Vanguard (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇌: )
Ship IDNo. 137Star Rating★★★☆☆☆
Hull BattleshipRarityUltra Rare
NavyRoyal NavyBuild Time
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
HP1585 Reload65
Firepower81 Torpedo0
Evasion8 Anti-air82
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW0 Luck52
HP7006 Reload125
Firepower204 Torpedo0
Evasion37 Anti-air297
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW0 Luck55
Limit Break
Tier 1Main gun base +1 | Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2Secondary Gun base +2 | Main gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3Main gun base +1 | Main gun efficiency +15%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Battleship: Vanguard-ClassTech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Glisten, Light of Glory!When this ship finishes loading her Main Guns: 50.0% (100%) chance to fire a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level) and, for 6s, increase your BBs' and BCs' DMG dealt by 3.5% (8.0%) .???
Scatter, Minions of Darkness!Increases this ship's ACC by 4.5% (12.0%) and RLD by 10.0% (20.0%) . During battle, 2s after an enemy spawns in: increases the enemy's DMG taken from your ships by 1.0% (10.0%) . While this ship is afloat, when a fleet this ship is NOT in starts a battle: 1) Increases FP by 1.0% (10.0%) for all Royal Navy ships in that Vanguard Fleet; 2) 30s after the battle starts: fires a special barrage and, for 15s, increases AA by 1.0% (10.0%) for all ships in that fleet.???
Behold, My Royal Sabre!This ship's Secondary Guns always deal Critical Hits. If this ship has Royal Navy gear equipped: increases this ship's AA Gun Efficiency by 15.0% (30.0%) and decreases your Flagship's Main Gun Spread by 2. When the battle starts, if there is at least 1 other Royal Navy ship in your fleet: decreases all your Royal Navy ships' DMG taken from aircraft by 1.0% (10.0%) .???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description战列舰—前卫戊艊-ノァンガヌドBattleship – Vanguard.
Biography我是皇家骑士前卫倧战䞭最后完成的战列舰。我䌚成䞺䜠的剑䞺枯区垊来荣耀䞎歊勋 䞍过我有䞪䞍情之请可以的话请䞍芁嫌匃我的装倇老旧就奜。かの倧戊で最埌に完成した戊艊、ロむダル階士のノァンガヌド。あなたの剣ずなっおこの母枯で栄光ある歊勲を立おおみせよう。  䞀぀お願いがあるずすれば、兵装が叀いっお蚀わないよう勘匁しおよねっI am Vanguard, the battleship that was launched after the end of the war. My sword is yours – may it bring glory to your port. Also, if I may make a request... please do NOT call my weapons "old-fashioned."
Acquisition皇家骑士队近卫骑士前卫正匏前来报到我发誓歀后将吟剑亀付于䜠䞺䜠尜吟等忠义愿女王陛䞋以及率领舰船的指挥官荣光无尜ロむダル階士隊、近衛階士ノァンガヌド、ただいた着任これより我が剣は貎殿に預け、我が忠矩を貎殿のために尜くすず誓おう女王陛䞋、そしお艊船を率いる指揮官に栄光があらんこずをI am Vanguard, palace guard of the Royal Knights! I hereby pledge to you my sword, and the full extent of my loyalty! May glory be yours, and God save the Queen!
Login指挥官来了各䜍打起粟神来 奜啊招呌打完就可以继续干掻了指揮官のご到着だ各員、気を匕き締めよう さお、お仕事お仕事っずThe Commander has arrived! Ladies, at attention! ...Now, let's get to work, shall we?
Details吟之剑䞺忠义之刃吟之炮火䞺荣耀之光闪耀吧皇家之剑  呜倪矞耻了䞍过埈垅气呢 指指挥官我が剣は忠矩の刃、我が砲火は栄光の光茝けロむダルセむバヌ  くぅ恥ずかしヌでもかっこいいわね し、指揮官Loyalty reverberates through my blade, glory booms through my barrels! Behold, the light of my royal sabre! ...Ugh, that's so cringeworthy! Although it does sound cool... C-Commander?!
Main亀给我吧乔治五䞖殿䞋只芁女王陛䞋和指挥官䞀声什䞋我将欣然化䞺斩入敌阵的剑芒。お任せあれゞョヌゞ殿、女王陛䞋ず指揮官の呜什ずあらば喜んで敵陣に切り蟌む剣先ずなっおみせるYou may rest assured, King George. If Her Majesty and the Commander so desire, I will gladly be the spearhead that sunders the enemy line.
Main 2那是  俟斯麊唔有点導尬  あそこにいるはビスマルク うっ、少し気たずいわね Is that Bismarck over there? Gracious, this will be quite awkward...
Main 3枯区譊倇没有匂垞指挥官的近身技卫也无懈可击请攟心母枯の譊備に異垞なし、そしお指揮官の身蟺譊護も抜かりなくご安心をThe port seems to be all in order, and I can confidently say you're as well-guarded as can be!
Main 4诎实话皇家料理也䞍算特别矎味  吧圓然各人喜奜䞍同皇家出身的我诎这话也䞍倧合适就是了  正盎に蚀うけどさぁ、ロむダルの料理っおたずくないそりゃ奜みにもよるし、ロむダル出身の私が蚀うのもどうかず思うけど Pardon my bluntness, but Royal cuisine is total shite. Sure, different people like different things, but something's wrong if even I as a native think it's rubbish.
Main 5指挥官今倩的日皋圚这里 啊呀跟想看的节目时闎撞䞊了 䞍没没什么指揮官、本日のスケゞュヌルはこちら うわヌ、芋たい番組ずかぶっおる い、いや、なんでもないっHere's your programme for today, Commander! ...Damn, that's at the same time as the show I want to watch... N-no, just talking to myself!
Touch䜜䞺近卫骑士我䌚对指挥官的安党莟莣奜奜完成蟅䜐工䜜的。近衛階士ずしお、指揮官の安党ず補䜐の任をしっかり党うしようMy duty as a palace guard is to aid and protect you at all times.
Touch (Special)奜了奜了现圚停止这样的行䞺  哈。䞍然揍䜠哊はいはい、このような行動は今すぐおやめいただき    はっ。朰すわよThank you for ceasing your inappropriate behaviour right at... *gasp*! Do you have a death wish?
Touch (Headpat)有什么事 吗䜕か甚 かYes? How can I help?
Mission新任务䞋蟟了。指挥官做奜应对吧。新しい任務が通達された。指揮官、ご察応をWord of a new mission has come in. Have a look, Commander.
Mission Complete任务完成。唉应该早点泚意到的 任務完了。はぁ、もっず早く気づくべきだったわね Mission complete. *sigh*... I should've checked on it sooner.
Mail新邮件圚歀。指挥官请确讀。新しいメヌルはこちら。指揮官、ご確認をI've brought you a letter. Give it a read, Commander.
Return to Port指挥官回来了各䜍回顟䞋战斗同时进行修理补给——指挥官这些就亀给我请皍䜜䌑息。指揮官のご垰還だ各員、戊闘の振り返りに修理補絊を――指揮官、私に任せおしばしお䌑みをThe Commander has returned! Ladies, arrange for repairs and a debriefing! Commander, get some rest – I'll take it from here.
Commission Complete确讀委托组返回。指挥官请做奜迎接的准倇吧。委蚗組の垰還を確認した。指揮官、出迎えの準備をThe commission team is back. Let's head out to receive them, Commander.
Enhancement歀剑䞺皇家和指挥官的荣光而存この剣はロむダルず指揮官の栄光のためにありMy sword's purpose is to bring glory to the Royal Navy – and to you, Commander!
Flagship来吧跟我堂堂正正地决䞀胜莟さあ、私ず正々堂々勝負よCome! Let's settle this, fair and square!
Victory埈奜是我赢了 将我等的胜利䜜䞺指挥官的胜利而盛赞吧  糟糟了把心里想的诎出来了よっしゃあノァンガヌドの勝ちだ 我が勝利を、指揮官の勝利を耒め称えよう  し、したった心の声がHoorah! Victory is mine! May the Commander's name and mine alike go down in history! ...Oops! I didn't mean to say that aloud!
Defeat可恶 䞋次绝对芁䜠们奜看 啊咳咳没什么赶快垊倧家回去吧ちっ、今に芋おなさいよね な、なんでもないわよ。早くみんなを連れお垰っおTsk. You'll pay for this, you hear?! ...No, I'm fine. Take the others and retreat, quickly.
Skill见识䞋骑士的剑术吧階士の剣さばきをThis is a knight's swordsmanship!
Low HP真棘手 ちっ、手匷い Tsk... What a persistent bunch!
Affinity (Upset)唉 做䞍到就老老实实诎做䞍到然后换别人来做才对。没出息的人即䜿逞区也只䌚让人看着曎可怜而已。はぁ できないならできないっおちゃんず蚀っお誰かに代わっおもらったほうがいいわよ。意気地なしが匷がっおも惚めに芋えるだけなんだから*sigh*... If you're not suited for the job, just admit it so we can find a replacement. Stop acting tough, it just makes you look pathetic.
Affinity (Stranger)那么指挥官今倩的工䜜是——䞺了倄理文乊工䜜芁加班了解䞍过䞍至于连今倩的挔习郜参加䞍了吧それでは指揮官、本日の執務は――曞類䜜業のために残業、か承知しおいるが、よもや本日の挔習も参加できないず蚀うわけではあるたいなSo, what's on the schedule for today? ...You'll be working overtime filing paperwork? I'm sorry to hear that. Be that as it may, you will be present during today's exercise, right?
Affinity (Friendly)指挥官就算是近卫骑士也没道理敎倩窝圚枯区。差䞍倚让我出击——唉 䞍行压力又堆积起来了 指揮官、近衛階士だずはいえ、い぀たでも母枯に匕きこもるものでもない。そろそろ出撃を――はああ もう無理、ストレスが溜たっちゃう While yes, I am a palace guard, that doesn't mean I should be stuck in port. Won't you let me sortie already? *sigh*... I'm going mad. The stress is killing me...
Affinity (Like)什么又是文乊工䜜做圓然䌚做䞍过这种事差䞍倚也该结束了吧 我也䞍是诎硬芁出击䞍过指挥官胜䞍胜安排䞋——可以吗倪奜了なにたた曞類䜜業やるにはやるけど、いい加枛こういうの終わんないかな 無理しお出撃したいずたでは蚀わないけど、指揮官の采配でなんずか――いいのやったぁWhat? You're working overtime AGAIN? I understand it has to be done, but this is a bit ridiculous... I won't force you to order a sortie, but please, can't you make one happen somehow? ...You can? Brilliant!
Affinity (Love)嗯感觉枅爜倚了䞍愧是指挥官偶尔还是䌚做些奜事的嘛这才有䜜䞺近卫骑士䟍从的价倌。那么掌管吟剑之人啊请对前卫䞋蟟䞋䞀䞪呜什吧んんヌすっきりしたわさすが指揮官、たたにはいいこずをするじゃないふふ、これでこそ近衛階士ずしお仕える甲斐があるものよ。さあ、我が剣を預かりし者、このノァンガヌドに次の呜什をMmmmh! That was refreshing! Thanks, Commander – I really needed that! It's days like these that make serving as a palace guard worth it. Now, you who guides my sword, what is your next order?
Pledge以戒指之契起誓前卫之剑以及生呜郜将氞远献给指挥官 奜啊~这䞋可以皍埮攟束䞋了吧我想也没必芁总圚指挥官面前刻意保持圢象了指茪の契により、ノァンガヌドの剣、そしお呜を氞久に指揮官に捧げるこずを誓おう んっしょ、ちょっず楜にしおもいいかな指揮官の前でい぀たでも堅苊しくしおおもしょうがないず思っおBy this ring, my sword and my life now belongs to you, 'til the end of time! ...All righty, do you mind if I tone down the formality a bit? I mean, what's the point in being super serious 'round the clock?
In battle with Suruga奜像胜听见什么 なんか聞こえおくるような  What's that noise...?
In battle with Hood胡執女士请小心フッドさた、お気を぀けお Please be careful, Lady Hood!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description“尊听悚的吩咐䞻人”  我从刚才就圚想让我穿这衣服其实是故意捉匄人吧无论怎么看 女仆什么的郜䞍适合我吧 虜、虜然这衣服还是挺可爱的 「なんなりず仰っおください、ご䞻人さた」  さっきから思っおたけど、この服を私に着せるなんおかなり悪趣味じゃないほら、メむド隊の真䌌事をするなんお、そんなの無理に決たっおるじゃない 服は可愛いのに "Please let me know if you need anything, Master"... I'm starting to think you're making me wear this as a sick joke. The reason being, I am obviously NOT fit to be a Royal Maid... Even if I do adore their uniforms...
Acquisition“尊听悚的吩咐䞻人”  我从刚才就圚想让我穿这衣服其实是故意捉匄人吧无论怎么看 女仆什么的郜䞍适合我吧 虜、虜然这衣服还是挺可爱的 「なんなりず仰っおください、ご䞻人さた」  さっきから思っおたけど、この服を私に着せるなんおかなり悪趣味じゃないほら、メむド隊の真䌌事をするなんお、そんなの無理に決たっおるじゃない 服は可愛いのに "Please let me know if you need anything, Master"... I'm starting to think you're making me wear this as a sick joke. The reason being, I am obviously NOT fit to be a Royal Maid... Even if I do adore their uniforms...
Login指挥官来了 就算䜠诎我台词䞍对我也做䞍来女仆那种的 指揮官のご到着に っおセリフが違うっお蚀われおも私にメむドなんお無理だし The Commander has arrived! ...I know that's not what a maid would say, but it's not like I could pull it off anyway...
Details我既䞍擅长打扫也做䞍奜饭让这样的我圓女仆有什么意义吗啊䜠该䞍䌚是有什么奇怪的想法吧  掃陀ずか本圓は苊手だし、ご飯もろくに䜜れないし、そんな私がメむドをやっおも意味なんおある わっ。たさか、ヘンなこず考えおるんじゃないでしょうね Why do you insist on having me as a maid? I can hardly cook and I'm terrible at cleaning. Wait... Don't tell me maids are your kink...
Main虜诎女仆队也䌚战斗䞍过和骑士还是䞍䞀样呢。该诎倪拘谚了还是 诎䞍枅就是了。メむド隊でも戊うでしょうけど、階士ずはやっぱり違うわ。慎たしすぎるずいうか うたく蚀えないっWhile Royal Maids also participate in battle, their approach differs greatly from us knights. The only way I can put it is... they hold back too much?
Main 2䞻人有什么事 诎我有暡有样的  是圚挖苊我吗ご䞻人様、なんでしょう さ、様になっおいるっお 嫌味の぀もりYes, Master? ..."Getting the hang of this," eh... Are you making fun of me?
Main 3现圚守卫着匕以䞺傲的指挥官的人是我前卫——亀给我的任务绝䞍䌚让给任䜕人今、誇らしき指揮官を守るのはこのノァンガヌド――この任は誰にも譲ったりはしないI alone get to protect you, my honourable Commander. No one will take this privilege from me!
Main 5陀了秘乊舰的工䜜之倖还有女仆的工䜜 唉 什么时候才胜出击呢  秘曞艊の仕事にメむドの はぁ い぀出撃をするのやらI have both secretary AND maid work to do... *sigh*... Will I ever get to sortie again?
Touch是的䞻人请悚尜管吩咐。かしこたりたした。䜕なりずお申し付けくださいAs you say. Your wish is my command.
Touch (Special)芁是敢跟女仆队其他的人比蟃我就戳了䜠的県睛。ほかのメむド隊ず比べたら朰すわよCompare me to any of the other maids and I'll destroy you.
Mission新的任务来了请做奜应对。新しい任務です。ご察応をYou have a new mission, Master. Please review it.
Return to Port向指挥官的園队敬瀌那么䞋次出击的时候理所圓然䌚把我猖入队䌍的对吧指揮官のご垰還に敬瀌さお、次の出撃時はもちろん、私を線成に入れるわよねA salute for the Commander's return! By the way, bring me along for the next sortie, would you?
Commission Complete委托组回来了我将䌎悚䞀同迎接。委蚗組が垰還したした。出迎え、お䟛したすThe commission team has returned to port. I shall accompany you to them.
Victory䌘雅而华䞜的揍了敌人䞀顿哊哌哌優雅に 華麗にボコったわよえっぞんI beat the crap out of them with grace and elegance! Hahah!
Defeat可恶  所以我才诎这䞍是我的风栌  最悪 だから柄じゃないのにThis sucks... I told you I wasn't cut out for this.
Affinity (Love)前卫䜜䞺女仆衚现埗劂䜕虜然还是觉埗自己䞍适合这方面的䜆亀给我的工䜜我还是䌚奜奜完成的。  今今后也继续 䜠该䞍䌚是圚拿我的蟛苊取乐吧いかがですかノァンガヌドのメむドずしおの掻躍は。向いおいないずは思うけど、これでも任された仕事はちゃんずこなす性分よ。 こ、これからもやっおっお 私が苊劎するのを楜しんでいるんじゃないでしょうねHow would you evaluate my performance as a maid? Ill-suited though I am for this job, I can still accomplish any task you can throw at me... Y-you want me to keep doing this? You know, I really feel like you just enjoy watching me suffer!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Login啊䜠来啊。嗯嗯今倩也䌚陪着䜠的这是骑士和秘乊舰应该做的  其实也䞍只是这样是我乐意这么做。あっ、来たわね。はいはい、今日も付き合っおあげるわよ。それが階士ず秘曞艊の仕事 じゃなくお、私が奜きでやっおるこずだからAh, there you are. Yeah, yeah, I'm here with you. That's my duty as your secretary and guard... But truth be told, I do it just because I want to.
Details和可畏小姐䞍䞀样我的房闎埈普通吧呵呵身䞺骑士就该把䞜西收拟埗有条有理井然有序——别埀柜子的倹猝看啊フォヌミダブル様みたいのではなく、普通の郚屋でしょふふ、階士たるものは芏則正しく、敎理敎頓もきちんずヌヌ棚の隙間を芗くのはやめおSee? This is an unassuming flat – unlike Lady Formidable's place. A knight's residence should be orderly and free of– Don't go digging through my shelves!
Main出击就意味着我的掻跃陀了䞺了荣耀想出人倎地然后被倞倞的心情也是和倧家䞀样的啊出撃はすなわち、私が掻躍するこず栄光もそうだけど、掻躍しおいいずころを芋せたいのはみんな同じじゃないA sortie is an opportunity for me to flourish! The glory is nice too, but I think we can all agree the best part is showing the world what we're made of!
Main 2想暡仿胡執女士那样䌘雅的䞟止可䞍容易呢 我我可没诎我做䞍到フッド様のあの優雅さ、真䌌るには骚が折れるわね べ、別に私には無理なんお蚀っおないしBeing as graceful as Lady Hood would be a huge undertaking... M-mind you, I'm not saying it would be impossible!
Main 3芁诎皇家矎食只有早逐我是讀可的我前卫可以保证芁䞍做些什么给䜠也可以的ロむダルグルメ、朝食だけは認めようこのノァンガヌドが保蚌する䜕なら䜜っおあげおもいいよRoyal breakfast is all right, that much I'll personally vouch for! If you're curious to try it, I'm willing to cook it myself!
Main 4芁想华䞜的痛击敌人还是埗芁出击而䞍是做枯区的譊卫呢这样的话胜利小姐应该跟我合埗来華麗に敵をボコボコにするなら、母枯の譊備なんかしおないでやっぱり出撃しないずねノィクトリアス様ずは気が合うような気がするIf you need some enemies sent to the scrapyard, take me out of the dock and send me on a sortie! Preferably with Lady Victorious – she and I would likely get along!
Main 5订莭的䞜西到了 䞍䞍䞍这没 没什么 看只、只是挫画吧通販で買ったものが届いた い、いやいやこれはその 別に倧したものじゃなくお ほら、か、かわいいマンガでしょWhat? There's a package for me? ...Look, I can explain... It's nothing noteworthy, really... Just, you know, some cute comics.
Touch无论䜕事郜请亀给我吧。骑士应尜之莣我䞀盎留存于心䞭。どんなこずでもおたかせを。階士のなすべきこずは垞に心がけおいるからWhatever you need done, give me the honour. A knight is always ready to serve.
Touch (Special)曎曎喜欢这样什么的我可䞍䌚䞊圓 ///こ、こっちのほうが奜きずか、そんなこずに隙される私じゃないわよ ///I-I'm not some idiot who'll admit to liking this, no way...
Touch (Headpat)摞摞倎倒也 䞍是䞍行なでなではたあ 別にいいけどIf you want to pat my head... then I guess that's fine.
Mission来新任务 呜哇这任务可䞍奜办呢 新しい任務の  うっわ、これは面倒なや぀だ A new mission's come– Oh god, this one's going to be a pain.
Commission Complete确讀委托组園来。指挥官䞀起去迎接吧顺䟿䞀起出击委蚗組の垰還を確認した。出迎えに行こうよ、指揮官぀いでに䞀緒に出撃しおThe commission team's back. Let's head out to meet them. And while we're at it, let us sortie!
Flagship来了来了蜮到我登场了きたきた私の出番ねYes! YES! It's my time to shine!
Victory皇家之剑䞀闪  啊奇怪敌人已经走了啊啊啊刚才那䞪是䞍是有点矞耻床过高了ロむダルセむバヌ、フラヌヌッシュ  あ、あれ、もう敵はいないわわわ私今ずんでもなく痛く芋られおないBehold! My royal sabreee! ...Wait, what? They're all gone? Oh god, I can feel everyone's cringing at me!
Defeat胜莟乃时运。芁䞍想被看做笚蛋䞋次就奜奜努力吧勝ち負けは時の運よ。バカに芋られたくなかったら次は頑匵っおYou picked the wrong fight. Try harder next time if you don't want to make fools of yourselves.
Skill技胜名是 倪矞耻了还是䞍诎了技名は 恥ずかしいからやっぱりなしThis... This move is too cringeworthy to name, so forget it!
Affinity (Love)唉 这样麻烊的工䜜真亏指挥官胜做到现圚。就由我前卫来教䜠发泄压力的奜办法吧——出海进行挔习和战斗  纊纊䌚䜠䜠䜠突然诎什么呢////はぁ こんな面倒な仕事、指揮官はよく今たで務めおきたわね。どれ、このノァンガヌドがいいストレス解消法を教えよう――海に出お、挔習ずせんず  で、デヌトきゅきゅきゅ急に䜕を蚀い出すの////*sigh*... I have no idea how you've put up with this job for so long, Commander. Let me tell you a good way to vent some stress. You go out at sea for an exercise, and... A-a date?! Wh-wh-why are you bringing THAT up all of a sudden?!