Ägir (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇌: )
Ship ID No. P021 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Super Cruiser Rarity Decisive
Navy Ironblood Build Time N/A
Acquisition Research and Development
Enhance Income
Firepower 0
Torpedo 0
Aviation 0
Reload 0
Scrap Income
Release Date
EN 2021/07/08
CN 2021/07/08
JP 2021/07/08
Voice actress
Ägir Description
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Level 5
Level 10
Level 15
Level 20
Level 25
Level 30
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 %/%/%/%/%/%/% ////// //////
2 %/%/%/%/%/%/% ////// //////
3 %/%/%/%/%/%/% ////// //////
4 Auxilary - - -
5 Auxilary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Super Cruiser: O-Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
Engulfer of the Golden Vortex When this ship's Torpedoes hit an enemy: decreases the target's Speed by 30.0% (60.0%) for 5s. As long as this ship is not Out of Ammo, increases this ship's EVA by 5.0% (15.0%).
Abyssal Banquet When this ship is equipped with a Main Gun that fires Normal or AP ammo: decreases this ship's DMG taken by 5.0% (15.0%) and increases Crit Rate by 4.5% (12.0%); when equipping one that fires HE ammo: increases this ship's DMG dealt by 4.5% (12.0%), but makes her unable to Burn enemies. If the equipped Main Gun is high-caliber: also increases this ship's Main Gun Efficiency by 4.5% (12.0%).
Jöttun's Jaws If there are no enemies near this ship when she fires her Main Guns: inflicts Armor Break to all enemies hit; once every 8 times her Main Guns are fired: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level). If this ship's Main Gun is high-caliber: decreases the number of shots required to 4.
Siren Killer Ⅰ Increases this ship's DMG to Sirens by 5.0%.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 倧型重巡掋舰-—埃吉尔 倧型重巡掋艊・゚ヌギル Large cruiser – Ägir.
Biography 我的名字来源于䌠诎䞭的深海之神。䞍过比起那䜍呌风唀雚支配波涛的海神我的手段可枩柔埗倚了哊~ 我が名ぱヌギル、かの䌝説の深海を叞る神の名に因んだものよ。波だの嵐だの自然の力を呌び寄せるあの神様ず比べお、私のやり方は結構優しい方よふふふ I am Ägir, named after the very same mythological ruler of the sea. Though, compared to a god who smote adversaries with storms and crashing waves, my way of dealing with my enemies is much more subdued. Ahahaha.
Acquisition 倧型巡掋舰埃吉尔。指挥官想芁我䞺䜠驱䜿海浪吗奜啊那就让我先看看䜠的胜耐吧。 倧型巡掋艊゚ヌギルだ。お前の望むがたたの私ずしお、お前に䜿われおやるわ。ふふふ たずはお手䞊み拝芋ずいこうかしら Well met. I am large cruiser Ägir. Your will is my command. Hehehe... Now let's find out what you can accomplish with my arsenal of talents.
Login 让我们看看是谁来了哊原来是䜠啊——那就 工䜜加油吧。 さあお、䞀䜓誰が来たのかしら お前か。じゃ、じゃあ仕事頑匵っおちょうだい Who might it be that just stepped through those doors? ...Oh, it's you. Best of luck with your work, then.
Details 这孩子有时候䌚匂垞掻泌照顟的时候小心点哊指挥官。 この子は時々急に暎れ出すから、スキンシップをするなら気を぀けなさい。指揮官 My serpents have a tendency for violence, so be aware of the risk should you dare to touch me, Commander.
Main 喝酒的理由只芁有宎垭倧家胜匀怀畅饮䞍就行了吗 モチベヌション宎でも開いおたっぷり飲たせおやったら䞊がるんじゃない Insufficiently motivated, are we? A dinner with copious amounts of beer can fix that.
Main 2 䜠喜欢看倧海狂暎的那䞀面吗那可是倹杂着暎风雚的汹涌的海掋哊。 そうか、海が暎れるのを芋るのが奜きかふふふ、蜟いおこその嵐、荒れおこその海よ You like gazing at seas in tempest too, do you? Hahaha. A sea is at its truest when a storm rages through it.
Main 3  嗯隟道是我让䜠分心了吗   なに私に気を取られた、ずでも蚀いたいの ...What? You have that look on your face like I'm distracting you.
Touch 䜠想芁 再靠近䞀点 もうちょっず近いほうがいい  Would you like it... if I came a bit closer?
Touch (Special) 䜠还真敢啊。 喂还来 やっおくれるじゃない。 っお、たた You're brave, I'll give you that... What?! Twice in a row?!
Touch (Headpat)   哈   ハッ ...What?!
Mission 还有没完成的任务哊。䜠也䞍想被别人诎成无胜的指挥官吧 ただ完了しおいない任務があるわね。 ほら、無胜呌ばわりされたくないでしょ I see we still have unfinished missions. Do them now, and I shall refrain from dismissing you as incapable.
Mission Complete 䞍错这才算是合栌的指挥官。 任務完了よ。指揮官合栌っおずころか Mission complete. I suppose you are at least qualified for your position.
Mail 来自远方的信件 姑䞔还是看看吧。 遠方からの手玙か。 ほら、読んでご芧なさい A letter has arrived from afar. Read it, would you?
Return to Port 虜然埈想让䜠就这么䌑息䞍过看桌䞊的文件数量 奜像䞍倪行哊 䌑みたいのか眮かれおいる曞類の山を芋るに それは無理な盞談ね You wish to rest, do you? I'm afraid the heap of soon-due paperwork on your desk won't allow it.
Commission Complete 委托完成了哊。隟道䜠打算让同䌎们圚枯口干等着吗 委蚗完了よ。仲間たちを埠頭に埅たせるのはお前のやり方か A commission has been completed. How long must your subordinates wait for you to acknowledge them, hmm?
Enhancement 䞺庆祝而饮䞀杯吧。  噗哈~ お祝いに䞀杯飲もうじゃない。 ぷはっ Prosit. The occasion warrants a toast. Mmh!
Flagship 咬碎䜠们哈哈哈哈 噛み砕けあはははは I shall tear you asunder! Ahahahaha!
Victory 匱小的氎花圚巚浪面前䞍倌䞀提。哌哌啊哈哈哈 我がアギトに飲たれる皋床の氎しぶきだったわね。ふふふ、ふははははは Those fools were but splashes of water beneath my bow. Hahaha... Ahahahahaha!
Defeat 我䞍䌚容讞任䜕人圚我面前抢走胜利的果实 等着瞧吧 誰だろうず私の勝利を奪わせない 芋おなさい Nobody, and I mean NOBODY denies me my victory! I shall return with a vengeance!
Skill 哈哈哈哈被荒海之神的巚口吞噬吧 ふはははは巻き蟌め゚ヌギルのアギトよ Ahahahahaha! Be engulfed by my maelstrom!
Low HP 哊小把戏被看穿了吗 あら、芋砎られたわね  Caught on to me, have you...
Affinity (Upset) 我可䞍䌚同情自甘堕萜的灵魂哊 自堕萜した魂には同情しないわよ You are undisciplined trash not worthy of my compassion.
Affinity (Stranger) 我感兎趣的事情呵呵呵~区倧的对手、矎味的酒、狂风暎雚的海掋还有  䜠就这么想匕起我的泚意吗 私が興味を持っおいるものふふふ、匷い敵、うたい酒、吹き荒れる嵐の海、そしお  お前はそんなに私の泚意を匕きたいのか My interests in life? Hahaha! Fighting worthy foes, savoring good beer, gazing at the stormy seas, and... What? Are you grasping at straws just to get my attention?
Affinity (Friendly) 指挥官过来吧。芁做什么圓然是 芁䜠陪我喝几杯。安心吧就算䜠醉了圚我面前诎胡话我也䞍䌚介意的。 指揮官、飲むのに付き合いなさい。ここに限っおは無瀌講――ああ、酔っ払っおふざけた話をしおも気にしないでやるわ I'm going for a drink, and you shall accompany me, Commander. Get as drunk as you wish. I'll overlook whatever silly things you say while under the influence.
Affinity (Like) 我知道䜠想匕起我的兎趣䜆隟䞍成䜠芁䞀盎盯着我吗呵呵䜠也算有所成长了呢  等等䜠䜠该䞍䌚是讀真的吧 私の興味を匕こうずするのはいいが、たさかずっず釘぀けにさせる気ふふ、倧きく出たものね た、たさか、本気 I don't mind your efforts to win my interest, but must you stare holes through me? Hehe. I suppose you're more daring when drunk... W-wait, you aren't drunk?!
Affinity (Love) 既然是想芁挑战我那我就䞍埗䞍以深枊之神的名义将䜠圻底吞噬了——来呀怎么䞍劚了䞍是诎芁把我  呀 この私に挑むずいうのなら、深淵の神の名のごずくお前を飲み干しおやろうじゃない――さあ、どうした、もう動けんのかこの私に きゃっ You're in over your head if you thought you could drink one named after the god of the sea under the table. What's the matter? Can't move a muscle? Then I've proven my– Eek!
Pledge 誓纊的证明䜠喜欢这种圢匏䞊的䞜西吗那样的话 䞍光是圢匏䞊的我䌚给䜠曎倚实际䞊的束猚 呵呵呵䞍劂现圚就让䜠见识䞀䞋吧~ 誓いの蚌明お前はこういう圢ばかりのものを気に入っおいるのかそれなら そうね、圢ばかりではない、もっずお前を瞛り付けられるのを甚意しおやるから ふふふ、今に芋おなさいな A symbol of our marriage? You must adore having proof of the ties that bind you to me. Prepare to double down, then. I'll find something that binds you to me. Physically... Hahaha! You shall see what I mean.
In battle with Neptune 还是皍埮皳重埗䜓些比蟃奜哊。 お行儀には気を぀けおほしいものね If you would, do mind your manners.
In battle with Admiral Hipper, Tallinn 凯旋之后再来痛饮吧。 飲んだくれるのは埌よ We shall drink later, but now, we must fight.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 哌区区的女仆工䜜亀给我就是小事䞀件  嗯䜠 䞀盎圚看着吗 ふん、メむドの仕事術などずほざきやがっお、この皋床の仕事、私にかかれば っお、お前 芋おいたの Hmph. They think being a maid is so difficult, do they? I could do this with my eyes clo– What?! H-how long have YOU been here?!
Acquisition 哌区区女仆工䜜亀给我就是小事䞀桩  嗯䜠䞀盎圚看着吗 ふん、メむドの仕事術などずほざきやがっお、この皋床の仕事、私にかかれば っお、お前 芋おいたの Hmph. They think being a maid is so difficult, do they? I could do this with my eyes clo– What?! H-how long have YOU been here?!
Login 是䜠啊。咳、早䞊奜䞻  果然还是算了 お前か。コ、コホン、おはようございたす、ご䞻 やっぱなしよなし You again. Ahem... Good morning, Mast– Never mind, I'm not doing it!
Details 这些文件让我来敎理䜠把我埃吉尔圓成什么了 再诎就算真的亀给我也䞍䞀定就胜做奜就是了  その曞類を私に任せる気お前はこの゚ヌギルをなんだず思っおるの それにそもそも任せたずころでちゃんずできるかどうかは  Do you expect ME to do your paperwork? Who do you take me for – a desk jockey? ...Besides, you're taking it for granted that I'm cut out for the task!
Main 这小家䌙  碍着我了闪䞀蟹去被我压着就䞀点也劚䞍了了吗 䜕このちっこいの 邪魔よ消えなさい私にのしかかられおいたらなにもできないでしょ Damned manjuu... You're in my way! Move! What do you think you'll achieve by being stuck under me?
Main 2 扫陀是宎䌚准倇的䞀环反正之后郜䌚匄埗乱䞃八糟的䞺什么现圚芁   この掃陀、宎の準備の䞀環だずでも蚀うのかしらどうせ散らかし攟題になるのになぜ  Would one call cleaning a part of the banquet preparations? The hall will be a mess by end of it anyway, so why bother?
Main 3 垕塞瓊尔奜像乐圚其䞭呢  光是“被圓成女仆”这事我就埈䞍甘心䜠有圚听吗 パヌセノァル、楜しんでやがっお 私がメむドずいうこず自䜓に䞍満があるわ 聞いおるの Damn you, August... I do NOT take kindly to being treated as a maid! ...Are you even listening?
Touch   呜!?   はぅ ...Hwuh?!
Touch (Special)   早知道就䞍圓什么女仆了  っメむド圹を買っお出るんじゃなかった  What the–?! I'll have you know I never volunteered for this position!
Mission Complete 任务结束了。去拿䜠的报酬吧。 任務完了よ。報酬を受け取りにでも行っおきなさい Mission complete. Now go claim the rewards.
Return to Port 算奜指挥官回来的时闎把茶氎和点心倇䞊  埈奜这样就没问题了应该 垰っおくるタむミングを芋蚈らっお、お茶ずお菓子を よしっ、これで倧䞈倫、よね I estimated you'd be back around this time, so I prepared tea and a snack. My work here is done... right?
Commission Complete 委托完成了。 䜠䞍䌚想芁我去迎接吧   委蚗完了よ。 たさか私に行かせようずした、ずかじゃないでしょうね  A commission is done. I hope you're not considering sending ME out to meet the team...
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 新装饰新服装还有各种各样的准倇 这就是䞜煌“春节”的䞀角么。去忙䜠芁做的事吧我知道这䞪节日的准倇少䞍了䜠。䞍过 可䞍芁让我等倪久哊呵呵~ 新しい食り付けに新しい衣装、それず準備の数々  これが東煌の「新春」ずいうわけか。やるべきこずをやっおいきなさい。この祭日の準備にお前が欠かせない存圚であるこずぐらいは知っおいる぀もりよ。でも  あたり埅たせるんじゃないわ。ふふふ New decorations, new outfits, and countless preparations to make... Lunar New Year is quite the busy time of year. Go on, see to your duties. I'm well aware how essential you are to this holiday's smooth operation. Just don't keep me waiting all day. Heehee.
Acquisition 新装饰新服装还有各种各样的准倇 这就是䞜煌“春节”的䞀角么。去忙䜠芁做的事吧我知道这䞪节日的准倇少䞍了䜠。䞍过 可䞍芁让我等倪久哊呵呵~ 新しい食り付けに新しい衣装、それず準備の数々  これが東煌の「新春」ずいうわけか。やるべきこずをやっおいきなさい。この祭日の準備にお前が欠かせない存圚であるこずぐらいは知っおいる぀もりよ。でも  あたり埅たせるんじゃないわ。ふふふ New decorations, new outfits, and countless preparations to make... Lunar New Year is quite the busy time of year. Go on, see to your duties. I'm well aware how essential you are to this holiday's smooth operation. Just don't keep me waiting all day. Heehee.
Login 回来了呵呵是想我了么还是只是单纯的环了 戻っおきたふふふ、この゚ヌギルが恋しくなったのかしらそれずも 単に疲れただけ You're back. Heheh, missed me, did you? Or are you just tired?
Details 听诎韙圚䞜煌䞭享有非垞神圣的地䜍。䞍过䞺䜕它圚十二生肖之䞭仅仅排圚第五䜍 「韍」を東煌では神聖芖しおいるず聞いたけど 十二ある干支の䞭でなぜ五䜍にずどたっおるの I heard the Dragon Empery regards their namesake dragon as sacred... Then why is its sign merely the 5th ordinal in their zodiac?
Main 毛笔  应该怎么握来着这样还是  这样嗯  我知道䜠䌚这䞪别光看着了快来教教我 筆  どうやっお握るのこうそれずも  こうっ  お前が正しい握り方を知っおいるこずくらい分かっおいるわ。芋おないで助けなさい How does one hold a brush? Like this? Or like... this? Ugh... I refuse to believe you don't know the proper technique. Stop gawking and come show me!
Main 2 原来“舞韙”是这样的啊  圓初听到这䞪名字时我还以䞺芁匄䞀䞪像铁血舰装那样“韙”呢。 韍舞りゅうたいずはこういうものなのね  最初に聞いたずき、おっきり鉄血の艀装みたいな「ドラゎン」を甚意するのかず思っおたわ So that's what their dragon dance is like... When I first heard of it, I thought they would use a dragon-like rigging, similar to what we have in the Iron Blood.
Main 3 垃䌊垌尔執这些是䜠收藏的䞜煌叀玩么。这䞪碗确实做工粟臎  䜠的品䜍还挺䞍错的。 ブリュンヒルデ、これはお前が集めた東煌の骚董品かしら。たしかによくできおいるボりルね  ふん、お前もいいセンスをしおいるわ BrÃŒnhilde, is this bowl an Empery antique of yours? I must admit, the workmanship is remarkable. Hmph, I suppose you do have a refined taste.
Touch 芁出去走走吗奜啊。那就垮我把鞋子穿䞊吧 䞀緒に出歩いおみたい構わないけど 靎を履かせおもらえないかしら Go on a stroll together, you say? I could do that... But first, put my heels on my feet, would you?
Touch (Special) 等等䞀䞋郜怪䜠墚汁沟到䞊面了  我我自己擊就行了 なっ お前のせいで墚が  じ、自分で拭けるわ Wha–?! You made me spill ink everywhere! I, I'll clean it up myself!
Touch (Headpat) 喂角䞊的挂饰䞍是拿来玩的 角の食りに勝手に觊るんじゃないわっ Don't you touch my horn ornaments without my permission!
Mission 正倌䜳节时指挥官华因任务而无法抜身  这种事情我可䞍允讞我也来垮䜠䞀把奜了。 指揮官は任務で祭日を楜しむ暇もなし  そんなこずは蚱さないわ。ふん、少しは手䌝っおやろう All these missions leave you with no time to enjoy the holiday... That is unacceptable. Hmph, I'll assist you with them.
Mission Complete 任务完成了接䞋来就该䞓心享受节日了。 任務が完了したわ。祭日を楜しむこずに集䞭するがいいわ Mission complete. You may now concentrate on celebrating.
Return to Port 叱咀海掋的猛兜也有需芁䌑息的时刻。正奜屋内有静心养神的銙薰到我身蟹来奜奜坐䌚吧 海を制する猛獣も䌑たるずきが必芁よ。ちょうどここに粟神安定のアロマもあるし、隣に座っお䌑んだら Even lords of the sea need to rest. Why don't you sit down and enjoy the soothing aroma in the air?
Commission Complete 委托完成了哊。去吧别冷萜了圚节日还圚蟛苊付出的同䌎们。 委蚗が完了したわ。行きなさい。祭日に頑匵っおいる仲間を疎かにしないこずよ That commission is done. Now go. Those girls deserve some appreciation for working on a holiday.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 这种感觉意倖的还䞍错环境舒适饮料奜喝还提䟛这种独立的䌑息宀  嗯䜠就这么站着吗这样看着我干什么   ふぅヌん。意倖ずいい感じね。居心地もいいし、飲み物の質もなかなか、おたけにこのような個宀も  んお前は突っ立ったたたでいいのかな、なにこっちをゞロゞロ芋おいる  っ/// Well, I'm pleasantly surprised. A comfortable seat, high-quality beverages, and a nice private room... Hm? Are you going to stand there the whole day? Don't just stare at me like that...
Acquisition 这种感觉意倖的还䞍错环境舒适饮料奜喝还提䟛这种独立的䌑息宀  嗯䜠就这么站着吗这样看着我干什么   ふぅヌん。意倖ずいい感じね。居心地もいいし、飲み物の質もなかなか、おたけにこのような個宀も  んお前は突っ立ったたたでいいのかな、なにこっちをゞロゞロ芋おいる  っ/// Well, I'm pleasantly surprised. A comfortable seat, high-quality beverages, and a nice private room... Hm? Are you going to stand there the whole day? Don't just stare at me like that...
Login 隟埗风平浪静又没人打扰奜奜享受歀刻的枅闲吧。 海が凪いでいるし、邪魔するや぀も誰もいやしない。萜ち着いた時間を思う存分楜しむずいいわ The seas have calmed, and no one can disturb us here. You should enjoy this moment of respite to its fullest.
Details 指挥官过来垮我  䜠碰那里做什么痒   お前、早くこっちに来お手䌝っ  ひゃぅど、どこを觊っおるのきゃぁぅ Come on, get over here and help me with– Eek! Wh-why are you touching me there?! Eek!
Main 哊想跟我喝䞀杯吗隟埗这么䞻劚  嗯䜠给我喝的什么䞜西  酞奶  健康 没有别的喝的了吗 なに゚ヌギルず䞀杯やりたいっお珍しく積極的ね  飲むペヌグルト健康だからオススメお前、ほかに遞択肢はなかったのか Oh? You want to have a drink with me? You're forthcoming, for once... Probiotic yogurt? Because it's good for your health? Come on, you must have something better than that!
Main 2 这房闎里还挺暖和的把倖套脱掉吧  䜠  也芁脱吗 なんだか暖かくなったし、䞊着を脱ごうかしら  お、お前も脱ぐの It's warming up in here. Perhaps I should take off my jacket... O-oh, you're taking yours off, too?
Main 3 䜠也想坐圚这吗沙发这么小挀䞍䞋的  什、什么 ゚ヌギルず䞀緒に座りたいっおこんな狭い堎所に二人で座れるわけが  なっ You want to sit next to me, do you? There's too little room for the both of us to... Hey!
Touch 芁我把倖套借给䜠吗 䞊着を貞しおやろうか Wish to borrow my jacket?
Touch (Special)   又来就算没有其他人也䞍芁䞀盎     たたほかに誰もいないからっおい぀たでも っ/// Again?! You don't need to keep doing this just because we're alone...
Touch (Headpat)   嗯想做什么   ん䜕をする気 Hm? What are you doing?
Mission 明明是䌑息时闎华还有任务么我垮䜠吧赶玧完成。 䌑憩時間なのにただ任務をやる気手䌝っおやるからさっさず片付けなさい Are you really hell-bent on doing missions during your break time? I'll give you a hand, so get them done quickly.
Mission Complete 任务完成来喝䞀杯攟束䞀䞋吧啊  可惜这里只有些过家家的饮品。 任務完了ね。さあ、䞀杯やっお楜にしようじゃない あっ 子䟛が飲むようなものしか眮いおないのは残念ね Mission complete. Now let us pour some drinks and get comfortable! Oh... A shame we only have drinks suited for children.
Return to Port 环了想圚这里䌑息吗呵呵那我就起身吧  嗯我的鞋子掉到哪里去了 疲れた私が䜿っおいる堎所で䌑みたいっおふん、ここは倧人しく空けお  ん私の靎はどこに行ったの Tired? Do you want to sit upon this couch? Hah, I don't mind giving it up for... Hm? Where have my shoes gone?
Commission Complete 物资送来了哊芁去枅点吗 委蚗の物資が届いたわ。確認でもしおくる Commission rewards have arrived. Are you going to examine the haul?
Affinity (Love) 隟埗深枊之神平息了汹涌的浪朮䜠就这么看着就足借了吗  唔  我就知道䜠䌚来真的  那就仅歀䞀次   せっかく深淵の䞻が荒波を鎮めおやったずいうのに、お前はたさか芋るだけで満足する気 っ  そうこなくっちゃね 䞀床だけ 䞀床だけ調子に乗らせおおいおやるわ  っ Are you really content to merely stand and watch after I calmed the raging seas for you? Ugh... I had a hunch... Just this once, I permit you to do as you please with me.
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Login 䜠总算来了工䜜的日皋安排我已经敎理奜了䜠看看吧  怎么了有什么问题吗 やっず来たわね。仕事のスケゞュヌルはもうたずめおおいたから、確認しおみるずいいわ――なに問題でもあった You're finally here. I've compiled a task schedule for you, so give it a look. What? Is there an issue?
Details 这孩子最近怎么这么听话䜠是怎么做到的  “因䞺䞻人变听话了”  喂䜠的胆子也变倧了啊 なぜか最近、この子がやけにおずなしくなった気がするわ。お前、さおは䜕か仕蟌んだのか 「䞻が䞞くなっただけ」 ず、図に乗るんじゃないわ It feels like my little dragon has behaved well lately. Did you do something to it? ...Its owner has simply mellowed out? W-watch your tongue!
Main 宎垭䞊䞎倧家匀怀畅饮可真是匀心啊。䞍过  少了䜠的出垭总有些兎臎猺猺䞋次䜠也芁来啊。 パヌティヌでみんなず思いっきり飲むのも楜しい、けど  お前がいないずやっぱり物足りなかったわね。今床こそ顔を出しなさい While I do enjoy the parties where we drink to our hearts' content... they just aren't the same without you. Be sure to be there next time.
Main 2 倧海也有风平浪静的䞀面。偶尔像现圚这样什么事郜䞍干安静悠闲地坐圚这里  还有䜠圚  感觉也䞍错。 海は荒ぶる時もあれば凪の時もあるわ。䟋えば今のように䜕もせずのんびりず過ごすのも  お前がいるなら  た、たあたあいいわね Just as the seas are stormy at times, they are calm at others. Calm like me in this moment, enjoying a relaxing lull... And you're here. That's positive, I suppose.
Main 3 䜠这样看着我我也䌚分心的  至少等工䜜结束后再  啊这仜文件我是䞍是搞错了 そ、そんな颚に芋぀められるず、いくらこの゚ヌギルでも気が散る せめお仕事が終わっおからでも  くっさっきの曞類にミスがあったずかなのか Staring as intently as you are will distract anyone, even me! At least save it until work is finished! Ugh! Did I make a secretarial error in that document or what?!
Touch 嗯小心被汹涌的海浪吞噬哊 ほう荒波に飲み蟌たれないように気を぀けなさい Oh? Mind yourself, lest the stormy seas swallow you.
Touch (Special)   还来别、别碰那里     たたそ、そこは  っ//// Again?! Th-that's my...!
Touch (Headpat) 喂摞䞊瘟了是吧 お前なに倢䞭になっおるの Hey! Why are you enjoying this so much?
Return to Port 看圚䜠这么蟛苊的仜䞊工䜜我垮䜠倄理了吧䜠就先奜奜䌑息吧呵呵~ その苊劎に免じお代わりにこの゚ヌギルが仕事を片付けおやるわ。そこで倧人しく䌑んでなさい。ふふふ♪ In light of your efforts, I will do your task for you. Sit over there and have a rest. Heehee.
Enhancement 指挥官来干杯  噗哈~ さぁ指揮官、也杯よ  ぷはヌっ Cheers, Commander! Ahh!
Victory 见识到了吧这䟿是深枊之神的力量啊哈哈哈哈哈哈 芋たかこれぞ深淵の神性の力よふははははは Did you see that? THAT is the divine might of the deeps! Ahahahaha!
Affinity (Love) 指挥官承讀我的胜利吧䜠已被我圻底埁服了吧県神䞎心跳可是䞍䌚骗人的呵呵  呀等、等䞀䞋  我才䞍䌚讀蟓 指揮官、そろそろこの゚ヌギルの勝利を認めたらどうだっおお前はもう私に完党に埁服されおるでしょうその目、そしお錓動の速さは嘘を぀かないわ。ふふふ  きゃぅた、埅おお前  お前なんかに負けるわけが っ/// Isn't it time you conceded victory to me? I have completely and utterly dominated you, have I not? Your eyes and your racing heart do not lie. Heehee... Eek! H-hold it! I will never be conquered by the likes of you!