Misaki (JP 🇯🇵: みさき, CN 🇹🇼: 海咲)
Ship ID No. C064 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Light Cruiser Rarity Super Rare
Navy Venus Vacation Build Time 02:41:47
Acquisition Event: Venus Vacation
Enhance Income
Firepower 13
Torpedo 0
Aviation 0
Reload 13
Scrap Income
Medal 10
Oil 3
Gold 6
Release Date
EN 2020/11/26
CN 2020/11/26
JP 2020/11/26
Voice actress Minami Tsuda
Misaki Description
Golden Photoshoot Description
A photoshoot? That'd be similar to what I did before coming here, but... um, this swimsuit is a bit much... Commander, is this what you're into? Geez... It's so embarrassing...
Firepower B
Torpedo E
Aviation E
Evasion B
Anti-air B
HP 3498 Reload 169
Firepower 146 Torpedo 0
Evasion 77 Anti-air 289
Aviation 0 Cost 11
ASW 137 Luck 89
Hit 146 Speed 33
Armor Light
HP 3883 Reload 195
Firepower 168 Torpedo 0
Evasion 92 Anti-air 327
Aviation 0 Cost 11
ASW 154 Luck 89
Hit 163 Speed 33
Armor Light
HP 677 Reload 72
Firepower 31 Torpedo 0
Evasion 30 Anti-air 62
Aviation 0 Cost 11
ASW 37 Luck 89
Hit 56 Speed 33
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Tier 1 Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Main gun base +1/Main gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Main gun efficiency +15%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Light Cruiser Gun
2 Destroyer Gun
3 Anti-Air Gun
4 Auxiliary - - -
5 Auxiliary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Light Cruiser: Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
Humble Part-Timer After the battle starts: for 60s, increases this ship's FP and its DMG against Light Armor enemies by 5.0% (15.0%). If there are other Venus Vacation characters in the same fleet: increases this ship's AA by 5.0% (15.0%) and decreases its Main Gun DMG taken by 4.5% (12.0%).
Venus Friends Every 20s after the start of the battle: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level.) Enemies hit by this barrage take 5.0% (15.0%) more DMG from Venus Vacation characters for 8s.
02:41:47 JP CN EN
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 初次见面,指挥官!嗯,我问了其它的人了,应该是叫“指挥官”没错吧?我是海咲,有过很多打工的经验,一定能给大家帮上忙的~请多多指教咯! 初めまして!ほかの人から聞いたんだけど、「指揮官」で合ってるよね?わたしはみさき、いろんなバイトやってきたし…絶対みんなの役に立てると思うんだ♪これからよろしくね! It's nice to meet you! From what I've heard, you're the "Commander," right? I'm Misaki. I have experience with various part-time jobs, so... I'm confident that I can be of help to you all. Let's do our best!
Biography 自我介绍吗?我是海咲,兴趣是潜水、天文观测、还有看漫画~喜欢的食物是珍珠奶茶和香草可丽饼!别的就没有什么特别的了…啊,对了。凪咲是我的姐姐,指挥官也要和她好好相处哦! 自己紹介?わたしはみさき、趣味はダイビングと、天体観測と…漫画読むこと、かな。あと、マンゴーバニラクレープとタピオカミルクティーが好き!あ、そうそう、わたしのお姉ちゃん…なぎさお姉ちゃんと、仲良くしてあげてね! You want me to introduce myself? I'm Misaki, and my hobbies include scuba diving, stargazing, and... reading comics, I guess. Also, I really like mango vanilla crêpes and bubble milk tea! Oh, right, and... be nice to my sister, Nagisa!
Acquisition 初次见面,指挥官!嗯,我问了其它的人了,应该是叫“指挥官”没错吧?我是海咲,有过很多打工的经验,一定能给大家帮上忙的~请多多指教咯! 初めまして!ほかの人から聞いたんだけど、「指揮官」で合ってるよね?わたしはみさき、いろんなバイトやってきたし…絶対みんなの役に立てると思うんだ♪これからよろしくね! It's nice to meet you! From what I've heard, you're the "Commander," right? I'm Misaki. I have experience with various part-time jobs, so... I'm confident that I can be of help to you all. Let's do our best!
Login 指挥官终于来了呀,那就…马上开始今天的工作吧~? 指揮官おそーい、さっさとお仕事始めましょ? Commander, hurry up~ Let's get to work, shall we?
Details 这个港区、还有身为“舰船”的女孩子们,都充满了一种不可思议的感觉呢…或许,指挥官才是最不可思议的那个?开玩笑的,呵呵~ この港も、あと「艦船」って女の子たちも、なんか不思議な感じするんだよね…でも、指揮官が一番不思議かな?なーんて♪あははっ♪ I get these weird vibes from this port and the shipgirls that live here... But most of all, I get them from you, Commander. Oh, I'm just messing with you! Ahaha!
Main 如果没什么特别重要的事情的话,我要去打工…啊,这里的工作也算是打工…吧? ほかに用が無いなら、バイトに行ってくるね…って、ここのお仕事もバイト…なのかな? If you've got nothing else for me to do, I'm gonna head off to my part-time job... wait, I guess this is one, too...?
Main 2 嗯~突然想吃点甜食了呢,可丽饼什么的… ん~…なんか甘いものが食べたいなー、クレープとか… Mm~ I could go for some sweets right about now. Maybe a crêpe or something...
Main 3 别看姐姐有时候嘴上不饶人,其实还是很关心人的,虽然有时多少有些过度保护就是了… お姉ちゃん、ちょっと怖い時もあるけど、本当はとっても優しいんだ?…ちょっとだけ、過保護なとこもあったりするけど… My sister might be scary at times, but she's a nice person at heart! ...Though, she might be a bit on the overprotective side...
Touch 我在~喊我有什么事吗~?指挥官♪ はーい、お呼びですか?指揮官さん♪ Yeees? Did you call for me, Commander?
Touch (Special) 呀啊!?真是的,我真要生气了哦? きゃあっ!?もうー、ほんとに怒るよ? Wah?! Geez, I'll be really angry if you do that again!
Touch (Headpat) 真、真是的…感觉很奇怪的啦… も、もう…ヘンなの…… Hey, um... This feels odd to me...
Mission 指挥官,是新任务哦!完成这些任务的话,就能拿到奖励了吧! 指揮官、新しい任務だよ!終わったらご褒美もらえるんでしょ! Commander, you've got new missions! Don't we get rewards for completing them?
Mission Complete 任务完成。别忘了给我报酬哦!嘻嘻,开玩笑的~ 任務完了!指揮官、ご褒美、忘れないでよね!なーんて、冗談だよ♪ Mission complete! Commander, don't forget to give me my share of the rewards! Oh, I'm just pulling your leg! Ahaha!
Mail 指挥官,有你的邮件,记得要看哦! 指揮官、メール来てるから見てね! Commander, you've got mail. Come take a look!
Return to Port 啊,指挥官,作战辛苦了!稍微休息一下吧? あ、指揮官、作戦お疲れ様!ちょっと休憩したら? Oh, Commander, nice work on that last battle! Now, how about a short break?
Commission Complete 委托的伙伴们回来了!不知道会不会有人带甜品回来呢~ みんな委託から帰ってきたよ!誰か甘いものとか持ってきてないかな~ The commission team's returned! I wonder if they brought back some sweets~
Enhancement 如何?我是不是有所成长了呢? どう?わたし、成長してる? What do you think? Can you feel my growth?
Flagship 好!决定上了,就要全力以赴! よーしっ、やるからには、全力で! Aaaaall right! When you do something, you gotta do it right!
Victory 是我们赢了!摆出胜利的手势吧! 勝っちゃった!せーの、ブイっ! We won! Woohoo, a V for victory!
Defeat 是我们…输了啊… わたしたち…負けちゃったんだ… We lost... I can't believe it...
Skill 看好了哦!! ちゃんと見ててよね! Keep your eyes on me!
Low HP 还没有结束! まだまだ、これから! This is just the beginning!
Affinity (Upset) 这个港口挺有趣的,但是指挥官多少有些靠不住的感觉?看来这部分得靠我来好好补足一下了呢~♪ この港、面白いところだけど、指揮官がちょっと頼りないかも?…そのぶん、バイトのわたしがシャキッとしなきゃね♪ This port might be an interesting place, but you? You're not very dependable... I guess the responsibility for whipping you into shape falls on me, the part-timer~
Affinity (Stranger) 只要穿上这个叫“舰装”的东西,就能在海上自由地驰骋了呢。真是神奇啊~ この「艤装」っていうのを着れば、海の上で駆け回ったりできるんだ。ほんと不思議だなぁ~ So, I can drash across the ocean if I put this rigging on? The wonders of technology, huh!
Affinity (Friendly) 虽然大家在战斗时都很厉害,但平时果然还是普通的女孩子呢,我还找到了和我一起看漫画的同伴哦~呵呵~ みんな戦ってるときすごいけど、普段はやっぱり普通の女の子なんだね。漫画友達も見つかったし、ふふっ Everyone looks extraordinary when fighting, but I guess they're really just normal girls when they're not. I've even found some friends who like comic books, heheh.
Affinity (Like) 商店街的奶茶店好像最近有“买一送一”的活动呢。唔…我一个人的话可喝不完两杯珍珠奶茶呢…指挥官,有空的时候,我们一起去吧? いま売店でタピオカミルクティー買うともう1杯ついてくるんだって!でも、一人で2杯はちょっとなぁ…指揮官、時間あったら一緒にいかない? Apparently, there's a two-for-one deal at the store for bubble milk tea right now! Two might be a bit too much for me, though... Commander, if you're free, do you want to go with me?
Affinity (Love) 指挥官,待会再一起去港区的甜品店探索美味吧♪~还有就是,吃完之后,能陪我在港区里散散步吗?我还想更了解这里,以及…唔…好啦,我们这就出发吧! 指揮官、一緒に港のデザート屋さんに行こうよ!あと、お散歩にも付き合ってね♪ここのこと、もっと知りたいんだ!そのあとは…えっと…ほ、ほらはやく行こう! Commander, let's go to the dessert store~ Afterward, we can take a stroll together! I want to learn more about this place! And then, after that... um... Well, let's just get going!
Pledge 来到这里,受到了指挥官那么多的照顾,现在又收到了这么重要的东西…谢谢你,指挥官~作为回报,我会努力帮上指挥官更多的忙的! ここにきて、指揮官にいっぱいお世話になって、こんな大切なものまでもらえて…ありがとう、指揮官!これから、もっといっぱい指揮官のために頑張るからね! Ever since I've arrived at this place, you've taken such good care for me. I can't believe that I'm about to receive something this precious from you... Thank you, Commander! I'll work even harder for you!
In battle with Hibiki 姐姐?不,弄错了吗… お姉ちゃん?あ、人違いだった… Sis? Oh, never mind...
In battle with Nagisa 我会保护好自己的!姐姐也要小心哦! 自分のことは自分で守るから、お姉ちゃんも気を付けて! I can take care of myself, so focus on yourself, sis!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 特别摄影啊…虽然以前也参与过类似的活动,但是这套衣服多少有点…指挥官喜欢这种的吗?果然…还是好羞耻啊…… 撮影…?なんか、この前も似たようなことあった気が……えっ、こ、この格好は…もう……恥ずかしいよ… A photoshoot? That'd be similar to what I did before coming here, but... um, this swimsuit is a bit much... Commander, is this what you're into? Geez... It's so embarrassing...
Acquisition 特别摄影啊…虽然以前也参与过类似的活动,但是这套衣服多少有点…指挥官喜欢这种的吗?果然…还是好羞耻啊…… 撮影…?なんか、この前も似たようなことあった気が……えっ、こ、この格好は…もう……恥ずかしいよ… A photoshoot? That'd be similar to what I did before coming here, but... um, this swimsuit is a bit much... Commander, is this what you're into? Geez... It's so embarrassing...
Login 今天也要摄影?好、好吧… 今日も撮影?まあ、いいけど…… We're doing another shoot today? I don't mind, but...
Details 指挥官也给姐姐拍照了吗?呼呼,虽然姐姐对指挥官看起来有点凶,但只要不是太过分的要求,她应该都还是会答应的吧~ 指揮官ってお姉ちゃんも撮影に誘ったの?ふふっ、指揮官にツンツンしてるけど、変なことじゃないなら聞いてくれると思うんだけどな~ Commander, did you ask my sister to participate in some photoshoots too? Hehe~ She might act all mean on the outside, but she'll do whatever you need as long as you don't ask for something risqué~
Main 拍摄结束之后,一起去喝珍珠奶茶?—嗯,那一言为定! 撮影のあと、一緒にタピオカミルクティー飲みに行く?うん、約束だよ! After the shoot, wanna go grab some bubble milk tea? All right, no backsies!
Main 2 指挥官平时有给舰队里的其它女孩子拍照吗?我也想看看大家的照片! 指揮官ってほかの女の子も撮ってるの?みんなの写真見てみたいな~ Commander, are you taking some photos of the other girls as well? Let me have a look~
Main 3 如果有机会旅行的话,指挥官,你想去哪里呢? 指揮官、旅行に行くならどこがいい? Commander, if you could go on a trip, where would you go?
Touch 总、总觉得有点不好意思… な、なんか、照れる…… G-geez, you're making me blush...
Touch (Special) 不、不行!太、太不好意思了啦… だ、だめっ!は、恥ずかしいよ…… N-no, you can't! It's too embarrassing...
Return to Port 呼呼……啊,我刚刚是睡着了吗?不好意思…躺在沙发上太舒服了,一不小心就进入梦乡了呢~ ふあ~……あ、寝ちゃってた?ごめんね、ソファーが気持ちよくてつい… Yaaawn~ ...Oh, did I fall asleep? Sorry, the sofa was just too comfy...