Noire (JP 🇯🇵: ノワール, CN 🇹🇼: 诺瓦露)
Ship ID No. C002 Star Rating ★★☆☆☆
Hull Heavy Cruiser Rarity Elite
Navy Neptunia Build Time
Acquisition Event: Visitors from Another Dimension
Enhance Income
Firepower 24
Torpedo 12
Aviation 0
Reload 13
Scrap Income
Medal 4
Oil 3
Gold 9
Release Date
Voice actress Asami Imai
Noire Description
Are you the commander? Hmm... Very well. I'm Noire. The CPU of Lastation. You can put your mind at ease now that I'm here.
Firepower A
Torpedo C
Aviation E
Evasion C
Anti-air B
HP 655 Reload 61
Firepower 44 Torpedo 37
Evasion 12 Anti-air 33
Aviation 0 Cost 3
ASW 0 Luck 83
Hit 44 Speed 27.2
Armor Medium
HP 3387 Reload 144
Firepower 206 Torpedo 173
Evasion 30 Anti-air 155
Aviation 0 Cost 11
ASW 0 Luck 83
Hit 114 Speed 27.2
Armor Medium
HP 3828 Reload 165
Firepower 237 Torpedo 199
Evasion 65 Anti-air 178
Aviation 0 Cost 11
ASW 0 Luck 83
Hit 126 Speed 27.2
Armor Medium
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 11
ASW Luck 83
Hit Speed 27.2
Armor Medium
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 11
ASW Luck 83
Hit Speed 27.2
Armor Medium
Limit Break
Tier 1 Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Torpedo base +1/Torpedo preload +1/Torpedo efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Torpedo efficiency +15%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Heavy Cruiser 120%/125%/125%/125% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Torpedo 140%/140%/150%/165% 1/1/2/2 0/0/1/1
3 Anti-Air Gun 110%/110%/110%/110% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxilary - - -
5 Auxilary - - -
Default Equipments
Icon Name Description Requirements
Medistation S Upon taking damage, 3.5% (8.0%) chance to increase own damage dealt by 10.0% (25.0%) for 8 seconds.
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 你就是指挥官?嗯—罢了。我叫诺瓦露,是黑土边域(Lastation)的守护女神。我来了你们就可以安心了 貴方が指揮官?ふーん、まぁいいわ。私はノワール。ラステイションの守護女神よ。私が来たからには安心してちょうだい。 Are you the commander? Hmm... Very well. I'm Noire. The CPU of Lastation. You can put your mind at ease now that I'm here.
Biography 我是黑土边域(Lastation)的女神、诺瓦露。在这个世界能交到很多朋友吧…比、比起这个!先把现在的战况跟我说一下吧 ラステイションの女神、ノワールよ。この世界でもたくさんのお友達ができるかしら…(気が付いたように)そ、それより!今の戦況を教えてちょうだい。 I'm Noire, the CPU of Lastation. I wonder if I'll be able to make many friends in this new world... B-but more importantly! Give me a report on the current state of the war.
Acquisition 你就是指挥官?嗯—罢了。我叫诺瓦露,是黑土边域(Lastation)的守护女神。我来了你们就可以安心了 貴方が指揮官?ふーん、まぁいいわ。私はノワール。ラステイションの守護女神よ。私が来たからには安心してちょうだい。 Are you the commander? Hmm. Very well. I'm Noire. The CPU of Lastation. You can put your mind at ease now that I'm here.
Login 真是优哉游哉的回来了呢,今天也还有许多事情要做,紧张起来 随分ゆっくりなご帰還ね、今日もやることが沢山あるんだから気を引き締めなさい You're fashionably late, I see. We have much to do today, so get ready.
Details 等、等下!你在看哪里啊! ちょ、ちょっと!どこ見てんのよ! H-hey! What're you looking at?!
Main 日常维护没有懈怠吧?装备自不必说,那些女孩子们的斗志也是胜负的关键,一定要注意哦 メンテナンスは怠っていないわよね?装備ももちろんだけど、あの娘たちのモチベーションも勝敗に関わってくるんだから気をつけなさい。 You're not neglecting my maintenance are you? Of course equipment is important, but our motivation also affects our performance, so pay attention to it.
Main 2 这些女孩子们的服装,大多都很可爱呢。可、可不是说我想穿哦,才没有那个意思呢 この娘たちの衣装、なかなか可愛いものが多いわね。べ、別に着てみたいとかそうゆう意味じゃないんだから The dresses these girls wear are quite cute. A-and I'm not just saying that because I want to try them out or anything.
Main 3 哼哼哼~♪哼~哼♪……喂,你从什么时候开始在那里的啊…… ふっふふーん♪ふーんふん♪……って、あなたいつからここに居たのよ…… Hmhhmhmmn♪ Hmmhm♪... Huh? Since when did you get here...?
Touch 呀…!你在摸哪里啊! のわっ……どこ触ってんのよ! Noir...! Keep your hands off me!
Touch (Special) 你、这……不注意点分寸我真的要生气了哦 あ、あなた……いい加減にしないと怒るわよ? L-listen here... If you don't stop it right now then I will get angry.
Mission 要记得经常检查任务啊 こまめに任務はチェックしておきなさいよね You should check for missions at regular intervals.
Mission Complete 如果是用不上的奖励的话,我帮你跟上面说一下 使えないボーナスだったら私から上に言っといてあげるわ If we get any rewards we can't use then I'll inform the higher-ups for you.
Mail 似乎有邮件来了呢 メールが届いたみたいだわ。 It seems mail has arrived.
Return to Port 辛苦了。休息也是训练重要的一环,我是这么认为的 お疲れ様。休息も立派な訓練の1つだと思うわ Well done. I consider relaxation to be a legitimate training method.
Commission Complete 委托似乎完成了哦。太好了,大家似乎都平安无事 委託が終わったみたいよ。よかった、みんな無事みたいね It seems a commission has finished... Thank goodness, looks like nobody's been hurt.
Enhancement 以更高处为目标努力吧 もっと上を目指すわよ I'm going to set my sights higher.
Flagship 见识一下我的全力以赴吧! 私の本気、見せてあげるわ! Watch and see what happens when I get serious!
Victory 哼,太轻松了。我可不会满足于这点程度 ふん、これくらい余裕よ。私はこの程度じゃ満足しないわ Hah, what child's play. It'll take more than this to satisfy me.
Defeat 我一辈子都不会忘记这次失败的。所以才要变得更强 私はこの敗北を一生忘れないわ。だからこそもっと強くなるのよ I will never forget this defeat. And that is why I will grow stronger.
Skill 这里就交给我吧! ここは私に任せなさい! Leave this to me!
Low HP 没问题 大丈夫、問題ないわ I'm fine, there's nothing to worry about.
Affinity (Upset) 能赶紧从我的视线里消失吗? 早く私の視界から消えてくれないかしら? Could you please just get out of my sight already?
Affinity (Stranger) 啊,来得正好。我正打算吃午饭,要一起来吗? あ、ちょうどいい時に来たわね。これからお昼にするんだけど、どう? Ah, you came just in time. I was just about to make lunch. Wanna join me?
Affinity (Friendly) 我的朋友们说下次也想和指挥官一起吃午饭,没问题吧?我当然也会参加了。要好好看着你,防止你得意忘形做出什么奇怪的事情才行呢 今度私の友達が指揮官と一緒に昼食を食べたいって言ってたんだけど、いいわよね?もちろん私も参加するわ。あなたが調子に乗って変なことをしないように見張らないといけないし。 A friend of mine would like to have lunch with you next time. You don't mind, right? I'll be there too, of course. I mean, someone has to be there to make sure you don't get ahead of yourself and do anything weird.
Affinity (Like) 谈心?就算不找我也无所谓吧?拜托上次一起聊得很开心的那个女孩子试试如何?没别的事了?那就自己加油吧。…………我真是笨蛋…… 相談?別に私じゃなくてもいいでしょ?ほらこの前楽しそうに話してた娘にお願いしてみたら?用件はそれだけ?それじゃ、頑張ってね。…………私って、ほんとバカ。 You need advice? Can't you just ask someone else? Like that girl from the other day you seemed to be having such fun talking to? Was that all you wanted to say? Well then, good luck...... Sigh, I'm such an idiot...
Affinity (Love) 呐…只要和你待在一起,就觉得胸口好像要裂开了一般。我在你的心里…是什么样的呢?…不,不用回答。我已经知道你的答案了… ねえ…私、貴方と一緒にいると胸が張り裂けそうになるの。貴方は私のこと、どう思ってるの?…いえ、やっぱりいいわ。答えはわかっているから……。 Hey... When I'm together with you, my heart feels like it's gonna burst. How do you feel about me? ...Actually, don't tell me. I already know the answer...
Pledge 咦!?不是整人游戏吧…?骗人,本来以为绝对会被讨厌的……你这是什么表情啊。当然是OK啦!为什么这点小事都不懂啊笨蛋! え!?ドッキリとかじゃないわよね…?うそ、絶対嫌われてると思ってた……ってなによその顔は。OKってことよ!それくらい気づきなさいよねバカ! What?! This isn't just a prank, is it...? This can't be, I thought you hated me for sure... Why are you looking at me like that? That means my answer is: OK! You should be able to tell that on your own, idiot!
In battle with Neptune 等一下涅普顿!注意别光顾着吐槽了啊! ちょっとネプテューヌ!ツッコミすぎないように注意しなさい! Come on, Neptune! Pay attention so I don't have to butt in all the time!
In battle with Neptune, Blanc, Vert 做好心理准备了吧? 覚悟はできてるんでしょうね? I assume everyone's ready for this?