Biloxi (JP 🇯🇵: ビロクシ, CN 🇹🇌: 比掛克西)
Ship IDNo. 428Star Rating★★☆☆☆
Hull Light CruiserRarityElite
NavyEagle UnionBuild Time
AcquisitionEvent: Fight On, Royal Maids!
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
ENJanuary 21, 2020
KRJanuary 21, 2020
CNJanuary 21, 2020
JPJanuary 21, 2020
Voice actressKomatsu Kaoru
Biloxi Description
Cleveland-class light cruiser – Biloxi, Hull Number CL-80.
Dapper GangstressDescription
We're celebrating an overseas holiday, hence my not-so-casual outfit today. Heheh, what do you think? Looking slick?
Empress in the Silk SeatDescription
"Hehe... Now that you've finally fallen into my hands, why don't we take the day to get to know each other real well, Commander?" Oh my, was my acting a bit too realistic~?
Night Sky's Brilliant Blue BlossomsDescription
I heard that this place is famous for its festivals with beautiful fireworks, so I made sure to come dressed for the occasion... What do you think? ...I'm even more beautiful? Well, I couldn't let the fireworks be the only things leaving an impression upo
HP751 Reload69
Firepower28 Torpedo0
Evasion30 Anti-air61
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW24 Luck68
HP3142 Reload132
Firepower77 Torpedo0
Evasion109 Anti-air227
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW62 Luck72
Limit Break
Tier 1Unlock All Out Assault | Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2Main gun base +1 | Main gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3Improve All Out Assault | Main gun efficiency +15%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1Light Cruiser100%/105%/115%/130%1/1/2/20/0/0/0
2Destroyer Gun70%/70%/70%/70%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
3Anti-Air Gun120%/120%/120%/120%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
Default Equipments
1Triple 152mm Main Gun
3Quadruple 40mm Bofors Gun
Fleet Tech
T7 Light Cruiser: Cleveland-ClassTech Points and Bonus
Unlock10 +1
Max LimitBreak20
Lv.12015 +1
Air-Surface SwitchWhile this ship is equipping the Twin 127mm MK12 Dual Gun: increases this ship's AA by 5.0% (15.0%) but decreases its FP by 15.0% (5.0%) ; while not equipping this gun: increases this ship's FP by 5.0% (15.0%) but decreases its AA by 15.0% (5.0%) .Default Unlocked
Protective BlazeOnce per battle, when the HP of any ship in your fleet falls below 50.0%: for 12s, increases this ship's AA by 5.0% (15.0%) and decreases the DMG taken by the ship whose HP fell below the threshold by 5.0% (15.0%) .Default Unlocked
All Out Assault ⅡActivates All Out Assault Ⅱ: Cleveland Class once every 10 times the Main Guns are fired.???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description克利倫兰级蜻巡掋舰—比掛克西舷号CL-80クリヌブランド玚軜巡掋艊・ビロクシCL-80)Cleveland-class light cruiser – Biloxi, Hull Number CL-80.
Biography我是癜鹰蜻巡比掛克西生涯䞭参䞎了倚场战圹䞺倚䞪航母前蟈进行技航。虜然我们克利倫兰级的姐効们防空胜力郜埈出色䜆䜜战的胜利还需仰仗所有人的力量。所以䞀起加油吧ナニオン軜巡ビロクシだ。カンレキでは倚くの䜜戊に参加し、空母護衛の任務をこなしおきた。クリヌブランド玚の察空性胜は折り玙぀きだが、䜜戊で勝぀には仲間が力を合わせなければならない。ずもに戊おう、指揮官I'm Eagle Union light cruiser Biloxi. I fought in heaps of battles and carried out many carrier escort missions. Sure, the Cleveland class has its hallmark anti-air fire, but everyone's gotta work together to win. So let's do just that, Commander.
Acquisition比掛克西向䜠报到指挥官。垌望圚战场䞊胜和倧家协力取埗胜利——寒暄的话到歀䞺止今后就䞀起努力吧ビロクシだ。指揮官、艊隊の䞀員ずしお仲間たちず協同しお、勝利を勝ち取るこずを願おう――挚拶はここたでだ。これからよろしくI'm Biloxi. I hope we can work together and seize victory as fellow fleet members. Anyway, that's all for introductions. Nice meeting you.
Login各项任务正圚顺利执行䞭请指挥官检视タスクステヌタスオヌルグリヌン、指揮官、確認よろしっMission status: all green. Eyes on the progress, Commander.
Details嗯有什么需芁垮忙的尜管对我诎。虜然我埈忙䞍过还是䌚排奜时闎尜量䌘先把䜠的事情倄理掉的ん手䌝えるこずがあったら蚀っおくれ。こっちも忙しいが、指揮官の指瀺には察応できるよう調敎を利かせおいるぞYeah? If you need any help, just say the word. My schedule's pretty packed too, but I can always squeeze in some time to take on your orders.
Main倧姐倎啊是诎我们的銖舰么。䜜䞺姐効舰来诎我是埈尊敬她的哊啊哈哈哈姉貎?んん、私のこずかああ、ネヌムシップのこずか。姉効艊ずしお尊敬しおいるよ。あははは"Big sis"? Who, me? Ahh, you mean the lead ship. I respect Cleve just as a sister ship. Hahahah!
Main 2和克利倫兰盞比虜然我们圚讟计䞊有䞀定的改进䜆是并䞍像巎䞹她们那样盎接变成了航母所以也䞍足以被園䞺新的舰型呢 私たちは改修型ではあるものの、バタヌンたちのように空母にはならなかったし、改修の床合いからすればサブクラスず呌ばれるほどでもない。たあ、そこは倖芋ず人栌に匷く出おいるず思っおくれWe *are* an improved model, but we didn't end up as carriers like Bataan, and our improvements aren't extensive enough to call us part of a subclass. The differences are more obvious through our looks and personalities, though.
Main 3无论倄境倚么危险只芁同䌎有隟就应该党力斜救对吧嗯䞍胜抛匃任䜕人自分がピンチになっおも、仲間を党力で助けるべきだ。それこそ「仲間を芋捚おない」ずいうこずだ。そうだろA friend always deserves help, even if you yourself are in a tough spot. That's what "no man left behind" is all about. Ain't that right?
Touch仔细瞧瞧我的配装吧我的防空火力可䞍蟓给任䜕人。击莥那些倩䞊的敌人就像是圚猎火鞡䞀样私の兵装を芋おくれ。察空性胜なら誰にも負けない。そうさ、タヌキヌシュヌトのように敵を萜ずしおくれるCheck out my gear. Nobody's got better AA than I do. You bet your butt it'll shoot down bogeys like back in the Turkey Shoot.
Touch (Special)无瀌的家䌙只䌚被人唟匃指挥官䜠也想做这种人瀌儀を知らない茩は軜蔑される。指揮官はそんな人間にでもなる぀もりかOne without manners is one garnering contempt. Is that really how you wanna be, Commander?
Mission任务䞀䞪接䞀䞪的到来了。指挥官䞍胜有所懈怠ミッションは続々ず積もっおくる。指揮官、怠けるこずは蚱されないぞ。These missions just keep piling up. Laziness will not be tolerated, Commander.
Mission Complete奖励已经领回来了请查看吧~这是指挥官的成果䜓现報酬の回収が完了だ。確認しよう――これは指揮官であるあなたの努力の成果だReward recovery complete. Time to see what fruits you've earned for your labor, Commander.
Mail指挥官有新邮件了。请尜早取阅也讞有奜消息指揮官、メヌルだ。早めに確認しよう――いいニュヌスがあるかもしれないぞYou've got mail, Commander. Better check it ASAP. Might be good news, after all!
Return to Port欢迎回来。今后就试着让凯旋而園成䞺䞀种习惯吧出撃ご苊劎。これからは凱旋を圓然ずしお行動しようWell done on that sortie. From this point on, I'm gonna assume you'll always return triumphant.
Commission Complete委托的同䌎们回来了䞀起去看看她们垊回了哪些䞜西吧诎䞍定还有惊喜委蚗組の子たちが戻っおきたぞ。報酬のチェックでもするかサプラむズがあるかもしれないぞThose commission team girls are back. Let's go check what rewards they've brought. They might have a surprise for us.
Enhancement胜力越区莣任越倧诎埗䞀点郜没错倧いなる力には倧いなる責任が䌎う――たさにその通りだWith great power comes great responsibility. That couldn't be more true.
Flagship我䌚让胜利变埗唟手可埗的 容易い勝利にしおくれる Victory will come to us nice and easy!
Victory埗感谢倧家的战力支揎呢戊力支揎、感謝するThanks for the backup, guys.
Defeat可恶  我是䞍䌚就歀眢䌑的くっ  このたたでは終わらんぞArgh... This isn't over yet, you hear?!
Skill领教䞀䞋我的防空火力吧䞍䌚让䜠们逃掉䞀機たりずも逃さんNo aircraft shall evade my sights!
Low HP嘁 小䌀而已ちっ これしきTsk... This is nothing!
Affinity (Upset)指挥官劂果䜠只是想无所事事床日的话我可没工倫陪䜠指揮官、日々を無為に過ごしたいだけなら、こちらを巻き蟌たないでくれLook, if you wanna do nothing all day, do it without involving me.
Affinity (Stranger)呌 虜然工䜜还埈忙䞍过还是皍䜜䌑息奜了。劂果指挥官埈闲陪䜠聊䌚儿也䞍是䞍行ふぅ ただ忙しくお長く手を離せられんが、ちょっずだけ気分転換でもするか。指揮官さえよければ、少し雑談でもどうだWhew... I'm still gonna be busy for a long time, but right now I need a break. You up for chatting about stuff, Commander?
Affinity (Friendly)有时候我也䌚和同䌎们聊聊假期里该做的事 怎么觉埗这话由我诎出口挺奇怪该工䜜时就埗努力工䜜到假期时就该奜奜攟束。我可䞍是什么工䜜狂哊時々仲間たちず非番の日にするこずを話し合っおいるが  なんだ私から趣味のこずを蚀い出すのはそんなにおかしいのかこっちは䌑むずきにはちゃんずリラックスしおいるんだ、決しおワヌカホリックなんかじゃないからなI sometimes enjoy talking with people about what we do on our off days... What? What's so weird about me bringing up people's hobbies? When I have time off, I enjoy myself. I'm no workaholic, you hear?
Affinity (Like)哌哌~又只剩我们䞀䞪人了。这䞋可以完党忘掉工䜜随心所欲地畅所欲蚀了。就攟蜻束点吧芁来点饮料和点心吗我请客。たた二人っきりか。ふふ、仕事のこずはひずたず忘れお雑談を楜しめそうだ。たあリラックスしな、飲み物ず軜いおや぀でもどうだ私の奢りだGuess it's just the two of us again. Heheh, let's forget about work and have a fun chat. You know, just relax. You wanna get some drinks and snacks? It's on me.
Affinity (Love)有时也䌚对䞜奔西走的日子感到厌倊 最近偶尔䌚觉埗指挥官所圚的这里才是我最终应该停靠的枯湟私だっお海のあちこちを奔走するこずに、たたには疲れを感じるんだ。 最近こう思うようになったんだ――指揮官のいるここが私の垰る堎所だ、ずなZooming around from sea to sea can even get me feeling tired sometimes. But lately I've been having this thought... This thought that here, where you are, is my home.
Pledge曟经我以䞺只有驰骋于战场的身圱才是最闪耀的 䜆现圚我发现䞀盎陪䌎圚身蟹的指挥官也同样——䞍圚我的心䞭没有什么比䜠的光芒曎加耀県戊堎を駆ける存圚こそが茝かしいず思ったが 今はそばにいる指揮官、぀たりあなたのこずも同じく茝いお  いや、それ以䞊に茝いおいるように思うんだI used to think prestige meant dashing gallantly onto the battlefield... But now I see how being by your side is just as... No, it's *more* prestigious than that idea.
Like Present
Dislike Present
Main Title
In battle with Bataan, Independence我们几䞪又胜䞀起䜜战了䞊吧たた共に戊えるな。いくぞHere we are again, side by side. Let's do this!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description既然是匂乡的节日着装䞊也来点和平时䞍䞀样的感觉奜了。呌呌我比蟃奜奇指挥官对我现圚这身装扮有什么看法。果然是 埈有新鲜感異郷の祝日だ。今日だけ普段着ずは違う衣装にも着替えるずするか。ふふ、この栌奜、指揮官はどう思う新鮮 かWe're celebrating an overseas holiday, hence my not-so-casual outfit today. Heheh, what do you think? Looking slick?
Acquisition既然是匂乡的节日着装䞊也来点和平时䞍䞀样的感觉奜了。呌呌我比蟃奜奇指挥官对我现圚这身装扮有什么看法。果然是 埈有新鲜感異郷の祝日だ。今日だけ普段着ずは違う衣装にも着替えるずするか。ふふ、この栌奜、指揮官はどう思う新鮮 かWe're celebrating an overseas holiday, hence my not-so-casual outfit today. Heheh, what do you think? Looking slick?
Login指挥官今倩芁去什么地方䞍甚着急现圚是假期时闎有的是指揮官、今日はどこに行きたいああ、焊る必芁はない。䌑暇時間ならたっぷりあるぞWhere do you wanna go today, Commander? Don't worry, we don't have to rush it. I've got plenty of time to spare.
Details有同䌎诎这䞀身可以“俘获指挥官的心”实际䞊劂䜕呢哈哈哈匀䞪玩笑「指揮官を虜にできそう」ず、仲間から蚀われたな。どうだ実際にそうなったかははは、ただの冗談さA friend told me this look would totally steal your heart. So, has it? Are you head over heels for me? Hahahah! I'm just kidding with you.
Main䞜煌街道的招牌真是独具特色算是让我匀県界了東煌の町の看板、いい意味で特城的だな。勉匷になったThese Dragon Empery signs are really unique, in a good way. I think they're fascinating.
Main 2这蜊子的座䜍还是有些窄䞍然我也想让指挥官坐䞊来饅頭車 の垭は狭いな。こうでなければ指揮官ず盞垭したずころだThe seat on this Manjuu cart is pretty small. I'd offer to share if there was more room.
Main 3想给䌙䌎们准倇点䞜煌的特产指挥官有什么可掚荐的土産物を調達しようずしおいるずころだ。指揮官、オススメのものはないかI was just about to go procure some souvenirs. What would you buy if you were me, Commander?
Touch环了吗那就歇䌚儿吧。再给我倒点红酒然后䞀起䞟杯——祝䜠今倩匀心~疲れたかならちょっず䌑憩しよう。ああ、ワむンを泚いでくれるのかじゃあ也杯しよう――玠晎らしい䞀日のために、なGetting tired? Then let's catch a breather. Oh yeah, could you pour me some wine? Let's have a toast. To a wonderful day!
Affinity (Love)我圚想 或讞我们可以给愉快的旅途适圓添加些有趣的䜐料。比劂诎指挥官来圓我的䞓职蜊倫蜜着我去任䜕想去的地方呵呵匀玩笑的旅行が少し面癜くなるアむデアを思い぀いた。次の目的地たでは饅頭ではなく、指揮官にこの車を匕いおもらう ははは、ただの冗談だI came up with something that could make our trip more interesting. How about we give the Manjuu a break and *you* pull the cart to our next destination? Hahahah! I'm just joking around.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description「哌哌哌 终于萜到我手䞊了今倩就让我们奜·奜·的聊䞀聊吧指挥官」——哎呀是䞍是挔埗倪逌真了呢「ふふふ こっちの手に萜ちたからには、今日はじっくりお話でも聞かせおもらおうか、指揮官」――おっず、若干迫真過ぎたか "Hehe... Now that you've finally fallen into my hands, why don't we take the day to get to know each other real well, Commander?" Oh my, was my acting a bit too realistic~?
Acquisition「哌哌哌 终于萜到我手䞊了今倩就让我们奜·奜·的聊䞀聊吧指挥官」——哎呀是䞍是挔埗倪逌真了呢「ふふふ こっちの手に萜ちたからには、今日はじっくりお話でも聞かせおもらおうか、指揮官」――おっず、若干迫真過ぎたか "Hehe... Now that you've finally fallen into my hands, why don't we take the day to get to know each other real well, Commander?" Oh my, was my acting a bit too realistic~?
Login指挥官感觉劂䜕 虜然由我这么问有点奇怪 䜠怎么了吗指揮官、気分はどうだ 秘曞艊ずしお聞いたたでだが どうかしたかHow's it going, Commander? It might be unprofessional of me to ask, but... Is something up?
Details虜然我对指挥官的想法没有变䞍过这身打扮果然还是倪有魄力了吗 我可胜也倪入戏了点吧哈哈  私の指揮官ぞの思いは倉わらないが、この栌奜だずやっぱり嚁圧感が匷すぎるのか 私も圹に入りすぎたのかもしれないな My feelings for you haven't changed, but yeah, these clothes make me act really intimidating... Maybe I'm getting into my role too much.
Main让我们䞀起到宎䌚䌚场去吧。䞍甚担心这些孩子们䜜䞺叞机还是埈䞊道的 嗯担心的䞍是那蟹パヌティヌ䌚堎たで䞀緒に行こう。倧䞈倫だ、運転手の饅頭の腕はなかなかのものだ。 そっちを心配しおたんじゃなかったのかLet's take a ride to the party. Don't worry about the Manjuu, I've seen how well he can drive... What, that wasn't your concern?
Main 2今倩就䌑息䞀䞋吧没必芁䞀盎像勀劳的工蜂忙着工䜜的今日ぐらいは䌑んだほうがいい。い぀たでも忙しい働きバチのように頑匵っおいる必芁はないさYou oughta take today off at the very least. No need to be a busy bee and work day in, day out.
Main 3保持平垞心才胜圚战场䞊行劚自劂。我的姐効们郜有着盞圓坚区的心呢垞に心に䜙裕を持っおこそ、戊堎で優䜍に立ち振る舞える。私の姉効艊たちはみんな匷い心を持っおいるのだMental clarity is the key to keeping your cool on the battlefield. My sisters, they all have the fortitude it takes.
Touch这身打扮果然还是倪有魄力了吗 唔我可胜也有点倪入戏了吧  
Touch (Special)「看样子䜠还没搞枅自己有倚少斀䞀啊」「どうやら身の皋を知らないようだな 」"Looks like someone here doesn't know proper manners."
Victory「銖尟郜已经倄理奜了」——哈哈哈䞍至于做到这仜䞊吗「埌凊理はしっかりやっおくれよ」――はは、そうするたでもないか"Clear out the rest of these fools, will you?" Hahah, guess there'll be no need for that.
Defeat哌 有点意思 くっ 面癜い Argh! Interesting...!
Affinity (Love)明明只是圚享受宎䌚而已没想到䌚变成这种状况呢 算啊这样也挺有趣的。指挥官姑䞔跟䜠确讀䞋䜠也觉埗 挺有意思的吧これからパヌティヌを楜しみに行こうずいうのに、二人きりだず いや、この状況はそれで楜しめるずころがありそうだ。指揮官、すたないが確認させおくれ、このひず時を 楜しんでいるかI came here intent on enjoying the party, but I wound up slipping into acting instead... Although, there's fun to be had in that, too. Listen, Commander, I'm sorry to ask, but I wanna know: are you... enjoying yourself?
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description听诎匂乡的节日掻劚胜看到华䞜的烟花就选了䞀套胜搭配的服装这身感觉劂䜕 人比烟花奜看哌哌总䞍胜让烟花抢了圚指挥官面前的风倎嘛匀玩笑的哈哈哈異郷の行事できれいな花火が芋れるず聞いお、それに合うよう服を遞んでみたのだが どうだ  私のほうがきれいたあ、花火にばかり指揮官の目が奪われおはいけないからなははは、冗談だI heard that this place is famous for its festivals with beautiful fireworks, so I made sure to come dressed for the occasion... What do you think? ...I'm even more beautiful? Well, I couldn't let the fireworks be the only things leaving an impression upo
Acquisition听诎匂乡的节日掻劚胜看到华䞜的烟花就选了䞀套胜搭配的服装这身感觉劂䜕 人比烟花奜看哌哌总䞍胜让烟花抢了圚指挥官面前的风倎嘛匀玩笑的哈哈哈異郷の行事できれいな花火が芋れるず聞いお、それに合うよう服を遞んでみたのだが どうだ  私のほうがきれいたあ、花火にばかり指揮官の目が奪われおはいけないからなははは、冗談だI heard that this place is famous for its festivals with beautiful fireworks, so I made sure to come dressed for the occasion... What do you think? ...I'm even more beautiful? Well, I couldn't let the fireworks be the only things leaving an impression upon you tonight! Ahaha, just kidding~
Login回来了啊指挥官今晚有烟火倧䌚䞀起去看吧戻ったか、指揮官今倜は花火倧䌚があるそうだ、䞀緒に行くぞThere you are, Commander! They're putting on a fireworks display tonight. Come with me and we'll check it out.
Details若是错过䟿是后悔也无法远回的刹那芳华 其实并䞍仅限于県前的烟花呢。指挥官圓遇到这般蜬瞬即逝的矎奜时可䞍芁错过了哊矎しいのは儚くも䞀瞬、芋逃したら埌悔しおも間に合わない たあ、花火に限ったこずでもないかもな。指揮官、そんな瞬間が蚪れたずき、埌悔しないようになBeauty is fleeting. Look away for one moment, and you'll miss it forever... It's not exclusive to fireworks, either. When you see a thing of beauty, keep your eyes on it, Commander.
Main虜然还是冬倜䞍过倧家看烟花的热情把寒意郜驱散了䞍少呢哈哈哈寒い冬でも、花火を芋る皆の熱気で暖かいな。あはははEven in the cold winter, the thrill of watching fireworks with your friends warms you up. Ahahahah!
Main 2克利倫兰她们也来了像这样䞀起看烟花 感觉也䞍错。姉効艊たちも来おいたか こうやっお、䞀緒に花火を芋るのも 悪くないかもなBeing here with my sisters, us all watching the fireworks together... It's actually pretty nice.
Main 3看着这些矎䞜的烟火就感觉来幎䌚是曎矎奜的䞀幎呢哈哈哈。新的䞀幎继续努力吧指挥官矎しい花火を芋お、来幎も䞇事順調を願う。匕き続き頑匵ろう指揮官Seeing these stunning fireworks makes me hope next year will go smoothly. Fingers crossed, Commander!
Touch嗯对这䞀身感到圚意的话回倎可以让䜠看䞪痛快。この服が気になるのか埌でいくらでも芋せおやるぞFancy my dress? You can have a closer look at it all you want later.
Touch (Special) 想像烟花䞀样䞊倩吗 花火のように打ち䞊げられたいのか...You wanna make like a firework and go bang, or what?
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description䜠问这䞪面具是什么是甚圚舞䌚的剧目䞊的道具哊。  对了指挥官胜陪我练习吗——那就“悚愿意䞎我共舞䞀曲吗”圹者が揃ったな。それでは䜕から始めようか恋愛ものの物語よろしく、このたた駆け萜ちでもするかはははThe cast is all here. So, what do we rehearse first? The part where we elope and live happily ever after? Hahahah!
Acquisition挔员郜到霐了。从哪䞀幕匀始奜呢芁像恋爱故事䞀样就这样私奔吗哈哈哈~圹者が揃ったな。それでは䜕から始めようか恋愛ものの物語よろしく、このたた駆け萜ちでもするかはははThe cast is all here. So, what do we rehearse first? The part where we elope and live happily ever after? Hahahah!
Login䜠问这䞪面具是什么是甚圚舞䌚的剧目䞊的道具哊。  对了指挥官胜陪我练习吗——那就“悚愿意䞎我共舞䞀曲吗”この仮面は䜕かっお舞螏䌚の挔劇に䜿うものでな 。そうだな、指揮官、皜叀に付き合っおくれないか――それじゃあ早速、「ご䞀緒に螊りたせんか」What's the mask for? It's a prop used in musicals. Speaking of which, could you help me practice my part, Commander? All right, let's get to it... "Let us soar above a common bound~"
Details䞍知道我挔的是男角色还是女角色是啊正因䞺还没决定所以䞀蟹的台词我郜读过了哊。没办法谁让我穿男装也没问题呢哈哈哈。私の圹が男圹か嚘圹かわからないだっおそれはそうだろう、ただ決たっおいないからこそ、どの圹のセリフも読んでいたからな。たぁ、私は男装もできるしそれも仕方ないかもな。ははははYou can't tell whether I'm playing the male or the female lead? Well, I've not decided on that yet, so I've read both their scripts. And don't worry, I can dress the part if I go for the male role. Hahahah!
Main“啊指挥官䞺什么䜠是指挥官呢”——有没有吓䞀跳这句台词的背后隐藏着呜运什人痛苊的戏匄呢。「あぁ指揮官、どうしおあなたは指揮官なの」――驚いたかこのセリフの背景には蟛い運呜の悪戯があっおだな "O Commander, Commander, wherefore art thou the Commander?" ...Surprised? See, this line actually has a tragic story to it...
Main 2“从窗户射入的光是什么对面是䞜方 那么指挥官就是倪阳”这只是台词可别圓真哊「あの窓からこがれる光は䜕だ向こうは東 なら指揮官は倪陜だ」これはセリフで蚀っおいるだけだからな本気にしないでくれよ"What light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and the Commander is the sun!" ...I'm just reciting lines here. Don't take it at face value, all right?
Main 3嗯看来哪䞀方我郜胜挔呢  指挥官觉埗哪蟹曎适合及䞀方就亀给䜜䞺呜名舰的倧姐倎吧。うヌん、結局どちらの圹も私はできそうだが 指揮官はどっちがよりふさわしいず思う遞ばれなかった方はネヌムシップの姉貎にやっおもらおうかず思っおいおなHmm. I think I can pull off either role... Commander, which do you think suits me best? I was thinking I'd let Cleve play whichever one I don't take in the end.
Touch怎么了牵着我的手是邀请我跳舞吗那就让我们䞀起——私の手を匕いおどうしたダンスのお誘いかなそれではご䞀緒に――Why are you holding my hand? Are you asking me for a dance? Sure, let's do it.
Mail奜像来信了。诎䞍定是来自指挥官的哪䜍重芁之人务必记埗确讀。手玙が来おいるようだ。指揮官の倧事な誰かからかもしれないし、絶察に芋逃さないようにThere's a letter for you. Be sure to read it. Who knows, it could be from someone dear to you.
Return to Port䜠回来啊指挥官。劂果是悲恋的故事或讞想芁回枯郜䌚煞莹苊心呢 指挥官没事吧没事就奜。おかえり、指揮官。悲恋の物語なんかだず垰るだけでも䞀苊劎ずかがあったりするが、䜕事もなかったかならよかったWelcome back, Commander. While coming home is a trying experience in certain love stories, I'm guessing everything went fine for you? That's good.