Nyotengu (JP 🇯🇵: 女天狗, CN 🇹🇼: 女天狗)
Ship ID No. C066 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Aircraft Carrier Rarity Elite
Navy Venus Vacation Build Time
Acquisition Event: Venus Vacation
Enhance Income
Firepower 0
Torpedo 0
Aviation 58
Reload 8
Scrap Income
Medal 4
Oil 3
Gold 9
Release Date
EN 2020/11/26
CN 2020/11/26
JP 2020/11/26
Voice actress Akemi Satou
Nyotengu Description
Scarlet-Tinged Hot Spring Vacation Description
Oho! To think there was a place with this much class... Not bad! I shall hereby be enjoying my hot springs vacation right here, hehehe.
Firepower E
Torpedo E
Aviation S
Evasion C
Anti-air B
HP 5729 Reload 101
Firepower 0 Torpedo 0
Evasion 34 Anti-air 272
Aviation 334 Cost 12
ASW 0 Luck 88
Hit 78 Speed 32
Armor Medium
HP 6646 Reload 116
Firepower 0 Torpedo 0
Evasion 54 Anti-air 309
Aviation 374 Cost 12
ASW 0 Luck 88
Hit 87 Speed 32
Armor Medium
HP 1108 Reload 43
Firepower 0 Torpedo 0
Evasion 13 Anti-air 58
Aviation 71 Cost 4
ASW 0 Luck 88
Hit 30 Speed 32
Armor Medium
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Tier 1 Hangar Capacity +1 / Number of Dive Bombers +1 / Torpedo Bomber Efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Hangar Capacity +1 / Number of Torpedo Bombers +1 / Dive Bomber Efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Number of All Planes +1 / All Plane Efficiency +5%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Fighter 115%/115%/115%/120% 1/1/1/2 0/0/0/0
2 Dive Bomber 110%/110%/120%/125% 1/2/2/3 0/0/0/0
3 Torpedo Bomber 125%/130%/130%/135% 1/1/2/3 0/0/0/0
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Aircraft Carrier: Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
Dance of the Heavens 5s after this ship finishes loading its Airstrike: launches a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special airstrike (DMG is based on the skill's level.)
Hanakagura Increases this ship's DMG against BBs by 4.0% (10.0%). When this ship launches an Airstrike: 40.0% (70.0%) chance to decrease DMG taken for 8s by a random ship in your Vanguard.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 哦?竟然不惧怕我。汝为何人?…这样啊,汝就是统率此处之人吗?今后就称呼汝为“指挥官殿下”吧。我乃女天狗,呼呼,汝可要好好招待我哦? ほう?わらわを恐れぬとは…そなた、何者じゃ?…なるほど、そなたがここを統べるものか、では「指揮官殿」とでも呼んでやろう。わらわは女天狗、精一杯もてなすがよいぞ?ふふふ Oh? You don't seem to fear me... Who might you be? ...I see, so it is you who rules over this place. Then I shall call you "Commander." I am Nyotengu. You would do best to keep me entertained, hehe.
Biography 我可是如假包换的天狗♪嚯~?若是对此还有所怀疑的话…就用汝之双眼、汝之双手来亲自确认吧?呵呵呵~♥ わらわはまごうことなき天狗じゃ♪ほう?何か疑うことがあるのなら、その目と、その手で確かめるが良かろう?ふふふ…♥ I am undoubtedly a tengu. Oh? If you have any doubts, why not confirm it with those eyes and hands? Ah-haha...♥
Acquisition 哦?竟然不惧怕我。汝为何人?…这样啊,汝就是统率此处之人吗?今后就称呼汝为“指挥官殿下”吧。我乃女天狗,呼呼,汝可要好好招待我哦? ほう?わらわを恐れぬとは…そなた、何者じゃ?…なるほど、そなたがここを統べるものか、では「指揮官殿」とでも呼んでやろう。わらわは女天狗、精一杯もてなすがよいぞ?ふふふ Oh? You don't seem to fear me... Who might you be? ...I see, so it is you who rules over this place. Then I shall call you "Commander." I am Nyotengu. You would do best to keep me entertained, hehe.
Login 汝回来了么?今日,也带我熟悉下这座“港口”吧。 指揮官殿、いま帰りか?ふふっ、今日もこの港を案内してくれるのであろう? Just arriving, Commander? Heheh, you will show me around the port, won't you?
Details 接下来要玩点什么好呢……汝啊,有什么好想法吗? さて、何をして遊ぶかのう……そなた、何か良い考えはあるか? Well, well. What shall I do for amusement now... Have you any good ideas?
Main 人类不会飞行,所以制造出了“飞机”么…不知从狭小的“飞机”里看到的,会是怎样的风景呢~? 人間は飛ぶために「ひこうき」とやらを…その中から、どんな景色が見えるかのう? In order to fly, humans created airplanes... I wonder how the view from within one is?
Main 2 嗯~~泡杯茶,再配上馒头,稍微休息一下吧~呵呵~说的可不是港区里那些小家伙们哦? お茶を飲みながら、まんじゅうでもつまみたいのう…港にいる者たちのことではないぞ?ふふふ I'd like to drink some tea while snacking on some manjuu... Not those little ones you have here, mind you. Ah-haha.
Main 3 “重樱”的小姑娘们身上似乎都有些奇妙的特征呢,呼呼,有趣,确实有趣… 「重桜」の娘たちはどこか奇妙な気配がするのう、ふふふ、面白い、実に面白いのう…? There is a strange presence within the ranks of the Sakura Empire. Hehehe, interesting, how very interesting...
Touch 汝是打算来亲自确认我的身体么?真是大胆呢~ そなた、わらわの体を確かめたいのか?ふふ、大胆じゃのう Are you planning on checking my body yourself? Hehe, how daring.
Touch (Special) 呼呼~不行哦…♥ ふふ、だめじゃ……♥ Hehe, you shouldn't...♥
Touch (Headpat) 有、有点痒痒的啊…… な、なんだかくすぐったいのう… I-it tickles a bit...
Mission 汝还有任务没有完成哦?真是健忘呢,呵呵~ そなた、まだ務めが残っておるぞ?忘れっぽいのう、ふふふ There are still duties left for you to do. What a forgetful one, hehehe.
Mission Complete 任务完成了哦。呵呵~看汝的样子,是倦了吗?那便小憩一会吧 務めを果たせたのう。ふふふ、そんなに疲れたか?暫し休んでいくがよい You seem to have completed your tasks. Hehehe, are you tired? Go ahead and rest awhile.
Mail 信件?会是来自哪里的呢,真令人好奇啊~ 「めーる」?何処から来るものやら、興味深いのう "May-ull"? I am most curious as to where it came from.
Return to Port 方才还在指挥作战,现在马上又要埋首于公文之中。汝可真是苦劳命啊…让吾来助你一把吧。 戦いの次は公務とやらか、そなたも苦労人じゃのう。ほれ、わらわが手を貸してやろう After battle comes official duties, it seems. You must be suffering, so I shall lend you a hand.
Commission Complete 汝的手下们正在海湾呼唤着汝呢。怎么,还打算让她们干等着吗~? そなたの配下らが呼んでおるぞ。あまり女子(おなご)を待たせるものではないぞ? Your subordinates are calling for you. You shouldn't keep a woman waiting for long.
Enhancement 呵呵,还不够,还可以更加……♥ ふふ、まだまだ、もっとじゃ……♥ Haha, that's not enough. Give me more...♥
Flagship 居然敢打扰我的假期…做好心理准备了吧?呵呵~ わらわの「ばかんす」を邪魔するとは…覚悟はできているのであろうな? Disrupting my vacation like this... I hope you're ready for what's coming. Hehehe.
Victory 这样就结束了么,也太快了点吧? もうおしまいか?なんじゃ、つまらぬのう。 It's over already? How unsatisfying.
Defeat 居然会被逼到这个程度…小看汝等了啊… わらわが追いつめられるとは…油断は禁物じゃな… To corner me like so... One must always be on their guard...
Skill 臣服于我吧! ふふ、戯言(ざれごと)じゃ♥ Haha, what a trifle you are!
Low HP 胜负从现在才开始,对吧? 勝負はこれから、であろう? The battle is just starting, is it not?
Affinity (Upset) 汝…令人提不起兴趣啊…… そなた…つまらぬ人間じゃのう…… You... You are a boring human...
Affinity (Stranger) 人间一日,对天狗族来说不过是一炷短香。不过,这可不意味着吾是个对俗世漠不关心的人哦? 人間の一年など、天狗には戯言のようなもの。…じゃが、人の世に今興味がないわけではないぞ? One year for a human is no time at all to a Tengu. ...However, that does not mean I have no interest in the world of you humans.
Affinity (Friendly) 这个港区里还是有不少我不熟悉的“技术”产物呢,呵呵,指挥官殿下,是不是应该一一为我介绍下呢?毕竟,汝应是这方面的专家,不是吗? この港、わらわの知らない「てくのろじー」とやらで溢れてるようじゃ。指揮官殿、案内を頼めるか?ふふふ、そなた、いろいろ詳しいのであろう? This port abounds with curious "take-knowledge-ease." Commander, might I ask for a tour? Hehehe, you know quite a bit, don't you?
Affinity (Like) 无论在哪里,人们都一样喜欢“祭典”和“宴会”呢,呵呵……不错~我也很喜欢就是了♥ 何処へ行こうが、人間は祭りと宴が好きじゃのう。ふふふ…その通り、わらわも大好きじゃ♥ No matter where I go, humans seem to love festivals and feasts just the same. Ah-ha-ha... That's right, I love them too♥
Affinity (Love) 嚯~约会…吗?竟然会由汝这头发起攻势…看来我似乎小看汝了啊。呵呵,那我就却之不恭了。汝会给我带来怎样的美好回忆,我很期待哦? ほう、「でーと」をするじゃと?そなたから誘うとは、甘く見ていたようじゃ、ふふふ。では、そなたがわらわにどんなひと時をくれるのか、期待しておるぞ? Oh, we're on a "date"? It seems I was taking you far too lightly, hehehe. Well, what kinds of events should I look forward to?
Pledge 啊呀,汝这是想把我留在人间,不让我回去了么?…呵呵~当然是开玩笑的。我的假期还长着呢,在那之前,我会好好陪着汝的,安心吧~ ほう、わらわを人の世に引き留めようとは、とんだ戯言よのう…ふふふ、冗談じゃ。わらわの「ばかんす」はまだ長い。暫くはそなたの傍に留まるとしようぞ♥ To think you'd try to detain me in the world of man, what inconceivable rubbish... Ah-ha-ha, that was merely a joke. My vacation is still in its youth. I shall stay by your side for the moment's passing♥
In battle with Mikasa 呵呵,来看看这些天上飞的小玩意儿有多厉害吧 ふふ、「かんさいき」とやらの力、御覧に入れようぞ Haha, I shall show you the power of these "carrier-based aircraft" of mine
In battle with UNKNOWN(3) 嚯~真是奇妙的缘分啊~ ほう、これはまた妙な縁じゃのう Oh, what a curious fate it is that ties us together.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 嚯…居然还有如此美妙惬意的场所,不错!看来可以好好享受一番“温泉假日”了呢,呵呵~ ほう!まさかこのような風情溢れんばかりの場所があったとは…悪くないのう!此度はいい「温泉ばかんす」を楽しめそうじゃ、ふふふ Oho! To think there was a place with this much class... Not bad! I shall hereby be enjoying my hot springs vacation right here, hehehe.
Acquisition 嚯…居然还有如此美妙惬意的场所,不错!看来可以好好享受一番“温泉假日”了呢,呵呵~ ほう!まさかこのような風情溢れんばかりの場所があったとは…悪くないのう!此度はいい「温泉ばかんす」を楽しめそうじゃ、ふふふ Oho! To think there was a place with this much class... Not bad! I shall hereby be enjoying my hot springs vacation right here, hehehe.
Login 汝为何还在那里站着?不必拘谨,到我的身边来吧~ なにをそんなところに突っ立っておるのじゃ?遠慮はいらぬ、隣に…近うよれ。 What are you doing, standing there like a fool? Don't hold back, come closer... to my side.
Details 汝之港区还真是不错,有温泉有大海,还有各种有趣的地方…确实是个“度假”的好去处呢,呵呵~ そなたの港はいいのう~温泉に海、おもしろい処もいっぱいじゃ…実にいい「ばかんす」になりそうじゃのう、ふふふ Your port is quite fine. With hot springs and beaches, there are plenty a wonderful place to choose... This looks to be quite the auspicious vacation, indeed, ah-haha.
Main 比起正在度假的我,劳碌的汝似乎更加需要休息的样子呢。 わらわよりも、そなたのほうがよっぽど「ばかんす」が必要なようじゃ More than me, you seem to be the one direly in need of a vacation.
Main 2 呼呼,汝啊,陪我在这红叶之下小酌一番吧? ふふふ、指揮官殿よ、この紅葉の下で一酌付き合ってくれんかのう? Hehehe, Commander, won't you join me for a drink under these beautiful, crimson leaves?
Main 3 为何盯着我看?要是觉得在意的话,不妨更靠近一些…仔细~观察一番如何?呵呵~ なにを見つめておるのじゃ?気になることでもあれば…近くで確かめればよかろう?ふふふ What are you looking at? If there's something that interests you... shouldn't you take a closer look? Ah-haha.
Touch 再靠近一点也是没关系的哦? ふふ、もっと近うよっても…よいぞ? Hehe, I wouldn't mind it if you... came closer.
Touch (Special) 呼呼~真拿你没办法呢…♥ ふふふ、仕方のないやつじゃのう…❤ Hehehe, what an incorrigible fool...❤
Return to Port 汝是打算将我一人放置于此,让猴子陪我吗?快进来吧。 そなた、わらわを独りにしおって…サルの代わりに、早く湯に入らぬか。 You, leaving me alone like this... Come take the place of this monkey, hurry in to the bath.