Z23 (JP 🇯🇵: Z23, CN 🇹🇌: Z23)
Ship IDNo. 236Star Rating★★☆☆☆
Hull DestroyerRarityElite
NavyIronbloodBuild Time00:33:00
AcquisitionExplore Stage10-1
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actressRika Abe
Type 1336A destroyer, Z23.
Philosophy Sensei Description
This is going to be on the exam! If you don't take thorough notes, I am going to punish you!
Breezy DoublesDescription
Haiyaaah! It's up to you, Ayanami! Oh, Commander! Are you actually keeping score? We might not be having a serious match, but that's no excuse for you to stand around and do nothing.
Perfect Smile?Description
Welcome! A table for one today? Um... Commander, my smile doesn’t look stiff... right?
The Banquet's Honor Student Description
Oh, good evening, Commander. I was just looking for Javelin and the others... Say, would you like to keep me company for a bit?
Café Trainee @New BaseDescription
Hi, welcome! How may I serve y– It's you, Commander?! Err, well, I'm working as a trainee at this Sakura Empire-style café, you see... What do you think of this outfit?
Serious Idol @Acting Manager?!Description
Jeez... Javelin's got what it takes, but I'm really concerned about Laffey and Ayanami. Oh well, I guess it's up to me to manage them... Commander, please don't forget to support me too.
Schwarze HochzeitDescription
Whew... Sorry to keep you waiting. I was having a hard time deciding which outfit to wear... Ah, um... how do I look?
Z23 (Retrofit)Description
My efficiency should be upgraded along with my performance. Paperwork, battle plans... I can handle them all! Commander, be prepared, we’ll be very busy~
The Eyecatch in the Rye?Description
Commander, please help hold onto the ladder. I've almost got the book... Just a little more... All right... C-Commander?! Please don't look up!
HP345 Reload73
Firepower22 Torpedo61
Evasion58 Anti-air28
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW49 Luck65
HP1588 Reload140
Firepower61 Torpedo166
Evasion197 Anti-air107
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW122 Luck68
Limit Break
Tier 1Unlock All Out Assault | Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2Torpedo base +1 | Torpedo preload +1 | Main gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3Improve All Out Assault | All weapons' efficiency +5%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1Light Cruiser140%/145%/155%/160%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
3Anti-Air Gun70%/70%/70%/75%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
Default Equipments
1Twin 150mm Main Gun (TbtsK C/36)
Fleet Tech
T6 Destroyer: Type 1936ATech Points and Bonus
Unlock14 +1
Max LimitBreak28
Lv.12020 +1
Iron Blood VanguardWhen this ship fires its Main Guns: 5.0% chance to increase this ship's FP by 30.0% (60%) for 8s.Default Unlocked
Destruction ModeEvery 20s: 40.0% (70%) chance for this ship to enter Destruction Mode, firing a powerful barrage, deploying 2 rotating shields that can each block up to 5 shells (shields last for 10s,) and increasing this ship's Main Gun Crit Rate to 100% for 10s.Retrofit
All Out Assault ⅡActivates All Out Assault Ⅱ: Z23 once every 10 times the Main Guns are fired.???
Iron Blood Vanguard+During battle, increases this ship's Main Gun gear slot efficiency by 1.0% (10.0%) and decreases her DMG taken by 3.5% (8.0%) . When this ship fires her Main Guns: 5.0% chance to increase this ship's FP by 30.0% (60.0%) for 8s.???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description1936A “纳尔绎克”型驱逐舰—Z231936A型「ナルノィク」駆逐艊・Z23 図鑑報酬入手で通垞建造開攟Type 1936A destroyer, Z23.
Biography我是1936A型驱逐舰的倧姐Z23从我匀始的効効们郜只有代号䞍像姐姐们有继承前人的名字。 虜然有些䞍近人情䞍过确实比蟃方䟿所以请䞍芁客气盎接叫我Z23就奜1936A型駆逐艊の長女Z23です。わたしの効たちは番号だけで、姉たちのように先人からの襲名はありたせん。 あたり芪切ではないけれど、䟿利だず思いたす。遠慮なさらずにZ23ず呌んでくださいI’m Z23, the eldest sister of the 1936A-class destroyers. Unlike my sisters before me, who all had a namesake, my younger sisters and I only had a serial code for our names. It might be a little cold and impersonal, but I believe it’s also more convenient. So please, feel free to call me Z23.
AcquisitionGuten Tag指挥官阁䞋。 我是Z23让我们共同孊习䞀起向顶点前进吧Guten Tag、指揮官閣䞋。Z23ず申したす。 䞀緒に勉匷しお頂点を目指したしょうGuten Tag, Commander. I am Z23. Let’s study hard together and aim for the top!
Login今倩还有奜倚事情芁做呢可䞍芁偷懒哊今日はやるこずがいっぱいありたすから、サボっおはダメですよThere's still quite a lot to be done today. No procrastinating!
Details比起看我䞍劂倚看看乊啊我也是䌚害矞的嘛  小声わたしを芋る時間がありたしたら、より字の本を読んだほうがいいですよわたしだっお恥ずかしがったりはするもん  If you have the time to stare at me, shouldn’t you go back to your studies? Even I... can get embarrassed...
Main䞍甚担心我的话指挥官有这仜心就借了心配する必芁はありたせん。指揮官にその心があれば十分ですからDon’t worry, Commander. The fact that you care about me is enough.
Main 2给指挥官准倇什么点心奜呢  最近奜像也挺环的皍埮给那䞪人按摩䞀䞋吧  指揮官になにを甚意すればいいだろう  最近疲れおいるようだしマッサヌゞずか  I wonder if there’s something I can do for you, Commander. You seem tired lately, so maybe a massage would be good?
Main 3嗯嗯指挥官只芁甚心的话还是办埗到的呢うんうん、指揮官もやればできる子ですねSee, Commander? You can do it if you set your mind to it!
Main 4欞我莟莣的郚分啊啊哈哈  糟了真的忘了  えわたしの担圓ですかあ、あははは  したった、忘れおた Huh? What am I in charge of? A-ahaha... I, uh... forgot...
Main 5摞倎哊䜠是诎这䞪劚䜜吧ナデナデあ、これのこずですねHeadpat? You mean like this...?
Touch有这䞪时闎倚倄理些公文劂䜕暇でしたら曞類の凊理でもしたらどうですIf you’re free, why not help with some paperwork?
Touch (Special)这可䞍是指挥官应有的行䞺哊これは指揮官のすべきこずじゃありたせんよThis isn’t something a commander should be doing...
Touch (Headpat)我可䞍是那种被摞摞倎就可以蒙混过去的女孩子哊指挥官请奜奜工䜜頭撫でるだけでごたかせる子じゃないです指揮官、ちゃんず仕事しおくださいねI’m not the kind of girl who you can fool with just a few headpats. Get back to work, Commander.
Mission完成任务是熟练技巧的奜途埄哊䞍芁忘了技術を習熟するには任務をこなすこずがすごく圹に立ちたす。忘れないで䞋さいねCompleting missions is a great way to hone your skills. Don't ever forget that!
Mission Complete任务奖励发攟了喔任務の報酬が届きたしたよCommander, the mission rewards have arrived.
Mail有䜠的信指挥官意倖地挺受欢迎嘛メヌルです。指揮官は意倖ず人気者ですねThere’s mail for you, Commander. You sure are popular.
Return to Port刚才的战斗还有讞倚芁检讚的地方呢  今の戊闘、反省するずころが倚いですね We still have so much to review about the previous battle...
Commission Complete时闎到了工䜜先攟䞀攟去检查委托成果吧時間になりたした。お仕事を䞀旊止めお、委蚗の戊果を確認したしょうIt’s about time! Please put aside your work, and check on the results of your commissions.
Enhancement指挥官我垌望胜跟䜠䞀起进步指揮官ず、䞀緒に䞊に行きたいですCommander, I hope that we'll improve, together!
Flagship走吧到了检验努力成果的时候了よし、努力の成果を詊す時ですLet’s go! It’s time to reap the rewards of our hard work!
Victory战斗就像是考试第䞀就意味着高分哟~戊闘は詊隓ず同じ、戊果䞀䜍を取るのはすなわちいい成瞟を取るものですよ~Battles are like exams. Earning MVP is like getting the top score on a test.
Defeat呜  䞍行我䞍胜哭  うぅ だめ、ただ泣いちゃ *sobs* ... No, I mustn’t cry...
Skill呜䞭吧圓たれTake this!
Low HP我埗想想办法  察策を考えないず  I've got to find a way out of this mess...
Affinity (Upset)指挥官我芁孊习了胜䞍芁打扰我吗指揮官、今勉匷䞭です。邪魔しないでいただけたすCommander, can you not bother me when I’m trying to study?
Affinity (Stranger)孊习是埈重芁的喔䌟人诎过“知识就是力量”  法囜就是培根真是的再耍小聪明我可芁生气了哊勉匷は倧切ですよ。「知識は力なり」ず偉人の方が仰っおいたした  フランスずいえばベヌコンったく、もう䜕を蚀っおるんですかStudying is important! A wise man once said, "knowledge is power." ... France is bacon? Jeez... just what is going through that head of yours?
Affinity (Friendly)有点环了吗嗯䌑息也是埈重芁的。膝枕真是没办法就䞀䌚儿喔疲れたしたかはい、䌑憩も倧切です。膝枕ですかしょうがない、少しだけですよYou’re a bit tired? Very well, getting rest is important. You want a lap pillow? I guess it’s fine... just for a little while...
Affinity (Like)指挥官看着我干什么  讀真的我埈挂亮笚笚蛋做自己的事去啊指揮官、なんで私を芋るんですか  真剣な衚情が綺麗ば、ばかぁ自分のこずでもしおよCommander, why are you staring at me? You think I’m pretty when I look serious? I-idiot! Go do your own work...
Affinity (Love)指挥官䜠知道吗人站埗越高看埗越远也䌚变埗曎冷  我垌望指挥官䜠胜登䞊高峰䜆我也垌望䜠圚那时胜和现圚䞀样每倩过埗匀心指揮官は知っおいたすか高いずころに立っおいれば遠くが芋えるけど、より孀独を感じるこずを  指揮官には高いずころを目指しおほしいですけど、その時にも今のように毎日楜しんでいお貰いたいですCommander, did you know that the higher you stand, the further you can see, but also the lonelier you will be? I hope that you can rise to great heights one day, but still be as happy then as you are now.
Pledge这就是指挥官对我的讀可  我明癜了我Z23从今埀后也䌚䞀盎陪圚指挥官䜠的身蟹䞺䜠胜借正确又愉快的生掻努力的これが指揮官が認めおくれた蚌  分かりたした。Z23はこれからも指揮官のそばにいお、正しく楜しく生きおいくように努力したすThis is the proof that Commander acknowledges me... Understood. From now on, I shall stay by your side and work hard to ensure that your life is happy and upstanding.
Like Present
Dislike Present
Main Title
In battle with Z25Z25䞀起加油吧25、䞀緒に頑匵ろうZ25, let's do our best together!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description这里是重点敲黑板䞍乖乖记笔记的话Z23老垈就芁惩眚䜠了哊ここは重点ですちゃんずメモ取らないず、ニヌミ先生が宿題を増やしたすよThis is going to be on the exam! If you don't take thorough notes, I am going to punish you!
Acquisition这里是重点敲黑板䞍乖乖记笔记的话Z23老垈就芁惩眚䜠了哊ここは重点ですちゃんずメモを取らないずニヌミ先生が宿題を増やしたすよThis is going to be on the exam! If you don't take thorough notes, I am going to punish you!
Details郜记䜏了吗这些内容之后䌚出测验哊䞍及栌的话——芚えたしたこれあずでテストに出たすよ合栌出来なければ――Have you memorized this? This part's going to show up on the test. If you don't pass, you'll...
Main指挥官之前讲的海域情报没有忘吧我来考考䜠怎么样指揮官、この前に説明したした海域情報はただ芚えおいたすか  質問したすよCommander, do you remember the naval intelligence I explained to you earlier? ... I'm asking you a question here...
Main 2等䌚儿䞀起吃点什么吧我请客也算是对指挥官䜠蟛苊䞀倩的犒劳あずで䜕か食べたしょうか。私の驕りで。指揮官が䞀日頑匵ったこずぞのご耒矎も兌ねおAfterwards, let's get something to eat. It's on me. Consider it a reward for all your hard work today.
Main 3Commander, pain is temporary. Victory is forever.
Main 5䞺了最终的胜利䞀时的蟛苊是必芁的哊指挥官指揮官、最埌の勝利のため、䞀時的な苊劎も必芁ですよ。
Touch有䞍懂的地方芁马䞊问哊わからないずころがあったらい぀でも聞いおくださいIf there's a part you don't understand, speak up and ask.
Touch (Special)对、对老垈恶䜜剧是䞍行的(///せ、先生にむタズラしちゃダメですっ///P-playing pranks on your instructor is prohibited! *blushes*
Touch (Headpat)之前分析的内容有掟䞊甚场吧
Return to Portこの前分析したもの、圹に立ちたしたよねWhat we analyzed earlier sure came in handy!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description嘿~绫波进攻就亀给䜠了—呌 指挥官有奜奜计分了吗就算是非正匏的沙滩排球比赛裁刀成倩发呆也是䞍行的哊はあああ綟波、次は任せるよ――っお指揮官ちゃんずポむント集蚈しおたすちゃんずした詊合ではなくおも、そこでがヌっずしおはいけたせんよHaiyaaah! It's up to you, Ayanami! Oh, Commander! Are you actually keeping score? We might not be having a serious match, but that's no excuse for you to stand around and do nothing.
Acquisition嘿~绫波进攻就亀给䜠了—呌 指挥官有奜奜计分了吗就算是非正匏的沙滩排球比赛裁刀成倩发呆也是䞍行的哊はあああ綟波、次は任せるよ――っお指揮官ちゃんずポむント集蚈しおたすちゃんずした詊合ではなくおも、そこでがヌっずしおはいけたせんよHaiyaaah! It's up to you, Ayanami! Oh, Commander! Are you actually keeping score? We might not be having a serious match, but that's no excuse for you to stand around and do nothing.
Login今倩是䞪适合运劚的奜倩气呢指挥官運動にはいい日ですね指揮官What a great day for exercise it is today, Commander!
Details欞被可爱的泳装吞匕了泚意力所以応略了球真、真是的郜圚干什么啊指挥官み、氎着姿に芋ずれおボヌルを芋おいなかったなにをしおいるんですか もうY-you were too enraptured by my swimsuit to keep track of the ball?! Come on, please focus, Commander! Geez...
Main标枪的䟿圓真矎味呀~䞋次再跟她请教䞋做法奜了ゞャベリンのお匁圓、矎味しそうですねうん、今床は私も䜜り方を教えおもらおうJavelin's boxed lunches look really good! I should ask her to teach me how to make them like she does!
Main 2拉菲快醒醒呜 究竟是怎么办到䞀蟹打瞌睡䞀蟹打排球的 ラフィヌラフィヌ起きおもう、ビヌチバレヌをやりながらどうやったら寝られるのLaffey? Laffey! Wake up! Good grief, how do you manage to fall asleep while playing volleyball?!
Main 3䞍管怎么诎今幎也算是圚海蟹留䞋隟忘的回忆了呢指挥官今幎も海蟺で思い出を䜜りたしたね指揮官Another year, another unforgettable visit to the beach! Right, Commander?
Touch啊指挥官小心——哊哊 挂亮的接球抱、抱歉䞍小心打歪了 あ、指揮官危ない――な、ナむスキャッチ すみたせん、ボヌルを倉な方向に飛ばしちゃいたした  Oops! Look out, Commander...! Oh, nice catch. Sorry about that, I bounced the ball at an odd angle...
Touch (Special)䜠、䜠圚做什么啊な、䜕をやっおいるんですかWh-what do you think you're doing?!
Flagship无论比赛还是战斗郜䞍䌚蜻易蟓掉的詊合でも戊いでも、負けるわけにはいきたせんBe it ballgames or combat, I won't let anyone beat me!
Defeat呜 还芁倚加练习才行 うぅ もっず緎習しないず  Darn... I need more practice...
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description欢迎光䞎请问客人只有䞀䜍吗  那䞪指挥官我的笑容看起来应该䞍算僵硬  吧いらっしゃいたせ、お䞀人様ですか  ええず、指揮官、今の笑顔は固くないですよね Welcome! A table for one today? Um... Commander, my smile doesn’t look stiff... right?
Acquisition欢迎光䞎请问客人只有䞀䜍吗  那䞪指挥官我的笑容看起来应该䞍算僵硬  吧いらっしゃいたせ、お䞀人様ですか  ええず、指揮官、今の笑顔は固くないですよね Welcome! A table for one today? Um... Commander, my smile doesn’t look stiff... right?
Login啊  指挥官欢迎光䞎あっ、指揮官 い、いらっしゃいたせAh... Commander, please come in!
Details呌  保持笑容可真是䞀件麻烊的事情感觉嘎角郜僵了  ふぅ  笑顔でい぀づけるのは疲れたすね なんだか口元もしびれおきたした  Ugh... how am I supposed to keep smiling all day long? My jaw's gone stiff already...
Main指挥官䞍芁总是盯着  啊笑容笑容  咳咳请问悚芁点些什么呢指揮官、あたりゞロゞロ芋おは  ダメ、笑顔笑顔  こ、コホンご泚文はなんですかCommander, it's not polite to stare... oh! Smiling, I'm smiling... *cough cough*! What can I get for you?
Main 2劂果悚芁点这仜套逐的话这里掚荐再点䞀仜这䞪或者这䞪䌚有䞀䞪䞍错的折扣哊こちらのメニュヌを泚文されるのでしたら、こちらずご䞀緒に泚文されるこずをおすすめしたす。割匕になっおお埗ですよSo if you order this set, you can choose from one of these, or these. Not a bad deal, eh?
Main 3唔趁这䞪机䌚或讞孊习䞀䞋厚艺是䞪䞍错的选择呢  啊抱歉这是悚的逐点~このお仕事で料理も勉匷したほうがいいよね  あっ、すみたせん、ご泚文のものはこちらになりたすHmm... I should really take this opportunity to learn some new recipes. Oh, sorry, this is your menu~
Touch指挥官䞍芁随䟿和我搭话䌚圱响工䜜的指揮官、あたり話しかけないでください。お仕事の邪魔ですからっCommander, you can't just chat with me while I'm on duty. I've got work to do.
Touch (Special)指挥官再圱响我工䜜可芁请䜠出去了哊指揮官 これ以䞊邪魔したら出おいっおもらいたすよCommander, if you get in my way again I'll have to ask you to leave!
Return to Port指挥官今倩的掚荐菜单是这些哊~指揮官、今日のオススメはこちらになりたすPlease, have a look at today's specials, Commander.
Affinity (Love)呌圓服务员可真是䞀件蟛苊的事  䞍过总算是有些收获呢。嘻嘻指挥官䜠看  这䞪笑容是䞍是比之前自然讞倚呢ふぅ、お仕事はなかなか倧倉ですね  でも、いい勉匷になりたした指揮官、ほら、この笑顔、前よりずっずいい感じになっおいたせんか*Sigh* Being a waitress is a brutal job... but, there are some upsides. Hehe, Commander, what do you think...? Does my smile look a bit more natural now?
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description咊指挥官晚䞊奜。我正圚扟标枪她们  那䞪䞍介意的话䞀起圚䌚场里走䞀走劂䜕あっ、指揮官、こんばんは。今ゞャベリンたちず  あの、もしよかったらパヌティヌ䌚堎で䞀緒に歩きたせんかOh, good evening, Commander. I was just looking for Javelin and the others... Say, would you like to keep me company for a bit?
Acquisition咊指挥官晚䞊奜。我正圚扟标枪她们  那䞪䞍介意的话䞀起圚䌚场里走䞀走劂䜕あっ、指揮官、こんばんは。今ゞャベリンたちず  あの、もしよかったらパヌティヌ䌚堎で䞀緒に歩きたせんかOh, good evening, Commander. I was just looking for Javelin and the others... Say, would you like to keep me company for a bit?
Login指挥官圚宎䌚里过埗愉快吗指揮官、パヌティヌを楜しんでいたすかAre you enjoying the party, Commander?
Details我的笑容变倚了吗嗯  那䞀定是因䞺指挥官逐析变埗可靠了吧最近笑顔が倚くなった理由、ですか  指揮官が頌れるようになったからではないでしょうかI've been smiling a lot more lately? ... Well, that's because you've gotten so much more respectable.
Main看着倧家的笑容我总䌚想我们真的䞀步䞀步努力到了今倩呢。是吧指挥官みんなの笑顔を芋るず、今日たで頑匵っおきた実感がわきたすね。指揮官、そうですよねWhen I see everyone's smiling faces, I can't help but think about all the hard work that got us here. How about you, Commander?
Main 2拉菲、标枪、还有绫波  呵呵䞀匀始谁䌚想到我们四䞪䌚成䞺圢圱䞍犻的奜朋友呢ラフィヌずゞャベリン、そしお綟波  私たち四人がい぀も䞀緒にいるような友だちになるなんお思いもしたせんでしたねThe four of us: Laffey, Javelin, Ayanami, and I... Who would have thought we'd all become such good friends?
Main 3酒这里面装的可是橙汁哊指挥官お酒、ですかううん、指揮官、これはオレンゞゞュヌスですよChampagne? Oh, heavens no, Commander! This is just sparkling orange juice.
Touch欞跳舞  糟、糟了我完党没有想过这䞪状况  指挥官䜠可以现场教我吗だ、ダンスですか  し、したった、こうなるのを想定しおいなかった  指揮官、このたた教えおもらいながらや、やっおもいいですか D-D-Dance?! ... Oh my, I never thought it might come to this... Commander, can you teach me how to do it...?
Mission指挥官今倩的话可以皍埮把任务攟䞀攟哊指揮官、今日ぐらいは任務を少し埌回しにしおもいいですよJust for today, Commander, I don't mind you putting off your missions for a while.
Mission Complete这些是  䞍愧是指挥官呢これは  さすが指揮官ですThis is... exactly what I'd expect from my Commander.
Mail收到了这么倚邀请指挥官真受欢迎呢招埅状がこれほどたで  指揮官はすごく歓迎されおいたすね。ふふふLook how many invitations you've gotten, Commander. Aren't you popular? Hehehe.
Return to Port指挥官今倩皍埮攟束䞀些也没关系哊指揮官、今日ぐらいは少し楜にしおも倧䞈倫ですよCommander, you don't mind if I cut a bit loose today, do you?
Victory今倩的我可是状态绝䜳哊今日の私は絶奜調ですよI'm doing splendidly today.
Defeat没办法  䞍是埈想匄脏瀌服呢仕方ないですね  ドレスを汚したくありたせんし What can I do? ... I don't want to get my dress dirty.
Affinity (Love)诎起来指挥官虜然平时我埈少去关泚这方面䜆是今晚圚䜠的面前我果然还是想芁知道那䞪就是  圚䜠的県䞭我挂亮吗そ、そういえば指揮官わたしはこういうのには疎いず自芚がありたすけど、ええず、぀たりその、きょ、今日のわたしのこの栌奜は、指揮官からしおはですね、その、き、キレむ  ですかErm, well, Commander! I don't usually think about things like this but, you know, tonight, I'm wondering, Commander, when I'm all dressed up like this, do you think I'm... well... pretty?
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description欢迎光䞎䞀名客人 指挥官啊唔这䞪是重暱的喫茶店服务生䜓验掻劚 所以才换䞊这身 䜠觉埗 怎么样いらっしゃいたせおひずりさた  指揮官あっ、ええず、これは重桜の喫茶店の店員䜓隓むベントで この栌奜、どうですかHi, welcome! How may I serve y– It's you, Commander?! Err, well, I'm working as a trainee at this Sakura Empire-style café, you see... What do you think of this outfit?
Acquisition欢迎光䞎䞀名客人 指挥官啊唔这䞪是重暱的喫茶店服务生䜓验掻劚 所以才换䞊这身 䜠觉埗 怎么样いらっしゃいたせおひずりさた  指揮官あっ、ええず、これは重桜の喫茶店の店員䜓隓むベントで この栌奜、どうですかHi, welcome! How may I serve y– It's you, Commander?! Err, well, I'm working as a trainee at this Sakura Empire-style café, you see... What do you think of this outfit?
Login指挥官想芁来点什么呢指揮官、ご泚文はいかがですかWhat would you like to order, Commander?
Details欧根小姐又圚调戏店员了 呜呜胃奜疌オむゲンさん、たた店員さんをからかったり倉なずころを觊ろうずしたりしおいたすね うぅ、胃が痛いかも Eugen is going around teasing and feeling up the café employees again... Ugh, it's giving me an upset stomach...
Main初春奜像埈玧匠呢 我埗想想办法  初春、すごく緊匵しおいたすね なにかいい方法は  Hatsuharu looks extremely nervous... Maybe there's a way to soothe her...
Main 2倕暮怎么了额烧氎壶 啊糟糕忘记了倕暮なにやかん したった忘れおたWhat's up, Yuugure? The kettle? Oh shoot! I totally forgot!
Main 3圚店里请保持安静 真是的倕立她们䞺什么胜总是这么闹腟呢 お店では静かにしおください もう倕立たち、なんでい぀も隒がしいのですか Please try to keep quiet in the store! Why do Yuudachi and her friends always need to cause such a commotion...
Touch芁续杯茶氎是吗。请皍等お茶のおかわりですね。かしこたりたしたMore tea, you say? Coming right up!
Touch (Special)请䞍芁孊欧根小姐的行䞺啊オむゲンさんの真䌌をしないでくださいPlease, don't try to imitate Eugen's bad behavior!
Mail非垞感谢垮倧忙了指挥官䜠的信ありがずうニコ助かったよ指揮官、お手玙ですThanks for the help, Zweifunf! Here, Commander, a letter for you!
Return to Port重暱的点心有讞倚是甚蒞的呢 孊到了 重桜のお菓子は蒞しお䜜るものが倚いですね 勉匷になりたす Many of the Sakura Empire's sweets are made through steaming... That's very interesting.
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Ship Description真是的标枪还奜拉菲和绫波这䞀䞪人做偶像根本让人攟心䞍䞋。没有办法只奜由我来垮她们规划了 啊指挥官也请䞍芁忘记支持我哊ゞャベリンはいいけど、ラフィヌず綟波がアむドルをやるなんおすごく心配ですから、私が面倒を芋るしかないですね あっ、指揮官、私ぞの応揎もわ、忘れないでくださいっJeez... Javelin's got what it takes, but I'm really concerned about Laffey and Ayanami. Oh well, I guess it's up to me to manage them... Commander, please don't forget to support me too.
Acquisition真是的标枪还奜拉菲和绫波这䞀䞪人做偶像根本让人攟心䞍䞋。没有办法只奜由我来垮她们规划了 啊指挥官也请䞍芁忘记支持我哊ゞャベリンはいいけど、ラフィヌず綟波がアむドルをやるなんおすごく心配ですから、私が面倒を芋るしかないですね あっ、指揮官、私ぞの応揎もわ、忘れないでくださいっJeez... Javelin's got what it takes, but I'm really concerned about Laffey and Ayanami. Oh well, I guess it's up to me to manage them... Commander, please don't forget to support me too.
Login既然芁做就芁做到最奜目标是top idolやるからには頂点を目指したしょう目暙、トップアむドルIf you're going to do something, you've got to do it right! I'm aiming for the top!
Details我并䞍讚厌䞀蟹做经纪人䞀蟹做偶像的感觉呢䞍劂诎或讞这样才适合我也诎䞍定アむドルをやりながら、マネヌゞャヌのような立堎でもある感じは嫌いじゃありたせん。むしろ私、向いおいる気がしたす。ふふI don't mind balancing my work as both a manager and as an idol. As a matter of fact, I think I might actually be well suited to it.
Main拉菲今倩我记埗是有䞀䞪试镜她人呢 啊啊啊䞍奜意思我有急事芁先犻匀䞀䞋ラフィヌ、このあずオヌディションがあるけど ああもうすみたせん、急甚ができたしたのでちょっず倖したすI just remembered, Laffey has an audition today... so where is she?! ...Gaaaah!! Sorry, I have something to attend to!
Main 2  总觉埗最近拜托我来做经纪人的舰船倚了起来真是的我也有埈倚偶像掻劚芁做的啊  マネヌゞャヌのお仕事を頌たれるのは嬉しいですけど、私だっおアむドルカツドりがありたすよもう...Recently, more and more girls have been asking me to become their manager. Jeez, I have my own idol activities to take care of!
Main 3指挥官虜然甚这样的䌁划来让倧家享受生掻是奜事䞍过可䞍芁忘记我们本来的职莣哊指揮官、この䌁画でみんなに楜しんでもらうのもいいですけど、私たちの本来の任務を芚えおいおくださいねCommander, I have no objections to your laissez-faire approach towards management, but don't lose sight of our responsibilities.
Main 4指挥官我去参加今倩的诟皋了䜠也䞍芁忘记完成任务哊指揮官、今日のレッスンに行っおきたすから、任務をこなすのを忘れないでくださいねCommander, I'm heading off to lessons, so don't forget to finish your missions!
Touch指挥官䜠觉埗我应该向哪䞪方向发展比蟃奜呢指揮官、私はどの路線で行けばいいでしょうか Commander, which area should I improve on next?
Return to Port指挥官圚努力工䜜我也䞍胜懈怠了指揮官が頑匵っおるし、私もしっかりしなきゃ Commander, seeing you work so hard like this makes me realize, I can't slack off either!
Flagship无论是战斗还是偶像我郜芁做奜戊闘でも、アむドルでも、䞊手にこなしたすWhether as an idol or as a warship, I'll be the best I can be!
Defeat呌看来需芁加倍努力了うぅ もっず頑匵らないずいけたせんね Phew... I'll have to work even harder.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description呌 让䜠久等了。挑选衣服花莹了䞍少时闎因䞺每䞀件郜埈奜看  那䞪这件感觉怎么样ふぅ おたたせしたした。どの衣装もすごく玠敵ですから、準備するのはちょっず時間がかかりたしお  あ、あの  この衣装はいかがですかWhew... Sorry to keep you waiting. I was having a hard time deciding which outfit to wear... Ah, um... how do I look?
Acquisition呌 让䜠久等了。挑选衣服花莹了䞍少时闎因䞺每䞀件郜埈奜看  那䞪这件感觉怎么样ふぅ おたたせしたした。どの衣装もすごく玠敵ですから、準備するのはちょっず時間がかかりたしお  あ、あの  この衣装はいかがですかWhew... Sorry to keep you waiting. I was having a hard time deciding which outfit to wear... Ah, um... how do I look?
Login指挥官给䜠做的䞜西有奜奜吃掉吗嗯嗯奜孩子奜孩子~指揮官、この間䜜った料理、ちゃんず食べおくれたしたかうんうん、いい子いい子Commander, did you make sure to eat the meal I made for you? Mmhmm, good, good~
Details真是的䜠这样䞀盎看着我我芁怎么静䞋心来看乊啊 指揮官、そんなにじっず芋぀められおは本も萜ち着いお読めないですっもう  ///Commander, I can't concentrate on my reading if you're staring at me like that! Gosh...
Main指挥官我圚旁蟹看乊有事叫我哊䞺了䞍被䜠抛䞋我也芁努力才行呢指揮官、ここで読曞しおいたすから、なにかありたしたら声をかけおください。指揮官に盞応しい子でいられるよう、垞に勉匷しないずCommander, I'll be here reading, so just call my name if something happens. I have to study hard so that I can keep up with you!
Main 2指挥官努力工䜜的样子 真垅呢 啊咳咳我什么郜没诎䜠芁吃点什么吗指挥官指揮官が真面目に頑匵っおいる姿、なんだか栌奜よくお こ、コホンなんでもありたせんっそれよりなにか軜く食べたせんかYou look so cool and hardworking like that... Uh, ahem! Disregard that! A-anyway, would you like a light snack?
Main 3怎么样才胜让指挥官曎有效率曎舒适地工䜜呢 嗯真是䞪倍杂的诟题呢䞍过倌埗挑战どうやったら指揮官が効率よく、気分良く執務できるか うん、難しそうな課題だけど、挑戊しおみる䟡倀はあるわHow to help the Commander work more efficiently and comfortably... Hmm, it'll be quite the challenge, but well worth it!
Touch是是是我的婚纱埈奜看奜了快点继续工䜜真的是让人拿䜠没办法呢  はいはい、この姿がカワむむのは分かりたしたから早く仕事に戻っおくださいもう、しょうがない指揮官ですね  Yes, yes, I know I look cute in this outfit, so hurry up and get back to work! Jeez, what am I to do with you, Commander...
Touch (Special)现圚还圚工䜜䞭啊这种事留到䞋班再诎真是的就算是我也  咳咳没什么こういうのは執務䞭ではなく、せめお仕事が䞊がっおからにしおください小声もう、いくら私だっお  な、なんでもありたせんっWait, if you're going to do this kind of stuff, at least save it for after work! Even if I like... I mean, err, d-disregard what I just said!
Return to Port嗯 䜜战还有讞倚芁检讚的地方呢 䞍过銖先䜠没事就奜。うん この䜜戊、やっぱり怜蚎すべきこずがいっぱいありたしたね 指揮官が無事でなによりですMm... there really was a lot to consider on that last operation... but most importantly, I'm glad you're safe, Commander.
Victory指挥官老垈我刚才的战斗胜打几分呢噗匀玩笑的~「いたの戊闘、䜕点でしたか指揮官せんせヌ」――ふふ、冗談ですよInstructor, how many points did my combat performance score? ...Heheh, just kidding~
Defeat指挥官我没事 回去之后芁加倍训练了呢だ、倧䞈倫です 垰ったらもっず蚓緎しないず I-I'm all right... but I'll have to train more after we get back...
Affinity (Love)无论指挥官选择什么样的目标无论是圚高峰还是圚半途无论喜怒哀乐我郜䌚陪䌎圚䜠的身蟹绝对䞍䌚让䜠感到孀单的。指揮官が目指す先がどんなずころだろうず、うれしい時でも悲しい時でも、私はずっず偎にいたす。うん、䞀人には絶察にしたせんからCommander, no matter what destination you're aiming for, I'll be with you every step of the way, whether you're at the summit or just setting out, through both joys and disappointments. Mhm, you'll never be alone again, I swear it.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description既然胜力提升了效率也芁提升公文也奜䜜战计划也奜尜管来吧指挥官做奜心理准倇接䞋来䌚埈忙哊~性胜の向䞊はすなわち、業務効率の䞊昇ですさあ、文曞の凊理でも、䜜戊蚈画の立案でも、なんでも任せおください指揮官、これからはどんどん忙しくなりたすから、芚悟をしおいおくださいねMy efficiency should be upgraded along with my performance. Paperwork, battle plans... I can handle them all! Commander, be prepared, we’ll be very busy~
Acquisition既然胜力提升了效率也芁提升公文也奜䜜战计划也奜尜管来吧指挥官做奜心理准倇接䞋来䌚埈忙哊~性胜の向䞊はすなわち、業務効率の䞊昇ですさあ、文曞の凊理でも、䜜戊蚈画の立案でも、なんでも任せおください指揮官、これからはどんどん忙しくなりたすから、芚悟をしおいおくださいねMy efficiency should be upgraded along with my performance. Paperwork, battle plans... I can handle them all! Commander, be prepared, we’ll be very busy~
Login指挥官打起粟神投入玧匠的工䜜䞭吧指揮官、しっかりしおください。これからお仕事ですよCommander, look alive, let’s make a greater effort on our attacks.
Details嗯这样就完成埗差䞍倚了 奜去扟标枪她们玩——欞指、指挥官咳咳正奜这里有䞀些文件  これでよし、ず うん、そろそろゞャベリンたちに䌚いに――え、し、指揮官コホンちょうどいいです確認しおほしい曞類が  Ok, just little bit more and the retrofit will be complete... let’s go find Javelin and play with them—— Hey, *points*, it’s the Commander?! *Cough*, great timing, here are some documents...
Main 3俯瞰战场的战术纵观党局的战略  陀歀之倖知道自己圚䞺什么而战也是埈重芁的哟戊堎を芋枡す戊術、倧局を芋る戊略  のほかに䜕のために戊っおいるかを知るこずも倧事ですよ
Main 4指挥官䌑息借了的话就匀始倄理这座公文山吧指揮官、䌑憩が枈んだら、匕き続きこの文曞の山の察応に励みたしょう Once we complete today’s mission, then come back and confirm our schedule for sorties over the next few days, there are still many things left to do.
Main 5今倩的任务完成了的话就来确讀䞀䞋接䞋来几倩的日皋吧事情还倚的是呢今日の任務完了したしたこれからの数日間のスケゞュヌルを確認したしょう。やるこずはいっぱいありたすよ
Touch (Special)指挥官做奜圚犁闭宀办公的准倇了吗指揮官、独房で仕事をする準備は出来おいたすよね Commander, are you prepared to work in a lockdown environment?
Victory埈奜倧家再接再厉よし次もがんばりたしょうWell done, let’s keep this up, everyone!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description指挥官芁奜奜扶着梯子哊。我芁把这本乊给攟䞊去 嘿咻 奜啊这样就 指挥官䞍芁埀䞊看啊指揮官、ハシゎをしっかり支えおくださいね。今この本を よいっしょっず よし、これで 指揮官䞊を芋ないでくださいCommander, please help hold onto the ladder. I've almost got the book... Just a little more... All right... C-Commander?! Please don't look up!
Acquisition指挥官芁奜奜扶着梯子哊。我芁把这本乊给攟䞊去 嘿咻 奜啊这样就 指挥官䞍芁埀䞊看啊指揮官、ハシゎをしっかり支えおくださいね。今この本を よいっしょっず よし、これで 指揮官䞊を芋ないでくださいCommander, please help hold onto the ladder. I've almost got the book... Just a little more... All right... C-Commander?! Please don't look up!
Details呌 果然看着印刷的乊本就有种沉䞋心来的感觉呢 指挥官也来䞀起看看乊劂䜕ふぅ、やっぱり掻字の本を読むず萜ち着きたすね 指揮官もどうですかPhew... Nothing calms the mind like enjoying a nice book... Commander, want to join me?
Main突击者小姐䜠圚扟什么乊吗 嗯没事吧芁䞍芁我垮䜠䞀起扟扟レンゞャヌさん、どの本をお探しですか あれ倧䞈倫ですか代わりに探したすよMiss Ranger, what book are you looking for? ...Huh? Are you all right? Should I help find it for you?
Main 2啊这本乊请攟到纞箱里。之后芁䞀起拿到䞍知火那里去的あ、この本はダンボヌルの䞭に入れおください。埌で䞍知火のずころに持っおいきたすAh, go ahead and put that book inside that cardboard box. I'll take it over to Shiranui later.
Main 3拉菲和标枪奜像䞍怎么看乊呢 唔䞀䌚和绫波䞀起研究䞋挑几本适合孊习的乊给她们奜了ラフィヌずゞャベリン、あたり本を読たないですからね ええ、あずで綟波ず䞀緒に調べお、勉匷になりそうな本を䜕冊か持っおいきたしょうLaffey and Javelin don't seem to read much... Mhm, Ayanami and I will see if we can pick out some books that would be helpful to them.
Touch哇啊啊啊指挥官芁把梯子扶皳来啊あわわわ指揮官、ちゃんずハシゎを支えおいおくださいよWoaaahhh! Commander, please keep the ladder steady!
Touch (Special)指挥官这里䞍行啊指揮官ここはダメですCommander?! You mustn't do that!
Mail唔隟道是乊本的订单埅䌚芁确讀䞀䞋哊取り寄せの䌝祚ですかあずで確認したすねMight it be an order form? I'll check it in a moment!
Return to Port敎理乊本就亀给我吧我埈擅长也埈喜欢这䞪工䜜本の敎理なら任せおください埗意ですし、奜きですからI'll handle sorting the books! I like doing it, not to mention I'm also good at it!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description哈啊 照顟这些孩子意倖的环人啊 明明是蟅助指挥官的 指挥官像这些孩子这样总是芁人照顟可䞍行哊はぁ このオフニャたちの䞖話は意倖ず疲れたすね 指揮官をサポヌトする子なのにどうしお 指揮官はこの子たちみたいに䞖話を焌かせおはダメですよ*sigh*... Taking care of Meowfficers is more work than you'd think... They're awfully needy for support units. Commander, make absolute sure you don't turn out like them.
Acquisition哈啊 照顟这些孩子意倖的环人啊 明明是蟅助指挥官的 指挥官像这些孩子这样总是芁人照顟可䞍行哊はぁ このオフニャたちの䞖話は意倖ず疲れたすね 指揮官をサポヌトする子なのにどうしお 指揮官はこの子たちみたいに䞖話を焌かせおはダメですよ*sigh*... Taking care of Meowfficers is more work than you'd think... They're awfully needy for support units. Commander, make absolute sure you don't turn out like them.
Login环了 我皍埮䌑息䞋 埅䌚再给Z26她们看䜜䞚吧 疲れたした ちょっず䌑憩っず。ニヌムたちの宿題を芋るのは埌にしずこ How tiring... I should go take a break now. I'll have to check if Z26 and the others did their homework later...
Details䞋次䞀定芁让明石把这些孩子们垊走 唔感觉奜可怜还是䞍芁吧 奜纠结  今床は絶察明石にこの子達を垰しお  うぅ、可哀想だからやっぱり垰せたせん どうしたら I'm SO returning these kitties to Akashi... Although, I'd feel really guilty if I did that... Ugh, what's a girl to do...
Main喂Z28这些孩子可䞍是宠物虜然怎么看郜埈像宠物就是了 こら、ニヌアオフニャたちはペットじゃないですよペットっぜいずころがいっぱいあるけどHey, Z28! Stop treating the Meowfficers like pets! Look, I know they seem like pets in more ways than one!
Main 2标枪她们郜䞍怎么喝咖啡呢。呌呌这些方面郜还是小孩子呢。コヌヒヌをゞャベリンたちはあたり飲たないんですよね。ふふん、そういうずころがただただ子䟛なんですよJavelin and her friends aren't too keen about coffee. Heh, that proves that they're still just kids.
Main 3藏圚这里了对吧嘿 哌我可䞍是癜跟U艇们玩了那么久捉迷藏的そこに隠れおいるわねえい ふぅ、䌊達にUボヌトたちず鬌ごっこしおいたわけじゃありたせんよSo that's where you're hiding! Gotcha! ...What? I'm totally not wasting time playing hide-and-seek with the U-boats!
Touch指挥官也芁来点喝的吗指揮官もお飲み物でもいかがですかCommander, would you like something to drink?
Touch (Special)䜠䜠䜠䜠干嘛な、䜕をやっおいるんですかWh-what are you trying to do?!
Return to Port䞍芁忘了给后宅补充食物哊就像这些孩子䞀样 寮舎の食料の補充を忘れないでお願いしたすね。この子たちみたいに  Don't forget to keep your dorms nice and stocked up... Just like these kitties...
Victory无论是战斗、任务还是孊习郜是讀真的人才胜赢戊闘も任務も勉匷も、真面目にこなしたほうが勝ちですWhether in battles or in missions or in studies, diligence begets success!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description欢迎光䞎芁䞍芁来仜现炞出炉的矎味薯条呢 指挥官别再盯着我看了这只是快逐店的制服而已快点点单啊
Acquisition欢迎光䞎芁䞍芁来仜现炞出炉的矎味薯条呢 指挥官别再盯着我看了这只是快逐店的制服而已快点点单啊
Main 2拉菲客人圚等着点单哊快醒醒䞍胜再睡了
Main 3指挥官是喜欢原味的蛋挞还是氎果味的蛋挞呢我的话 只芁䞍是蟣味的蛋挞就行 
Touch (Special)公、公共场合请泚意蚀行
Mission指挥官圚倄理任务我圚倄理快逐店的事务 有种共同努力的感觉呢~ 咳咳没、没什么
Mission Complete指挥官的任务完成了吗呌  我这蟹正奜也告䞀段萜了。
Mail有新消息  是新的倖送订单我这就去准倇
Return to Port指挥官逐点已经准倇奜了请到柜台倄领取~
Commission Complete是后勀物资到了么嗯这䞋即䜿有再倚的客人也胜保证奜逐品的䟛应了。
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description怎怎么䌚 隟埗的装倇居然因䞺区化倱莥爆掉了而䞔还花光了手倎的钱  啊呜呜芁重新进迷宫从倎赚钱才行了  そ、そんな せっかくの装備が匷化倱敗でロスト、おたけに所持金もれロ  あぅぅ、もう䞀回ダンゞョンに入っおお金を皌ぎ盎さないず  N-no way... I lost the gear I worked so hard for because the upgrade failed, and now I'm completely out of gold... Ugh, I'm going to have to go farm the dungeon all over again...
Acquisition怎怎么䌚 隟埗的装倇居然因䞺区化倱莥爆掉了而䞔还花光了手倎的钱  啊呜呜芁重新进迷宫从倎赚钱才行了  そ、そんな せっかくの装備が匷化倱敗でロスト、おたけに所持金もれロ  あぅぅ、もう䞀回ダンゞョンに入っおお金を皌ぎ盎さないず  N-no way... I lost the gear I worked so hard for because the upgrade failed, and now I'm completely out of gold... Ugh, I'm going to have to go farm the dungeon all over again...
Login唉 早知道这样 就该圚打匀明石的区化菜单前再倚做点准倇才对  はぁ 明石の装備匷化メニュヌ、もう少し準備しおから利甚すればよかった *sigh*... I knew I should've made some extra preparations before chancing Akashi's upgrades...
Details无论是重新匀始锻造装倇还是买别的郜需芁资金呢 怎么才胜赚倧钱呢  装備を鍛え盎すか、別のを買うか、いずれにしおも資金が必芁ですよね 倧金をどうやっお皌げば  You need a lot of money, whether you're trying to reforge your gear or buying a new set... How am I supposed to get that much gold anyway...?
Main虜然䞀匀始就知道有可胜爆掉装倇䞍过  呜呜垌望没有因䞺这䞪拖倧家的后腿 確率でロストする可胜性があるのは分かっおいたすよ、でも  うぅ、これのせいで皆の足を匕っ匵らなければいいですけど I knew from the beginning that this might happen, but still... Ugh, I hope I'm not going to be a complete liability to the others...
Main 2䜠诎䞍劂干脆蜬职成栌斗家 我没有绫波那么灵巧啊いっそのこず栌闘家に転職すればいいですっお 綟波のように噚甚じゃありたせんからYou think it'd be a good idea for me to class-change to Fighter? I mean... I'm not as flexible as Ayanami!
Main 3防埡力的话䞍甚担心哊。看穿泳衣也是胜战斗的。防埡力なら心配ありたせんよ。ほら、氎着でも戊えはしたすからMy DEF stat is solid enough. Look, I have no problem fighting even in a swimsuit.
Touch芁去公䌚确讀䞋任务才行 ギルドに行っおク゚ストを確認したせんず I'll have to head back to the Guild to pick up another quest...
Touch (Special)真是的圚这䞪关倎 呜呜  もう、こんな時に うぅ  Ugh... Why now of all times...?
Mission标枪那䞪任务隟床倪高了是是䞺了给我赚装倇莹甚吗 ゞャベリン、あのク゚ストは難易床が高すぎたすよわ、わたしの装備代に Javelin, that quest might be a bit too tough. Wait, it's to cover my equipment costs...?
Mission Complete拉菲䞍芁䞍小心烧了任务报酬呀もうラフィヌ任務報酬をうっかり燃やさないでくださいっJeez, Laffey! Don't accidentally set our rewards on fire!
Mail邮件是任务邀请就奜了 メヌルク゚ストのお誘いだずいいけど New mail? I hope it's a quest invitation...
Return to Port欢欢迎回来 䞍奜意思我还没猓过来 呜呜 䞍行还䞍胜哭 お、おかえりなさい ただ立ち盎れおいないので すみたせん うぅ だめ、ただ泣いちゃ W-welcome back... I'm still trying to get back what I lost... Sorry... Ugh, I can't let myself cry over this!
Commission Complete委托物资奜像送到了。虜然这里没法甚 委蚗物資が届いたようですね。ここでは䜿えたせんけど The commission rewards seem to have come in. Not that it'll solve this problem though...
Flagship倧家䞊吧みんな、行くよLet's zone in, everyone!
Victory芁努力赚钱凑霐装倇才行頑匵っおお金を皌いで、装備を揃えなくちゃI have to work harder to get gold and farm up a new set of gear!
Defeat呜呜 这样的装倇可䞍行啊  うぅ こんな装備じゃ  Ugh... What am I supposed to do with this kind of gear...
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description同样是黑色基调的瀌服奜像是听欧根的建议点猀了些红色和癜色的感觉呢。嗯这身和指挥官跳舞肯定  欞指、指挥官是刚来吗  那䞪 我这身感觉怎么样以前ず同じ黒基調のドレスですけど、オむゲンさんのアドバむスで少し癜ず赀の芁玠を取り入れおいたすね。うん、これなら指揮官ずのダンスでも――し、指揮官今来たばかりですかええず、今日のドレスは どうですかSure, I've worn black dresses in the past, but this time I decided to incorporate a bit of red and white, per Eugen's suggestion. This is sure to invite the Commander to dance wi– C-Commander?! Did you just get here? I see. Uhh... How do you like my dress?
Acquisition同样是黑色基调的瀌服奜像是听欧根的建议点猀了些红色和癜色的感觉呢。嗯这身和指挥官跳舞肯定  欞指、指挥官是刚来吗  那䞪 我这身感觉怎么样以前ず同じ黒基調のドレスですけど、オむゲンさんのアドバむスで少し癜ず赀の芁玠を取り入れおいたすね。うん、これなら指揮官ずのダンスでも――し、指揮官今来たばかりですかええず、今日のドレスは どうですかSure, I've worn black dresses in the past, but this time I decided to incorporate a bit of red and white, per Eugen's suggestion. This is sure to invite the Commander to dance wi– C-Commander?! Did you just get here? I see. Uhh... How do you like my dress?
Login舞䌚快匀始了哊准倇奜了吗指挥官今倩就亀给我吧もうそろそろダンスが始たりたすよ。指揮官、準備はいいですか今日は私に任せおくださいIt's almost time for the dance to start. Commander, are you ready? Leave it all to me today.
Details衣服确讀。发型确讀。配饰确讀  诶垌望我攟束䞀点䞍行哊指挥官舞䌚也芁做到癟分癟的准倇才行服よし。髪型よし。小物も よし。んもう少し気楜に、ですか指揮官、ダメですよ。これから䞀緒にダンスをするのですから、こういうチェックはしっかりしおおかないずDress, ready. Hair, done. Accessories... all set. Hmm? I should be more relaxed? That won't do, Commander. If we're going to be dance partners, everything must be in perfect order!
Main倧家郜圚享受宎䌚了这䞪时候䞀䞪人看乊干掻有点煞风景了吧  みんなパヌティヌを盛り䞊げようずしおいるのに、䞀人で読曞しおいたり䜜業しおいたりするのはさすがにどうかず思いたすよ Everyone's out there livening up the party. It's a little weird to read or work all alone, don't you think...?
Main 2也䞍知道标枪的华尔兹练埗怎么样了之前陪她练舞的时候 䞍行我还是去陪她再练习䞀䞋ゞャベリンは倧䞈倫でしょうかこの間䞀緒にリハヌサルした時は――やっぱり心配 もう少し緎習しおきたすIs Javelin doing okay? During our last rehearsal together—Oh, I'm so worried. I'm gonna practice a little more!
Main 3跳舞䞍胜光靠乊本銖先芁甚身䜓习惯还芁䞺了各种可胜发生的问题提前做奜准倇——嗯。今倩的我可是做足了准倇的随时邀请我就奜ダンスは本を読むだけではダメ、䜓で芚えお、それからいろんな問題に備えないず――はい。今日はしっかり準備もしおきたしたから、い぀でも誘っおくださいっDancing isn't something you can learn to do just from reading a book. You have to experience it yourself, and prepare for any problems that might arise. That's right– I've done everything I needed to in advance, and am ready for your invitation at any moment.
Touch指挥官也芁来点喝的吗指揮官もお飲み物でもいかがですかCommander, would you like something to drink?
Touch (Special)这、这可䞍是绅士应该有的行䞺哊こ、これはデリカシヌのある人がするこずじゃありたせんよTh-this isn't something that a tactful person would do.
Touch (Headpat)发型打理起来埈麻烊的哊指挥官。指揮官この髪型、敎えるのが結構倧倉なんですよCommander... Do you realize how hard it is to style my hair like this?
Mission指挥官今倩的话可以皍埮把任务攟䞀攟哊指揮官、今日ぐらいは任務を少し埌回しにしおもいいですよJust for today, Commander, I don't mind you putting off your missions for a while.
Mission Complete这些是  䞍愧是指挥官呢これは  さすが指揮官ですThis is... exactly what I'd expect from my Commander.
Mail收到了这么倚邀请指挥官真受欢迎呢招埅状がこれほどたで  指揮官はすごく歓迎されおいたすね。ふふふLook how many invitations you've gotten, Commander. Aren't you popular? Hehehe.
Return to Port犻舞䌚匀始还有䞀段时闎呢。指挥官就先皍埮攟束身䜓䌑息䞀䞋吧ダンスたでただ時間がありたすからね。指揮官、ここは䜓を楜にしお、少しゆっくりしたしょうWe still have time before the dance. Let's take it easy and relax for a while, Commander.
Commission Complete圚舞䌚匀始前先检查䞀䞋委托的完成情况吧ダンスが始たる前に、委蚗の状況を䞀床確認したしょうかWhy don't we check on the status of our commissions before the dance?
Victory芁邀请我跳舞吗?  嗯圓然没问题了ダンスのお誘いですか はい、喜んでお盞手したすふふふ♪An invitation to dance? ...Sure, I'd be glad to! Heehee~♪
Defeat看来准倇还䞍借充分  呜呜  準備䞍足だったみたい  うぅ  Looks like I wasn't prepared enough... Aww...