KizunaAI·Anniversary (JP 🇯🇵: キズナアイ・アニバーサリー, CN 🇹🇼: 绊爱·Anniversary)
Ship ID No. C043 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Aircraft Carrier Rarity Super Rare
Navy KizunaAI Build Time
Acquisition Event:Virtual Connection Synchronicity
Enhance Income
Firepower 0
Torpedo 0
Aviation 64
Reload 8
Scrap Income
Medal 10
Oil 3
Gold 9
Release Date
Voice actress Kizuna Ai
Anniversary Kizuna AI Description
Kizuna AI here, wearing a dress, coming at you! Be it concert or combat, I'll give it my all!
Firepower E
Torpedo E
Aviation S
Evasion C
Anti-air B
HP 5522 Reload 104
Firepower 0 Torpedo 0
Evasion 34 Anti-air 285
Aviation 368 Cost 13
ASW 0 Luck 66
Hit 78 Speed 32.5
Armor Medium
HP 6626 Reload 120
Firepower 0 Torpedo 0
Evasion 37 Anti-air 323
Aviation 410 Cost 13
ASW 0 Luck 66
Hit 86 Speed 32.5
Armor Medium
HP 1068 Reload 44
Firepower 0 Torpedo 0
Evasion 13 Anti-air 61
Aviation 78 Cost 4
ASW 0 Luck 66
Hit 30 Speed 32.5
Armor Medium
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 13
ASW Luck 66
Hit Speed 32.5
Armor Medium
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 13
ASW Luck 66
Hit Speed 32.5
Armor Medium
Limit Break
Tier 1 Hangar capacity +1/All Dive Bombers +1/Torpedo Bomber efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Hangar capacity +1/All Torpedo Bombers +1/Dive Bomber efficiency +10%
Tier 3 All aircraft +1/Aircraft efficiency +5%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Fighter 105%/105%/105%/110% 1/1/1/2 0/0/0/0
2 Dive Bomber 120%/120%/130%/135% 1/2/2/3 0/0/0/0
3 Torpedo Bomber 125%/130%/130%/135% 1/1/2/3 0/0/0/0
4 Auxilary - - -
5 Auxilary - - -
Default Equipments
Icon Name Description Requirements
Future Base 30s, 45s, and 60s after the start of the battle: launches a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special airstrike. Airstrike damage is based on the skill's level.
Melty World When this ship launches an Airstrike while sortied with Kizuna AI: 15.0% (25.0%) chance for the Airstrike to deal double DMG.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 绊爱,身着礼服登场!不论是演唱会还是战斗,我都会加油的! キズナアイ、ドレスを身にまとって登場!ライブもバトルもがんばるよ! Kizuna AI here, wearing a dress, coming at you! Be it concert or combat, I'll give it my all!
Biography 举办演唱会的时候就会穿着这身衣服哦!要是有一天也能在这个港区举办演唱会就好了呢~ ライブに出る時はこの衣装を着たりするんだよ!この母港でもいつかライブができるといいな~ This is the costume I wear for my concerts! I hope one day this port will be able to host a concert, too!
Acquisition 绊爱,身着礼服登场!不论是演唱会还是战斗,我都会加油的! キズナアイ、ドレスを身にまとって登場!ライブもバトルもがんばるよ! Kizuna AI here, wearing a dress, coming at you! Be it concert or combat, I'll give it my all!
Login 指挥官欢迎回来!为了准备下次演唱会,特意找萨拉老师做了唱歌的练习呢。也来帮我听听嘛! 指揮官おかえり!次のライブに向けてサラトガ先生に歌のレッスンをしてもらってるんだ。ちょっと聞いてみてよ! Welcome back! I got some singing lessons from Saratoga in preparation for my next concert. Give me your ear for a sec!
Details 指挥官想听什么样的音乐?现在有个非常值得推荐的歌手哦!叫做Kizuna AI……啊,就是我嘛!! 指揮官はどんな音楽聞くの?今すごいオススメのアーティストがいるんだ!Kizuna AIって言うんだけど……あ、私だった! What type of music do you listen to, Commander? I have a great artist recommendation for you! Her name's Kizuna AI... Oh wait, that's me!
Main Z35酱辛苦啦!啊,指挥官!我刚刚在旁听Z35酱的唱歌练习呢♪ フュンちゃんおつかれさま!あっ、指揮官!ちょうどいま、フュンちゃんの歌の練習を見てあげてたんだ♪ That was great, Z35! Oh, hi, Commander! I just got to hear Z35 practice her singing!
Main 2 快看快看,这个轻飘飘的哦!跳一下?这可不是裙子呀 ほらほら、これ、ひらひらする!ジャンプ?これ、スカートじゃないけど Check it out, this thing is so flappy! You want me to jump? Too bad for you this isn't a skirt.
Main 3 诶?可爱?是吧!我就知道~谢谢~! え?かわいい?でしょ!知ってる~、ありがと~! Huh? You think I'm cute? Uh-huh! I already knew that, but thanks!
Touch 哦,点歌吗?好~想要听什么呢?我唱给你~! お、リクエストかな?よーし、何が聞きたい?歌っちゃうよー! Oh, are you requesting a song? Sure thing, what do you wanna hear? I'll sing it for you!
Touch (Special) 想要击掌吗?那要来咯!耶~♪ ハイタッチしたいの?いくよ!いぇーーい♪ You want a high five? Let's do it! Yeeeaahhh!
Mission 新的任务好像下发了呢。快把它们都完成掉吧! さてさて、新しい任務が通達されたみたいだし。さくっと完了させちゃおう! Alrighty, looks like we've got a new message notification. Let's get it done, right away!
Mission Complete 快领取任务报酬吧!会有什么好东西呢? 任務報酬を受け取りにいこう!何かいいものはあるかな? Let's go get those mission rewards! Do you think we'll get anything good?
Mail 哦?邮件来啦!是不是粉丝信呢! お?メールだよ!ファンレター届いてるかな! Oh, look, mail! Maybe it's from one of my fans!
Return to Port 辛苦了,指挥官!接下来我要和小天鹅酱她们一起做跳舞的练习。距离下次出击也还有一点时间,陪陪我吧! おつかれさま、指揮官!これからシグニットちゃんたちと一緒にダンスのレッスンするの。次の出撃まで時間あるし、付き合って! Well done, Commander! I was just about to have a dance lesson with Cygnet and her friends. We've got time before the next sortie, so come along!
Commission Complete 执行委托的同伴们回来了哦!用欢迎回来的歌迎接她们吧!来,指挥官也一起唱♪ 委託に行った子たちが帰ってきたよ!おかえりの歌で迎えよう!ほら、指揮官も一緒に♪ Those commission girls are back now! We should give them a welcoming song! C'mon, sing with me, Commander!
Enhancement 强化完成♪演唱会和战斗都是靠体力决胜负的呢! 強化完了♪ライブもバトルも体力勝負だからね! Strengthening complete! ♪ You know, concerts and battles both take a lot of strength!
Flagship 战斗也要燃起气氛上哦——! バトルも盛り上がっていくよーーー! Let's build some hype for this battle!
Victory 完・全・胜・利~!不愧是我!简直是天才! 完・全・勝・利~!さっすが私!天才ですね! Per-fect vic-tory! But of course! I'm a genius!
Defeat .....这个教训绝对要留给下次演唱会! ……絶対次のライブに活かす! ... I'll make up for it at my next concert!
Skill 听我的歌吧! 私の歌を聞いて! Listen to my song!
Low HP 我绝对会坚持到最后一刻的! 絶対最後までやり遂げるんだから! I'll see this through all the way to the end!
Affinity (Upset) 放心吧,我是不会邀请指挥官来演唱会的 安心してください、指揮官はライブに呼びませんから Relax, I'm not inviting you to my concert anyway.
Affinity (Stranger) 我想要在这个港区办一场演唱会呢!指挥官能帮帮我吗? 私この母港でもライブをやってみたいの!指揮官も協力してくれない? I wanna host a concert here at the port! Could you collab with me on it, Commander?
Affinity (Friendly) 想要办好演唱会的话,唱歌和跳舞的练习,还有talk的准备都不能缺少呢!还要开始舞台的准备……啊啊~有好多事情要做啊——! ライブをするためには歌とダンスの練習とトークの勉強もしないとね!それからステージの手配とかもして……あぁーやらなきゃいけないことがいっぱいだーー! I need to practice my singing, dancing, and talking skills for my concert! Then I'll have to prepare a stage... Aaahhh, there's so fakking much I need to do!
Affinity (Like) 啊,指挥官,怎么了吗?诶?舞台的准备什么的已经都做好了!?好厉害!接下里只要专心练习就行了?……指、指挥官看起来好能干……! あっ、しきかーん、どうしたの?えっ?もうステージの手配も何もかも終わった!?すごい!あとは練習に専念してって?……し、指揮官がすごいできる人に見える……! Hey, Commandeeeer! What's up? Huh? You've already prepared a stage and everything?! Holy cow! I just gotta focus on practicing my skills? ... W-wow, you seem like a super capable guy, Commander!
Affinity (Love) 演唱会非常成功呢!有指挥官在真是太好了。啊,对了!让我为指挥官特别唱一首吧?那就敬请聆听—— ライブ大成功だったね!指揮官がいてくれて本当に良かった。あ、そうだ!特別に指揮官だけのために歌うね?それでは聞いてください―― We totally nailed that concert! I'm so glad you were there to help. Oh, right! I've got a special song just for you. Please lend me your ear!
Pledge 大家一起举起手,一起唱歌跳舞,露出开心的笑容!这就是演唱会。这些光景我都看到了哦……!指挥官,谢谢你!!不过,当然!绝对不会就这样结束的。继续前进吧,只要有指挥官在,我们就能继续前进,前往更远的彼方!接下来也请多多指教了哦!!! みんなで手を上げて、歌って踊って笑顔になれる!それがライブ。ちゃんとその光景が見れたよ……!指揮官、本当にありがとう!!でも、当然ながら!これで終わりじゃないよ。さぁ行こう、指揮官となら行ける!もっと先へ!これからもよろしくね!!! Moving in synch with the others, singing, dancing, and smiling! That's what a concert's about. That's the image in my mind... Thank you so much, Commander! But, of course, this doesn't mean the end! Let's go, Commander! I'm counting on you!
In battle with Fortune 运运,我会保护你的~♪ チュンチュン、私が守ってあげるからね~♪ Chunechune, I'll keep you safe!