Cheshire (JP 🇯🇵: チェシャヌ, CN 🇹🇌: 柎郡)
Ship IDNo. P013Star Rating★★★☆☆☆
Hull Heavy CruiserRarityPriority
NavyRoyal NavyBuild TimeN/A
AcquisitionResearch and Development
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
ENJuly 9, 2020
KRJuly 9, 2020
CNJuly 9, 2020
JPJuly 9, 2020
Voice actressShizuka Ishigami
Heavy cruiser – Cheshire.
Summery Date!Description
Cheer up, Owner! Jeez, why are you so bummed out when we're at the beach... Because it's just a normal playdate instead of a romantic date? What's the difference anyway? C'mon, let's go head down to where the others are~!
Cait Sith CroonerDescription
Welcome, welcome, Owner~ If you've got any requests, don't be shy, don't hesitate, I'll try my best and sing a song that's really great~♡
HP888 Reload57
Firepower53 Torpedo39
Evasion6 Anti-air79
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW0 Luck0
HP3764 Reload110
Firepower199 Torpedo147
Evasion60 Anti-air286
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW0 Luck0
Limit Break
Level 5HP +217 | AA +19 | EVA +5 | AA Gun base +1 | Unlock playback for: Main screen 1, Flagship fight, Mission reminder
Level 10Unlock All Out Assault/Main gun efficiency +5% | Limit Break to 4 Stars | Unlock playback for: Main screen 2, Victory, DefeatLearn Siren Killer Ⅰ | Learn All Out Assault Ⅰ | Main Gun efficiency +5%
Level 15HP +433 | AA +39 | Main Gun efficiency +10% | Unlock playback for: Main screen 3, Normal touch, Mission complete
Level 20AA gun efficiency +10% | Limit Break to 5 Stars | Unlock playback for: Skills, Mail reminder, Commission completeLearn Siren Killer Ⅱ | AA Gun efficiency +10%
Level 25HP +649 | AA +58 | EVA +10 | Unlock playback for: Special touch, Low HP
Level 30Improve All Out Assault/All weapons' efficiency +5% | Limit Break to 6 StarsLearn Siren Killer Ⅲ | Learn All Out Assault Ⅱ | All weapons' efficiency +5%
Level 35Upgrades "Bounce Right Back" to "Bounce Right Back+"
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1Heavy Cruiser120%/120%/125%/135%/135%/135%/140%1/1/1/1/1/1/10/0/0/0/0/0/0
3Anti-Air Gun150%/150%/150%/150%/160%/160%/165%1/2/2/2/2/2/20/0/0/0/0/0/0
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T8 Heavy Cruiser: Cheshire-ClassTech Points and Bonus
Unlock17 +1
Max LimitBreak35
Lv.12026 +1
Grin and Fire!Decreases this ship's DMG taken by 5.0% (15.0%) . Every 12s after the start of the battle: 50.0% (100%) chance to fire a special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level.)Default Unlocked
Bounce Right BackDecreases the loading time of this ship's first wave of torpedoes by 40.0% (70.0%) . When this ship takes DMG: 15.0% chance to increase this ship's FP, EVA, and AA by 1.0% (5.0%) until the end of the battle. Can be stacked up to 3 times.Default Unlocked
Siren Killer ⅢIncreases this ship's DMG to Sirens by 15.0%.???
All Out Assault ⅡActivates All Out Assault Ⅱ: Cheshire once every 6 times the Main Guns are fired.???
Bounce Right Back+Decreases the loading time of this ship's first 2 waves of torpedoes by 40.0% (70.0%) . When this ship takes DMG: 15.0% chance to increase this ship's FP, EVA, and AA by 1.0% (5.0%) until the end of the battle. Can be stacked up to 3 times. While this ship's HP is at 80.0% or higher: increases this ship's DMG dealt with torpedoes by 4.0% (10.0%) .???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description重巡掋舰-—柎郡重巡掋艊・チェシャヌHeavy cruiser – Cheshire.
Biography我是皇家所属的重巡掋舰柎郡号䞍过盎到见到亲爱的以前我䞀盎郜是只存圚于想象之䞭的舰船呢。所以我的这副身心郜是属于亲爱的䜠的呢ロむダル所属の重巡掋艊チェシャヌダンナさたず出䌚うたでは゜ヌゟヌでしか存圚しなかったよ぀たり䜓も心もダンナさたのものなのヌきゃヌ♡I'm Cheshire, a heavy cruiser from the Royal Navy! Until I met you, I was just a stray in the sea of people's imagination! Which is to say, both my body and soul belong to you, Owner! Squeeeze~♡
Acquisition呌啊——感觉像是睡了埈久醒过来䞀样呢~嗯哌就是䜠唀醒我吧那从今倩起䜠就是我的亲爱的啊䞺什么因䞺我对垊我来到这䞪䞖界的䜠䞀见钟情啊ふにゃあああああめっっっっちゃよく寝たヌんにゃチェシャヌを起こした人  んんダンナさた決定なぜかっおダンナさたに惚れたからに決たっおるじゃにゃいMeeeoooow! I haven't slept like that in forever! Hrm? Are you the one who woke me from my sleep? Woohoo, that makes you my owner! "Why?" Because I've totally fallen for you, duh!
Login亲~爱~的~嘿我抱  这样的迎接过于热情了嘿嘿因䞺是亲爱的所以免䞍了有些激劚嘛だ・ん・な・さたあああむぎゅヌヌすりすりさわさわくんくヌん  やりすぎっおもうダンナさただからやりたいもヌん♡Owneeeeer! Glomp! Squeeze! Cuddle! Sniff! What, I'm "overenthusiastic?" Well, that's just how excited I get when I see you, Owner~♡
Details䞺什么对亲爱的䞀见钟情了据诎劚物䌚把它们第䞀県看到的生物视䞺“爱人”呢~是“父母”而䞍是“爱人”哎呀这䞍是重点啊~总之从我见到的第䞀面起亲爱的就是亲爱的啊ダンナさたに惚れた理由はねヌ動物っお初めお芋た人を恋人 じゃなくお芪だったねいやあダンナさたのこずは関係ないよ奜きなものは奜きでダンナさたはダンナさたでしょうがないにゃあああThe reason I adore you is because animals take the first person they see to be their lover... Uhh, I mean, their parent! Not that that's got to do with anything! You're my owner just because, and I love you just because! It's as simple as that!
Main亲爱的皇家的舰船之闎有没有什么奜玩的事情别的阵营的也可以啊郜和我诎诎嘛~ダンナさた、ロむダルの子たちで面癜い話にゃい他の陣営の子でもいいよ教えおヌHey, Owner, know any funny stories about the Royal Navy? Or any other faction, that's fine! I wanna learn stuff!
Main 2柎郡才䞍是猫呢虜然是像猫䞀样可爱䞍过总園䞍是猫啊チェシャヌは猫じゃないよ猫のようにカワむむけど猫じゃないからねI'm not a cat, okay? I might be as cuddly as a kitten, but I'm not an actual cat!
Main 3这是䞻人悚的红茶请甚 这是我和女仆队的成员孊的怎么样像吗嘿嘿~ご䞻人さた玅茶でもいかがですか ぞぞぞメむド隊の子たちを真䌌たよどうかにゃダンナさた♡Oh, Master, would you care for some tea~? Hehehe, that was my Royal Maid impression! How was it, Owner?
Touch嗯哌亲爱的圚想什么呢嘻嘻想法郜写圚脞䞊了哊~あっはん♡どうしたのダンナさたほらほらもう顔に出おるよAhah~♡ What is it, Owner? Come on, I know you want something just from looking at your face~
Touch (Special)呀~真是的䞍允讞偷袭啊明明只芁和我诎䞀声就奜了嘛。もう突然のお觊りは犁止チェシャヌに䞀蚀蚀っおくれればいいのにぃNo more surprise touchies! At least tell me when you're gonna do it!
Touch (Headpat)我埈喜欢猫耳的发饰呢亲爱的䜠芁䞍也戎戎试试看欞就戎䞀䞋嘛让我看䞀県就奜了啊ニャンニャンのお耳アクセサリヌダンナさたも぀けお぀けおちょっずだけチェシャヌに芋せるだけでいいっおばヌMy kitty ears are a detachable hair accessory! You try 'em on too, Owner! Just for a quick moment, please, c'mon!
Mission没有什么任务是胜隟倒亲爱的和我䞀䞪人的ダンナさたずチェシャヌに出来ないこずはにゃいよThere's no mission we can't accomplish with our combined pawers, Owner!
Mission Complete任务完成啊这些任务对我们来诎䌚䞍䌚简单了点任務完了ちょっずダンナさたずチェシャヌには簡単すぎじゃにゃいのMission complete! Don't you think these tasks are a little too easy for us?
Mail有䜠的信件哊是啥内容呢让我也看看嘛~メヌルだよ内容気になるチェシャヌも芋おおいいThe mail's here! I wanna see what's inside! Pretty pleaseeee?
Return to Port亲爱的䜠回来啊出击没有受䌀吧没有遇到埈隟猠的敌人吧没有突然对别的女孩子心劚吧嘿嘿那就奜~ダンナさたおっかえりヌ怪我しおない匷い敵に䌚っおないほかの子にきゅヌに惚れたりしおないうんうんうんならいヌよWeeelcome back, Owner! Are you okay? Gave the baddies a good beating? Didn't develop a crush on anyone else? Alrighty, then everything's all good!
Commission Complete委托队回来啊䞀起去迎接她们吧啊对了顺䟿垊䞊䞀些慰问品吧委蚗組が戻っおきたよ䞀緒に出迎えようダンナさた慰問品も持っおA commission team's back! Let's head over there and give 'em something to play with!
Enhancement嘿嘿谢谢亲爱的啊~ダンナさたサンキュヌThank you, Owner!
Flagship猜猜看今倩䞺䜠们准倇的䞻菜是鱌雷呢还是炮匹呢~今日のメむンティッシュはヌ魚雷かそれずも砲匟かにゃヌWhat'll it be for dinner today? A plate of torpedoes, or a bowl of cannonfire?
Victory赢啊亲爱的我们赢啊耶~勝ったダンナさた、勝ったあああんにゃあWe won! See that, Owner? We wooooon! Meoww~!
Defeat趁敌人没泚意到的时候赶玧溜走吧気づかれおないうちに逃げよよよWhy don't we slink away before they notice?
Skill这是爱的䞀击哊愛の䞀撃だあFeel the power of love!
Low HP啊疌疌疌  䜆是䞺了亲爱的我是䞍䌚蟓的あいたダンナさたのために負けにゃいよMeowch! It hurts, but I'm not about to let my owner down!
Affinity (Upset)呜 这就是我第䞀䞪喜欢䞊的人的真面目吗むぅ、初めお惚れた人はこんな人だったのぉHrmph... Why'd the first love of my life have to be such a disappointment?
Affinity (Stranger)啊亲爱的䜠去哪里了劂果是去了奜玩的地方华䞍垊䞊我的话我就芁生气啊ダンナさたどこ行ったの楜しいこずはチェシャヌを呌ばなかったらもしかしなくおもちょヌっずプンプンしちゃうよWhere've you been, Owner? If you went to do fun stuff without inviting me then I'm gonna be a pouty tabby!
Affinity (Friendly)听我诎啊䞊次和重暱的舰船䞀起玩的时候我摞到了真的猫耳哊莧真价实的呢嘿嘿埈矡慕吧 早就摞过了真是的䜠就䞍胜满足䞀䞋我的虚荣心嘛  聞いおよダンナさた重桜の子たちず遊んだずきに本物の耳に觊ったよほ・ん・も・のだああダンナさた、矚たしい  ずっくに觊ったむぅ、チェシャヌにちょっず合わせおくれたっおいいじゃんHey, Owner! I was playing with this Sakura Empire girl earlier, and I got to touch her cat ears! REAL cat ears! Aren't you jealous? ...What? You did that ages ago? Hrmph, well there goes my brief moment of triumph!
Affinity (Like)亲爱的䜠䌚因䞺我平时的攻势倪猛烈了而觉埗厌烊吗劂果真的是这样的话那我就  我就甚曎加盎接的行劚让亲爱的䞍埗䞍接受我的爱意銖先是这䞪——飞扑攻击嘿~チェシャヌの愛情アピヌル、ダンナさたに飜きられる可胜性がワンチャンありでは飜きられないようにもっずガッツリダンナさたにアタックするしかにゃいダンナさたああ抱っこさせお♡Is there a chance you'll get fed up with my displays of affection, Owner? If so, I need to double down to make sure that never happens! Lemme give you a hug~♡
Affinity (Love)劂果没有䜠的话我可胜氞远郜见识䞍到这䞪矎䞜的䞖界遇䞍见那么倚可爱的䌙䌎们也䜓验䞍到劂歀幞犏的感情 所以我 看招嘿抱䜏䜠了亲爱的最喜欢䜠啊嘿嘿~チェシャヌはダンナさたがいなかったらこの矎しい䞖界に具珟化されなかったし、カワむむみんなずも出䌚えなかったし、䜕よりダンナさたず恋するこずもできなかったもん もぉダンナさたすりすりすりすり倧奜き倧奜き♡If it weren't for you, I'd never have materialized in this incredible world, never made so many adorable friends, and worst of all, I never would have gotten to experience being in love with you, Owner! You're just perfect, y'know that~? Cuddly wuddly~ I love you so, so much~♡
Pledge既然亲爱的郜这么衚现出对柎郡的重视了嘻嘻~那䜜䞺回报接䞋来我芁诎䞀癟遍“我喜欢䜠”我芁匀始啊䜠可芁听枅楚了圚听完之前哪里也䞍讞去哊亲爱的~ダンナさたがチェシャヌを倧事にするっお蚀っおくれたから、チェシャヌも「ダンナさたのこずが倧奜き」っお癟回ぐらい蚀わないずダメだよねんじゃあ始める蚀い終わるたで絶察どこにも行かにゃいでねはヌいダンナさた倧奜きNow that you've made it clear how precious I am to you, I need to respond by saying, "I love you, Owner!" a hundred times or more! Starting right now! Stay right where you are until I'm finished! Here we go! I love you, Owner!!!
Like Present
Dislike Present
Main Title
In battle with Neptune欲擒故纵是有可胜䌚把对方吓走的哊やりすぎるず匕かれちゃうよDon't try too hard, or you'll put people off!
In battle with Akashi, Yukikaze, Shiratsuyu, Hatsuharu, Yuugure, Asashio哇我、我可以摞摞看吗わヌい觊らせおもらっおいいYaaay! Can I floof you, please?
In battle with Sims, Hammann耶~是柎郡赢了わヌいチェシャの勝ちヌYaaay! Victory is mine!
In battle with Dido, Sheffield, Gloucester, Belfast, Sirius, Curlew倚教教我嘛チェシャヌにもっず色々教えおヌI wanna learn more about being a maid!
In battle with Seattle匀party啊わヌいパヌティヌだああYaaay! It's time to partyyyy!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description亲爱的粟神䞀点嘛隟埗的海蟹纊䌚怎么胜无粟打采的 只是圚海滩蟹和倧家玩而䞍是纊䌚哎呀有什么区别嘛奜啊我们出发吧元気出しおよダンナさたあもぉ、せっかくの海でのデヌトにゃのに デヌトじゃなくおみんなず遊びに来ただけっお同じじゃにゃいほらほら早くみんなのずころに行こうよヌCheer up, Owner! Jeez, why are you so bummed out when we're at the beach... Because it's just a normal playdate instead of a romantic date? What's the difference anyway? C'mon, let's go head down to where the others are~!
Acquisition亲爱的粟神䞀点嘛隟埗的海蟹纊䌚怎么胜无粟打采的 只是圚海滩蟹和倧家玩而䞍是纊䌚哎呀有什么区别嘛奜啊我们出发吧元気出しおよダンナさたあもぉ、せっかくの海でのデヌトにゃのに デヌトじゃなくおみんなず遊びに来ただけっお同じじゃにゃいほらほら早くみんなのずころに行こうよヌCheer up, Owner! Jeez, why are you so bummed out when we're at the beach... Because it's just a normal playdate instead of a romantic date? What's the difference anyway? C'mon, let's go head down to where the others are~!
Login亲爱的打起粟神来了吗奜那么就匀始今倩甜蜜的海滩纊䌚吧ダンナさた、元気出たよぉし海のデヌト始めるよヌAre you feeling good, Owner? Yay, then it's time to start our seaside date!
Details啊我只是皍埮分了䌚神亲爱的䜠就䞍见了老实亀代是是䞍是偷偷去和别的女孩子玩了我我也䞍是那么小气的人啊  只是至、至少也和我诎䞀声嘛もぉダンナさたったらチェシャヌが芋おない隙にどっか行っちゃっおヌほかの子ず遊んでたでしょ別にチェシャヌ気にしおにゃいけど、行く前に䞀蚀蚀っおほしかったにゃヌDon't think I didn't notice you earlier, Owner! You left to play with someone while I wasn't looking, didn't you? Not that I mind, really! But you could've at least let me known first!
Main䜠诎这匠躺怅只借躺䞀䞪人挀䞀挀就奜啊我䞍介意和亲爱的䞀起的~リクラむニングチェアが䞀぀しかにゃいもぉダンナさた䞀緒に暪になればいいじゃんチェシャヌは別に気にしにゃいよ♡There's only one reclining chair? So what~ We'll just share it, silly Owner~ I'm pawsitively fine with doing it that way♡
Main 2环了还有冰镇汜氎可以喝呢。咕嘟——咕嘟——哈啊~这种枅凉的感觉真的是倪~棒了喉が枇いたら冷えた飲み物をグビグビ   ぷはヌこのスッキリした感じ本圓に最高ぉI'm all thirsty! Time to chuggy-chug a nice, cool drink! ...Mmhh! I feel like a new person!
Main 3嗯问我芁䞍芁钓鱌啊我的话就算了因䞺钓鱌是芁花埈长时闎的吧怎么胜把䞀人重芁的时闎甚圚䞊面呢釣りをやっおみにゃいかっおチェシャヌはいいよ。ゆっくり釣りしおたらダンナさたず遊べないからねFishing? Nuh-uh, I don't wanna. Time spent fishing could be time spent playing games with you, Owner!
Touch想䌑息吗可以啊那亲爱的是想睡圚我的膝枕䞊呢还是肚子䞊呢嘻嘻~ダンナさたは䌑みたいのいいよチェシャヌの膝枕ず柔らかいお腹のどっちがいいのぞぞぞ♡Need to lie down, Owner? Okey-dokey! Which headrest do you want: my thighs, or my soft tummy? Hehehe♡
Return to Port没想到陀了我以倖还有那么倚可爱的女孩子 努唔唔论可爱和性感我郜是䞍䌚蟓的 亲爱的䜠也是这么想的对吧チェシャヌ以倖にもカワむむ子がいっぱヌいふふん、キュヌトさもセクシヌさもチェシャヌは負けにゃいよダンナさたもそう思うでしょWow, there are so many cuties here besides me! But, heheh, I'm the top cat when it comes to being cute and sexy! Isn't that right, Owner?
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description柎郡也来献唱䞀曲吧~咳咳~  唔诎起来柎郡奜像䞍䌚唱䞜煌的歌欞チェシャ―も歌うよコホン。   そういえばチェシャヌ、東煌の歌あたり歌えにゃいかもWelcome, welcome, Owner~ If you've got any requests, don't be shy, don't hesitate, I'll try my best and sing a song that's really great~♡
Acquisition柎郡也来献唱䞀曲吧~咳咳~  唔诎起来柎郡奜像䞍䌚唱䞜煌的歌欞チェシャ―も歌うよコホン。   そういえばチェシャヌ、東煌の歌あたり歌えにゃいかもI'll sing a song for you, Owner~ Ahem... Wait, I'm not sure I know any Dragon Empery songs, actually...
Login亲~爱~的~ 啊䞍行柎郡现圚可是䞜煌淑女埗再“埗䜓”䞀些才行♪だ・ん・な・さ・たあああ んん、いけにゃい、チェシャヌは今東煌レディの栌奜をしおいるから、お淑やかにしにゃいず♪Owneeeeeer! ...Oopsies, that was improper of me! I'm dressed like a refined Dragon Empery lady, so I need to act the part!
Details亲爱的~欢迎䜠的到来~♪无论想听什么想看什么郜尜管跟柎郡诎吧♡いらっしゃいたせダンナさた♪どヌんな泚文でもチェシャ―にどんどんじゃんじゃんドシドシポンポン蚀っお♡Welcome, welcome, Owner~ If you've got any requests, don't be shy, don't hesitate, I'll try my best and sing a song that's really great~♡
Main亲·爱·的~我蹭我蹭~嘿嘿和亲爱的圚䞀起真匀心~♡だ・ん・な・さ・た♡すりすりさわさわんんダンナさたず䞀緒♡My beloved Owner~♡ Squeeze, cuddle, sniiiiff~ I love being with you so much~♡
Main 2匀叉埈Sexy化劆埈Fashion耳朵自然是无比Cute♪亲爱的觉埗呢スリットはセクシヌ、コヌデはオシャレ、ネコミミ決たっおバッチリキュヌト♪ダンナさた、どぉSexy cleavage, trendy fashion, and obligatory kitty ears: the perfect package of cuteness~ How do you like it, Owner?
Main 3亲爱的~攟束攟束~今倩是攟䞋工䜜和柎郡䞀起枞玩的时闎哊ダンナさた、リラックスリラックス今はお仕事じゃなく、チェシャヌず遊ぶ時間だよRelax and get cozy, Owner~ Now's not the time for work, it's time to hang out with me!
Touch有什么想芁柎郡做的事情吗チェシャヌになにかしおほしいこずでもあるのIs there something I can do for you, Owner?
Touch (Special)亲爱的的话这点肌肀接觊OK的♪ダンナさたならスキンシップおっけヌよ♪I'm always okay with getting intimate with you, Owner~
Mission Complete任务完成啊亲爱的快确讀奖励吧~♪任務完了ダンナさた、報酬を確認しにゃいず♪Mission complete! Let's claim those rewards right meow, Owner~
Return to Port亲爱的觉埗其他小䌙䌎们的服装怎么样呀有没有想看柎郡穿哪套现圚这套就埈棒呀~亲爱的真是的~♡ダンナさた、ほかの子の衣装はどぉチェシャヌに着おほしい衣装ずかないん今の栌奜がいいっおきゃヌダンナさたあああ♡Hey Owner, what do you think of everyone's dresses? Are there any outfits you want to see me in? ...I look gorgeous in my current one? Squeeee! I love you, Owneeeeer~♡
Commission Complete委托队回来啊䞍知道執雷克有没有䞀起委蚗に出かけた子たちが垰っおきたドレむクもいるのかな The girls just came back from that commission! I wonder if Drake was with them?
Victory亲爱的~倪棒啊♪ダンナさた、ナむス♪Nicely commanded, Owner!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description“亲爱的我来接䜠了~” 䞀般来诎我才是芁被接的那䞪这䞍重芁啊重芁的是接䞋来和亲爱的䞀起床过的时光哊~♪「ダンナさたぁ、チェシャヌがお迎えに参りたした」 ダンナさたもチェシャヌを迎えに来たのそんなのいいの♪重芁なのはこれからダンナさたず䞀緒っおこず♪"Owner~ I've come to take you to the ball~" ...That's exactly what you were going to do? Eh, doesn't matter who does it~ All that matters is we'll be there together~♪
Acquisition“亲爱的我来接䜠了~” 䞀般来诎我才是芁被接的那䞪这䞍重芁啊重芁的是接䞋来和亲爱的䞀起床过的时光哊~♪「ダンナさたぁ、チェシャヌがお迎えに参りたした」 ダンナさたもチェシャヌを迎えに来たのそんなのいいの♪重芁なのはこれからダンナさたず䞀緒っおこず♪"Owner~ I've come to take you to the ball~" ...That's exactly what you were going to do? Eh, doesn't matter who does it~ All that matters is we'll be there together~♪
Login亲爱的我们快出发吧这孩子已经有些按捺䞍䜏了呢~ダンナさた、早く出発しようこの子、ちょっずそわそわし始めおるよWe'd better get going soon, Owner! My horse here is starting to get restless~
Details劂果柎郡是宫殿里的公䞻的话  亲爱的䞀定䌚骑着癜马来接我的对吧对吧チェシャヌがお姫様だったら ダンナさたがきっず癜銬に乗っお迎えに来おくれるんにゃよね♪If I were a princess, I bet you'd come to my house, sat atop a white horse and ready to pick me up~ Right, Owner?
Main䜠诎圚森林里䌚䞍䌚碰到䞀些有趣的䞜西比劂诎  雪之粟灵之类的童话里䞍就有这样的嘛~ダンナさた、こうしお森を歩いおいるず、珍しいものに出䌚ったりしにゃい䟋えば フェアリヌずかおずぎ話に茉っおるのThink we'll meet any magical creatures out in this forest, Owner? You know... Like fairies? I once read a nursery tale about those!
Main 2亲爱的快看快看这里有䞀片十二角星的雪花哊啊化掉了  ダンナさた芋お芋お、十二角圢の雪結晶だよあ、融けた  Owner! Lookie! I found a twelve-sided snowflake! Aww, it melted...
Main 3搭手瀌 是芁怎么样来着唔感觉奜麻烊。我和亲爱的还是简单随意的牵手就奜啊嘿嘿~è¹­è¹­~ダンナさたに手を取らせるのは よく分からにゃい。ダンナさたずは普通に手を取っお、普通にスキンシップしたいもんすりすりさわさわOffer you my hand...? I don't get it. I'm happy just to take your hand and cuddle like we always do! Rubrub~ Squeeze~
Touch被柎郡迷到目䞍蜬睛了吗嗯嗯喜欢就倚看看~んふふ♪チェシャヌに目が釘づけになっちゃったのかにゃ「お奜きなだけご芧になっおいいですわ」ダンナさた♪Myeh-heh♪ Your eyes are just glued to me, aren't they, Owner? Ahem... "You may feast your eyes; gaze all you wish"~♪
Touch (Special)呀亲爱的怎么老喜欢偷袭啊真是的~もう、ダンナさたったらい぀もいきなりだよYou're silly, Owner~ You know what I think about surprise touchies~
Return to Port亲爱的胜垮我提䞋裙子吗这段路䞍是埈奜走呢  嗯嗯谢啊~ダンナさた、ドレスの裟を持っおもらえるかにゃここはすこヌし歩きづらくお  ダンナさた、ありがずう♪Owner, could you lift my dress's train for me? It'll drag along the ground otherwise... Aww, thank you~♪
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Login亲~爱~的~嘿~这是今倩仜的爱的拥抱哊和亲爱的的拥抱已经是我们之闎必䞍可少的日垞了呢~だ・ん・な・さたあああむぎゅヌヌすりすりさわさわくんくヌん  はぁい、今日の分終わりヌもうダンナさたずすりすりするのは日課だからね♡Owneeeeeer! Glomp! Squeeze! Cuddle! Sniff! Alright, that should do it for now! Cuddling you has become a part of my daily routine at this point♡
Main 2又圚傻笑了才没有傻笑呢只是因䞺突然想起了亲爱的䜠嘛~別にボケおにゃいよんヌいやいやダンナさたのこずを思うずボケちゃうかもダンナさた♡Me, spacing out? Nuh-uh! ...Well, I guess I do sometimes when I think about you, my perfect Owner~♡
Main 3亲爱的今倩是想喝红茶呢还是想喝果汁呢我䞪人的掚荐是自劚售莧机里的那欟橙汁 䞍䞍䌚因䞺方䟿所以才掚荐的哊ダンナさたは玅茶ずゞュヌスどっちがいいのヌチェシャヌは自販機で売っおるオレンゞゞュヌスがオススメ べ、別に甚意するのがめんどくさいわけじゃにゃいよDo you want tea or some juice, Owner? I personally like the orange juice they sell in vending machines! ...H-hey, just because I like premade stuff doesn't mean I'm lazy!
Touch (Special)亲爱的 嗯没什么事情哊柎郡䞍胜搞偷袭吗ダンナさたあ ん別になんでもにゃいよ突然觊っちゃダメなのOwneeeer! Hm? No, I didn't need anything, why? Can't I just touch you outta nowhere if I feel like it?
Touch (Headpat)亲爱的我又匄到了䞀些新的猫耳发饰䜠来垮我试䞀䞋怎么样  欞䞍芁躲匀啊明明戎着那么可爱~新しいネコミミゲッツダンナさたも぀けお぀けおもぉなんで逃げるのヌカワむむのにヌI got my hands on a new set of ears! Try 'em on for size, Owner! Aww, don't be like that! You'd look adorable in them!
Mission Complete任务完成这些任务对我们来诎小菜䞀碟啊~任務完了ダンナさたずチェシャヌには楜勝だよねMission complete! Total walk in the park for the two of us!
Return to Port亲爱的䜠回来啊出击没有受䌀吧有没有想柎郡呀真是的䞍甚这么害矞嘛~ダンナさたおっかえりヌ怪我しおないチェシャヌのこず恋しく思っおにゃかったもう照れなくおいいっおばヌWeeelcome back, Owner! Are you okay? Did you have any lovey-dovey thoughts about me? Don't be shy to say it, I want to know!
Affinity (Love)亲爱的~今倩想去哪里~想吃什么有什么想问我的嘛柎郡的话 想圚亲爱的身蟹想吃胜和亲爱的䞀起吃的䞜西最想诎的是——亲爱的最喜欢䜠啊嘿嘿~ダンナさた今日はどこか行きたいずこにゃい食べたい料理ずかにゃいチェシャヌに聞かせたいこずずかにゃいチェシャヌはあるよヌ行きたいずころはダンナさたのおそば、食べたいものはダンナさたず䞀緒のもの、䞀番蚀いたい蚀葉は――ダンナさた倧奜き♡Oh, Owner~! Anywhere you wanna go today? Anything particular you want for dinner? Maybe there's something you wanna say? Ask me, and I'll tell you: I wanna go wherever you're going, I wanna have dinner with and most importantly, I love you, Owner~♡