L'Opiniâtre (JP 🇯🇵: ルピニャート, CN 🇹🇼: 倔强)
Ship IDNo. 395Star Rating★★☆☆☆
Hull DestroyerRarityElite
NavyIris LibreBuild Time00:26:00
AcquisitionEvent: Iris of Light and Dark, 小型艦建造
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
CNJune 27, 2019
JPJune 27, 2019
Voice actressMai Goto
L'Opiniâtre Description
Le Hardi-class destroyer – L'Opiniâtre.
Beachside MagicianDescription
It is said that the summertime sea holds an extraordinary enchantment over people... but the only supernatural thing I'm feeling is this accursed heat... Am I missing something?
HP286 Reload72
Firepower19 Torpedo70
Evasion66 Anti-air38
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW47 Luck45
HP1329 Reload138
Firepower52 Torpedo186
Evasion223 Anti-air144
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW117 Luck47
Limit Break
Tier 1Unlock All Out Assault | Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2Torpedo base +1 | Torpedo preload +1 | Torpedo efficiency +10%
Tier 3Improve All Out Assault | All weapons' efficiency +5%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1Destroyer Gun120%/125%/125%/130%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
3Anti-Air Gun70%/70%/70%/75%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
Default Equipments
1Twin 130mm Main Gun (Mle 1935)
2Twin 550mm Torpedo
Fleet Tech
T6 Destroyer: L'Intrépide-ClassTech Points and Bonus
Unlock14 +1
Max LimitBreak28
Lv.12020 +1
Unyielding MagicianWhen this ship is below 80.0% Max HP: increases her FP and TRP by up to 20.0 (40) , based on the percentage of missing HP. Additionally, once per battle, when this ship's HP falls below 30.0%: increases this ship's AA by 6.0% (12.0%) until the end of the battle.Default Unlocked
Swift DefenderWhile this ship is afloat: decreases the DMG your Main Fleet takes by 3.5% (8.0%) and decreases the Torpedo and Main Gun DMG this ship takes from enemy DDs and CLs by 1.0% (10.0%) .Default Unlocked
All Out Assault ⅡActivates All Out Assault Ⅱ: Le Hardi Class once every 10 times the Main Guns are fired.???
Unyielding Magician+Increases this ship's AA and EVA by 5.0% (15.0%) . When this ship is below 80.0% Max HP: increases her FP and TRP by up to 30 (60) , based on the percentage of missing HP. Every 20s: 40.0% (70%) chance to fire a Lv.1 (Lv.10) torpedo barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level).???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description自由鸢尾大胆级驱逐舰—倔强ラントレピード級駆逐艦ルピニャートLe Hardi-class destroyer – L'Opiniâtre.
Biography那时几经曲折,最终仍然未能完工的我,如今能够像这样作为舰队的一员生活于此…已经是“魔法”…不,是命运于我最好的馈赠了吧。かの大戦で色々経験して、ついに完成しなかった私は、今こうやって艦隊の一員として生きていられる……これはきっと「マホウ」…ううん、私への運命の贈り物ですI saw many things during the war, though my construction never finished. But now I get to lead a new life as a part of this fleet... This is a gift from the magic realm... or rather, a gift from destiny.
Acquisition我是来自于自由鸢尾的“魔法使”,驱逐舰倔强,今后请多多指教。啊,顺便一提,魔法使是开玩笑的。自由アイリス教国所属の「マホウツカイ」、駆逐艦・ルピニャートです。よろしくお願いします。あっ、「マホウツカイ」のことは忘れてくださいI'm the destroyer L'Opiniâtre, a so-called "magician" from Iris Libre. It's a pleasure meeting you. Umm, actually, please forget the "magician" part.
Login指挥官,您果然在这个时候回来了。嗯?这只是根据平时指挥官的习惯的一点“占卜”而已。指揮官、やはりこの時間に戻ってきましたね。…うん?あ…指揮官の普段の行動に基づいた「ウラナイ」ですよI knew you'd be back right about now, Commander. Hm? Oh, well... I made that prediction based on your day-to-day activity.
Details这本书上记载了几百个拥有强大魔力的咒语…—开玩笑的,这只是一本普通的故事书而已……真的。この本には数百に及ぶ強大な呪文が記載されて……いるわけありませんね。普通のおとぎ話の本です。…本当ですよ?This book lists hundreds upon hundreds of powerful spells... In my imagination, that is. It's just a regular old book of fairy-tales. No, really, that's all.
Main敦刻尔克小姐的甜点……那是真的加了什么魔法吧?ダンケルクさんの作ったお菓子……それこそ本物のマホウよLet me tell you... Miss Dunkerque's sweets are truly magical.
Main 2我戳……欸?不,我没什么事,就是突然想拿魔杖这么戳一下,我戳我戳…ツン……うん?いいえ、なんでもありません。なぜか急にこのワンドでツンツンしたくなりまして。はい、ツンツンPoke. Hm? Oh, don't mind me. I just got a sudden urge to poke you with my wand. Pokey-poke.
Main 3指挥官,如果能实现自己一个愿望的话,你会许什么愿?指揮官はもし、なにか一つ願いを叶えられるとしたら、どんな願いがいいですか?If someone told you they'd grant you one wish, what would you ask for, Commander?
Touch指挥官,感到疲倦了吗?要不…我用这根魔杖给你敲敲脑袋清醒下?指揮官はお疲れですか?このワンドで目をスッキリさせる「マジナイ」でもしましょうか?Feeling tired, Commander? Then would you like me to cast an awakening "spell" over your head with my wand?
Touch (Special)稍等一下,我找找能把人变成兔子的咒语。そのまま待っててください。……ウサギにする呪文を探してきますよPlease stay where you are. I must go look for a spell that'll turn you into a rabbit.
Mission能让任务自动完成的咒语……很遗憾,没有呢。指挥官,请加油吧。任務を自動で完成させる呪文ですか……残念ながらないですね。指揮官、頑張ってくださいDo I have a spell that automatically completes missions...? Sadly, I don't. Please do your best, Commander~
Mission Complete任务奖励……嗯,不知道有没有办法让它变多一点…任務の報酬……増やす方法はないのかしら…I wonder if there's a way to increase our mission rewards...
Mail漂浮的魔法并不管用,所以我直接帮您把信拿过来了。浮かばせる呪文を使わずに持ってまいりました。メールです、はいI present to you this mail brought by hand; no levitation spell used. Here you go.
Return to Port辛苦了,指挥官。就用这杯果汁代替提神的“魔法”吧。お疲れ様です、指揮官。「マホウ」の代わりにこのジュースで元気付けて差し上げましょうWell done, Commander. Would you like a soft drink, rather than a spell, to reinvigorate with?
Commission Complete委托队的大家辛苦了。委託組のみんな、お疲れ様ですOur commission teams sure make magic happen.
Enhancement要是有能够代替训练的魔法就好了呢…訓練を代わりにやってくれる呪文もあれば便利ですねIt would be nice to have a spell that does my training on my behalf.
Flagship没关系,倔强,你能行的……!大丈夫ですよルピニャート、あなた自身の力なら…!Keep it together, me! I can pull through with just my own powers...!
Victory咦?我赢了吗?靠自己的实力赢的…太好了。うん?勝ちました?自分の実力で勝てたのは…良かったですHm? We won? I'm happy to know that my efforts led to this victory.
Defeat有没有什么能庇佑大家的咒语…!?みんなを守れる呪文はないのでしょうか…?!If only I had a spell that could protect us all...!
Low HP我还不想这么早认输…!我,我该怎么办才好?まだ負けるわけには…!で、でもどうすれば…!?I refuse to admit defeat so soon! B-but how am I going to win?!
Affinity (Upset)能不能把指挥官变成透明人呢……指揮官を透明人間にできないのかしら……I wonder if there's a chant that'll turn you invisible...
Affinity (Stranger)指挥官,你相信这个世界上存在“魔法”吗?指揮官は「マホウ」があると信じますか?Do you believe in magic, Commander?
Affinity (Friendly)指挥官,看着这个小球。左边……右边……左边……右边……唔…催眠术失败了吗…?指揮官、この玉をよく見ていてください。左……右……左……右……眠くなります……あ。催眠術が上手くいかなかったのかしら…Watch this coin closely, Commander. Left... right... left... right... Yes, you're feeling veeery sleepy... Oh. I suppose my hypnosis didn't quite work on you...
Affinity (Like)指挥官,能借用一下你的双手吗?像这样放在我的双手之间就好。嗯嗯……奇怪?明明书上说这样应该知道指挥官正在想什么…指揮官、手を貸してください。はい、このままわたしの手の間に、こう……なぜかしら…本ではこうすれば相手の思っていることがわかる、と書いてあるのに……Please give me your hand, Commander. Okay, now put it over mine, like this... Wait, why isn't this working? The book said I'd be able to see into your mind if I do this...
Affinity (Love)说起来,在指挥官身边的时候,心总是会跳个不停,冷静不下来……这难道也是某种“魔法”吗?そう言えば、指揮官のそばにいると、いつもなんかドキドキして落ち着かないです。……これは指揮官の「マホウ」ですか?You know, I always get so worked-up and feel my heart race just by being near you, Commander... Have you cast a sort of spell on me?
Pledge…没想到如此神圣的仪式有一天会降临在我的身上…指挥官,我会好好珍惜这份情感,从今以后一直陪在您的身边的。……こんなに神聖な儀式が執り行われることを夢にも思っていませんでした…指揮官、私、この気持ちを大事にして…ずっとずっと、あなたのそばにいますねI had never even dreamed of partaking in a ceremony as sacred as this... Commander, I promise to treasure this feeling and remain beside you, forever and ever.
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Main Title
In battle with Le Téméraire鲁莽,你又一个人冲到最前面了!ルーちゃん、先に出過ぎよ!You're overextending yourself, Tem!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description据说夏天的海洋有着非同寻常的魔力,吸引人们驻足沙滩。但是,我除了热之外,一点魔力也没有察觉到……是我弄错了什么吗?「人々を惹きつける、真夏の海の力」――私、暑さ以外に特に何も感じられませんけど…これって何か間違っているんでしょうか?It is said that the summertime sea holds an extraordinary enchantment over people... but the only supernatural thing I'm feeling is this accursed heat... Am I missing something?
Acquisition据说夏天的海洋有着非同寻常的魔力,吸引人们驻足沙滩。但是,我除了热之外,一点魔力也没有察觉到……是我弄错了什么吗?「人々を惹きつける、真夏の海の力」――私、暑さ以外に特に何も感じられませんけど…これって何か間違っているんでしょうか?It is said that the summertime sea holds an extraordinary enchantment over people... but the only supernatural thing I'm feeling is this accursed heat... Am I missing something?
Login唔,眼镜上沾到沙子了。手帕,手帕……找到了,在这里。……欸,指挥官什么时候过来的?もう、砂がメガネに…ええと、ハンカチハンカチ…あったね。あ、指揮官、いつからいました?Jeez, how'd my glasses end up in the sand... Um, where's my handkerchief... ah, there it is! Oh, Commander, when did you get here?
Details指挥官,一直盯着女生的泳装看,可不是什么绅士的行为。而且,这样很让人害羞……女の子の水着姿をじっと見つめるのは紳士じゃありませんよ。こ、こっちも恥ずかしいし……It is undignified to stare so much at a maiden's swimsuit. B-besides, it's really embarrassing...
Main能让这里瞬间变凉快的魔法……日蚀之术?开玩笑的。不过,有冷饮,指挥官要喝吗?涼しくするマホウ……太陽を皆既日食にする呪文とか?ふふ、冗談ですよ。冷たい飲み物ならありますけど。指揮官はどれにします?If only there was a spell to make it cool down... maybe something to blot out the sun? Hehe, just kidding. A cold drink will suffice. Commander, what would you like?
Main 2没想到这里聚集了那么多同伴……大海的魔力究竟在哪里呢?こんなに人が集まって……海辺が人を惹きつける力、不思議ですねThe sheer number of people gathered here... is this the mystical allure of the summertime beach?
Main 3指挥官,你有见到鲁莽吗?……在那边和大家打排球么。呵呵,她总是有着用不完的精力呢。指揮官、ルーちゃん見なかった?……みんなと一緒にビーチバレー…?ふふ、相変わらず元気ですねCommander, have you seen Temeraire? ...She's playing beach volleyball with the others? Hehe, I see she's as full of energy as ever.
Touch指挥官……没有中暑吧?指揮官……のぼせていませんよね?Commander... you didn't get heatstroke, did you?
Touch (Special)把你变成海星怎样?ヒトデにしてあげますか?Do you want to be turned into a starfish?
Return to Port都说天气太热所以要去海边玩,但是海边这样被太阳照着不是更热了吗…暑いから海辺に行くとは言いますけど、海辺のほうがもっと暑いでは……あぅ……Everyone was saying how they wanted to head to the beach because of how hot it is, but it doesn't seem any cooler out here... Ugh...
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Affinity (Love)说起来,在指挥官身边的时候,心总是会跳个不停,冷静不下来…难道…就是名为“爱”的魔法!?そう言えば、指揮官のそばにいると、いつもなんかドキドキしてて落ち着かないです。……これは指揮官の「愛のマホウ」ですか?Now that I think about it, whenever I'm around you, Commander, my heart always feels fluttery and I can't calm down... Wait, could this be... the Magic of Love?!