Admiral Graf Spee (JP 🇯🇵: アドミラル・グラヌフ・シュペヌ, CN 🇹🇌: 斯䜩䌯爵)
Ship IDNo. 246Star Rating★★☆☆☆
Hull Heavy CruiserRarityElite
NavyIronbloodBuild Time01:55:00
AcquisitionEvent: The Pursuit of Graf Spee, Heavy Construction
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actressMai Fuchigami
Admiral Graf Spee Description
Deutschland-class armored cruiser number three – Admiral Graf Spee.
Girl's Sunday Description
I sailed alone, fought alone, and then I was sunk while being alone. Now I found a new beginning... Hmm? Commander, you've been staring and laughing at me since the beginning
 do you want to eat this?
Peaceful Days Description
I never thought that I could wear an ordinary uniform and live a peaceful life like this. Thank you, Commander.
A Novel Anniversary Description
It's so fancy, so formal... Is this a "party"? I'm not sure I'll be able to fit in... But if you'll go with me, Commander, I'll give it a try!
My sister just wouldn't stop bugging me, so I finally caved and agreed to do this... Anyways, all I have to do is get up on stage and sing, right?
HP750 Reload64
Firepower55 Torpedo40
Evasion7 Anti-air29
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW0 Luck36
HP3199 Reload122
Firepower151 Torpedo111
Evasion54 Anti-air109
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW0 Luck38
Limit Break
Tier 1Unlock All Out Assault | Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2Torpedo base +1 | Torpedo preload +1 | Main gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3Improve All Out Assault | Main gun efficiency +15%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1Heavy Cruiser110%/115%/125%/140%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
3Anti-Air Gun100%/100%/100%/100%1/1/1/10/0/0/0
Default Equipments
1Triple 283mm Main Gun (SK C/28)
Fleet Tech
T5 Heavy Cruiser: Deutschland-ClassTech Points and Bonus
Unlock18 +1
Max LimitBreak38
Lv.12028 +1
Pocket BattleshipIncreases this ship's DMG to enemy DDs and CLs by 15.0% (35.0%) .Default Unlocked
All Out Assault ⅡActivates All Out Assault Ⅱ: Deutschland Class once every 6 times the Main Guns are fired.???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description執意志级装甲巡掋舰—斯䜩䌯爵海军䞊将ドむッチュラント装甲巡掋艊・アドミラル・グラヌフ・シュペヌDeutschland-class armored cruiser number three – Admiral Graf Spee.
Biography我是铁血海军執意志级装甲舰䞉号舰斯䜩䌯爵。圚南矎掲执行砎亀战时被皇家巡掋舰击䌀后驶入蒙執绎的亚枯 最终迫于种种压力自沉  指挥官这䞀次我想奜奜地——战斗到最后鉄血海軍ドむッチュラント玚装甲艊䞉番艊、アドミラル・グラヌフ・シュペヌ。ロむダルの巡掋艊の攻撃を受け、モンテビデオ枯に逃げ蟌んだが、最埌は自沈した  指揮官、今床は最埌たで――戊い抜くよAdmiral Graf Spee, Deutschland-class armored cruiser number 3 of the Iron Blood Navy. I was attacked by Royal Navy cruisers and then took refuge in Montevideo, but in the end I scuttled myself... Commander, this time I'm going to fight! To the very end!
Acquisition无论圚哪里战争郜还没有结束  指挥官執意志级装甲舰䞉号舰斯䜩䌯爵前来报道どこにいようず戊争は終わらないのね  指揮官、ドむッチュラント玚装甲艊䞉番艊、アドミラル・グラヌフ・シュペヌ、着任したNo matter where I go, the war never ends... Deutschland-class armored ship number 3, Admiral Graf Spee, reporting for duty.
Login我将䞺悚而战盎至燃尜最后䞀滎热血あなたのために最埌たで戊うよI will fight for you till the very end.
Details无论胜利的垌望倚么枺茫郜䌚义无反顟地扬垆出航  那样的存圚才倌埗被人们憧憬勝利の確率はいくら䜎かろうず、戊堎には向かうよ。  そう振る舞ったほうが人間に憧れられるからNo matter how poor the odds are, I will always head for the battlefield. ...That way people will admire me.
Main战斗的目的圚于胜利而非杀戮戊いは殺戮のためにあらず、勝利のためであるWars don't exist for mindless slaughter, they exist for victory.
Main 2第䞀场海战即是最后䞀场海战这对于我们铁血并䞍眕见初戊が最期になるなんお 私たち鉄血にずっおは別に珍しくないよOne's first battle being their last... That sort of thing isn't all that unusual for us Iron Blood ships.
Main 3即䜿和倧家聊倩总是孀身䞀人的我也䞍知道该聊些什么みんなずおしゃべり かい぀も䞀人だから、みんなの前では䜕を話すべきか Give talking to people... a try? I've always been alone, so what am I supposed to talk about...
Touch今倩的倩空埈晎朗是的就和拉普拉塔河口海战那倩䞀样呢今日の倩気は晎れうん ラプラタ沖のあの時のようにねIt's sunny today? Yeah... just like it was back on the Río de la Plata.
Touch (Special)指挥官我可以甚这双手抱抱悚吗指揮官、この手で抱きしめおもいいCommander, may I hug you, even though my hands are like this?
Touch (Headpat)指挥官  请䞍芁䞀盎那么甚力的摞我的倎奜吗。指揮官、そんなにワシャワシャしないでもらえる Commander, could you not ruffle up my hair like that...?
Mission无论是怎样的任务䞀旊䞋蟟了就有执行的必芁どんな任務だろうず、䞋された以䞊遂行する必芁があるのよOnce we've been assigned a mission, we must complete it, no matter what it is.
Mission Complete和我䞍同挂亮出色地完成了任务呢あの時の私ず違っお、任務はちゃんずこなせたのねI see that, unlike me in the past, you actually finished your mission.
Mail这仜邮件是  倪奜了和声望没有关系この手玙は  よかった、レナりンずは関係なくおThis letter... Thank goodness, it has nothing to do with Renown.
Return to Port指挥官回枯前有确讀枯口没有被封锁吧指揮官、母枯が封鎖されおいないこずを確認したよねCommander, you've confirmed the port isn't being blockaded, right?
Commission Complete委托完成了倪奜了看来没有被偷袭呢委蚗が完了したじゃあ奇襲されなかったっおこずね。よかったA commission has been completed? That means they weren't ambushed. Thank goodness.
Enhancement这就是 力量吗 これが  力  So this is... power...
Flagship䞺了铁血的尊䞥䞎利益将荣光延续到底鉄血の尊厳ず利益のために、さらなる栄光をFor the honor and prosperity of Iron Blood, and for even greater glory!
Victory这仜胜利胜借积环䞋去吗  この勝利は、い぀たで続くものか  How long will this victory actually last...
Defeat倱莥了吗  䜆还没有结束負けたか  ただだ、ただ終わらないよWe've lost... But I'm not giving up! It's not over yet!
Skill䞺了我所珍视的䞀切倧切なもののためにIn the name of all that is dear to me!
Low HP再坚持䞀䞋或讞就  もう少し持ちこたえたら  I have to hold out just a little longer...!
Affinity (Upset)无论是什么样的指挥官斯䜩䌯爵郜䌚䞺其效劳  どんな指揮官だろうず、グラヌフ・シュペヌは埓うのみ  No matter how you treat me, Commander, I will obey you...
Affinity (Stranger)孀独地航行、孀独地战斗、孀独地沉没  即䜿这样我也确实地䞺铁血海军做出过莡献吧ずっずひずりで、航海しお、戊闘しお、沈没しお  こんな私でも、鉄血海軍に貢献したのだろうかI sailed alone, fought alone, and sunk alone... Although I am who I am, didn't I still contribute to Iron Blood's cause?
Affinity (Friendly)我的双手是䞺了玧玧抓䜏胜利而存圚的  即䜿无法再拥抱重芁之人那也无可奈䜕この手は勝利を掎むため  倧切な人を二床ず抱きしめられなくおも、仕方のないこずよThese hands are for grasping victory... Even though I will never again be able to hug the people important to me, what's done is done.
Affinity (Like)指挥官这䞀次我可以䞍再孀单地出枯、孀独地沉没而是䞀盎圚悚的陪䌎䞋到最后吗指揮官、今床はひずりで沈むのではなく、あなたず䞀緒に最期を迎えられるCommander, rather than sink all alone, will I be able to face my final moments together with you this time?
Affinity (Love)战斗也无法填补的内心的空虚根源就是圚这里吗  いくら戊っおも心の隙間を埋められない  その原因はあなたなの  No matter how much I fight, I can't fill the void in my heart... And being away from you is the reason why...
Pledge原来劂歀即䟿我无法拥抱悚悚也可以拥抱我啊  呐指挥官再䞀䞋䞋就奜  胜再抱我䞀䌚儿吗  あなたを抱きしめられなくおも、あなたが私を抱きしめられるのね  ねえ、指揮官、もう少し、もう少しでいいから  このたた私を抱きしめおいお  Although I cannot hug you, you can hug me... Hey, Commander, just for a little longer... hold me tight like this...
Like Present
Dislike Present
Main Title
In battle with Renown可以犻我远䞀点吗  近づかないで  Stay away from me...
In battle with Ajax䜠还是和过去䞀样性栌恶劣啊盞倉わらず悪趣味ねYou're still a dirty sadist, I see.
In battle with Scharnhorst, Gneisenau胜䞎䜠再次携手䜜战真是荣幞たたずもに戊えお光栄ですIt's an honor to fight alongside you again.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description孀单地航行、孀独地战斗、孀寂地沉没的少女劂今迎来了及䞀䞪结局  嗯指挥官悚从刚刚匀始就䞀盎盯着我笑耶  是想吃这䞪了吗ずっずひずりで、航海しお、戊闘しお、沈没した私が、こうしお新しい人生を――指揮官さっきから笑顔でこちらをゞロゞロ芋おるけど  もしかしおこれ 食べたい I sailed alone, fought alone, and then I was sunk while being alone. Now I found a new beginning... Hmm? Commander, you've been staring and laughing at me since the beginning
 do you want to eat this?
Acquisition孀单地航行、孀独地战斗、孀寂地沉没的少女劂今迎来了及䞀䞪结局  嗯指挥官悚从刚刚匀始就䞀盎盯着我笑耶  是想吃这䞪了吗ずっずひずりで、航海しお、戊闘しお、沈没した私が、こうしお新しい人生を――指揮官さっきから笑顔でこちらをゞロゞロ芋おるけど  もしかしおこれ 食べたい I sailed alone, fought alone, and then I was sunk while being alone. Now I found a new beginning... Hmm? Commander, you've been staring and laughing at me since the beginning
 do you want to eat this?
Login向欧根请教皍埮化了䞋劆  有看出来吗オむゲンに化粧を教えおもらったけど  キレむに芋えるかな Eugen taught me how to use makeup, but... does it actually make me look pretty...?
Details我还圚努力孊习战斗以倖的事情生掻并䞍比战斗曎蜻束呢  戊闘以倖のこずは頑匵っお勉匷しおいるの。普通に生きるっお戊闘ず比べおも簡単じゃないのね  I'm trying hard to learn about everyday things. Living a normal life is not so simple, compared to fighting...
Main这双连裀袜是阿莟克斯送我的入孊瀌物  虜然䞍管怎么检验郜完党扟䞍到问题䜆我总觉埗事情并没有这么简单  このパンスト ぱむゞャックスからの入孊祝い  どんなに现かくチェックしおも倉な所が芋぀からないけど、やっぱりただの靎䞋じゃないず思う  My pantyhose? Ajax gave me them as an enrollment gift... I examined them very thoroughly and didn't find anything weird, but I doubt they're just a normal pair of stockings...
Main 2Z46䜠䞍喜欢读绘本吗是吗  其他Z驱倒是郜䌚猠着我芁绘本  フィヌれちゃんは絵本が嫌いなのそう  ほかのZクラスの子はみんな奜きだけど  Viersechs doesn't like picture books? I see... Everyone else in the Z-class seems to like them, though...
Main 3垌䜩尔芁吃这䞪吗嗯我懂哊䜠的“䞍想”就是“想”的意思嘛来啊~~ヒッパヌちゃんこれ食べるうん、「別に」はすなわち「ほしい」っお意味ね。はい、あヌんしおHipper? Want some snacks? I get it. "Not really" means "yes" in your dictionary. Okay, say "aah."
Touch姐姐䞍芁再骑着坐骑拿着扩音噚到倄埪环“绝对䞍讞欺莟拿着我的挂铟的人”了这样做  埈矞耻  而䞔埈吵  ドむッチュラント拡声噚で「私のストラップを持っおる子をいじめるのは蟞めなさい」っお流さないで  恥ずかしいし、なによりうるさい  Deutschland? Could you stop using your megaphone to shout "people who harass the girl with my phone will be expelled"... It's embarrassing, and more importantly, it's really distracting...
Touch (Special)  我生气了哟  怒るよ...You're making me angry.
Mail这封邮件  䞍䌚又是阿莟克斯的恶䜜剧吧このメヌル  ゚むゞャックスのいたずらじゃないよねThis mail... it's not another one of Ajax's pranks, is it?!
Flagship䞍可以打扰孊园里的倧家喔孊園にいる子たちを邪魔しおは駄目よDon't go around disturbing the girls at the academy.
Defeat我可以  䟝赖倧家吗  みんなを 頌っおいいの  Can I... count on you...?
Affinity (Love)指挥官我的拥抱有䜿䜠皍皍打起粟神吗指揮官、こうしお私に抱き぀かれお少し元気になったDoes getting a hug from me like this cheer you up a little, Commander?
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description我从来没有想过自己也可以像这样穿䞊普通的服装过起和平的生掻 谢谢䜠指挥官 私、こんな服を着お、平和な日々を過ごせるようになるなんお倢にも思わなかった 指揮官、ありがずうI never dreamt that I'd be able to don this outfit and live a normal, peaceful life... Thank you, Commander...
Acquisition我从来没有想过自己也可以像这样穿䞊普通的服装过起和平的生掻 谢谢䜠指挥官 私、こんな服を着お、平和な日々を過ごせるようになるなんお倢にも思わなかった 指揮官、ありがずうI never dreamt that I'd be able to don this outfit and live a normal, peaceful life... Thank you, Commander...
Login指挥官欢迎回来那䞪  阿莟克斯诎悚有“特殊”的癖奜  是怎样的癖奜呢指揮官、おかえりなさいあの  ゚むゞャックスから指揮官が「ヘンな趣味」を持っおいるず聞いたけど  どんな趣味なのWelcome back, Commander! Um... I heard from Ajax that you have a very "special" hobby... but what kind of hobby is it?
Details我终于可以练习烹饪了这里的倧家郜埈枩柔我想回报这仜枩柔これでようやく料理の緎習ができるここにいる優しいみんなのために、私、恩返ししたい I'm so glad that I can finally practice cooking! I want to give something back to all the kindhearted people here!
Main阿莟克斯  这次没有骗我吧゚むゞャックス  こ、今回は隙しおいないよねAjax... You're not pulling my leg this time, are you?
Main 2垌䜩尔圚眑䞊和我聊倩的时候埈盎率呢  我想或讞她只是面对发自心底重视的人时有些害矞吧ヒッパヌちゃん、チャットの時は玠盎なのに  倧切な人の前だず恥ずかしがっおいるのかなHipper is a totally different person on the internet compared to how she is in real life. Maybe she just has trouble expressing herself around people she cares about...
Main 3光蟉胜教我劂䜕沏茶吗垌䜩尔想仿照皇家茶䌚䞟办铁血的茶䌚可我从来没沏过茶  むラストリアスさん、私に玅茶の淹れ方を教えおもらえないかなヒッパヌちゃんからロむダルに倣った鉄血のお茶䌚に誘われたけど、私、淹れたこずなくお   Miss Illustrious, could you teach me how to make tea? Admiral Hipper invited me to a tea party between the Royal Navy and Iron Blood, but I've never brewed tea before...
Touch有了埮博即䜿像我这样䞍擅长亀流的人也胜和倧家聊倩了呢  啊霐柏林的劚态曎新了えすえぬえす  私みたいに口䞋手な人でもみんなず楜しく話すこずができるのね あっ、グラヌフさんのタむムラむンに曎新があったThanks to Juustagram, even people like me who aren't very sociable can still chat with everyone... Oh look, Graf Zeppelin just made a new post!
Touch (Special)指挥官我也想抱抱悚呢~私も指揮官を抱きしめたいなCommander, I want to give you a hug too~
Mail欧根圚某些地方意倖地笚拙呢到现圚还圚坚持甚“䞀指犅”打字  オむゲン、意倖ず䞍噚甚な所があるよね。未だに指䞀぀でタむピングしおいるなんお  Prinz Eugen is surprisingly clumsy with this kind of stuff. She's still chicken-pecking with one finger.
Return to Port欢迎回家有了手机后真的埈方䟿呢无论遇到了什么事郜胜及时取埗联络おかえりケむタむっお本圓に䟿利よねどんなこずがあっおもすぐに連絡し合えるなんおWelcome back! Cellphones are totally amazing, aren't they? No matter where we are, we can contact each other with the press of a button!
Flagship䞺了枩柔埅我的倧家  决䞍允讞䜠们再前进䞀步優しくしおくれるみんなのために  これ以䞊䞀歩も進たせないっTo protect everyone who has shown me so much kindness... I won't let you take a step closer!
Victory指挥官胜䞺我拍匠MVP的照片吗我想发给朋友们指揮官、MVPの写真を撮っおもらえないかなトモダチに送っおみたいCommander, can you take a picture to celebrate me getting MVP? I want to show it to my friends!
Defeat果然  战力衰退了呢  やっぱり  戊闘力が萜ちたか  I knew it... this totally reduces my fighting capabilities...
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description劂歀华䞜又正匏  这就是晚䌚吗䞍知道胜䞍胜顺利加入 䜆是有指挥官䞀起的话 我䌚加油的華やかでフォヌマルな雰囲気 これが「パヌティヌ」なの䞊手く銎染めるのかな、私 ううん、指揮官もいおくれるから  頑匵るよIt's so fancy, so formal... Is this a "party"? I'm not sure I'll be able to fit in... But if you'll go with me, Commander, I'll give it a try!
Acquisition劂歀华䞜又正匏  这就是晚䌚吗䞍知道胜䞍胜顺利加入 䜆是有指挥官䞀起的话 我䌚加油的華やかでフォヌマルな雰囲気 これが「パヌティヌ」なの䞊手く銎染めるのかな、私 ううん、指揮官もいおくれるから  頑匵るよIt's so fancy, so formal... Is this a "party"? I'm not sure I'll be able to fit in... But if you'll go with me, Commander, I'll give it a try!
Login指挥官原来䜠圚这里啊。䌚场人埈倚我有点担心扟䞍到䜠  指揮官はここにいたのね。䌚堎の人が倚くお、私、もし芋぀けられなかったらどうしようっお心配しお  So this is where you were. There are so many people in the hall, and I was worried about what I'd do if I'd lost you...
Details亀谊舞对䞍起我䞍是埈了解  跟着指挥官的步䌐就奜了吗那那我努力试试看 瀟亀ダンス ごめん、私、ちょっずこういうのに疎くお  指揮官のステップを真䌌すればいいのじゃ、じゃあ頑匵っおみおも いいのA ballroom dance...? Sorry, but I don't really know how to... I just need to follow your steps? O-okay, then I could... give it a try.
Main阿莟克斯她  她䞍䌚圚晚䌚䞊做出什么惊人的事情吧゚むゞャックス  パヌティヌで倉なこずしないよねAjax... She's not planning something weird for the party, is she?
Main 2晚䌚䞊的倧家脞䞊郜垊着匀心的笑容 劂果以前的我根本想象䞍了这样矎奜的景象吧。パヌディヌでのみんなは笑顔にあふれおいる 昔の私なら、自分がこういう堎所にいるなんお想像すらできないかなEveryone here is having so much fun... I could never even imagine my past self being at a place like this.
Main 3指挥官我的同䌎们奜像圚扟我皍埮倱陪䞀䞋了。指揮官、仲間たちが呌んでいるの。少し倱瀌するねCommander, my friends are calling for me. Could you excuse me for a bit?
Touch指挥官我跟䞊䜠的脚步了吗指揮官、私、ステップに぀いおいけおいるかなCommander, am I in time with your steps?
Touch (Special)指挥官倧家郜圚看着䜠呢。し 指揮官、みんなが芋おいるよCommander, people are staring at us.
Mail虜然晚䌚还圚进行䜆是新的邮件还是䞍胜応略的。パヌディヌはただ続いおいるけど、新しいメヌルの確認を疎かにしおは駄目よI know the party is still going on, but you still have to check your new mail.
Return to Port皇家也䞍是每䞪人郜像阿莟克斯那么奇怪胜奜奜盞倄的人还是䞍少的  ロむダルの人はみんな゚むゞャックスのような感じじゃないのね。普通に接しおくれる子も結構いるんだ  Not everyone in the Royal Navy is like Ajax. I can actually have a productive conversation with most of them...
Flagship䞍允讞䜠们打扰晚䌚的倧家パヌティヌにいるみんなの邪魔はさせないI will not let you disrupt the party for everyone else!
Affinity (Love)有了倧家的陪䌎圚这里我已经䞍䌚再觉埗孀独了。或讞遇见指挥官䜠就是我胜想象出的最幞犏的事情了吧 みんながいおくれるおかげで、もうひずりがっちだなんお思わないよ。指揮官ず出逢ったこずが、私にずっお䞀番幞せなこずかもしれないよね。ふふふThanks to all the friends I have now, I don't feel lonely anymore. And my encounter with you might be the happiest moment of my life. Ahahah~
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description姐姐实圚是倪猠人了最后没有办法只奜答应了她  总而蚀之圚舞台䞊唱歌就可以了吧姉ちゃんがいい加枛し぀こすぎたから、仕方なくちょっずだけアむドルやるのを了承したけど  ずにかく、ステヌゞに䞊がっお歌えばいいんだよねMy sister just wouldn't stop bugging me, so I finally caved and agreed to do this... Anyways, all I have to do is get up on stage and sing, right?
Acquisition姐姐实圚是倪猠人了最后没有办法只奜答应了她  总而蚀之圚舞台䞊唱歌就可以了吧姉ちゃんがいい加枛し぀こすぎたから、仕方なくちょっずだけアむドルやるのを了承したけど  ずにかく、ステヌゞに䞊がっお歌えばいいんだよねMy sister just wouldn't stop bugging me, so I finally caved and agreed to do this... Anyways, all I have to do is get up on stage and sing, right?
Login指挥官我圚这里练习可以吗指揮官、ここで緎習しおもいいのCommander, do you mind if I practice here?
Details诎着什么“䞺了铁血的荣耀”把这样的事情塞给我明明姐姐也可以的  姉ちゃん、「鉄血の栄光のために」ずか蚀っお、「アむドル」任務を抌し付けおきたの。自分でもできるはずなのに  My sister's always pushing this "for the glory of Iron Blood" stuff onto me. Can't she do this idol stuff herself...?
Main嗯  是因䞺已经和倧家熟悉起来的原因吗感觉圚舞台䞊衚挔也没有想象䞭那么困隟ん  みんなずい぀も仲良くしおいるおかげか、ステヌゞで歌うのは、思いのほか平気かもUm... Maybe it's because I'm so used to working with everyone, but I feel like it's actually pretty easy being onstage.
Main 2指挥官䜠胜让姐姐䞍芁每次挔出的时候郜让人䞟“铁血♡最可爱”的牌子吗那䞪实圚是倪䞢人了  指揮官、姉ちゃんが持っおるあの「Tekketsu♥Kawaii」のカヌドを䞋げおきおもらえないさ、流石に恥ずかしいよ  Commander, do you think you can stop my sister from getting everyone to hold up those "World's♡Cutest" signs when I go on? It's really embarrassing...
Main 3偶像是䞺其他人垊去笑容的职䞚  真䞍可思议原来我也胜做到这样的事アむドルっおみんなに笑顔をもたらす  私にもそれができるなんお、䞍思議な気分 Idols are there to make people smile... I never thought I could do something like that.
Touch这双手劂今䞍仅仅是䞺了战斗曎是䞺了响应倧家的应揎而存圚的。嗯我䌚加油的 この手は今、戊うためではなく、みんなの応揎に応えるためにあるわ。うん、私、頑匵る These hands are no longer weapons of war, but for returning the admiration of my fans. Right, I can do this...!
Touch (Special)指挥官没忘记这双手原本是做什么的吧指揮官、この手でできるこず、忘れないでねCommander, have you forgotten what my hands can do?
Mail指挥官有新的挔出邀请我应该去吗指揮官、新しいオファヌよ。私 受けおもいいのCommander, I got a new offer. Should I take it?
Return to Port指挥官蟛苊了指挥官真棒——偶像䌌乎应该这么做的样子指揮官お぀かれヌ、指揮官ふぁいずヌヌヌアむドルはこんな感じで合っおるよね"Commander, you did so well...! Commander, keep at it...!" That should be idolish enough, right?
Flagship今倩的诟皋还没有完成呢  今日のレッスン、ただ続くね We're not done with the lesson yet...
Victory指挥官可以回去了吗指揮官、もう垰っおもいいのCommander, can we go home now?
Defeat隟道诎是因䞺最近倪过䞓泚于偶像诟皋了吗  最近はレッスンに時間取られすぎたのかな Have we been spending too much time on idol lessons...?
Affinity (Love)过去的我想芁摆脱手䞭的利爪华䞍知道该怎么做。现圚我华已经胜借䞍再介怀地进行着“偶像”䞀类的掻劚  人生真是䞍可思议呢指挥官この手から逃げたくおもどうしようもできなかった私が、こうしお気にせず「アむドルカツドり」できるなんお  指揮官、人生っお䞍思議ね。ふふThere was a time when I wanted nothing more than to break these claws off my hand. But now, I feel pretty good about all this "idol" stuff... Commander, I never thought it could ever live like this. Hehe.