Roon (JP 🇯🇵: ローン, CN 🇹🇼: 罗恩)
Ship IDNo. P005Star Rating★★★☆☆☆
Hull Heavy CruiserRarityPriority
NavyIronbloodBuild TimeN/A
AcquisitionResearch and Development
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
CNApril 26, 2018
JPApril 26, 2018
Voice actressSatomi Sato
Heavy Cruiser - Roon
Dark Red GrinDescription
Such a delightful party with our wonderful friends in this peaceful harbor... It's wonderful, really... But, it's all so boring...
HP1041 Reload63
Firepower53 Torpedo40
Evasion9 Anti-air43
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW0 Luck0
HP4305 Reload121
Firepower200 Torpedo152
Evasion61 Anti-air165
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW0 Luck0
Limit Break
Level 5HP +254 | AA +11 | EVA +5 | Main Gun base +1 | Unlock playback for: Main screen 1, Flagship fight, Mission reminder
Level 10Unlock All Out Assault/All weapons' efficiency +2% | Limit Break to 4 Stars | Unlock playback for: Main screen 2, Victory, DefeatLearn Siren Killer Ⅰ | Learn All Out Assault Ⅰ | All weapons' efficiency +2%
Level 15HP +508 | AA +21 | Main Gun efficiency +10% | Unlock playback for: Main screen 3, Normal touch, Mission complete
Level 20All weapons' efficiency +3% | Limit Break to 5 Stars | Unlock playback for: Skills, Mail reminder, Commission completeLearn Siren Killer Ⅱ | All weapons' efficiency +3%
Level 25HP +761 | AA +32 | EVA +10 | Unlock playback for: Special touch, Low HP
Level 30Improve All Out Assault/All weapons' efficiency +5% | Limit Break to 6 StarsLearn Siren Killer Ⅲ | All weapons' efficiency +5% | Learn All Out Assault Ⅱ
Level 35Upgrades "Well-Rounded Armor" to "Well-Rounded Armor+"
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1Heavy Cruiser110%/112%/115%/120%1/2/2/20/0/0/0
3Anti-Air Gun100%/102%/105%/110%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T9 Heavy Cruiser: Roon-ClassTech Points and Bonus
Unlock38 +1
Max LimitBreak76
Lv.12056 +1
Expert LoaderChanges the ammo type of this ship's Main Guns to HE. Every time this ship fires its Main Guns: increases this ship's RLD by 1.0% (3.5%) (can be stacked up to 12 times.) The ammo type of this ship's Main Guns will alternate between HE and AP every 2 shots.Default Unlocked
Well-Rounded ArmorEvery 30s: deploys 4 rotating shields that can each block up to 8 hits. Shields last for 5 (15) s.???
Siren Killer ⅢIncreases this ship's DMG to Sirens by 15.0%.???
All Out Assault ⅡActivates All Out Assault Ⅱ: Roon once every 8 times the Main Guns are fired.???
Well-Rounded Armor+After the battle begins and every 30s after that: deploys 4 rotating shields that can each block up to 8 hits. Shields last for 5 (15) s.???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description重巡洋舰-—罗恩重巡洋艦・ローンHeavy cruiser – Roon.
Biography铁血巡洋舰罗恩号,历史中仅停留在设计构想阶段。指挥官,我看到了哟——你的内心中有和我相似的部分喔鉄血巡洋艦のローンです。かの世界では構想段階でしか存在していなかったのですが……それより指揮官、私、見えていますよ――あなたの心の奥には、私と似たような「モノ」が…I am Roon, the Iron Blood cruiser. In a far-off world, I never existed beyond the drawing board... But that aside, I've seen it, Commander... Deep within your heart, there's something that resembles me...
Acquisition真没想到竟然是我来到这里……你好,我是罗恩,现在对这里还不太熟悉,可以请你带我参观一下吗?まさかこの私がここに来るなんて……こんにちは、ローンと言います。まだここには詳しくありませんから、案内をお願いできないでしょうか?I never thought I'd end up here... Hello, I am Roon. I don't know this place very well, so could I ask you to give me a tour?
Login这里的港区好和平呢,大家也都是易于相处的人……この母港は平和ですね。みんなとても親切ですし……This place is so peaceful. Everyone's so nice, too...
Details指挥官在工作外有什么兴趣呢?一起去放松一下怎么样?指揮官ってお仕事以外に趣味はあります?よかったら一緒にリラックスしませんか?Commander, do you have any interests outside of work? If you're okay with it, why don't we relax together?
Main每当看到美丽的事物在战场上凋零,我就……美しいものが戦場で無残に踏み潰されるのを見るたびに、私……あぁ…Every time I see something beautiful get squashed on the battlefield, I just... Aahhh...
Main 2想要治愈指挥官的心,唔……该怎么办呢?指揮官の心、癒やしてあげたいです。うん……どうすれば……I want to do something to soothe your mind. But... what should I do...
Main 3闲暇时的兴趣?我喜欢放生喔趣味?放生(ほうじょう)とかってどうですか?What my hobby is? Perhaps something like "granting sweet release"?
Touch指挥官,请张嘴……我做的菜肴味道如何?和昨天相比有进步吗?指揮官、あーんして?……ふふ、どうですか?前より上手く作れていますか?Please open your mouth, Commander... *Giggle*, do you like it? Have I gotten better at cooking?
Touch (Special)唔,指挥官也想和我拥抱吗?好好~うん?指揮官も私とハグしたいですか?いいですよ~Hm? Do you want a hug, too? Okay~
Mission这次会是什么样的任务呢?稍微有点期待起来了今度はどんな任務ですか?少し期待しちゃいますWhat might this next mission be? I'm getting a little excited.
Mission Complete下一个任务,也一同加油吧次の任務も、いっしょにがんばりましょうねLet's give our all on the next mission, too.
Mail邮件里没有不好的消息吧?悪いニュースはありませんよね?It's not any bad news, is it?
Return to Port我也想出航去击沉敌人呢…呵呵,击沉得越多,自己不就显得越有用嘛~私も敵をやっつけたいですね~ふふ…敵を沈めれば沈めるほど、自分の価値を証明することに繋がりますから~I want to pummel some enemies, too~ *Giggle*... The more of them you sink, the more you prove your worth, after all~
Commission Complete委托队的孩子们,真的很努力了呢……好啦,排好队我会一个个拥抱过去的~委託の子たち、本当に頑張っていますね……はーい、一列に並んで~今ひとりずつハグしてあげますよ~Those commission girls must work really hard... Okay, everyone line up~ I'm going to give each of you a hug~
Enhancement谢谢你喔,指挥官指揮官、ありがとうございますThank you for that, Commander.
Flagship呵呵,看到我后才打算逃跑,还逃得掉吗?ふふ、私のことを見て逃げようとするなんて、まさか逃げられるとでも思っているんですかぁ~?*Giggle*... You saw me, and now you're trying to flee...? Do you really think you can flee from ME?!
Victory都看到我了,竟然还不干脆自沉,非要劳我出手,真是——不可原谅!私を見たというのに自沈しないだけでなく沈めるのに私の手まで煩わせるなんて――許せないっ!!!Not only did you not sink yourselves upon seeing me, you even forced me to sink you myself... YOU WILL PAY!
Defeat唔唔,今天的战术是佯败设伏吗?うう…今日は釣り野伏せでしょうか…?Aww... Did we fall prey to an ambush...?
Skill不要…小看了我啊!!私を…舐めるなっ!!Don't…look down on me!!
Low HP击伤了我……不可原谅!私を傷つけるなんて…許せないっ!!!You dare hurt me...? YOU WILL PAY!
Affinity (Upset)指挥官……不可原谅!指揮官……許せないっ!!Commander... YOU WILL PAY!
Affinity (Stranger)港区的生活?各方面都无可挑剔喔,只是……是不是有点太过平和了?母港の生活ですか?問題ありませんよ。でも……ちょっと平和すぎるのでしょうか…?How I'm faring at the base? Perfectly fine. Although... isn't it a little too peaceful here...?
Affinity (Friendly)在战场上互相杀戮是我们的使命……所以,稍微有点沉溺其中也很正常吧私たちの使命は戦場で殺し合うことですね。……なので、その殺し合いにちょっとだけ溺れていても普通だと思いませんか?It is our destiny to kill one another on the battlefield... So, wouldn't you say it's normal to revel in the killing just a little bit?
Affinity (Like)啊啊…用舰炮将敌人轰杀、撕裂的那种感觉…真是太棒了…指挥官,你也明白那种感觉吧?ああぁ…艦砲の砲火で敵を切り裂いて…木っ端微塵に壊す感触……たまりませんわぁ……指揮官も分かるでしょ?Ahhh... The feeling of tearing apart enemies with gunfire... and breaking them into a million little pieces... I can't get enough of it... You know how I feel, don't you, Commander?
Affinity (Love)呵呵,和你在一起的时候,内心比在战场上疯狂杀戮还要充实,这就是爱情的力量吗?不过……ふふっ、指揮官と一緒にいると、戦場で敵を殺すより充実感を感じる…これは愛の力ですか?でも……*Giggle*, I get more fulfillment from being with you than from killing enemies on the battlefield... Is this the power of love? But then...
Pledge谢谢你哦,不过呢,最终填补了我内心空虚的既不是杀戮的愉悦也不是爱情的甜蜜,而是嫉妒的愤恨呢!指挥官,现在我对他人的妒恨与对你的爱一样多喔……真是——不可原谅呢!ありがとうございます。でもね、私ようやくわかったんです。心の隙間を埋めたのは戦闘での殺戮でも愛でもなく、「嫉妬」という憎悪…指揮官?あなたを愛するのと同じぐらい、他の子を激しく、激しく、激しく嫉妬(にくんで)いますよ…?もう――許せないよねっ!!!Thank you so much. But listen, I finally understand now. What filled the void in my heart wasn't slaughter on the battlefield or love, it was the hatred known as "envy"... Commander, I love you just as much as I deeply, deeply, DEEPLY hate those other girls... THEY WILL PAY!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description和平的港区,温馨的宴席,欢笑的同伴…真是美好…不过,也真是无趣呢……平和な母港に心温まるパーティー、そして笑い合う仲間たち…素晴らしいですけど…ちょっとだけ、面白みがなく感じますね…Such a delightful party with our wonderful friends in this peaceful harbor... It's wonderful, really... But, it's all so boring...
Acquisition和平的港区,温馨的宴席,欢笑的同伴…真是美好…不过,也真是无趣呢……平和な母港に心温まるパーティー、そして笑い合う仲間たち…素晴らしいですけど…ちょっとだけ、面白みがなく感じますね…Such a delightful party with our wonderful friends in this peaceful harbor... It's wonderful, really... But, it's all so boring...
Login呼呼…难得的热闹晚宴,让我们好好享受吧,指挥官ふふ、せっかくのパーティーですから、指揮官、思いっきり楽しみましょう?Hah hah... it's not often we have a party. Let's enjoy ourselves, Commander.
Details特意准备的礼服确实吸引到了指挥官的目光,但是…想到其他舰船也一样,我就……確かにこのドレス姿は指揮官の興味を惹きつけましたけど、ほかの子の時でもそうなると思うと…ああ……Did my dress catch your attention, Commander? ... But when I think about you looking at the other girls' dresses, I just...
Main越是美好的事物,就越让人想要毁坏呢……美しいほど、めちゃくちゃにしたくなりますよね…When you see something so perfect and beautiful, don't you just feel the urge to... crush it?
Main 2指挥官,我特意挑选的礼服,有治愈你的心吗?指揮官、私のドレス姿に心を癒されましたか?Commander, I picked out this dress specifically for the occasion. Don't you feel like it... completes you?
Main 3…这种和乐融融的气氛反而容易让人累积不少压力呢…指挥官,等会可以让我出击吗?…こんな平和で温かい雰囲気だと、ちょっと発散したくなりますね…指揮官、あとで出撃させていただけないでしょうか…? All this merriment is making me nauseous... Commander, can you let me sortie when we get back?
Touch指挥官玩得开心吗?…我吗?只要看着指挥官就很开心了~指揮官は楽しんでいますか?…私?私は指揮官を見ているだけで十分ですよ~Are you having a good time, Commander? ... Me? Oh I'm just happy to see you~
Touch (Special)指挥官…再靠近一点也没关系哦…?指揮官、もうちょっとギュッてしてもいいですよ?Commander... I think you can get closer than that...
Flagship来得正好,稍微让我“减压”一下吧…!ちょうどいいですね~スッキリさせてもらおうかしら…!!You're just in time, I needed to blow off a little steam!
Victory呵呵呵…这边也是一场不错的“盛宴”呢ふふふ、こっちも「盛り上がって」いますね…Hehehe... That was another lovely "banquet."
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description离开热闹的派对会场,然后像这样与指挥官二人独处…指挥官接下来要做点什么来“转换心情”呢?我很期待哦~みんながいるパーティー会場から抜け出して、こうして指揮官と二人っきり…指揮官がこれから何をして「気分転換」するのか、楽しみにしています~It's so nice getting away from the bustling party hall and being alone with you, Commander. I'm eager to see what we'll do now as your idea of a... "break"~
Acquisition离开热闹的派对会场,然后像这样与指挥官二人独处…指挥官接下来要做点什么来“转换心情”呢?我很期待哦~みんながいるパーティー会場から抜け出して、こうして指揮官と二人っきり…指揮官がこれから何をして「気分転換」するのか、楽しみにしていますIt's so nice getting away from the bustling party hall and being alone with you, Commander. I'm eager to see what we'll do now as your idea of a... "break"~
Login其实我也刚开始觉得派对有些乏味了呢。谢谢你,指挥官♪実はちょうどパーティーを退屈だと思い始めたところなんです。ありがとうございますね、指揮官♪Good timing, actually – the party was starting to bore me. Thanks for pulling me out, Commander~
Details派对上的饮料,还有美因茨赞不绝口的咖啡都挺不错的,不过…我还是更喜欢铁血的啤酒呢。指挥官喜欢什么呢?パーティーのドリンク、マインツ絶賛のコーヒーもいいですけど、私はやっぱり鉄血ビールのほうが好みかも?指揮官は何がお気に入りですか?Mainz's favorite coffee is a nice party drink, though I think I still prefer Iron Blood beer. What do you prefer, Commander?
Main欣赏风景是不错,不过总是看着港区的景色,难免有些腻了呢~果然还是战场的风景好呀…啊啊…无论何时看都不会腻呢…風景を眺めるのもいいですけど、この母港のだとどうしても見飽きちゃいますね~。やっぱり戦場のほうが…あぁ…いつ見ても飽きません…While I like vistas as much as the next person, I'm awfully fed up with the port's scenery at this point. Battlefields differ in that regard... Ahh... I'll never tire of seeing them.
Main 2呵呵,不用担心,我哪里都不会去的~毕竟带我来这的可是指挥官呢,对吧?ふふ、心配しなくても私はどこにも行きませんよ~。だって、ここに連れてきたのは指揮官じゃないですかHeehee~ Don't you worry, I'm not going anywhere. Why would I, when it's you who brought me here?
Main 3难得有钢琴在这里,能陪我练习唱歌吗?什么都不做的话,总觉得有些静不下心呢,呵呵~せっかくピアノがあることですし、歌の練習に付き合ってもらえませんか?何もしないとついソワソワしちゃうんです。ふふふSince we have access to a piano, could you help me work on my singing? I'm starting to feel restless from sitting around for too long... Heehee~
Touch想回去了吗?那么,请去治愈疲累的心吧♪もう戻られたのですか?はい、疲れた心を癒やしてくださーい♪Oh, you're back already? Then please, come here and let your heart be soothed♪
Touch (Special)没有别人在哦~♥ほかに誰もいませんよ~♥Go on – we're all alone here~♥
Return to Port欢迎回来~给你治愈的拥抱♪おかえりなさいませ~、癒しのハグをぎゅーっと♪Welcome back! Let's give you a nice, waaarm hug♪
Commission Complete从这里可以看到委托组的伙伴们哦?怎么办?要去迎接她们吗?ここからも委託組の子たちが見えるんですよ?どうしますか?出迎えに行きます?I can see the commission team all the way from up here. Well? Are you heading out to greet them?
Flagship竟敢打扰我和指挥官在一起的时间…不可原谅!指揮官との時間を…許せないっ!How DARE you ruin my special moment with the Commander!
Victory呵呵,彻底“转换心情”了~ふふふ、きっちり「気分転換」させていただきました~Heehee... Now that's what I'd call a good "break"~
Affinity (Love)原来如此,这就是指挥官所说的“转换心情”么…既消减了无聊,还能和指挥官在一起,感觉真是不错,不过…(小声)想管住我的指挥官,果然不能原谅呢♡なるほど、これが指揮官が言ってた「気分転換」ですか…退屈しなくて済みますし、指揮官と一緒にいられるのはいいですけど…(小声)私を抑えようとする指揮官、やっぱり許せませんね♡Ah, so this is what you meant by "a break." It certainly is a cure for boredom, and I am happy to have some alone time with you, buuut... (I know you're trying to keep me in check, and you're going to pay for that♥)