Chao Ho (JP 🇯🇵: , CN 🇹🇼: )
Ship IDNo. 494Star Rating★★☆☆☆
Hull Light CruiserRarityElite
NavyDragon EmpireBuild Time
AcquisitionEvent: Chinese New Year 2021
Enhance Income
Scrap Income
Release Date
Voice actressYuka Morishima
Chao HoDescription
Chao Ho
HP442 Reload51
Firepower13 Torpedo43
Evasion24 Anti-air24
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW17 Luck20
HP1851 Reload98
Firepower36 Torpedo119
Evasion80 Anti-air91
Aviation0 Cost0
ASW44 Luck21
Limit Break
Tier 1Unlock All Out Assault | Main gun efficiency +5%
Tier 2Main gun base +1 | Main gun efficiency +10%
Tier 3Improve All Out Assault | Main gun efficiency +15%
SlotEquipment TypeEfficiency (LB 0/1/2/3)Quantity (LB 0/1/2/3)Preload (LB 0/1/2/3)
Default Equipments
Fleet Tech
T Light Cruiser: Chao HoTech Points and Bonus
Unlock +
Max LimitBreak
Lv.120 +
Cleanse ImpurityAt the start of the battle: increases this ship's FP and AA by 15.0% (25.0%) . Every 20s: fires a Lv.1 (Lv.10) special barrage (DMG is based on the skill's level.)???
Enrapturing DanceAt the start of the battle: increases this ship's EVA by 6.0% (20.0%) and decreases its DMG taken by 6.0% (20.0%) until the end of the battle. When sortied with 1 or more other Dragon Empery ships: heals this ship for 5.0% HP at the start of the battle, increases its Speed by 8, and increases your fleet's ASW by 6.0% (20.0%) for 50s. ???
All Out Assault ⅡActivates All Out Assault II: Chao Ho Class every 12 times the Main Guns are fired.???
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description肇和级防护巡洋舰—肇和肇和型防護巡洋艦・肇和Chao Ho-class protected cruiser – Chao Ho.
Biography我是肇和级防护巡洋舰首舰,经历……略过,数据……略过,略过略过!全部略过!肇和型防護巡洋艦のネームシップ、肇和。カンレキは…知らない!スペックも!はい!この話は中止!以上!I'm the name ship of the Chao Ho-class protected cruisers, Chao Ho! As for my history... who the heck knows! Specs? Dunno about that either! Stop asking about this stuff already!
Acquisition我是肇和级巡洋舰的肇和,肇!和!别念错了哦!不管应瑞她怎么说,一定要记住,我才是姐姐!肇和(チョウホウ)型巡洋艦の肇和よ。チョウ・ホウ!覚えておきなさい!そして応瑞(インルイ)に何を言われようと、私が姉だってことを間違えるな!I'm Chao Ho, lead ship of the Chao Ho-class cruisers! Don't you forget it! Oh, and no matter what Ying Swei says, don't let her trick you into thinking I'm the little sister!
Login你怎么这么晚才回来!你说,你是不是故意让我担心你!お、遅いじゃない!心配させやがって!このーっ!H-hey, you're late! I was worried about you, darn it!
Details为什么老是有人把应瑞当成是姐姐…我、我这个姐姐就这么不可靠吗?!指挥官,你给评评理!なぜ応瑞を姉だと勘違いするやつがいるんだ!…私ってそんなに姉っぽくないの!?指揮官、あんたはどう思う?Why do people think Ying Swei is the big sister?! ...Am I that immature in comparison?! Commander, what's your take on this?
Main需要撑场面的事让应瑞去干就好啦!我负责在旁边保护她就好!…不对,这样我不就更不像姐姐了吗!前に出る仕事は応瑞に任せなさい!わ、私は応瑞を見守るのに専念して…って、私のほうが妹に見えてしまうじゃない!Let Ying Swei handle the public side of things! I, uh, I'll support her from the sidelines! ...Wait, wouldn't that make me seem like the little sister then?!
Main 2你已经在我面前晃了好多好多圈了!不能好好坐下来吗?诶?!我…我才没有特别在意你…别,别自作多情了!な、何さっきから慌ただしくしてるのよ!ちゃんと落ち着いて座って仕事しなさいよ!え?…何を言ってるの!?別に心配なんかしているわけじゃないし…!H-how long are you going to keep dawdling around in front of me? Can you just sit down and get your work done?! Eh? ...What the heck are you saying?! It's not like I really care what you're doing or anything...!
Main 3凡事只有持之以恒,才能最终到达炉火纯青的境界…这是应瑞说的!継続は力なり、好きこそものの上手なれ!……わ、私じゃなくて応瑞が言ったのよ!Only through perseverance can we reach our desired outcome! ...Th-those are Ying Swei's words, not mine!
Touch……你想做什么?!何をする気!?...What are you trying to do?!
Touch (Special)哇啊啊!!你你你你这个无礼之徒!!!きゃっ!?ここここのドスケベ!Eeek?! Y-y-y-y-you pervert! Degenerate!
Touch (Headpat)别摸了别摸了,头发要被你摸炸了啦!あああボサボサになってるからもう触んな!Ahhhh!! You're gonna mess it up, so stop touching already!
Mission有新的任务!赶紧去看看啦!免得应瑞又说我像个老妈子一这催你那催你…新しい任務よ!早く確認しなさい!応瑞にも言われた通り、私にいつまでもグチグチ言わせるんじゃないわよWe've got new missions! Hurry up and take a look! Otherwise, Ying Swei is going to complain about me nagging again!
Mission Complete这些简单的任务,对我不过是小菜一碟啦~啊啊当然也有指挥官的功劳在里面!この程度の任務なんて楽勝よ!…し、指揮官の頑張りがあったから、ね!That mission was a piece of cake! ...W-well, I suppose your efforts helped!
Mail指挥官,再不看看邮件,你的信箱都要长草了!指揮官、手紙!確認しないとどっかに失くしちゃうわよ!Commander, hurry up and check your mail before it starts growing moss!
Return to Port现在这里没人吧?偷偷练一下舞…欸、欸?那个你…什、什么时候回来的?よし、誰もいないわね。ちょっとこのステップを……え!?あ、あれ…あんたいつ戻ってきたの!?All right, nobody's here, right? Maybe I'll practice my dance steps a little... Ehh?! Huh... Wh-when'd you get back?!
Commission Complete委托队回来了?好像是有这么一回事…我,我可没有忘记哦?委託組が戻ってきた?そういえば確かにこの時間に委託が……べ、別に忘れたわけじゃないよ!The commission fleet's back? Y-yeah, we did send one out earlier, huh... Wh-what, I didn't forget about that!
Enhancement这、这下是不是看起来更可靠一点了呢…ちょ、ちょっとは頼もしく見えてきたんじゃない!?H-hey, I look a bit more reliable now, don't I?
Flagship除、除恶……啊!记不清了!总之,把敌人都消灭就好了!!悪を除き…ああもう倒されなさい!!P-purge all evil... Ah, screw it, will you die already?!
Victory哼,重复一遍,不要企图侵犯我们的领域!ふん!もう一度だけ言うわ!!私たちの海に入ってくるな!Hmph! I'll say this again! Don't you dare violate our oceans!
Defeat呜…我还不足够强大吗…くっ…まだ十分強くなってないというの…Guh... Am I still not strong enough yet...?
Skill舞衫歌扇!舞扇、歌に乗せて!Be captivated by my song and dance!
Low HP该打起精神来了,绝对不能被敌人看扁!しっかりしなくちゃ、ナメられてたまるかっ!It's time to get serious! I'll make them pay for underestimating me!
Affinity (Upset)我和你可不熟!あんたのこと知らないし!Don't talk to me like you know me!
Affinity (Stranger)唔,今天还没练过舞…欸,指挥官?可,可不许你来偷看哦!今日の舞の練習はまだ…指揮官?!の、覗き見はさせないよっ!I still haven't practiced my dance today... Commander?! I, I won't let you peek!
Affinity (Friendly)指挥官!应瑞她…她拿不给我吃宁海蒸的包子威胁我!要我今天帮她打扫房间!快帮帮我想想办法啦!指揮官!応瑞…応瑞は……寧海のバオズを食べさせませんよって…部屋の掃除を手伝うよう脅してきた!は、早くなんとかしなさいよ!Commander! Ying Swei... Ying Swei... she threatened to not share Ning Hai's steamed buns with me! And said I have to clean the room today! H-hurry up and do something about her!
Affinity (Like)指挥官,应瑞她说,你不喜欢脾气暴躁的人。我会试着收敛自己的脾气的!那个,你、你也别太讨厌我…你,你笑什么啦!哼,就知道蹬鼻子上脸!い、応瑞があんたは気が短い子が好きじゃないって言ってたから、ちょっとだけ気を使ってやるわ!だからその、嫌いになら…ってなに笑ってるの!もう調子に乗って!Um, Ying Swei said you don't like short-tempered girls, so I'll try to act a bit mellower! So, um, please don't hate me... Hey, wh-what are you laughing for?! Don't get all uppity with me!
Affinity (Love)我排练了一支新的歌舞,想请你当第一个观众并为它命名,你…你可以来吗?不对,随便你来不来都行啦!不对不对!你一定要来!知道了吗?!新しい舞はそ、その、あんたに最初に見てもらってから名前を決めたいの。だから……来てくれる?別に無理に来なくていいから!…来るなら無理してでも来てよ!もう!About my new dance, um... I want you to name it, since you'll be the first person who gets to see it. So... how about it? Y-you don't have to come if you don't want to! ...Ugh! I mean, you have to come! No matter what! Even if you don't want to! Jeez!
Pledge那个……“执子之手,与子偕老”…是这个时候说的对吧?还,还有什么这个时候能引用上的啊……啊啊啊算了想不到了!!总之,指挥官,从今你以后你要好好对我负责!记住了吗!こういうときに言うセリフは…「汝の手を取りて共に老いん」とか、あとは…ああもう思い出せない!と、とにかくちゃんと私の面倒を見てくれるよね!分かった!?At a time like this, I'm supposed to say "may we hold hands and hope to live forever with one another" or something like that, right... Ahh, I can't remember this stuff! A-anyway, you have to take good care of me from now on! Got it?!
In battle with Ying Swei我才不怕敌人!やるときはやるよ!Let's do this thing!
In battle with An Shan, Fu shun, Chang Chun, Tai Yuan我们还有这么厉害的后辈吗!?こんなに心強い仲間がいるなんて!I'm glad we have such stalwart companions!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description指挥官,那个…新年好!这个新年的红包是给你的…我也算是长辈所以…总、总之你收下就行了!指揮官、あけましておめでとう!この春節の年玉はあんたの分よ。わ、私がお姉さんだからね!とにかく受け取りなさいっ!Happy New Year, Commander! This red envelope is my gift to you... after all, that's my responsibility as a big sister! Anyway, hurry up and take it!
Acquisition指挥官,那个…新年好!这个新年的红包是给你的…我也算是长辈所以…总、总之你收下就行了!指揮官、あけましておめでとう!この春節の年玉はあんたの分よ。わ、私がお姉さんだからね!とにかく受け取りなさいっ!Happy New Year, Commander! This red envelope is my gift to you... after all, that's my responsibility as a big sister! Anyway, hurry up and take it!
Login你回来得太晚了指挥官!新年可是团圆的日子,不要到处乱跑啦!遅いわよ指揮官!もう、今日は団らんする日だから、あっちこっち行かないのっ!You're late, Commander! Jeez, we're all supposed to get together for the New Year, so stop running around!
Details明明知道我不擅长这些文字类的东西,还把想春联的任务推给我,应瑞那家伙…要不是看在她是妹妹的份上…指挥官!你、你也来帮我想一想啦!こういうの考えるのが苦手だって知ってるくせに、応瑞のやつ、押し付けてきて…!妹の願いじゃなかったら…もう!指揮官助けてよ!That Ying Swei... Even though she knows I'm not good with the literary stuff, she still made me think up spring couplets... If it wasn't for her sake... Commander, come here and help me think of lines as well!
Main新年的歌舞表演啊…我我我我可没有紧张哦?练习了那么久我早就熟练了!春節の宴会の出し物?…べべべ別に緊張していないよ!もう何回も練習とかリハーサルとかやってたし!My performance for the Spring Festival banquet? ...I-i-it's not like I'm nervous or anything! I've practiced over and over!
Main 2要是我的妹妹也像太原一样那么乖巧就好了…应瑞,我是在批评你,不许笑!うちの妹も太原ちゃんみたいに大人しくしていればいいのに…応瑞、あんたのことよ!笑うな!I wish my sister was as demure and well-behaved as Tai Yuan... Yeah, Ying Swei, I'm talking about you! Stop laughing!
Main 3指挥官,新年天气比较冷,可别着凉了。你要是感冒的话,我还得照顾你,就挺麻烦的…对,就是这样!春節時期は寒いじゃない?風邪でも引いたら、その、私が世話しなくちゃいけないから、そりゃ面倒というか……そ、そういうことだよ!Commander, it's really cold tonight around the time of the banquet. If you catch a cold, um, I'm going to have to take care of you, and that would be a hassle... So, um, yeah!
Touch……不,不要突然吓我啦!………び、ビックリさせるな!...D-don't scare me like that!
Touch (Special)你你你你就等着被年兽吃掉好了!ね、年獣に食べられなさいよ!Y-you're gonna get eaten up by the Nian beast!
Return to Port这树很结实的,才不会那么容易被压弯…等等,你是不是拐弯抹角地说我变胖了!この庭木、ヒトを載せたって折れたりしないから安心なさい…って、あんたもしかして私が太ってるとでも言いたいの!?Don't worry, this tree is real sturdy and won't break with just one person on it... Hey, wait, are you calling me fat?!
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Ship Description指挥官,新年好……不对,现在不是说这个的时候!既然你都来了,就快点帮我把这个拿着装饰到处乱跑小家伙抓住!明明只是准备个春联,为什么会变成这个样子……指揮官、新春おめで……こんなこと言ってる場合じゃないわ!飾りを持っているあの子を捕まえるのを手伝ってよ!もう春聯を準備するだけなのにどうしてこうなったの…!Happy... New Year... Commander... Gah, this isn't the time for pleasantries! And you, help me catch the dumb fluffball that ran off with our ornaments! Jeez, why is this happening when I'm in the middle of getting ready for the Spring Festival?!
Acquisition指挥官,新年好……不对,现在不是说这个的时候!既然你都来了,就快点帮我把这个拿着装饰到处乱跑小家伙抓住!明明只是准备个春联,为什么会变成这个样子……指揮官、新春おめで……こんなこと言ってる場合じゃないわ!飾りを持っているあの子を捕まえるのを手伝ってよ!もう春聯を準備するだけなのにどうしてこうなったの…!Happy... New Year... Commander... Gah, this isn't the time for pleasantries! And you, help me catch the dumb fluffball that ran off with our ornaments! Jeez, why is this happening when I'm in the middle of getting ready for the Spring Festival?!
Login就差一点了……等下,指挥官,你怎么突然来了!啊,又给它跑掉了!……我也没有怪你啦!哎,怎么会这样……あと少し……あっ、指揮官、急にどうしたの?ってまた逃げられた!…あ、あんたのせいにはしてないわよ!はぁ、どうしてこうなったの…!Almost got it... Huh? Commander, what are you doing here all of a sudden? Hey, get back here, you dumb bird! Now look what you did! It got away because of you! Ughhh, why is this even happening?!
Details唔唔唔这小家伙到底是怎么回事啦!简直就像是刻意避着我一样……我早该意识到,应瑞把装饰这种看起来简单的活交给我是另有目的的!ああもう、なんなのこのちっこいの!まるで私をわざと避けているみたいじゃない…やっぱり応瑞のやつの仕業ね!春聯の装飾を任せてきたのには、きっと裏があったんだわ…!Ahhhhh jeez, what's wrong with these pipsqueaks?! I swear they're running from me on purpose... I knew it! This is all Ying Swei's fault! I knew she had an ulterior motive for assigning an "easy" job like decorating to me...!
Main应!瑞!我知道是你搞的鬼,快让这小家伙停下来!応瑞!あんたの仕業ってことは分かっているわよ!早くこの子の動きを止めて!Ying! Swei! I know you're behind all this, so get these little guys to knock it off already!
Main 2指挥官,那个……说点什么缓解下尴尬吧?两个人趴在桌子底下,会,会招来奇怪的误解的……指揮官、その……だ、黙ってないでなんか言いなさいよ。二人でこうして机の下に潜っていると、そ、その…誤解されちゃうじゃない…Commander, um... Can you try to make things less awkward? You know, the two of us hiding under a table like this, umm... might cause some serious misunderstandings...
Main 3不知道港区里其它地方装饰得怎样了……欸,你说你都已经安排好了?你还挺可靠的嘛!母港の飾りは大丈夫かしら……えっ、もう万全に手配してあるの?ず、ずいぶんと頼りになるじゃない…I wonder how the decorations for the other parts of the port are coming along... Huh? You've already taken care of everything? W-wow, you're pretty reliable, huh...
Touch我,我不是故意要碰到你的,对不起!都怪这小家伙和应瑞……わ、わざとあんたに触ったんじゃないわっ。ごめんなさい!全部このちっこいやつのせいで…I, I didn't touch you on purpose, okay? I'm sorry! It's all because this little bugger here made me do it...
Touch (Special)你你你你这乘人之危的坏家伙!呜呜……ここここのドスケベ!人が困っている隙に…うぅ…!Y-y-y-y-y-you pervert! I can't believe you'd take advantage of another person's misery like this...!
Mail为什么这里会有指挥官你的信件……是不小心落下的吗?なんでこんなところに指揮官宛のメールがあるのよ……うっかり落とした?Why's there a letter addressed to you in a place like this? Did you misplace it or something?
Return to Port呜,腰和腿都好酸……指挥官,你再努力一会!我不行了,我先休息一下……うぅ…足と腰が……指揮官、あんたはもうちょっと頑張って!私はもう無理…休ませて…Ugh, my back and legs are all sore... Commander, hang in there a bit longer for my sake, alright? I'm done for... I need to rest first...
Affinity (Love)那个,你也不用太担心我,倒不如说我已经习惯应瑞的胡闹了,而且她也好好道歉过了。如果你实在想替她补偿我的话,就,就……就在年夜饭之后,单独抽时间陪陪我!可以吗?哼,这次我一定要在她面前炫耀个够!ええと、別にそこまで心配してくれなくてもいいわよ。応瑞にいたずらされるのは慣れているし、ちゃんと謝ってくれたし……どうしても応瑞に代わって謝りたいなら、そ、その……このあと私に付き合ってよ!…いいの?ふふん、応瑞にいっっっぱい今日のことを羨ましがらせてやるんだからっ♪Umm, you don't need to be that worried about me. I'm used to Ying Swei playing pranks on me by now, and besides, she already said she's sorry... Well, if you insist on apologizing on her behalf, um... then, go on a date with me after this! ...You're fine with that? Heehee, I'm gonna make Ying Swei soooo jealous for what she did to me today~♪
EventWest Taiwanese ServerJapanese ServerEnglish Server
Login你怎么这么晚才回来!不要故意让人担心啊,笨蛋…お、遅いわよ…なんでいつも心配させるのよ、このバカ……What took you so long?! Are you trying to make me worry on purpose, you dolt...
Details肇和级的姐姐是谁?…回答正确~没错,肇和才是应瑞的姐姐♪指挥官这不是很明白的嘛~肇和型のお姉さんとは誰のこと?正解!この肇和が応瑞のお姉さんだからね♪分かってきたじゃない!Who's the big sister of the Chao Ho class? That's right! I'm Ying Swei's big sister~♪ I'm glad you understand now!
Main这件事要交给我?我、我明白了!尽管交给身为姐姐的我吧!これを私に任せるの?わ、わかった!お姉さんがやってやろうじゃない!You're leaving this assignment to me? G-got it! I'll show you what a capable big sis I am!
Main 2……干嘛从刚才开始就杵那不动啦!偶、偶尔也跟我搭搭话嘛!…我、我会担心的嘛……………さっきからなんでじっとして動かないのよ!た、たまには声をかけなさいよ…心配しちゃうじゃない….........You haven't moved a muscle for quite some time now! S-say something to me every now and then! ...O-otherwise, I'll get worried...
Main 4炸鱼薯条♪嗯哼,皇家多少还是有些好吃的东西的嘛~フィッシュアンドチップス♪ま、ロイヤルにも美味しい料理があるってわけよMm, fish and chips~♪ Even the Royal Navy has some pretty good food~
Touch (Special)没、没有在跟应瑞作对比吧…い、応瑞と比べないでよねっ…H-hey, you're not comparing me to Ying Swei, are you...
Mission有新的任务!……干、干嘛啦,难道非得我像个老妈子一样催你才行吗?新しい任務よ!……な、なによ、もしかして私がグチグチ延々と注意したほうがいいの?We've got new missions! ...Wh-what is it? Are you not gonna do anything unless I nag like your mother?
Mission Complete这些简单的任务,对我不过是小菜一碟啦~指挥官也这么觉得吧?この程度の任務なんて楽勝よ!あんたもそう思うよね?That mission was a piece of cake, wouldn't you agree?
MailThat mission was a piece of cake, wouldn't you agree?
Affinity (Upset)H-hey, you're not comparing me to Ying Swei, are you...
Affinity (Love)指挥官啊…那个,我不仅是你的伴侣,也还是一位姐姐…所以,可以的话,我也希望你能够,向,向我撒撒娇什么的…是的,什么样的撒娇都可以,尽尽尽尽管来吧!指揮官、その、私ってあなたの伴侶だけじゃなくて、お姉さんだから…よ、よかったらね!甘えてほしいというかなんというか…‥そう!甘えなさいよ!なんでもいいから!Commander, um, I'm not just your partner, but I'm also your big sister... or, at least I want to be! S-so, if I want to be pampered a bit... Yeah, pamper me! J-j-just a little!