Jeanne d'Arc (JP 🇯🇵: ジャンヌ・ダルク, CN 🇹🇼: 圣女贞德)
Ship IDNo. 454Star Rating★★★☆☆☆
Hull Light CruiserRaritySuper Rare
NavyIris LibreBuild Time01:26:00
AcquisitionEvent: Skybound Oratorio
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
ENJune 11, 2020
KRMay 21, 2020
CNMay 21, 2020
JPMay 21, 2020
Voice actressAtsumi Tanezaki
Jeanne d'Arc Description
Light cruiser – Jeanne d'Arc.
Saintess of the SeaDescription
"O chosen hero, I bestow this sword upon you so that you may clear any obstacles in your path..." Commander, how did that sound?
HP554 Reload67
Firepower28 Torpedo49
Evasion17 Anti-air52
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW36 Luck83
HP2363 Reload129
Firepower78 Torpedo135
Evasion91 Anti-air195
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW91 Luck87
Limit Break
Tier 1Unlock All Out Assault | All weapons' efficiency +2%
Tier 2Torpedo base +1 | Torpedo preload +1 | All weapons' efficiency +3%
Tier 3Improve All Out Assault | All weapons' efficiency +5%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1Light Cruiser125%/127%/130%/135%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
3Anti-Air Gun90%/92%/95%/100%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T3 Light Cruiser: ##undefined##Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock14 +2
Max LimitBreak28
Lv.12020 +1
La PucelleIncreases this ship's DMG against Royal Navy ships by 4.0% (10.0%) . When this ship is Burned: increases its FP, TRP, AA, and EVA by 10.0% (20.0%) for as long as it is Burning. This ship will catch fire at the start of the battle, taking 8 DMG every 3s for 30s; all non-Burn DMG has a 10.0% chance to refresh this Burn duration.Default Unlocked
Holy Prayer10s after the battle starts and every 20s after that: deploys shields around your Vanguard that last for 8s and can absorb up to 1.5% (6.0%) of your Jeanne d'Arc's max HP. If these shields take too much DMG and break: the ship(s) whose shield broke gets 100% Evasion Rate for 2s; if the shield's duration simply runs out: restores 70 HP to the ship(s) with intact shields.Default Unlocked
All Out Assault ⅡActivates All Out Assault Ⅱ: Jeanne d'Arc once every 8 times the Main Guns are fired.???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description自由鸢尾轻巡洋舰—圣女贞德軽巡洋艦ジャンヌ・ダルクLight cruiser – Jeanne d'Arc.
Biography曾经我作为训练舰,培养优秀的战士。现在我将拿起剑,站在鸢尾的最前方。为了我热爱的土地,我愿意付出一切優秀な戦士たちを育成する練習艦だった私は、今や剣をもってアイリスの最前線に立っています。愛する故郷のためなら、この身のすべてをかけますEven though I had previously been a training cruiser in charge of raising excellent warriors, I am now standing at the front lines for my country with sword in hand. I pledge my all for my beloved homeland!
Acquisition如果你对我的名字熟悉,那你应该能明白我所肩负的使命。自由鸢尾圣女贞德号,从此刻起加入你的麾下。私が預かった名前をご存知なら、この身が背負う崇高なる使命をご理解いただけると信じます。自由アイリス教国、ジャンヌ・ダルク、これより御身の指揮下に入りますIf you are familiar with the name I have been entrusted with, then you should also understand my noble calling. Jeanne d'Arc of Iris Libre is now under your command.
Login愿今天的港口也能得到上天的眷顾。今日も母港に神のご加護があらんことをMay the port be ever blessed with our Lord's grace.
Details贞德……这个名字承载了太多的东西。但是,我不会逃避,因为这就是我的使命。ジャンヌ・ダルク……この名前が重荷ではありますが、私は逃げたりしません。私にとって、それを背負うのは使命であるがゆえにJeanne d'Arc... While this name imparts a heavy responsibility, I refuse to run away from it. After all, bearing that burden is my duty.
Main圣米迦勒大人,请告诉我,接下来该怎么做吧!ミカエル様、私のなすべきことを示してくれ給え――Saint Michael, I beseech you – please tell me what I should do next...
Main 2这名字,这剑,这铠,这炮,都是我的使命和觉悟……名前、剣戟、艤装――これ全てはすなわち覚悟の証明ですMy name, my weapons, and my rigging. All are testament to my conviction.
Main 3如果感到疲倦了,就请休息一下吧…要借我的膝枕躺一会吗?疲れたら休んだほうがいいですよ。戦闘はあなたのすべてではないはずですIf you're tired, you should rest. Battles should not compose your entire existence.
Touch有什么事情困扰着你吗?なにかお困りですか?Is there something bothering you?
Touch (Special)这里很吸引你吗?こ、ここがあなたを惹きつけたのですか?I-is this what you're into, Commander?
Mission你还有应尽的使命没有完成。あなたにはまだ果たしていない使命があるはずですCommander, there must still be some unfinished business you need to attend to.
Mission Complete任务的意义,远不止于奖励。任務の意義は報酬にとどまりませんThere is more value to mission than just the rewards.
Mail有邮件,请过目吧。メールです。ご確認をCommander, you've received some mail. Please look through it.
Return to Port硝烟还在弥漫,战火仍在燃烧。现在正是最需要坚持的时候…戦火と硝煙がまだ消されていません。今は踏ん張るときですThe flames of war have yet to be extinguished. It's time to redouble our efforts.
Commission Complete上天保佑,所有人都平安回来了。みんな無事に戻ってきました。神に感謝をEveryone's returned safely. Praise be to the Lord!
Enhancement胸中燃烧的斗志啊,成为我奋进的力量吧!胸に燃ゆる闘志よ、我を奮い立たせる力とならん!My burning spirit, become my strength!
Flagship战士们,随我前进!勇者たちよ!私に続け!Brave soldiers, follow my lead!
Victory我们离使命的实现还很远……但是,大家干得漂亮。私たちの使命を果たすには、まだ……ううん、みんな、よくやりました!This still isn't enough to fulfill our duty... No. Everyone, you've all done great!
Defeat如果在这里止步不前的话……ここで止まってしまっては……No, I can't stop here...
Skill天佑鸢尾!アイリスにご加護を!The Lord's blessings upon the Iris Libre!
Low HP形势不利……大家,注意阵型!形勢は不利……みんな、陣形に注意して!The situation is dire... Everyone, stay in formation!
Affinity (Upset)若你是魔鬼,我将用此剑斩下你。若你只是误入了歧途,那就赶紧醒悟过来吧!悪魔というのなら、この剣で切り捨てるまで――正しい道を外しただけというのなら、今すぐ悔い改めなさい!...If you are a demon, I will not hesitate to cut you down with my sword... If if is just that you have strayed from the righteous path, then repent, now!
Affinity (Stranger)若这道中爬遍荆棘,我就斩断它们。若这路上布满烈火,我就穿过它们。上天指引的道路纵然充满险阻,我仍会勇往直前!茨なら切り開く、炎なら乗り越える、神が示したこの道に行く手を阻まれることならん!If thorns block my path, I will clear a way. If flames obstruct my path, I will overcome them. I will not let any obstacle keep me from walking the path of God!
Affinity (Friendly)我手中的剑,并非为独自挥舞而生。它为你而挥,为鸢尾而挥,也为这舰队所有人而挥。この剣、ひとりで振るうためにあらず。指揮官であるあなた、祖国たる我がアイリス、そしてこの艦隊のすべての仲間のために振るうものなり――This blade does not exist to be wielded for my sake. I wield this blade for you, my homeland of Iris Libre, and for all in the fleet...
Affinity (Like)我希望能高挥旗帜,带领大家走向胜利。但是,只凭我一个人是做不到的。舰队的大家,指挥官,都是其中不可或缺的一部分。旗を振るい、みんなを勝利に導くのが私の望みです。ですが、勝利は私だけで為せることではありません。……仲間たち、そして指揮官の力も必要ですMy dream is to lead everyone to victory while bearing a banner. However, victory is something that cannot be achieved alone. For that purpose, I need the help of my allies, and you, Commander.
Affinity (Love)指挥官,我身上背负着很多东西,或许很少有能让心情安稳下来的时间。所以,一点点就好…能稍微把你的肩膀借我一下吗?指揮官――この身、背負っているものが多い分、心を休められる時間が限られます。だから少しだけ、少しだけでも……あなたの肩を、私に貸してはいただけないでしょうか……?Commander... The more burdens I bear, the more I cannot allow myself to rest. That's why, for a little bit... just for a little bit... would you lend me your shoulder?
Pledge这就是指挥官的心意吗?我很开心呢。我会把指挥官视为最重要之人去对待的。所以那个,虽然我不知道该怎么做……指挥官,要,要试试向我撒娇吗?これが…指揮官の気持ち……嬉しいです。私も指揮官を一番大切な人にします。だから、その…どう接すべきかあまり知識のない身ですが……指揮官、試しにまず私に甘えてみませんか?This is... how you feel...? I'm so happy. I also treasure you the most, Commander. Um, you see... I'm not really sure what we're supposed to do together, but... first, would you like to try being pampered by me, Commander?
Like Present
Dislike Present
Main Title
In battle with Émile Bertin愿上天保佑你,我的战友。戦友よ、あなたにも神のご加護を!My comrade, may you also receive our Lord's blessings!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description「被命运选中的勇者啊,我在此将这把宝剑赐予你,愿它能为你斩平前路」——那个,指挥官,请问这是你要的那种感觉吗?「運命に選ばれし勇者よ、この剣をそなたに預け、そなたの道を切り開く力とせん」――指揮官、こんな感じでよろしいでしょうか"O chosen hero, I bestow this sword upon you so that you may clear any obstacles in your path..." Commander, how did that sound?
Acquisition「被命运选中的勇者啊,我在此将这把宝剑赐予你,愿它能为你斩平前路」——那个,指挥官,请问这是你要的那种感觉吗?「運命に選ばれし勇者よ、この剣をそなたに預け、そなたの道を切り開く力とせん」――指揮官、こんな感じでよろしいでしょうか"O chosen hero, I bestow this sword upon you so that you may clear any obstacles in your path..." Commander, how did that sound?
Login指挥官,要开始了吗?我已经准备好了指揮官、そろそろ始めますか?こちらは準備万端ですCommander, shall we get started? I'm all ready.
Details港区里居然能构建出这么逼真的场景,真是令人吃惊…母港にこんなに素晴らしいセットが…驚きましたTo think that there was such a wonderful movie set at the port... What a surprise.
Main该放松的时候就好好休息……虽说如此,但是,我怎么也想不到,我竟然对这份工作有些乐在其中休むときには休む、といいますけど……ああなんてこと、私、仕事を楽しんでいました…I know you told me to rest when we take breaks, but... my, how should I put it... I'm really enjoying this work!
Main 2虽然对舰船之身来说是奢侈的想法,但如果我能在海底自由行动,并施展神圣之力的话……我偶尔也会这样幻想呢艦船の身に余ることですが、もし私が海で自由に動けて、聖なる力を身一つで行使できたなら……そんな夢を、たまに見ますねThere's a dream I have from time to time... I dream of what it would be like to cruise freely about the sea, using only my divine powers to do so, though I as a ship do not deserve such freedom.
Main 3……挥官,指挥官,你好像对着我呆住了,发生了什么吗?……我需要你的帮助,能靠近过来一些吗?……きかん、指揮官、今なにかぼう然としていましたが、なにかあったのでしょうか。…指揮官の協力が必要です。こちらに来ていただいてもよろしいですか?Com...mander. Commander. Is something the matter? You've been zoning out while looking at me. By the way, I require your assistance. Would you please come over here?
Touch拍摄结束后要不要一起去海边?……好的,这是我的荣幸この仕事が終わったら海でも……はい、喜んでお付き合いします!When we wrap up this job, do I want to go to the beach? Yes! I'd love to go to the beach with you!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Login愿今天的你也能得到上天的眷顾,指挥官今日も貴方に神のご加護があらんことを。指揮官Commander, may God's blessings be upon you.
Details和我相比,枢机卿……黎塞留大人或许才是真正的圣女吧……我、我并不是在嫉妒哦私なんかより、枢機卿…リシュリュー様こそ真の聖女でしょう。…ね、妬んだりしていませんよっIn comparison to someone like me, Cardinal Richelieu... is a true saintess. N-no, I'm not jealous at all.
Main无论何时,都请守护自由鸢尾、港口的伙伴、以及指挥官——いつも変わることなく、アイリスと母港の仲間たちと、そして指揮官を守りたまえ――As you always have done, please, continue to protect everyone in the Iris Libre, the port, and the Commander...!
Main 2咦,指挥官的文档……啊,我竟然犯了这样不小心的错误……!………あ、あれ?指揮官の書類は……ああ、私なんてミスを……!...E-eh? Commander's documents... Oh no... How could I make such a mistake!
Main 3累了的话休息比较好呢,你休息的话我也能安心休息……作为秘书舰怎么能独自去休息呢!总、总之请先去休息吧!疲れたら休んだほうがいいですよ。あなたが休んでくれないと私も安心して休めませんから…秘書艦が先に休むなどとんでもありません!と、とにかく先に休んでいてください!If you're tired, you should get some rest. If you don't rest, then I can't rest peacefully, either... After all, it'd be inconceivable for the secretary ship to rest before the Commander! A-anyway, please get some rest first.
Touch会唰——一下发光的,所以请不要随意触碰……ぴ、ぴかーっとするから、あまりそこを触らないでくださいっI-it sparkles, so please don't touch it too much.
Touch (Special)那、那里是——!そ、そこは――っ!D-don't touch me there!
Return to Port得到自由鸢尾青睐之人,应保持谨慎。不要因为一场战斗的结果而雀跃或消沉,指挥官アイリスの力を預かる者は、常に謙虚であるべきです。一度の戦いで浮き沈みすることは戒めましょう。指揮官One who is bestowed the Iris' power must always be humble. We must take care to not let ourselves be swayed by the outcome of a single battle, Commander.