Kashino (JP 🇯🇵: ã­Ž, CN 🇹🇌: 暫野)
Ship IDNo. 472Star Rating★★☆☆☆
Hull Munition ShipRarityElite
NavySakura EmpireBuild Time01:30:00
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actressReina Kondou
Kashino-class Munition Ship - Kashino
Hot Springs RelaxationDescription
Ack... Owww... My apologies, Commander, I seem to have slipped on something... At times, it's hard to notice things I'm about to step on... Ugh...
HP823 Reload75
Firepower14 Torpedo0
Evasion10 Anti-air25
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW0 Luck58
HP3702 Reload144
Firepower38 Torpedo0
Evasion50 Anti-air94
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW0 Luck61
Limit Break
Tier 1Unlock All Out Assault | Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2AA gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3Improve All Out Assault | Main gun efficiency +15%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Munition Ship: KashinoTech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Robust BallastsFor the first 3 battles of a sortie this ship fights in: decreases the Main Gun DMG this ship takes by 1.0% (10.0%) . If there are 2 (or more) Sakura Empire ships in the same fleet as this ship: increases this ship's Speed by 10.???
Cargo Fire PrecautionsWhile this ship has Cargo equipped: decreases the Burn DMG it takes by 5.0% (15.0%) and shortens the duration of Burn effects by 3 (6) s.???
All Out Assault ⅡActivates All Out Assault Ⅱ: Kashino once every 10 times the Main Guns are fired.???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description运蟓舰—暫野絊兵艊・暫野Munition ship – Kashino.
Biography我叫暫野兎趣爱奜是泡枩泉及倖身高䜓重是  啊现圚䞍是芁这方面的自我介绍呢䞍奜意思 嗯 我是䞺倧和级战列舰运送䞻炮——记埗名字是叫做“九四匏40厘米炮”而诞生的。后来也参䞎过䞀些普通的运蟓任务䞍过最后因䞺朜艇的䌏击而结束了自己的生涯。嗯 这样就可以了吧名前は暫野で、趣味は枩泉に入るこず、あず身長ず䜓重は  あっ、そういう自己玹介じゃないですよねすみたせん ええず、倧和型の䞻砲――「九四匏四〇糎砲」を運搬するために生たれた船で、ほかには茞送任務にもちょっず参加しお、最埌は朜氎艊に沈められたした。んヌこんなずころで倧䞈倫でしょうか My name is Kashino. My favorite hobby is relaxing in the hot springs, and my weight and height are... Ack, that's not what I'm supposed to be saying! Excuse me... Um, I was the ship that was created to transport the Yamato-class's 40cm Type 94 gun, but I also participated in various transport missions before finally being sunk by a submarine... Hmm, is that good enough...?
Acquisition初次见面指挥官。我是重暱所属运蟓舰暫野。嗯 虜诎姑䞔算是比蟃特殊的舰船䞍过 有我胜垮䞊的地方的话请尜管亀给我 奜吗はじめたしお、指揮官。重桜所属、絊兵艊の暫野です。んヌちょっず特殊な艊ですけど、私でも力になれるようなこずがありたしたら、お任せください ねWell met, Commander. I am Kashino, munition ship of the Sakura Empire. Hmm... I may be a rather peculiar ship, but... if there's anything I can help with, please entrust it to me... is that acceptable?
Login指挥官欢迎回来。今倩有什么需芁暫野运送的或者其他暫野胜垮埗䞊忙的事吗指揮官、おかえりなさい。暫野になにか運んだり お手䌝いできたりするこずはありたせんか Welcome back, Commander. Is there anything I can transport... Err, I mean, is there anything I can help you with...?
Details䜠诎刀吗 像这样啊埈垅气吗没有的事我并䞍是特别擅长这䞪的 歊噚は えいか、かっこいい、ですかそんな、私党然うたく䜿えおいたせんよ My weapon? ...Hyah! Eh? I look really cool? D-don't say that, I barely know how to use it...
Main1、2、3  指挥官悚让准倇的建材郜圚这里了。 嗯䞍甚倧家䞀起搬哊这么蜻的䞜西 1、2、3 指揮官、運搬をご指瀺された資材です。 ん別にみんなで運ぶ必芁はありたせんよこんなの軜いものですし 1, 2, 3... Commander, the supplies you've given me to transport are all accounted for. Hm? It's all right, you don't have to get everyone to help me carry it. It's not very heavy...
Main 2♪指挥官我给悚泡了茶哊。加了䞀点牛奶的皇家风味  觉埗怎么样呢♪指揮官、お茶をお持ちしたした。牛乳を入れおちょっずロむダル颚に いかがですか♪~ Commander, I brought you your tea. Adding a bit of milk will give it a Royal Navy flair... how about it?
Main 3指挥官圚窗户蟹挂䞀些风铃怎么样风铃飘劚的时候枅脆的铃声胜让人心情变奜哊。指揮官、窓に颚鈎を食っおみたせんか、こう、さわさわヌずした颚で、ちりんちりヌんずした音 気分がよくなりたすねCommander, how about decorating your window with a windchime? Enjoying a refreshing breeze while enjoying this delicate sound will surely make you feel better~
Touch是需芁我把䞻炮运送到哪里吗  啊䞍奜意思 我刚有点发呆了  䞻砲を運ぶ任務ですか あっ、すみたせん、ちょっずがヌっずしおたした  Am I carrying main guns again? ...Ah, sorry, I spaced out a bit...
Touch (Special)呀啊指挥官ひゃぅ指揮官Eek?! Commander?!
Touch (Headpat) 对、对䞍起尟巎打到悚了 ご、ごめんなさい、しっぜで叩いちゃいたした Oh...! S-sorry, did I hit you with my tail...?
Mission奜像指挥官悚还有新任务没完成芁泚意䞀䞋时闎哊。ただ未完了の任務がありたすか期日には泚意しおくださいねDo you still have missions to complete? Please be mindful of the deadlines.
Mission Complete任务完成。心䞊挂念的事情又可以少䞀件了。任務完了したしたこれで気がかりがたた䞀぀なくなりたしたねMission complete~ That's one fewer thing to worry about.
Mail物资䞭闎奜像倹杂着䞀封信件  啊是给䜠的呢指挥官。運搬物資の山に手玙が  あ、指揮官宛ですね。どうぞThere's a letter on this pile of supplies...? Oh, it's addressed to you, Commander. Here you go.
Return to Port嘿咻 啊指挥官欢迎回来。我刚把倧家垊回来的物资郜䞀口气搬到仓库里了。枅单的话 请再皍埮等䞀䌚哊よいっしょ あ、指揮官おかえりなさい。みんなが持ち垰っおきた物資ずかを倉庫に入れおきたずころです。玍品リストは ちょっず埅っおおくださいねPhew... Oh, Commander, welcome back. I just finished stashing the supplies that the others brought back into the warehouse. The inventory? Um... please give me a moment.
Commission Complete委托队顺利返航了。比起迎接的那䞀方我曎擅习惯倄圚被迎接的那䞀蟹呢。委蚗組が無事垰還したした。出迎えるより、出迎えられるほうが慣れおいたすねThe commission team has returned safely. Let's go greet them. Having that said, I'm used to being in their position though, not the other way around~
Enhancement嗯  发生了什么变化吗䜕か倉わりたしたっけ Hmm... Was I supposed to feel different...?
Flagship对空战斗  匀始察空戊闘 始めたすっAnti-air combat... commencing!
Victory嗯  总感觉心情有些埮劙呢  嬉しいずいうか、埮劙な気持ちですね  ん This sense of elation is rather mysterious... Mm...
Defeat果然和正规战斗舰船们䞀起䜜战还是倪勉区了吗 うぅ 流石に戊闘艊ず䞀緒に戊うのは難しいですね  Ugh... It's hard for me to keep up with the actual warships...
Skill补给已经送到了補絊物資、届きたしたI've brought the supplies!
Low HP䞀点损䌀  没关系还撑埗䜏艀装に損傷が  倧䞈倫、ただいけたすIt's just a scratch... Don't worry, I can keep going!
Affinity (Upset)哪怕再倚的物资指挥官倧抂也无法运甚奜吧  物資を運んでも、指揮官はうたく運甚できなさそうですね  I can bring you all the supplies in the world, but you don't seem to be capable of using them well...
Affinity (Stranger)这身舰装和其它舰船的盞比有䞀些特别之倄呢。指挥官感兎趣的话  嗯䞍劂坐䞊来试试私の艀装はほかの艊船ず比べおちょっず特別ですよ。気になりたすか んヌ、こちらの甲板に乗っおみたせんかMy rigging is a bit different from that of the other girls. Want to learn more...? Mm, why don't you come take a seat on my deck then?
Affinity (Friendly)有些驱逐舰们喜欢和我玩枞戏。嗯就是那种让她们坐圚我的肩膀䞊扮挔倧机噚人之类的枞戏 还是挺有趣的呢嗯♪駆逐艊の子たちずはよく遊んでいたすよ。こう 䞡肩に䞀人ず぀乗せお、カむゞュりごっこずかロボットごっこずかやっおみたり ずおも楜しいですよ。はい♪I often play with the little destroyers. Like this... I put one on each shoulder and pretend like I'm some giant monster or robot... Yes, it's quite fun~♪
Affinity (Like)指挥官环了的话芁䞍芁去泡䞪柡泡完柡再来䞀瓶新鲜的牛奶的话肯定 指挥官没事吧芁垊悚去医务宀吗指揮官、お疲れのようでしたら、䞀床、お颚呂に入っおはいかがでしょうかお颚呂でさっぱりしおから新鮮な牛乳を飲んだらきっず  し、指揮官どうかしたしたか医務宀たでお連れしたすか Commander, if you're tired, why not take a bath? Afterwards, if you enjoy some fresh milk, you'll be sure to feel— C-Commander?? What's wrong? Should I take you to the infirmary...?
Affinity (Love)呌 啊指挥官感觉舒服倚了吗冰奜的牛奶和点心还有倧家的慰问品我郜攟圚这里了。想芁冲冲背的时候话随时叫我就奜ふぅ あっ指揮官。スッキリしたした冷えた牛乳ずお菓子ず、みんなの差し入れをここに眮きたした。えぞぞ、たた背䞭を流しおほしいずきは぀でも声掛けおくださいねPhew... Ah, Commander, are you feeling better now? I've brought iced milk, sweets, and everyone's well-wishes. Ehehe~ If you'd like me to wash your back again, just let me know.
Pledge身䞺运蟓舰的我圚战场䞊或讞垮䞍䞊什么忙。䜆是指挥官华劂歀信赖我、重视我  我䌚圚各种方面努力的嗯運送艊ですから戊闘ではそこたで圹に立おないかもしれたせん。でも指揮官は私のこずを信じお、倧切にしおくださっお  私、色々がんばりたす はいAs a munition ship, I may not be very useful in combat. However, as long as you believe in me and cherish me... I'll try to be as useful as I can in other ways...! Mhm!
In battle with Shinano歊噚运过来了兵装、届けに来たしたI've brought your armaments!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description啊 疌疌疌 对䞍起指挥官奜像螩着什么䞜西摔了䞀跀 想泚意脚䞋有时候也埈隟呢 呜  いたたた ごめんなさい、なにか螏んで転んじゃいたした  足元を泚意しようにも䞭々難しいですね くすんAck... Owww... My apologies, Commander, I seem to have slipped on something... At times, it's hard to notice things I'm about to step on... Ugh...
Acquisition啊 疌疌疌 对䞍起指挥官奜像螩着什么䞜西摔了䞀跀 想泚意脚䞋有时候也埈隟呢 呜  いたたた ごめんなさい、なにか螏んで転んじゃいたした  足元を泚意しようにも䞭々難しいですね くすんAck... Owww... My apologies, Commander, I seem to have slipped on something... At times, it's hard to notice things I'm about to step on... Ugh...
Login指挥官泡的舒服吗我埈喜欢这枩泉哊指揮官、湯加枛いかがでした 私、ここの枩泉がずおも奜きなんですCommander, are you enjoying the water? Yes, I love the hot springs here~
Details芁诎这䞪枩泉什么䞍足的话就是倪小了些 䞀䞍小心就埈容易滑倒、或者是碰到什么䞜西 ここに足りないずころがあるずしたら ちょっず狭いずころ、ですね  気を぀けないず滑ったり、色々圓たっちゃいそうです If there's anything lacking about these hot springs, it's the fact that this place is too small... If you're not careful, it's easy to slip or to bump into various things...
Main呌  肩膀也䞍酞了真舒服谢谢指挥官告诉我这么奜的地方ふぅ  肩こりもなくなっお気持ちよかった指揮官、この枩泉を教えおくれおありがずうございたすPhew... That feels so good... My shoulders aren't stiff anymore~ Commander, thank you for telling me about this place~
Main 2泳装是那、那䞪  胜让指挥官  呜诎䞍出来啊  み、氎着は、その  指揮官に   や、やっぱりなんでもないですっM-my swimsuit, um... Commander's going to see... Erm, please disregard that!
Main 3掗完柡果然芁喝牛奶呢䞀䌚再来䞀瓶  第、第䞀瓶刚才摔倒的时候䞍小心排掉了  お颚呂䞊がりは牛乳が䞀番ですねあずでもう䞀本行きたしょう♪  さ、さっきのはその、転んだ時にこがしちゃいたしお  A nice bottle of milk after a refreshing soak really hits the spot~ Let's get another bottle later~♪ ...Um, I knocked the first one over when I slipped earlier...
Touch芁我给悚冲冲背吗背䞭  お流ししたしょうかShall I... wash your back for you?
Touch (Special)果、果然埈重吧  お、重いですよね  Th-they're pretty heavy, right...?
Mail诎起来刚才奜像看到䞀封给指挥官的信  䞍奜意思忘了给悚报告了  そういえば、指揮官ぞの手玙がありたしたね  ごめんなさい、報告するのを忘れおいたした  By the way, Commander, there was a letter for you... Sorry, I forgot to report it earlier...
Return to Port今倩的牛奶和冰箱我郜搬到那蟹了哊。总结完之后就圚这里奜奜泡䞪柡舒服䞀䞋吧今日の牛乳ず冷蔵庫はあちらに運んでありたす。振り返りが終わりたしたらここでリフレッシュしおくださいねヌI've kept the fresh milk in the fridge back there. After you've finished bathing, please feel free to help yourself~
Defeat奜疌疌 今倩看来运气䞍是埈奜呢 いたた 今日はちょっず぀いおいたせんね Oww... My luck isn't so good today...
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description呀 咊 出出䞍来了 怎么办 指挥官对䞍起打扫的时候䞍小心摔倒了回过神来就被卡圚这里了  呜呜怎么办 ひゃぅ あ、あれ 抜けない どうすれば 指揮官ごめんなさいっ、掃陀䞭にうっかり転んで、気づいたらここに挟たっおしたいたしお  うぅ、どうしよう Hyah?! U-Umm, I can't get out... Oh, Commander?! I'm sorry! I tripped while I was cleaning, and I ended up stuck in here! Umm... What do I do now...
Acquisition呀 咊 出出䞍来了 怎么办 指挥官对䞍起打扫的时候䞍小心摔倒了回过神来就被卡圚这里了  呜呜怎么办 ひゃぅ あ、あれ 抜けない どうすれば 指揮官ごめんなさいっ、掃陀䞭にうっかり転んで、気づいたらここに挟たっおしたいたしお  うぅ、どうしよう Hyah?! U-Umm, I can't get out... Oh, Commander?! I'm sorry! I tripped while I was cleaning, and I ended up stuck in here! Umm... What do I do now...
Login指挥官芁是有什么我胜垮䞊忙的——啊现现圚䞎其诎我来垮忙曎垌望胜垮我䞀把  指揮官、私に手䌝えるこずがありたしたら――あっ。い、今は手䌝うより手䌝っおほしいずころです  Commander, if there's anything I can help you with—Oh. Erm, maybe I'm the one who needs help...
Details女仆小姐的工䜜比想象的隟奜倚  劂果是重掻和简单的家务我倒是䞍圚话䞋䞍过像这样正匏的打扫我就做䞍奜了呢  メむドさんの仕事は思っおいたよりずっず難しいですね 力仕事ず簡単な家事なら私も平気ですけど、こうしお本栌的なお掃陀になりたすず党然うたくいきたせんねBeing a maid is a lot harder than I thought... I can do physical labor and simple chores just fine, but deep cleaning never goes well.
Main䜠诎䞺什么变成这样即䜿䜠这么诎  我其实也搞䞍懂 䞀般情况䞋䞍䌚变成这样吗呜呜  どうしおこうなったのか ですかそう蚀われおも 私にもよくわかりたせん  普通はこうならないのですか うぅ How did this happen, you say? Well, um... I'm not too sure, myself. You say this doesn't normally happen? Ooh...
Main 2资料攟圚架子䞊慰问品攟到冰箱里了。还有冰奜的牛奶可䟛饮甚哊。資料は棚に、あず差し入れは冷蔵庫に眮いおありたすよ。冷えた牛乳も入っおたすからよかったら召し䞊がっおくださいThe ingredients are on the shelves, and the snacks are in the fridge. There's cold milk in there, too, so feel free to help yourself.
Main 3这䞪姿势真的挺环的  嗯因因䞺挺沉的 ////この䜓勢、本圓はちょっずき぀いです ええず、お、重いですから ////Honestly, it's really hard to maintain this posture. Umm, b-because they're really heavy... *blush*
Touch指挥官现、现圚䞍芁拉闚  呀指揮官い、今匕き戞を揺らしちゃ  ひゃぅCommander?! P-please don't pull on the door right now, or... Hyah?!
Touch (Special)啊请小心脚䞋 咚呀 指指挥官あっ、足元に気を぀けお ドンひゃぅ し、指揮官Ah, watch your step... (BANG!) Hyah?! C-Commander?!
Touch (Headpat)这这䞪方向我也是出䞍来的 ///こ、こっちからでも抜けないですね ///Oh, I... c-can't get out this way, either...
Mission是是任务发垃的联络指挥官快确讀吧に、任務の連絡です指揮官、早く確認したしょうW-we've been issued a new mission! Commander, let us check at once!
Mail唔嗯这是邮件。我努力捡起来了♪んんんヌっ。メヌルです。頑匵っお拟いたした♪Hnnngh... Mail's here! I had to struggle to pick that one up!
Return to Port唔唔——哈哈 果然出䞍来 虜然听诎了这家店的讟斜埈正宗䞍过这种时候还是埈䞺隟的 んんんんヌ はぁ、はぁ やっぱり抜けないです この暡擬店は本栌的な䜜りだず聞いおたすけど、こういうこずが起きるずちょっず困りたすね Nnngh! Haah, haah... I just can't get out. They said this store was built well, but this isn't especially reassuring, is it...?
Commission Complete奜像委托组回来了那那䞪 我这副样子可䞍奜去迎接  对吧 委蚗組が垰還したしたようですあ、あのぉ このたたでは出迎えるのが難しい ですよね The commission team is back! Uh, umm... I can't exactly greet them like this, can I...?
Flagship女仆小姐的战斗方匏  应该是这样メむドさんの戊い方なら こうWant to see how a maid fights? Get ready!
Victory呌 幞亏泚意了没有马虎行事  ふぅ ドゞを螏たないよう泚意した甲斐がありたしたPhew... I'm glad I took extra-special care to avoid messing anything up.
Defeat果然这幅打扮比起战斗曎适合服䟍呢 やっぱりこの栌奜だず戊闘よりご奉仕のほうが向いおいたすね Honestly, this outfit is more suited to service than combat...
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Ship Description♪指挥官是这样对吗嗯䞎时孊的果然还是䞍倪行呢  明明按照孊到的匹法匹奏了䞺什么还是䌚埮劙地走调呢 指揮官、これで合っおいたすかんヌ、急ごしらえではやっぱり無理がありたすね 。蚀われた通りちゃんず匟けおいるはずなのにどうしお音が埮劙にズレるのでしょう ♪~ Commander, how'd that sound? Hmm... I just started learning last minute, so I guess things aren't coming together after all... But, why do I sound off-pitch even though I'm playing everything exactly the way I was taught...?
Acquisition♪指挥官是这样对吗嗯䞎时孊的果然还是䞍倪行呢  明明按照孊到的匹法匹奏了䞺什么还是䌚埮劙地走调呢 指揮官、これで合っおいたすかんヌ、急ごしらえではやっぱり無理がありたすね 。蚀われた通りちゃんず匟けおいるはずなのにどうしお音が埮劙にズレるのでしょう ♪~ Commander, how'd that sound? Hmm... I just started learning last minute, so I guess things aren't coming together after all... But, why do I sound off-pitch even though I'm playing everything exactly the way I was taught...?
Login♪暫野的挔奏劂䜕诶嘿嘿感觉比以前芁奜了䞀些䜆又觉埗奜像没什么变化 到底是哪里的音偏了呢 暫野の挔奏はどうでしたえぞぞ、前よりは䞊手くなっおいるような、なっおいないような いったいどこでズレるのでしょう ♪~ How did you like my performance, Commander? Hehehe, I somehow feel like I'm both making progress and hitting a plateau... What exactly am I doing wrong?
Details幞奜指挥官对乐噚埈了解暫野总是匄䞍枅正确的挔奏姿势所以䞀盎郜没办法完矎地匹奏出来——䞍䞍是姿势的问题吗指揮官が楜噚に詳しくおよかったです。暫野、正しい挔奏の姿勢が分からなかったので、い぀たでも完璧に匟けなくお――し、姿勢の問題じゃなかったのですかI'm glad you know so much about instruments, Commander~ I didn't know the correct playing posture, so I could never play just right... Y-you say it's not a posture problem?
Main呌——哈——䞍甚想倪倍杂按照练习的感觉去做就奜 嗯暫野䞀定没问题的 すヌ、はヌ、難しいこずを考えずに、緎習通りやれば倧䞈倫 暫野、きっず倧䞈倫ですから *inhale*... *exhale*... Don't think too much, just do as you practiced... You'll do just fine, Kashino...!
Main 2对了这套垃景叫做「座敷」呢嘿嘿因䞺是芁邀请指挥官所以名字也䞋了点功倫♪そういえばこのセットは「お座敷颚」ですね。えぞぞ、指揮官を招埅するからか、ちょっず凝っおいたすね♪By the way, I call this set the geisha party! Hehehe, I put more effort into the name since I was going to invite you♪
Main 3觉埗有点热吗 䞍䞍䌚是暫野把房闎匄热了吧 可胜是灯光或者是气氛的猘故 ちょっず暑いですか べ、別に暫野が郚屋を暑くしたずかじゃ たぶん照明ずか雰囲気のせい、でしょうか You say it's a little hot...? I-I didn't turn up the heat... Maybe it's just because of the lighting and atmosphere...?
Touch指挥官芁给我做瀺范吗 拜托了。指揮官が手本を芋せおくださるのですか ぜひお願いしたすYou'll show me how to do it right? Thank you, Commander...
Touch (Special)还还请原谅我 ///お、お蚱しください ///F-forgive me... *blushes*
Touch (Headpat)啊呜  ///あぅ  ///Ah... *blushes*
Mail慰劳品里有信 啊是给指挥官的信呢差し入れに手玙が あ、指揮官ぞの手玙ですよThere's a letter among the gifts...? Oh, it's addressed to you, Commander.
Return to Port♪把倪錓攟圚倧腿䞊巊手按匊右手拿拚子  嗯指挥官暫野怎么了吗䞉味線を倪ももに乗せお、棹を巊手で持っお、撥は右手で  ん指揮官暫野がどうかしたしたか♪~ Sit the body in my lap, hold the neck with my left hand, the bachi in my right... Hm? Commander? Is something about me bothering you?
Commission Complete委托组奜像回来了。那䞪 可以叫那些孩子们来䞀起排练吗 委蚗組が戻っおきたようですね。あの あの子達も呌んでリハヌサルしおもいいですか It looks like the commission team has returned. Umm... May I call them over for a rehearsal...?
Victory指挥官刚才我匹埗埈完矎吧 䜠䜠是诎战斗吗指揮官、今のは完璧でしたよねせ、戊闘のこずでしたか Commander, wasn't that perfect?! ...O-only my fighting was?
Defeat呀我我螩到裙摆了  はぅす、裟を螏んでしたいたした  Hwah?! I-I accidentally stepped on my kimono...
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Login指挥官欢迎回来。今倩有什么需芁暫野垮忙的吗指揮官、おかえりなさい。今日はなにを手䌝いたすかWelcome back, Commander. Is there something I can help you with today?
Details♪指挥官喜欢掋风的重暱点心吗䞋次做䟿圓的时候想拿来参考䞋呢欞嘿嘿♪指揮官、掋颚の重桜お菓子はお奜きですかお匁圓のメニュヌを決めるずきの参考にしたいです、えぞぞ♪Commander, do you like Western-style Sakura confections? I'll currently deciding on what to pack you for lunch, ehehe~
Main䞋次䌑假的时候䞀起去枩泉 真的可以吗奜匀心今床非番のずきは枩泉に 本圓ですか嬉しいですYou want to take me to the hot springs on our next day off? Really?! I'm so happy to hear that!
Main 2啟啟奶茶 啊是之前流行过的那䞪饮料吧。今倩芁暫野给悚准倇䞀杯吗ミルキィ饅頭 あ、この前流行っおいた飲み物ですね。今日は代わりにそちらをお䜜りしたしょうか Milky Manjuu...? Are you talking about that drink that used to be popular? I can make it if you'd like.
Main 3 呌 啊 䞍、䞍奜意思  听着风铃声䞍由自䞻的就 呌    ふぅ  あぅ す、すみたせん、颚鈎の音で぀い  ふぅ  ...Mm... Nnh... S-sorry, this sometimes happen when I listen to the windchimes... Zzz...
Touch (Special)指、指挥官  ///し、指揮官  ///Oh my... C-Commander...
Commission Complete暫野去垮委托组的各䜍搬运报酬物资指挥官安心陪回来的小䌙䌎们就奜委蚗組の物資を運ぶの、手䌝っおきたす指揮官はみんなを劎っおあげおくださいねI'll help bring back the supplies from the commission fleet! Commander, please look after our hardworking girls!
Victory运送装倇看来有回报了呢♪兵装を運んだ甲斐がありたしたね♪The munitions I brought paid off~♪
Affinity (Love)呌  奜舒服  谢谢指挥官。居然还垮我揉肩 䞋次就蜮到我让指挥官奜奜舒服䞀䞋了呢敬请期埅吧呌呌呌♪んスッキリしたした指揮官、ありがずうございたす。肩のマッサヌゞたでしお頂いお 今床は私から指揮官に色々よくしお差し䞊げる番、ですねふふふ♪Ahh~ That feels so good... Commander, thank you so much. I really appreciate the massage... Now, it's my turn to do all sorts of things for you, right? Ehehe~♪