Chitose (JP 🇯🇵: 千歳, CN 🇹🇼: 鹂)
Ship IDNo. 470Star Rating★★☆☆☆
Hull Light Aircraft CarrierRarityElite
NavySakura EmpireBuild Time02:15:00
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actressHitomi Sekine
Zuihou-class Light Aircraft Carrier - Chitose
Summer ShineDescription
An order of coconut milk... and grilled sausage. Mm, that should do it. ...Hm? Commander? Are you here to place an order, or to get away from the heat?
HP727 Reload68
Firepower0 Torpedo0
Evasion20 Anti-air49
Aviation65 Cost0
ASW22 Luck57
HP3270 Reload131
Firepower0 Torpedo0
Evasion72 Anti-air185
Aviation175 Cost0
ASW56 Luck60
Limit Break
Tier 1All Torpedo Bombers +1 | Fighter efficiency +5%
Tier 2Hangar capacity +1 | All fighters +1 | Fighter efficiency +10%
Tier 3All aircraft +1 | Torpedo Bomber efficiency +10%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Light Aircraft Carrier: ZuihouTech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Strike Team, Attack!Every battle, when this ship launches its first Airstrike: launches an additional Lv.1 (Lv.10) seaplane airstrike; when it launches its second Airstrike and onwards: 40.0% (70%) chance to launch an additional torpedo bomber airstrike (DMG is based on the skill's level.) If there is a Sakura Empire CVL in the same fleet as this ship: improves these airstrikes.???
Air SupportWhen this ship launches an Airstrike: increases the AVI of all Carriers in your fleet, excluding this ship, by 5.0% (15.0%) for 8s.???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description瑞凤级轻型航空母舰—千岁瑞鳳型航空母艦・千歳Zuihou-class aircraft carrier – Chitose.
Biography最初我和千代田都是作为水上飞机母舰诞生。不过,在那一役过后,我、千代田,还有一些同伴们都加入了航空母舰的队伍。不过,应该说是时运不济,还是实力不足呢…我们直到最后,也没有什么亮眼的发挥…水上機母艦として設計された私と千代田、かの大戦での、あの戦闘を経て仲間たちと共に空母に改造された。…実力不足か、はたまた時の流れに逆らえないためか…活躍できなかったわ。色々とねThough Chiyoda and I were originally designed as seaplane tenders, during a certain war, we were remodeled into aircraft carriers. Whether it's due to my lack of skill or my inability to oppose the passing of time... I wasn't able to be of much use until the end.
Acquisition重樱轻型航空母舰,千岁号。指挥官,还请以后多多指教。对了,我听说千代田她也在这里,对吗?……没什么,只是问一下而已。重桜所属、軽空母千歳。指揮官、よろしく。千代田もここにいると聞いているけど、本当?……いいえ、ただ聞いてみただけI am Chitose, light carrier of the Sakura Empire. Commander, I look forward to receiving your guidance. By the way, is it true that Chiyoda is also here? ...Don't worry, I was merely inquiring.
Login来了吗…桌子上有千代田送来的羊羹,你想吃的话就拿去吃吧。あ、来た。千代田が差し入れてくれた羊羹が机の上にあるわ。もらってあげてOh, you're here. There's some red bean jelly from Chiyoda on your desk. Feel free to take some.
Details我和千代田,姑且都算是神社巫女的一员呢,虽然千代田老是那么闹腾…不过也算是带来了不太一样的欢乐呢。千代田とは一応、神社勤めの仲間。千代田、ああいう感じでうるさいけど、楽しいときもあるわChiyoda and I are partners in carrying out shrine duties. Even though Chiyoda can be pretty annoying at times, there are still times she's fun to be around.
Main五十铃…真是个好孩子呢,虽然有点胆小,不过,也正因为这样显得更加可爱了…五十鈴…ちょっと怖がり屋だけど、いい子。その怖がりなところも可愛いわIsuzu... is quite a scaredy cat, but she's a good girl. But even that side of her is cute.
Main 2千代田坚持让我留着这麻烦的发型,所以就保持这样了。倒是一直麻烦她帮忙打理,有些对不住就是…この髪型、千代田がどうしてもっていつも彼女がやってくれる。ちょっとだけ…申し訳ない気持ちChiyoda always insists on doing my hair this way, so I let her. However, I always feel a bit apologetic for making her do so much...
Main 3神乐舞…我其实还满擅长的哦?下次有机会的话…可以来观摩一下。神楽の舞は、まあまあ得意。機会があったら、見に来てI'm at least confident in my Kagura dancing skills. If you get the chance, please come and watch.
Touch!?…呼,是指挥官啊,还以为是白鹰那个粉毛小姑娘又来捉弄人了…!?…指揮官か…ユニオンのピンク髪の子の、いたずらだと思ったWho?! ... Oh, it's you. I thought it was a prank from that pink-haired Union girl.
Touch (Special)!?请、请不要这样…!?ちょっと、ダメ…!Hah?! Wait, no...!
Touch (Headpat)你也和千代田一样,喜欢摸我的头发吗?千代田と同じく、髪に触れるのが好き?Do you like touching my bangs like Chiyoda does?
Mission任务?没完成放着的话,不太好吧?任務。こなさないまま放置、まずいのでは?Here are some more missions. Isn't it bad to let them pile up like this?
Mission Complete任务完成了,嗯,是值得高兴的事情呢。任務。完了…うん、喜ばしいわThe mission is... complete. That's good.
Mail有给你的信件,请注意查收…指挥官。指揮官宛の手紙あり。査収をThere's a letter addressed to you. Please check it out.
Return to Port平安回来了啊。…衣服里的护身符是我做的,给指挥官和千代田都做了一个。無事だったね。…お守りは私の手作り。指揮官と千代田の分、服にコッソリとI'm glad you're safe... I made a protective charm for you, and also one for Chiyoda. Please keep it safely inside your clothes.
Commission Complete委托组,平安回来了,真是太好了。委託組、無事帰還。よかったThe commission team has returned safely. What a relief.
Enhancement总之谢谢你了,指挥官。ひとまず、感謝。指揮官For the time being, thanks, Commander.
Flagship总之…先谨慎行动吧。まずは、慎重に…I have to make sure to be careful...
Victory我…也能帮上大家这么多了么…皆の役に立つこと……私にもできたI'm glad... that I was able to be a help to everyone else.
Defeat该撤退了…希望千代田能平安无事…後退する。…千代田、無事でいて…We're pulling back. Chiyoda, please be safe...
Skill攻击队,缠住敌人…!攻撃隊、絡みつけ…!Attack force, surround them...!
Low HP不太妙…千代田…没事吧…まずい…千代田…大丈夫かな…This is bad... I hope Chiyoda... is alright...
Affinity (Upset)指挥官,能离千代田远一点吗?越远越好…指揮官、千代田から離れていて。できるだけ遠くCommander. Get away from Chiyoda. As far as you possibly can.
Affinity (Stranger)“诱饵舰队”么……希望那样的事情不会再次发生就好。「囮機動部隊」……もう一度起きてほしくないThe one thing I hope I never have to see again is the formation of a "decoy fleet"...
Affinity (Friendly)有一个老是缠着自己撒娇的妹妹还真是…倒也不是讨厌…嗯…怎么说呢……甘えてくる妹は…なんというか、嫌ではない……なんといえばいいかな…I don't dislike having to pamper Chiyoda... If anything, I might actually find it quite endearing...
Affinity (Like)做饭打扫这类的活儿,总是被千代田揽过去做了,导致我的手艺反而生疏了……唔,我想说的其实就是…这些其实我也可以做得到…仅,仅此而已哦?料理や掃除、身の回りのお世話はいつも千代田がやっている。……つまり、私はできないのではなく、やろうと思えば…そ、それだけのこと……Cooking, cleaning, even taking care of my things... Chiyoda takes care of it all. ... Basically, it's not that I can't do these tasks. If I put my mind to it, I can do it... I totally can...
Affinity (Love)那个…指挥官,不向我撒撒娇吗?啊…我是想说…我在被撒娇方面还是很有经验的,比方说,膝枕之类的…不,不来试试吗?指揮官、私に甘えてみない?……こう見えても、甘えられ上手というか……例えば膝枕、とか…されてみたいとか、ない?Commander, won't you rely on me some more? I'm actually pretty good at spoiling people, you know... Oh I know... would you like me to give you a lap pillow, or something...?
Pledge既然是指挥官的心意,我自然愿意欣然接受…以后每天,千岁都会在港区等着你,为你祈福。你也可以…像千代田那样……嗯,经常来找我撒娇的哦?あなたの気持ちだから、喜んで……これから毎日、無事を祈りながら、あなたの居場所になる。あなたも…千代田のように、時々、甘えてきて…?If that's how you feel about me, I'll gladly accept your feelings... I'll pray for your safety every day, and be your refuge from your daily hardships. I hope... you'll come look for me whenever you're feeling troubled, because I want to pamper you like I do with Chiyoda...
In battle with Chiyoda好了好了,我知道了,一起上吧。わ、わかったわよ…一緒にねAlright, alright... We'll go together.
In battle with Saratoga小、小千岁??ち、千歳ちゃんって…D-Don't call out to me so endearingly...
In battle with Isuzu不要怕,这次我在你身后私がいるわ。怖がらないでI'm here. There's nothing to fear.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description来份椰子汁…还有烤肠。嗯,这样应该就行了……嗯?指挥官?也是来买吃的吗,还是来乘凉的?ココナッツミルクに…フランクフルト。うん、これで。…指揮官?食べものを買いに?それとも、単なる暇つぶし?An order of coconut milk... and grilled sausage. Mm, that should do it. ...Hm? Commander? Are you here to place an order, or to get away from the heat?
Acquisition来份椰子汁…还有烤肠。嗯,这样应该就行了……嗯?指挥官?也是来买吃的吗,还是来乘凉的?ココナッツミルクに…フランクフルト。うん、これで。…指揮官?食べものを買いに?それとも、単なる暇つぶし?An order of coconut milk... and grilled sausage. Mm, that should do it. ...Hm? Commander? Are you here to place an order, or to get away from the heat?
Login夏天的烈日真的是一种煎熬…得找个阴凉的休息处了……日差しはキツイ、かも…日除け、探さないと…The sun's rays are so harsh... I should go look for some awning to hide under...
Details呼…来到海边,大家都闹腾起来了呢…嗯…希望能平安顺利地度过今天,不要有飞过来的排球,也不要有突然出现的舰载机…………海辺では皆、騒がしくなる…今日は無事でいたい。ビーチボールも、艦載機も、突然飛んでこないように…Everyone becomes so rowdy when they get to the beach... I hope nothing bad happens today. Please, may enemy aircraft and volleyballs not come flying our way...
Main五十铃,虽然不知道你是听谁说的…不过这边的海里是没有幽灵的,安心去玩吧五十鈴、その話は誰から…?おばけはいないから、安心して遊んでIsuzu, who told you that...? There aren't any ghosts here, don't worry. Go out and play.
Main 2千代田…还真是锲而不舍啊…大夏天的…堆堆沙堡还好说…沙滩排球?还是对付白鹰那位…?哈啊…我还是在这边休息吧…千代田、負けず嫌い…砂のお城づくりならともかく、ビーチバレーって……ピンク髪の子が相手なら、私、休んだほうが…Chiyoda's quite the sore loser... She's like that even when it comes to building sand castles, so I can't even imagine how worked up she'd get over beach volleyball... If that pink-haired union girl is our opponent, I think I'll just sit out...
Main 3天气预报…唔,一直到晚上都会是大晴天么…天気予報…夜まで快晴…ん……The weather forecast says... it'll be clear until the evening... Mmn...
Touch草莓刨冰…好像也不错呢,说到夏天,果然就应该是这些美味的东西了吧。アイスのかき氷、美味しそう…夏は涼しいものが人気、ねThat shaved ice looks really good... I guess there's a good reason cold treats are popular in the summer.
Return to Port指挥官,已经满头大汗了呢…这是毛巾,拿去用吧。指揮官、汗、大丈夫?…タオルよ。持っていってCommander, you're sweating so profusely. Are you okay? ...Here's a towel. Let me wipe you down.
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description这身衣服,是千代田为了今天特别订做的……指挥官也喜欢吗?那就好……嗯。…この衣装は今日のために、千代田が特注したものらしい…指揮官も気に入ってる?…なら、いい……(小声)どやっI had this outfit custom-made just for today... Do you like it, Commander? Um, that's good then... (*whispers*) Booyah.
Acquisition这身衣服,是千代田为了今天特别订做的……指挥官也喜欢吗?那就好……嗯。…この衣装は今日のために、千代田が特注したものらしい…指揮官も気に入ってる?…なら、いい……(小声)どやっI had this outfit custom-made just for today... Do you like it, Commander? Um, that's good then... (*whispers*) Booyah.
Login等很久了?打理这身花了不少时间…千代田不在身边的话,就总会这样……待った?準備するのにだいぶ時間かかちゃった…千代田がいないと、いつもこうなっちゃって……Did I keep you waiting? It took me an awfully long time to get ready... This always happens when Chiyoda isn't around...
Details千代田会穿什么衣服来呢,有点期待……一起拍照……嗯,想一起拍照。千代田がどんな格好をするのか、楽しみ…一緒に写真…うん、写真撮りたいI'm so looking forward to seeing what Chiyoda's going to wear... I wanna take a picture with her... Yeah, we're definitely going to do that.
Main指挥官也来拍照吧?我,我想和指挥官一起照个相……指揮官もどう?写真。わ、私、指揮官と一緒に撮りたかったり…してAre you busy, Commander? Ph-photo. I really want to take a photo with you...
Main 2在神社给山城她们帮忙时也会用到扇子,只要练习了就能做到这样(唰)……怎么样?山城たちのお社の手伝いでも扇子使うから、練習すればこう……(パシャッ)ど、どう?Up at the shrine, I use a fan to help out with Yamashiro and Fusou. With enough practice, you can do stuff... like this! H-how'd that look?
Main 3飞鹤代表着好兆头……嗯,肯定是这样,因为瑞鹤也这么说过。鶴は縁起がいい…うん。きっとそう。瑞鶴もそう言ってたからFlying cranes are a symbol of good luck... Yeah, I'm sure that's true! Zuikaku said the same thing.
Touch…呼。裙摆太长了,走路不方便。…ふぅ。裾、長いから歩きづらかったPhew... It's sure hard to walk around with these long hems.
Touch (Special)是、是要拍照吗……?しゃ、写真……?D-did you want to take a photo...?
Return to Port累了?晚上还有宴会,趁着能休息的时候就好好休息。…不用在意我,我这就休息会…///疲れてない?夜には宴会があるから、休める時は休んで。…気を使わなくていい。私は今から休む、から…///Are you tired? We still have a banquet to go to tonight, so you should rest while you still can... Oh, don't worry about me, I can get some rest right here... (*blushes*)
Victory一个人也……不,因为千代田和指挥官在等着我…!一人でも…ううん、千代田と指揮官が待っているから…!Even if I'm alone... No, Chiyoda and the Commander are waiting for me...!