Abercrombie (JP 🇯🇵: アバークロンビー, CN 🇹🇼: 阿贝克隆比)
Ship IDNo. 336Star Rating★★☆☆☆
Hull MonitorRarityElite
NavyRoyal NavyBuild Time01:05:00
AcquisitionHeavy Ship Construction
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actressJuri Nagatsuma
Roberts-class monitor – Abercrombie.
Pumpkin Blast!Description
Kabooom! You thought it was a pumpkin, but it was me, Abercrombie, with my Mark I! Commander, did I scare you senseless? Muahaha!
HP609 Reload54
Firepower53 Torpedo0
Evasion11 Anti-air34
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW0 Luck38
HP2833 Reload103
Firepower146 Torpedo0
Evasion61 Anti-air129
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW0 Luck40
Limit Break
Tier 1Secondary Gun base +1 | Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2Main gun base +1 | Main gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3Secondary Gun base +1 | Main gun efficiency +15%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
2Destroyer Gun205%/205%/205%/205%1/2/2/30/0/0/0
3Anti-Air Gun100%/100%/100%/100%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
Default Equipments
1Twin 381mm Main Gun
2Twin 102mm Auxiliary Gun
Fleet Tech
T4 Monitor: Abercrombie-ClassTech Points and Bonus
Unlock7 +1
Max LimitBreak14
Lv.12010 +1
Artillery Volley15s after the battle begins and every 20s after that: 30.0% (60.0%) chance to fire a special barrage. Barrage DMG is based on the skill's level.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description罗伯茨级浅水重炮舰—阿贝克隆比,舷号F109ロバーツ級モニター艦・アバークロンビー (HMS Abercrombie)Roberts-class monitor – Abercrombie.
Biography我是浅水重炮舰阿贝克隆比,和姐姐一同在地中海完成了诸多对陆支援任务。嘿嘿~果然还是轰击不会动的目标比较愉快~モニター艦のアバークロンビーだよ。姉さんと地中海で陸上支援任務を多くやったの。イヒヒ~やっぱ動かない標的を撃ったほうが楽しいよね~I'm the Monitor Abercrombie. My sister and I used to help with shore bombardment around the Mediterranean Sea. Tee hee~ It's way more fun to shoot stationary targets~
Acquisition吃我一炮——咦,原来是指挥官呀?嘿嘿~我是阿贝克隆比,今天天气真不错呢~くっらえ!――あら、指揮官?イヒヒ~私がアバークロンビー~今日はいい天気だな~Take THIS! – Oh, Commander? Tee hee~ I'm Abercrombie! Lovely weather today, eh~?
Login刚刚的主炮射击声?因为指挥官你一直不来,我有些无聊嘛~今の主砲の音?イヒヒ、指揮官がずっと来ないから、ちょっと暇だからつい撃っちゃった~That loud bang? Tee hee~ You were gone for so long I was getting bored, so I let a shot loose~
Details炮击真令人开心啊~砲を撃つのって楽しいな~It's so much fun to fire my gun~!
Main我的兴趣是收集弹壳~呐、呐,不觉得弹壳非常漂亮吗?趣味は薬莢集めだよ~ねぇねぇ、薬莢ってすっごくカッコイイと思わない?My hobby's collecting shell casings~! Hey, don't you think shell casings are super cool?
Main 2胡德阿姨,早上好~!フッドおばさん、おっはよー!Top of the mornin', granny Hood!
Main 3咿呀—!威尔士,胡德阿姨的表情好可怕好可怕——いやあん!ウェールズ聞いて、フッドおばさん、怖い、怖いよ~Whuaah! Hey, Wales! Granny Hood is giving me creepy looks~!
Touch指挥官,想吃薯片吗,这些都给你——罗伯茨姐姐,我找到偷吃你薯片的人啦—!指揮官、ポテチ食べたい?はい、これあげる――ロバーツ姉!ポテチを食べた犯人見っけったよ――!Commander, want some crisps? Here you go! ... Roberts, come here! I found the crook who ate your crisps!
Touch (Special)咿呀——!いやぁああん!Whuaaah!
Mission指挥官,有任务啦!嘿嘿~这次的任务是击沉什么呢?真期待呀~指揮官、任務だよ!イヒヒ~今回の任務って何を沈めるのかな?楽しみ~Commander, there are new missions! Tee hee~ What'll we be sinking this time? I can't wait~
Mission Complete指挥官,下次任务也能像这次这么有趣吗?指揮官、次の任務も今回のように面白いの?Commander, is the next mission gonna be as fun as the last one?
Mail邮件~被我~藏起来啦~♪想要~就拿~零食来换~♪メールは~隠したの~♪ほしいなら~スナックで~♪こ・う・か・ん!こ・う・か・ん!Oh, have I hidden your mail~? Want it back? Then get some snacks and bar-ter for it! Bar-ter for it!
Return to Port指挥官~有没有带回什么有趣的东西呀——敌人的碎片啦掉下来的飞机啦什么的指揮官~面白いもの持って帰ってない?敵の破片とか撃ち落とした飛行機のパーツとかさHey, Commander~ Brought back anything gander-worthy? Like a piece of wreckage or parts from a crashed aircraft or something?
Commission Complete发现目标,演算射击诸元——什么嘛,原来是委托队啊,真没意思……目標発見、射撃諸元算定――なんだ、委託組じゃない。つまんなーい…Target spotted, calculating trajectory... Bugger, it's just the commission team. Laaaame...
Enhancement嘻嘻,有点过装药的感觉呢~イヒヒ、ちょっと過装薬にした感じね~Tee hee~ I might be loading a teensy bit too much gunpowder~
Flagship嘻嘻,先从哪里开始呢?舰艏?炮塔?还是动力舱?イヒヒ、どこから料理してやろうか?艦首?砲塔?動力部?Tee hee, what should I knock out first? Their bow? Turret? Engine?
Victory砰!砰!砰!哈哈哈~果然Mark I是最棒的!どっかん!ははは~やっぱMarkⅠは最高だよ!Kaboom! Ahaha~ You can't beat the Mark I!
Defeat嘁……真没意思ちぇ、つまんないTsk. Lame.
Skill终结吧!毁灭吧!撃たれ滅びよ!Be torn to shreds by my shells!
Low HP咿呀!我的装甲——いやぁあん!私の装甲が――Whuaaah! My armour!
Affinity (Upset)嘻嘻,指挥官,Mark I也可以当“质量兵器”用哦?像这样——(哐!)イヒヒ、指揮官?実はMarkⅠは「質量兵器」として運用することもできるよ?こう、して――(バァン!)Tee hee~ Commander, did you know you can use the Mark I as a blunt weapon? I'll show you! (Pow!)
Affinity (Stranger)哈哈~掺了哈瓦那辣椒的印式咖喱味道怎么样?等、等等,纳尔逊妈妈,我没想到这份是你的——咿呀!イヒヒ~この~ハバネロ入りカレーはどう?え…ま、待ってネルソンさん!これあなたの分だと知らなかったの!――助けて~!!Tee hee~ How do you like my habanero curry? – Huh...? W-wait, Nelson! I didn't know that one was yours! – Don't hurt meeee!
Affinity (Friendly)指挥官,指·挥·官~指-挥-官!欸?没事啦,我就是想看看你的脸,嘻嘻~指揮官~し・き・か・ん?しーきーかーんー!え?何でもないよ?顔を見たくなっちゃっただけだってーイヒヒ~Oh, Commander~! Com-man-der! Coooommaaaandeeeer! What? It was nothing. I just wanted to see your face~ Tee hee~
Affinity (Like)心情不好?我可以把Mark I借给你哦。只要打上一个基数,无论谁都会被它悦耳的“轰隆”声和美妙的后坐力俘获!ストレス溜まった?MarkⅠを貸してもいいよ?一基数撃ったら「ドッカーン」と悩みごとは全て忘れて、この子の虜になるよ!Feeling stressed out? Then try out my Mark I! Fire a shot for every worry you have to make them disappear with a bang! You'll get hooked on it!
Affinity (Love)指挥官和Mark I,为什么不能合为一体呢……指挥官,下次出击的时候你要不要试试站在Mark I上指挥?指揮官とMarkⅠって合体したりしないのかな…指揮官、今度出撃時はMarkⅠの上に立って指揮してみない?I wonder if I can combine you and my Mark I... Commander, for the next sortie, how about you sit atop it while issuing commands?
Pledge哇、哇哦——谢谢!我会一直~一直戴在手上的!虽然有些不舍……请收下我的Mark I吧!姐姐说过誓约的时候要把自己最重要的东西交给对方!わ、わあ!ありがとう!ずーーっとつけとくね!じゃ、じゃあ私のMarkⅠを受け取って!ロバーツ姉はこういう時にいちばん大事なものを相手にあげるって言ってるし!W-wow! Thanks! I'll never take it off! I-in exchange, take my Mark I! Roberts told me you're supposed to give your partner your dearest possession at times like these!
In battle with Hood胡德阿姨,我来支援你啦!フッドおばさん、支援するよ!Auntie Hood, I'm here to help!
In battle with Saratoga, Albacore我才是恶作剧之王!私が一番イタズラが上手だよ!Nobody does pranks better than me!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship DescriptionBoom!不是南瓜,而是阿贝克隆比和她的Mark I!指挥官,有没有被吓一跳呀?嘻嘻~ドカーン!かぼちゃだと思った?アバークロンビーとMarkⅠだ!指揮官、今のでビクッとした?イヒヒ!Kabooom! You thought it was a pumpkin, but it was me, Abercrombie, with my Mark I! Commander, did I scare you senseless? Muahaha!
AcquisitionBoom!不是南瓜,而是阿贝克隆比和她的Mark I!指挥官,有没有被吓一跳呀?嘻嘻~ドカーン!かぼちゃだと思った?アバークロンビーとMarkⅠだ!指揮官、今のでビクッとした?イヒヒ!Kabooom! You thought it was a pumpkin, but it was me, Abercrombie, with my Mark I! Commander, did I scare you senseless? Muahaha!
Login等下要把我的“惊叫南瓜”放在哪里好呢~イヒヒ、この「ドッキリカボチャ」はどこに仕掛けるかな~Tee hee~ Who knows where I've planted my pumpkin surprise~
Detailstrick or treat!指挥官,不给糖果就捣乱哦!给糖果的话……那就看我的心情!哈哈哈!トリックオアトリート!指揮官、お菓子くれないといたずらしちゃうよ!くれても……その時はその時だ!イヒヒ!Trick or treat! Give me candy, or you'll taste one of my pranks! Although, even if you give me some... well, you'll see for yourself! Tee hee~
Main万圣节特别版Mark I!怎么样,很符合节日的气氛吧!ハロウィンバージョンのMarkⅠ!どうだ似合ってるでしょう!Take a gander at my Halloween Mark I! Looks cracking, doesn't it!
Main 2纳尔逊妈妈也换上了万圣节的衣服?真的吗?!指挥官,快让我也看看!ネルソンさんのハロウィンコスチューム?!本当!?指揮官、早く私に見せて!Nelson's wearing a Halloween costume?! Really?! Let me have a look at it, Commander!
Main 3能尽情捣蛋而不被斥责的节日,要是能再多几个就好了呢……いたずらしても怒られない日がもっとあればいいのになーIf only we had more holidays where you could cause mischief and get away with it scot-free~
Touch和万圣节的Mark I打个招呼吧!来,Mark I,给指挥官表演一个招手——ハロウィンバージョンのMarkⅠと握手!ほい、MarkⅠ、指揮官に例のあれもやって~Shake hands with my Halloween Mark I! Come on, Mark I, show the Commander your special trick~!
Touch (Special)嘿!来自Mark I的自卫反击!(哐)MarkⅠによる反撃だ!ほいやー!(バァン!)Taste the retribution of my Mark I! (Pow!)
Return to Port如果在准备送出去的糖果里混上我特制的“超级芥末糖果”的话,会有什么好玩的事情发生呢?嘿嘿嘿~配るキャンディにこの「特製ホースラディッシュキャンディ」を混ぜたらどうなるのかな~イーヒッヒッヒ♪I wonder how people would react if they got my custom-made horseradish candy~ Tee hee~!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description趁现在,悄悄地把辣椒……好!完成了!不知会是哪一位幸运儿“中奖”呢~欸,指挥官?你……你什么都没看到,对吧?嘻嘻~今のうちにこの激辛チリペッパーで……イヒヒ、完成!誰が「当たって」しまうかな~し、指揮官?!今、何も見てなかった……だよね?イヒヒ~Now for a ghost pepper while nobody's looking... Tee hee! Perfect! I wonder who'll be the lucky one to sip– C-Commander?! You didn't see anything suspicious... Right? Tee hee~
Acquisition趁现在,悄悄地把辣椒……好!完成了!不知会是哪一位幸运儿“中奖”呢~欸,指挥官?你……你什么都没看到,对吧?嘻嘻~今のうちにこの激辛チリペッパーで……イヒヒ、完成!誰が「当たって」しまうかな~し、指揮官?!今、何も見てなかった……だよね?イヒヒ~Now for a ghost pepper while nobody's looking... Tee hee! Perfect! I wonder who'll be the lucky one to sip– C-Commander?! You didn't see anything suspicious... Right? Tee hee~
Login欢迎回来!来一杯营养又美味的胡萝卜汁吧!……啊,等等,拿错了!这杯才是没问题的!好险好险——おっかえりー!美味しくて栄養たっぷりのにんじんジュースでもどぉ?…あ、ちょっと待て!違った!こっちでお願い!ふぅ…危なかった…ello there! How about a glass of delicious and nutritious carrot juice? ...Wait, stop, not that one! THIS one's for you! Phew... Disaster averted...
Details深色不透明的胡萝卜汁可是最好的掩护了,不管往里面加些什么都不容易被看出来呢~色の濃いにんじんジュースは使い勝手がいいね~何を入れてもバレないから~Carrot juice has just the perfect consistency. You can put anything you like in the glass, and nobody'll know!
Main摇汽水?指挥官,那已经是过时的恶作剧手法啦!我教你一些新的吧~瓶を強く振るのはもう時代遅れだよ、指揮官!イヒヒ、新しいのを教えよう~Shaking the bottle? Pfft, that's the oldest trick in the book. I'll teach you a newer one, Commander!
Main 2呜哇,是纳尔逊妈妈!指挥官,快让我躲一下!わ!?ネルソンさんだ!指揮官、ど、どこかに隠れさせて!Oh bollocks! It's Nelson! Quick, Commander, I need a place to hide!
Main 3黑暗界,我是想要获得一些配方上的灵感啦,不过这个配方参考……总有种女巫炼药的感觉?えーちょっとしたアイデアがほしかっただけよエレバスー。でもこのレシピって……ウイッチの魔法薬っぽくない!?You're silly, Erebus. All I asked for was a little inspiration, not the full recipe for some kind of magic potion!
Touch来像大人一样地干杯吧!MarkI也一起!大人と同じように乾杯するよ!MkⅠも一緒に!Bottoms up, like adults do! Drink up, Mark I!
Return to Port小家伙们,把这些饮料分发出去吧!注意拿稳了哦~饅頭たち、ジュースを皆のところに持っていって!落とさないように気をつけて!Bring our customers their drinks, Manjuus! And be careful so you don't drop them!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description没有人可以逃脱我阿贝克隆比的追捕!现在,你有权保持沉默,但你说的每一句话都会作为呈堂证供。指挥官,乖乖就范跟我回去吧!ざばざばーん!アバークロンビーの追跡から逃れられる者などいなーい!黙秘しててもいいけど、喋ったら一言一句が法廷で証拠として扱われることがあるから気をつけてね!イヒヒ、指揮官、大人しく縄にかかりなさい!Found you! No criminals are escaping on my watch! You have the right to remain silent! Everything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law! Tee hee, now surrender peacefully, Commander!
Acquisition没有人可以逃脱我阿贝克隆比的追捕!现在,你有权保持沉默,但你说的每一句话都会作为呈堂证供。指挥官,乖乖就范跟我回去吧!ざばざばーん!アバークロンビーの追跡から逃れられる者などいなーい!黙秘しててもいいけど、喋ったら一言一句が法廷で証拠として扱われることがあるから気をつけてね!イヒヒ、指揮官、大人しく縄にかかりなさい!Found you! No criminals are escaping on my watch! You have the right to remain silent! Everything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law! Tee hee, now surrender peacefully, Commander!
Login哦吼~你竟然自己回来了?看来狱外的世界也不过如此嘛。イヒヒ~、このアバークロンビー様の檻に進んで戻ってきた? シャバも大したもんじゃなかったみたいだね!Tee hee! You willingly went back into your cell? Looks like life on the outside wasn't what it used to be!
Main指挥官,你看~我特地给Mark I也做了装饰和涂装!是不是很帅气?一会拍摄的时候一定能用上……危险?放心啦,里面没放子弹哦。指揮官、見て見て~MarkⅠも装飾と塗装がオリジナル仕様に!かっこいいでしょう?この後の撮影できっと役に…あぶない?大丈夫!弾は入っていないよ~Commander, have a gander at this! My Mark I got an original makeover! Isn't that lovely? This will surely be handy for the upcoming shoot when... Dangerous? Not at all! It's not loaded, see?
Main 2这就是一场猫与鼠的追逐游戏,你逃我追,你插翅难飞。呐,你觉得被猫抓到的老鼠,结局会是什么呢?……指挥官,你看我演得怎么样?是不是很有魄力?「海上のハラハラネズミ捕りゲーム!そっちが逃げて、私たちが追っかける。ねえねえ、ネコに捕まったネズミはどうなると思う?」…指揮官、私の演技、迫力あるでしょう?Let's play a game of naval cat and mouse! You'll run away while we try to catch you. By the way, what do you think happens to the mouse when the cat catches it? ...How's that? Pretty strong acting, right?
Main 3逃犯的最终结局只有穷途末路。001号,劝你不要抵抗,乖乖束手就擒吧!脱獄者の最後は八方塞がりだ!001号、足掻いてないで大人しく捕まりなさーい!Escapees always end up cornered! Inmate 001, give up and surrender peacefully!
Touch嗯?就算给我零食也还是要逮捕你哦!ん?おかしをくれてもとっ捕まえるけどね~Hm? You can bribe me with candy, but I'm still going to arrest you!
Touch (Special)呀——!你在想什么!现在还在拍摄中啦!いやぁあん!って何考えてるの!まだ撮影中だよ!Whuaah! Wait, what are you doing?! We're still filming!
Touch (Headpat)大胆!怎么可以摸典狱长的头呢……就算用这种方式讨好我……嘿!抓住了!这就叫兵不厌诈!なんと!このアバークロンビー獄長の頭をなでなで…喜ばせたとしても…イヒヒ、捕まえた!卑怯とは言わせないもーんだ!How bold, patting the warden's head like this! I do like it... but I'm still arresting you! Tee hee! Don't give me lip about how it's "cowardly"!
Mission哦?是新任务!有人出逃了?Mark I追捕小队,出发!お?新しい任務?犯人が脱獄したって?よし!Mark I捜査隊、出動だ!Oh? A new mission? Did an inmate escape? Got it! Mark I Search Team, find them!
Mission Complete逃犯追捕任务顺利完成!脱獄者の逮捕任務、無事終了!We caught the escaped inmate! Mission complete!
Return to Port指挥官~你终于回来了!拍摄都快开始了!对了,今天有发生什么有趣的事情吗?趁开始前快给我说说~指揮官、おっかえりー!撮影がそろそろ始まるよ!そうだ!その前にまず今日起きた面白かったことを洗いざらい話してー!Welcome back, Commander! The shooting starts in a minute! But first, tell me about all the cool stuff you saw today!
Victory哈哈哈~没有逃犯可以从我手上溜走!イヒヒ~私から逃げられる犯人なんていないよ!Tee hee! There's no criminal who can escape ME!
Skill你说什么我听不到啊~あー聞こえんなー♪La-la-la, I can't hear you!
Affinity (Love)终于拷住你啦!嘿嘿~逃不了了吧……这下指挥官就是只属于我的囚犯啦!这一次的牢房我会亲自挑选——永远和我关在一起吧~手錠をカチッと!イヒヒ、もう逃げられないぞ~…これで指揮官は私だけの犯人になった!今回の監房はアバークロンビーが自ら選ぶ。ずっと一緒にいられるね~Let's cuff you up! Tee hee, you're not going anywhere! Now you're a prisoner to me and me alone! I get to choose which ward you're going to. We'll never be apart again!