Prinz Eugen (JP 🇯🇵: プリンツ・オイゲン, CN 🇹🇼: 欧根亲王)
Ship IDNo. 244Star Rating★★★☆☆☆
Hull Heavy CruiserRaritySuper Rare
NavyIronbloodBuild Time02:00:00
AcquisitionHeavy/Aviation/Exchange. Available in Medal Exchange for 80 Medals and available as drop in D3 during Opposite-Colored Rerun Event.
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
ENAugust 16, 2018
KRMarch 27, 2018
CNSeptember 13, 2017
JPMay 25, 2017
Voice actressAyane Sakura
Prinz EugenDescription
Admiral Hipper-class Heavy Cruiser, Prinz Eugen
Unfading SmileDescription
Relaxing on a float, gently licking my lips... is this really the most popular photo pose for the beach? Wales, you’re not teasing me again, are you?
Profusion of FlowersDescription
So this is the Sakura Empire's New Year? Hehe, how interesting~ Commander, since it's the New Year, why don't you put aside all those papers and have a drink with me?
Cordial CornflowerDescription
... Huh? Commander, is that you? Me, drunk? No way... *hic*... If I was, Commander, then what are you planning to do to me? Hehe...
Final LapDescription
Symphonic Fate Description
If fate brought us together, then it has my thanks… I look forward to our future together~
HP1099 Reload67
Firepower43 Torpedo28
Evasion9 Anti-air38
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW0 Luck78
HP4546 Reload129
Firepower120 Torpedo78
Evasion61 Anti-air145
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW0 Luck82
Limit Break
Tier 1Unlock All Out Assault Ⅰ | All weapons' efficiency +2%
Tier 2Torpedo base +1 | Torpedo preload +1 | All weapons' efficiency +3%
Tier 3Improve All Out Assault | All weapons' efficiency +5%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1Heavy Cruiser115%/117%/120%/125%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
3Anti-Air Gun110%/112%/115%/120%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
Default Equipments
1Twin 203mm Main Gun (SK C)
Fleet Tech
T7 Heavy Cruiser: Admiral Hipper-ClassTech Points and Bonus
Unlock28 +1
Max LimitBreak56
Lv.12042 +1
Unbreakable ShieldEvery 20s: 40.0% (70%) chance to deploy 3 rotating shields that can each block up to 10 shells. Shields last for 10s.Default Unlocked
All Out Assault ⅡActivates All Out Assault Ⅱ: Admiral Hipper Class once every 6 times the Main Guns are fired.???
Unbreakable Shield+Every 20s: 40.0% (70%) chance to deploy a shield (lasts 10s; can block up to 12 enemy shells). When the battle starts, if this ship is in the frontmost position of your Vanguard: deploys this same shield. Every time this shield is deployed as a result of this skill: increases this ship's FP by 10.0% (20.0%) for 10s.???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description希佩尔海军上将级重巡洋舰—欧根亲王アドミラル・ヒッパー級重巡洋艦・プリンツオイゲンAdmiral Hipper-class Heavy Cruiser, Prinz Eugen
Biography我是铁血第三帝国的奇迹,希佩尔海军上将三号舰——欧根亲王号,无论是怎样的战斗都能够存活下来……祥瑞?亏你敢说呢……第三帝国の奇跡、アドミラル・ヒッパー級三番艦ーープリンツ・オイゲン。どんな戦闘でも生き残れるわ。……悪運?よく言ったわね……I am Prinz Eugen, the miracle of the Third Reich and the third ship of the Admiral Hipper-class heavy cruisers. I will survive any battle, no matter how fierce. Luck? You sure have some guts.
Acquisition嗯……你就是指挥官吗,你能让我愉快到什么程度呢?我可是很期待的呢~ふぅん……あんたが指揮官?どこまで楽しませてくれるのかしら?期待してるわHmm... so you're the Commander? How long can you keep me amused? I'm looking forward to it.
Login嗯哼~怎么?~今天想要我怎么管教你?ふふん~なに?今日はどう可愛がられたい?Hmm~ What is it? How would you like me to train you today?
Details嗯?……检查吗?Vielen Dank~うん?……検査?Vielen Dank..Hmm? Check up? Vielen Dank~
Main工作不要太过度哦~不然的话……会——死——的働きすぎはよくないわ。死・ぬ・わ・よ?If you overwork yourself too much... you ~ will ~ die.
Main 2幸运舰?……你难道在讽刺我吗?幸せを運ぶ船?……それって皮肉のつもり?Lucky ship? Are you mocking me?
Main 3——「Unternehmen Rheinübung」、吗…回想起来那就是一切的开始啊…ーー「ライン演習作戦」、か。…思えばアレがすべての始まりだった…Operation Rheinübung? Looking back, that was how it all began for me.
Touch这点程度就满足了吗?この程度で満足かしら?Have you finished having your fun?
Touch (Special)好了,现在换我来尝尝你的味道~じゃあ、今度は私があんたを味わう番よNow then, it's my turn to have a taste of you.
Mission任务……会有什么新奇的内容吗?任務……目新しいものない?Missions... aren't there any interesting ones?
Mission Complete指挥官,有奖励哦——我?没有兴趣指揮官、ご褒美よーー私?別にCommander, the rewards. My portion? Not interested~
Mail有新邮件呢~呵呵呵新しいメールよ。うふふThere's new mail. Hehe~
Return to Port指挥官,要一起洗个澡放松一下吗?指揮官、一緒にお風呂でさっぱりしない?Commander, won't you shower and relax with me for a while?
Commission Complete委托完成了吗,呵呵,那我们就去看看有没有什么有趣的东西吧委託が完了した?うふふ、じゃあ面白いものがあるか見にいこうかCommission completed? Let's see if there is anything interesting to report.
Enhancement这种感觉……倒是不坏この感じ……悪くないわねThis feeling... isn't half bad.
Flagship全舰火力全开,Feuer!全艦、火力全開!Feuer!All ships, open fire!
Victory嗯……战列舰?那不是小菜一碟吗~ぐぅ……戦艦?鎧袖一触よ。*Yawns* ... Battleships? Nothing but small fry.
Defeat呵呵呵呵呵……你们,很棒哦……ふふふふ……お前たち、やるわね……Hehehe... now you've done it...
Skill这点程度还不够,再来,再多点……!この程度じゃ足りないわ。もっと、もっとだ……!It's not enough. I. Want. MORE!
Low HP呵呵……有趣ふふ……面白いわねAhhh... how interesting!
Affinity (Upset)能从我的眼前消失吗?有点碍眼呢……目の前から消えてもらえる?目障りなんだけどMind getting out of my sight? You're a bit of an eyesore.
Affinity (Stranger)——缺少笑容?那指挥官要试试吗,看能不能把我逗笑?ーーあまり笑わない?指揮官、試してみる?私を笑わせられるかどうか... I don't smile enough? Commander... care to see if you can make me?
Affinity (Friendly)指挥官,我喜欢你哦~——开玩笑的,心跳加速了吗~?指揮官、好きよーー冗談よ。今のでドキッとした?Commander~ I love you. Just kidding. Did your heart skip a beat?
Affinity (Like)Ich liebe dich——是真心还是玩笑?就交给指挥官自己来判断吧~Ich liebe dichーー本気か、冗談か?指揮官の判断に任せるわIch liebe dich~ is this a joke or the truth? Why don't you decide for yourself~
Affinity (Love)——为什么笑了?看到指挥官惊慌失措的样子,就让人分外开心呢,这次真的是发自内心的笑哟,嘻嘻…ーーなぜ笑ったのかって?指揮官がドタバタしてる姿を見ると楽しくなっちゃうもの。今回は本気で笑っているのよ。うふふ……... Why did I laugh? Because it's funny to see you look so confused, Commander... This smile is truly from the bottom of my heart!
Pledge——这就是你给我的答案吗?怎么办好呢……噗,真是笨啊,我的指挥官大人,我早就不是一开始那个对什么都感到空虚的我了,你难道忘了是谁让我改变的吗?ーーこれがあんたの答え?どうしようかな……ふふ、鈍感な指揮官さま。もう何にも本気にならない、昔の私じゃないのよ。私を変えたのは誰なのか、忘れたのかしら?So this is the answer you're giving me? What shall I do? What a dense commander. I have long stopped being the empty person I was before. Did you forget that you were the one who changed me?
In battle with Gridley, Maury呵,白鹰记者跑的也挺快嘛……ふぅ、ユニオンの記者も足が速いもんね……You Eagle Union reporters sure do run fast!
In battle with Queen Elizabeth, Amazon蹭的累是你们贫乳金毛的传统吗?そのツンデレは、お前たち金髪まな板のテンプレートかしら?Is it a tradition for you all to be so flat?
In battle with Hood你的优雅能撑到什么时候呢その優雅さ、いつまで持つかしら?Let's see how long you can keep up that "elegance"...
In battle with !UNKNOWN! (7)阿鸡队……算了,陪陪你们Chicken Squad? Whatever, I'll play along...
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description坐在游泳圈上,舌头轻舔嘴唇……这真是海边最流行的拍照POSE?威尔士,你不会又在戏弄我吧?浮き輪に座って唇に舌をペロッと……これが海辺の一番流行りのポーズ?ウェールズ、まさかからかうつもりではないでしょうね?Relaxing on a float, gently licking my lips... is this really the most popular photo pose for the beach? Wales, you’re not teasing me again, are you?
Acquisition坐在游泳圈上,舌头轻舔嘴唇……这真是海边最流行的拍照POSE?威尔士,你不会又在戏弄我吧?浮き輪に座って唇に舌をペロッと……これが海辺の一番流行りのポーズ?ウェールズ、まさかからかうつもりではないでしょうね?Relaxing on a float, gently licking my lips... is this really the most popular photo pose for the beach? Wales, you’re not teasing me again, are you?
Login指挥官,我正在练习笑容……某人说我笑起来很不自然,指挥官你也这么觉得吗?指揮官、今笑顔の練習をやってるのよ。……誰かさんが私の笑顔がぎこちないと言ってるけど…指揮官もそう思う?Commander, I am practicing my smile. Someone said it looks unnatural, but what do you think?
Details呜哇,和威尔士玩了一天,皮肤都被晒黑了……はあぁ……ウェールズと一日中遊んでだら、少し焼けちゃったわWoah! I got a pretty dark tan after playing with Wales all day...
Main威尔士,你再调戏俾斯麦小心又被打折手,这次我可不会帮你求情了!ウェールズ、またビスマルクをからかって手をおられたら、今度は何も言ってやらないわよWales, someone is going to break your hand again if you keep messing with Bismarck! I won't plead for you this time...
Main 2威尔士虽然总做出轻浮的举动,但实际上非常可靠,还总是帮助敌对阵营的我……ウェールズのやつよく調子に乗っちゃうけど、本当は結構頼りになるわよ。敵だった私から言わせても、ねDespite her devil-may-care attitude, Wales is actually quite reliable. In fact, she helps me all the time, even though we were once enemies...
Main 3刚把这边的状况告诉希佩尔,她回了一句“哈?为什么我要羡慕你那又薄又透又不适合战斗的泳装啊!”嘻嘻,真有希佩尔的风格こっちの話、ヒッパーに教えたら…「はあ?なんでその薄くて戦闘にも適さない様な水着を羨ましがらなきゃならないっての!?」って言ってきたわ。うふふ、ヒッパーらしいわねI went and told Hipper about our beach day, and all she said was, 'Why do I need to be jealous about your thin, lewd, and non-combat-ready swimming suit?' Haha, that's so like her!
Touch指挥官,你有看到威尔士吗?可恶,又被她跑掉了!指揮官、ウェールズ見た?もう、また逃げられちゃって…Commander, have you seen Wales? That rascal, she ditched me again!
Touch (Special)威尔士有很多优点,但唯独这方面还请不要学她……ウェールズの長所は多いけど、こんなことまで学んでほしくないわねThere are a lot of good things about Wales, but please avoid picking up her bad habits.
Mail新信件?是希佩尔发来的还是俾斯麦发来的?啊,原来是给指挥官的……嘁,无聊新しいメール?ヒッパー?ビスマルク?なんだ指揮官宛か。……なんかつまんないわMore mail? Any from Hipper or Bismarck? Ah, they're all for you, Commander... How boring...
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description这就是重樱的新年吗?呵呵,这不是很有意思嘛~指挥官,都要过年了,就把工作丢一边来陪我喝一杯吧~これが重桜の新年?ふふ、まあ面白いじゃな~い?ひっく…指揮官、せっかくの新年だから~仕事なんてほっといてお酒に付き合ってよ~So this is the Sakura Empire's New Year? Hehe, how interesting~ Commander, since it's the New Year, why don't you put aside all those papers and have a drink with me?
Acquisition这就是重樱的新年吗?呵呵,这不是很有意思嘛~指挥官,都要过年了,就把工作丢一边来陪我喝一杯吧~これが重桜の新年?ふふ、まあ面白いじゃな~い?ひっく…指揮官、せっかくの新年だから~仕事なんてほっといてお酒に付き合ってよ~So this is the Sakura Empire's New Year? Hehe, how interesting~ Commander, since it's the New Year, why don't you put aside all those papers and have a drink with me?
Login是指挥官啊,欢~迎~回~来~なんだ指揮官か~お~か~え~り~Ahh, Commander, wel~come~ home~
DetailsFrohes neues Jahr~这是我们铁血的新年快乐哦Frohes neues Jahr~鉄血的な~あけおめだわ~Frohes neues Jahr~ This is how we say we say "Happy New Year" in the Iron Blood.
Main指挥官,喝一杯,或者喝两杯,选一个~指揮官~もう一杯♪もう二杯♪もっと飲んじゃえ~Commander~ let's have a drink~ and two more drinks~ ahh... let's keep going~
Main 2我说指挥官,把大家叫过来在这里办个酒会吧~あのね指揮官、みんなを呼んで飲もうよ~Hey Commander, why don't we call everyone over and drink together~
Main 3重樱的酒真不错,干脆之后去问那个管家婆要点她们东煌的酒也尝尝看好了重桜の酒は本当に美味しいわ~今度はあのケチくさい子に東煌のお酒でも貰おうかしらThe Sakura Empire's sake is truly delicious~ Next time, why don't we ask those stingy girls to let us try some liquor from the Dragon Empery~
Touch想喝吗?不~给~你~これがほしい?うふふ、飲ませて…あげないわ~You want to drink this? Not~ gonna~ share~
Mission Complete指挥官,奖励里有好喝的酒吗?指揮官、ボーナスに美味い酒はあるかしら?Commander, did the rewards have any tasty drinks?
Mail正月的邮件,很受欢迎嘛~正月の手紙ね…なんだ、結構人気あるじゃないNew Year's greetings, huh? Aren't you the popular one~
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description…嗯?什么啊,原来是指挥官吗,我没醉…难道说,指挥官想趁着我喝醉的时候,对我做些什么吗?嘻嘻……ん?なんだ、指揮官じゃない。私、別に酔ってなんか…ひっく…指揮官は私が酔ってたら何をするつもりなのかしら?うふふ……... Huh? Commander, is that you? Me, drunk? No way... *hic*... If I was, Commander, then what are you planning to do to me? Hehe...
Acquisition…嗯?什么啊,原来是指挥官吗,我没醉…难道说,指挥官想趁着我喝醉的时候,对我做些什么吗?嘻嘻……ん?なんだ、指揮官じゃない。私、別に酔ってなんか…ひっく…指揮官は私が酔ってたら何をするつもりなのかしら?うふふ……... Huh? Commander, is that you? Me, drunk? No way... *hic*... If I was, Commander, then what are you planning to do to me? Hehe...
Login指挥官,你也来喝一杯?指揮官、ひっく…一杯飲んじゃお~Commander, did you come to have a drink?
Details呵呵…指挥官,露出了不争气的表情呢…脸这么红,难道是喝醉了吗~?ふふふふ、なぁに~その情けない顔…こんなに赤くなってぇ…もしかして酔ってるぅ?Hehe... Commander, that's quite the scandalous expression you've got there... Are you sure you're not drunk, with how red your face is~?
Main比起拘谨的宴席,还是这样能够纵情畅饮的宴会更让人喜欢。你说是吧,指挥官?パーティーはやっぱりこんな感じで、思いっきり飲めるのがいいわね。指揮官、そうでしょう?Compared to those other stuffy, teetotaling banquets, something a bit more... liberated like this one is much more enjoyable. Don't you agree, Commander?
Main 2真正吸引你的,究竟是我的外表…还是我的内在呢?说错的话,可要罚一杯哦?私のどこを気に入ったのかしら?外見?…それとも中身?うふふ、嘘を言ったら…一杯飲んでもらうわよ?So, what do you like about me? My personality... or my body? If you lie, I'll make you take a shot~
Main 3重樱的酒虽然也别有一番风味,不过,果然还是这熟悉的味道更让人沉醉呢~重桜のお酒もいいけど、やっぱりこのお馴染みの味が美味しいわね~The Sakura Empire's liquors certainly have a distinctive flavor, but when a girl wants to cut loose, it's gotta be one of the classics~
Touch噗…像这样一边脸红一边又忍不住偷瞟的指挥官,真是太可爱了,哈哈哈~うふふ、顔を真っ赤にしながら指揮官がこちらをちらついてくるの、楽しくてたまらないわ。ふふ、ははははPfft... You're just too cute when you act all bashful but still can't resist trying to ogle me, ahaha~!
Touch (Special)小·色·鬼~哈哈哈哈~す・け・べ♡ はははは~You~ lewd~ beast~ Ahahaha~!
Return to Port好啦,别那么紧绷着,来放松一下吧そんなに固くならないでいいじゃない。うふふ、楽にしててよ…Come on, don't be so tense. Just let go and relax.
Flagship嘁,真是一群不解风情的家伙…風情のわからないやつらね…Tsk... These fools need to learn how to read a room.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship DescriptionViel Glück~指挥官玩得开心吗?我的应援是只给你的哦~嘻嘻~Viel Glück(フィール・グリュック)~指揮官は楽しんでるかしら?私の応援はあ・な・ただけに♪ うふふ~Viel Glück~ Are you having a good time, Commander? Just know that the only person I'm cheering for... is you~
AcquisitionViel Glück~指挥官玩得开心吗?我的应援是只给你的哦~嘻嘻~Viel Glück(フィール・グリュック)~指揮官は楽しんでるかしら?私の応援はあ・な・ただけに♪ うふふ~Viel Glück~ Are you having a good time, Commander? Just know that the only person I'm cheering for... is you~
Login指挥官挺努力的嘛。呵呵,小心别累坏了就好♪指揮官、頑張ってるわね。ふふふ、バテないように気をつけて♪Commander, you're working pretty hard. Hehehe, take care not to wear yourself out~♪
Main先来干一杯作为到时候庆祝喝香槟的练习吧~指挥官~怎么,不能喝吗~?さぁて、祝杯のシャンパンの予習にまず一本開けちゃおう~指揮官、なに?飲んではだめなの?Here, let's pop a bottle to practice uncorking the celebratory champagne~ What's wrong, Commander? Are you not going to drink?
Main 2听说海因里希也想参加比赛?确实像是她会喜欢的……等等,她会开车吗?ハインリヒもレースに参加したいって?あの子らしいわね…ちょっと待って、運転できるの?Heinrich wants to compete in the race? How very like her... Wait a second, does she even know how to drive?
Main 3姐姐你要不要也换一身衣服?指挥官其实很期待的哦…需要的话,我这一身借给你也行哦?姉さんも着替えてみたら?指揮官、こう見えても結構楽しみにしてたりして…姉さんがやるっていうならこの衣装を貸してあげてもいいけど?Why don't you try getting changed into something too, Hipper? You know the Commander's secretly looking forward to it, right? ...If you want, I'll even lend you the outfit I'm wearing.
Touch (Special)就是这样子的哦♡そういうことよ♡Just like that~♡
Return to Port来好好地把每~一寸地方都洗干净吧。…呵呵,我说的可是这些机械哦?隅々まで洗ってあげようじゃない。…ふふふ、マシンのことだけど?Make sure you clean every last bit. ...Hehe, I'm talking about the machine, of course.
Commission Complete委托完成了。呵呵,一起去看看吧?委託が完了したわ。ふふ、一緒に見に行かない?Commissions completed. Hehe, don't you want to go check up on them together?
VictoryMVP?呵呵呵,不过如此而已~MVP?ふふふ、こんなものよI'm the MVP? Hehehe, what did you expect?
Defeat大意就会这样呢……油断をしたらこうなるわね…So this is what happens when you let your guard down...
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship DescriptionGuten Abend~怎么样?景色不错吧?呵呵呵,我指的是窗外的夜景哦?Guten Abend(グーテン・アーベント)~どう?ここの眺め、悪くないでしょう?ふふふ、夜景のことだけど?Guten Abend~ So, what do you think? Pretty great view, right? Hehe, I was talking about the night scenery outside, you know~?
AcquisitionGuten Abend~怎么样?景色不错吧?呵呵呵,我指的是窗外的夜景哦?Guten Abend(グーテン・アーベント)~どう?ここの眺め、悪くないでしょう?ふふふ、夜景のことだけど?Guten Abend~ So, what do you think? Pretty great view, right? Hehe, I was talking about the night scenery outside, you know~?
Login“欢迎光临,想要喝点什么?”…这时候是不是该这么说才应景呢?呵呵呵~「いらっしゃいませ。ご注文は」とでも言ったほうがいいかしら?うふふ"Welcome back. What'll be your order?" Is that what you were expecting? Heehee.
Details想让我改个称呼吗?那么,「mein Schatz♡」——这个如何?呵呵呵♪呼び方を変えてほしい?そうね、「mein Schatz♡」――これでどう?ふふふ♪Would you like me to call you something else? Hmm, how about "mein Schatz♡"—Well? Hehehe♪
Main呵呵,别这么紧张,在吧台坐下吧,我给你介绍下我推荐的红酒。ふふ。緊張してどうするの?カウンターに座ったら?おすすめのワイン、教えてあげるわHehe. What are you all nervous for? Why don't you sit down at the counter? Here's the wine I recommend.
Main 2说起来,之前一起出门遇到希佩尔时,姐姐一看到指挥官就脸红闹别扭了。不知是怎么了呢?呵呵呵~そういえば、この間一緒に出かけた時にヒッパーとばったり会ったけど、姉さんは指揮官を見た途端に顔を真っ赤にしてふてくされてたわね。どうしたのかしら?うふふYou know, when we ran into Hipper the other day on our day out, she started sulking and turned beet-red the moment she saw your face. I wonder why? Heehee.
Main 3喝红酒时一般是用玻璃杯,不过将来想也试试用别的容器品尝。酒要怎么调配才好呢?ワインだからグラスで飲むのが定番だけど、いつか別のもので嗜むのもいいわね。ところで、割り方はどうする?It's customary to pour wine into a wine glass, but I'd like to try a different container. I wonder how I'd make a cocktail out of it.
Touch (Special)呵呵呵,别着急。夜晚才刚刚开始呢♡ふふふ、そう焦らないで。夜はまだこれからよ♡Hehehe, don't be in such a hurry. The night has only just begun♡
Mission Complete虽然不觉得有什么奖励能胜过此刻,不过还是去领取一下吧?今に勝るご褒美があると思えないけど、受けとってきたら?Though I doubt the rewards can beat this moment, shouldn't you go pick them up anyway?
Return to Port为庆祝指挥官陪伴的这美好一刻~不再来一杯就太可惜了…嗯?怎么了?有什么在意的吗?指揮官が付き合ってくれる素敵な一時を祝って~。もう一杯は飲まないともったいないわね…ん?どうしたの?何か気になることでも?Let's celebrate the wonderful outing we had together, Commander~ It'd be such a waste to not drink one more glass... hmm? Is something wrong? Cat got your tongue?
Flagship真是不解风情…!無粋よ…!Way to ruin the mood...!
Victory酒兴更浓了呢。呵呵呵~ビールが進むわね。ふふふEverything is sweeter with a bit of beer. Ehehe~
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description呼……呼……四分卫欧根亲王顺利达阵得分。没想到居然要由我来冲锋……指挥官~能麻烦你帮我拿一下水和毛巾吗?身上已经黏黏的了呢~はぁ…はぁ…クォーターバック、プリンツ・オイゲン、これで一点入ったわ。まさか私が突撃することになるとはね……指揮官、水とタオルを持ってきてもらえないかしら?汗でちょっと体がベタベタしてるわ…*pant*... Quarterback Prinz Eugen scores a touchdown. I can't believe I'm the one charging in now... Commander, can you bring me water and a towel? I'm getting a little sticky from all this sweat...
Acquisition呼……呼……四分卫欧根亲王顺利达阵得分。没想到居然要由我来冲锋……指挥官~能麻烦你帮我拿一下水和毛巾吗?身上已经黏黏的了呢~はぁ…はぁ…クォーターバック、プリンツ・オイゲン、これで一点入ったわ。まさか私が突撃することになるとはね……指揮官、水とタオルを持ってきてもらえないかしら?汗でちょっと体がベタベタしてるわ…*pant*... Quarterback Prinz Eugen scores a touchdown. I can't believe I'm the one charging in now... Commander, can you bring me water and a towel? I'm getting a little sticky from all this sweat...
Login你来了呢,指挥官~说起来,你觉得用我Mutig, Stark, Siegesklar!(勇敢、强大、准备取得胜利!)作为出场时候的口号怎么样呢?……ふぅ…指揮官、来たわね。そういえば出場時の掛け声は、「Mutig(ムーティヒ), Stark(シュターク), Kurz vorm Sieg(クルツフォアムジーク)!」でいいのかしら?Phew... Commander, there you are. Hey, can my touchdown song go like this? "Mutig, stark, siegesklar!"
Details看起来橄榄球是种比我预想中更加激烈的运动呢……已经换上这么适合运动的衣服还是在不停出汗,指挥官,你有什么好办法吗?思ってたより激しいスポーツね……動きやすい服に着替えたばかりだというのにもうこんなにびっしょり…指揮官、なにかいいアイデアがあったりしない?This sport is a lot more taxing than I thought... I'm in such breathable clothes, and I'm still soaked from sweat. Commander, do you have any bright ideas?
Main呼……虽然橄榄球有些累,但可难不倒我哦,毕竟我还有一位非常可靠的指挥官可以帮助我呢~怎么帮助?当然是要用亲吻了~呵呵呵。ふぅ……疲れてはいるけど、この程度どうってことないわ。なんたって頼りになる指揮官が癒やしてくれるもの――どうやって癒やすかって?もちろんキスよ♥うふふPhew... I am tired, but it's not that bad. After all, my reliable Commander is here to soothe me! How? With a kiss, of course♥ Heheh!
Main 2真的没有更凉爽一些的服装了吗?……进入状态之后总是出汗很厉害……什么?可以帮我擦汗?呵呵……指挥官还真是会说些挑逗人心的话呢~ねえ、これ以上涼しい格好ってもうないの?…だって試合中は本当に汗をかくから…拭いてあげるから心配ないって?それなら安心するわね♥Hey, do we have any cooler clothes? I always get really sweaty during games... It's fine because you'll wipe it up for me? Well, isn't that reassuring?
Main 3你说橄榄球的“达阵”能不能应用在一些其它情况下呢……比如说这样……压在你身上……呵呵~指挥官的脸好红呢,这样就算是我得分了呢~この「タッチダウン」ってほかの場面に使えたりしない?例えばこうやって…指揮官の上に乗ってぇ……ふふ、あははははは♪顔が真っ赤になったわ。これって私に一点入ったってことでいいかしら?Do you think we can use touchdowns in any other situations? For example, if I get on top of you like this... Heheh, ahahaha! Look at you blushing. I guess I scored, huh?
Touch是按摩放松?我倒是无所谓啦,你不介意我身上的汗吗?マッサージ?こっちは別に平気よ。むしろ指揮官は私がびしょびしょなのが気にならないの?A massage? I'm fine. Besides, wouldn't it bother you that I'm so sweaty?
Touch (Special)指挥官……现在还在比赛中呢~至少也要等到休息时间,对吧♡指揮官……まだ試合中よ?せめてインターバルまで我慢しないと♥Commander, I'm still in the middle of the game. At least control yourself until half-time♥
Mission哎呀,好像还有未完成的训练任务吧?指挥官需要我陪着去检查一下吗?ふーん、未完了のトレーニングタスクがあるようね?私も一緒にチェックしたほうがいいかしら?Hmm, it looks like you've got some unfinished training tasks. Want me to check them out with you?
Mission Complete呵呵~虽然任务奖励没有赢得比赛的奖励来得丰厚,但也要记得领取哦。うふふ、試合の報酬ほど多くはないけど、任務報酬を受け取るのを忘れないでねMission rewards might not be as glamorous as winning the big game, but don't forget to grab them, too.
Mail居然在这种紧要关头……究竟是谁的消息?こんな時に……誰からのメッセージかしら?A message? At a time like this?
Return to Port欢迎回来,指挥官,我刚刚完成了训练,现在稍微有点出汗,所以……要一起洗澡吗~?はぁ…んんん~おかえり指揮官。実はこっちもトレーニングを終えたばかりで、汗でベタベタ……うふふ、ねえ…一緒にシャワーに入ってさっぱりしない?*sigh*... Hnngh~ Welcome back, Commander. I just finished my training, and I'm all sweaty now... Heheh, hey, wanna go clean up in the shower together?
Commission Complete委托完成了?不知道我上次拜托她们的运动饮料送到了没有……委託が完了した?この間頼んだスポーツドリンクは届いたのかしら……The commission is done? I wonder if they brought those electrolyte drinks I asked for...
Affinity (Love)——把指挥官叫到这里来陪练,是不是正中你的下怀呢~?毕竟一直用那样灼热的视线看着我……呵呵呵~以后还请像现在这样,再多陪我练习一些有关“达阵”的技巧吧~さっきから目がこっちに釘付けになっているけど…もしかして指揮官、トレーニングに誘われるのを狙ってた?じゃあ…これからもこうやって…もっともっと「タッチダウン」について一緒に練習…しましょう♥You've been staring for a while now... Commander, was getting invited to practice all a part of your plan? Okay... Then let's practice our "touchdowns" together even more, why don't we?♥
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description如果和你的相遇也是命运的选择的话,那还真得感谢这命运呢…未来的生活,我可是很期待的哟~?あんたと出会ったのは運命というのなら、この運命に感謝しないとね…これからのこと、楽しみにしているわ、うふふIf fate brought us together, then it has my thanks… I look forward to our future together~
Acquisition如果和你的相遇也是命运的选择的话,那还真得感谢这命运呢…未来的生活,我可是很期待的哟~?あんたと出会ったのは運命というのなら、この運命に感謝しないとね…これからのこと、楽しみにしているわ、うふふIf fate brought us together, then it has my thanks… I look forward to our future together~
Login指挥官,来的路上没有偷看别的女孩子吧~?指揮官、来る途中ほかの子を盗み見したりしてないわよね?Commander, you did not happen to peek at other girls while on the way here, right? ~~
Details在铁血,人们也会用动物名来称呼爱人哦,小熊或是小兔子什么的。你希望我叫你小熊还是小兔呢,指挥官?鉄血では動物の名前で恋人を呼ぶこともあるわよ。クマちゃんとかウサギちゃんとか。うふふ。指揮官はどういう風に呼ばれたい?クマちゃん?それともウサギちゃん?In Ironblood, we also use animal nicknames to call our lovers, like teddy bear or little bunny or something else. So Commander, do you want me to call you teddy bear or little bunny?
Main嗯…突然觉得全身乏力…要指挥官吻一下才能恢复过来呢はぁ……力が入らないわ…指揮官にキスしてもらわないとUgh... my body suddenly feels so weak... I’d only recover if you give me a kiss, Commander.
Main 2工作不要太过度哦~不然的话…我会忍不住寂寞来骚扰你的働きすぎはよくないわ。…私、寂しいからちょっかい出すわよ? Don’t overstretch yourself at work ~ otherwise… my loneliness will drive me to tease you.
Main 3现在我真的觉得自己很幸运哦——为什么?你觉得呢~?亲·爱·的?今すごく幸せな気分よ――なぜ?うふふ、なぜだと思う?あ・な・た I feel so lucky right now --- why you ask? Take--a--guess, dear?
Touch指挥官,我知道你想干什么,不过还是工作要紧哦指揮官、いま何を考えているかはわかっているけど。お仕事のほうが重要よI know what’s on your mind, Commander...but we need to focus on work right now.
Mission任务啊…你选就是了…我都可以哦任務…勝手に選んで?…私は別になんでもいいわよAll these missions….you pick Commander...I’m ready for them all~
Mail邮件还不少呢…不愧是指挥官,真受欢迎呢手紙結構あるわね…うふふ、さすがは指揮官、人気者ねReceiving a lot of mails….after all, you're the Commander, a really popular one, huh.
Return to Port指挥官,洗澡水放好了哦,谁先呢,还是说…?指揮官、お風呂の用意出来たわよ。どっちが先に入る?それとも……?Commander, the bathtub has been filled with hot water, so who goes first, or…?