Black Heart (JP 🇯🇵: ブラックハート, CN 🇹🇼: 圣黑之心)
Ship ID No. C006 Star Rating ★★★☆☆☆
Hull Heavy Cruiser Rarity Super Rare
Navy Neptunia Build Time
Acquisition Event: Visitors from Another Dimension
Enhance Income
Firepower 26
Torpedo 13
Aviation 0
Reload 13
Scrap Income
Medal 10
Oil 3
Gold 9
Release Date
Voice actress Asami Imai
Black Heart Description
I'm the CPU of Lastation, Black Heart. I've rushed here all the way from Gamindustri to lend you my aid. Be grateful.
Goddesses' Smile Description
It's good to take it easy and celebrate once in a while, but especially in moments like these, you can't afford to let your guard down. Commander, why don't we spar for a bit? Don't even think about holding back - come at me!
Firepower A
Torpedo C
Aviation E
Evasion C
Anti-air B
HP 698 Reload 62
Firepower 46 Torpedo 40
Evasion 13 Anti-air 36
Aviation 0 Cost 4
ASW 0 Luck 83
Hit 44 Speed 27.2
Armor Medium
HP 3610 Reload 148
Firepower 218 Torpedo 190
Evasion 33 Anti-air 168
Aviation 0 Cost 12
ASW 0 Luck 83
Hit 114 Speed 27.2
Armor Medium
HP 4062 Reload 170
Firepower 251 Torpedo 218
Evasion 68 Anti-air 193
Aviation 0 Cost 12
ASW 0 Luck 83
Hit 126 Speed 27.2
Armor Medium
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 12
ASW Luck 83
Hit Speed 27.2
Armor Medium
HP Reload
Firepower Torpedo
Evasion Anti-air
Aviation Cost 12
ASW Luck 83
Hit Speed 27.2
Armor Medium
Limit Break
Tier 1 Unlock Lv. 1 Lace Dance/Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2 Torpedo base +1/Torpedo preload +1/Torpedo efficiency +10%
Tier 3 Torpedo efficiency +15%
Slot Equipment Type Efficiency (LB 0/1/2/3) Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3) Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
1 Heavy Cruiser 125%/130%/130%/130% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
2 Torpedo 140%/140%/150%/165% 1/1/2/2 0/0/1/1
3 Anti-Air Gun 110%/110%/110%/110% 1/1/1/1 0/0/0/0
4 Auxilary - - -
5 Auxilary - - -
Default Equipments
Icon Name Description Requirements
Tricolor Order Main gun shots will ignore enemies' armor type. Further increases main gun damage based upon skill level.
Lacy Dance 20.0% (40.0%) chance to activate every 20 seconds, fires a strong barrage (Lv.1 (Lv.10)).
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 我是黑土边域(Lastation)的女神、圣黑之心。为了帮助你特意从“游戏业界“赶来,心怀感激吧 ラステイションの女神、ブラックハート。貴方に協力するためにゲイムギョウ界から来たわ。感謝しなさい。 I'm the CPU of Lastation, Black Heart. I've rushed here all the way from Gamindustri to lend you my aid. Be grateful.
Biography 我的名字是圣黑之心,可是黑土边域(Lastation)的守护女神哦。你就好好看着、学习一下什么叫做历经千锤百炼的战斗方式吧 わたしの名前はブラックハート。ラステイションの守護女神よ。洗練された戦い方というものを見て学ぶといいわ。 I am Black Heart, the CPU and guardian of Lastation. Be sure to properly learn from my refined combat techniques.
Acquisition 我是黑土边域(Lastation)的女神、圣黑之心。为了帮助你特意从“游戏业界“赶来,心怀感激吧 ラステイションの女神、ブラックハート。貴方に協力するためにゲイムギョウ界から来たわ。感謝しなさい。 I'm the CPU of Lastation, Black Heart. I've rushed here all the way from Gamindustri to lend you my aid. Be grateful.
Login 让你见识一下女神的战斗方式!我随时可以出发哦 女神の戦い方を見せてあげる!いつでも行けるわよ I'll show you how a CPU fights! I'm ready whenever you are.
Details 喂,不觉得靠太近了吗? ねぇ、近すぎないかしら? Hey... Don't you think you're a bit too close?
Main 指挥官,训练已经足够充分了吧。接下来就让我用实践来证明实力吧 指揮官、トレーニングは十分じゃないかしら。これから実践で証明して見せるわ。 Commander, isn't that enough training? From now on, let me prove my worth in actual combat.
Main 2 话说回来,真是十分漂亮的海呢。要不要去游个泳放松心情呢 それにしても綺麗な海ね。少し気晴らしに泳いでこようかしら。 I was just thinking... the ocean sure is beautiful, isn't it? Why don't we go for a swim to clear our minds?
Main 3 一脸松懈的表情啊。要我帮你打起精神看来也不是不行,怎么样? 顔が緩んでるわよ。私が気合入れてあげてもいいけど、どうする? You sure are spaced out. I wouldn't be opposed to helping lift your spirits, you know.
Touch 等下…突然碰我,肯定会吓到的嘛 ちょっと…急に触るからビックリするじゃない W-wait... suddenly touching me like that... of course I'd be shocked!
Touch (Special) 就算是指挥官,也不允许再进一步了哦 いくら指揮官でもそれ以上は許さないわよ Even if you're the commander... I won't allow you to go any further.
Mission 似乎有新的任务下达了呢。快点去解决掉吧 新しい任務が通達されたみたいね。さっさと終わらせてしまいましょう It seems that new missions have been posted. Let's hurry up and knock these out.
Mission Complete 任务似乎完成了呢。获得与劳动相符的报酬,是理所当然的吧 任務が終わったみたいね。働きに見合ったボーナスは当然でしょ。 Seems that a mission has been completed. It's only natural to get rewarded for one's hard work.
Mail 好像有邮件来了哦。如果你没空,我也不是不能帮你去拿…… メールが届いたみたいよ。忙しいなら代わりに取りに行ってあげてもいいけど… Looks like you have some new mail. If you're busy, I wouldn't object to getting it for you...
Return to Port 平安回港了呢。那就开始报告战果,然后开反省会吧 無事戻ってこれたわね。それじゃ戦果の報告と反省会をするわよ I've safely returned to port. Now then, let's report the battle results and begin debriefing.
Commission Complete 委托好像完成了呢。快去看看吧 委託が終わったらしいわ。早く見に行ってきなさいよ Looks like a commission's been completed. Hurry and take a look.
Enhancement 可不要以为这种程度就足够了 この程度で満足すると思わないで Don't think that I'd be satisfied with just this achievement.
Flagship 一开始就要全力以赴了哟! 最初から飛ばしていくわよ! Let's give it our all from the very start!
Victory 已经完了?真无聊…… もう終わり?つまんないわね Is that all? How boring.
Defeat 输掉原来这么让人不甘心…不过…下次一定会赢给你看的! 負けるってこんなに悔しいものなのね…でも次はかならず勝ってみせるわ So this is the bitterness of defeat? However.... next time, I'll win for sure.
Skill 这下就结束了! これで終わりよ! I'll end you with this!
Low HP 干、干得不错嘛 な、なかなかやるじゃない N-not bad...
Affinity (Upset) 你应该知道再靠近会是什么后果吧? これ以上近づいたらどうなるか覚悟は出来てるってことよね You should know what will happen if you try to get any closer.
Affinity (Stranger) 你啊,有朋友吗?哎~要我特别优待,当你的朋友也不是不行哦? あなた、友達いるの?へぇ~…。特別に友だちになってあげてもいいわよ? Hey... do you have any friends? Hmm... as a special service, I wouldn't object to becoming your friend.
Affinity (Friendly) 工作似乎很辛苦呢。我现在正好有时间,要帮忙吗? 仕事大変そうね。今なら時間があるから、手伝ってあげてもいいわよ? Looks like you've been hard at work. Since I happen to be free right now, why don't I help you out?
Affinity (Like) 和你差不多已经培养出默契了呢。本来以为你会半途而废的,稍微对你有点改观了呢。之后也一起努力成长吧! あなたとだいぶ息も合ってきたわね。途中であきらめるかと思ってたけど少し見直したわ。このまま一緒に成長していくわよ! It seems like we understand each other a lot better now. At first, I thought you'd give up halfway, but you've certainly changed a little. Let's work hard together and continue to grow from now.
Affinity (Love) 我…虽然有时候对你比较苛刻,但那都不是发自真心的。不过就算这样,我可能也已经对你造成许多伤害了…从今往后希望你能好好地斥责我…如果是你说的话,我想我一定能改正的 私、貴方にきつく当たってしまう事があるけど本心ではないの。それで貴方のことを沢山傷つけたかもしれない。だけど、今度からはちゃんと叱ってほしい……。貴方に言われたら直せると思うわ Even though I'm often harsh with you, I don't really mean it that way... But even then, I might have already hurt you. This time, though, I'd like you to scold me... If it's you, I might be able to change for the better.
Pledge 选我真的可以吗?要反悔的话趁现在哦。……是吗,你的心意这么坚定啊。虽然也不是说多喜欢你,但既然你这么认真,我也得认真和你交往呢。但是,如果要半途而废的话,我是绝对不会放过你的哦! 私でいいの?考え直すなら今よ。……そう、気持ちは変わらないのね。別にあなたのことなんて好きでもなんでもないけど、そんなに本気なら付き合ってあげてもいいわ!その代わり、途中で逃げ出したりなんかしたら許さないんだから! Are you sure about choosing me? This is the only time you'll get to change your mind... I see... so your answer is still the same. Well, it's not like I particularly like you that much or anything, but if you're this serious, I'll have to give you an equally serious reply. But... if you're going to cop out on me, I won't forgive you!
In battle with Purple Heart 可不要拖我的后腿啊! 私の足を引っ張ったら許さないんだから! I won't forgive you if you drag me down!
In battle with UNKNOWN(101) 你能接下这波攻击吗? この攻撃を受け止められるかしら? Can you withstand this attack?
Event West Taiwanese Server Japanese Server English Server
Ship Description 虽然偶尔办点轻松的宴会也不错,但越是这种时候越不可以过度松懈哦。指挥官,要不要和我对练一回?不要放水,来吧! たまにはゆっくりパーティーを楽しもうかと思ったけど、こういう時こそ気を引き締めないとね。指揮官、ここで私とひと勝負どうかしら?手加減はなしよ、さ、構えなさい! It's good to take it easy and celebrate once in a while, but especially in moments like these, you can't afford to let your guard down. Commander, why don't we spar for a bit? Don't even think about holding back - come at me!