission Complete是委托组園来的通知呢。嗯迎接就由赀城来安排䞍胜麻烊指挥官。委蚗組が垰還した知らせね。ええ、出迎えは赀城が手配したす。指揮官様のお手を煩わせるわけには参りたせんわI've gotten word that the commission team is back. Yes, I'll arrange for someone to meet them. We wouldn't want to busy you over that, now, would we?
Flagship䞍允讞䜠进入指挥官的视野~指揮官様の芖界に入るこずすら蚱したせんわI won't allow you to enter the Commander's sight...
Affinity (Love)指挥官今倩的旅銆预纊奜了猘分䞍浅的叀镇矎味的料理以及治愈疲劳的秘密枩泉——呵呵圓然赀城的房闎和指挥官的是同䞀闎哊♡指揮官様、今日の宿を取れたしたわゆかりある叀き町、矎味しい食事、そしお疲れを癒やす秘湯――ふふふ、もちろん郚屋は赀城ず指揮官様二人きりですわ♡Commander, I made a hotel reservation for us tonight! A town abundant with history, delicious foods, and a hidden hot spring to soothe your fatigue... Heehee, and we'll be sleeping in the same bed, of course!♡
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description芁再倚发些请柬呢嘻嘻  对于害虫们这样打扫起来比蟃有效率吧招埅状はもっず送らないず、うふふ  害虫はいっぺんに掃陀したほうが効率的にいいですわ~We should send out even more invites... This is the best way to rid ourselves of those pesky vixens all at once!
Acquisition芁再倚发些请柬呢嘻嘻  对于害虫们这样打扫起来比蟃有效率吧招埅状はもっず送らないず、うふふ  害虫はいっぺんに駆陀したほうが効率的にいいですわ~We should send out even more invites... This is the best way to rid ourselves of those pesky vixens all at once!
Login指挥官䜠身䞊其他女人的銙味是哪来的原来是她吗  嘻嘻  赀城明癜了哟指揮官様、この「他の女の匂い」はどこからきおいたすのあの子ですね  うふふ  赀城は知っおいたすよ Commander, why do you smell like another woman? Oh, so it was her? Hehe... Akagi understands!
Details指挥官每时每刻郜芁和赀城圚䞀起绝对绝对䞍胜犻匀赀城哊指揮官様、ずっずずっずこの赀城の偎にいおくださいね。絶察、絶察に、赀城から離れおはいけたせんよ Commander, we must be together at all times.You definitely cannot leave my side~
Main这䞪䞖界䞊只剩䞋指挥官和赀城就奜了~この䞖界に赀城ず指揮官様だけが残っおいればいいのに It would be great if Commander and Akagi were the only people left in the world~
Main 2指挥官䞍芁再做无谓的尝试了锁铟郜是赀城特别订制的~指揮官様、無駄な抵抗をしなくおもいいですわ。この鎖「も」赀城が特別にお䜜りしたしたものなのですよ~Commander, stop struggling. Akagi made this special chain, just for you~
Main 3想芁圻底占有喜欢的事物是人的本性啊~哊嗬嗬~気に入ったものを完党に支配したいずいうのは、人間の本性ではありたせんこずうふふIt’s human nature to want to possess something so special to you, Commander~ Ahaha~
Touch指挥官饿了吗赀城马䞊就去做饭~䞍过可䞍芁趁机逃跑哟~指揮官様、小腹が空きたしたか赀城、すぐ料理をお䜜りしたすね~逃げちゃダメですよ Are you hungry, Commander? Akagi is going to cook now. Don’t even try to run away~!
Touch (Special)指挥官忍䞍䜏了吗嘻嘻赀城也是哊指揮官様はもう我慢できなくなりたしたのうふふ、この赀城も うふふふCommander, you can’t resist any longer, right? Akagi feels the same way~
Mission只芁胜和指挥官呆圚䞀起任务也奜委托也奜什么郜䞍重芁。呐指挥官䞀定也是这么想的吧~指揮官様ず䞀緒にいられるなら、任務なんおどうでもいいですわ~ ねえ、指揮官様もそう思っおいたすよね As long as we can be together, those commissions and tasks don’t really matter, right? You agree with me, don’t you?
Mission Complete赀城知道指挥官想和赀城氞远氞远埅圚䞀起䞍过赀城䞍偶尔完成几䞪任务的话䞊面䌚起疑心的~指揮官様も赀城ずずっず䞀緒にいたい 赀城、もちろんわかりたすですが、䞊の方に疑われないよう、たたには任務も遂行したほうが望たしいですわAkagi knows that Commander wants to stay with her forever and ever, but the top brass will get suspicious if nothing ever gets done~
Mail阿啊阿啊邮件来了。嗯~果然䞊面的蠢莧们什么郜没发现呢~お手玙  うふふ、あの偉い方々は䜕も気づいおいないようで  Oh my, mail has arrived. Mm... it would seem that our superiors don’t suspect a thing.
Return to Port指挥官来尝尝赀城亲手泡的安神茶吧~嗯里面加了䞀点䌚让赀城和指挥官的爱曎甜矎的䜐料~指揮官様、赀城が淹れたお茶はいかがでしょうか~はい、赀城ず指揮官様がもっず愛し合えるようにする「隠し味」、もちろん入れおありたすわCommander, won’t you try some of Akagi’s hand-crafted tea? I added a little ingredient to make our love even sweeter~!
Commission Complete奜像有些烊人的劖粟回来了指挥官赀城先倱陪䞀䞋~オゞャマムシが戻っおきたようね 指揮官様、赀城は少々垭を倖したすわLooks like those troublesome nymphs have returned. Commander, Akagi will be right back~
Affinity (Love)呵呵指挥官终于醒了吗诶赀城什么也没做哊只是䞺了胜和指挥官氞远圚䞀起皍埮锁䜏了指挥官而已うふふ、お目芚めですか え赀城は䜕もしおいたせんよ、ただ指揮官様ず氞遠にいられるよう、この鎖に鍵を付けおみただけですわAhh, Commander, you’re finally awake? Hm? Akagi didn’t do anything~ except lock you in so that we can stay together forever.