Vert (JP 🇯🇵: ベール, CN 🇹🇼: 贝露)
Ship ID No. C004 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Aircraft Carrier Rarity Elite
Navy Neptunia Build Time
Acquisition Event: Visitors from Another Dimension
Enhance Income
Firepower 0
Torpedo 0
Aviation 62
Reload 8
Scrap Income
Medal 4
Oil 3
Gold 9
Release Date
Voice actress Rina Satou
Vert Description
My name is Vert, I am the CPU of Leanbox. I'm very good at first-person shooters, so please let me handle all combat-related matters!
Firepower E
Torpedo E
Aviation B
Evasion C
Anti-air B
HP 929 Reload 41
Firepower 0 Torpedo 0
Evasion 13 Anti-air 54
Aviation 71 Cost 4
ASW 0 Luck 93
Hit 30 Speed 28
Armor Medium
HP 4802 Reload 97
Firepower 0 Torpedo 0
Evasion 34 Anti-air 253
Aviation 336 Cost 12
ASW 0 Luck 93
Hit 79 Speed 28
Armor Medium
HP 5523 Reload 112
Firepower 0 Torpedo 0
Evasion 48 Anti-air 288
Aviation 377 Cost 12
ASW 0 Luck 93
Hit 86 Speed 28
Armor Medium
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 12
ASW Luck 93
Hit Speed 28
Armor Medium
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 12
ASW Luck 93
Hit Speed 28
Armor Medium
Limit Break
Tier 1 All fighters +1/Dive Bomber efficiency +3%
Tier 2 Hangar capacity +1/All Dive Bombers +1/Fighter efficiency +5%
Tier 3 All fighters +1/Dive Bomber efficiency +7%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Fighter 120%/120%/120%/120% 1/2/2/3 0/0/0/0
2 Dive Bomber 110%/113%/118%/125% 1/1/2/2 0/0/0/0
3 Dive Bomber 110%/113%/118%/125% 1/1/2/2 0/0/0/0
4 Auxilary - - -
5 Auxilary - - -
Default Equipments
Icon Name Description Requirements
Assam Link For each Destroyer in the fleet, increases own reload by 1.5% (5.0%) and reduces damage taken from shelling by 1.5% (5.0%).
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 我是绿荫箱庭(Leanbox)的女神,贝露。我也很擅长射击游戏呢,所以就放心交给我吧! わたくしはリーンボックスの女神、ベールと申します。シューティングゲームも得意ですので、おまかせくださいまし! My name is Vert, I am the CPU of Leanbox. I'm very good at first-person shooters, so please let me handle all combat-related matters!
Biography 我是绿荫箱庭(Leanbox)的女神、贝露。喜欢的东西是红茶和游戏,还有可爱的妹妹们!…嗯?没有妹妹?只要我认定是妹妹,就是妹妹了呀! わたくしはリーンボックスの女神、ベールと申します。好きなものは紅茶とゲーム、そして可愛い妹たちですわ!…え?妹なんていないでしょって?わたくしが妹と認定したら妹ですわ! My name is Vert, I am the CPU of Leanbox. My favorite things are tea, video games, and my adorable little sisters! ...Hm? I have no little sisters, you say? If I view someone as my little sister then they ARE my little sister!
Acquisition 我是绿荫箱庭(Leanbox)的女神,贝露。我也很擅长射击游戏呢,所以就放心交给我吧! わたくしはリーンボックスの女神、ベールと申します。シューティングゲームも得意ですので、おまかせくださいまし! My name is Vert, I am the CPU of Leanbox. I'm very good at first-person shooters, so please let me handle all combat-related matters!
Login 贵安。我正好泡了红茶,指挥官不妨一起喝杯红茶如何? ごきげんよう。 丁度紅茶を淹れたところですわ。指揮官さんもご一緒に如何でしょうか? Good day. I was just about to brew some tea. Would you like to have some together with me, Commander?
Details 呵呵,找我有什么事吗? うふふ、わたくしに何か? Ohoho, do you have business with me?
Main 呵呵呵,指挥官就由我来保护吧,放宽心尽管依靠我吧 うふふ、指揮官さんはこのわたくしがお守りいたしますわ。大船に乗ったつもりでドーンと構えてくださいまし。 Ohoho, I will watch over you, Commander. You may rest assured and know that I can guarantee your safety.
Main 2 哈!?那孩子、那孩子到底是谁!?请、请一定要让她做我的妹妹—— はっ!?あの子、あの子は一体誰ですの!?ぜひ、ぜひわたくしの妹になってくださいましー Ohhh?! Tell me, what is that girl's name?! Please, I beg you, let me make her my little sister!
Main 3 竟然有这么多可爱的女孩子,我觉得好幸福呢 可愛い子が沢山いらして、わたくしはとても幸せですわ I feel completely overjoyed that there are so many cute little girls here.
Touch 呵呵,指挥官真是调皮呢 ふふ、指揮官さんはイタズラっ子なんですのね Ohoho, you're quite the mischief-maker, aren't you?
Touch (Special) 要温柔对待女性,不然的话会被讨厌的哦? 女性は優しく扱わないと嫌われてしまいますわよ? If you don't treat women delicately then they will grow tired of you very fast.
Mission 指挥官要完成任务的话,5分钟就很够了吧? 指揮官さんなら5分もあれば任務は余裕ですわよね? Even just 5 minutes is plenty of time for you to finish a mission, no?
Mission Complete 任务完成了呢!快去领取奖励吧! 任務完了ですわ!ボーナスを受け取りに行きましょう! Mission completed! Let us go collect our rewards!
Mail 有邮件来了呢。要记得经常检查哦 メールが来たようですわね。こまめにチェックいたしましょう。 It would appear mail has arrived. I suggest that you check for it regularly.
Return to Port 辛苦了呢。要来杯红茶吗? お疲れ様ですわ。ティータイムにいたしましょう。 Thank you for your hard work. Now it is time for some tea.
Commission Complete 大家都回来了呢。一起去迎接她们吧 皆さんがお戻りになられたようですわ。お迎えに上がりましょう It seems everyone was able to make it back. Let us give them a warm welcome.
Enhancement 要以更高处为目标了呢 さらに上を目指していきますわよ I shall set my sights even higher.
Flagship 指挥官,准备好了吗? 指揮官さん、準備の方はよろしいかしら? Commander, are you prepared for this?
Victory 我的字典里可没有失败这个词哦? わたくしの辞書に敗北という文字はありませんわ? There is no entry for "defeat" in my lexicon.
Defeat 这就是失败……原来如此,确实是场令人热血沸腾的战斗 これが敗北……なるほど、心が沸き立つくらい楽しい戦いでしたわ So this is how defeat feels... I see. That battle was so enjoyable that it made my heart race.
Skill 见识一下绿荫箱庭女神的力量吧! リーンボックスの女神の力、見せてさしあげますわ Witness the glorious power of Leanbox's CPU!
Low HP 这样才足以当我的对手呢 そうこなくては、わたくしの相手として物足りませんわ It is just as I thought; the enemy is no match for me.
Affinity (Upset) 我可以回去了吗? もう帰ってもよろしいでしょうか? Could I just return home to Leanbox?
Affinity (Stranger) 下次要一起玩我正在玩的网游吗?当然会手把手地辅助你啦~ 今度わたくしがプレイ中のネトゲを一緒にやりませんか?もちろん手取り足取りサポートして差し上げますわ! Would you like to play an MMO together with me? Yes, of course I will assist you with everything you need to know!
Affinity (Friendly) 今天想办场网游的线下聚会呢。指挥官当然也会参加的吧?参加者就暂定为我和指挥官两个人了哦 本日ネトゲのオフ会を開きたいと思いまーす。指揮官さんはもちろん参加いたしますわよね?参加者はわたくしと指揮官さんの2名を予定しておりますわ I would like to hold a meetup for fellow MMO enthusiasts today! Surely you will be part of it, Commander? I will move forward under the premise that you and I will be in attendance.
Affinity (Like) 指挥官,能聊聊天吗?最近我有个十分在意的人,不知道该怎么和他相处…不,还是忘了我说的吧! 指揮官さん、少しご相談してもよろしいでしょうか?最近気になるお方がいるのですが、どうアプローチをすれば良いのか…いえ、やっぱり忘れてくださいまし! May I ask you for some advice, Commander? There's a person who I've recently grown quite fond of, but I don't know how I should approach him... On second thought, never mind I said anything!
Affinity (Love) 只要和指挥官在一起,就觉得心里暖暖的呢。对,就像我最喜欢的红茶一样。真希望这样的时光能永远持续下去,是不是太贪心了呢? 指揮官さんと一緒にいると、心が温まりますわ。そう、わたくしの大好きな紅茶によく似ています。永遠にこの時が続いて欲しいって思ってしまうのですが、欲張りでしょうか…? Being with you warms my heart, like a hot cup of tea. And just as I love tea, I love you. I want this moment in time to last forever, but perhaps that makes me sound selfish...?
Pledge 每天都想喝到我泡的红茶吗…我很高兴哦。我很乐意,指挥官…我会为你泡你喜欢喝的红茶的 わたくしが淹れる紅茶を毎日飲みたいだなんて…嬉しいですわ。喜んで指揮官さん…いえ、あなた好みの紅茶を淹れて差し上げますわ。 So you wish to drink my tea till death do us apart, I see...? That makes me so happy. I will gladly make tea to just your liking, my commander... no, my sweetheart.
In battle with Blanc 不觉得阅读和红茶很相配吗?要试试吗? 読書には紅茶がぴったりだと思うのですが、いかがでしょうか? I think books and tea go hand in hand. May I offer you a cup?
In battle with Neptune, Noire, Blanc 为与我们为敌而忏悔吧! わたくしたちを敵にしたことを後悔させてあげますわよ! You will regret the day the you decided to make us your enemy!
In battle with UNKNOWN(1) 回去以后让我抱抱吧~ 帰ったら、わたくしが抱きしめて差し上げますわ! Once we come back home I will give you all a big hug!