Tokino Sora (JP 🇯🇵: ときのそら, CN 🇹🇼: 时乃空)
Ship IDNo. C052Star Rating★★★☆☆☆
Hull Aircraft CarrierRaritySuper Rare
NavyHololiveBuild Time01:25:00
AcquisitionEvent: Looking Glass of Fact and Fiction
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
ENNovember 27, 2019
KRNovember 27, 2019
CNNovember 27, 2019
JPNovember 27, 2019
Voice actressTokino Sora
Tokino SoraDescription
Hey Commander, it's nice to meet you~! I'm Tokino Sora, a virtual idol affiliated with Hololive! I'll do my absolute best here like I always do! I'll be in your care, so cheer me on, Commander!
Under the Clear SkyDescription
"Hello, my friends! I hope you're well~! This is Sora, on site at a beach in a slightly different world!" Beach visits just feel so invigorating, don't they? On another note, I can't swim…
HP1066 Reload45
Firepower0 Torpedo0
Evasion11 Anti-air64
Aviation80 Cost0
ASW0 Luck46
HP4960 Reload86
Firepower0 Torpedo0
Evasion48 Anti-air237
Aviation208 Cost0
ASW0 Luck48
Limit Break
Tier 1All Dive Bombers +1 | Torpedo Bomber efficiency +5%
Tier 2Hangar capacity +1 | All Torpedo Bombers +1 | Dive Bomber efficiency +10%
Tier 3All aircraft +1 | Aircraft efficiency +5%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
2Dive Bomber110%/110%/120%/125%1/2/2/30/0/0/0
3Torpedo Bomber115%/120%/120%/125%1/1/2/30/0/0/0
Default Equipments
Dream☆StoryWhen this ship launches an Airstrike: 70.0% (100%) chance to fire a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage that Burns enemies. DMG is based on the skill's level.Default Unlocked
Beneath the Deep Blue SkyDecreases DMG taken by Hololive ships by 2.5% (7.0%) . Every 20s: for 8s, decreases the Speed of all onscreen enemies by 5.0% (10.0%) , increases the Accuracy of all your ships by 5.0% (10.0%) , and increases the Speed of all your Hololive ships by 5.0% (10.0%) .Default Unlocked
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description你好指挥官~!我是hololive所属虚拟偶像时乃空!在这边也会竭尽全力为指挥官加油的!指揮官さんはじめまして〜!ホロライブ所属のバーチャルアイドルときのそらです!こっちの世界でも一生懸命頑張るから指揮官さんも応援してね!Hey Commander, it's nice to meet you~! I'm Tokino Sora, a virtual idol affiliated with Hololive! I'll do my absolute best here like I always do! I'll be in your care, so cheer me on, Commander!
Biography我是hololive所属虚拟偶像时乃空!啊,在这里应该是航母时乃空才对了呢~虽然作为航母还很稚嫩,但还是会竭尽全力为指挥官应援的哦~ホロライブ所属のバーチャルアイドル、ときのそらです!あ、こっちでは空母ときのそらかな。空母としてはまだまだ未熟だけど、指揮官さんのことを精一杯応援させてくださいね!I'm Tokino Sora, a virtual idol affiliated with Hololive! Ah, I guess I'd be Aircraft Carrier Tokino Sora here. I'm still inexperienced as an aircraft carrier, but please support me with all your energy!
Acquisition你好指挥官~!我是hololive所属虚拟偶像时乃空!在这边也会竭尽全力为指挥官加油的!指揮官さんはじめまして〜!ホロライブ所属のバーチャルアイドルときのそらです!こっちの世界でも一生懸命頑張るから指揮官さんも応援してね!Hey Commander, it's nice to meet you~! I'm Tokino Sora, a virtual idol affiliated with Hololive! I'll do my absolute best here like I always do! I'll be in your care, so cheer me on, Commander!
Login欢迎回来,指挥官~今天也要加油哦!お帰りなさい、指揮官さん!今日も一日頑張ろうね!Welcome back, Commander! Let's do our best today, as always!
Details下次要不要约上伊丽莎白一起来做恐怖游戏实况呢~感觉效果会很有趣呢!次はエリザベス陛下を誘って、一緒にホラーゲーム実況なんてどうかな!楽しみになってきちゃったな〜Next time, how about I invite Her Majesty Elizabeth and we livestream a horror game together? It sounds exciting, I'm pumped~
Main港区里的那些小家伙…是叫“指挥喵”?不觉得很可爱吗~母港にいるちっちゃい子たち…「オフニャ」っていうのかな?す~っごくかわいいね!The little'uns at the port... I think they're called "Meowfficers"? They're soooo cute!
Main 2这里好像也有演出的舞台呢,不知道有没有机会在这里和大家一起开场Live演出呢…こっちの世界にもライブステージがあるんだって!みんなと一緒にライブをするときが、来たらいいなぁ…I heard there are live stages in this world too! It'd be sooo nice if I could put on a show with everyone else sometime...
Main 3试过各种各样的换装,还是这样的衣服最让人安心…要是有袖子就更好了!いろんな衣装に着替えてきたけど、やっぱりこの格好が一番落ち着いちゃうなぁ…袖はほしいけど!I've tried changing into all sorts of clothes, but this look sho is the best after all! It helps me relax, but... I sure wish I had sleeves!
Touch嗯?遇到什么不开心了吗?是吗…我会用心听你说的,慢慢地告诉我吧なにか嫌なことでもあったの?わたしでよかったらなんでも聞くから、安心してね。Did something unpleasant happen? If you're alright with me, I'm willing to lend you an ear, or two, so relax~.
Touch (Special)指挥官怎么了?累了的话,让我来给你一点治愈吧指揮官さん、どうしたの?疲れちゃったときは、わたしが癒してあげるからねCommander, what's wrong? Whenever you're tired, I'll heal you right back up~
Mission再加把劲把任务都完成掉吧!頑張って任務をこなしましょう!あと一息だよ!Let's do our best and finish all the Missions, one by one! It's the final stretch!
Mission Complete任务完成了呢,太好了~任務完了だよ!やったね〜!We're done with the mission! Yaaay~!
Mail会是从哪里寄来的信件呢?この手紙って、どこから送られてるんだろう?I wonder where in the world this letter came from?
Return to Port今天也干得很不错呢,很棒很棒~今日もいっぱい頑張ったね~えらいえらい、よしよし。We sure did our bestest today, huh~? You did well, who's a good Commander? You are~.
Commission Complete执行委托的同伴们辛苦了呢~委託に出かけたみんな、お疲れ様です!All of you on the Commission Team, great work!
Enhancement注意不要受伤,打起精神继续努力吧!怪我には気をつけて、元気で行こうね!Careful that you don't scratch anything! Let's goooo!
Flagship不是己方舰队…那你们就是敌人了?味方の艦隊じゃありません!……じゃあ敵だね?Those aren't ally ships! ... That must mean they're enemies, right?
Victory我是不会停下来的哦!止まらねぇぞ〜!I can't stop, won't stop!
Defeat这种时候,还是先稍微冷静一下吧…こういうときは、一回ぬんぬんして落ち着こう…!At times like this, let's let out a roar and calm down!
Skill对于不听话的孩子就要…这样!話を聞かない子には…こうですっ!For bad kids who don't listen... take this!
Low HP我可不会临阵退缩哦!絶対に止まらないよ!I absolutely can't stop, won't stop!
Affinity (Upset)啊,不快点说些什么的话…な、なにかしゃべらないと…I-I need to speak up…
Affinity (Stranger)这个世界似乎也有“恐怖游戏”呢,要是能和A酱在这边一起玩恐怖游戏就好了…啊,A酱是我的朋友,虽然身材娇小,但是一位十分认真可靠的女孩子哦~こっちの世界にも「ホラーゲーム」があるって聞いたの!はぁ、えーちゃんと一緒にやれればなぁ…あ、えーちゃんは私の親友で、ちっちゃいけど、とっても頼もしい女の子なんだよ!I heard that this world has "Horror games" too! Sigh, I wish Friendo A were here so we could play... ah, Friendo A is my best friend. She's tiny, but she's a super reliable girl!
Affinity (Friendly)来到这个世界以后,发现需要另外学习的东西就像山一样多呢,不过我是不会轻言放弃的,加油Fight~こっちの世界でも勉強しなくちゃいけないことが、たくさんあるんだなぁ。でもわたし……諦めないよ!止まらねぇぞ〜It seems like this world also has soo soooo many things that I need to study. But I... will never give up! Can't stop, won't stop~
Affinity (Like)其实,我对于是否能做好大家的前辈这件事一直都不太有信心…不过看到努力的指挥官,就觉得我也能继续努力了呢~わたし、ちゃんとみんなの頼もしい先輩でいられてるか、自信がなくて……でも、頑張ってる指揮官さんを見ると、わたしも落ち込んでられないなって思うんだ!I... have no confidence that I'm properly being a reliable mentor... but when I look at you trying so hard, I can't help but think to myself that I can't let myself be so beaten down!
Affinity (Love)和大家一起来到这里,遇到指挥官,虽然期间也有挫折,不过我还是觉得,能像这样在这里为指挥官和大家应援真是太好了~みんなと一緒にこの世界に来て、そして指揮官さんに出会えたこと……色々なトラブルもあったけど、今は指揮官さんとみんなを応援できるから、本当にうれしい!Having come to this world with everyone, and meeting with Commander... there has been a lot of trouble here and there, but now, here I am cheering everyone on with you! It makes me really happy!
Pledge因为有指挥官在,我才能在这个世界像这样站在这里。所以,一直想着我的应援,能让指挥官感到轻松一点就好了…!——在往后的日子里也请多指教了!わたし、指揮官さんがいるから、この世界でがんばれてるんです。だからわたしの応援で、指揮官さんをちょっとでも元気にできたらいいなって……!――改めて、これからもよろしくね!Commander, I can do my best in this world because I'm with you. That's why all I can think is that I'd be happy if I could be make you feel even a bit better with my unending support...! Hehe... once again, I'll be in your care!
Like Present
Dislike Present
Main Title
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description“空友们!大家好吗?这里是来到了不太一样的世界海边的时乃空!”呵呵,总觉得到了海边,心境上也开放了不少呢~虽然不游泳就是了…!「そらとものみんなー!、元気〜?ちょっとだけ違う世界の海辺に来ちゃたときのそらです!」海に来ると、なんだか心がスッキリするね!泳げないけど…!"Hello, my friends! I hope you're well~! This is Sora, on site at a beach in a slightly different world!" Beach visits just feel so invigorating, don't they? On another note, I can't swim…
Acquisition“空友们!大家好吗?这里是来到了不太一样的世界海边的时乃空!”呵呵,总觉得到了海边,心境上也开放了不少呢~虽然不游泳就是了…!「そらとものみんなー!元気〜?ちょっとだけ違う世界の海辺に来ちゃった、ときのそらです!」海に来ると、なんだか心がスッキリするね!泳げないけど…!"Hello, my friends! I hope you're well~! This is Sora, on site at a beach in a slightly different world!" Beach visits just feel so invigorating, don't they? On another note, I can't swim...
Login欢迎回来,指挥官~今天也到海边放松一下吧~?お帰りなさい、指揮官さん~今日も海辺でリラックスしませんか?Welcome back, Commander~ Would you like to relax on the beach again today?
Details一起玩沙滩排球?不知道我行不行呢…要来一场恐怖游戏对决么?ビーチバレー…?わたしにできるかなぁ…ホラーゲーム対決にしない…?Beach volleyball...? I wonder if I can do it... You sure you don't want to 1v1 me with a horror game instead?
Main“鮟鱇肝”也一起来到海边了哦~「あん肝」も一緒に来てるんだよ~My buddy "Monkfish liver" came with me~
Main 2我特意为指挥官做了便当…味道如何呢?お弁当…指揮官さんのために頑張って作ってみたけど…味はどうかな?Commander, I did my best to make you a lunchbox, but... how does it taste?
Main 3盯…!比赛互相瞪眼的话我是不会输给指挥官的!じーっ!指揮官さんとのにらめっこなら負けないぞ〜!*Staaare* If it's a staring contest with Commander, there's no way I'll lose!
Touch (Special)指挥官,好孩子不可以做这种事情哦指揮官さんがそんなことするなんて…めっ!ですよTo think that Commander would do something like that to me... You're naughty! Bad Commander!