White Heart (JP 🇯🇵: ホワイトハート, CN 🇹🇼: 群白之心)
Ship ID No. C007 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Destroyer Rarity Super Rare
Navy Neptunia Build Time
Acquisition Event: Visitors from Another Dimension
Enhance Income
Firepower 5
Torpedo 32
Aviation 0
Reload 15
Scrap Income
Medal 10
Oil 3
Gold 4
Release Date
Voice actress Kana Asumi
White Heart Description
I'm White Heart, the guardian CPU of Lowee. Pleased to meet you. I'm gonna give you a taste of a CPU's power!
Goddesses' Humility Description
B-bastard! Where are you looking? I bet you're thinking I look like a kid! Eh....? They're just right? If Commander says something like that... I don't know how to react...
Firepower C
Torpedo A
Aviation E
Evasion B
Anti-air C
HP 314 Reload 79
Firepower 14 Torpedo 92
Evasion 66 Anti-air 29
Aviation 0 Cost 3
ASW 51 Luck 73
Hit 69 Speed 45.6
Armor Light
HP 1622 Reload 187
Firepower 65 Torpedo 433
Evasion 171 Anti-air 134
Aviation 0 Cost 10
ASW 186 Luck 73
Hit 180 Speed 45.6
Armor Light
HP 1947 Reload 215
Firepower 74 Torpedo 476
Evasion 178 Anti-air 154
Aviation 0 Cost 10
ASW 206 Luck 73
Hit 189 Speed 45.6
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 10
ASW Luck 73
Hit Speed 45.6
Armor Light
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 10
ASW Luck 73
Hit Speed 45.6
Armor Light
Limit Break
Tier 1 Unlock Lv. 1 Getter Ravine/Torpedo efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Torpedo base +1/Torpedo preload +1/Torpedo efficiency +10%
Tier 3 All weapons' efficiency +5%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Destroyer Gun 75%/75%/75%/80% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Torpedo 130%/135%/145%/150% 1/1/2/2 0/0/1/1
3 Anti-Air Gun 70%/70%/70%/75% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxilary - - -
5 Auxilary - - -
Default Equipments
Icon Name Description Requirements
Tänzerin Trombe Each main gun hit increases own torpedo critical chance by 0.6% (1.5%), stacking up to 20 times. All stacks are consumed after firing torpedoes.
Getter Ravine 20.0% (40.0%) chance to activate every 20 seconds, fires a strong barrage (Lv.1 (Lv.10)) that has a chance to slow enemies for 8 seconds.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 我是白露之滨(Lowee)的守护女神、群白之心。多多指教啦!就让你见识一下女神的力量吧! ルウィーの守護女神、ホワイトハートだ。よろしくな!女神の力、見せてやるぜ! I'm White Heart, the guardian CPU of Lowee. Pleased to meet you. I'm gonna give you a taste of a CPU's power!
Biography 我是白露之滨(Lowee)的女神、群白之心。我有两个可爱的妹妹,虽然非常调皮,整天恶作剧,让人费了不少心思,但还是很可爱的。下次要不要和她们一起玩呢? ルウィーの女神、ホワイトハートだ。わたしには2人の妹がいるんだ。まぁイタズラばっかりで世話が焼けるが可愛いんだぜ。今度一緒に遊んでやってくれないか? I'm the CPU of Lowee, White Heart. I have two little sisters. Although they are mischievous prankers and a handful to look after, they're still very cute. Next time, why don't we all play together?
Acquisition 我是白露之滨(Lowee)的守护女神、群白之心。多多指教啦!就让你见识一下女神的力量吧! ルウィーの守護女神、ホワイトハートだ。よろしくな!女神の力、見せてやるぜ! I'm White Heart, the guardian CPU of Lowee. Pleased to meet you. I'm gonna give you a taste of a CPU's power!
Login 慢死了。真是…要人等多久啊 おせぇぞ。ったく…いつまで待たせやがる。 So damn slow... Ugh. How long are you gonna keep me waiting?
Details 有什么事? 何か用か? What do you want?
Main 还要在这待多久?老是这样技术都要退步了 いつまでここにいるんだ?じっとしてると腕がなまっちまう How long do I have to keep waiting here? My tech is gonna go obsolete at this rate.
Main 2 我是不是生气了?只是习惯这种说话口气而已,不用在意 怒ってるのかって?こういう口調だ気にするな。 Am I angry? ... It's just how I talk, don't worry about it.
Main 3 放心吧,我会保护你的 安心しろ、テメェはわたしが守ってやる。 Don't worry. I'll protect you.
Touch 趁早下定决心吧 今のうちに覚悟を決めておけ You'd better grit your teeth.
Touch (Special) 呜……我不会放过你的! んっ……テメェ許さねえからな! Ugh... I won't forgive you!
Mission 快点把任务都解决了吧 さっさと任務を片付けるぞ Hurry up and take care of these missions.
Mission Complete 很好!奖励来啦! よっしゃ!ボーナスだぜ! Hell yeah! Rewards are here!
Mail 喂,邮件来了哦。快去看看吧 ほら、メールが来たぞ。早く見てこいよ Yo, the mail's here. Hurry up and take a look.
Return to Port 这次打得不错嘛?就这样继续一起加油吧 今回の戦いは良かったんじゃねーか?その調子でよろしく頼むぜ That was a pretty good battle, wasn't it? Let's keep it up just like this.
Commission Complete 委托组似乎回来了呢,要不要去迎接她们呢 委託組が戻ってきたようだな、迎えに行くとするか A commission team has returned. Why don't we welcome them back?
Enhancement 我会变得更强的! もっと強くなってやるぜ I'll become even stronger!
Flagship 别以为能就这样回去哦! ただで帰れると思うなよ! Don't think you can go home just like this!
Victory 是不是放水放过头了? 手加減しすぎたか? Did I hold back too much?
Defeat 下次再拖后腿…就干掉你 次わたしの足ひっぱったらぶっ潰す If you hold me back again... I'll end you.
Skill 看我把你打成一块破布! ボロ雑巾にしてやるぜ! I'm gonna beat you into tatters!
Low HP 你真的惹怒我了! テメェはわたしを怒らせた! You little shits are making me mad!
Affinity (Upset) 我一点都不想看到你这货的脸! テメェの顔なんざ見たくねぇんだよ! I don't want to see your sorry mug at all!
Affinity (Stranger) 喂,你这家伙在看哪呢。就算不说我也知道!……可爱?就算夸我也没什么好处给你! おい、テメェどこ見てやがる。言わなくてもばれてるからな!……可愛いだと?褒めても何も出ねーぞ Oi, where are you looking, you bastard? You don't need to answer, I already know! ...You think I'm cute? Flattery isn't going to get you anywhere.
Affinity (Friendly) 虽然是个不怎么可靠的指挥官,但我还是对你有所期待的哦? すこし頼りねぇ指揮官だが、これでも期待してんだぜ? Even though you're an unreliable commander, I still have some expectations for you.
Affinity (Like) 喂,指挥官!下次一起去哪里玩吧!顺便你可没有拒绝的权利呐? おい、指揮官!今度どこかに遊びに行こーぜ!ちなみにテメェに断る権利はないからな? Yo, Commander! Next time, let's go out somewhere! By the way, you have no right to refuse.
Affinity (Love) 别担心,我会一直在你身边的。不知道为什么,总觉得胸口发热,力量不断涌出来 心配すんな、ずっとお前の側にいてやるよ。何故かは知らないが、わたしの胸が熱くなって力が湧き出てくるんだ。 Don't worry, I'll always be at your side. I'm not sure why but, I always feel like my chest is hot and overflowing with power.
Pledge 这个是…给我的?你认真的吗?是吗,认真的啊…我知道了,我就接受你的这份心意吧!我会更加全力以赴,作为你的盾守护着你的! これを…わたしに?お前本気で言ってるのか?そうか、本気なんだな……わかった、その気持ち受け止めてやる!これまで以上に盾として、お前を守ってやるぜ! This is... for me? Are you for real? I see... so you are. Understood, I'll accept your feelings. I'll become even stronger, so I can continue to be your shield!
In battle with Green Heart 翡绿之心!你那对巨乳挡着我都看不到前面了啦! おい、グリーンハート!そのデケェ胸が邪魔で前が見えねえんだよ! Hey, Green Heart! Get those giant Thunder Tits outta here, I can't even see in front of me!
In battle with UNKNOWN(101) 上吧!做好心理准备! みんな、行くぞ!覚悟しやがれ! Forward, everyone! Prepare yourselves!
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 你、你这家伙在看什么呢!反正一定觉得像个小孩子吧!?额……?很合适……?指挥官说这种话…害我都不知道该怎么反应了不是嘛…… テ、テメェなに見てんだ!どうせ子供っぽいとか思ってたんだろ!?え……?似合ってる…って?指揮官にそんなこと言われたら調子狂っちまうじゃねーか…。 B-bastard! Where are you looking? I bet you're thinking I look like a kid! Eh....? They're just right? If Commander says something like that... I don't know how to react...