Katsuragi (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇌: )
Ship ID No. 521 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Destroyer Rarity Super Rare
Navy Sakura Empire Build Time N/A
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actress
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost
ASW Luck
Hit Speed
Limit Break
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
4 Auxilary - - -
5 Auxilary - - -
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Destroyer: -Class Tech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Icon Name Description Requirements
Late-Blooming Airstrike Increases this ship's Accuracy by 5.0% (15.0%). When this ship launches an Airstrike: launches an additional Lv.1 (Lv.10) airstrike (DMG is based on the skill's level) and, for 8s, decreases all enemies' Accuracy and RLD by 5.0% (15.0%).
Veil of Azaleas Increases this ship's max Detection Gauge value by 15 and decreases her DMG taken from aircraft by 4.0% (10.0%). At the start of the battle, if there are 3 Sakura Empire ships in your Vanguard: decreases all your Sakura Empire ships' DMG taken from aircraft by 4.0% (10.0%).
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 云韙级航空母舰䞉番舰—葛城 雲韍型航空母艊・葛城 Unryuu-class aircraft carrier – Katsuragi.
Biography 教给䜠䞀些䞎可爱又掻泌的葛城盞倄的方匏吧第䞀䞍准嫌我话倚第二䞍芁让我做搬䞜西的杂掻第䞉曎倚地甚“请求”而䞍是“呜什”。嗯暂时就这些以后再慢慢补充 䜠有圚听吧 陜気で可愛いうちずうたく付き合えるヒントをレクチャヌしおやろう䞀぀、話が長いず思わないこず二぀、うちにものを運ぶなどの雑甚を任せないこず䞉぀、うちに「呜じる」より「お願い」の方がいいず心埗るこずたずはこの䞉぀でい぀か思い出したらたた補足しお ちょっず、聞いおる Let's give you some tips for how to get along with a cute and cheerful girl: First, you'd better not find any of her conversations boring! Second, don't make her do any lame chores like carrying stuff around! Finally, ask nicely, don't try to boss her around! All right, that's it for the first lesson, but there will be more in the future... Hey, are you listening?!
Acquisition 噢䜠奜呀指挥官我是云韙级航空母舰葛城擅长航母擅长的䞀切事情讚厌的事情暂时保密兎趣有埈倚~比劂诎  还有  及倖  嗯 指挥官䜠有圚听吗 こんにちは指揮官うちのこずは雲韍型航空母艊葛城ず蚀っお、航空母艊――空母ではなくお航空母艊、぀たるずころ正芏空母ができるこずならなヌんでも埗意だよ嫌いなものはただ内緒だけど奜きなものずいうか趣味なら色々あるわよヌ䟋えばたずは 1分埌 だわおヌい指揮官、ちゃんず聞いおる Hello there, Commander! I'm the Unryuu-class aircraft carrier, Katsuragi. I'm not just a carrier, I'm a full-fledged aircraft carrier, meaning that I can do everything that an aircraft carrier is supposed to do! I'm not telling ya what I don't like, but as for hobbies, I've got a whole buncha those~ For example... (1 minute later) ...So yeah! Hey, Commander, are you still listening?
Login 早䞊奜呀今倩的事情奜像有点倚哊倚到有种芁加班的预感呢。䜠有把握郜按时倄理完吗 おはよヌ指揮官よっず今日の仕事は倚いからこれはちょっず残業の予感だけどちゃんず時間通りに終われるのかしらねヌ指揮官 Hello there, Commander! Today's workload is looking a bit heavy and I wonder if we might have to do some overtime but I'm sure if we get right down to business we'll be able to finish– Commander??
Details 既然䜠这么想倚陪我䞀䌚 正奜我猺䞪陪聊的就从我喜欢的杜鹃花匀始诎起吧—— そんなに垰りたくなかったら たあ、ちょうど話し盞手いなくお困っおたずころだからあんたに付き合っおもらうこずにする぀たりな、ここはたずうちの奜きなツツゞのこずからヌ If you want to keep me company so badly... Well, I just happened to not have anyone to talk to, so you'll have to make do! In any case, let me start by telling you about my favorite kind of azalea––
Main 匹跳蜰炞嗯确实是䞪埈有想象力的战术。癜鹰甚它可是让我吃了些苊倎呢。 反跳爆撃確かに想像力に富んだ戊術だわね。こんなに匷くお可愛いうちでもかの倧戊ではナニオンに痛い目に遭わされたからなあヌははは Skip bombing? I must admit, it was quite an imaginative tactic. The Eagle Union was even able to give one as cute and strong as me a headache! Ahahaha!
Main 2 我诎䜠芁是环了芁䞍我来垮䜠批阅文件吧正奜让我试试暡仿䜠的筟名䌚䞍䌚被别人看出来  哈哈圓然是诎笑的 疲れおたら曞類の凊理はうちに任せるがいい――あんたのサむンのマネが皆にバレるかどうかを詊すチャンスをうちが芋逃すはずが じょ、冗談に決たっおるわ If you're tired, just let me handle the paperwork. Nobody would notice the difference if I forged your signature... Ah, uh, that was obviously just a joke!
Main 3 桌䞊有半䞪留给䜠的蛋糕哊 䞺什么是半䞪因䞺我吃掉了䞀䞪半哈哈~ ケヌキなら机の䞊にあるよヌっず。そしおあんたは「なんで半分しかない」っお質問しおくるのはもう分かっおいるそれはね うちが半分食べちゃったから、だあヌははは I left half a cake for you on your desk. Why only half, you ask? Well, that's because... I already ate the other half! Ahahaha!
Touch 怎么啊有事芁拜托我了吗只芁䜠诚心诚意地提出请求本葛城也䞍是䞍胜考虑考虑~ どうかしたうちに頌みたいこずでもあったはお、誠心誠意うちに「お願い」するならこの葛城が考えおあげなくもないよ What's the matter? Oh, you need me for something? Well, seeing how earnestly you're beseeching my aid, I have no choice but to at least consider it~
Touch (Special) 哌哌我就知道䜠䞍敢——等等快䜏手䜠䜠䜠䜠这样是·芁莟莣的䜠知道吗 ふんふん、そんな床胞ないずいうのはすでに知っお――は、早くやめんかここここんなこずしお責任取るこずを知らないずは蚀わせないぞ Heheh, I know you don't have the gumption to–– W-wait, stop that! Y-y-y-you're going to have to take responsibility at this rate, don't you know?!
Touch (Headpat) 想靠摞倎就把我收服吗倪倩真了指挥官 胜坚持䞉癟六十五倩我再考虑䞀䞋 頭ぜんぜんしおうちを手懐けた気甘いわこのうちをどうしおも手懐けたいずいうのならせめお䞉癟六十五日毎日忘れず、やり通せおからにしなヌ You think you can mess with my heart just by patting my head? How naive! ...If you remember to keep it up 365 days of the year, maybe you'll have a shot.
Mission 欞——䜠该䞍䌚还有任务没做完吧 ふヌん、ただこなせおいない任務があるずでも蚀うのではないでしょうね Hrrrrmm... Don't tell me you still have unfinished missions lying around?
Mission Complete 䞍错有了这些物资奖励就胜顺利匀展曎倚的工䜜了䞍过这样䞀来的话指挥官的任务也䌚变倚呢嘻嘻是䞍是突然就感觉有压力了 良きこれだけ報酬物資があれば、もっずもっず仕事の幅が広がり指揮官に任される任務もたた増えるのであろうで、フフフ、肩の荷が䞀気に増えた気がした Quite satisfactory! With such abundant rewards, you'll be able to further expand your scope of work and have even more missions assigned to you! But... Hehe, are you able to shoulder that immense workload?
Mail 有䜠的新邮件哊这是重芁文件吗任务通知还是  哎呀䜠快点打匀看看嘛~ 新しいメヌルだわはお、これはどういった芁件で任務のお知らせかなそれずも もうっ、早く開けお䞭身確認しおよ~ New mail has arrived! Now then, is it something important? Perhaps, a mission notice? Or maybe...? Darn it, hurry up and open it up already~
Return to Port 哊䜠回来啊诎起来刚刚有只鞟䞍小心飞进办公宀里我花了䞍小的力气才把它从这里请走呢。䜠的这䞪房闎还真是受鞟类欢迎呀 嗯䜠有圚听我诎吗 おお、垰ったか実は぀いさっき劙なこずが起きおな、この執務宀になんず小鳥が迷い蟌んでしたっお倖ぞ誘導するのに䞀苊劎したわけよ党くあんたの執務宀っお鳥類にモテモテじゃない――っお、聞いおる Ohh, you're back! So like, something totally weird happened while you were gone. A little bird got lost inside the office and it was really hard for us to guide it back out~ Your place seems to be really popular with the birdies–– Hey, are you listening?
Commission Complete 委托任务的奖励到了哊。我只莟莣通知搬运工䜜就亀给䜠去安排啊 委蚗のボヌナス届いたよっず確かにあんたに知らせたから運ぶのはよろしく♪ The commission rewards are in~ I'm only responsible for informing you though, you'll have to carry the goods yourself~♪
Enhancement 嗯䞍错看圚䜠讀识到我的重芁性的仜䞊衚扬䜠䞀䞋 ふむ、いい感じうちのありがたさを認めおくれた分だけあんたのこずを耒めおしんぜよう Mhm, that's more like it! I'll offer you some words of praise for recognizing my worth!
Flagship 哌哌有我葛城倧将坐镇歀圹必将取胜 ふふん、うちがが出る戊は勝ちが決たっおいるようなものよ Harrumph! With me at helm, victory is already assured!
Victory å“Š~嚯嚯嚯~䜠们这些小喜啰怎么可胜赢埗过身䞺航空母舰的我嘛~ おヌほほほ~どこの銬の骚ずも知れぬ雑魚どもがこの正芏空母であるうちに勝おる芋蟌みなどどこもありやしないのだ Oh~hohoho~ How could you absolute nobodies hope to win against the might of a true aircraft carrier such as myself~
Defeat 居然蟓了明明已经尜党力了呀 究竟是哪出了问题  負けた党力を尜くしたのに うぅ 䞀䜓どこで問題が起きたずでもいうのか We lost?! Even though I did everything I could?! Ugh... How could things have gone so wrong??
Skill 睁倧県睛看奜了 うちの力をよヌく芋ずれ Pay close attention to this!
Low HP 喂䜠们的䞻力航母正圚被䞍明炮火攻击哊 倧切な正芏空母であるうちが滅倚打ちされおるけど Are you really going to let your all-important aircraft carrier get hit like this?!
Affinity (Upset) 䞍行啊指挥官身䞺舰队的总倧将怎么胜颓废成这䞪样子呢 むケないね指揮官艊隊を率いる総倧将ずもあろう方がこんなだらしなくなっおしたうずはいかがなものだず思うわ This simply won't do, Commander... I had no idea that the esteemed leader, the shining beacon of the fleet... would be such a decadent individual!
Affinity (Stranger) 哎呀这䞍是理所圓然的嘛航母胜做到的事我党郜胜做到陀歀之倖的就党郜做䞍到毕竟我可是老牌的正规航空母舰啊 䜕圓ったり前のこず繰り返しお聞いおるの空母の仕事を党うする、それ以倖のこずは出来ないのはうちが歎ずした正芏空母だからだな How many times have I had to explain this to you before? I can do everything that an aircraft carrier is supposed to do, but I can't do anything outside of that because that's just what I used to be!
Affinity (Friendly) 指挥官䜠准倇去做什么呀去检查塞满了各种装倇的仓库还是只想随䟿走走散䞪步啊隟道是赶着和谁纊䌚 那䞪䜠有圚听吧 おっ指揮官は䜕をしようずしおいるのかしら装備でパンパンになっおいる倉庫のチェックもしくはそこらぞんを適圓にぶらぶらあもしや誰かずデヌトの玄束でもしおたの っお聞いおる Oh, Commander, what are you trying to do? Checking on that packed warehouse? Or just heading out for a stroll? Ah! Don't tell me... you're going on date with someone?! ...Hey, are you listening to me?
Affinity (Like) 指挥官我发现䞀件䞍埗了的事哊明倩是䌑息日指挥官没有预纊我刚奜明倩也没有安排 哎呀䜠诎这么“巧合”的日子应该做些什么奜呢真是烊恌呀~ 指揮官぀いさっきスゎむこずに気づいたけど、明日は䌑日で指揮官もうちも䜕も予定入れおないっおそんな「偶然」な日は䞭々ないわねそういう滅倚にないめでたい日には䞀䜓䜕をすれば良いかあんたはどう思ういやぁ悩たしぃ Commander! I happened to discover something amazing! Tomorrow is a holiday, and there aren't many days like it, and by pure "coincidence," neither you or I have anything to do! So basically, I was thinking, what could the two of us do on such a rare and special day when we have nothing else to do? Haah, there are too many possibilities~!
Affinity (Love) 按照小诎的情节见到心䞊人的时候䞍应该是那种“脞红矞涩玧匠到诎䞍出话”的感觉吗䞺啥我见到䜠的时候华总关䞍䞊话匣子 哊我知道了其实玧匠的是䜠对䞍对 那䞪䜠有圚听吗 意䞭の人の前では「顔が真っ赀になっお、緊匵しおうたく話せなくなる」っおのが通説ずいうか本に曞いおあろうなのにうちがこうしおあんたず䞀緒にいるずきはそうなるどころか話が止たらないのだ あわかった緊匵しおるのはうちではなくあんたのほうだからかヌ っお、聞いおる You know how in those books, if there's someone on your mind, it normally goes something like "your face gets all red and you can't find the words to say?" But, like, in my case, I just can't stop talking at all... Ah! I get it now! I'm not the one who's nervous, you are! ...Hey, are you listening to me?
Pledge 虜然平时经垞被䜠糊匄过去䞍过今倩我诎的话䜠可芁听奜了。咳咳吟葛城今日䞎汝猔结誓纊从歀患隟䞎共氞䞍犻匃 嗯这样就奜了该汝重倍䞀遍了哊 い぀もはごたかされおいるけど今日ずいう今日はこの蚀葉は絶察に最埌たできっちり聞いおもらうわよ。はいこほん葛城、本日汝ず契りを結び、生涯苊難を共にし、片時も傍を離れぬ ふむ、これでいいはず。次は汝が埩唱する番だ You keep squirming away from me but today I'll make sure you absolutely listen to every single word. Got it? Good! Ahem! I, Katsuragi, am bound by oath to you, and swear to always be at your side through joy or hardship! ...Mm, excellent. Now, it's your turn to repeat that back to me!
In battle with Junyou 我䞍是诎䜠诎的䞍对只是  いやいや間違っおるず蚀っおる぀もりはないけどな  No, no... I wasn't trying to say that you're wrong, but...!
In battle with Ryuuhou 䞍甚心急胜利䌚氎到枠成的 勝利は時の運だから焊るのはなし There's no need to rush. The stream of time will carry victory to us!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 祭·兞·来·啊嗯——这䞪时期的话叫做倏日祭有点点埮劙呢应该叫节日庆兞曎合适哎怎么郜奜啊指挥官今倩只芁尜情享受就行因䞺我也埈匀心哊 た・぀・り・だヌんヌ時期的に倏祭りずいうず埮劙だけどこれはフェスティバルんヌなんだっおいいから指揮官は今日は思いっきり楜しんだほうがいいよなぜならうちも楜しむからな It's– summer– festival– time–!! Uhh, well, maybe it's a bit too late for a "summer" festival, so maybe a regular festival is fine? Well, the important thing is that you have lots of fun, Commander! Because I sure as heck will!
Acquisition 祭·兞·来·啊嗯——这䞪时期的话叫做倏日祭有点点埮劙呢应该叫节日庆兞曎合适哎怎么郜奜啊指挥官今倩只芁尜情享受就行因䞺我也埈匀心哊 た・぀・り・だヌんヌ時期的に倏祭りずいうず埮劙だけどこれはフェスティバルんヌなんだっおいいから指揮官は今日は思いっきり楜しんだほうがいいよなぜならうちも楜しむからな It's– summer– festival– time–!! Uhh, well, maybe it's a bit too late for a "summer" festival, so maybe a regular festival is fine? Well, the important thing is that you have lots of fun, Commander! Because I sure as heck will!
Login 早䞊奜呀指挥官今倩是垊着节日氛囎来工䜜的吗我䞍仅垊着庆祝节日的心情而䞔还是穿着节日的服装来的劂果指挥官胜感受到节日的氛囎就奜了呢——♪ おはよヌ指揮官今日は祭気分でご出勀かうちは気分だけじゃなく衣装も祭りを意識しおるけどそれで指揮官も祭気分になるず嬉しいな―♪ Hellooooo, Commander! Are we starting work today with some of that festive spirit? I didn't just bring my festive spirit with me today, I came ready with the whole package, outfit and all! I'll be happy as long as you can feel that holiday cheer~!
Details 所以䜠来这里是䞺了扟人聊倩吗让我陪䜠圓然是可以的啊䞍过指挥官还是倚和各种各样的孩子们聊倩加深友谊比蟃奜哊 䞍过芁小心隌鹰啊 ここにやっおきたのはさおはおしゃべりする盞手に困ったっおこずかうちでよければ盞手するけど指揮官はもっずいろんな子ず話しお芪亀を深めたほうがいいよ  隌鷹は芁泚意だわ You came here looking for someone to talk to, right? I suppose I can keep you company then, but you should make sure you go around and deepen your bonds with everyone else too! ...Except Junyou, watch out for that one!
Main 每圓烟花“蜰——”地䞀声飞䞊倩的时候情绪就跟着高涚起来了呢哈哈哈 花火がドヌンず打ち䞊げられるたびに気分が高揚するなあはははは When the fireworks climb high into the sky and go "kaboom," I can feel my excitement doing the very same thing! Ahahaha!
Main 2 隟道指挥官是喜欢我的这身打扮是喜欢的吧没错没错䞀定是喜欢的呢既然这样就随䜠尜情欣赏奜了♪ もしかしお指揮官はこの栌奜が奜きか奜きなのよねそうに決たっおいるほヌら思う存分鑑賞するがいいわ♪ Commander, are you totally into my getup? You are, aren't you! Aha, I totally knew it! Come and feast your eyes all you want then~♪
Mission Complete 䞍错有了这些物资奖励想吃倚少郜  啊我圓然知道的这是属于舰队的倧家的䞜西是䞍胜借独占的 那皍埮给我些点心总可以吧  良きこれだけの報酬があればうちはどれだけ食べおも  分かっおいるわこれは艊隊の皆のものだから独り占めはダメ す、少しだけおや぀に回しおもらえるず嬉しいけど  Excellent! With these earnings, we'll be able to eat as much as we want... Well yeah, I know that! We need to share with everyone else too! ...B-but, I'd be really happy if you treated me to a little something... Please?
Return to Port 噢噢指挥官䜠回来了给我和母枯的倧家垊的特产圚哪里指挥官我已经激劚埗停䞍䞋来啊 おおヌ指揮官よく戻っおきたなうちず母枯の皆ぞの土産はどこうちもうワクワクが止たらないけど早くどうにかしおよ指揮官 Woohoo, you're back, Commander! Bring any goodies back for me and the girls? I'm already so excited I can't calm down!
Victory 胜利是属于我正规航空母舰葛城的䞜西DA☆ 勝利はうちのもの正芏空母葛城のものDA☆ Victory is mine! That's how a real carrier does things, duh!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 嗯倩气䞀热起来就算是舰船想扟䞪凉快的地方也是人之垞情䞀般来诎倧家郜䌚想去山里或者海蟹对吧䜆这次特意选了屋顶泳池既胜享受爬山时眺望的矎景同时又胜享受泳池的凉爜指挥官䜠觉埗呢  等等䜠有圚听吗 んん暑い季節になるず涌しい堎所を求めるのは艊船だけでなくヒトの垞ではあるけどたあ普通に考えれば山か海なんだよね。でもここはあえお屋䞊プヌルにするこずで高い山の眺めずひんやりずした氎を䞡立させるこずができるっおわけだけれど、指揮官はどう思うおヌい、聞いおる Mmmh~ When it gets real hot, whether you're a shipgirl or an ordinary person, the place to go to cool down is always either the mountains or the beach, right? But what if I told you, that when you're at a rooftop pool, you not only get the great views of climbing up a mountain, but also the refreshing coolness of splashing around in the water? Am I right or am I right, Commander? ...Heeeey, are you even listening?!
Acquisition 嗯倩气䞀热起来就算是舰船想扟䞪凉快的地方也是人之垞情䞀般来诎倧家郜䌚想去山里或者海蟹对吧䜆这次特意选了屋顶泳池既胜享受爬山时眺望的矎景同时又胜享受泳池的凉爜指挥官䜠觉埗呢  等等䜠有圚听吗 んん暑い季節になるず涌しい堎所を求めるのは艊船だけでなくヒトの垞ではあるけどたあ普通に考えれば山か海なんだよね。でもここはあえお屋䞊プヌルにするこずで高い山の眺めずひんやりずした氎を䞡立させるこずができるっおわけだけれど、指揮官はどう思うおヌい、聞いおる Mmmh~ When it gets real hot, whether you're a shipgirl or an ordinary person, the place to go to cool down is always either the mountains or the beach, right? But what if I told you, that when you're at a rooftop pool, you not only get the great views of climbing up a mountain, but also the refreshing coolness of splashing around in the water? Am I right or am I right, Commander? ...Heeeey, are you even listening?!
Login 䜠奜指挥官奜热啊~虜然想这么诎䜆是葛城和指挥官的打扮郜已经埈凉快了想芁再凉快䞀点的话只胜去匀着空调的办公宀或者逐厅冷冻宀了所以换种诎法来快进来凉快凉快 こんにちは指揮官暑いねっお蚀いたいけど葛城も指揮官もだいぶ涌しい栌奜だし、これ以䞊涌しくなるこずができる堎所ずいえば゚アコンの効いた執務宀か食堂の冷蔵宀だから、ここは空気を読んで別の蚀い方にするよし、早くプヌルに入っお涌しくなろ Hello hello, Commander! Boy, it's hot~ Or so I WOULD say, but we're already dressed for the heat. The only cooler places we could go would be your air-conditioned office or a restaurant freezer. So I'm gonna try a different approach! Okay, c'mon in and cool off with me!
Details 这里没有其他䌙䌎那就由我来陪指挥官聊䞪痛快吧  嗯指挥官䞍起䞪话倎么劂果让葛城来的话可胜䌚停䞍䞋来哊~ ここにほかの子はいないし、ずこずん指揮官のしゃべり盞手になっおやろっか  ん指揮官から切り出さないの葛城から喋り始めたら止たらなくなるわよ Nobody else is around, so I guess you gotta talk to me, Commander! ...Hm? You don't want to take the lead? If I lead the conversation, I might never stop talking, y'know.
Main 匀炮——冲呀—— 䞀盎泡圚氎里也挺无聊的我让匏神和啟啟们䞀起玩暡拟海战指挥官也芁参加吗 撃おヌ抌し切れヌ ずっず浞かったたただず退屈しちゃうから、ちょっず匏ず饅頭に海戊ごっこをやらせるよ。指揮官も参加する Fire! Drive them back! ...There's no point sitting around in the water all day, so I decided to have the shikigami and manjuu do a mock battle. Wanna join in, Commander?
Main 2 芁来冰冰的䞀瓶还是芁冻冻咕嘟咕嘟疌疌疌的䞀瓶指挥官选䞀䞪吧 キンキンの䞀本開けるゎリゎリシャキシャキヌンのにする指揮官、どっちか遞んで Want a cold one? Or like a chilly, icy, brain-freezy one? The choice is yours, Commander!
Main 3 视野埈奜吧其实从这里可以枅楚地看到海蟹就连其他孩子的泳装打扮郜胜看埗枅枅楚楚有谁圚扟指挥官胜䞀目了然——怎么了看到什么吓人的䞜西了吗 芋晎らしがいいでしょ実はここから海蟺の様子぀たりほかの子の氎着姿も぀ぶさに芋れお誰が指揮官を探しおいるかすぐ芋぀けられお――っおどうしたのなにか怖いもので芋たの Don't you love this view? You can actually see the beach—and all the other girls in swimsuits—from here, so it's easy to see all the girls looking for you, Commander... Hey, what's wrong?! Did you see something scary?
Touch 啊哈☆看泳装打扮的葛城看入神了吗 アッハ☆氎着姿の葛城に芋惚れた Aha☆ Fascinated by me and my swimsuit?
Touch (Special) 虜然跟其他孩子比起来可胜逊色些  䜆这也没办法嘛 そりゃちょっず他の子ずくらべたら芋劣りはするけど  仕方無くない Yeah, I might be a little lacking compared to the other girls... What do you want me to do about it, though?
Mission 还有任务剩着哊  䜠有圚听吗 たヌだ任務が残っおるの  聞いおる You STILL have missions left? ...Are you even listening?
Mission Complete 倪奜了有这么倚报酬物资我们就可以扩建泳池啊~这样倧家就胜䞀起进去了  可惜屋顶泳池没办法扩建就是了~ 良きこれだけ報酬物資があればこのプヌルをもっず倧きく䜜り盎しおみんなで入れるようにできるよね 流石に屋䞊プヌルじゃあ無理か Nice! With all these rewards, we can rebuild the swimming pool until everyone can fit in! ...Shame we can't make it a rooftop pool~
Mail 新邮件我现圚就去取 哇啊啊奜危险 呌 差点脚滑把邮件扔进泳池了  新しいメヌル今取っおく はわわわわ、ちょっ危ないぃ ふぅ 足元が滑っお危うくプヌルに萜ちおしたうずころだったぁ  New mail? I'll go get it... Whoa, whoa, whoa, ack, bad, bad, bad! ...Phew... I slipped and almost dropped the mail in the pool...
Return to Port 䜠回来啊~话诎热吗热吧肯定埈热虜然刚从海䞊回来就进枞泳池有点奇怪䜆䞍芁圚意这些赶玧跳进来BA☆ 垰っおきたかヌっお暑い暑いよね暑いに決たっおるよ海から戻っおきた途端にプヌルに入るのも倉な話だけど、別にそんなこず気にしなくおもいいから早く飛び蟌むのだ☆ Hey, you're back! So you're hot, right? Right? Of course you are! It's a little weird to get in the pool right after coming back from the sea, but forget that! Jump right in☆
Commission Complete 噢委托组的孩子们回来了哟虜然埈想让指挥官䞀䞪人去接䜆䜠穿成这样出去䌚被误䌚的所以我也䞀起去吧♪ おお委蚗組の子たちが戻っおきたわよ指揮官䞀人で行っおきおほしいけどさすがにこの栌奜のたた出迎えるず色々誀解されるから、うちも䞀緒に出迎えに行くわよ♪ Ooh! The commission team came home! I'd love to let you go and greet them by yourself, but they might think something's up if you go alone dressed like that, so I'll join you♪
Flagship 虜然穿了泳装䜆是䞍圱响我的战斗力哊 氎着姿だけどたあうちの戊闘力に関係ないね I might be in a swimsuit, but I'm just as strong as ever!
Victory 是正规航母葛城的胜利  啊哈哈也算是指挥官的胜利啊~ 正芏空母の葛城の勝利 あははは、うちの指揮官の勝利でもあるよね Aircraft carrier Katsuragi wins again! ...Ahahaha, my victories are your victories, too, Commander.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Login 早呀我有䞀䞪坏消息和䞀䞪奜消息芁告诉䜠坏消息是今倩的任务埈倚奜消息是有我垮䜠䞀起完成哊 おはよヌ指揮官実は今日いい知らせず悪い知らせがあっお、悪い知らせのほうは今日の仕事がずおも倚いこず、そしおいい知らせはうちが手䌝っおやるこずにしたっおこず分かった Good mooorning, Commander! So, I have good news and bad news for you today. The bad news is, you've got a ton of work lined up. The good news is, I'm willing to help out! Do you understand the importance of this?
Main 2 䞀仜文件、䞀仜文件、䞉仜文件  䜠问我圚做什么暂时没什么胜垮䞊忙的只胜数数文件解解闷啊~ 曞類が䞀枚、曞類が二枚、曞類が䞉枚 あらうちが䜕やっおるかっおそれはもちろんあんたを手䌝えるものがないから暇぀ぶしにファむルでも数えおみようかなっず思っお行動しおるだけよ One document, two documents, three documents... What am I doing? Seeing how there's nothing for me to do at the moment, I thought I'd count your files to pass the time!
Main 3 指挥官给䜠垊了䞀仜䞍同口味的蛋糕哊䜠先挑剩䞋那䞪我吃掉——圓然各吃䞀半也是可以的 指揮官ケヌキを二皮類甚意したよヌさああんたが先に奜きなほうを遞んでそれで遞ばれなかったほうはこのうちが食べおあげる感じでも良いしぃもちのろん、あんたずうちそれぞれではんぶんこするのも倧歓迎だ Commander, I brought two different flavors of cake this time! You choose the one you want first, and I'll take the other one! Of course, we could also share them half-and-half!
Touch 诎吧诎吧这次又是有什么重芁的、艰隟的、鲜有人胜胜任的任务芁拜托本葛城呢 倧事で難しくお任せられる盞手が限られる぀たりこのうちにしか務たらない任務――だからこそこのうちに頌みに来たのだろうから蚀っおごらんなさいなヌ So tell me, what is this super important, ultra difficult mission that you cannot entrust to anyone but Katsuragi?
Touch (Special) 呀䜠䜠就䞍䌚先让人做䞋心理准倇吗真是的~ うひゃぅこ、こういうのは心の準備をさせおおくのが必芁であるず分からぬのかもう/// Hwaah?! D-don't you know that you need to give me time to prepare myself before doing stuff like that? *blush*
Touch (Headpat) 唔  这是䞉癟六十五倩的第几倩来着䞍管了忘了的话就从第䞀倩重新算起奜啊~ うヌん 今回は䞉癟六十五回の䜕回目だっけたあいっか、よく芚えおないからたた䞀回目からカりントするわヌ Uhhh... So, how far are we into those 365 days? Well, seeing how I can't remember, let's start over from day one.
Victory 有指挥官圚后方坐镇歀圹的胜利自然是手到擒来~ おヌほほほ~指揮官が埌方で陣取っお指揮しおくれたから圓然、勝぀のは楜々だったわ Oh~ho~ho! With you commanding from the rear, victory was all but assured!
Affinity (Love) 指挥官最近工䜜方面怎么样啊还顺利嘛䞊次请䜠吃的蛋糕味道劂䜕呀呚末的纊䌚去哪里玩奜呢  嘻嘻䞀见到䜠我就有诎䞍完的话呢。䞍急䞍急我先把问题问完䜠䞀䞪䞪回答就行~ 指揮官最近仕事の調子どううたくいっおるこないだのケヌキ、味どうだった週末のデヌト、どこに行きたい うち、なんかあんたに䌚うず色々聞きたくお仕方ないみたいだけどたあ答えるのは埌にしお良いたずはうちが党郚聞き終わるたで埅っおお♪ Commander, how has work been recently? Are you doing well? And how did you like that cake? Oh, and do you know where you want to go for next weekend's date? ...Hehe, every time I see you, I just can't stop myself~ But first of all, I'll have you answer each and every one of my questions~♪