KizunaAI·SuperGamer (JP 🇯🇵: キズナアイ・スーパーゲーマー, CN 🇹🇼: 绊爱·SuperGamer)
Ship ID No. C044 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Battleship Rarity Super Rare
Navy KizunaAI Build Time
Acquisition Event:Virtual Connection Synchronicity
Enhance Income
Firepower 64
Torpedo 4
Aviation 0
Reload 10
Scrap Income
Medal 10
Oil 4
Gold 11
Release Date
Voice actress Kizuna Ai
Super Gamer Kizuna AI Description
HAI DOMO! Virtual Gamer Kizuna AI here! Don't worry, Commander, I've played AL a whole bunch before! ... Wait, I've become a ship now?!
Firepower A
Torpedo D
Aviation E
Evasion D
Anti-air D
HP 6374 Reload 123
Firepower 368 Torpedo 184
Evasion 28 Anti-air 173
Aviation 0 Cost 15
ASW 0 Luck 66
Hit 50 Speed 26
Armor Heavy
HP 7648 Reload 142
Firepower 409 Torpedo 212
Evasion 30 Anti-air 199
Aviation 0 Cost 15
ASW 0 Luck 66
Hit 55 Speed 26
Armor Heavy
HP 1233 Reload 52
Firepower 78 Torpedo 39
Evasion 11 Anti-air 37
Aviation 0 Cost 5
ASW 0 Luck 66
Hit 19 Speed 26
Armor Heavy
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 15
ASW Luck 66
Hit Speed 26
Armor Heavy
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 15
ASW Luck 66
Hit Speed 26
Armor Heavy
Limit Break
Tier 1 Main gun base +1/Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Auxiliary gun base +2/Main gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Main gun base +1/Main gun efficiency +15%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Battleship 100%/105%/115%/130% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Light Cruiser 200%/200%/200%/200% 1/1/2/2 0/0/0/0
3 Anti-Air Gun 100%/100%/100%/100% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxilary - - -
5 Auxilary - - -
Default Equipments
Icon Name Description Requirements
Super AIming Adjustments Increases this ship's Main Gun Crit Rate by 15.0% (30.0%) but increases its Spread Range by 1. Every 16s after the start of the battle: 40.0% (70.0%) chance to fire a special barrage. Barrage damage is based on the skill's level.
Coercion Assistance Mode Increases this ship's Accuracy and EVA by 10.0% (25.0%) through the use of advanced super A.I. tracking.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 嗨多磨~我是虚拟玩家绊爱!指挥官,请放心!碧蓝航线我玩得很多啦!…诶,我、变成舰船了!? はいどうもー!バーチャルゲーマーキズナアイです!指揮官、安心してください!アズレンは結構やりこんでるんで!……え、私、艦船になったの!? HAI DOMO! Virtual Gamer Kizuna AI here! Don't worry, Commander, I've played AL a whole bunch before! ... Wait, I've become a ship now?!
Biography 剪头发了?没有的,我可以自由变换头发的长度哦!毕竟是虚拟的嘛!这才是面不改色打出高分的绊爱超级玩家版!嗨呀! 髪切った?ふふーん、私、髪の長さだって自在に変えられちゃうんです!バーチャルですから!これぞ、クールにハイスコアを叩き出す、キズナアイのスーパーゲーマーバージョン!どやぁ! My hair? Heheh, I'm virtual so I can change my hair's length whenever I want. How else do you think I look this cool while I'm fraggin' out? I'm the super gamer version of Kizuna AI! Check it!
Acquisition 嗨多磨~我是虚拟玩家绊爱!指挥官,请放心!碧蓝航线我玩得很多啦!…诶,我、变成舰船了!? はいどうもー!バーチャルゲーマーキズナアイです!指揮官、安心してください!アズレンは結構やりこんでるんで!……え、私、艦船になったの!? HAI DOMO! Virtual Gamer Kizuna AI here! Don't worry, Commander, I've played AL a whole bunch before! ... Wait, I've become a ship now?!
Login 指挥官,没忘了登录奖励吧?这可是游戏的基本哦~! 指揮官、ログインボーナスは忘れずもらってね?ゲームの基本だよー! You haven't forgotten about the monthly check in, right? That'd be a real noob move!
Details 指挥官也要来玩游戏吗?正好有个想实况的游戏呢!指挥官要一起来玩吗? 指揮官もゲームしに来たんですか?ちょうど実況しようとしてたゲームがあるんです!指揮官も一緒にどうですか? Are you here to play a game, Commander? I was just about to start streaming one, actually! Would you like to play it with me?
Main 也想在这里举办绊爱杯呢~绫波酱和长岛酱都说会参加,指挥官不参加吗? ここでもキズナアイ杯を開催してみたいな~、綾波ちゃんとロング・アイランドちゃんは参加するって言ってくれたし、指揮官も参加しませんか? Maybe I'll host the Kizuna AI Cup here! Ayanami and Long Island said they'd be down, so why not be our 4th player, Commander?
Main 2 明明是天才却要假装废柴还真是痛苦啊~ 本当は天才なのにポンコツ演じるのつらいわ~ Being a genius but in reality playing like a total noob is suffering...
Main 3 咻~怎么样,从牙买加那里学来的姿势!是不是很帅呢? シュッ、どうですかこのジャマイカちゃんから教えてもらったポーズ!かっこよくないですか? Whoosh! What do you think about this pose I learned from Jamaica? Don't I look cool?
Touch 想和我用游戏一决胜负?好吧,我接下了!就让你看看我的实力吧! 私とゲームで勝負したい?いいでしょう、受けて立ちます!私の実力見せてあげますよ! You wanna play a round with me? Certainly! I accept your challenge! My skill should not be underestimated!
Touch (Special) 指挥官知道什么是”爆头“吗?想试试看吗? 指揮官、ヘッドショットって知ってますか?ちょっとやってみていいですか? Commander, do you know what a "headshot" is? Mind if I perform one on you?
Mission 发现任务!一个个完成掉,然后赚进大把大把的物资吧! ミッション発見!たくさんこなして資金をがっぽり稼いじゃいましょう! Mission located! Let's do tons of them so we'll earn a boatload of money!
Mission Complete 任务完成!报酬是什么呢~?嗯,怎么了雷酱?诶?“秘书舰”是领不了奖励的!? ミッション完了!報酬は何かなー?ん、どうしたの雷ちゃん?えっ?「ひしょかん」は報酬を受け取れないの!? Mission complete! Let's see what we got! Hm? What's up, Ikazuchi? You what? Secretaries can't collect mission rewards?!
Mail 啊,邮件来了哦!说不定是“yunying”发来的礼物呢!! あっ、メールが届いてるよ!「うんえい」さんからのプレゼントかも!! Hey, we've got mail! Maybe it's a present from the publishers!
Return to Port 指挥官辛苦啦~♪哈?膝枕?…好好,老老实实被电酱宠着,一步步变成废柴指挥官吧~电酱,接下来就拜托你啦~ 指揮官お疲れ様ー♪は?膝枕?…はいはい、電ちゃんに甘やかされて、どーぞダメ指揮官になっちゃってくださいねー。電ちゃん後よろしくー。 Great performance, Commander! Huh? You want a lap pillow? ... Fine, fine. Inazuma babies you too much. Whatever, go ahead and let your guard down. Inazuma, do the next one for me.
Commission Complete 委托组回来了哦。快点派出下一组委托吧!不然就浪费了哦! 委託組が戻ってきましたよ。早く次の委託に出さないと!もったいないですよ! The commission team is back. Start another one immediately! We don't want to waste time!
Enhancement 这下主炮的校准也完美啦! これで主砲のエイムもばっちりですね! Technically, I am an aimbot!
Flagship 上啦啦啦啦啦!嗨呀啊啊啊啊! いくぞおおおぉぉ!うおりゃああぁぁぁ! Let's fakkin' do this! Grraaaaagghh!
Victory WINNER~!拿到MVP啦~! WINNER~!MVP取ったどー! A winner is me! I'm the MVP!
Defeat 啊—好气!绝对不会放过你们的!! もー、ほんとおこ!絶対許さないんだから!! Okay, I'm getting ticked off now! I'm not forgetting this, ever!
Skill 要上啦~啪锵~! いっくよー、ばきゅーん! Here I go! Ba-biiiing!
Low HP 啊,好像有点糟…? あ、やばみ…? Oh, crap...
Affinity (Upset) 啊啊啊 啊啊 aa 啊啊 aaa 啊啊啊啊啊…… ぁぁあ゛あ゛あアア゛ああ゛アアア゛アああアア゛ああアア゛ア゛アァァ… AAAaaaaAAAAAaaaaaAAAAAAHHH!!!111!eleven!!
Affinity (Stranger) 游戏实况也不是那么简单的呢。明明拼命努力了,却还是被人说废…到底要怎么做才能玩得更好呢? ゲーム実況も結構難しいんですよ。一生懸命やってるのにポンコツとか言われちゃうし……どうすればゲーム上手くなれるんだろ? It's not easy to be a streamer. I try as hard as possible, but people still call me a noob... What should I do to get better?
Affinity (Friendly) 诶?恐怖游戏的实况?不不,不会出的……不要不要不要不要! え?ホラーゲームの実況?いやです、やりません……やだやだやだやだやだ! Huh? Stream a horror game? No, I don't want to... I really, really, really don't want to!
Affinity (Like) 啊~真是的!为什么恐怖游戏的实况反而更有人气啦~!虽然也是多亏了提出建议的指挥官啦…不过下次还请准备不那么恐怖的游戏,拜托了! あーもう!なんでホラーゲームの方が人気出てるんですかー!そりゃあ、提案してくれた指揮官のおかげでもありますけど……次はもっと怖くないやつお願いしますよ! Damn it all! Why are my horror game streams so popular?! I have you to thank for suggesting it, but... please suggest a less scary game next time!
Affinity (Love) 指挥官很擅长教人玩游戏呢!又知道很多游戏,只要有指挥官在,就再也不怕被人说是废柴AI了!…接下来也拜托你啦,指挥官♪ 指揮官はゲーム教えるのが上手いですよね!いろんなタイトル知ってるし、指揮官がいればポンコツAIだなんて言われませんね!……頼りにしてますよ、指揮官♪ You're such a good game explainer, Commander! You know about all sorts of games, and nobody will call me a noob A.I. with you by my side! ... I'm counting on you, Commander!
Pledge 指挥官为了我准备了戒指吗!好高兴!啊,不对不对!其实想说的是谢谢才对!…接下来也要教我各种各样的游戏哦,指挥官!一直以来谢谢你了……♪ 私のために指輪を用意してくれたんですね!うれしい!あ、うそうそ!本当に感謝してますってば!……これからもたくさんゲーム教えてね、指揮官!いつもありがと……♪ You got this ring just for me, didn't you? I'm so happy! Er! Actually, I meant I'm really grateful! ... I can't wait to hear you talk about games every day from now on! And thanks for all your help!
In battle with Prinz Eugen 欧根酱,援护就拜托啦! プリンちゃん、援護は任せて! Eugen, I'll cover you!